It's evident that J. C. Staff needs more production time to drastically improve S2. Let's do what we can to make it better anons! Please sign.

Attached: a78.jpg (494x700, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it's less of a time problem and more of a talent/skill problem.

Please sign and share the petition to make S2 better! chng.it/GfVKzjHxzT

It's both. Pretty much all the amazing talent that worked on season 1 is gone now and working on different things, and the schedule is fucking abysmal and progress is barely being made. It's the worst of both worlds. It's going to be a disaster.
Also, OP is a faggot.


2 seasons of Mob Psycho 100 aired in the time it took for this to come out. 4 years was plenty of time.

>100 signatures to make better season 2

Nigger what

Let's see how this one goes.

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>online petition that no one cares

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you retarded user
lol just let it happen


you suck OP, such a faggot

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>Let's listen to a bunch of gaijins that won't even buy any of our discs!

>in English

the season is done

too late now

For the obvious reason that it's an entirely different studio doing season two since Madhouse(season one) couldn't open up their schedule to do it. Also seeing the QUALITY of DAL J.C. will probably outsource even more work which will compound how badly this season will be.

That cost money and time, some companies aren't willing to pay.

What is with all the hullabaloo about this? Anyone with half a brain knew what to expect the moment the staff change was announced and OPM isn't so good that it's worth caring if the adaptation is bad or not.

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it's going to do suck bad will and with petition no change will be made

you think normalfags know about anime companies? they just assumed season 2 would be the same as season 1

give garou orange/blonde hair. silver hair just looks wrong

They literally only animated 2 episodes despite 2 years of production and 4 years since season 1

Petitions don't work for stupid things like this.
If anything JC will see the backlash and TRY to up the quality a bit.

>Yea Forums
>ever doing something other than complain
Good luck.

This is the actual best you can hope for and its better than nothing.

i was gonna offer to translate this to Japanese because they'll never read it even worth a million signatures otherwise but they'll never even hear of it anyway with less than 10,000 sigs

I don't think they need to hear this, they probably know. Everyone does.

Lmao, while we're talking about this J.C. Staff just announced season 2 of Hi Score Girl.
They really need to calm down, I wonder how much better they would be if they took on less projects.

J c Tank you foir made one puchj man s2 it s very beautiful thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you thnak you

Yeah I'm sure itll be easy for them to unanimate a whole season

I think this will be like Raildex, but worse.


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I'm immensely disappointed by what I've seen but this could also be a good thing. Murata and ONE will surely take notice of any potential backlash and not let a mediocre studio take care of S3 if that ever gets developed. This season is inconsequential; the MA raid is more important

Source on this

He likes men romantically and sexually

it's a gag manga, it doesn't need great animation. It could look like a shit web animation and would be fine if the lines are delivered well.

sakugafag here, let me explain the situation:
1. Natsume lost some of his best crew, this is evident in his recent show OPM > Acca > Boogiepop.
2. Mob Psycho II is the best talent magnet for youngster since Mob Psycho already surpassed OPM S1 in term of popularity in japanese sakuga fandom.
3. Gosei Oda is working as character designer and animation director on anime mirai 2019, he's even ditching Natsume.
4. Kubota is busy with his bigger project, unannounced movie planned in 2020.
5. Arifumi Imai is being held as prisoner in Shingeki no Kyojin S3 part 2, also that Kabaneri movie thing and game. He got no time for OPM and why should he bothered anyway? None of his friends from s1 are working on it either.
6. The schedule is a mess because their animation producer and production assistant sucks. Plus multiple projects at once. They're beyond fucked.

milkysuicide kek

Watched Index S3 and it looked amazing with great direction decisions. Leave JC alone you nerds, they know what they're doing.

So question for some anime historyfags. Did it ever happen that show was interrupted in the middle because studio send nothing to air? Although I suppose short lapse could be hidden like random week skip, those happen all the time. But longer or full cancellation, for Japs that must suddoku tier shame.

Marched Madchen is pretty fucked up case, check sakugablog for the coverage. The studio even blacklisted/blocked them for asking stuff related to the studio. The animators working on it even released a comike book called "Marchen Madchen's suffering book" or something like that.

Aside from case like that, even some directors who loved by animators have had really troublesome production, like Tatsuya Yoshihara. Yoru no Yatterman finale and Long Riders were fucked up even though he already got some aids from his friends.

Kekkai Sensen S1 was a rare case where the director (Matsumoto Rie) just hit a writer block and wanted to expand the finale and that fucked up the whole schedule. In the end they didn't air the finale episode and had to delay it to October with 1 hour finale. Which was pretty good for the fans but not for the staff.

How is 2ch reacting to the trailer?

He didn't "lose" his crew. Some of those people
weren't free and some aren't super attached to him, unlike Norifumi Kugai, and Natsume wasn't the only one who was responsible for gathering all that talent for OPM S1. Moreover, Boogiepop has a pretty poor schedule which is why it doesn't move as good as it should despite the talent at hand.

Good job, user, you sound exactly like the anons in the Raildex threads that still vehemently defend the anime.

I'm convinced that Arifumi Imai animated nearly every action scene of the upcoming aot s3 cour. Dude must look like a corps by now.

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Do they even care about the anime?

See, I said here they shouldve ditch whole AOT long time ago. Lots of people would be happier.


OP is a literal child.

Shame he's the only animator worth a shit at WIT. His cuts are leagues ahead of anything his colleagues do.

No, they like the manga

>it wants my email
Whats next, my address?


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>implying nips give a shit about stupid gaijin
>making a petition to cry about some shitty manga like it's some GREAT TRAVESTY or something
Why do I get the sense that capeshitters tend to be the most petulant and entitled babies on the planet?

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Fucking retards like you can't be serious, right? OPM was a meme anime, not groundbreaking shit. Get. that. through. your. head. It's cool and flashy, but a petition is fucking sad and you should feel sad. Enjoy the anime or read manga like a normal person.

>Please sign


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Imai could have made a difference by himself a lot. AoT would fucking suck if you remove his work.

Still leagues better than the sorry ass throwaway writing in One joke man, so it doesn't have to rely on sakuga

>not groundbreaking shit.
It is ground breaking shit, like it or not

they already have a timeslot set they're fucked.

Do you think boogie can beat saitama?

You had, what, 2 years to make this petition, yet you left it until it’s 2 weeks away from airing? Not saying they would’ve paid attention to it in the first place.

i think you're stupid and should feel stupid for asking such a retarded question holy shit

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I've been out of the loop, fill me in, what happened with OPM S2 animation?

This. boogie is stronger

>unironically wanting them to waste resources on fillershit

It's shit. there, you're up to date.

See for yourself


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>online petition
>petition for anime
>in english
>100 signatures
Is this lad brain damaged or just severely underage