Top 10 anime characters japs would have as a pet

These are the results of a survey done to celebrate Ueno Zoo's opening (20th March 1882). Thoughts?

1.- Madara/Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yūjin-chō
2.- Sadaharu from Gintama
3.- Pikachu from Pokémon
4.- Tippy from GochiUsa
4.- Puck from Re: Zero
6.- Chopper from One Piece
7.- Kuro from SERVAMP
8.- Primarina from Pokémon
8.- ESP Nyanko from Osomatsu-san
8.- Kumagoro from UzuMaid
8.- Tetsuya #2 from Kuroko no Basket

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Fuck that demon. The LN may try to make him nicer, but this fucker was a demon

I hope haru gets famous one day.

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That's kinda fucked, some of these are sapient.

That's random

>3. puck
how? he was fucking asshole

>2.- Sadaharu from Gintama

It's not a popular anime character but it's a popular Pokemon. What's random is Landorus making it to the top 20 with Eevee.

>1.- Madara/Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yūjin-chō

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Japan confirmed Smogonfags.

>4.- Tippy from GochiUsa
How many episodes were threatened to be pulled if this didn't get a spot?

Some of those are weird choices. First place is absolutely deserved though.

He wouldn't want you as his pet. When is the movie coming out on bluray?

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>1.- Madara/Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yūjin-chō
Sasuga Nyanko-sensei.

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>4.- Tippy from GochiUsa
Why were people allowed to vote for a hat?

If its by moe factor hamtaro should be there

Pussy-wiped poll. I'd rather what would a bro pick. There would be at least one actually cool fucker like Tora.

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>1.- Madara/Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yūjin-chō
Extremely based

based fujos

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But third place is Pikachu?

>not wanting Yoruichi
What the fuck

>6.- Chopper from One Piece
Why is he even listed as a pet?

So basically women voted.