This is so good. Should I skip Stormblood after I’m done with it and go straight to Shadowbringers?
This is so good. Should I skip Stormblood after I’m done with it and go straight to Shadowbringers?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, you'll have no idea what's even going on. Stormblood isn't bad, just mediocre.
Just go with it, stormblood is not THAT bad.
I actually liked Stormblood.
Stormblood was ok.
It was better than HW in a lot of things except in story.
It’s that important to the plot?
Then why do people find it mediocre?
SB is horrible but without it you'll be so lost.
yes, stormblood is trash and everything important is summed up at shadowbringers
you will be doing yourself a favor
Those aren't mutually exclusive statements.
Going through stormblood will make you appreciate shadowbringers more. It also has some decent parts.
Yes, just play it and you'll find out.
Not a whole bunch of interesting stuff happens outside of the empire and Doma which is just fantasy japan.
You're saving the land for a bunch of ingrateful mhiggers.
Also You're forced to go do shit with Lyse.
>doing Dahn Mheg with trusts
>on final boss
>tightrope section
>thancred just jumps over it
>Urianger just teleports over there
>Minifillia starts to cross it but gets scared
>Urianger gives her "The Balance"
My heart.
Okay, I left Yea Forums the second Early Access hit and just returned now after completing the MSQ and Expert Dungeons.
What's been the reaction? We all agree that Emet-Selch did NOTHING wrong, right?
>We all agree that Emet-Selch did NOTHING wrong, right?
Of course.
>We all agree that Emet-Selch did NOTHING wrong, right?
We'd have done the exact same shit in his place.
Why is his face so smug in every scene?
He deals with his burden by acting like a smug jackass.
Wouldn't you be constantly smug if you the only people you interacted with were just smug half-men who weren't even truly alive?
the only mmo ive played eso and it was boring as shit, should i give ff14 a try
How do you skip....don't they just force you to do this since the level cap is blocking you from accessing shadowbringers anyways
Do not post katanas in this thread or i'm calling the jannys.
We wouldn't have even managed to agree to the whole 50% sacrifice. The Ascians are 100% the better race and the Source is their rightful clay according to my heart.
There's a free trial up to lv35 but i'll already tell you that the early level is slow as shit.
when should i use Despair as BLM? right before i switch to ice?
I want a fucking TRAP RACE I'[m so sick of looking at UGLY fucking male characters.
I'm tired of fapping to female au ra and miqo's where the fuck is the small twink trap fag race.
Why is every race in this stupid fucking game, gay barashit or cringey "MUH BISHOUNEN" fujo trash?
Why the fuck don't MALE MIQO'TE LOOK LIKE THIS.
Does anyone know the HP totals for the BLM Titania SSS dummy ?
>shitty mongrels with fractured souls rail against your plans
>stay smug because you're going to make them whole whether they like it or not
Ok what Primal server are people camping Arch in now? I only need one kill for my Pepe suit.
Most of SB is trash. It only starts to get interesting after 4.2
6 F4 1 F1, 1T3P/F3P and Despair in your AF phase. Add a F4+Despair at the end if you have Manafont available
>Why the fuck don't MALE MIQO'TE LOOK LIKE THIS.
They do look like that.
Male miqote do look like that though
>Groups keep wiping at Titania add phase
I'm tempted to just skip this trial
2.106.040, a 11.700 DPS is required to destroy it
yes, use your last mana in your fire phase for it.
Choose a green one
I am amazed both Thancred and Ran'jit walked away from that Role Fight. I expected Thancred to die for sure.
>Durff let's ignore all chests in HoH!
>Those seconds saved on not opening them sure outweighs all the Magicite and petrification and witching and frailty and steel and other pommanders we'd get from opening the chests!
Male Miqo'te are stout manlet twinks that stand like Inuyasha you blind fags
Exarch is so cute and introverted, I have an intense wanting as the Warrior of Darkness to be his wing man and get him laid.
>manlet twinks
so traps?
same shit for chaos?
The only one he wants to lay is (you).
According to this HP total I'm at 12.4k DPS without foods or padding. Is it good enough or should I keep upgrading gear ?
Jesus he still hasn't spawned in Levi i1? I was there for fucking twelve hours last night.
I started hunting recently.
What's the best way to search for B ranks?
Just fly around until you find it?
Male Miqo'te are only traps in the delusions of some never passing tranny that wants to qualify themselves as a trap
>travel to far off Othard to fight a two pronged war against the Empire
>everyone in my party just so happens to speak whatever it is their native language is in Kugane
Well that's disappointing, I was thinking they'd reference and make use of the Echo's special translation powers
He should have, but then who would be the Trust tank? A Carbuncle?
Ask for it in shout, you'll be surprised at how often you'll find help
sounds like regular traps to me desuwa family go fap to astolfo.
Right. So they are the thing you want.
>enter area
>ask if anyone has seen your mark
5/10 someone will have.
It's good. If you can kill it without being fully geared it means you know how to play your class and that's what's important
Traps are passable by definition you newnigger
Except it's implied that we didn't agree to the whole 50% sacrifice when we WERE Ascian
>doesn't masturbate to melezen
But that's gay.
>I'm tempted to just skip this trial
you can do that?
No it isn't, its terrible
Literally doesn't matter. It's a dummy. Go play the fight and check your percentage.
Farm groups?
He means he wont clear Titania-ex.
it's not a requirement for anything. It just drops the best weapons until you get the Tomestone one or the savage one
He's the worst villain in any FF ever
>go into a FF14 thread
NO mention of wow, no wowfags shit posting
>go into wow thread
>constant shitposting from FF14 trannies
What is wrong with you faggots? You only prove a point on how everyone views FF14 payers as mentally unstable.
I'm talking about the EX, if this shit keeps up I'll buy the tomestone weapon and just upgrade it later
Haven't cleared it yet
I can't wait to beat other wol so hard we fuse with them forcefully.
He's the best villain in any FF ever
I thought that was part of the echo. That’s why you can understand beastmen
>stealing from bioshock
Running out of ideas SE?
Stormblood IS good the problem is that Stormblood isnt as good as Heavensward or Shadowbringers. Its better then ARR and 1.0.
It has Highs such as the Azim Steppe, Several Characters and more. Just alot of lows between of all to it.
Also Lyse was a big disappointment
Just wanted to check if I had my rotation right before going into the fight.
>NO mention of wow, no wowfags shit posting
In what fucking world?
Actual players are here and have fun playing.
Shitposters will be there and shitpost real hard.
Didn't you just prove the contrary, you stupid retard?
>Bioshock created underwater cities
Can you macro gnashing fang and continuation together for some cuhrayzeeness?
>Bioshock invented underwater cities with jazz music
New Diadem will have a skillchain system, please look forward to it.
Stormblood is fine. Hell, it's damn good by most games standards. It just doesn't compare to HW/ShB. Keep in mind the plot of SB is important to ShB so I'd suggest sticking with it.
I waited too long to start and now I can’t even get past innocence. Party finder is literal hellworld
No faggot I want. This, not literal mexicans.
>Bioshock is the first ever underground city
ok buddy retard
Im going to need the template for that image.
I never felt an attachment to any of the male cast, but I felt a burning desire to let Emet-Selch breed my female Warrior of Darkness.
So how do you level alt jobs in this game? Just spam duties and do fates inbetween? Is it even worth doing duties after you do your first of the day each day?
Crystal Exarch like in Holminster
>he didn't clear during EA
you're never gonna make it now
>start shadowbringers
>a literal mystery nigga is welcoming me to the city
>someone in my party mentions the DRG meme
>I instantly become 10x worse
What the fuck is this mental debuff?
People in Kugane speak Hyuran Common. Hyur get everywhere so their language has become the common language and trade language of most of the world. Hingan is mostly only spoken in noble houses on the main island of Hingashi.
He's the RIGHTEST villain in any FF ever
Do we know what the trial storyline will be? Like what types of boss trials we will get?
NO? There was no mention of it at all before my post. I wanted to prove a point. The FF14 community is just awful to outsiders. Most FF14 threads get deleted also simply because of how bad the players are. There is a reason they are pushed to containment /vg/. This thread looks fine however.
Well then you should expect wipes, naturally.
What's the most fun class?
So I heard SMN is in the shed when it comes to DPS numbers? Seems like this happens in every expansion. SMN ended up getting buffs in every X.1 patch.
Titania EX is a funny experience for some of the lamest reasons:
>players forget they gave to take a tether so they either let the other person die, or they take too late and kill half of the party as panic ensues
>players consistently get punched off the stage
>Puck kills the tank in the middle of the first add phase
>someone gets hit by Phantom Rune after giant add phase
>someone doesn't move at all after the ground pound and expects the other player to do all the leg work to break the chain, when there is no place left to move
the middle part is the best part of the encounter, the rest is pretty lame
I had a weird dreaming last night. It involved Alisaie, lots of hugging/kissing and sex.
Please go to /vg/ faggot. It's faggots like you that get threads deleted on Yea Forums.
Maybe with third party tools but not with the in-game macro system
people seem to be gushing over the new MCH
He'd romance you, and then dress you up nicely for a night out at the theater that he funded.
>Why do people find it mediocre
BLM, every expansion, every patch
SMN is fine, it just requires more effort compared to the other two casters
>There was no mention of it at all before my post
>This thread looks fine however.
>those poor bastards who didn't do the Crystal Tower quests and get the emotionally barren Shadowbringers story
>Bioshock created underwater cities
are you made Square did it better 2k?
Titania EX is honestly a lot easier than Innocence to dps in, which means the fight is a lot easier period, as far as I'm concerned.
We'd have done the exact same thing in his place, which is exactly what he tells us over and over again trying to get us to see reason until he's forced to fight us
stormblood is the worst expansion the game has
but it also added the two of the most fun dps
but the story is mostly meh
overall i'd say you can safely skip pretty much everything up to when you unlock the dungeon "Ala Mhigo" and then it becomes mildly interesting for a while.
The job i like.
The most boring is the job i don't like.
Viera are for Ronso dick
I did it in 2.x and don't remember shit about it
Why did they turn Omega into a cute/hot autistic anime girl for the final cutscene of its questline?
You miss out on fighting Zenos if you skip Stormblood
Any of y'all got link to SMN's rotation? I kind of just press everything as it comes up and even though things seem like they line up, I can't help but feel like I'm still doing it wrong.
>We'd have done the exact same thing in his place
No we wouldn't. That's just terrible writing.
Man I can’t believe Sqaure Enix stole the throne room from KH for the ascians, what were they thinking
they can keep them.
i prefer qt hyur midlander
I dunno but she reminds me of Kaine from Nier.
Except early heavensward when Enochian had 60s cooldown, you had to cast blizz 4 to refresh it and the refresh had diminishing returns. All bosses also had invincible/untargetable phases where you'd be sure to lose it. Also no triplecast.
It was the worst of times.
You can't steal from yourself.
rough it out OP
the payoff will be well worth it
Join a hunt linkshell my dude, the most important thing to do if you're taking up the autistic path of hunting. Shout in a city or after a hunt/rare FATE and you'll get an invite
Because it learned that becoming a cute anime girl is a good way to survive and garner sympathy
>We'd have done the exact same thing in his place
>he missed the heavy hints
I found this one, not sure how reliable it is, can't test it out yet.
I know user I was making fun of the guy I replied to
>hyur midlander
Post proof or die.
literally me but with Merlwyb instead. I love her.
It is, there are so many areas of the fight where you are stating and just doing flat dps. Add phase is pretty fun if you enjoy dot procs for increased dps. I find Innocence more fun than Titania although Innocence was a cakewalk to clear.
nothing important happens till the end but the very end and the quests between stormblood and shadowniggers are not only very good but very important
I have spent over 10 hours in queue for the MSQ trial A Dancing Plague the past 3 days and I have sat here in queue and only once I actually got a group going. After wiping twice everyone left, the remaining 8+ hours have been sitting there afk waiting. I am stuck, I am now demotivated, I just want to continue the MSQ and I cant. Wish I could just skip this
Heres ur round 2 collab bro
i stopped playing around heavensward i think.
if i jumped back in is there some sort of tutorial to get you caught up on all of the mechanics and how the game works and stuff.
>We'd have done the exact same thing in his place
Except we already are in a manner of speaking. We are exterminating the last few of an ancient race in order to protect beings that shouldn't exist.
Why does every male miqote player have "Tia" or whatever in there name?
Try party finder
yeah its called playing the game. It's a good tutorial.
Is this shit worth getting into if I dont have anyone to play with?
You ain't seen the real mystery nigga yet
Who are the worst beastman and why is it the Namazu?
Actual cuckolds by lore
Tias are Miqtoe cuckolds and Nunh are Miqote Bulls.
So that when Omega comes back for the Nier raid series it will fit right in
i'd need to log in to get a frontal picture, but here's one of her back
Given how shit the MHW collab was to begin with, I doubt they would go for a 2nd one.
Except we didn't
In Miqote Seeker of the Sun society all males are branded as the beta ones, Tia or the alpha breeder ones that fuck all the women, the Nunhns. People like to have lore accurate nicknames so they go with Tia because if you go around claiming you're a Nuhn the RPfags will be mad at you or something like that
>A literal mystery nigga
You ain't seen Mystery yet, nigga
I'm curious to see what comes of the Nier crossover
Mi'qote naming system
Male Seekers of the Sun traditionally have Nunh as their surname when they're the breeding male of their tribe, all other men are Tia kinda like lions
Surely they'll buff NIN to be much more than a Trick Attack and LB slave for Eden r-right?
Fags who use the name generator and get prebaked lore-based names instead of making up their own name.
Side quests, fates, duties, PotD (past level 30). The Armory XP bonus mechanic makes fates and duties very viable. PotD doesn't benefit from it, but is still very productive on its own terms. Side quests are the slowest option for leveling, but they're still content that's in the game. If you're lore-hungry and play for comf instead of speed, they could be your thing.
>Is it even worth doing duties after you do your first of the day each day?
Yeah, duties are solid XP even without the daily roulette. Do as many as your heart can take.
Cool, I just got it. I'm a heal slut and I've just landed in the world. How long, in hours, does it take until Heavensword?
I got all the games & a month for a fiver, except the new expansion.
shame she doesnt help our in ala mhigo
Suncat thing, Mooncats aren't like that.
But our being was split up between 13 worlds, who's to say what we would have done if we managed to escape as a whole.
>The expert Dungeon end boss
So THAT is how they managed to use time travel and dimensional hopping. Pretty clever.
NIN will be free to do real dmg once trick attack is removed or nerfed
>Except we didn't
>He says as he exterminated the other person who says his claim to the world and right to exist is better than ours
>Which Alphinaud rebukes by saying, no, we're here now, we have more claim on the world than you
As Emet says, the loser becomes the stories villain
take your time, it takes a while
ARR takes about anywhere from 50-80 hours, can’t remember. The middle quests are probably another 30-50.
Let me check how to to beat
That's pretty close to what I do, thanks
And they say Aether/Primal are the raiding centers
To make it easier for you to sympathize when you find out it just wants to go back home.
>tfw no qt fight-autist traveling companion to teach about Eorzea and human behavior
Looks good. Especially with the exact number of banked ruin4s between baha and bird.
>healslut meme
Please kill yourself.
Hello friends, I couldn't help but see you are discussing Final Fantasy XIV. Unfortunately this violates Yea Forums Rule #6. Please take your general discussion to /vg/. Meanwhile here are some acceptable Yea Forums related discussions.
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate.
>tomboy childhoodfriend dies
So that's how they want to play this shit.
PLD main here, I have a macro that shirks healers that do a single ounce of dps and yells respect the content
Your opinions are shit, yes-yes
If you missed the part where Bigg's weaponised his kettle be on the lookout for the helicopters next time you run it, it's a neat reference
My character is a Nunh mostly because my friends bullied me into it. I handwave it as saying he left before he could be dethroned.
That’s not Lalafells
Literally skip all MSQ leading up to Shadowbringers then skip all cutscenes with Minfilia and Thancred. Bam, I made the story good for you. The job quest lines also have better stories besides a few, like RDM for example is terrible.
>not moogles
When will it be our time to shine, BLUbros?
That's him! That's Jannie!
Where does it say this, and why do they only have one fuck all the chicks? Also why the fuck would you want a giant tag above you announcing that you are a cuck failure who isn't allowed to touch the chicks in their tribe?
Given how Yoko Taro is a mad lad and SE knows it. Yoshi is just clenching his anus for whatever he has idea for.
Except we've also been fighting for what we care for and he expected us if we were capable of holding all the light we were getting to in understanding somehow want to help him genocide 12 other worlds so he could get his back and when Alphinaud tried explaining that we understood but couldn't just give up our end either he screeches autistically and tries to kill us because "YUUUUUU DUNT UNDERSTAND TRUE PAIIIIIIN"
>When the Locus remix starts playing just as the door to the boss opens
Pure beauty.
>play as RDM
>see Thancred jump over
>try to Corps-a-corps
>fall down
Frogbots. Frogbots everywhere.
Read between the lines, user
Half the quests in the zone keep talking about a 14th member of the convocation that just gave up it's seat, which was very unusual for that to happen. This is immediately preceding their summoning of Zodiark. It's implied that we were the 14th member, and disagreed with their plan.
Thanks. Never done POTD. Guess I can give it a whirl. I havent played since the end of heavensward and was thinking of maining samurai this expac, which is fun so far, but I gotta get them up 20 levels just to do the shadowbringers content. 200% increased experience is nice but still not exactly speeding along.
Punctuation, nigger!
I just want BLU to be a real job.
You first learn of it in a quest chain in southern thanalan. They do it because Miqote males are rare in the lore, so they want to make sure that the one with the best genes gets to fuck the women.
FF14 faggots are retarded trannies
he's not right about anything
Fuck off barry
So when do we start going rabbit hunting to cull all the rabbits on the servers now?
Oh fuck off you fucking fujo tranny
he's the worst character ever in ff
>decide to level gathering
>get miner to 50 pretty easily just grinding nodes and the occasional leve when things slow down
>hit 51
>even with high bonuses leves only chunk off 1/8th of the EXP bar
>grinding nodes slows down to even more of a crawl
How the fuck am I supposed to keep grinding this shit out with the very limited amount of leve allowances? Everyone told me gathering gets "way better" after 50 but so far it seems to be way worse
Hythlodaeus does say that he's been driven mad by loneliness and carrying the burden of his entire planet on his back for millennia, him autistically screeching that he knows far better than you makes sense for him, he's too far gone to accept anything else
so is Yoshi moving away from FFXIV now?
So you can gauge how good of a Summoner you are depending on how many Ruin 2's you cast. Unless I'm mistaken, this rotation means you should only be casting at most one every two minutes or so for optimal performance
Fuck off 14 tranny
Yes, and its also hinted that we were one of the ones who summoned Hydaelyn instead. The point on Emet's was that we are no different, just 2 sides of the same coin.
Same thing happened to me as a SAM.
What is more bullshit is Urianger using the BLM move to zip across it.
yikes, thats a shit opinion.
>still can't clear Innocence
I'm pretty shit but Jesus Christ this fight feels like nightmare for BLM. And tethers have weird hitbox. It's like RNG 50/50.
>run back diagonally
>still got hit
>DNC cucking me for MCH
>"I will recreate party!"
>he rise up IL so I can't join
I want to kill myself
Look up what collectables are
Yes he's making xvi
hopefully that won't be trash like shadowbringers is.
At this point, the existence of the Carnivale makes that highly unlikely at best, sadly.
How are they going to continue the bullshit in the source once we get back?
After SHB none of it will really matter anymore. Zenos is a fucking jobber.
nope its the correct opinion
It was shit on the MHW side of that collab too
>Drachen, an artifact gear in XIV, gets all the DPS skills in one full set PLUS good deco slots in MHW. You don't need to wear anything at all.
>Behemoth gets to be harder than the entire game content and is the go-to """prooves""" monster to shut down criticism towards MHW's difficulty.
It's like Capcom just admitted that their game failed so they let Yoshida walk over MHW like a bull fucking someone's wife.
>Zenos is a fucking jobber
So is WoL
I plan on it. I'm trying to self-insert.
Oh wow, that IS a long time. Is it as padded as I imagine?
Is it a meme? Just seems like a less gay way of saying you're a healer
And I would have.
This user gets it
whats has more value?
>100 games with 1 hour of gameplay.
>1 game with 100 hours of gameplay?
Millions of mortals with finite lives, as they are all going to die in the end anyways, or a large number of immortals who would live millions of years longer?
if mortals are going to die ANYWAYS, and are living at someone elses expense w/o their permission, then cleaning up the mistake that holds no more value, but at minimum "equal value", and isnt going to be around very long anyways...
why not?
of course its easy to sympathize with both sides.
imo the acians should just have enriched the mortals lives with their knowledge, w/o harming mortals (acting as guides/gods) and that would have been the best out come for both sides, rather than trying to eliminate eachother.
I've been getting collectibles high enough for turn in but it's around as grindy as just straight up spamming nodes.
It hurts so much
I just took back Velodyna in the MSQ, can I unlock the welfare tomestone vendor in Rhalgr's Reach now? I see some empty counters but a friend told me I should be able to get them now. I've been capped on tomestone for 4 days now and my autism can't take it much longer
If you just started you will need way longer.
200 hours or so at least.
Just finished ARR. On credits now, at least. The last mission was cool, except since everyone else were vets with super endgame gear most of the battles were over in less than a minute and I felt like a goon flailing at bosses with a pointy stick. Still, I had fun.
I've got Heavensward, should I move straight onto that or is there anything I should do before then?
Gaius Van Belsar was a cool guy and made sense
>and thus is ours A Realm Reborn!
You have to fully clear the 4.0 MSQ.
It is 100% as padded as you think it is.
Sadly it is all used in the story.
There are some cool bosses on the way though
Especially bullshit since if you try to use your own BLM teleport to warp to Urianger you just fucking fall down
When are they improving the direction of the cutscenes? Literally every cutscene is the same with people just standing still talking to each other.
Do Crystal Tower. You unlock it in Mor Dhona.
Sounds like excuses to me
work on your movement and positioning over dps then once you are comfy, work on dps and efficiency. People flop parts of fights just to do dps when getting general awareness down first is more important.
Because it came after HW which many consider a good expansion. SB was ok, the problem was that the narrative was disjointed in a lot of places and removed a lot of characters to validate why you and other people are struggling.
But it is a very important part of the story that cannot be skipped if you want to understand what's going on.
just keep doing the MSQ
At least he was a good fight. That's really the only gift someone can give WoL that will be remembered.
They were tempered, even if themselves wanted to be normal and fit in the tempering wouldnt' help because zodiark demands the souls of the people.
Maybe in another couple of years, we'll actually be able to cast Level 5 Death on Omega, hence proving that Yoshi was right in limiting BLU.
He'll resist it like every other boss.
The journey Heavensward is long, user
You've got around 100 MSQ to do before reaching it so get started
How much do I have left? I don't wana rush it, but I don't wana keep wasting tomestones either
Do the Crystal Tower raid to its completion. Also, you're far away from actually entering Heavensward, you have the 2.1 to 2.55 patches to go through.
Still better than xiv just getting “Eorzean style” Rathalos armor that is pretty much reskin of gear already in game.
Crystal Towers
you need to clear "The Royal Menagerie" i'm pretty sure
yeah just move on to heavensward
Reminder that Final Fantasies XII-XV all have more content than classic Final Fantasy games
>Her last name is the first name of the tribe’s breeding male who sired her.
Y'shtola having sex is canon?
>skipping story in a story heavy game
stormblood isn't as good as heavensward but its not that bad that i'd tell you to pay money to skip
I've never played XIV. Is there any point in buying the expansion before getting to a certain level? Does it ever go on sale?
bro... you just missed the steam sale bro....
None of those millions of people should exist anyway, that was the point of Emet's. They were an accidental creation and therefore their lives don't really matter.
You're almost there. 2 more dungeons and 1 more zone.
Bitch is in her late 30s at the very least so it wouldn't be a surprise
the time it took u to get to that point, is how long u have till u get to heavensward.
dont fret though, the 1st 20% of quests are for those who played in 1.0, and will be rather boring to you, until the final cutscene.
after that, it will start off slow, as if a brand new game, and slowly build up, but the build up is both worth it, and a lot of whats said comes back into the story later (including the final fight of the current expansion)
a lot of padded filler comes back, but plenty doesnt. u never know.
This is our story, yes yes.
>Never done POTD
PotD is interesting content, though it gets repetitive pretty damn fast. It's kind of a roguelike thing, where the dungeon levels are generated randomly. It's designed to be completable with any group composition; tanking and healing is secondary to damage dealing for all jobs. Your gear and level in the outside world don't matter, PotD runs on its own rules. Your PotD "gear" levels up with upgrades found within the dungeon. To get the best XP out of PotD, you queue for the floors 51-60 over and over again.
I haven't actually played since the halfway point of Stormblood, so I don't know how good PotD is for Shadowbringers leveling. Back in Heavensward and Stormblood I leveled several jobs (DPS jobs mainly, because the duty queues for them were horrid) exclusively within PotD, however. The XP gain should be good.
Also, I only just found that there's another PotD-like deep dungeon in the game now, Heaven-on-high. It requires you to complete 100 levels of PotD, and is apparently better XP once you get to farming it. Beyond that I don't know anything about it, though. Wish you all the best figuring everything out.
>implying those with the Echo arent tempered by Hydaelyn
Speaking of Coil, I tried unsynced Nael today and found that while I get the phase change quick I have no idea how to deal with the exploding rocks that linger and it kills me before she become attackable again. I feel like I'm missing something here.
thats what i figured, but they try to make it sound like emet wasnt under such an influence.
i bet they will go into that further in the patches.
What, why would it? Siring someone means being the male parent.
>77 hours
Half of that is waiting for yuna to talk.
PS4 limitations
>Yes-yes men
>Not lalajews
You are no friend of mine
Crystal Tower, got it.
>100 quests between the main story ending and the expansion
I'm sorry, what the fuck
So I've never really bothered with all the raid stuff. Is it still possible to clear stuff like alexander and the coils today? Or did everyone and their grandma already beat it and moved on?
yes you might as well play as far as you can into the trial & then buy the complete edition which comes with 30 days + 15 more if you reach 45 or some shit like that
Emet admits he was tempered in the murals cutscene
She's going to change her last name to Urianger soon after that slap on the ass after Ghimlyt Dark.
shb is cancer trash
Stormblood only have a handful of good parts and thats Zenos, the boss fights, and Azim Steppe
So the only gear past Tome/Rokkan right now is 450 extremes? Are they only weapons?
Nothing indicates as such or everyone on the planet would be tempered just like every amaurotine was tempered by zodiark.
You really think that lady that's tending to her cabbages gives a goddamn shit about the glory of hydaelyn?
Bro she's getting HROTH'D on a daily basis right now.
holy kek
>I'm sorry, what the fuck
The main story isn't actually over yet.
it's genuinely a crime how much money the game generates, and how little it's given for it's budget.
Did we even read the same dialogue? The whole reason we summoned Hydaelyn was because we were different. Emet wanted to let the world grow fat with life again and use that to bring everyone sacrificed back. We believed that enough sacrifice had happened, and thought the new life should inherit the earth. We sacrificed ourselves, where as Emet was willing to sacrifice others.
I guess that's "two sides of the same coin" in the loosest sense, but it's very different from doing the same as him as OP suggested.
There was a lot of padding between ARR and heavensward user, you just finished 2.0, you've to get past 2.5 to do heavensward, and it's a fucking slog so good luck. It's worth it for that sweet Ishgardian story though
Alex yeah, Coils? Not a chance. They're still the hardest Non-ultimate fights in the game and unless you unsync them, you'll never find people willing to do them.
Gotta solo them/find some friends to see them. And good luck for finding people to clear them at level 50 item synced.
Very easy to find people to duty finder, they're part of the Normal Raid roulette.
>Alexander Savage
Same as Coils.
Well shit, that ain't good.
Ruh roh.
Is it still fun until Heavensword or is it an exercise in redeeming a game that was borderline unplayable?
We are not here to talk about Final Fantasy.
>always tells whoever is listening to her to Hear, Feel, Think
>nah bruh she's totes mind controlling dudes
You forgot some weird part of their plan. Even after rejoining they will sacrifice you for old cool first people who sacrificed themselves for Zodiark at least Emet want this. It's pretty fucked up and probably Zodiark's doing
titania drops weapon, innocence drops accessories.
Alexander and Omega are in the normal raid roulette, Coil is a bit more of a tricky issue though
Weapons and accessories, doesn't matter cause in a week Eden is raising the bar again
Speed through SB until you reach 4.2/4.3 content, because that prepares what happens in ShB
You just did 2.0. HW proper starts after 2.55. You already got over the slog which is 1-50. Those 100+ quests aren't that long anymore since you do a fuck lot of skills now.
WoL is just made to lose the first time you fight any opponent just like in your trials you scrub
>Nothing indicates as such
Except for when Emet himself said that we might be tempered by Hydaelyn.
So this guy is intended to be a turbo weeb, yes yes?
That's why weapons and accessories matter though, user. So you can enter the raid.
SE needs money for new games
I fucking hated FF14 until HW and legit, it is a Final Fantasy quality story with minimal padding. It’s throwing new shit, new mechanics, and great cutscenes at you all the time. I’m playing it single player and loving it.
Hopefully people don't get pissy with me being so rusty. Samurai is pretty straightforward but sometime I push wrong buttons.
ARR is okay.
Just take your time and enjoy the game my friend.
No, emet said when they summoned zodiark everyone was tempered by him. How could anyone resist to such power.
He didn't mention hydaelyn at all.
Soloable up to Turn 9 where the hardest fucking fight in the game still fucks on you even when you're unsynced, find some friends to beat Nael, cause no one in their right mind is party finding that or doing in synced
>Alexander and Omega
You'll get them through duty roulette clears eventually user
>grinding tomestone gear now and once again wont be able to wear AF anymore
It hurts. Why have they still not made it possible to wear AF on every job?
Well, if what I just did is considered slog I guess at least I won't be too bored. I've found the main story fairly interesting up to this point (actually my first FF game). At least I don't have to worry about running out of game!
Also damn the music is good in this.
What is Eden gonna be like? Omega/Alexander stuff or 24 man stuff? Sorry for the question but finding clear information in FFXIV is ass sometimes.
>you have to buy the expansion and a subscription
What the fuck Square Enix? You at least give users 20 free days after being an expansion in DQX, why are you extra Jewish with FFXIV?
>run back diagonally
You can always teleport either back to your leylines or to a party member. You can do that every time except for there one time that also has a bunch of column lasers together, doing that during that part will get you hit by the lasers mid aetherial manipulation.
Also, If you have trouble running back diagonally, try running OUT diagonally. Also, make sure you're creating enough distance from the source. Doesn't if your tether has to cut close to the center, everyone else can easily, and I mean EASILY adjust so long as you're not actually cutting the center.
>play through story mode
>takes me to a raid dungeon
I just got into SB
At what point do I go to Fantasy Nippon and finish helping these sand refugees
Is it even possible to deal with the meteors solo?
It was Ardbert that made that observation.
>> Choice 1: Tell me about Zodiark.
Emet-Selch: As I told you before--Zodiark is the creation of my people. The /first/ people.
Emet-Selch: We summoned Him, as your kind might summon a primal--albeit an infinitely more powerful one.
Emet-Selch: And like one of your primals, He tempered us. It was only natural. There is no resisting such power. And so we Ascians came to exist solely to bring about the rule of darkness. His darkness. Of course, some would call us "evil" for it... and they would be fools. Though that is only to be expected, given their innate ability to conceive of the nature of our universe.
Emet-Selch: ...But I believe I am repeating myself. Do you not trust me to speak honestly? Do you hope to catch me in a lie?
Emet-Selch: /Really/. I have no need of deception--and even if I did, I assure you: you would find it quite indistinguishable from the truth.
>WoL's true self sacrifices themselves to give new life a chance
>ends up reincarnating to solve all their problems caused by zodiark fanatics anyway
I guess at the end when we defeat Elidibus we are just going to fuck off.
What’s the point of hunts? All the rewards I saw were minions and materia but the latter I can buy at the market
Eden is the 8 man raid. The Nier raid is the 24 man one and isn't out until 5.1
What we mean by slog is that every one admits that the 1-50 MSQ is boring as shit even story wise. 2.1-2.55 is where everything starts to ramp up in story and where XIV finally gets interesting.
Moogles = jews
Namazu = bros
>he thinks he's done with ARR
oh no no no no no
Ah right, fuck it. I'll play as I am doing and by the time I've hit max, the new expansion will probably be cheaper anyway.
Thanks boyos!
You're going into it with the right mindset user, take your time and enjoy the scenery, and the game probably has the best soundtrack in sheer quantity and quality of any game ever so enjoy that as well
>tfw anxiety hits every time I have to enter Duty Finder
The music just gets better and better as it goes on.
Because they will be adding logs later that actually upgrade your armors.
My bad, as said, it was Ardbert who said it.
Also, if everyone was tempered by Zodiark when he was summoned, how did others decide to summon Hydaelyn?
Hydaelyn was right.
Special rewards like minions, emotes and orchestrion rolls and materias. That's it.
You'll be able to upgrade armors in future patches with them too.
Tried today, if there's a way I don't know it.
SMN damage is fine, unless you're one of those whiny fucks on the forums who think they need to do as much damage as a BLM.
the npc gets updated with an item that upgrades your tomegear and they usually add fluff shit like minions or emotes
Got my second job (SAM) to 79. It actually feels fine to use. Except knowing it's getting a fucking useless level 80 skill. I truly do not understand how they thought it was a good skill to have. It's a DPS loss through and through.
That's what I wonder too. I just assume they weren't present during the summoning.
Meteors can be solo'd yes, golems are a massive pain if you don't kill 2 of em in a couple seconds, and the damage is still really high for non healers to sustain, continuous ice damage in the final phase is still impossible though, unless someone got burst through the roof and enough survivability to get to that point
rdm buffs when
please i feel so weak
i'm starving
scorch is my only food
Is there a reason they should't be pushing equal numbers?
You'll be alright, the enemies in PotD die fast enough that you can initially get by just mashing your hardest-hitting skills while you get used to the job. Most people are in too much of a rush to get a run done to even notice you're not contributing your 100%. 51-60 is in fact soloable once your PotD gear hits the power cap for those floors, and you often run into such people there (you'll know them from their weapons that glow bright red). Stick to them and you'll pull through.
This is Zanarkand btw
So have we regained the lost shards of our Ascian self every time there's been a rejoining? Did we absorb Ardbert? Are we now 8/14 shards whole?
I'm thinking that getting tempered by Zodiark and Hydaelyn still allows them to have free will and there's another catch to it.
SMN has a teamwide damage buff and is slighty more mobile.
No it's not, will you stupid fucks stop trying to compare zanakarkand to Amaurot.
They are totally separate concepts.
This goddamn faggot puts the same item up for 30% less.
Which data center?
So how does the Road To 70 buff work?
>PotD is interesting content
PotD and HoH are insanity checks. Only those who believe staying in the abyss for so long is fun can take that shit.
Void fucked up
I don't think Ardbert was consumed. Look at final cutscene. He met others.
New character made on the server with it active gains 100% extra xp up to 70 for 90 days
Increased exp gain until you hit 70 with that particular class
if below level 70 you get an exp buff
Fun fact, Zenos and the Azim Steppes were written by Ishikawa, the writer for SHB.
When Nael was tempered by Bahamut she still lived a "normal" life for over a decade. But her primary goal was still getting the Meteor Project approved so she could free her god.
I'm gonna have to make a different my main seller at this point. Is this motherfucking actively looking for things I sell? What the fuck is this shit.
They're definitely strong enough to not turn us into mindless zombies and they don't need hands to gather crystals since hydaelyn is the whole planet.
But at the same time if we were thralls, hydaelyn wouldn't have to tell us the whole story about the sundering and her and zodiark. She also wouldn't need to go through the effort of having us conquering trials to prove our worth, she could just spawn us like a primal spawns a minion.
>Zenos won't go away because she made him
Oh lord
Ryne says that your soul was "restored". I took that ending sequence as more symbolic than anything else.
A dreamt city of the past?
expansions used to cost $60 back in the day.
ffxiv puts them at $20 cheaper, so u can afford the sub...
so if i do a bunch of levemetes and switch to a lower level class I want to level so i get the quest reward XP on that class is that possible or is Yoshida too smart for those gwailo tricks
He only said Ascians were tempered as seen and I don't think Ascian implies their entire race, merely the Convocation, as Emet himself mentions that each Ascian is given the title of one of the convocation's seats.
The final cutscene was just symbolic. He wasn't actually there.
They really aren't that different
undercut him by 1 gil
>Every single Viera hair clips with my gunblade
There are people in this thread who legitimately follow this games story. Fucking autists man. Run to A, talk to npc, then run to b, and /dance for these mobs, then run back to A to tell them you danced, then run back to b to watch shitty pointless cutscenes, then run back to A to tell them you watched shitty pointless cutscenes. Then go back to b to complete the chain. Fuck that, I'll just skip the shitty boring content thank you
Well, I guess her track record can't be perfect.
Yes, those who summoned Zodiark were tempered by him. But the game hints that we were the 14 member of the convocation who disagreed with the summoning of Zodiark and left. And since we disagreed with Zodiark, its possible we were part of summoning Hydaely instead, who would have tempered those who summoned her.
Also, as the the Echo has to do with world rejoining and calamities, which hints that people who gain the echo do so by having their fractured souls from other worlds rejoining their source.
Ascians also can use the Echo, which makes it even more likely that its similar to their temper from Zodiark.
I can't say all those hundreds of runs didn't ultimately break something in my head, but soloing PotD 51-100 for three newbies was actually pretty fun for me. Also, the weapons you could buy from the PotD vendor were pretty hefty for their time, helped me gear up a number of newly leveled jobs.
Both of those kinda suck though. I'm surprised and disappointed.
This image really did not age well.
Yup, aside from Elidibus we're the most powerful soul on the Source right now, and he seems resolved to keep feeding us more and more shards because hes an idiot. Hell he hand delivered Unukalhai to us and just left him there in our base.
Last cutscene was symbolism my friend, those friends of his were already consumed by minfilia to stop the flood of light
>people hating on Zenos
literal faggots, he is a bro
I called someone a greylet, Am I fucked
What I've been doing. For Primal dolls I made him undercut by a ton then I just sold mine for the price I wanted while he went to go pull on his tiny dick from his believed victory.
>a dead city conjured through summoning mechanics
>a dead city conjured through summoning mechanics
Wow not the same thing at all
>calling someone a tiny alien
Yeah man, you're done for.
Shame it had to end this way user, godspeed
>muh new katana suddenly teaches me a new fighting style
>muh fake echo that's better than the real deal
>muh ascian running away instead of kicking my ass
>muh hunt
Shut up fujo.
Eden NORMAL is dropping, user. It’s worth grabbing innocence/titania stuff now, since you won’t be able to get a 475(i assume, anyway) weapon (if you make it to E4S anyway)for two weeks, or a 460/470 for 7 weeks anyway. Since it’s likely Eden normal will drop tokens for 450 stuff, tomestones will be 460/470, and eden savage will be 470.
If worse comes to pass, deny everything and say it was meant for FC chat.
Talking about FFLogs is not illegal, it's talking about using a parser. And considering that they can't take external stuff as proof, you can simply say that you like the grey color and wanted to make him a compliment
Viera need help. I'm playing one and basically dying for when I can use the hime cut on it and there's no telling when we're going to get more hairstyles for them let alone the one I want. I wish they'd be more open about what they're planning to do.
fuck off Elidibus
DQX only costs about 50 for all 4 expansions right now, comes with 20 days of sub time and a 60 day sub is only 20 bucks
>better than the real deal
then why did we BTFO him so easily?
Is Emet-Selch the biggest baby? It's been 10000 years and he still hasn't gotten over it.
>muh dead city
>muh zodiark
>muh superior race
I can do that too
Zanarkand was a city inside a dream that only existed inside a dream.
Amaurot was a city that a man once lived on that he decided to recreate because he missed his home.
Because it was required to proceed the story.
t. Elidijobber
Gunbreaker chads where we at?
>This shit taste
Trying way too hard there Lyse
Cos WoL is the best fighter and Zenos just has the advantage of having a super human body.
you can buy base FFXIV+every expansion for $60 and comes with 30 days free. subs are only $13
Dream Zanarkand was a physical place far off the coast of Spira.
We got the wrong Lion Heart, bros..
It's actually the most important expansion to the plot of the three expansions but it's mediocre because the plot can't decide what the fuck it's doing and you're stuck following around badly written characters you'll never give a shit about for most of it.
>Zanarkand was a city inside a dream that only existed inside a dream.
literal retard
Why are you even talking about emet you fucking sperg? Zenos is a shit character.
Gunbreaker's big slam 142434 combo is 450(+260), 550(+280), 650(+300) that's up every 29 seconds for a total of 2490 potency.
Dark Knight's big slam 142434 combo is 200(+500), 300(+500), 400(+500) that's not up very often because they nerfed the mana generation to 1/5th of what it used to be, and got rid of the haste from blood weapon. The combo is a total of 2400 potency.
Why did they do this? They seriously need to revert the haste and mana gen nerfs on Dark Knight. Because right now Dark Knight feels like a worse version of all the other tanks, with the only strength being The Blackest Night.
>Zanarkand was a city inside a dream that only existed inside a dream.
Zanarkand was a city-sized aeon you retard. It was conjured by the Fayth the same way aeons are summoned.
Amaurot was created through the creation magic, which is exactly how primals are summoned. It's a city-sized primal.
Because "muh" posting is a shit way to describe a character, you fucking retard.
Dream Zanarkand was a real physical island off the coast of real Zanarkand's ruins
Not when Nidhogg exists. At least Emet mingled with us, he tried living our lives. He even fucked our women. Nidhogg spent a similar amount of time autisticly screeching over his sister
I just started the sightseeing log.
I already hate it.
>The combo is a total of 2400 potency
Did you factor in the Darkside buff?
Gunbreaker is for experienced players, please understand. Every other tank is inferior/for casuals.
Different user here, can you get 30 days from buying the most recent expansion? I want to buy Shadowbringers but fuck dropping 40 and then an additional 13
I skipped all of the story throughout stormblood because of how shit it was and I understood shadowbringers just fine
Have you even played X?
i need art of G'raha Tia doing this.
I've been playing it for a while now. I can't find the "advanced" part of it.
>I skipped all of the story
Stopped reading there.
I want to say yes but then you would miss the lead up which would cheapen the experience of shadowbringers
*slaps your toons ass*
you're my partner now hoe
>press button when it lights up
>"experienced players"
Does YoshiP mean WoWfags?
Then why did tidus enter dream zanarkand when he touched touched the fayth? The fayth was in the ruins of the real zanarkand that was destroyed in the past.
Stormblood is more memorable than heavensward, but heavensward had better pacing. Shadowbringers has been better than both.
It is important.
Because for most of the expansion before the patches you're forced to team up with *clenches fists*: The mary sue, and pretty much everything that happens is extremely predictable except for one welcome thing, Gosetsu not dying protecting Tsuyu.
no, all MMOs only add the free month a play to the base game.
i bought the expansion at $20 since it was an error on amazon that me, my FC, and friends all took advantage of. was the complete version, but it got us the expansion for cheap lol.
Haven't played since Stormblood launch. Mained MCH/BRD. Is it worth coming back again or am I going to play for a couple of weeks, enjoying it at first but slowly realizing there isn't anything to do?
No, but you could factor in the 20% buff from No Mercy on Gunbreaker and it would still be better
>Stormblood is more memorable than heavensward
Replayed it even 2 months ago.
There's 2 zanarkands, the real one which lies in ruins and the dream one which lies in the fayth inside the ruins.
All the jobs in this game are easy as fuck
Tidus was just a single part of the Zanarkand aeon, in the same way all those Amaurotines are part of Emet-Selch's creation. So weird shit happened when he touched them.
>Stormblood is more memorable than heavensward
For the average players, weaving in even a single oGCD is too hard.
My style of tanking is extremely aggressive leading to high damage output while still maintaining all of my tanking capabilities. This is achieved by min-maxing stats, aiming for GCD uptime thresholds, off the global cooldown management, and making the correct choices to maximize and to mitigate damage when the situations arise by using offensive cooldowns in a defensive way, while defensive cooldowns are used in a offensive way. Do not think that just because you are a tank you are incapable of producing high amounts of damage while tanking. Basically, if you suck shit and your playstyle is garbage then it will show and others will laugh at you while you have a boring time. However, if you're a badass Gunbreaker player then your mitigation will be spot on and your damage output will be through the roof while having an engaging encounter and a fun time.
>Stormblood is more memorable than heavensward
Heavensward was like 50% walking to talk to a dragon. I actually forgot all about the crystal braves shit concluding in heavensward along with nanamo stuff.
The Ultimania clarifies that the dream Zanarkand is a physical place, because it's an aeon. That's how Jecht ended up in Spira just from drifting out to sea.
>using offensive cooldowns in a defensive way, while defensive cooldowns are used in a offensive way.
mention just 1(one) memorable moment from Stormblood before the credits.
>level to 80 before going to Tempest thinking it would be straight up msq quests
>100 quest markers show up when get there
almost killed it for me desu senpai
cute copypasta I might use it in game
rounded down in both estimates.
plus ist monthly charge is $12
i personally pay 9.99 since i stayed around in 1.0
I'm pacified.
Well, you can use them for your next job. Besides there's like 4 hours of level 80 MSQ quests, so you're not losing that much exp, by the 3rd or 4th MSQ quest you are required to be 80
Then why do people still parse like shit?
I just killed Sri Lakshmi, how much more of SB do I have left?
>use high dps to skip mechanics to avoid damage
>use mitigation to stand your ground and continue damaging instead of running away from aoes
Because you can clear everything in the game except ultimate with 60% efffort
>Viera are for ____ dick
wrong, viera are exclusively for women
Can the Ascians even fulfil their goal? They botched the 13th after all, so how would the rejoining even work?
That's for one character, just checked. You can have up to 3 in DQX
I'm not trying to be aggressive or anything, I just wish SE wasn't so god damn greedy
fairly close to finishing 4.0, but there's a good chunk of content for 4.1-4.56 as well
I turned them in on an alt job but it didn't stop it from slowing down the story impact of going on a suicide mission to save the Exarch.
I did get to level 80 thinking you would stay in the area like "point of no return" the game likes to do, but then the side quests take you out the sea anyway. Such a terrible area.
Yes, tidus was just like one of the amaurotines we see in the game. The difference for XIV is that he whole city exists outside the dream and not just 1 guy.
That sounds weird as fuck, the way the game sort of tells is that tidus is one of the many people that died 1000 years ago in zanarkand and their memory is being dreamed on spira like some sort of human primal of the fayth. The same probably happened to jecht.
They only need one more to wake up Zodiark and ask for their loved ones back. They can't bring the entire original world back, but they can bring back the people they hope.
They'll just primal up a new shard or something.
>with the only strength being The Blackest Night.
You've phrased this to imply that Blackest Night isn't all that good, when it is the strongest tank cooldown in the game (bar the invul effect of Hallowed). Thanks to Blackest Night you can dump Shadow Wall and Rampart as passive mitigation constantly and rely on Blackest Night for most Tankbusters (and even then you can use it for autos with no dps loss assuming they proc) which is outstandingly good from a mitigation stand point.
As far as I can tell you just want DRK to be a Blue DPS, which is silly since Gunbreaker does exactly that if that's what you are looking for. Dark Knight as a tank is fantastic and while it's DPS is the lowest of the 4 tanks, it's mitigation is fantastic and it's new abllties/changes are a fresh that make the job fun to play again. Just go play Gunbreaker if all you care about is your dps
Hey, Not-Mongolia is pretty awesome, both during and post-story. That whole sequence/Naadaam is high-energy like the real thing.
You wish. Hrothgar belong to other Hrothgar.
Remember....Remember us. Remember that we once...lived
This was post heavensward content, pre stormblood. Shit was really good.
Losing to Zenos at Ala mhigo was pretty great, Hanging out in Dragon land, then having Zenos call you his friendo.
Also has the big milk goddess the sneks worship.
Stormblood had awful pacing and felt like ala mhigo was a complete after thought. Stormblood also had a shit build up compared to Heavensward.
Heavensward had a better introduction and better pacing, but i barely remember anything in the expansion besides "we're off to talk to the dragon" and then "oh fuck gotta fight pope in space" which was a great fight.
Already forgot about you lmao
See you in 5.1 when I can kick your ass again and actually get loot for it faggot
Why did Tataru suddenly become a hundred times more viciously jewish in Stormblood?
She always loved money, but now she's off blackmailing pirates and finding as many dirty secrets as she can
Ardbert didnt say we were tempered by Hydaelyn, he more posed it as a rhetorical question, then just moves on
Learn their lore
They fuck like rabbits every couple of years
I want to be a healer. Should I go white mage or scholar?
you may not be agresive but id say ist pretty greedy.
its been considered one of the best deals ever made for MMOs, but since another MMO did it even cheaper, its now the greedy one?
>give an inch, and they want a mile.
Because playing your job correctly isn't the only important part. Doing mechanics correctly while optimising uptime, optimising gear, correctly using pots, lining up burst windows and raid buffs are all important things to grasp as well.
Also, I wouldn't put too much stock in parse numbers now that you can pad people even harder thanks to DNC.
Sup bros, has anyone seen Elidibus?
>This is so good.
Do people really do this? HW was fucking dogshit
nope, they're for viera
I blame Doma, after all that time building up the Ala Mhigan occupation and that we're finally taking it back, we suddenly take a long swerve off to Doma
Brutal Shell GCD heals+applies shield
Aurora oGCD applies regen allowing your healers to DPS more before having to heal
She became that way in HW and it helped everyone out.
White Mage let's you pop Holys like candy against mobs, Scholar is a two in one deal with Summoner letting you have both a healer and DPS class
I feel like they wanted to make a far east expansion but were kind of tied by the fact that it would be awkward to save doma and not ala mhigo
White Mage is the big dick healer, but Scholar gets a free tagalong magic DPS job to fall back on.
Should I watch a walkthrough of 1.0 on YouTube to fully feel interpreted with the characters for shadowbringers?
Sorry man, I don't play any other MMORPG outside DQX and FFXIV so I didn't know better
>leave to liberate doma
>oh hey, welcome back. btw we liberated ala mhigo while you were on vacation
how it should've been
Yes, at least the Ul'dah section.
You might as well, Minfilia and Thancred's deal in Ul'dah's pretty interesting
guess I'll go white mage, thanks lads
He went to Garlemald and definitely not his NEETcave on the moon
This isn’t Doma’s fault
The issue is that the writers didn’t give the Ala Mhigo side any interesting character.
Lyse was boring.
Meffrid was a bro but got killed right off the bat.
Conrad didn’t get much development.
Raubahn wasn’t involved except for a few generic quests.
Fordola didn’t get anything interesting until the first patch.
In the end it’s hard to care about that side of the story when there’s barely any character.
They didn't have a chance to get character and focus because they shoved us off to Doma when we've barely had an opportunity to set roots in Ala Mhigo
Gunbreaker has a better hallowed ground. I've always wanted Dark Knight to be the blue dps with the highest APM since it felt like that's what they were going for originally. But they made Gunbreaker be the best tank in all roles that outshines all 3 of the other tanks in every way while also having the highest dps and being the easiest to pick up. Dark Knight's only strength is giving itself a crit scholar shield. Paladin has Sheltron, Gunbreaker has Heart of Stone, and Warrior has Raw Intuition.
Stormblood is ok, has a few great moments. Also it's required for the full buildup to Kinobringers.
>use superbolide
>toggles it off
I hope my fellow GUK bros assert their dominance like this.
Meh. We still had like 3 zones in Gyr Abania which is, in my opinion, enough to make an interesting story.
Zones like the Steppes, Il Mheg or Rak’tika have interesting characters and stories concentrated within a single zone.
Stormblood shitters are annoying as fuck. The story might suffer a bit but it delivered some much-needed moment to make the Empire matter rather than being the usual big baddie. Not only that but the 4.X patches are the best the series has put out. 4.3 fight easily outmatches 3.3's
Already made a macro for it
>mass pull
>wait for healer to use bene
>hit superbolide
Tick tock, healbitch! You better not be dpsing. You don't want to wipe the group, do you?
make sure it also spams the chat with healers adjust
As a DRK, should I just be spamming Unleash and Stalwart Soul along with Quietus for every 3+ mob group or what?
Stormblood is fine. The 4.0 is good and carried by Zenos and Doma. 4.1-4.3 are great and the entire relationship between the main two characters during them works perfectly. 4.3 is an a fantastic story driven primal fight. 4.4 onwards in great set up for Shadowbringers and packs a punch with the best dungeons we had gotten up to that point. The Burn is still a great dungeon.
>This is what the content looks like when you skip the story
>So that's why I do it!
user... are you legitimately retarded or are you merely LARPing as a cutscene skipper?
Don't forget to wait until Bene is on CD to do it. Or even better, do it right after you get the heal from Bene.
The arc to get that talos running with Magnus had more heart and emotion than all of Stormblood.
>To my beloved Magnus and Skuli
Yes, alongside Flood of Shadow.
Everything about the trolley was horrible and you could see it coming from a mile away that the wife dying was going to be a plotpoint to get the talos running.
>Already have it as a macro that shouts Healer what are you playing at
I've not used it too much, but fuck me it's funny. Best time was when I was doing leveling roulette with a friend and I died from it and he started shitting on the healer and the random dps joined in
>blm stands and spams fire 4, occasional polygot usage and despair at end of astral for easy 12K+
>demands dancer to partner them and party to cater them
fuck off nigger mage
Thats what I plan on doing when I resub. I can't stand Stormblood, the only reason I play this game anymore is for the story, since its just an FF story but longer. The plot of Stormblood is utter shit and Lyse is a terrible character that annoys me to death.
>WoL is dying we need to hurry!
>Let's help fishpeople first though!
Fucking shit pacing
>3 min for a 5% buff for 15 seconds
blackmages are the niggerest of players
I thought we were gonna get a nice swerve in that story when he started crying on the Talos saying "I traded my wife for this fucking thing".
But then he was all "Im such a fool! I love the Talos now!" after.
Also the trolley engineer we beat up was still laid up in bed when the trolley started up again, and also when everyone helped out with the big Talos. He probably didn't see the night sky come back either, poor guy.