Fate series only exists so that the Japanese can pretend that they are dominating the West by fucking their female...

Fate series only exists so that the Japanese can pretend that they are dominating the West by fucking their female legendary figures (and their gender transformed legendary figures). Don't watch them. Don't jerk off to them. Let them die

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I love my wife!

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jokes on them, I'm fapping to okita and nobu

Imagine being this butthurt over a Chinese cartoon

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looks like YunYun when she gets older

Yunyun will never look that confident.


This sounds like a shitpost from '06

Don't steal my Yea Forums shitpost, you fucker.

Are you merely pretending to be retarded newfaggots who mistake irony as real opinions?

I'd love her too if she looked like this.

So fateards actually are retarded newfaggots? Is that what youre saying?

I love my wife!

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This. I only fap to Tohsaka.

I want to impregnate Scathach!

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I can’t help it that Jeanne is so sexy

Fate is not good enough to achieve anything anyway.
Just a convoluted big mess.

Your wife is looking a bit flustered. Is she usually like that with you?

>still no sequel

She never truly died so she CAN still be knocked up.

Saber as well.

>so she CAN still be knocked up.

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Would you marry Tamamo?

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No, but I'd marry and impregnate someone else with pink hair

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I don't get it, is the whole series about gender swapped male heroes and legends?
Is this another one of your gay cartoons Yea Forums?

Lancer,Assassin or Caster sensei?

>Implying receiving means being fucked. When it's all other way around.