Yea Forumsnons that live in apartments with TVs. I've used headphones and PC for nearly a decade...

Yea Forumsnons that live in apartments with TVs. I've used headphones and PC for nearly a decade, but I want to cut the cord.

I finally escaped NEETdom a few years ago and just got my own apartment, and want to get a mini home theater. TV anons do you just not give a shit that your neighbors can almost definitely hear all your chinese cartoons?

Not to mention H-anime.

How do YOU watch anime.

Attached: high-end-home-theater-sound-systems-1.jpg (2048x1003, 397K)

I use headphones, don't be fucking rude, no one wants to hear you shit blasting through their walls, anime or not

Wireless right. What do you use.

Hard to find ones that sound good with no hiss, that aren't a fortune.

Man imagine if there was a way to control the volume on your speakers, so that it wasn't audible through walls

HOW MUCH is too much.


Unfortunately, some people's normal listening volume (on speakers) is deafening to others in the same room and they don't realize it.

Who gives a shit
What kind of profit do you have from them?
If they're good people then I can understand, but most of the time they're literalwhos

Who gives a shit? Learn to be shameless. You are almost definitely a massive autist in real life anyway. Blasting anime at max volume barely makes a difference to that.

Nothing beats some hifi headphones and a decent dac/amp combo.

If your apartment walls are not soundproof then just use headphones.

Projector or TV, there's nothing more uncomfortable than sitting in front of a pc monitor and marathoning a 2 cour show.

Just how loud does it need to be?
If you have bad hearing or something, move yourself closer to the screen or install external speakers that point directly toward you.

>How do YOU watch anime.
On my desktop computer because I'm not a faggot.

No, don't watch anime on your TV. Only watch football so your neighbors think you're cool.

>not soundproofing your place yourself

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How do I escape NEETdom?

A decent receiver can adjust EQ settings at low volumes to preserve quality. As long as you keep ambient noise in your home low you don't need to turn it up. Then again I live in an apartment with adequate soundproofing.

Good luck finding anime with more than two audio channels.

This. Reply pls

get a job

And for the record Yuri Seijin Naoko-san had a pretty playful surround mix.

And Yozakura Quartet had great sound design, albeit in stereo. Sound seems to be an afterthought in most anime.

Im more interested in this shit

The walls aren't paper-thin in my apartment building so most likely they can't hear it (I can't hear anything my neighbors are listening to/watching either) and I don't really care if they do.

Just take a programming course and become a code monkey.


code monkey wake up dink coffee

In my case, small business factory job that is very profitable. My first and last job. Doesn't even require English skills for the packing line.
Work hard, smart, and do overtime. Get promoted to logistics and fork truck operation, chemical manufacturing, and lab tech, all with on-the-job training.

Easy $20/hr with loads of benefits. Well I'm very lucky to have this actually, especially considering I dropped out.

There are good jobs out there waiting.

After the first time I heard my neighbors loudly fucking I no longer cared about how loud I played anime, music or anything else

Did you get a stiffy.

>tfw surrounded by elderly because my place is an ex-retirement complex

I watch on my 65' 4k OLED LG TV using either Plex or Crunchy app.

For sound, I have a nice receiver and some ELAC bookshelf speakers. No surround sound and subwoofer cause I'm in an apartment as well.

If you have a big cock, just become a gigolo.

Get a receiver and 2 good speakers and one great sub. That is all you need. That or use wireless headphones. Any new tv that isn't shit will have bluetooth audio comp.
I just put shit on a hdd and watch anime from there.

Sound isolation varies heavily from place to place, I've lived in apartments where I could hear absolutely everything my neighbors did, including snoring, walking around, and casual conversation in a calm tone.

No, that shit is gross and annoying

This, how do i find something, i spend 4 years in college and i didn't pass a subject

Just don't listen to your shit too loud. I have a surround sound system with a sub in a bachelor apartment, nothing fancy, just 5.1. I have every setting on the sub turned down to minimum because I don't want to bother people, but the walls between units are made of thick concrete in this building so I can still keep my shit pretty loud even through the night. People will here the anime I watch when they are in the hall and my apartment happens to be right across from the elevator, but I don't care what these people think of me.

I have 65" oled with 5.1 setup. The sub is right next to the couch so even when it's not too loud you can really feel it but shouldnt be too bad for neighbors. I've had one of them complain to me a few times but it's usually the middle of the day and he's sleeping in his living room for some reason so I ignore him. I'm in a townhouse though so no one above or below just left and right

what graphic card do you have?

My htpc has a 7970 in it, unfortunately it seems to only output 4k 30hz over HDMI but for movies and TV it's fine. My office gaming computer is 2070

might as well share a pic. Curious to see other anime stations

Attached: IMG_20190320_203538.jpg (4608x3456, 1.82M)

I'd rather live in a van than have to deal with noisy dipshits one apartment over.


On my big ass LG OLED with a surround sound system. I want everyone in my neighbourhood to be subjected to my weeb nightmare. I do shut the bass off after 10PM though.

Why? I've been sick with a cold and i feel like they're nice for that as theyre more like a cracker than chip

Why not just bring the speakers closer to you? If you have two speakers next to your head (okay not next to but within a yard of where you sit) you won't have to crank up the volume so high and therefore less people will be able to hear you. You can watch your visuals from a distance but the sound will be low but you will be able to hear it well.

I'm sorry you have a cold but goldfish are disgusting snacks.

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Whats disgusting about them? The flavor blasted ones have a decent amount of cheesy taste without being overly done.

My neighbors probably hear some stuff but I don't really care. I don't blast my stuff at maximum volume to be a dick.

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Have you already signed your lease?

When I graduated college, I specifically looked for a single floor apartment that I had the corner to.
You can put your shit in the room in the corner and not have to worry about noise.

Otherwise, if you plan on being the only person watching, you can get studio monitors and place them right in front of you. The sound they make is very directional so you can drive the sound away from your neighbors and into your face. Studio monitors don't work for crowd viewing


This only works in America.

Place your speakers close to the wall and blare your favorite anime OP theme while they're fucking

HTPC using Kodi.

Attached is an old vid but I no longer use skins.

Have between 14TB total storage, which is about 1/3 full.

Attached: intro3.webm (885x580, 1.85M)

I blast my neighbors using these motherfuckers, powered by an AV receiver. Media is played using a NUC with Kodi, streaming media from a 12 TB NAS. Only regular media. For porn or H I use the PC with headphones.

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