Anthem Was Ruined by Player Expectations Suggests EA CEO Andrew Wilson

>“We brought together these two groups of players who were making this emotional value calculation on two different vectors,” Wilson explained. “One was traditional BioWare story driven content, and the other was this action-adventure type content. About the 30 or 40 hour mark they really had to come together and start working in on the elder game. At that point everyone kind of went, ‘Oh, hang a minute.’ Now the calculation is off. It's off because I've got a friend who sits in this other category of player. They want to play the game a certain way. I want to play the game a certain way. The promise was we can play together, and that's not working very well. Oh, by the way I'm used to 100 hours of BioWare story, and that’s not what I got.’ Or, ‘I expected that this game would have meaningfully advanced the action component that we'd seen in games like Destiny before, and I don't feel like it has.’”

>“What the BioWare teams are thinking about is that we're going to build a lot of different types of games,” Wilson explained. “We're going to have our core BioWare audience that's been with us for a really long time. There are kids today who are 12 years old who weren't around when BioWare started making games… and they have different expectations of what a BioWare game should be in the context of the world they've grown up in. As a result of that, BioWare has to evolve and has to expand and has to test the elasticity of that brand. The teams at BioWare will continue to come to work every day and listen to their players old and new and seek to deliver on the promises they've made to those players. That's what you're seeing with Anthem today.”

What did he mean by this?

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He's not allowed to say "Anthem was ruined because we made a bad product" the shareholders wouldn't like that.

Deflecting the issue on the consumer.

A classic.

Andrew Wilson is a braindead corporate mouthpiece as everyone at EA is, ofc.

They didn't expect a shit game? Well fuck them.

fucking entitlted gamer scum, preposterous, they should've had sex, the bloody incels, the the game would've sold well

Anthem was an advertisement for Destiny and Warframe.

Change my mind.

Oh look it's this thread again

Reminder that Bioware's AAA dev team couldn't figure out random loot but George's small 26 man team could.

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People expected a good game but they got a piece of shit
Its clearly the people´s fault for not liking shit

Nice logic

Thats a lot of made up bs
This is someone´s job, to come up with stupid bs so the company doesnt look as bad
I dont know who they think they are fooling though

I mean really it's just this. Everyone knows it's a shit game, no argument can be made in its defense, but obviously no ceo can come out and admit sheer fucking incompetence. Although this is pretty close

My expectation that my gear would get better over time?

Nobodys talking about mentally ill virgins right now ok bud?

>BioWare after Mass Effect 3, Inquisition and Andromeda

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>Harvard exec paid 20M a year is a corporate scumbag cunt

>People who expected a Bioware quality game (pre 2010) from Bioware should not have expected that.
No one was expecting that. But no one thought you'd take 5 years to make whatever the hell Anthem tried to be either.

>We forced our best RPG dev studio to force RPG story elements in to a superficial loot shooter game and saw nothing wrong with this, a game is a game is a game to our boomer minds getting filthy rich off you faggots. So obviously we did nothing wrong, and it's your fault for not being satisfied with the shit we shoveled on to you
Get. Fucked.

It's YOUR fault for expecting the game to not be shit.

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Bioware keeps making bad games, people keep buying them based on the bioware brand anyway.

Sorry Andrew, We didn't know it was supposed to be shit!

>EA Struggles With "Perception That We're Bad Guys"

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Expectations don't exist unless a marketing department creates them among the populace. Back at you Evil Assholes.

Thread over.

Ultimately it's still their fault, because it's the producers/marketers job to manage expectations. You don't just promise things you can't deliver because it sets people up for disappointment when you can't live up to it

Reminder that they spent nearly half of their dev time on this game doing JACK FUCKING SHIT.

>We didn't know it was supposed to be shit!

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Guys, it's our fault. We need to stop being so entitled and buy more surprise mechanics.

>What did he mean by this?
>We (Bioware) alienated our entire playerbase because EA told us they wanted one type of game one with MTX and long playtime and we wanted to make another type of game.
>In the end the project was in various states of development hell for years and eventually this piece of shit got ejected out.
>Players are entitled pieces of shits because they didn't enjoy this horrible amalgation of genres that didn't cater to either audience and was shoved out the door before it was ready.
>Not that it ever would've been ready because it was never going to work in the first place but EA said we had to do it.
Something along those lines.

I went back into Warframe shortly after playing the shitshow of a launch that Anthem had. After spending two months in a haze I came out of Warframe reminded why I stopped playing in the first place. Sure it's a lot better game than Anthem but holy shit does it devour your time and soul.

>we were originally going to make a microtransaction hell but we had to scrap that because those ungrateful consumers didn't like that and now it's their fault we pushed the dev teams to release a hunk of shit on time to appease our sharejews

i had zero expectations and think the game is 100% garbage.

I hope you're all proud of yourselves, expecting a game from these devs that literally couldn't even code.

Wow, literally:

>We designed a game by committee.
>It's the players' fault.

>There are zoomers now who never realized Bioware was good once.

How can you be this out of touch and get a job as a CEO? How do these people get paid so much and why?

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What were you expecting him to say? We dun fucked up for quintillionth time and we are very very sowwy?

But everyone in this thread is a mentally ill virgin.

>How can you be this out of touch and get a job as a CEO? How do these people get paid so much and why?
That man invented the lootbox. FIFA ultimate team brings in more money than hollywood. Sounds to me like he is doing his job correctly.

Connections obviously

Fuck bigots! Fuck gay people! Fuck racists! Fuck niggers! But most of all, FUCK GAMERS!111!!!!

Andrew started the lootboxes in FIFA so no he's the reason why their greed started to snowball.

Honestly, yeah.



The "you are playing it wrong" excuse.
Bunch of idiots, if the players are playing it wrong its because the devs didnt properly teach what the game was about and how to properly play it.
If the expectations were wrong then blame marketing.
The players arent this holy entity that is always right, but in the end they are the ones that the game is made for, so you got to introduce them to the game properly

This, it's like that first few hours after Chernobyl blew up and the officials just keep telling each other it's just a roof fire.

But user they're already dead!

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can't kill what has no life fag lmao

Stop replying to a spambot

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Sure thing Andrew. Let me guess, a russian bot also made your game shit overnight right?

>How can you be this out of touch and get a job as a CEO?
He invented lootboxs.

Just pull the plug pug on them daddy

He's Australian.

fucking entitled gamers

Are we watching Bioware's death right now?

We've been watching it since the Dragon Age game about gay wizards.