Dimension High School
What a piece of shit
holy fucking shit
another plot twist.
This seems so unrelenting dumb I might just watch it. Is it consistently, interestingly bad?
It's unironically very good.
it's literally a masterpiece user you've missed so much
It's actually amazing and very fun.
Okay I'll bite
How beautiful~
Holy shit, I can't believe Aoi Shouta is actually a four-dimensional being.
absolute kino
I'll be honest I didn't get the ending at all
This, 2deep4me
so i'm not the only one who appreciated the shiroyama crotch shot
Same, hope they explain the Aoi Shouta stuff next episode.
I can't believe this isn't the final episode
I dunno. Looks like it's going to be a bonus ep.
I think while the sphinxes tricked Spudio into thinking he's a henchmen and all that Oedipus stuff, it was actually true. I believe Spudio was a fallen riddle hero and so was Aoi Shouta.
who the fuck is aoi shouta? his name is Shiro.
Yeah, looks like a fun slice of life episode next week. I would've assumed they'd be helping Sensei write his manga, but the preview is them going to school at night?
Either way, I'm glad I decided to watch this at the beginning of the season despite it being live-action. It's given me some good laughs every week. I was especially dying when Junpei said there was no actual answer to his riddle. I just wish the riddles were more universal and less Japanese oriented, but I can't really call that a complaint since it was made for a Japanese audience. Plus, they didn't really detract from the experience.
It's been fun watching it with Yea Forums every week, too. That one user last week actually realizing Spudio was Oedipus before the reveal was great.
Fucking KINO.
Shiro is Aoi Shouta, user. I'm surprised you don't know him, dude is an extremely popular seiyuu.
Aoi Shouta is the actor of Shiro. He's the only famous seiyuu of the bunch, the rest are newbies except maybe Spudio's. I'm rooting for them, they've proven they can live-act and sing and still make their voices sound good.
Btw I tried adding Shiro to the DHS entry on MAL but I can't figure that shit out, seemed it needed mod approval but they've either ignored it or I did it wrong. Spudio needs to be added too.
My jap person game is non-existant and even I managed to recognize him.
I'm not into j drama shit
Suwabe is there.
They are newbie seiyuu but most of them have some experience as actors, specially in 2.5D stage productions. Momoya-sensei (Toshiyuki Someya) is a popular actor who even won some awards. Also there are three veteran seiyuu in the cast, Aoi Shouta, Eguchi Takuya and Junichi Suwabe.
Ah right I forgot the sphinxes was Suwabe.
Director: We need stealthily convey these 2 might still be gay.
Wardrobe: Say no more.
Did anyone else read the Dark Tower series?
Kinda reminded me of the part with Blaine the Monorail. Though I guess the method of defeat is fundamentally different.
Anyway this ended up being the only anime I watched this season, on a whim after seeing last weeks thread and then it was so good I caught up in like two days. Was a good choice, glad I caught it.
Despite most of the puzzles being unsolvable tier to anyone that doesn't know japanese they did a good job writing the solving scenes such that they give you an idea of how difficult a puzzle is, and how much better they got at solving puzzles since the beginning such that they can recognize basic things about the puzzle instantly. And the scenes always had tension too.
Proper typesetting and just putting the riddles on the green chalkboard background could be so fucking easy. I'd do way better with guessing the answers if the question was readable.
gonna miss him
>expecting literally anything of crunchyshit
And came true as well. Amazing.
Do they actually dub over the live action segments? I never noticed this, fucking hell
So pretty much junpei tricked the sphinxes into making a new rule where they can't leave the classroom until they solve the riddle. Then he came up with a total bullshit riddle that didn't have an answer which makes it so they can never leave. Then 10 years later spudio shows the sphinxes that fact and they tried to break that rule, thus dying. Then we have spudio who brought momoya to seemingly purgatory or something of the sort where he talked to his dead friend. But apparently this guy was merged with oedipus, a 4th dimensional being. So then spudio was just a victim of the sphinxes in the past, had his memories altered and was tasked with bringing more 3d people to the classroom. Did I miss anything?
that's my understnading of it
you got it
Do they? Sometimes their voices seemed too perfect during certain scenes, so I was thinking that too. Particularly outdoor scenes, but then again TV boom mics are pretty good about catching only human voices.
I forgot what was supposed to be going on with Oedipus in the first place and why he didn't just rape the sphinxes in this story.
But my interpretation is that he showed up as part of Shiro simply to grant Momoya's wish and give him a big thank you. So wholesome and nice.
I'm gonna miss idiot Ryuusei.
This was my favorite scene in the whole show as well as the autistic screams.
100% the best character in the show.
>But apparently this guy was merged with oedipus, a 4th dimensional being.
I'm too retarded to understand this part. How did Oedipus even merge with him?
I can't believe this show ended up as good as it did
The "10 years later" came out of nowhere which was somehow really hilarious.
My speculah is Oedipus did it because Shiro was Momo's friend, so it's a vessel that would make him comfortable to see. Oed couldn't possess anyone alive, so none of the school friends could've been a vessel. Since Shiro/Oed was the narrator, it's possible they foretold Momo was gonna be the one to figure things out and sacrifice himself.
Why does Momoya look like a fucking fish?
because of that fish-eye lens they keep using on him
So I guess because Oedipus is a 4th dimensional being and they are in a place between places I can assume time is irrelevant and all that happened "before" all events in the show. Thanks.