Bonus points if they were rewarded and/or are in better standing than they were at the start of the series.
ITT: Criminals who got away with everything
Are the Index LNs finished? Can you spoiler me with what happens to Crowley please?
No and no
He's responsible for the suffering, torture, and deaths of thousands of innocent children, but the story tries to redeem just because a "greater evil" shows up. His child that died a century ago is given back to him and a bunch of people he fucked over pat him on the back.
So this is the power of speedreading
Well you can't say he didn't work his ass off for it.
People are upset that no one tore a child out of a father's arms and ritualistically sacrificed it. I'm serious.
Crowley dies.
He got away with everything.
>Criminals who got away with everything
We get tired of listing irl criminals who have not been punished for their actions.
The world is pretty unfair place.
I thought you were just memeing shitposting, but holy fuck you are actually serious. What the fuck user?
Try actually reading the novels rather than the wiki, retard
And just like that, the morons who will eat any pile of shit handed to them on a plate show up.
I mean the one lying to random anons for no reason here is you not me user
>says bullshit that is either an exaggeration, lacks context, or is an outright lie
>user calls you out on it
Every time.
"I killed 10,000 people"
That's Touma's 8th creampie dribbling out.
Giving people context would actually work against you. If anything I should have given more context so they can see how truly bad the situation is, but I just summarized it.
Kek no it fucking wouldnt you little liar. The fact that you are refusing to do so and get defensive the minute you get called out showcases this perfectly.
>dude he's not actually evil it's just communism that's bad
Also I'm not sure you can survive being shot in the head twice
Convenient that you're ignoring the part where its noted you're also exaggerating and flat out lying in sections.
Why is Uiharu licking out Touma's cum? She needs that to have her triplet teleporter daughters!
I laughed out loud when they just handed an orphanage over to him (or was it kabuto?)
Touma x Uiharu is cute
>Literally just say "you're wrong" over and over without explaining why
>Y-You're the one that's defensive!
How long can you keep up this charade?
The burden of proof is on the person making the claims, retard. If I go in and say your favorite series is SHIT for reasons that dont make any sense or are blatant lies, then I refuse to provide examples of any proof, you'd be calling me retarded for the very same reason. Sit your shitposting ass down.
>"I killed 10,000 people"
She did everything right.
>Post literally exactly what happens in the LN
>S-Stop making claims without proof!
Are you braindead?
Except it didnt
Except it didnt, retard
>He's responsible for the suffering, torture, and deaths of thousands of innocent children
Partially. Touma's nature required a violent environment to develop IB and IT.
[citation needed]
>inb4 clones
The fact he created them balances it out.
>but the story tried to redeem just because a "greater evil" shows up.
Not at all. No one forgave Aleister. They sympathize with what happened to him, but they didn't forgive him. Not even Touma, who got to actually experience his past.
>"greater evil"
No need for those quotes. Coronzon is trying to destroy humanity. Aleister is not. By default, Aleister is a lesser evil.
>His child that died a century ago is given back to him
After Aiwass hid her for said century. Aleister didn't know she was alive, barely got to spend any time with her, and came to the conclusion Aiwass saved her simply because she needed to be sacrificed in the future.
>and a bunch of people he fucked over pat him on the back.
No. A bunch of people he fucked over realized that maybe siding with the guy (female) that may help in stopping the humanity-destroying demon may be a good idea.
Now fuck off.
No one patted him on the back. People literally stated he was still going to be punished. His child is given back with the intention of it dying days later as a cosmic prank. He wasnt redeemed and the narration itself specifically says "it would be laughable to expect crowley to have a happy life". Try again.
>500 million
>ends the lives of all 6 billion people+ whatever alien life by ending the universe
>toy with said 6 billion people's lives for billions of years just to make one guy suffer
>also force that one guy to end the lives of 6 billion people after they've achieved happiness
>He's responsible for the suffering, torture, and deaths of thousands of innocent children
This happened across the entirety of the series.
>the story tries to redeem just because a "greater evil" shows up
This happened 4 volumes ago.
>His child that died a century ago is given back to him
This happened 3 volumes ago.
>a bunch of people he fucked over pat him on the back.
This happened in the current volume.
Wasn't one of his old child test subjects assigned to monitor his new lab from a distance or something?
Based Stockholm syndrome helping best girl win.
>this happened over the series
>this happened 4 volumes ago
Source or fuck off
>This happened 3 volumes ago
And was never meant to make him happy nor does a child pay for the sins of the parent
>this happened in the current volume
Source or fuck off
Damn, I didn't even think that one was actually all that bad. Full on sex doesn't get deleted this fast.
>The fact he created them balances it out.
Not that guy, but what the hell?
He turns into a loli
sexual assaulted and brainwashed an innocent girl and got a quality waifu
he killed billions
demon lord soon?
I'm willing to bet that if Obito had survived Naruto would give him 2 months of community service as his punishment.
He created them in the first place and they did not possess something resembling a personality until much later on. They're military clones. Their entire purpose was to fight and die.
Saying he made them is a bit of a poor defense for treating them unethically though. Protip: dont try to use that defense with child abuse, it doesnt generally work.
Normal children aren't clones, artificially aged, or artificially implanted with combat subroutines. They also can't shoot lightning.
But fine, I'll concede he killed the clones. Everything else still stands.
I mean that seems kind of irrelevant when they are sentient and have emotions even if they have a hard time showing them. Thats what user's "what the fuck" was for. Its a rather callous view.
the absolute mad lad, I didn't think anyone else saw aki sora
Hence the concession. I don't consider early clones actual humans given they had no time to develop as human beings. But I can see how that is my personal take on the matter.
Isnt it convenient that the user suddenly vanished after these two posts? $20 says he'll try the same thing next thread too.
Do you also not consider babies actual humans since they dont have time to develop as human beings?
Refer to
Doesnt answer my question
What a retarded defense.
How many planets have Vegeta genocided?