Friendly reminder that if you prefer Rei over Asuka or Misato you probably gei. Real men like assertive women

Friendly reminder that if you prefer Rei over Asuka or Misato you probably gei. Real men like assertive women

Attached: asuka.png (5000x2823, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only when standing next to the world's most gigantic pussy.

>Real men like assertive women
That's not why people liked Asuka. She is liked by most because she was simply the best written character in the series, as simple as that.
She bullied Shinji because he's straight out insufferable even for the audience.

Rei is a better concept, but Asuka is a better character. Like, you wouldn't invite Rei over to play Mario Kart.

Friendly reminder that if you still like Evangelion, you should be stuffed into a locker

this and only this

>Hey Cosgrove!

Reminder that Kaworu is best girl

If I had any option I wouldn't associate myself with any of the pilot kids. They're all autistic as fuck.

Rei is gei. Asuka asasucks.

[This post was made by Misato gang]

Attached: misato tongue.jpg (397x550, 39K)

Toji's alright

i love rei

Attached: reiayanami.gif (450x334, 2.36M)

Asuka and Rei are both great characters.

Misato's a shitty woman-child.

Attached: 1425221535.jpg (600x587, 61K)

The Evidence states to the direct opposite, my esteemed colleague.

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>you wouldn't invite Rei over to play Mario Kart.

Because you always lose to her

Attached: rei-and-asuka-playing-video-games.jpg (1600x1200, 280K)

>She is liked by most because she was simply the best written character in the series, as simple as that.

Attached: 1552606208601.jpg (720x588, 117K)

Good thing I prefer actual best girl, then.

Attached: Ritsuko.jpg (640x480, 43K)

It's very canon that you're supposed to like Misato and Asuka more than Rei.

If you don't, it's very canon that you are a brainlet that didn't understand what the show was telling you.

>you're supposed to
>what the show was telling you.

Agreed, asukacucks are slaves unable to think for themselves and must droolingly obey those above them

More like Assuka.


Attached: 1552615682051.jpg (850x1200, 200K)

Based and redpilled


Attached: 72829758_p0.jpg (708x1000, 449K)

You aren't proving anything by posting that. In fact, it proves that you can't actually say anything negative about Asuka, and are forced to use screencaps of Reitards acting retarded to further your argument.

If I cared enough to look there's not a doubt in my mind that I could find pedophiles who are really into Rei

Attached: assuka.jpg (960x544, 71K)

Friendly reminder that Anno hates you all.

Attached: omedetou anno.gif (390x290, 185K)

Much better.

Attached: 65869849_p0.jpg (8514x5485, 2.24M)

>waaaah waaaaah every post i don't like is a false flag

We could say plenty of negative about Asuka, you coward. About how her incompetence regularly jepoardizes operations that Shinji and Rei have handled properly, and how her insubordination would have her thrown in the stockade in any functional military. About how her pathetic mommy issues resulted in her entire laughable existence as a puppet for the powers at hand, who have trained her to perfectly obey her betters whilst never once questioning her purpose.

But we choose not to, because we know asukacucks like you are driven comatose every time you have an original thought.

Attached: ec-3.png (640x331, 262K)


Attached: 1508026254760.png (1038x663, 352K)

how is asuka assertive
she breaks down every episode over some daddy issues
just cuz youre loud and obnoxious doesnt make you assertive

>just cuz youre loud and obnoxious doesnt make you assertive

Bugmen have been trained by (((cartoons and movies))) that women behaving like ooking monkeys is being STRONG AND EMPOWERED

Attached: 226-2260413_view-samegoogleiqdbsaucenao-1362947205797-guards-this-woman-has-lost.png (363x355, 154K)

The hatred is mutual.

Attached: 124.jpg (1920x820, 167K)

I prefer Yui

Attached: Yui_Ikari.png (140x439, 69K)

Welcome to the thread, Kozo

Reminder that Yui wanted to get absorbed by the Eva.
She is the worst wife and mother ever.

>24 years later
>I can still count well-drawn NSFW asuka images on one hand
What went so fucking wrong?

Your mother chose not to abort, for one

He has a cute sister too.

So Ritchan?

Attached: rit bored.jpg (500x740, 107K)

I don't associate with cigarette stains

What kind of grown woman fucks the guy who she knows fucked her mom before?

nice to see some intelligent and mature men in this thread

Attached: tfw it's monday and your boss thinks about dumping you for a clone of his late wife with the so (400x399, 67K)

Old hags

Based and Reipilled

>not wanting to lick the coffee stains on her shirt in the nipple area
A semen demon.

Attached: ritchan_.jpg (522x344, 63K)

Rei-I deserved more screen time, she was obviously superior to II and III.

Attached: 1734.jpg (720x406, 46K)

Assertive women are only good for humiliating and mindbreaking before rape.

This, Rei 1 is best Rei.

Attached: 1551069359165.gif (500x375, 271K)

Unfortunately the show wouldn't work with her around because she'd probably drive Shinji to suicide within 1 episode of insults.

Not raped, because how is it rape if it's consensual and you're doing it after marriage in the procreative position.

>b-baka we ain't having kids
>o-ok o-o-only one kid, baka
>what d-do you mean you want him t-to have a brother?

Attached: 1543381352449.jpg (2560x1600, 585K)

Rei doesn't insult, she just repeats what others say. Being insulted by her is like dealing with a child that doesn't understand the word she heard on TV.

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She'd still tell Shinji what everyone says about him behind his back

I want to have sex with Asuka, impregnate her with triplets, then have vaginal pregnancy sex with her 24/7 every month until she goes into labor, then fuck her vaginally while she is in labor, all while she is 14 and while she is in her school uniform.

Attached: 1546469233624.png (695x1200, 434K)

>doing it after marriage
why would I marry that slut? she's for pump 'n dump.

Yeah I don't doubt if Rei I had lived to her teens she would've probably been more blunt and tell things as they are.

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>while she is in her school uniform

How long have we been at this for.
I was debating Asuka & Rei since I was in highschool, and now I'm 3 years from 30.

>then proceeds to beat her and tell her to make a sandwich
>she cums

Attached: 1533048718355.jpg (498x375, 47K)

I pefer doing it this way

>implying she isn't obsessed with just one person's D
You know, tsunderes are much closer to yanderes when they warm up to the person.

Like how she "warmed up" to kaji?

This. Asuka would've folded like a doormat around an african bull.

Asuka's wearing her school uniform while having her massive pregnant belly showing would make it much more sexy and lewd.

That's not really love, more like mere attraction and need of self fulfilment.
Shinji is the devil she doesn't want to admit.

Rei is a literal cock sleeve that doesn't react.

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denial is the first stage, user

That sounds like denial user.

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She reacts enough to shoot down shitsuka's friend request

You mean her shorts and tank top.

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Also I will do thing regardless of if asuka wants to or not.

That's fin too.

Confirmed buttblasted reifags this thread.

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When I was a kid I used to hate Asuka, and slightly preferred Misato as an older lady I'm older than Misato and Asuka is my favorite. I want her to bully the shit out of me in all the worst ways


>I want her to bully the shit out of me in all the worst ways
Not bullying Asuka then doing this

I've always wanted to hatefuck Asuka, then fall in love and procreate fuck her then.

I'd rather bully asuka until she wets herself in front kaji.

then hatefuck her during pregnancy right?

Only anally.

Attached: 1506031421090.png (473x571, 273K)

switch the shorts out for a skirt and no panties for ease of access to her pussy then you have a deal.

I prefer vaginal hatefucking pregnant Asuka, anal is only for when she is seconds from giving birth and only after I have already came in he a few times already.

*in her

You're worse than me user.

Attached: 1513232485504.jpg (1200x1061, 264K)

Sounds good to me.

Attached: 1534263958502.jpg (680x1000, 194K)

My depravity knows no bounds.

Asuka has unhealthy dependency just like Shinji and Misato, so neither are suitable until they achieve self-improvement.

Asuka Rei and Shinji are probably messed up enough to have a threesome.

Are you so depraved you would kill yourself for the sake of depravity?
You hear about dumb musicians dying from auto-erotic asphyxiation all the time .. assuming it is that which caused the death.

Attached: 1506124415700.png (487x480, 176K)

No female character is perfect. They're all flawed because to be human is to be flawed.

That would just involve Shinji being too afraid to do anything while Rei stands idle and Asuka has to order them into making any kind of move before getting fed up and leaving.

Attached: cd006.jpg (1894x1024, 659K)

Someone needs to draw that.

So has any of you read Advice and Trust? Last chapter came out a couple days ago.

Attached: Shinjis Band_zpsjwucn1lq.png (806x604, 886K)

You fags have been arguing for 24 years

>That would just involve Shinji being too afraid to do anything
Which is probably why he will never get a girlfriend.

Shinji also can't make a decision.
Go figure.

I read some of it. It's trash.
Read Genocide or The Creative Principle if you want a good fanfic.

I like shipping Asuka and Shinji and admit I read more fanfics than I should, but that one is WAY too idealistic. They have sex, and suddenly all their problems are resolved.

Also making Rei's pills the reason for her lack of emotion over simplifies her character, and then she suddenly becomes the #1 advocate for the power of love.


>They have sex, and suddenly all their problems are resolved.
Knowing them they would not wear any protection and Asuka will most likely get pregnant and things get worse from there on.

i like kaoru for shinji best. he was genuinely supportive and loving with him.

Attached: teh rei.jpg (661x1200, 107K)

>Faggots are so insecure to liking girls that are manlier
>They are projecting their faggotry unto others
>And making rules for "real men"

>not being a perv that's into pervy sex

Attached: krauserwithanothervictim.gif (500x342, 1.36M)

Shit like this just makes Reitards look pathetic. It's painfully obvious that they're larping here to make Asukafags look bad. Maybe it's supposed to be obvious and I'm taking the bait? Either way, it seems all Reifriends are regularly trying to undermine Asukunts because they have no other argument.

You can usually tell which ship in a series it's most canon, by how fans of other ships react to them, desperately trying to invalidate them, the way Reifans do to Asuka. You can see in the way Harmony and Dramione fans constantly turned Ron into a Death Eater, the way Zutara fans attacked Mei, the autism of NaruSaku fans towards every other character. It's classic failed ship behavior. It's also the way Asuka AND Rei fans act towards Kaworu :^D

Attached: cdc.jpg (800x450, 82K)

What do you do?

Attached: choices.jpg (800x600, 124K)

This is the lowest IQ thread I've ever had the displeasure of reading.
How do y'all function?

Based. Misato tongue pick is unironically my favorite reaction image across any board on this site. Also love the picture of her Kaji and ritsuko

>You can usually tell which ship in a series it's most canon, by how fans of other ships react to them, desperately trying to invalidate them, the way Reifans do to Asuka. You can see in the way Harmony and Dramione fans constantly turned Ron into a Death Eater, the way Zutara fans attacked Mei, the autism of NaruSaku fans towards every other character. It's classic failed ship behavior.
Now that I think about it some Esdeathfags been acting like this too the Minefags as well lately in the AgK! threads.

>It's also the way Asuka AND Rei fans act towards Kaworu
That is different, both Asuka and Rei themselves know its wrong.

Attached: 1475289252855.jpg (1024x1449, 334K)

We could say plenty of negative about Asuka, you coward. About how her incompetence regularly jepoardizes operations that Shinji and Rei have handled properly, and how her insubordination would have her thrown in the stockade in any functional military. About how her pathetic mommy issues resulted in her entire laughable existence as a puppet for the powers at hand, who have trained her to perfectly obey her betters whilst never once questioning her purpose.

But we choose not to, because we know asukacucks like you are driven comatose every time you have an original thought.

>he reads the entire thread
what a waste

Fuck man

Attached: hfsLbGr.png (1200x900, 1.71M)

Kaji should have gone for Rits instead.

Based, Rei is for NEETs and Misato is for contrarians.
Asuka is for comfy jesting and playfighting over trivial bullshit that gradually devolves into sex.

Attached: asuka cute.jpg (1024x768, 198K)

She complained about Misato and Kaji's flings when this sketch first showed. Though she has been enticed by Kaji's charisma when they later both work for NERV, in their youth Ricchan's type just isn't Kaji. Maybe she would've gone for Gendo if the two were in the same year (go figure, like mother, like daughter)

Attached: 1542274473098.jpg (1024x768, 208K)

Being bratty isn’t assertive.

Misato is for anything gradually devolving into sex, asukafriend

Attached: bleeeehhhhh.gif (500x700, 1.96M)

>Maybe she would've gone for Gendo
She did though. Boning Gendo is her main reason for putting up with all the obviously inhumane shit NERV does.

Yup thanks. It just wouldn't have worked out for young Ritsuko and Kaji. Ritsuko definitely transformed from contempt of sex to fucking and smoking while somewhat retaining that lonely cat lady part of her personality.

Asuka is objectively best girl, Rei is just a plot device and Misato despite being badass and hot she isn't as complex as Asuka.

She's the tsundere done right and she wasn't to blame for Shinji's dense personality.

Attached: Souryuu.Asuka.Langley.full.1375422.jpg (1024x768, 368K)

ritusko just needed a relationship that didn't both constantly put her in the shadow of her mother. and also a career that didn't do the same. and also a social life

god i wanna be her boytoy

Attached: 1551409538872.jpg (428x424, 16K)

Why wouldn't I invite Rei to play Mario Kart?

I've never watched Eva but I know that Asuka is best girl, any good doujins with her preferably on model?

Asukafags don't even like Asuka. Classic and Rebuild are complete different characters in terms of personality, but Asukafags don't care about that. They don't care about their so-called waifu.
Misato is best girl in every version.

She went along with a joke and turned it around on both Kaji and Misato, she didn't take him seriously at all. Her attitude towards men didn't change until she saw her mother with one and started sleeping with him herself.

Attached: oh you.jpg (1440x1080, 369K)

What makes you think I'm an Asukuck?

Attached: butter my biscuit.png (985x644, 788K)

yep...looking at this gif...i still love misato.

shes so pretty.,

>The Creative Principle
Decide to look it up. Read the first line.
>He killed Kaworu again that night, as he did every night
I like it already.

Except that they're all equally terrible in their own way. Asuka would cuck you in a heartbeat, or just pityfuck you at best. Shinji is just a coping mechanism to her, nothing more. Get better taste in women. Evangelion's cast is a cornucopia of misery.

Kaworu is shit. He set Shinji in a situation where he'd be forced to kill someone who showed him positive attention, breaking his spirit.

Heck yes I would

reminder misato's breath always smells like stinky booze and beer

So that's your pc word for unbearable bitch?

She only appeared as an unbearable bitch because Shinji was even bigger bitch.

Nah, there's a good number of them

the NZ shooter really missed an opportunity not asking them if they prefer Asuka or Rei

Must have been fun to be a SEELE dude, getting to see her stand naked, trying to hide her embarassment.

Kaworu's great because it's intentional. He said positive things like suffering was a fact of human existence and they'd be happier dead. He didn't go back on that until he floated to the same position Rei takes to be seized by Lilith and was alarmed at nothing happening, then lied about dying to prevent Third Impact while omitting Seele existing and looking right at Rei. Kaworufags are shit.

Remember that if you actually like Asuka it's because you have no self esteem and enjoy women walking all over you.

Unironically the best choise, a top tier bro

Asukafags live free rent in your head

That's nothing, because no one cares about Shinji only Misato cares a bit about Shinji

Misato makes herself sick with guilt over the idea that she's exploiting an earnest, eager to please boy to get her revenge for her. Then she starts beating her friends and screaming condemnations at science when something happens to him.

Attached: 1547477022635.jpg (780x1062, 349K)

>Evangalion was 24 years ago

Why is this show still hauting so many people?
I can't think of any no eva thread moment on Yea Forums.
Multiple threads are always on going and yet no one is complaing about it.

And I don't think anyone else cares about if it's ok to make Shinji fight the Angels, that's why I say a bit only

Ritsuko and Fuyutsuki raise concerns over the ethics. They plow through them and keep working, they're more conscious than Misato that everyone is killed anyway if the Angels aren't destroyed.

Attached: never in front of misato.jpg (1440x1080, 170K)

>why are people still talking about one of the most important anime ever on the anime board
Sure beats the twentieth shonen thread for the day

I like Kaworu and want him to end up with Asuka

Psychoanalyze me, Freud

They don't even meet in the series. Haven't met in Rebuild either other than their fight
It's the crackiest of crack ships

Asuka wasn't assertive, she was just a normal girly girl.

The problem with Rei is stoicism, it is simply not attractive in a female.

>The problem with Rei is stoicism, it is simply not attractive in a female
Introspective, retracted girls can be hot.

Attached: 1547862069669.jpg (792x594, 118K)

Friendly reminder that Asuka was only assertive around beta males like Shinji, Kensuke, and Touji and was completely submissive to based Kaji since she lusted for his cock despite the fact that he only viewed her as a kid and was balls deep in Misato's pussy.

Attached: Kaji and Misato.jpg (642x798, 100K)

>beta male
We know it's you, Hikari. You will never get the Touji D

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Asuka fought Shinji. Kaworu was concentrating on talking into his hand and trying to count 2 spears, he never noticed there was a fight.

>liking Tsundere

>beta male
The third impact wouldn't have happen if he had a chance to pilot. He would have wrecked everyone and everything.

Friendly reminder that if you prefer Rei over Asuka or Misato that's your opinion and I respect that.

Attached: 135757414038.jpg (690x1200, 91K)

Plenty, actually. Asuka has astonishingly high quality doujins imo. Ignoring the fact that she seems to be popular among torturefags, which always makes for shit doujins.
I especially recommend the "Plug Suit Fetish" series. A little bit off model, but mostly accurate and hot as hell.

I can barely pick between the Eva girls. They are all very good characters and like them all.

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Touji may not be a wimp like Shinji, but he's an idiot and never had the conviction to pilot the EVA like Shinji. So yes, he's a beta.

>Asuka would cuck you in a heartbeat
t. speedwatcher.
She'd be too afraid of being abandoned to do that.

She's REALLY well drawn in C-FREAK. Easily one of the best Evangelion doujinshi ever.

C-FREAK is my favorite, i wish Saigado did more like that.

Shinji is a sex machine in that

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Indeed. I prefer Asuka but I don't dislike Rei or Misato at all.

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He had the conviction to agree to it. Also for an injured girl, like Shinji. He's got no enthusiasm and he's dreading it for days, but I guess that's the difference between recruitment to a team during a lull and being the only guy while under an attack.

Asukucks: not even once

A man of taste

based and nicepilled

Attached: porquenolosdos.jpg (1280x1847, 275K)

I agree.

Attached: DY8fNlWVwAAlfCr.jpg (500x667, 46K)

I respect Rei more than Asuka.
I love Asuka more than Rei.

not sure if based

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I love Asuka and feel pity but also admiration for Rei, who I would rather have as my loyal friend than my wife.

Asuka for marriage. Rei for fluffing her hair with both hands until she makes tiny confused and frustrated noises.

Attached: 1549633671439.jpg (576x768, 147K)

I just finished this, what the fuck was that ending all about? It wasn't bad but it was so disconnected from everything else and rest of the plot got thrown in the trash. Did I miss something?

literally 2deep4u, user

Canonicity of extra materials can be put into question, but it's more or less pic related
It's funner to try to figure it out, though

Attached: 1547769146771.png (657x3213, 326K)

I hope you watched EoE as well.

Not yet, just finished the show. I will watch that later.

Don't read until you're done with EoE
Eva is not about these minutia anyways, it's about the characters. Who cares about the sci-fi background

Thank you for the warning. Yeah, I know the actual focus was on the characters and I enjoyed it a lot. I just didn't expect the story to be interrupted and trashed like that. It was still interesting even if It wasn't the main focus.

You should do it ASAP. Episodes 25 and 26 make a lot more sense after that.

Attached: 1552272897928.jpg (934x1008, 143K)

Thanks, appreciate hearing It'll make more sense. I won't continue right away tonight but probably will do tomorrow.

Attached: 1368424_p0.jpg (500x700, 280K)

If half the things printed about NGE's production are true, then there was a plan 2 years before the show was made for 26 episodes with an ending that sounds like Shinji fights Gendo and Third Impact never happens at all, which was discarded for a draft of episode 25 supposed to follow directly from the events of 24 and make a bridge to Shinji in Instrumentality for 26, then that was discarded I guess so they could fit in character study interviews for Asuka, Rei, and Misato and they made it in like 10 days and got it in right before it was supposed to air.

>Real men like assertive women
Real cucks like assertive women
here, I fixed that for you

Attached: garbage.png (510x478, 576K)

Have you ever noticed that it's always Reifags dissing Asukafags and never the opposite?
Why are Reifags so insecure? It's like they see someone else with a waifu other than theirs and they feel it's an attack. Most people who prefer Asuka don't even dislike Rei

Attached: 1535597415525.png (649x621, 229K)

Maybe I like the smell of beer

Attached: dick byrne.gif (302x224, 1.03M)

>look at me, I'm rewriting 15 years of history to be the exact opposite of what it was
Asukafags have been shitting up every eva thread on Yea Forums since 2004.

Attached: 1547582503614.jpg (712x719, 102K)

I can understand it from the point of view of wanting to see how Asuka would react to unconditional support. I think she would resent and reject someone offering that to her, or at least be suspicious of them. It's not in her nature to just accept someone's love and affection.

>popular with women

Toji's not an idiot. He's a bait-and-switch. The idiot from Osaka who beats up the main character on his first day turns out to be one of the most compassionate characters in the show and Shinji's truest friend. You saw the bait, but you never noticed the switch.

Attached: poor toji.png (563x422, 380K)

It's a weird japanese thing I guess. In the west he'd be the most popular boy, being tall and athletic. And Horaki likes him at least

This should tell you everything you need to know

Attached: we have to go deeper.jpg (1577x2216, 968K)

If that western school also didn't have a basketball team, he'd still be a weird loner coming to class dressed to play horse by himself afterward.

>Shinji=Anno self-insert
>deeper than entry level
The show literally tells you the magi system is Naoko and any contemporary interview would show that Anno self inserts as Shinji.

Attached: 1551563372064.jpg (354x259, 36K)

That's the part you take issue with? Not "Kaworu achieved CHIM" or "Geometry"

Attached: stay puft.png (219x258, 79K)

I don't see a whole lot of talk on CHIM or Geometry, do you? Didn't think so.

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If most or all of your character's personality traits can be summarized with the single word "bitch", then your character probably isn't that great

Attached: community_image_1389683244.gif (704x480, 136K)

>If most or all of your character's personality traits can be summarized with the single word "frigid", then your character probably isn't that great

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>he doesn't like asuka, must be a reifag
never, ever, change asukafags

If your character isn't Misato, she a shit

[This post was made by Misato gang]

Attached: nice.jpg (335x430, 29K)

This kills the Asuka-cuck, Based Japan has always knew Rei was superior

Attached: Japan's Favorite Anime Girls since 1983.jpg (640x3622, 1.2M)

>japanese taste

Attached: agwa disappoint.png (673x720, 681K)

I thought it was common knowledge Japan prefers Rei and the west prefers Misato and Asuka

For me it's Shinji-kun.

Attached: 20130220.jpg (744x772, 232K)

Where did you get this from and does it go all the way to this year?

>taking kajis used goods

Trips of truth

Attached: thumbs up.png (488x324, 210K)

Nice, but for me it's shinji-chan

Attached: f64dd0c784e78b07005655fc8c5bef40.jpg (706x999, 440K)

Do you think that's what Shinji thought of when he turned her down for sex?

This is why I don't like Misato.
She's a complete hypocrite trying to make Ritsuko the bad guy here.

And Misato shows favoritism and only cares about Shinji, she never questions Rei's unnatural commitment to piloting, and does jack shit to help Asuka when she begins her downward spiral.


Attached: let's go thrift shopping.gif (480x238, 883K)

Anno made Rei the way she is in the first place because Japan prefers that kind of archetype

And yet, you're on Yea Forums

Misato never forms any kind of rapport with Rei, but I read less contemptuously ignoring Asuka than electing to give her space. She's paying attention, she's making excuses for Asuka's sync results. It's not the first time she takes that approach; she wasn't running Security/Intelligence on a search for Shinji and demanding updates over the phone, she let him roam and worried. Misato appears to believe in taking time, she doesn't raise things until Shinji or even Asuka come to her with something they want to talk about, she didn't start directly lecturing until she was bleeding to death.

Attached: 1548343866336.jpg (1244x948, 530K)

Ya, her relationship with Asuka isn't that close but I think she's taking a horses for courses approach. Asuka doesn't seem to need the same hands on care that Shinji does, so she gives her space. She does try to give her advice in the hot spring, it's just terrible advice. She tries to put the brakes on Asuka a little in terms of "grown up stuff" what with the perfume, but mostly she treats her as being a bit more mature because that's what Asuka seems to want.

She still cares and she's upset when Ritsuko makes fun of her "family" falling apart, and that's mainly after what happens with Asuka.

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She does try to help Asuka just like she tries to help Shinji throughout the series. She is generally unsuccesful for both of them most of the time but it's easier to get through to Shinj then Asuka. This is because Asuka's struggle is more internal than Shinji's with her self worth tied only to her ability to pilot the Eva.Shinji has different problems. Ritsuko is a complete bitch I don't see how you wouldn't pick up on that. Rei is emotionally unreachable Shinji is the only one she cares about and its clear noone would have an effect on her other than Shinji or his father. Misato is altruistic right to the end when she sacrifices her life for Shinji and the world.

also Ritsuko is literally the bad guy tries to kill all the Rei clones purely out of jealousy

>Real men like assertive women
I think those would be more drawn to Misato, which is much more of a "normalfag" option. Even Rei is closer to a "real woman" than Asuka.
Asuka is for weak losers who want the girl to do all the work and take charge of the relationship (and their lives).
This is also why Asuka is so popular with otaku demographics.

imagine being this delusional Toji is the gigachad of the show dwarfed only by Kaji

Attached: '.jpg (640x583, 59K)

Asuka clearly needs a strong male and that's why she hates Shinji. Why do you think she was attracted to Kaji....


There's a reason Hikari is so ashamed to be attracted to him

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>of any variety
Ask me how I know you're a speedwatcher

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what scene are you talking about? I genuinely dont remember this unless you mean the one where she's crying and Shinji ignores her for no reason.

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Chadest scene in anime.

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That, too. Shinji gets more attention because he has a penis. Misato acknowledges herself after Rei explodes that she wanted to comfort Shinji for her own loneliness.

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literally every female main character other than Rei is interested in him.... and Rei is Rei

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that is the most convoluted explanation for why Misato is a bad person I have ever heard. You can justify every action as selfish in nature with that sort of reasoning.

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It's in episode 23, when she's comforting him over Rei's death. She reaches out her hand to him and he pulls away in disgust. Commentary states she was offering him sex. The scene is also loaded with subtext. See pic-related.

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Asuka most of all wants validation. A strong male who actively pursues her would immediately lose her interest. Certainly, she saw Shinji as weak and a loser, but the fact that he would not attempt to make romantic advances towards her made her furious, as it made her doubt her value as a woman, which triggers her fears of abandonment.
Kaji did not respond to her advances either, but chances are if he did, he'd not be interesting to her any more. Asuka is not interested in a relationship and not ready for one either. She's only interested in having her ego stroked. First she'd have to sort out her own issues, but that wouldn't happen without letting anyone close - and she didn't open up to Kaji either, as she hid her true personality from him, playing her nice-girl act when he was around. She was only open with Shinji, since Shinji was her only true "peer" and therefore the only relevant option she has. With Kaji, she never shared that kind of intimacy.

how could you ever dislike Misato? She's a functional alcoholic but that's probably the only unlikable trait about her

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which commentary is that?

ok this is more epic than your favorite game, fortnite!

any woman other than Yui or Ritusko is likable and they all got nice tiddies

Mein nigger

I honestly never picked up on that just figured it was Shinji being retarded and elusive for no reason which commentary you mean? Also there really isn't anything wrong with that she lost her lover and Shinji has clearly been sexually attracted to her as we see in the last two episodes. I still would never interpret it that way though.

Misato gang, you say?

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"Kaji the Chad" is a persona he created for his spy work. He actually isn't very interested in sex and struggles to understand women beyond flirting with them. He completely believed Misato when she said she'd had an affair, and still loved her for 8 years after that. Shinji sees through him in episode 18. The flashbacks of him and Misato in college make it clear she was the one with all the sex drive in their relationship. The way he behaves when having sex with her in episode 20 and how he dealt with Asuka in the flashback from episode 22 are further indicators of his lack of sex drive.

Kaji and Misato's relationship, like Shinji and Asuka's, has an inversion of gender roles. Kaji is a nurturing presence for the kids with a traditionally feminine interest in gardening, while Misato is the beer-swilling sports car-driving hothead. Misato has a type: guys who remind her of her father. The main two guys in the series who fulfill this for her are Kaji and Shinji. Behind all his bluffing, Kaji is just a grown up Shinji.

One of my favorite subtle moments in the series that demonstrates Kaji's whole fake persona is pic-related. He flirts with Maya and flippantly throws the empty can towards the trash. Once Maya leaves, he not only picks up his can, but arranges all the cans in the trash. This is the same episode where Shinji cleans Rei's apartment for her. It both shows that Kaji is different when not being observed and gives a visual parallel between him and Shinji. I know I'm rambling here, but I just think Eva's direction is fucking impeccable.

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>mfw has feelings for asuka because of past relationships
>mfw has body pillow and posters of her
>blocks out real women to think of her
fuck you k8 i fucking hate you this is all that bitches fault why

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I've heard supplementary material gives Kaji some sort of extreme survivor's guilt over his brother's death or something, which he keeps bottled up.

I read somewhere that in the manga that he sells out a group of starving children for bread as a kid or something right after second impact , and carries that guit as an adult

I think that was it and maybe his brother was among those kids, and the military killed them.

Either way, it explains why he shows no fear of death in the series, because he almost feels he deserves to die.

Commentary is the wrong word. It's an official art book with license by Gainax that says she was offering her body, though I kind of suspected it on my second watch through anyway. It fits with her character.

you can't honestly think Kaji and Shinji are similar. Kaji is devoted to his work AND having genuine relationships with people. He clearly cares for Misato and is not just using her all his actions display him as a genuinely caring person. Shinji is devoted to nothing really other than trying to keep Rei safe and not kill people. Also the relationship between Shinji and Misato is extremely one sided unlike Kaji and Misato who both love each other in the same way.

Genocide is double trash.

Close, he was caught stealing supplies from a military warehouse and sold them out before he got a bullet in the head. He doesn't have this background anywhere else, he just makes an offhand comment to Asuka about missing his class trip because of 2I and seeing battlefields in that art book narrated by him.

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That was in the manga, which I don't pay a whole load of attention to. Anime is better. That said, Sadamoto was involved in developing the characters with Anno though (he was the one that pushed for a male MC) and he's always maintained that Kaji is the most broken of the main cast, but is just the best at hiding it.

Kaji is devoted to his relationships? He abandons everything on a suicidal quest for knowledge as part of his work, essentially abandoning everyone when they need him most.

I don't think Shinji and Kaji are 100% alike, Eva isn't that lazy. I just think there are some very clear parallels made between them over the course of the series, which can help us understand Kaji, since he keeps his true self hidden most of the time. I'd say him and Shinji are about as similar as Asuka and Misato are, which is to say quite similar, but not THAT similar.

He also added it was Kaji who worked harder than Misato to sabotage their relationship.

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Kaji = (Relatively) emotionally well-adjusted adult Shinji who learns to care more about others, comes to terms with his issues and dicks down Asuka post 3I
Gendo = Autistic adult Shinji who closes himself off to others and never changes
Both are possible outcomes.

>It's an official art book with license by Gainax that says she was offering her body
I thought that the actual Japanese dialogue made that clear, but they changed it for the English dub/official subs.


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I doubt it, the art book takes care to couch it in terms like "possible", whereas it has no such thing when it comes to claims like Shinji accepting Instrumentality.

don't agree with that take at all. Kaji died because he had too in order to try to solve what was going on. He left that message to Misato stating pretty clearly that he had to die but that he wanted her to carry on. An extremely selfless character (Misato is as well) and dying for a righteous cause is not abandoning your loved ones. Asuka is not similar to Misato, Misato want's revenge Asuka wants recognition and to be needed by others. There actions and outlook are wildly different.

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age of consent in Japan is 13 Shinji is 14.

>Get called a fag if i'm into femdom
>Get called a fag if i'm not into assertive women
How do i win?

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Dominate the assertive woman

Don't give a shit what others say.

Mutual tsundere.

>pathetic mommy issues
I probably would handle it far worse if my mum hung herself in front of me at the age of 5.
I don't even give a shit that you like Rei bro. Why are you so obsessed with defending her?

>age of consent in Japan is 13
Stop saying this, it is simply not true. 13 is the minimum federally mandated age of consent, each prefecture then must set their own age of consent (which is the one that actually matters) based on the federal law. Most of them have very high ages of consent, just like America.
That does not mean that Misato is a pedophile, of course. But Japanese law is a lot harder on this than most European or South American countries.

Lol, I prefer Hikari...

Let's be honest here, Asukucks are simpletons (That's why they focus so much on validation and shipping) who only like her cause she appears shinier and has a louder mouth to placate their ADHD.

ya I know at the age of 14 I would be excited to have sex with a beautiful woman but in some cases it could be predatory even from a woman to a man. also

>we know asukacucks like you are driven comatose every time you have an original thought.


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Well, seeing as this is the weekly Asucuck v Reifag lure thread, what do you guys think we will get in 4.0?

Also, I hear some promotional album is coming out this December-ish for the movie? Here's hoping Saigado hasn't lost his touch

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I actually think all the prefectures have their local age of consent sent between 16 and 18, but since I haven't checked ALL of them I prefer to say "most". Don't want to be wrong on the internet.

>what do you guys think we will get in 4.0
More of 3.0's non-sense.
Mari fans will be the only ones to come out of the Rebuilds satisfied.


>Not knowing who you are why you came to be not having any meaningful relationships or hobbies and doing whatever your creator tells you makes you a stoic
Marcus Aurelius was doing it wrong the whole time

I thought 2.0 was great and watched the travesty known as 3.0 yesterday. Not excited at all can't invest in the world they made and watching the characters interact in exactly the same way as they always have

>Asuka is not similar to Misato
Both are females that behave in a traditionally masculine fashion. Both use sexuality as a means of confirming existence to others. Both use their careers as a distraction from loneliness. Both cover affection for their love interest in aggression. Both are trying to escape traumatic childhoods and mourning for lost parental figures. Asuka drops into a catatonic state at the end of the series, something Misato spent years in as a teenager. Asuka wonders aloud in instrumentality in EoE if she will grow up to be like Misato. In a deleted live action scene, of a world where Shinji and the Evas never existed, Asuka is Misato's next door neighbor and is living a very similar life to her.

You can pick into the very minute details of them to find differences of course. Eva isn't so lazy as to copy and past characters. There are however clear broadstroke similarities. Even though you point out the different reasons they fight, over the course of the series, both of them realise they're not sure why they're fighting and it turns out they were both being manipulated into fighting by SEELE/NERV pressing their psychological buttons the entire time.

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...or just a woman who sees nothing wrong with fucking what is for all intents and purposes a man, in terms of physical capability. Misato-haters confirmed for not remembering adolescence and how amazing it would've been to be in Shinji's shoes, in regards to Misato.

>both use there careers as a distraction from loneliness
no not really as stated above Misato does it take to revenge for her father's death and Asuka does it to get the attention and admiration of others
>both use sexuality
yes attractive people will take advantage of there gift its only natural
>Both cover there affection in agression
Misato literally doesn't do this lmao

parental figure tie and catatonic state are clearly a similarity between the 2. There's a whole lot of throwaway lines and weird shit for everyone in instrumentality and Misato and Asuka still have completely different motives for almost all there actions.

It's obvious it was a sexual advance. She tries to hold his hand and he freaks out, then she apologizes
Also she kisses him and promises to do the rest in EoE, so it's an undeniable desire of her

did you retype his post instead of pasting it?

"Fuck otaku and fuck Reifags, now excuse me while I go masturbate furiously to my idealized anime female, Asuka, and play with toy model kits."
>woosh goes the plane, all the way into the sky, look at it go!

also the sexuality between the 2 is never clear despite what says the scene does not need to be interpreted that way and this is just Reifags getting desparate to hate one of the most altruistic characters in the series. Also the scene where she kisses shinji before she dies clearly ain't sexual for her she's realizing that she's never gotten through to him verbally and has to do something before she dies

Genocide is objectively well-written. Don't hate on it due to waifufaggotry

I'm not a Reifag nor do I hate Misato.

Aggressively assault Asuka.

>it's obvious it was a sexual advance
holding someones hand is not inherently sexual I can guarantee my mother probably held my hand to comfort me when I was young

LOL she was bleeding out from a gunshot wound she said this so that he would be more inspired to save all the people that Shinji was ignoring. She knew she was about to die and was thinking of Kaji not having sex with a 14 year old as she died. She couldn't tell him she was dying or else he would have stayed with her so she said her farewell differently.

Switch, the patrician's choice.

"Misato isn't a pedo" fags are the worst. Look at this denial

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Asuka is really overrated...
Carly from iCarly is better

There were more rational things Misato could have said to encourage Shinji.

Instead she starts EoE yelling at him to go get in the robot because she doesn't want to die, and when she is dying and realizes the angry yelling at the emotionally distraught kid didn't work, she tries using sex to manipulate him again, because that is all she knows. Just like she did at the start of the series with her post-card to Shinji.

More like hebephile

Also,Misato is overrated

The OP is literally an Asukafag, retard.

LOL kissing a 14 year old when your about to die is rape. Again she couldn't tell him she was dying and had to say goodbye. A kiss on the lips is not rape and the comment after she had no intention of fulfilling. If I knew after I killed an angel I get to slay that shit I'd be sprinting in 5 seconds flat more motivation for the cuck Shinji

Inheritance is alright, its heavily inspired by and positioned like a pseudo-sequel to Creative Principle

There's an edge on that adult kiss too that Shinji can't be a child anymore. She's yelling at him like she hasn't done since the start of the series, before she settled into a more maternal role, and she comes back around to maternal to tell him to find his answers. There won't be anymore guidance and he has to decide actions for himself or he'll regret whatever happens.

Okay, that this is epic, dare I say based and redpilled as well. Upvoted!

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Hello Dan

>Misato does it take to revenge for her father's death
That's what she thinks at the start of the series. She says in EoTV that she hoped to find meaning in her career, but that even though she was good at it, she was just performing a role and didn't feel any better.

>yes attractive people will take advantage of there gift its only natural
There's more to it than that. Misato says in EoTV that she used sex to establish independence, that she was sick of being a "good girl", that she wanted to be filthy, wanted Kaji to degrade and defile her. She very clearly ties in her sexuality to her independence. Asuka does the same thing, wanting to be seen as an adult and seeing sex as the way to achieve this (see the lavender perfume scene). I know you're going to say that associating sex with independence is common so doesn't count as a parallel, but this isn't the case for Rei, Shinji, Kaji or any other character whose head we explore. Ritsuko is the most obviously "sexy" character on the show (the blonde hair, the beauty spot) and she doesn't exhibit this attitude. As I said, Asuka herself draws attention to it in EoE.

>Misato literally doesn't do this lmao
Rewatch episodes 8 through 12. Every interaction she has with Kaji is aggressive.
>ep 8: everything on the boat
>ep 9: angry at him flirting with ritsuko, is annoyed at most mentions of his name (except when ritsuko gives her the plan)
>ep 10: giving out about "god's gift" when asuka brings him up
>ep 11: the entire scene in the elevator
>ep 12: annoyed with him at the party
There's also the wedding, where she's angry at him for being late, angry at him for being sloppy, says no one would want to marry him etc.

iCarly is the true anime

>Misato literally doesn't do this lmao
None of the things you listed is something she does to hide her affection.

>being aggressive towards someone who you had a bad breakup with is strange
most people are bitter after a long term breakup if it's not mutual or if someone's trust was broken. She's also jealous that Kaji would likely not have any issues with finding a partner. I don't think it's that she's covering it up she's genuinely bitter and resentful. You could be right about the aggression with Kaji though I've definitely acted this way due to jealousy or lack of confidence.
Revenge is also almost always a fruitless pursuit which is why she's unfulfilled nothing to do with hiding behind her work.
Post is a bit out of order hopefully it makes sense

> 298 replies
>110 images
> 95 posters
This threads needs to end. Seeing y'all autistic niggas spouting autistic rants about people that don't even exist for days is nuts! This thread was a mistake, just like Evangelion, just like anime all together. All y'all niggas is sick. All y'all niggas need to go outside and interact with real people.

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based and truthpilled

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2D women are real in our hearts you fucking degenerate

upvoted for ebin maymay skills

They exist to us.


Is that you?

or you?

Character discussions are the soul of Eva threads
Also where do you think you are?

I posted and and I'm a Misatofag. Her attitude towards sex and her relationship with Shinji are some of the most interesting aspects of her character.

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Please stop importing your garbage memes.

What's the matter, don't like memes?

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>never watched evangelion
>friend is an asukafag because he's a sub and into redheads
>been on Yea Forums long enough to hear about rei vs asuka constantly
>find out a third choice exists
>say misato is best just to be a memer
>finally watch evangelion last year
>misato REALLY IS best girl
I guess sometimes, you just know.

asuka a shit
rei not even a character

Rei is too a character.

Misato is cool and all, but I wouldn't write off the other two just because they are unlikeable

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I liked Asuka when I was a kid in high school. Then I matured.

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She's 14 you sickos


Its okay, 3.0 Asuka is 28.

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asuka is a shithead

and rei's not unlikeable. She's not likeable either. There's fucking nothing to her.

Fertile adolescent.

Actually, I think she's 13 during most of the 26 TV episodes. Don't see why it should be a problem, though.

Nah, Shinji was just a replacement goldfish. Anyone in his shoes is equally expendable to her. Her mental state is too much in a terrible state to even think about dating anyone. If you died tomorrow, Asuka wouldn't bat an eye.


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There's one especially obvious reifag who typically makes up about a quarter of all posts in any given thread, replies to himself all the time, replies to the same posts multiple times, literally every pathetic autistic trick in the book to try and make his crazy ideas orthodox.
He actually doesn't seem to be in this thread seeing as there hasn't been any autistic screeching about Asuka being a puppet/doll, which is why it has a modicum of comfiness at least.

>she could've easily gone for pretty much any guy in their school
>given ample opportunities to as Shinji doesn't reciprocate her advantages and is generally kinda lame as a potential partner
>keeps trying to get his attention anyway and is repeatedly hurt when he continues to do nothing
But keep up your headcanon based on nothing except a burning hatred for any girl/woman who isn't an utterly subservient slave-wife.

That's not my view at all, though I empathize with your assumption. Contrary to what you think, assertive women are my type. Asuka is a deconstruction of that. I'd want a woman who cares, not one that would get bored and treat me like a tool. The whole point of healthy relationships is mutual respect and understanding. The problem I have with Asuka is that she doesn't care about Shinji whatsoever. He's there for her to cope over a complex she has. She is far from ideal for a life partner. There is a difference between domineering and independence with genuine feelings of love, and wearing a mask pretending to care when that person is just a tool to fill a void haphazardly. Shinji is in no position to get with anyone either though, don't get it wrong. He's as much an emotional wreck and just not adjusted whatsoever either.

They're also only 13 1/2 - 14 years old, which a lot of people seem to forget.
Most kids that age know nothing about having an actual relationship

>Most kids that age know nothing about having an actual relationship
Neither does Anno at age 50.

When does Asuka ever "get bored" with any of her romantic targets? She keeps trying and trying to get with Kaji until he dies and she's distraught, and she keeps trying and trying to get Shinji to reciprocate until she's made to give up on life itself by Arael.
Did Asuka want some kind of "void" in her life filled by a romantic partner? Yeah. Isn't that the reason everyone wants a partner? "Void" makes it sound like an especially bad thing, but if there was no benefit to having a partner, nobody would do it.
I don't see anything in Asuka's character that implies a lack of loyalty, solidarity, or simple good morals. Yes, she is trying to "get something" from the males she pursues, but we are all lacking something or other - and she would immediately LOSE what she's looking for (mostly affirmation and acceptance) by breaking up with either of them. I don't think you can say that makes her a bad partner, though she could be quite a needy one.

Gay and man aren't antonyms.

"Gay" and "Real Man" are, though, faggot.

Real is semantically redundant when referring to scientifically strict terms.

Ahhhh, you know what? That's actually a very valid point, and I feel stupid for not considering that. Thank you.

She comes off as someone who only pursued Shinji not because she harbored any feelings, but because he was just a means to an end; completely expendable and would have forgotten about him easily if tragedy struck him much earlier. It's entirely one-sided on her part. user above did bring up a good point though. She's barely a teenager, so it's reasonable that she would be unadjusted to true feelings just like Shinji.

"Did Asuka want some kind of "void" in her life filled by a romantic partner? Yeah. Isn't that the reason everyone wants a partner? "Void" makes it sound like an especially bad thing, but if there was no benefit to having a partner, nobody would do it."

My phrasing needs a lot of work, but what I meant was that her motivations for filling out that void was entirely self-serving. People who pursue romance that way tend to be extremely apathetic around their partners, if not outright desperate for affection in the first place. Those same people don't harbor any feelings toward their partners either. Just being loved unconditionally is enough for them to feel whole. Filling out a relationship void should be a mutual effort, at the least.

If you like Rei, you might as well just fuck a blowup doll for the rest of your life.
Actually, Kaworu is best boy and Shinji is his best girl.

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Shut up, Maya.

This. Yui is unironically the worst person in the series, it's pretty perfect that her clone is just as much of a cunt as she is.

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Don't bully Shinji.

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But Anno has autism.


Asuka only latches onto Shinji because 1) Kaji rejects her and 2) She's bored. Over the course of the show, she only grows to hate Shinji more and more, because he takes away the attention she gets from others. All she has left in life is being a good pilot, and he takes the spotlight from that. By the end, she literally is suicidal and wants Shinji to die, which is why the ending in End of Eva with her still being alive makes no sense.

Basically, she doesn't love Shinji. She uses him because he's the only guy who will talk to her and she's desperate. But this is a show that was written by a guy who admits to being depressed and not understanding women. So really, we shouldn't be thinking too deep about it.

>She comes off as someone who only pursued Shinji not because she harbored any feelings, but because he was a means to an end
Gonna be a hard "disagree" on this one for me, chief. I simply don't see the character that way and it would require a convincing, well-evidenced argument to make me think otherwise.
Ultimately the cast of Eva all suffer from one problem in common - they all focus on their own problems much more than other people's problems. Well, I think it's very rare to find someone that doesn't do this irl, but it leads to a large number of the conflicts in Eva. Asuka falls victim to that too, and she's certainly looking to benefit from a potential romance in ways other than the romance itself, but that doesn't mean it's not "real" in my view.
Let's take a hypothetical example where Shinji died after, idk, magmadiver or something. He got burned to shit and died in hospital after pulling Asuka out. I agree that Asuka would get over it, but "forgotten"? I doubt that.
None of Asuka's actions tell me that she doesn't care about Shinji personally, basically. And many of them make me think she does care. She tries to get him to open up quite a lot, tries to poke and prod him into action, she's genuinely concerned when he gets hurt, deliberately refuses to tell him about the pilot of EVA-03 to avoid hurting him, praises him when he actually does do things right (rare as that might be) that don't involve her unfortunate trigger of having to be the best pilot, lots of little things like that which indicate fondness. I'd like to talk about the final scene of EoE, and how I think the ultimate meaning of it can be summed up as "acceptance and understanding" - and those two are DAMN rare in this show - but I acknowledge that it's ambiguous enough that you don't have to come to that conclusion. These are enough to convince me that she does view Shinji as someone special, and I DEFINITELY don't think she would consider him "disposable" and toss him aside.

This. The whole point is that they start out not being able to be apart from each other due to Shinji thinking Asuka could possibly give him some positive attention that he's desperate for and Asuka because she's bored but over the coarse of the series they grow to hate each other ending with Shinji choking her because she won't give him the positive attention he wants. I love Shinji and Asuka as characters but outside of cute fanart they really don't work as a couple at all because they both hate each other.

Shinji only works well with Kaworu in the anime. He hates Asuka and only sees her sexually by the end and is extremely terrified of Rei by the end.

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Asuka latches onto Shinji after getting rejected because she's a dependent person. Unless she works on bettering herself, she's just going to jump from one guy to another. She did that during her date.

Post your favorite Asuka

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>Shinji only works well with Kaworu in the anime
This is the worst fucking pairing in the entirety of Eva.
Shinji would've latched onto a fucking shoe if he thought it smiled at him in the state he was in by episode 24. He was absolutely desperate for affection after feeling betrayed by the world over and over.
Kaworu meanwhile knows the whole time that he will end up fighting Shinji to the death eventually, but chooses to get close to him anyway. Fucking asshole move by him which I put down to the fact that he never really loved Shinji at all - he loved humanity, and viewed Shinji as a representation of humanity. His actions can be legitimately viewed as the result of loving humanity, but he is immensely cruel to Shinji personally.
>He hates Asuka and only sees her sexually
Not true, which is why he is still wanting her back ("Call me an idiot like you always do!") and, after being almost unaffected by everything since Kaworu's death, fucking loses his shit when he sees that Asuka has been torn to shreds.
I mean really. "Hate"? Give me a break. The only thing preventing them from having a breakthrough and seeking strength in each other, with the possibility of advancing to real romance, is mutual fear. Fear of saying what you really think, fear of "exposing" yourself first, fear of giving the other the ability to hurt them emotionally. This is what defines Shinji and Asuka in NGE to me, like a board game where both players are too conservative and no real progress is made.
That's why the mutual risks taken in the final scene of EoE, and the brief moment of TRUE understanding I believe they share then, are so important. That's where we get the payoff, the proof that happiness is possible for anyone in my view.

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What does Asuka stew taste like?

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delete this.

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> He was absolutely desperate for affection after feeling betrayed by the world over and over.
Kaworu meanwhile knows the whole time that he will end up fighting Shinji to the death eventually
The whole point is that Kaworu fell in love with Shinji though and that's why in the end he let Shinji kill him because he wanted Shinji to live. The whole point of Shinji and Kaworu's relationship is that it's a tragic one but in the end Kaworu never wanted to harm him.
>after being almost unaffected by everything since Kaworu's death
He literally has to be dragged around by Misato by the arm because he can't bring himself to do anything after Kaworu dies and the only time he's actually happy during the entire film is when he sees Kaworu again. Shinji wants to be close to Asuka but she denies him that because she doesn't love Shinji and that's why he masterbated to her, he could only view her as a sexual object and all he had left were his simple sexual urges because Kaworu's death had left him in such a deep depression.

As for Asuka's side, she pretty deeply despises Shinji, the entire movie of EOE has a lot to do with that and if you pay attention that's the main reason why Shinji chokes her.

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Both Asuka and Shinji don't care for each other. They were barely friends only because of circumstance of them being forced to live with each other and being pilots. The more they got to know each other, they grew farther apart.

Tsundere sucks, i like submissive.

I don't believe they ever really hated each other after lord knows how many times I've seen the show, and you can't convince me otherwise. At worst they are frustrated with each other, quite often. In EoE for example Asuka's biggest complain about Shinji before 3I is that he isn't there being his typical "invincible" self when it matters most.
Now if you'll excuse me it's almost 6 am here and although I love this series I can get tired of discussing it.

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Asuka isn't a tsundere though, she's a tsunshun. She's pretty deredere to guys she likes like Kaji anyway.

>Shinji chokes Asuka and Asuka makes it extremely clear by the end that she can't stand him
Asuka was bored and thought that maybe she could get close to Shinji because they lived in the same house, hence the kiss and Shinji thought he could relate to her and help her with her problems making him feel better in the process, the problem is that they're too similar yet different because of the way they handle their problems and because of that they couldn't understand each other and bring nothing but problems to each other.

>and if you pay attention that's the main reason why Shinji chokes her.
please expand on this point

I summed it up hereBasically Shinji wanted to be close to Asuka and assumed she wanted the same, and when they started hating each other he was so upset by it that his only reaction was to choke her.

The whole scene is meant to be a call back to when they kissed but it's after they have all their 'feelings' revealed if you will and aren't hiding and pretending that they could get along.

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The problem is shippers ignore their relationship because they want to self-insert into Shinji.

Exactly. I hate when people water down Shinji to a self insert and water down Asuka into a 'I can change her with my love' character. Since they're both a lot more complex than that and it ruins the point of both of their characters.

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i mean like, substantiate it — what leads you to this reading of events, how does it fit into the structure and thematic overtones of the film as you see them?

Anons, I love Asuka so much... it's been so many years and I still do... but she isn't real... and furthermore, I've never felt love for a real human bean, I just don't care about them like I do for her.
How the fuck do I deal with this shit? I just want her to be happy. It's been years and years and I can't get over it.

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I just want to hold her hand for 1 (one) second

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> 369 replies
> 137 images
> 108 posters
> Page 5 as I write this
Good to see that the younger generations still appreciate and care to discuss old-school master-pieces like Evangelion. Keep it up, kids, you're doing great. The future of anime is in your hands and it is very very bright

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Most of the obnoxious reifags you see are from this one reifag discord, trust me

>Rei x Shinji
disgusting, Shinji sees her as a sister/mother figure at the beginning and is terrified of her by the end.
This is why we gotta take the Reifags to the gulag.

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Image would be better without arbitrary coupling, but I think it is nice to see the Eva-youth doing something nice like dancing with the flags of several nations on the background, instead of, you know, fighting bad aliens, amongst themselves or *themselves*... nice is the keyword here, user, niceness, fraternity and nothing more... that's what Evangelion and anime are all about in the end, aren't they?

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it's from the pure fanservice au vn, don't overthink it

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Fighting giant angels and mental issues is based

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rei is perfect

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>tfw you will never give rits a massage after a hard all-nighter at nerv has worn her down
i want to make her feel loved with simple yet heartfelt domestic gestures so bad brehs

More like everyone prefer Rei by default because how much of a cunt Asuka is.

t.homolord prime king of all the gay

>Currently posting in the presence of Fuyutski, Ibuki, and Horaki
Anyone else I should know about ITT?

Anno tried and failed to make her a deconstruction of that archetype.

Rei is in no way a deconstruction of any archetype nor was she intended to be.

It's gonna be a hard yikes on this one chief

You keep telling yourself that

>dude no one but me understands the characters, they misinterpret them lmao

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But I prefer Kaworu

You wouldn't say this if you'd have seen the insane Asukafag that spams his theories alongside nonsense pictures in Eva threads every so often.

dumb self-inserter

based. because of this thread i’m going to buy a bunch of asuka mercy before i leave japan

Jokes on you because you will only be able to buy Shikinami merch.

Has that guy ever clashed with the insane Reifag that goes on and on about doll shit?
What are the odds it's the same guy doing both, who just has nothing else to do in his life but bait people?

i know that feel

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Too bad she wants Gendo's dick

Who is the best eva girl according to him?

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i would have liked her if she wouldn't have fallen for gendo's dick.

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Jesus, that's a hell of a forehead. No wonder she wears her hair like that.

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It's that the "You love me" guy?

>the conchept of a best girl *sniff* is a capitalishtic one which is destructive to both parties *wipes nose* as it promotes comodification and idealisation of women through these fictional girls *clears throat* and creates a sense if loneliness and isolation in those who partake. stalin himself said *sniffs, wipes and clears throat* "whether the best girl is rei or asuka is immaterial, so long as the proletariat remains aware that they are not real" and we have lost sight of that

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Both Rei and Misato are cold-blooded killers, Asuka's just a punk.

Fellow kaworufags, how can we possibly recover from this? Why would Anno choose to make it CANON that Kaworu doesn't love Shinji romantically? I am literally bawling my eyes out. Evangelion was supposed to be for us. Homosexuals just wanted this one little thing and it was taken away from us. Sigh!

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It's always been canon you literal fag. Kaworu loves humanity, mankind; he sees Shinji as its embodiment

>draft episode
Isn't that also the draft that also basically confirms Shinji for gay, while in the final product he's more bisexual? Hardly the greatest evidence in support of Shinji/Asuka or Shinji/Rei, is it?

Damn, her default hairstyle is really the only one that works. Other than that G is the only one that looks cute.

This is not a good photo, her jaw is too far forward

Default or I. She cleans herself but she's not going to care about impractical grooming, long or styled hair makes her look like somebody's kept doll.

They're real in my heart *sniff* *sniff*

Indeed. The long hairstyle with bangs looks cute, but it does not fit her character. Medium is best.

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She's not a lesbian mate. Default, F or if if you were to go for a long style maybe G. The rest draw too much attention to her fivehead.

extremely bitter and salty

im a twinky beta and i prefer asuka

I can't support a light-colored hime.

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She's not a lesbian but canonically she doesn't care at all for grooming or anything but basic personal hygiene. That means a complex hairstyle or one that needs a lot of care is out of the question.

based and twinky betapilled

well I was hoping for more asuka ass pictures

Jokes on you, I prefer Kaworu

>13 year old girl
>wearing a thong
Why is she so slutty?

She should be, to have her birthday and still be born after Second Impact. No thought was put into the characters's dates of birth, though, they were just assigned the same ones as their seiyuu after the show finished, I think they might have been provided in a booklet for sale in the lobbies of theaters showing EoE. 14 is just kinda treated like a flat age for Children.

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as if her work clothes are any better

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>dialogue recording has begun
>AnimeJapan in the next days

Trailer soon?

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I have no hopes. The fact that all the promotional material for it has been dumb action garbage instead of character intrigue prevented me from falling for the hope meme.

Advertisement for an Eva movie used to be a seizure gif with cello and screaming, fuck these new guys.

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>mudslime wants passive obedient doll over spirited yet vulnerable waifu

Many such cases. Sad!

Passive, obedient dolls that we can have four of.

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>passive obedient doll
Only Rei II is, and not entirely passive either because she is willing to be proactive in extreme situations.

Based Lina climbing through the ranks to blow them both out.


At least they serve a practical purpose.

Wearing sexy stuff also serves a practical purpose (reproduction)

I like the way girl butts have that planar surface right below the crest.
It's like the geometry is designed to fix into place against a man's groin/abdomen


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me too

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Brothers, surely we can all unite over the one universal truth

Mari a shit

Digits confirm.

That's fair. Do you think Anno will ever make 4.44 or did he realize that with 3.33 his shit?

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>this thread

Anno was right, this shit will never end.

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Would that make one still technically a Reifag?

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>Gendo fucks Ritsuko and her Mother
>Ritsuko fucks Gendo and his Son

I guess it goes full circle

No, because she only has Yui's body but not her soul, and she's not even an exact clone since she has DNA from Lilith.

Ritsuko is best cake

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He could step back whenever he wants and let it be made without him, just let it generate money for him for no effort, and he hasn't done that, either. Eva's still important enough that he refuses to give up control, or every excuse he's ever made for it not getting done has been a total lie and something else is holding it up.

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How many more decades of this do we have?

He's making 3.0+1.0 for a 2020 release right now, see

She fucked Gendo, Kaji and acted like a dumpster fire of a person. She is hot though

Until the day we die. And perhaps after that.

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I really doubt she had sex with Kaji.

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>Assertive women

Real men don't need women telling them what to do

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It will last until Asuka VS Rei is settled and the Misato Gang is forced to pick between one of the two instead of their bullshit third option

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Exactly, that's why you put them in their place. That's the fun of spirited women: having a challenge.

i always thought her outfit was really hot for some reason

Misato Gang is "I want Asuka but I can't admit my attraction to a teenager" gang

>mini pencil skirt over pantyhose
>really hot for some reason

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And why wouldn't I? Sounds like fun.

im retarded and meant to say shirt
the heels & hose go without saying

That looks nice. Any more Evangelion pics in that style?

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Not really.

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Artist is miche.

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why must she suffer?

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why was she mad when shinji had good synch rates? what was her problem?

With a smile like that I don't think that useless lesbian is too broken up about being humiliated, it might even be her fetish.

More like over-read into things because they are stuck in their shipping mindset.

He hasn't been in the threads lately, so threads would be alot worse with that guy vs the dollfag.

Because Shinji was edging her out and he didn't train all his life to be an Eva pilot and he doesn't think that being one is the meaning of his life. Which means that all of Asuka's effort counts for shit in the face of his talent and Shinji is unknowingly taking a dump all over the only thing that makes her valuable.

Why do you reply to yourself so much?

If she eats all of that by herself she's going to need to piss pretty badly.


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She can piss on my face

i just dont like women in general, rei is a fuckbag which is ideal for my tastes


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I'd rather she piss on my dick.

A way to settle things.

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>I'd rather she piss on my dick.
That's fine too.

Being a prodigy made him just barely good enough to be her peer, she started showing off to him after hearing about that. She got mad at the praise he'd get for any improvement and Misato coddling him. By the time she was going nuts, Shinji had returned from the dead after everybody fawned over him for a month and he wasn't disturbed by that at all, he was getting on fine at the same time she was upset by everything and her results were degrading.

Attached: look at rei digging this.jpg (1440x1080, 280K)

>thinking that will ever happen

>thinking the primary adult protagonist doesn't value on her own merits

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Reska > Askei

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Preferably straight trough her panties, which I would get to keep as a souvenir.

This. Kuudere redhead >>> tsundere bluehead.

she probably would, she's german after all

She looks more yandere there.

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I honestly think both look better after the palette swap

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>rei with red hair and blue eyes

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I want to see poor Askei's heart break when she feels that she's powerless to stop Reska from replacing her and she's not even needed for Eva piloting, and left wondering why she was even cloned in the first place. And you just know that Ritsko's barbs would wreck her.

Rei does look like a sweet, normal girl that way.

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So I heard you liked Rei, so I put some Rei on your Rei.

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Why did Shinji strangle Asuka at the end?

fear of rejection, it makes more sense if you think about it in concert with the hospital and kitchen scenes

Asuka into that

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Kinky foreplay.

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IIRC an art book said Shinji was confirming if he was still in instrumentality (seeing if she was real or not), but I personally think it's more a metaphorical thing alongside her caress showing that humans could harm and help each other again.

by me

Thanks for the thread, anons. Not the best Eva thread we ever had, but it was of above average quality. Some good posts all in all

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They look pretty happy considering the circumstances

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hey man, they're making the best of what they can

>asuka shouting her own name like a pokemon

>draft script
>why would anno choose
brainlet detected

Cute and extremely canon

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Good to see they are hard at work restoring the human race already.

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>Only when standing next to the world's most gigantic pussy.

when you think about it, you realize how true this is

so is it just Asuka and Shinji left in the world or are their other humans?

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There as many people as the impression you got from seeing Asuka and Shinji waiting at the edge of the sea they emerged from.

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I want this to be edited to make asuka look 9 months pregnant.

Other humans can come back under the same conditions as Shinji and Asuka. We don't know just how many people come back from Instrumentality, though. The final scene doesn't show us anything outside of Hakone.

no one knows but Anno. Maybe. Hell, he almost certainly doesn't either.

Time is hinted to have passed from Shinji waiting, and we know there was a removed scene of Asuka showing up at the shore and kicking down the grave post Shinji set up for her.
Rei says others could come back, but it doesn't mean they will. They might just stay in instrumentality. Or they could come back over years and years of waiting.

They can't stay in Instrumentality, because Shinji ended it. It's either stay as disembodied souls or reembody.