Games that normies will never understand

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have a normie friend that I managed to talk into buying it early during this steam sale and he ended up loving it so much that he bought 2 and all the expansions as well

cant we just have a nice thread talking about this game or are you trying to troll people into saying the game IS for normies?

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It's tiring how every thread that wants to gain traction now needs to start either as obvious bait or a porn post

Shit compared to Thief (originals).

>unironically using normie
Shoo shoo normalfags

Like fucking clockwork

My condolences

I fucking love Dishonored. Arkane makes great games, shame we wont see 3 anytime soon or sequel to Prey.

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OP here, I genuinely like this game. I've always loved 1, haven't played 2 or DOTO, but the point is this game is not as big or hyped as other games the masses go apeshit for like DOOM, Fallout, GOW, COD, GTA, etc.

Do you have anything of substance to say?
Thief has been dead for two decades now, why do you cling so much to it

Thief is better tho?
Have you tried getting some taste you dumb tranny?

Do you?

Yeah, I asked you a question, why do you cling so much to a dead series

>haven't played 2 or DOTO
Don't, its improvements aren't enough to warrant tarnishing your memory of 1

>run and jump around maze-like or very simply designed empty levels and hit people in the head with your blackjack
>rarely have to make use of other tools, can just stay in shadows and be invisible to the dumb AI
>this is somehow 10/10 experience all stealth games should aspire to be
I love Thief but you need a better bait

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It was great game, but it made me realize how I hate games that "forces" you to to do non-lethal, because a) it doesn't make sense since you can dispose of bodies completely and rats are agressive enough to eat unconsious enemy as well and b) there are many fun way to kill enemies, but only strangling and tranq darts for knocking enemies out
it even cucks you so hard they made letting your lover's killer alive canon

Daud was pretty based though

Explain how a singleplayer game can be “dead” lol, are you retarded by any chance?

Deathloop has an interesting premise but I'm waiting to see some actual gameplay.

>force you
You can still kill about 3 dozen people and edge out a low-chaos ending.

Actions have consequences user, can't pretend to be a nice guy, fix the empire and prove your innocence by murdering innocent guards that don't know you were incriminated.

Retarded autist

Since the developer shut down.
Unless of course you want to talk about Thi4f

What is there to understand? It's basically Thief or Deus Ex, but for retards. The combat could've made it worthwhile if there was more variety, but as it stands, it's a simple-minded game with zero depth and no stealth whatever. Thief 1/2 blows it out of the water.

See Face it, Dishonored is a bad copy of a much better game from the 90s

if you would kill everyone but stay in stealth/leave no witnesses till you get betrayed, nobody would know it as you
also Corvo isn't really nice guy, was getting Joel from TLoU vibes in 2

>run and jump around maze-like
That's right Thief 1 did suffer from Labyrinthine level design at times. Hence why you should play Thief 2.
>or very simply designed empty levels
Ehhhhhh Constantine's Mansion (The Sword) would like to have a word with you...not to mention other missions such as Songs of the Caverns, Return to the Cathedral and Assassins

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I think you're allowed to kill off your targets, just not guards and innocents.

Did you do the announcement to Karnaka in the grand palace during a non-lethal run?

>nobody would know it
The rats would. More corpses = more plague. Also kinda suspicious from The Loyalists POV if every single guard stationed in the area you acted in disappears, don't have to be a genious to guess you dealt with them even if there's no body. Especially when your sword is permanently bloodied in High Chaos

you are allowed to kill certain % of npc for good ending, even rampage through few early missions and make up for it in later missions, but still
I don't think I did, because I was seriously off put by 1, so I did stealth but killed everyone
anyway the high chaos ending was pretty based, so no regrets here

I wouldn't mind more rats, but I guess you're right
gameplay wise it still sucks though

the game plays like the Hitman games, when you play a level and find your target, you're ONLY MEANT to kill that target, not everyone else around you.
That's why at the end of every mission, you can bribe the media, police, etc. to lower your violence and attention levels, but the trick is to only kill who you're told to kill.

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not exactly a valid point when most of the guards and other enemies are explicitly shown as cruel, violent and power-mad.

Legit love the series.
Didn't like what they did with he Outsider though
They should have left him a mystery.
Or gone with some of the better ideas around him.
>there was a fan theory that he was an ancient whale that had developed crazy level pyshic power
way cooler then what they actually wound up doing.

lmao at thieftrannies.

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thief had awesome tf2 items after dishonored, they're pretty much equals


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Normies worshipped it though.

Fuck off.

>Thief has been dead for two decades now
More alive than dishonored lmao, it's getting new missions constantly, meanwhile this series died with Doto.

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Nah thanks


So alive that you have to seethe over other game series, sure.

>normalfag easymode thief
>anywhere near obscure
Get a grip, you zoomer.

sorry to hear that

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this is where you wanna start in a dishonored thread? where he has literally every single superhero move ever invented?

The development of Thief is one of the most lmao vidya development stories ever. Looking Glass was making some shitty action horror game that had such unbelievably shit combat that they knew no one would play it. So what do they do? At the last fucking minute before launch, they turn it into a stealth game because, if you can't fix the combat, why not just punish the player by forcing them to partake in it if they get caught? The ONLY reason the series exists is because the combat was so bad it was turned into a punishment. Get fucked, Thief fans, and play a real fucking game.

the hard cope oh god

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sounds like they saved it and also influenced every stealth game made since, nice! Stuff like that happens all of the god damned time idiot


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People always go nuts for dark messiahs combat but I honestly prefer dishonoreds combat but no one talks about it.
Maybe because it's a stealth game so people didn't utilize the combat that much, who knows

Fuck off Haytham

>mfw thinking back on release and all those "influencer streamers" just rushing from marker to marker, ignoring terrific level design and exploration

PREY had the exact same problem in a sense they wanted to play it as a military FPS.

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Dishonored has really fun combat. I think the game should be played atleast twice for non-lethal and lethal route.

Back Alley Brawl in Dunwall City Trials was pure ludo

just a reminder that 2 is worse than 1 in every single way save for extra powers of emily, but even those are shit compared to Corvo

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Dishonored is as stealthy as you make it and actually playing it stealthily makes it very dull compared to combat options you have. Dark Messiah is very much the same and you can stealth with dual daggers for the most part.

Alright fags, post
>1 or 2
>favorite level
>favorite power
>that line you'll never forget due to savescumming
For me its
>Return to the Tower
>"I agree I agree, a whore dies and suddenly this!" or "Will you have wine? It's a Tivian Red"

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>2 worse than 1
>When 2 had much better level design, Corvo voice acting by Garret, better powers and a better story

>better story

>The grand Palace


>Someone stabbed your hoe, go and stab him back
Great story broseph

>recycled villain from the first game
>letting billy live is now canon
>outsiders squeeky voice
>outsiders backstory is changed from the levithian to a generic sacrafice story
>interesting lore cut out
>characters wont shut up
>the only good level is the mansion
>no Thomas
>no Daud
>there are 8 marked ones, yet instead of showing us any of the rest just use all the marked ones from the first game
>reused locations from the first game
>new mask looks like a first graders attempt at welding compared to the first one which could be considered art
>the hub is a boring boat with fucking nobody and isnt even comparable to the pub

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Come on now This is where you inspect image

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I am probably at fault for skipping some content somehow in this game but it felt like the outsider just gave me my powers then did nothing throughout the entire game, not just "didn't" do anything, he more or less didn't exist.

2 is a straight upgrade you retard

He's the definition of a neutral third party, if you visit his shrines he gives you some input about how he enjoys watching you at work, but he doesn't really give a fuck about what direction you take.

>Boyle Party
>the blink into kick, if that counts as a power, if not ZA WARUDO
>dont savescum
also thomas is best boy and its a shame we never see him again

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>acts disconnected fromt he world
hmm its almost as if he's away from it, removed or even outside...

>letting billy live is now canon
>no Thomas
>no Daud
>reused locations from the first game
>new mask looks like a first graders attempt at welding compared to the first one which could be considered art

the game reward lethal

Gameplay is better, Levels are better
>Muh Boyle Party
The party fucking sucked and I still get headaches when thinking about the flooded district
Also how the fuck do you dislike
>Timeshifting Mansion
>Alcatraz Insane Asylum
>The grand Palace
>Royal Conservatory

whats so fucking hard to understand

funny how point and click adventure games scares the normie

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Probably, I forgot what the story was about. Something with whales and magic.

>The party fucking sucked

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Too bad Boyle Party was ruined by how fast and easy you get the correct identity revealed

>on par level design with the first one except a couple of gimmick levels that every one always mentions
>worse HUB area
>unnecessary VA
>worse powers for the new MC
>far worse story
>all is even fucking worse somehow in DOTO
Fuck Harvey Smith, Colantonio was the good director out of the two and it shows

Oh please a mysterious mystical being that gives you powers then just not being present for the rest of the game isn't very justified.

>Complains about Gimmicklevels
>Propably sucks the Dick of Boyles Party like there is no tomorrow
Consider suicide

Billy was great in the DLC
Yeah no Thomas because the Whalers are no more you autist
Why the fuck would Daud even show up? What reused locations?
And whatever the fuck you meant by that last shit squirt you retard

>1, fuck 2 and DOTO
>Return to the Tower
>Daud's Blink
>none, really, except the typical Whiskey and Cigars thing

It’s fucking shit.

his entire point is that he doesnt actually give a shit and just wants to see what people would do if given weird shit

People probably cling to it because of the fact that its stealth gameplay design has not been surpassed since and worse yet, a certain other 1998 game became synonymous with stealth in the perception of the majority despite having AI and mechanics from the 80's, unavoidable combat and boss fights, and a final boss that's a turret segment.

overhyped as fuck. Went in expecting Thief, got the most boring, blandest, 6/10 game I ever played.

what a disappointment

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And somehow it's better than 2, DOTO and all the comics and novels combined, huh.

You're a fucking retard and you got it wrong

>horrible level design
>unbalanced blink ability
>shit story
>shit ending
Game is for normies alright

Comparing the atmosphere of 2 to 1 is such a contrast.
2 had a shitty atmosphere. karnaca didnt feel unique or memorable. It felt like Dunwall but sunnier. In fact I'm confused why the game didnt take place in Dunwall considering that's where Delilah is and throughout the game you hear reports of the city being in turmoil with conflict between Delilah supports vs Emily supporters. Why am I not over there fighting for my side? Why is every single one of Delilah's close friends and confidants conveniently here, thousands of miles away from her? Why aren't they with her?
Also the Hound Pits Pub felt like a living home with a cast of characters you could get to know. 2 had a dull boat with an even duller captain and occasionally a tired sokolov. It would be the worst change between games if the Outsider wasnt absolutely ruined by 2.

2's good. It has similar quality level design but it drops off in story and atmosphere so hard.

So you didn't visit any of his Shrines?

So did Thief fags age finally caught up with them? They're fucking mental.

2 had good level design, more total powers, and new game+ is fun if you like that sort of thing.
The plot was shit. Most characters were the most bland, unforgettable tripe cookie cutters possible, it was an insult to waste Corvo's VA like that.
The lore was made worse. 1's ending was ignored, the outsider, which was already underutilized in 1, was fucking RUINED by retcons + a terrible VA. Really every returning character was worse off from the writing.

>The clockwork mansion
>Far reach w/ the pulling upgrade
>not an npc line but EEHANCED EYEZ

2 had a much better and engaging atmosphere

>Went in expecting Thief
That's on you though.

Nice objectivism there. Are you friends with Barry by any chance?

>Thiefbabby shitting on any stealthgame past 1999
Nothing new under the sun

>2 had a much better and engaging atmosphere
get that shit out of here
>lets place some wood shit around here, there new city that doesnt feel at all like the one in the first game
should've used the city thats constantly under snow

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>except a dishonored thread
>get thief instead

is 2 any good?

>Escape from Coldridge Prison
>Don't know
>Don't know
I only played the first two levels and realised it's a shitty thief clone, deleted it afterwards and installed some fanmissions for Thief 2

>Nothing new under the sun
Except (You). Thief 2 came out in 2000.

its better than the first only in combat, everything else is just bland

I enjoyed it more than the first one


yeah its great

Worse than 1. Depends on what you're looking for and to what degree you liked the first one.
Gameplay is better; story, lore, characters, city and what implies for the future of the franchise are way, way worse. Play it for yourself, get to the first Karnaca mission and drop it IF you're not feeling it.

Why? Is the second one bad?


>Released 23rd of March 2000
>Looking Glass Studios had to close on the 24th of May 2000

Truly one of the greatest games of all time, it killed their developers in two months

take away the stealth aspect and you're left with something barely surpassing assassin's creed

Oh. I loved the whole victorian bleak atmosphere and being able to be sneaky sneaky.

Better than 1:
Level design

Worse than 1:


As I said in , let him play through the Dunwall prologue and the first Karnaca mission, and if he's not feeling it he might as well drop it because it sure as hell doesn't get any better, in fact it gets worse

This, but unironically

but thiefags are the one seething itt.

Yeah I liked EYEZ

But classic AC was good, seems you weren't on this board in 2010, it's okay.


Masked Felon > Royal Protector

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That assertion would be more convincing if it wasn't based on an archive link to a thread made specifically to voice empty argument-free complaints about one Thief fags' criticism of MGS

I'm one step away from buying it on Steam. Why is it bad? Care to elaborate? Because if it's more of the same, I don't really mind it.

Shut the fuck up moron, it doesn’t get worse at all. The best levels in the entire series are later in 2.

>classic AC was good
ok now I'm 100% sure you're just trolling me, or just underage. I take back calling Dishonored the most boring, blandest game I ever played, because that honour goes to Assassin's Creed 1.

hl unironically is a better stealth game than thief with the tentacle boss. tenchu is better too.

Assassins Creed was never good, I know because Zoomers constantly spout this shit on Yea Forums so now I've internalized it as my own opinion

The best thing to do is just not give a fuck about the ending and play the game in the most fun way possible. For me that was doing a lethal but 100% stealth run, and going out of my way to try and do cool shit with the abilities.

FUCK > taff

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say the one who makes cherrypicked images about other game series.

>Thiefbabbies defend this

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Seeing as I was tagged I want to clarify I dont think 2 is bad. It's good just not as great as the first.

Depends on what you enjoyed the most out of 1. If it was purely gameplay and nothing else, 2 is effectively more of the same, go for it. If it was the ambience, the city, the characters you talked with or the reason you did what you did in the first place aka everything that accompanied pure gameplay, you'll be dissapointed.

I was talking about DOTO, user.

But ambience and atmosphere is better in the sequel


You keep telling yourself that

>But ambience and atmosphere is better in the sequel

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someone will reply seriously to this bait

>not thief 1 or 2
fucking get out

He's right though

>where did he go?

>I-I-It's not the real Thief
Literal cope, your game fucking sucks

>Deathloop has an interesting premise but I'm waiting to see some actual gameplay.
Both characters are niggers, that's all I needed to see to drop it

I have no clue what you're talking about and I can't imagine what you could have possibly hoped to achieve by pulling such absolutely unrelated imaginings out of your ass. I couldn't find any relevant context that would fit you having responded to the wrong post so you have to just be insane, unless you somehow managed to respond to a post on the wrong thread.

No one cares you fat ugly incel

Is Death of the the Outsider good?
I dont care about playing as some nigger girl.

Why reuse Corvo and Emily? Their story was done, the story of Dunwall was done. The universe is rich af in lore yet you repeat protagonists that had no reason to be involved in conspiracies and the Outsider no more. He's existed for thousands of years, giving powers to few people, and you're telling me the same people in a span of 15 years get involved into the exact same altercation? The Empire betrays its Empress, again, not even 15 years later? They get the Outsider's Mark, again, not even 15 years later?
Why repeat Delilah as the villain? She was 'good enough' as a side villain for a DLC. Not only she's shit as a main antagonist, we already defeated her THE EXACT SAME WAY in the first one's DLC. Same backstory, same motivation, same way to deal with her, they literally extended the story of the first game (main theme and protagonists) and its DLC (villain and way to defeat her) for a sequel.
Also, if they knew from the get go that Emily would be the canon choice, why even create Corvo? They used dev time and resources for nothing when all trailers, gameplay, and Death of the Outsider makes it pretty freaking clear Emily's the one supposed to go through the story, you could've tried and use the time it took to implement Corvo and all his dialogue/skills/whatever into making the game less shit.

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i love thief and also love dishonored. theyre both incredible series of games that do exactly what they intend to do in their own way. i spend most of my days playing thief 1 FMs but no thief will ever replace my love for dishonored 2

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Don't play dumb.


Same as 2 aka gameplay's good, absolutely shits the bed on everything else, especially Daud

It's the ultimate normie Arkane game, normie.

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fucking this
I wanted someone new

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>Le enlightend centrist
You're either with us or against us,Dishonoredcuck

Personally it stinks of executives meddling and demanding it be tied to the first. But I suppose we can't know for sure.

Sheep Raider is better than Thief.

>Be a supernatural assassin tasked with killing the host of a party
>Guard tells you not to go upstairs
That's some beta shit

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I hate that non-lethal is canon in everything. Non-lethal runs are boring as fuck

I reckon it's a completely different team by now. They don't have the quality to make such a game.

You've completely lost me and if you genuinely can't understand why someone may not have a fucking clue what you're talking about you may have also lost yourself as well.

The sword fighting is kino though. Also, all they really tried to do was making a thief rpg but realised people liked the segment where they avoided combat and found routes around the levels without going into combat the most, so they changed it up a bit.

Problem with dishonored and all modern games is that you arent just in a level and can get around in the level the way you want or how you want, without the developers beating you over the head telling you that you are taking a route they didnt plan for or are doing stuff you are not allowed to do.

ur mom gay lol

>hating daud
other than that, I completely agree. the nonlethal was only inherently bad because it was so boring to work with. you either choke, dart, or avoid the enemies entirely, all of which are really fucking boring

>Developers beating you over the head telling you what to do
>In fucking Dishonored
You okay there buddy?
Because I replayed both games at least six times and never needed to take the same route or kill the targets the same way

Against you fat autistic ugly losers it is then

this can't be real

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Non-lethal is not canon you fucking retard, low chaos is.

yeah, go fuck yourself. dishonored is shit and not even close to thief.

you're turning liking two different gaming series into a political spectrum? are you on the aspergers spectrum?
OK retard

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so this is where the valve testers went

>yfw Dishonored 2 featuring a novice Overseer lost on the jungles of Pandyssia and being branded against his will, changing the gameplay from "Low/High Chaos" to "Abusing dark magics or not" never ever
>instead we get a sequel and a dlc that destroy the IP to TLJ levels and canonically the Abbey of the Everymen is disbanded because D2 Emily is a cuck
It could've been a great franchise bros...

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ok and literally the only person who dies in canon for both games and all of their DLC is Jindosh

You are right, Thief is far behind Dishonored. No one gives a shit about some ancient and forgotten boring shit game like Thief

Vagrant Story
I'm too scared to go back to that game now, shit was too complicated for me...

So? The non lethal options are a thousand times more interesting and cruel


>powers based off of the 7 scriptures fucking never

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Actually we don't know how Corvo dealt with the Pendleton twins canonically, and it's confirmed he sliced Havelock's throat. Burrows was also executed, although implied to be after the game ends in an official manner. Fuck D2 and DOTO

the overseers were fucking based
them and the whalers were fucking PEAK character design

FYI though, the guard stands in the only place you can sneak through. There's a music box overseer right next to the doorway. Blinking is not a teleport but a very fast movement so using it that close to the guard to get past him will get you detected. You're in a public area so enemy distraction AI is disabled, so you can't lure the guard away with noise. And a first time player doesn't know that guests are somehow still allowed to go downstairs there into the kitchen area.
Therefore if you have decided to infiltrate the party instead of getting into the building some other way, the only way past that guard is to walk past him right in front of his eyes towards an area that you assume you're not supposed to be in and will get you in trouble as he states, and to then activate max level time manipulation and walk past the guard while invisible during the time freeze. It's not an insurmountable obstacle, but it is a significant obstacle. Everything in your gameplay experience so far and the circumstances surrounding it indicate that there is no way past him undetected. Without literally stopping time. Regardless, there are better ways upstairs.

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>posess that same guard
>walk upstairs as him
>pop out of his body upstairs, sneak away while he pukes and likely shits himself since you raped his soul out of his body

>the guard stands in the only place you can sneak through.
Nope. You can possess a rat and sneak up that way. You can walk outside the party into the garden and blink up into the balcony.

delilah was such a shit tier villain
literally anyone else in the alliance you were trying to disband would've been more interesting



Do they make a big deal out of "canon" choices in 2? Haven't played it yet, but if so that's pretty dumb when the games are supposedly all about freedom and shit.

didn't realize how bad I wanted this until now... it hurts bros

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not at all, i think you really have to scour notes or books to find this out because ive replayed dishonored 2 three times and did not realize at all that there were canon and non-canon kills from d1. fine by me


The only big one is That Billy, Daud's 2nd in command who betrayed him is still alive even though she's the least likable character. Daud also shows up in Death of the Outsider. Other then that it's just a couple mentions such as Corvo carrying out the execution of the Lord Regent after his arrest.

>instead of chaos you get a suspicion meter
>the more you use your powers, the more the rest of your order is suspicious of you and will turn against you later on

Then you get the same thing as people playing non-lethally to keep chaos low. Boring shit where they dont use half of the powers

You ignored the rest of my post but I did word that part wrong. What I meant was that if you insist on going through there since you haven't found other routes and you are not playing a possession build, you don't have many options. I was referring specifically to that stairwell and I assume that the tester in question was not playing a possession build. If that's the case, time stop is the only option. That is made doubly difficult if you don't know that the guard is only talking about upstairs when he says you can't pass. If you don't know you can go downstairs it'll be difficult to even be able to use time stop to get past.

>street singers
>more npcs actually doing shit in the world
>more elaborate environments

i will, thanks

Oh good. Personally I always preferred just straight up killing my targets in 1 rather than those elaborate sadistic "non-lethal" methods, so I guess I can retain that head canon in 2.

>street singers
Oh fuck now I was suddenly reminded of the atrocious sound design of that feature. I can't for the life of me imagine what the audio designers were thinking. Those goddamn street singers literally adjust their volume based on whether the player is looking at them or not.

>least likeable
What the actual fuck?

They're equally good in different ways. It's like KotOR 1 and 2.
People liked different things about the games and depending on what you wanted out of it
1 was far better written, the movement controls were tighter, the PC port was extremely well-optimized, the Hound Pits Pub was a god-tier hub level, better DLC, and the voice acting was much better.
2 had much better combat mechanics, better level design, better non-lethal options, and the variable difficulty settings were god-tier.
>better story
I agree with the rest but that's astonishingly silly.

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2 even has elaborate lethal ways to kill your targets too. Much more freedom and tools all around

>The party fucking sucked
There's no way this isn't b8.

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Do tell why the party level is good then.

The party did suck though
>walk into party
>do retarded duel outside
>go talk to some girl
>hey get me drink ;)))))))
>ok thanks by the way the the girl you need to kill is wearing this
it was shit. Stiltons manor was 1000x better. Even clockwork mansion was better than the party even though the cools stuff is only in the entrance of the mansion

she's stupid, betraying Daud and trusting Delilah. Has barely any actual personality outside of that. Then the sequel gives her this "muh lesbian lover was killed by a nobleman so I hate the rich!" which comes out of left field.

How about replaying the game then you fucknut. Or having non-lethal/low detection powers like the actual D2 had
>hurr durr I want my actions to not have consequences

this pissed me off in the sequel
>go to the temporal fracture mansion in the shit district
>violate the time-space continuum by murdering everyone
>good guy master dies
>everything in the district goes even further to shit because of his death
>his house is bought and maintained by someone else

>go to the temporal fracture mansion in the shit district
>violate the time-space continuum by knocking out everyone
>good guy master remains sane and makes everything better in the district
>his house remains in good shape with the rest of the district

>go to the temporal fracture mansion in the shit district
>preserve time-space continuum by making it through without touching anything
>good guy master goes insane and the district remains shit
>his house falls apart with the rest of the district
in other words: max violence < zero violence < some violence

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Dishonored is a much grittier version of industrial revolution UK (but with whale oil) and doing expeditions to Pandyssia which is a completely cursed land where any new colonies there end up destroyed and people who go there die or become mad and/or evil
I'm not a normie but I don't understand why dooming your victims to fates worse than death is better than outright killing them chaos-wise
>exile the high overseer, he ends up an infected weeper in the flooded district
>pay a gang of thugs to kidnap two noblemen, cut out their tongues, and force them to work in their own silver mines
>give a stalker the woman he pursues
Only okay thing was exposing the lord regent's plot (original intention was to get the plague rats from pandyssia to kill the lower class but it spiraled out of control)
Dishonored 2 was better in this regard except for Jindosh who you lobotomize with electricity, but at least it's said he dies happy
>corvo still does nothing
>daud fucking dies in the DLC
They're gonna give us a third game but it's going to be some motherfucker looking to become new god of the void, mark my words and even screencap this if you want

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Different user but the female lover thing was there as soon as the end of the Knife of Dunwall. Right at the start of the last level when the Overseer take hold of your HQ, there's a book narrated from Billie's POV where she explains how they killed her lover and how she ended up meeting Daud

inb4 you play as delilah

How will thiefags ever recover after this thread?

In general it epitomized the "play your way" design philosophy that makes these sort of games great.
>can stroll right up to the door with an invitation and pass off your mask as a joke in poor taste for the masquerade ball
>sign the guest ledger under your own name
>socialize with the guests and figure out who is who of the Boyle women
>seduce your target and have her lead you up to her room away from everyone to deal with her

>sneak into the mansion via the rooftops
>stealth through the manor and search the Boyle women's rooms for evidence of which one is Burrows' mistress
>figure out which one is which by colors and assign a name to each color
>eliminate the right one from stealth

>or just go full assault and kill everyone at the party

That's not even including the lethal/nonlethal options. It's also gorgeous, and possibly the peak of the art design of the series.

Attached: Boyle Mansion.png (1255x1673, 3.16M)

The mission was also partially designed by Purah, one of the most popular Thief fan mission authors.

The way the Outsider puts it, it's not about the fate that befells the targets; it's about the fact that Corvo "held back instead of stricking". While the Outsider knows about it, at the time of the choice Corvo has no idea what it'll happen to the targets in the future, he simply knows that he'll keep his hands clean while achieving his objective all the same.

I dont care user i just want to have a sequel before i die

>the corvo vs daud fight
>sneak up behind him and stop time
>he feels time stop and turns around to fight you
this fucking game dude

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>try to posses
>my mind is the last place you want to be

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Is there anything better than using your supr seekrit magic powers on some guy only to have them spot you halfway through and call you out on it?

see also: Ghost Trick, Transistor, probably other shit i can't remember

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You rarely see this sort of thought into videogames nowadays

>Now we fight as only we can fight!
Just imagine how that would look if you left Daud's guards alone, one second they see their leader researching stuff at his desk, next second the room is a bloody mess and the Traitor is standing there with your boss nowhere in sight

gots to say, dishonored was great apart from the blink system, it was so overpowered that you literally had no challenge in the game. Didn't even bother taking the higher level of it since it wasn't necessary

Jedi Outcast/Academy to some degree.
If you try to Force Choke other force users they basically slap you with a Force Push and break your hold, and if you try to mind trick them they laugh at you.

>High Chaos
>Daud is as much of a snake as Corvo is, wants to save his life and sends his men against you

>Low Chaos
>Daud has learned to accept that actions have consequences, and is actually surprised and even jealous that in his same position, Corvo choose instead to hold back on the bloodshed
>tells his men to stand down and has an honorable 1v1 with Corvo
pure kino

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Thing is, when you just murder those important people and their corpses are found it’s only natural that it will cause chaos among the population.
The other options might be cruel but no one knows about it and therefore it doesn’t create chaos.

>if you're low chaos you hear him recording a diary when you approach
>if you kill him you can listen to the completed version and realize he was legitimately repentant and not just claiming to regret his actions because you won

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>the audiograph changes depending on how you dealth with the Lord Regent
>if you interrupt Daud before he can finish the recording, it's not there and you can't listen to it due to it being incomplete.
It's the little details

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>if you interrupt Daud before he can finish the recording, it's not there and you can't listen to it due to it being incomplete.
That's neat. Would be great if you could stop it's recording yourself and it would play back everything up to that point, including the audio from your fight.

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Beat this last week + DLCs, what did I think of it?

DLCs are better than the base game.

thiecucks on suicide watch. literally btfo.

seething assblasted post screenshotter is trying to cope by bumping with samefagging

You really liked it

I was with you, until the story bit.

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>character is so inconsequential that the traitors forget to execute her to tie up loose ends
>isn't even listed on the game's imdb

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thief sucks.

this post reads like satire

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>generic heart lines for her
>is implied to be attracted to Piero who never notices her alongside everybody else
Poor lady. Callista also had a hard time at it if you kill her uncle.