Just bought a 2080 Ti so I can play Cyberpunk and Modern Warfare with raytracing

Just bought a 2080 Ti so I can play Cyberpunk and Modern Warfare with raytracing.

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Ray tracing is a stupid meme.
Hope you have fun though user!!

>its a meme because i cant have it

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Same feels good to be 1st world citizen

Fuck off redditor with your shit reddit memes

>buying nvidia product before 7nm ampere next year.

Imagine being too poor for RTX

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>he's a poorfag

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I don't know what Raytracing does but I hope you have fun.

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cyberpunk and modern warfare come out before the new cards

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very true but I can wait an extra 2 months or so, plus by then mods will be out that will fix many of the problems.

I think I'll wait until the next gen of GPU's before I buy. This current gen doesn't look very good

>youre poor cause you dont waste your money!!!


have fun OP!

Good man!

You got it

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What's the fucking difference?

You can "waste" your money if you have enough of it

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I just want bannerlord ;_;

I need to upgrade my ram

here is a comparison for brainlets youtube.com/watch?v=UHmCX35gRxs

>if you’re not poor like me, you’re a redditor!
Is it possible to cope harder than this?

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It's never coming out user

So go buy 1000 fidget spinner since you like wasting money

So? It's not like you cant buy those games after launch

Help anons im an actual fucking retard who cant into PC maintenance. I have a 1080ti but all my games still look and run like dogshit, also the only way i get any video feed out of my card is if i use an hdmi.

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Redditors like you waste money on childish things and go on the internet to brag about their toys

It's that point in the generation where poorfags start seething

Good time to be alive

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>comparing fidget spinner to raytraced cyberpunk

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>waiting almost a year to play a game

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>comparing pointless thing to pointless thing

AMD poorfag spotted

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This isn't 2012 anymore PClet. AMD or bust

>im poor and cant have thing, so thing is pointless!

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life is without meaning.

>lighting looks slightly different

>GTX 970
>i7 5820K
Is it over for me?

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go waste your money on a whore and have sex

delete pls

why not just wait for 2080 super?

brainlet here, does raytracing mean that we'll have working mirrors in AAA games again?

970 is still a beast unless you're playing ubishit games, upgrade next year.

I just wonder if they'll support NVlink
I sure hope so

LITERALLY poorfag cope.

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Did you fall for the alienware meme?
Itd be a steal if they didnt have addware installed on every single part of the machine.

devs are too lazy for that
yet videogames cost billions to make

>tfw I will never be able to play dorf fort with raytracing
Why even bother playing vidya at this point?

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because its worse than the ti

yeah but with this new meme technology can't they just make a surface "reflective" enough that it works as a mirror?

No, I built it myself a few years back

theres working mirrors in control and even the windows reflect your character

I fell for the meme when i was 12 and god it was a nightmare trying to modify anything on that machine. I had to crack the case open with a fucking hammer because they hot glued it shut.

All comparison shots barely show a difference

Only one coping is you for making a terrible purchase

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>Be poor
>Bad eyesight

Sucks when you can neither afford nor see high fidelity graphics

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How much could I sell my 1070 for? $200?

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>being blind

Show me a comparison screenshot that shows a huge difference

Is the GPU market still down the shitter or have the cryptofags fucked off?

>lighting looks slightly different

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what is even the point of talking to a person who acts like this?

>no argument

You could literally just watch existing proof

literally here seethe more

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Little to none, especially at that price point but thats classic nvidya for you.
Literally switching off dynamic shadows and lights that've been around for ages and making idiots think they cant get those grafix without buying a 2k nvidia card.
Zoomer mustards are absolute idiots


>buying cards for technology that's still in its infancy
I don't give a shit about raytracing yet since no card can run 4k@144fps yet.