
FUCKING FINALLY ! ! ! ! after 10 years waiting..

The "Cencoroll Connect" anime sequel film will be released in Japanese theaters on June 29th. The official website has also updated with its first key visual.

You can also watch trailer from here :

Attached: 53752121_2583701781702817_4063596750634483712_o.jpg (876x1237, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Trailer still says 2014 but what you said is in fact true.
Could it be? Could we really get a sequel after all this time?

It's real. cencoroll.com/

Do you want to ASK ME OUT?

at last


Time to pull out my old hard drive again.

That's great but I don't remember anything about Cencoroll.

Good news. Shame seeing these character designs now brings awful memories though.

It's the length of a single episode nigga, it's not hard to rewatch if you've forgotten it.

Digimon Tri?

oh hell yeah

Attached: 1436358705864.gif (555x312, 2.95M)

Legitimately hyped. The aesthetics of the first one were A++.

Attached: 61Fd6cbnCsL._SL1151_.jpg (809x1151, 127K)

Awful memories?

Attached: Yuki-cencoroll-25727706-876-480.png (876x480, 376K)


My only memories was LOVE & ROLL was dope.

Just saying, let's not forget how close the PV and release date were last time


who cares?

it's just realistic pokemon

why not ?

I do.

I'm amazed it's finally happening. I saw an article about how they were going to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the first movie, but I was joking to myself that they'd just be making fun of the guy the whole time, since he still hasn't released the sequel.
But the mad man actually finished it.

It's a shame that I don't really care much for it, even though it's got a lot of good qualities. Still looking forward to watching the sequel, regardless.

So what was wrong with the production of this thing anyway?
Why did it take so fucking long?
Was it autism?

If this falls through again I will laugh my ass off, but if it pans out I will enjoy watching it with Yea Forums and being freed from my long wait, even though I can't really remember if Cencoroll was actually good or not anymore.

Is the old trailer still relevant or did they remade the entire thing?

Atsuya Uki working on Digimon Tri back then when the project around 60% complete

the rest of the staff is scrapped, and maybe it's hard to match the schedule again.

best supercell by a country mile

I love her round ass fucking head.

Has anyone watched the 1080p webrip version? I can't imagine it would look that good if it's just upscaled from the DVD.

Will the edgelord finally get a personality? What was his endgame even, his character made no sense.

>DK with alien minions at his command
>I don't understand his motivations

Yes, what exactly is the motivation here? World domination? Just being an asshole? He had none.

Time to cross off another "anime that will never happen" off the list.

I think you"re confusing motivation with conviction. The nature of his actions have an obvious cause. It's just not put into words.

I can't believe it. Pigs are flying.

No h*cking way

Attached: spidey saw that.jpg (396x922, 38K)

surprised this isn't getting more attention, i'm super excited

Too much time has passed and it was never particularly popular.

It's been so long that I don't even remember what was it about.

how long is it? 30min?

This thing was the reason for me being so fucking hyped for digimon tri. Sad to see that it actually turned out to be trash. Cencoroll is cool tho.

I really can't believe it

This better actually come out so I can stop waiting to kill myself.

Not to mention that they already announced it once and it didn't happen that time.