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Anime #1860
Wake up, see this, what do?
Anime characters look white as fuck
I just learned that this series is extremely popular among Japanese boomers. What the fuck...
Amagami was 10 years ago
Common Sense of a Duke's Daughter
Boruto Chapter 33 Discussion
Thunderbolt Fantasy
6'3 ft tall
Oh no Japan, what are you doing?
Jojo is no longer cool
Daily Keyman - The Hand of Judgement
Failed to load board configuration. Invalid Data
Holy shit, Shiki CAN kill servants!
Daily Kenrantaru Grande Scene
What kind of corruption was she planning ?
23 years and nothing has surpassed it
Is wanting to fuck Tanya gay?
What are the Sunshine OTPs?
Underground but masterpiece thread
Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?
Shingeki no Eren
Why was this movie so god damn ugly? I've never seen a movie uglier than the original show until this...
Wanna see a cool trick?
Skeletons in anime
Golden Kamuy is super interesting
Was it her fault? Yea Forums?
Waifu Analysis Thread
Help me understand this character
ITT: shows that were forgotten faster than the speed of light
Why don't you just marry Shinka? I think you both would make a great couple
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
What the fuck was HIS problem?
This is an amazing, good girl
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
ITT: Shows that deserve a reboot
Promised Neverland
Dragon Ball Super
Notice every guy around you is happy with their own monster girl
Yea Forumsnons, this was not supposed to happen...
Non Non Biyori
Kaguya 142
My Boku no Hero Academia
One Piece
Big Chinese companies are buying up Japanese animators
Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru/A rough lady Chapter 4
No me molestes, Nagatoro
Tiny little thread
Is Mom a well-written character?
Captain Tsubasa
Raildex and the mystery of how a spinoff surpassed the original
Okay let's just clear the air right now, what the fuck is your problem with Rikka?
Why is Megumin horny all the time?
Bang Dream
Shit Tropes
ITT: Post average shows carried by an extremely cute heroine
Why is it that I can only yuri romance shows...
Gotoubun no Hanayome
Getsuga tenshou
Desert Punk
How come Japan doesn't seem to love ass as much as they do tits...
Most anticipated anime in spring 2019
Did you know that Japan chose to be defeated by the atomic bomb and juked US with its perfect plan=
Acca 13 was really good. Why does Yea Forums never talk about it?
Daily Aria Chapter
Houseki No Kuni
Tsukihime or Fate?
In an interview that dates from a few years back (), Miyazaki not only criticized Hollywood...
Gigant c.31
Shingeki no Kyojin
Hunter x Hunter
there are people who would rather fuck Shitgumin than the glorious Ass Goddess
Is this any good?
Sword Art Online
Lolis are for ______
Boku no Hero Academia
Oh, my! Is it Thursday already?
How did you feel the first time you read it?
Daily reminder that Homura did nothing wrong
When Miyazaki said "anime is full of otaku"...
Post a more beautiful anime girl than Violet. Pro tip you can't so don't @ me
Stone Ocean
I just finished this show. What did I think of it, Yea Forums?
Back to the Kaa-san thread
Ch 1 of Yumi Nakata's series is out
Chi no Wadachi 47
Which one would you choose to be your doll?
Shall we have a 3x3 thread?
All of the Dragon Balls have been gathered. Now you have one anime-related wish
Where is the argument that Diavolo deserved infinite suffering for a couple decades of crimes?
This is the (former) Avatar of the Sun Goddess. Say something nice about her
One piece
Date a Live Vol. 20 Release thread
Mob Psycho 100 discussion thread
Behold: the best isekai
Romance story
Which cloth is your favorite? not necessarily the ones seiya used can be from anyone
Dimension High School
Gotoubun no Hanayome
What was the moral here?
Fushigi 121
Goblin Slayer movie
This board is fucking gay. Foot fetish fags are fucking degenerate and retarded subhumans. Feet is a shit fetish...
Are we finally approaching the dark age of anime?
Why does Rikka turn mature respectable Anons into horny teenagers?
Have you ever been in anime/mango themed meetup groups?
Princess tutu
Yea Forums sings - Triple Threat
Why are so many Light Novel authors unable to finish their stories...
Violet Evergarden
Boku no Hero Academia
Dragon Ball Super
Why is it, that the MC in Isekai, they’re so comfortable with slavery?
Now you see Chino
So why did Shizuka marry this useless cunt...
Ase to Sekken 6
The great debate
Which idol would you master?
My wife Sophie, my daughter wife Ellie and my son Akari
Kengan Omega ch.10
Why was Phantom World such a failure?
Isekai Smash Bros
What would you consider to be the best type of waifu?
Girly Air Force
Shingeki No Kyojin
What's the point of borderline H manga? Why do authors are king them when they arjust gonna flop and get canned?
My Boku no Hero Academia
How in the hell am I supposed to believe that a cute 26 year old girl was still a virgin?
Spring 2019
Fate series only exists so that the Japanese can pretend that they are dominating the West by fucking their female...
One piece
Dr. Stone 99
How do I summon Nyarlathotep?
This is what the one piece mc looks like at older ages
Hurr Durr immortality is really a bad thing!
My friend says Zero Two is horrible and shitty. Help me prove him wrong
The Promised Neverland 128
AiFure, Prichan, Eggpets, Shining Star, etc
What's the appeal of OLs?
Kimetsu no yaiba 151
Black Clover 198
Shokugeki no soma 304
Chainsaw Man
One Piece
I wish I could tell that to ourselves back then That not giving up is the key to your BanG Dreams
Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-San - Yuusaki anticipation thread
Why is his voice so cute
You may not like it but these are objectively the most overrated anime ever
Both shirts came this week. Which one to wear?
If roman empire was so great,why aren't there any anime set in roman empire?
5toubun no Hanayome 78
ITT you tell me exactly why something like Girls Und Panzer exists
Why are Japanese writers so weak when it comes to worldbuilding?
Gotoubun no Hanayome
Name a better female protagonist. Hint: You can't
What is the absolutely smartest anime character of all time based on on-screen feats...
Promised Neverland
This is regarded as a masterpiece, right?
Why is he so perfect?
Is it possible for a girl to be too tite and yummy?
New Mari Okada/Tatsuyuki Nagai project
ITT: we draw anime characters with MSPaint
H-hey, user... Remember when you said I was your friend? You told me I was someone important to you... That made me...
Giorno is the cutest JoJo. No need to prove me wrong, this is a fact
You've got her for four hours
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
Who is the bottom in their relationship Yea Forums?
Why didn't Haruhi stay in the public consciousness the way other popular shows from the same time like Death Note or...
One Piece
Boku no Hero Academia
What went right?
Arale chan
ITT: Bodies that are BUILT for breeding
Buyfag thread
Bokuben / Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai / We Never Learn
No Guns Life
ITT: the best single character in its respective series
Mob psycho 100
What do you call this type of girl?
Is Saint Seiya the unluckiest anime franchise ever?
Daily Kenrantaru Grande Scene
Would you like to squish Violet's cheeks?
Thoughts on musical whores?
I don't understand how we're supposed to root for this stuck-up trust fund nobility swine to win...
Dragon Ball Super
Jesus christ
WatamoteChapter 153
Rival ha yamerarenai!
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight
Did you forget about kaede?
How did Yea Forums react to the end of Bleach?
Will they fuck before the end of konosuba? Even if its just implied?
Daily Keyman - The Hand of Judgement
Precure - Best Glitter
I believe in you
Who is in the fault here?
Have you ever considered masturbating to Sena?
What would you do if you had 5 minutes alone with Akane?
Yui wearing jeans
Shield hero thread
Shingeki no Piku
Who’s watching the Made In Abyss recap tonight?
It's Over
5Toubun no Hanayome
Domestic na Kanojo
Builds up plot about weird apocalyptic bullshit in the past
Is this the cutest brown girl in anime?
Has your waifu ever visited "that" pool, user?
Yea Forumsnons that live in apartments with TVs. I've used headphones and PC for nearly a decade...
One Piece
Gonna Be The Twin-Tail!
Saber has just been reelected as the King of Yea Forums. Let's all congratulate her!
Um sure, user, you can sketch with me but first you have to eat all the eggs
What would you do if you had 5 minutes alone with Rikka?
Were they lovers?
The show on the right
Raildex and the mystery of Gunha in Astral Bud
How is she going to explain to Guts why she enjoyed it?
Hello, everyone. It's time to award the most overrated anime of winter 2019
Giorno's ability to create living body parts to heal is ruining Vento Aureo
Happy Curry day, Yea Forums
Anyone remember this shit lol?
Japan's Favorite Anime Girls since 1983
No kakegurui thread?
How comes people never mention Urutori when they talk about Utawarerumono girls? It's always either Karura...
We have reached a consensus that Ninofags and Nino are probably the worst posters on this site
Dragon Ball (all of it)
Tate no Yuusha
Daily reminder that he was the victim here
Kemono Friends 2
Was he real? Also Satoshi Kon thread
Beastars 121
5touvun no hanayome - Nino a shit edition
Half the trailer is reused shots and black screen
People shamelessly calling themselves and other people weebs and everybody laughs about it
Suggest a good manga for a dumb frogposter
Why is it fine for Amuro to be incapable to fight after having experienced intense trauma and stress while Shinji gets...
Which anime character epitomizes the word loli for you?
What were your thoughts on this scene, why do female authors do this?
ITT: Criminals who got away with everything
Best Episode
No kengan omega raw?
Which shonen MC had the best goal?
Houseki No Kuni
Tokyo 2020characters
Best Anime character of the century is a Lesbian
Daily Planetes Chapter
Waifu quiz
Don't mind me
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
To Your Eternity/Fumetsu no Anata E c095
Girl gets drunk on chocolates with alcohol
When will chestlets ever learn, Yea Forums?
Dragon Ball Super
Liking her doesn’t make you gay right?
All memes aside, what went so horribly wrong?
Be the naked, be the naked yeah!
ITT: animation general
Hi Score Girl
Boku no Hero Academia
So im rewatching OG nartuo because its on netflix and im sick so i've got nothing better to do...
This is the anime event of the decade, after 10 years of boosting up the isekai genre on anime industry
Prisma Illya OVA expectations
They see your penis
I miss Akko
Rin's thighs
Top 10 anime characters japs would have as a pet
One Piece
Post characters who went from beta to alpha chad
Which mangaka or seiyuu clearly have some debilitating mental health condition such as extreme social anxiety...
Alright, which one of you said this was like FLCL but better?
ITT: Powerful Images
What are some iconic episode 3's?
Why was Erza so strong?
Anime now and some of its "fans"
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
This is worse than watching paint dry
ITT: Girls in armor, no bikini armor
I-clover emnyama
This is the best mahou shoujo
A E S T H E T I C d a r k n e s s
Anime or Manga?
Sono Bisque Doll
Watamote Raw Chapter 153
Game Obu Familia -Family Senki
Guess what day it is, human
Bakemonogatari - Raw Chapter 45
Post best girls
How come it's so rare for an anime to be as popular as Darling in the Franxx...
There are people who prefer a retarded damegami over this perfect deity
5Toubun no Hanayome
My sword autist wife is cute
His waifu isn’t his imouto
What is this cup for?
Why don't you want to revolutionise the world? Are you some kind of faggot?
Current Big Three
Is there a sexier idol right now?
What a boring fucking show
Even faggot Shinji got laid
Scanlation Thread
We all know that Kyoani is the best studio right now, but who is the second best?
ITT: shows that were instantly forgotten
Raildex NT22
AnimeJapan is happening this weekend, in which we will get new anime announcements and previews
Nyanko Days
Bokuben / Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai / We Never Learn
One Piece Spoilers 937
Post your waifu
Is it the greatest anime of the 2010s?
Medieval setting
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake!
Name a bigger cheater
Fly to Japan for vacation
The Promised Neverland
Highschool DxD
Dragon Ball Super
He had a point you know
ITT: Canon Prostitutes
The character design in this show is pretty sexy
This is Eriri's birthday today
Now that it's been a year, can we agree that Kokoro did nothing wrong?
There is NOTHING wrong with a woman moving on and getting a happy life
Shingeki no Kyojin
Post some timeless quotes
*steals a piece of your steak*
What's the message of Death Note? Killing is bad? Everybody already knows that...
ITT: Characters that would make great moms
Guys, I think I- How weird is a shoulder fetish?
Little kid isekai is pretty comfy
Made in Abyss
Good yuri anime don't exi-
Mushoku Tensei
ITT: scenes where you cried
Ichitoubun no Hanayome
Pseudo Harem
Why is Aqours so much better than muse?
We all agree that Pouf is best and most loyal ant right? Merushit, Pitoushit and Youpishit are disgusting race traitors!
GGO was good
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Best girls by the decade, Yea Forums
How do you fuck up this badly?
What is it about Violet that makes her so beautiful?
Japanese audio: onii-chan
Post your favourite idol franchise and your favourite idol that's not from said franchise
Character is a fucked-up psychotic mass-murderer with few redeeming qualities
Marriag ova WHEN?
The cutest couple
Due to some magic, your waifu suddenly has a penis
Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi
Best Yea Forums dads
I was wrong about Black Clover. When I started watching, I thought everything was boring, dragged out, and cliche...
OPs you never skipped
What does Yea Forums think of knee pits?
Mob Psycho 100
Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?
Hatsukoi Zombie: Tomboy wins
New OP is in the running for worst JoJo OP
Himenospia chapter 8
What do you think about brown?
Why did 8man renounce his batman ways Yea Forums?
This Anime is gonna be interesting
Hi Score Girl
The Rising of the Spear Retard
My favorite anime is Hidamari Sketch
How was this shit allowed?
I feel sick
One piece
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
Ranma 1/2
Daily Kenrantaru Grande Scene
Why did he want to become a hero of justice?
Edens Zero 036 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
JoJo: Golden Wind
Just read Emergence for the first time...
Best boy?
Panda got a redesign
Domestic Girlfriend 224 (2019) (Digital) (danke-Empire)
This is an Uz/a/ki board now
Dragon Ball Super
Wait, isn't he half-vampire?
Read Fire Force
Yfw the Boochi anime's character designs
Favorite shonen character thread
Trascend your basic taste, ascend into patricianhood; purge plotfags
Tell me about elves. Why are they so much better than any other race?
Queen's Blade
This is your regularly scheduled reminder that SUN MOON Ash is going to win the Pokemon League in 4 months...
This last arc is just straight up shounenshit garbage. Not to mention the horrid pacing...
ITT post vampires
Keeping up with anime seasons
Senryuu Shoujo 120
Daily Keyman - The Hand of Judgement
The ending was so incomplete and anti climactic, Yea Forums's opinion?
Boku no Hero Academia
Opinions on 3D anime?
It is time. Spring has arrived
Friendly reminder that if you prefer Rei over Asuka or Misato you probably gei. Real men like assertive women
Where were you when Mob Psycho 100 became AOTY?
Zombie Land Saga
OPT: One page thread
Now that the season is nearing its end, what's your AOTS, Yea Forums?
3x3 rate thread
What the fuck did I just watch?
Tatsumaki and Fubuki
Is louise from zero no tsukaima the tsundere prototype for centuries to come?
Promare new poster
Kaede-chan, denwa
Here's your shounen anime bro
Behold the Mob Psycho killer
140cm loli kyonyuu
Kyochuu Rettou
They need to just stick to animating comedy anime
Unironically, is Aizen one of best villain in manga?
Is there any good male protagonist, at all?
The most epic OP of all time
Would Boku no Hero Academia improve with a timeskip?
Daddy is on business trip
Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet Chapter 97
Is K-On still a beloved anime?
No pedophilia
Mahou Shoujo Site 120
3D Kanojo
ITT: We post anime girls, others reply what they are into
What does Yea Forums think of Grancrest War?
Isekai Technology
Daily Planetes Chapter
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
One piece
Yeah we're not having AOTY discussions anymore, case has been closed as of March
ITT: Best girls
Distinctly unique characters with no close equivalents in other series
Domestic na Kanojo
Oh no. Ha ha
ITT: We post an anime without posting it
I summon my Dark Magician Girl face up in attack position. Your move user
Dragon Ball Super
ITT: characters that are literally you
What does user think of Oyakodon?
So i'm a Spider, So What?
What went wrong?
Gotoubun no Hanayome
ITT: Characters you want to sit on your face
Rip Konosuba Movie
Elf Slave
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
How did they get away with this
What's the gayest anime you've ever seen Yea Forums?
Infinite Stratos
Running with the Wind
Fate/Grand Order Babylonia
Last threads
/f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Sudden Change Edition
We are back bros
Video Games
Finally finished Elden ring…
Video Games
Why are games so god damn frustrating?
Video Games
Star Trek
Television and Movies
Socials 4
One Piece
Video Games
ASMR/ Youtube/ Twitch girls you would like to fuck
How come videogames dont have such profound and meaningful dialogue?
Video Games
Obi-Wan series: this is Reva's lightsaber (the black woman)
Television and Movies
Blood hunt
Video Games
Bought the trilogy for 10 bucks, is it really that bad?
Video Games
Socials 3
What defines a great vidya ass?
Video Games
Zoomers consider the PS3 retro
Video Games
Hey guys watch my nude vids and pics @
Yea Forums
Television and Movies
Video Games