Make or request Yea Forumsrt
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Haruka and Nozomi having a Keijo match.
Do I have to?
Requesting I'a removing her bikini bottom exactly like this pose
A bottomless version would also be great
Requesting Hana blowing raspberries in Miyako's pudgy tummy while Miyako is clearly enjoying it.
Requesting any of Raita's Mahou Shoujo girls wearing yoga pants, or any other kinds of clothing that show off their curves.
Requesting Hexafusion
Requesting a recreation of this with Sakura Kinomoto & Kyōhei Yanase please
Requesting Ritsu from Kemurikusa getting bound by Midori. Midori is the green root
if its not too late, id recommend making her the Knight of Hope (middle)
Requesting Pachira from Magipoka with a body type like this (NSFW:
Requesting Rimuru tempest changing into a waifu of your choice with his shapeshifting abilities.
Requesting fusion.
Requesting futa Hitler fucking female Rudolf Hess
Requesting Panacotta Fugo riding a roller coaster by himself because all of his friends left him.
With Purple Haze falling off with the blurry speed lines
Requesting Tsunade shocked to discover Tayuya has bigger breasts than her, and Tayuya is obviously quite smug about it..
Tayuya would be wearing her normal hat like in the bottom left, but be wearing the bra/bikini from the other reference, and her boobs would be bigger than that, but I'd like them to clearly be natural, not implants.
Also, if whoever draws this is okay with it, I'd like her to have armpit hair like in the picture on the right, you don't have to, but I would appreciate it, assuming her armpits would be visible, which they don't have to be.
And I'd also like you to make Tayuya a futa with a large bulge like in
requesting the hyena way
Requesting Yuki, who's sweaty from running and experiencing a runner's high, nonchalantly letting Madoka fondle her abs. Naturally, Madoka eagerly fondles Yuki's abs while mumbling, "R-r-rock h-haaard!"
Taking male lewd requests
I request Ranma. Nothing specific.
Can I get Eugeo doing something cool. Nothing lewd.
Requesting Astolfo enjoying a nice hot shower.
Requesting a female ulquiorra dressed as albedo from overlord
If you need a pose have her wrapping her chest and complaining about getting ready to show up in bleach
Requesting Tadano and Manbagi playing the pocky game.
Requesting Milim Nava bowing in defeat/submission to Satone Shichimiya, with Satone dressed similarly to Milim.
Kirito fucking the femdom out of Eugeo
Requesting Mount Lady wearing Deku's hero outfit.
Requesting Natsu in a shower.
Thanks for the Kate last thread
Requesting Nico (Nanbaka) in the same slutty outfit and poses as the guy in the right pic.
Anchoring for:
requesting carrot ear-cleaning chopper and giving him a lap pillow, maybe they're in pajamas
Requesting Yuuki Konno sitting up in her hospital with a blood bag hooked to her arm and looking in better health than left images, but not as healthy as right. With the sole exception being her breasts are now D cup with her looking at her hands going "I'm...healthy?"
Then in a second panel she's cupping her new bosom with a stoic yet blushing face.
Optionally with off panel doctors voicing their disbelief at her being cured and how the blood transfusion worked so well
Requesting Maria and Matsurika in see-through dresses with their bra/panties visible, ideally walking together outdoors.
Or just Maria, if you want to make this male-focused (and he can be doing something else.)
Requesting extremely yandere Rias
requesting this (doesnt have to be "doged") but its jolyne from Jojo
optional Jotaro as a crying wojak
Requesting Ibara Shiozaki flustered about wearing a bikini, with Mineta lusting after her in the background
Requesting Selesia Upitiria as an EXTREMELY sexy volleyball player
Requesting babu Chariot, Young Chariot and Ursula in the middle of a destroyed stage while holding hands and smiling while laughing (Ursula middle, babu Chariot left, Young Chariot right)
Requesting Mariko Nakamura and Suzuki Manami from Doteraman similar pose in the reference
Requesting Yumeko dueling Yami Yugi season 0 in Yugioh or any card game
anything with byakuya
Anchoring for "Ritter".
And for this artist (
No need for anyone else to pick it up! Please prioritize other people's requests instead.
A hot/sexy/lewd/whatever pinup of various of Tarantula Panther's different versions/iterations (for example the four depicted) together and preferably interacting with one another.
For further reference, I posted possible pinup-poses back here:
And more character references:
Hello, tomorrow is going to be me and Yukari's 4th anniversary.
Requesting Yukari holding a heart shaped choco box and a small bouquet of dandelions sporting a big smile on her face while also blushing a little amd getting a little emotional.
I'd like if the heart choco box would read "Happy Anniversary!" or something along the lines of that.
I hope we'll manage to receive a nice anniversary present, many thanks from the both of us!
Requesting an outfit-swapped crossover of:
Kotaro (Zombieland Saga) in Tuxedo Kamen's tuxedo ... and mask.
And Mamoru (Sailor Moon) in Kotaro's stylish suit ... and shades.
Posing together like the badass gentlemen they are.
Common themes: Grown-up men with charming personalities, who'd do everything for the girls they love. Faithful, devoted to a higher cause, classy. Habitually well-dressed and consistently hiding their eyes.
Requesting Yoshiko in a sexy maid bikini making ridiculous poses/being extra obnoxious in general
Requesting a picture of Jean Alter popping out of a smaller Prinny suit, from the mouth is fine. She should be dressed in a outfit like the ones here instead of her armored getup. The male in the size comparison is how big the suit is compared to her
Requesting Yoko from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann & Seras Victoria from Hellsing comparing their gun/cannon sizes. Can just be actual guns and/or dick size comparison.
Requesting Chihaya Mifune wearing a kimono with a similar pattern to her purple skirt
Requesting the Reptile girl from Jingai Shunman - Chapter 10 going grocery shopping
Does anybody have any tips on how to draw lace like in underwear?
Requesting Rongo from Jungle De Ikou as a DJ
Requesting Shion touching a shota lewdly
Or a shota teaches her how to cook
make the shota black please
user pls
Do us, bro
I like kissing
Requesting Goku and Vegeta fighting against each other in their great ape forms.
Naisu reinhard.
Not OR, but that's cute.
Facking amazing
OR here. Thank you! That's hot and I love it!
Is it possible to get a front view of him too please? If not, that's cool! Thanks again!
I was going to do line art on my drawing and move on to color it, but then that retard in the last thread said it wouldn't have soul if I did that
With really nasty chicken-scratch sketches, don't clean it up or move on to line art because that means it has no soul.
lmao, what a fucking dumbass he is
No one did, retard. Then again, you're probably trolling anyway, right?
Requesting Nibutani (with a ponytail) and Natsumi Tokugawa/fake Mori Summer fawning over/worshipping Dekomori similar to the bottom two girls in the upper right image, with them all wearing sling bikini outfits.
A few details I'd prefer to see would be if Nibutani and Natsumi's outfits were modeled more after Mori Summer's outfit, and if only Dekomori had thighhighs and a veil.
Also make sure Dekomori doesn't look too loli, more like the bottom image (still petite/young-looking though.)
What the fuck are you talking about?
just a /beg/-tier non-artist NEET trying to wax poetic, don't mind fucktards who randomly misuse words like "soul"
Requesting Misaki drawn as THICC as Okusan
Requesting Brandish starring in a very low-budget kaiju movie, wearing a very cheap looking Godzilla knockoff costume. The costume can be lewd if you want
The only post last thread that spoke of "soul" was this one ( ) in favour of finished artpieces. And coincidently, every single other post in that post-chain also made the point that finished coloured pieces are better than anything else (sketches or lineart). So you are pulling your claims out of your behind. Which implies that you are a troll.
Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freyia would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.
very messy. not a single defined shape or form. 100% soul, nothing like that clean sterile "finished" shit
Fuck off, shithead troll.
Requesting Yuugiri slapping Charioce.
Literally no one in these threads will bother to add finished line art, seeing as how it's free art and all. That's actually a lot of work, and no one wants to work for free with so little payoff
As far as the guy who said line art has no "soul," he was probably just trying to justify his inability to do line art.
Shotas don't have both sets of anatomy!
Where do I go to post my stuff that isn't tumblr or twitter? Please help.
Requesting Android 18 with more milf-like curves.
>As far as the guy who said line art has no "soul,"
No one said that. Please link to the post that did.
hooo boy, that's fucking awesome
didnt pixiv go full retard tho
Why do you care so much? Are you the guy he's talking about? Lol
I can't moonspeak.
nice usage of screentone
Requesting Komoe wearing a tight tube top and short shorts passed out drunk at a pub with a visible beer gut spilling out of her shirt.
me neither
>Why do you care so much?
Because that guy is spamming his "soul" shit all over this thread, to the point where he insults a sketch delivery from some random dude. And you are supporting his behaviour by buying into his shit.
Not really.
You mad?
requesting hana midorikawa in a yukata facing you with fireworks in the distance
>Not really.
Look at this post and and tell me that guy is not an obnoxious shitposter:
Anyway, it'd be best we stop talking about him. And more importantly: Stop talking to him.
Requesting Olivia from Asobi Asobase showing off her blonde armpit hair, and maybe getting her armpit sniffed by Hanako, who is enjoying the aroma.
I will talk to whoever I want. I don't care about your vendetta against other posters or whatever
good job emo.
Requesting Yuika from im@s Shiny Colors
As a RPG class hero would be cool
>That's actually a lot of work, and no one wants to work for free with so little payoff
Eh not really, I just skip line art because I feel like most people on here don't care. Do you guys prefer line art or what? I can give it a shot in my future deliveries.
Isn't posting uncensored genitals not allowed in pixiv because of Japanese laws? This is important for me.
not sure myself but i've seen not-japanese artists post uncensored and censored stuff. you can always make an imgur album or w/e your favorite file host is as a repository for your uncensored stuff and just drop a link in your bio or description for the censored one
It does add more to a drawing, but I don't really care, I'm just happy if someone even bothers to take my requests
Or here, very nice. Thanks user.
>you can always make an imgur album
Never post art to Imgur. It resized (or at least reencodes) the pictures you upload, generally leading to a noticable loss in quality.
Don't even know what to say, that's really fucking good. Like I said, your composition and paneling is amazing and I love your usage of screen tones. Kay looks really fucking hot here. Thanks again drawfriend.
Requesting Akiza lifting up her skirt to clip her garter like in the reference
Requesting my daughter Runa, intensely playing video games
being aloof/playing dumb
acting smug
taking requests
no Yea Forumsshit or back links
Requesting wet Candyevie on a really small and tight bikini.
Requesting Chizuru, Miyako, and Hinata doing an oyakodon take_your_pick. So all three of them in any of these poses:
Chizuru's expression should be smug, Miyako's expression should be nervous and anxious, Hinata's expression can either be excited or confused.Lewd is preferred but it's up to you.
Gangstar Dance with Emma, Norman and Ray
Buff Kallen
A colored sketch
Wow that is pro work. Got a blog ?
Requesting Misty Cornwell from Vandread enjoying some tiramisu
Stocking dressed like a gothic queen & sitting on a throne, possibly staring down at the viewer and judging them.
Cute Shampoo
Satania (like as drawn by greatmosu) in lingerie/sexy nightgown or a plugsuit
That seems like something Satania would do
wew dont see ranma too often here.
ayy thats cool.
a cute reinhardo
I like this. It looks nice, the way you colored it.
Her face is cute, too.
Requesting Ashido Mina dressed up as Meriem the Cavewoman
Paizuri under clothes or impregnation sex with eclaire.
Ranma stuff pops up every now and then.
Guys, I think I'm a wizard or a time traveler
So a few weeks ago I requested this
Someone fulfilled my request here
Today I was looking in the drafriend booru, and searching for the tag "Illya." I found pic related, someone fulfilled my request almost a year before I requested it. What can I do with this newfound power?
This is quite good, shame it's gotten so little attention.
21 year old Hachikuji Mayoi from Zoku Owarimonogatari in a nude apron.
Or reading a story to some of the younger Monogatari girls. Up to you, there's very little art of her so far.
Requesting Laura wearing a frilly black and white gothic doll kind of outfit with her hair styled into drill hair.
Well-done, drawfriend.
Requesting Fubuki holding a present or chocolate or a pin-up of her in the nude on a bed but covered with black satin ribbons with rose petals
You guys were bitching about a discord server last night. Is it useful, and if so can I get an invite?
Reigen Eating Cake
Because she's the fourth quintuplet, requesting Yotsuba wearing Sue Richard's "new" outfit.
I enjoyed doing this
>wanting to join the tranny discord
I don't trust skeletons.
It's... It's beautiful. Thank you so much user.
It's only useful for pm'ing friends.
Oh, I don't have those. Nvm
How do I get into drawing? I want to draw cute anime characters. ...And also porn.
Sometimes I try for a few days with Loomis stuff but I feel like a retard even trying to make the book balls. The way Loomis presents the material is to me like that spongebob episode where he draws David and erases it to make a circle.
this is pretty, user!
Very cool.
Requesting Homura lifting up her dress to reveal her panties (or lack of)
Read the guide retard. Start with a pirate copy of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Just ignore all the pseudoscience in it, the exercises are good.
Requesting a low angle back shot of Fai Fai and Rona in this scene. Kind of like this guy's art:
Miyuki in her summer outfit, in this sitting position:
Loomis is for crabs use bridgman
You can always tell when someone is NGMI when they start throwing around meme names like "Loomis" instead of the underlying techniques
>coping this hard
Requesting Yuki Nagato waist-up or shoulders-up like pic related, holding the C Programming Language book by K&R.
Book cover looks like this:
Requesting Satoko from Haifuri wearing typical kogal/kogyaru clothes. Long sleeve sweaters, leg warmers, sweaters tied around the waist, scrunchies, or cleavage revealing tanktops.
who the hell are you quoting?
/ic/ sticky is all you need and the beginner threads. You also need to understand that is something you need to focus on heavily if you want to be half decent
Das a good doujin
>Make or request Yea Forumsrt
I draw Satania, what do you think?
Requesting Tejina, Anna, and Hotaru having a tea party
I hope Tejina is Aho Girl length shorts.
are you asking for Critique ? if so..
good attempt on the foreshortening.
Still need practice.
dont be afraid to reference stuff that you dont know how to draw.
keep drawing user!!
Naisu ! now thats a Kallen that could bend over Suzaku
I am entertained
Riamu wearing
Other art is okay too such as dressed as a proper nurse, putting on a glove like the cover of the album "Enema of the State".
Hobo Kaiju Loli eating Valentine's Day chocolates please
ie dumpster diving
What is it?
>Enema of the State
Requesting "millions rejoice as last furry dies" with Carrot from One Piece as the dead furry.
Can someone make aqua or Kon yui, mugi, or mio wallpaper for high resolution phones like s10? Or just the vector that's scalable?
I request good resources to help me learn how to draw, so I can contribute to these threads.
Requesting Kaos-chan livestreaming herself drawing
>digging through the trash to find chocolates thrown away by popular girls who got tons from boys they don't give a shit about
That's actually a pretty gnarly concept. Has something like this ever come up in an anime?
No because no anime girl is homeless like she is.
No because it's the other way around.
Requesting DIO as an idol wota fan of Chitose Kurosaki, the new totally-not-a-vampire idol from im@s Cinderella Girls. You can make him with either Chitose-themed clothes or simply a t-shirt of her.
Hard mode: cheering her at a live.
Daru doing the PogChamp emote face
For Valentine's itself yeah, but then there's White Day which is the reverse. It's more brutal that way around, whereas on Valentine's the sadness is in boys who don't receive even chocolate of obligation.
PoV Picture of user playing cards with Aoi inside her tent
>chocolate of obligation
Why does that sound like a band name?
Am I the only one here who thinks that sounds like a band name?
Requesting Justice for Kaban
Requesting Junko Enoshima singing in a tight, cleavage-revealing gown that has this black/white pattern along it, along with two different colors of elbow gloves (one black, one white). I'd also like her hair to be loose, with a single Monokuma hairclip adorning it as well.
Out of context, I can see it.
It’s a stupid request, but could someone do Nadeshiko Kagamihara from Yuru Camp in a Chapel Hill sweatshirt for March madness? Unless Yea Forums has draw threads, in which case i’ll ask there.
Ruby Kurosawa wearing pantyhose
I hurried to finish it in a go so there are some parts poorly made and colored
Pretty good work user. the rushed parts can be overlooked.
I hurried to finish it in a go so there are some parts poorly made and colored.
Pick a pencil, paper and start tracing lines
i can appreciate the very slight underboob. so good man
lace is such a bitch.detailed and pretty but oh so time consuming.
Requesting a cute Hoppou with an equally cute gun.
Hugging it like a Dakimakura with her arms and legs.
Miniature versions of weapons, similar to the ones in the reference.
cute chinese amazon wife
Thanks, I uploaded it again because this didn't save the last version.
you're getting better a those ripped midriffs man. sheit
fishnet ninja titties are blessed. gj
OR, Thank you. It looks pretty hot even as a sketch
Requesting Stella Bremer frustrated that the only bra in her size is an ugly, plain, Beige one.
Requesting Sophia in the sluttiest frilly black lingerie you can think with heart pupils in her eyes
Is that a sawed-off G 36?
Yeah something like that, the G36-C is the compact version of the regular assault rifle.
Miku dressed up as a sengoku warlord of your choosing, from an anime or game or historical design.
Also anchoring for AV's picture
Requesting Pitou using her tail to catch a fish
I remember drawing that, glad you found some enjoyment in it.
Just thinking of Illya fills me with energy, so much that I will make a short (and lewd) animation invlolving Illya/Miyu/Kuro. Taking idea suggestions, prefereably involving clothes in some sort, I want to practice animating cloth.
Animation sample from a few months ago
Requesting Abigail wearing nothing but an oversized tshirt
One of the three
How do you feel about clothes ripping or becoming damaged? Something like a few buttons popping or other wardrobe malfunction as one of them is singing might be fun!
I will take those spoiler tags away from you rommi
Gekkō wearing a gekko kigurumi
Requesting Miyu wearing really loose clothing in windy weather and trying to hold it down to cover herself but failing.
Requesting her and her sister getting a much needed haircut.
Requesting Komugi (with her twintail or long hair) dressed as 2B blushing and flustered saying
>“Supreme leader, please tell me what im wearing! A-and is the blindfold really necessary?”
With Meruem rapidly moving around her and taking pictures of her
>tranny discord'ing the Yea Forums drawthread
kill yourselves
damn you really gottem
Which two?
Not that poster, but KuroXMiyu
Miyu with a dog themed outfit and a leash that Kuro is holding, Kuro with fluffy dominatrix getup to cover your desire to animate cloth
Requesting a fusion of Meiko and Midnight putting an entire city to sleep
Anchoring bondage Chitose
Requesting Aoi Hidaka from Dancouga Nova in a bunny girl costume acting flirty.
Thank you!
Yoshino in a blue and green plugsuit, like Eva Rebuild's
Dont do that, you’re wasting posts
Requesting the best Tawawa, dressed as a bunny-girl
Getting it on with sensei/her husband, with or without impregnation for example
or a drawing of her as a Japanese empress based on the one panel of one of the teachers describing her
I used to be a Hamsteak back in the day so I had to fill this.
Those were times indeed.
requesting galko wearing the royal icing outfit
Requesting Garnet as a Dragon Monster Girl
Dragon ref:
Devilgirl Tejina-senpai please
Yandere Tejina-senpai is another thing I'd like to see drawn since she has some crazy thoughts and tendencies in the manga.
OR, she looks great! Was definitely not expecting another delivery, colored even! im gonna have to add “ignore this” for next thread, as happy as i am id still like to see the original drawfag’s take on it
Baja being cozy in winter weather
Alita from Battle Angel Alita in love with a 'Terry's Chocolate Orange', the real-life fusion of two of her favorite foods
Nice Freudian slip, pal.
I'm glad you like it! I didn't know it was already in the process of being filled. I wasn't trying to steal the other artist's thunder or anything.
What does that mean?
i do believe that was intentional but who cares, good shit m8.
Will do my best to push through these:
Do you want Kuro being the active one, or being serviced by Miyu,and for the outfits, how modest/ lewd in design do you want each of their outfits?
Will try to work on this one after the other.
Its alright, your art looks great and i look foward to more of your deliveries!
Ohh.. nice shiny bikini, I really like it! Great work, thank you so much!
Requesting Lewds of bonnie
I was thinking Kuro forcing herself on Miyu much the same as the kiss that started it all. That's what came to my mind when I saw "trib" and "which two?" at least. As lewd as IMAGINable is always the answer, although that generally entails less cloth than more so go for whatever.
I'm gonna try this. Any particular expression or pose that you'd prefer?
Cute request
satania is the cutest retard!!
As the OR of bikini idea, I'm happy with how this turned out. Cute!
I'm not sure. Either embarrassed upon being spotted by Ichika or someone else, or looking confidant and maybe trying to be seductive.
True statement
Requesting Airfield Hime wearing headphones that fit her overall design well and/or hugging a HUGE Hoppou plush.
I've been doing fusion drawings lately. Any suggestions for two Fate characters to fuse together?
Requesting Hakodate Omiko from Kill la Kill making lewd hand gestures with a big toothy grin on her face.
Uh, I know what he means
Jeanne Alter and Astolfo
It's been a long time since I drew Mina and used CSP's animation function, hope you like it.
Medb and Lancer Alter Arturia
Dont get the cave woman thing, but thats very bueno, especially that tounge
Requesting Croix in the pose on the right wearing a prison jumpsuit and riding a roomba with an army of roombas flying behind her. Bonus points if they have random weapons taped to them; Knife, gun, katana, fork etc.
i want to cum in satania's pussy!!!
Requesting Glass slapping someone with her hand or hitting them with her fans, with a prompt saying [Glass Him]
Requesting Anya wearing a Malaysian schoolgirl uniform doing schoolgirl things
it just started raining, comfy levels for drawing at max
Jeanne Alter and Mecha-Eli chan, in other words a robot girl Jeanne Alter.
I forgot, some dragon girl details would be cool.
Requesting Merc from Merc Storia disguising herself as a goldfish or any other aquatic pet/creature.
Any goo girl ideas with her are good too.
Requesting Kouta and Mitsuki Inokuma having cutelewd sex. You can choose any position, but I prefer missionary or mating press.
Trap fusion? Interesting idea.
I've never watched fate, or played it or read it. I see the characters everywhere and I like some of thier designs and thier outfits. But it annoys me that theres a super cute robot ninja girl that doesnt get nearly as much attention as the rest of the characters.
I didn’t ask for your advice. I don’t need it. I have been drawing for three years. This is just my personal style.
Sesshouin Kiara and Tiamat
How do you make screentones?
clip art studio i bet
>Misaki after getting Touma'd
>8 hours later I return and no one can help me
;_; Guess, I'll just ad hoc this shit.
Holy shit that's perfect
Requesting Rachnera as a ninja throwing spider shaped shuriken
I need judau drawn like that scene in the first ep of cromartie.
Like this
Requesting Valkyrie Drive's Charlotte wearing nothing but lacy ribbons and well-placed chocolates, or a geisha's kimono with exposed shoulders, cleavage, and her back, if you do it from behind.
Kuro being on the bottom, their cat outfits
Requesting Midnight and Toga in suspended glass tubes, gagged with tape and wearing close toed high heels, while a scoreboard is kept on who is having more men fap to them.
For Vectors you best go down to /W/ they do good work for wallpapers and vectors there. Have thier own thread. Dont forgot to post Reference or be ignored in the flood of comments.
Requesting Narumi and Hanako with duct tape gags doing any of the following:
-Gag kissing
-Gag talking
-Holding their skirts down from gusty wind
-Reading something that arouses them
-Giving handjobs (head pats and clothing optional)
-Wanting to give blowjobs but unable to (head pats optional)
-Cuffed to a wall rail
-Each of them being in a glass cylinder over a pool of liquid with their wrists and ankles cuffed on long chains
-On a game show with other girls with their mouths taped shut
-Lying on their stomachs with their legs in the air (ankle/wrist cuffs optional)
-Sitting in chairs while anons fap offscreen or a bucket of liquid is about to tip over
-Suspended via rope or chain over a pool of liquid
-Using their gags as name tags
Will provide more references upon request.
There's no high quality pictures of bunnysuit Kallen with her mouth taped shut and in full body. Requesting that, please! No need to include bindings or rabbit ears.
lmao user i appreciate creative requests but what in the heck
Requesting Maron stuck in the sand like in the reference with chi-Chi and Krilin looking at her with a pleasant face.
Should I just request Toga in that situation instead of including Midnight?
Not the user you asked, but I don't think two characters is too much. But it's a very specific fetish request, which lowers your chances.
You should also consider making your reference pic focus more on the characters themselves. Right now you're giving way more references of glass tubes, heels and tape (everyone knows how these things look) than you are giving of the characters themselves.
I'll keep that in mind. I did make a similar request with Sailor Mercury years back and got it 2/3 the way, so I figures more references the better.
Requesting Kukaku Shiba from Bleach as a biker babe
Rishia taking off the kigurumi she wears and only having a semi-transparent tank top underneath, so you see her belly and some of her breasts?
Requesting Yuma Tsukumo & Anna Kozuki meeting Allen Kozuki, who reveals to be their son in the future
Both would stand in complete shock as Allen says this line: Mom? Dad!?
Never seen her before. Which series is she from?
Chirico Cuvie [VOTOMs] Wearing very casual and 80s clothes.
Clip Studio Paint indeed.
That's some great coloring, good job.
Shahkti dressed up as a belly-dancer please
>I've never watched fate, or played it or read it. I see the characters everywhere and I like some of thier designs and thier outfits. But it annoys me that theres a super cute robot ninja girl that doesnt get nearly as much attention as the rest of the characters.
Same. I thing she is exclusive to the mobile game but I really like her design.
Eosinophil with big boobs or something
Keep her bident
Gonna ask for a voice actress thing first.
I'd like Raphtalia dressed as Charlotte from Valkyrie Drive, or Wilbell from Atelier Escha
And if it doesn't exist, her wearing a fancy dress
Dragonaut. Its pretty bad beyond tits
Requesting Futaba and Azusa from Shinkalion tongueing like on the left please
requesting this
what is that from?
en dot shindanmaker dot com slash 872669
Not anime/manga.
Requesting Rita as a zombie idolu.
Not Yea Forums related.
OC go to or >/ic/ .
Thank you user!
I love the style.
This is fucking perfect.
>page Cirno
gif bump
cool beans
Requesting post-apocalpytic Megmuin.
Her clothing and appearance is mainly up to the artist, but she it least is wearing Chomusuke's pelt as a bracer or accessory and she is making a big fiery mushroom cloud rise up in the distance.
If Akko were in a fairy tale, what would it be? It's for a drawing.
super neat
Interesting stuff emo-tan
Requesting Momo breast feeding Izuku saying milk makes strong bones
That's a very pretty Rider.
Requesting post bukake, cum all over the body, open legs, leaking pussy.
Boi this aint /aco/ the fuck is u doing
Early draft, is it to your liking so far?
Requesting Shiny Chariot dressed in the Royal Icing outfit
Looking good; almost exactly what I imagined, except I was thinking reversed perspective. I assume in a later pass you are going to give Miyu some sort of ahegao, right?
>yfw when I tried animating hair flowing in the wind
Hansel and grettel. Chariot is the witch.
Is Akko Hansel and Gretel? Or is someone else Gretel?
I would say Akko and Diana as one and the other. Or Andrew, if you’re more of a fan of that. Come to think of it, Croix might work better as the bad witch in the story whereas chariot is the person who comes to save them.
Requesting a lewd buff Miku from Go-toubun with a thick musclegut.
Thank you. I'll try to make a grinding loop that would transition into the ahegao. Would you like Kuro to climax as well?
Don't be too impressed, I haven't animated it yet. And it may not look good.
this without the muscles, stradling Fuutarou in his pov
Raphtalia wearing something to show off her slave crest
Toga makes sense, but those type of shoes would clash with Midnight's costume. Why now ask for her in her civilian outfit?
Did a quick doodle, hope you like it bro
is there an Yea Forums drawfag gelbooru?
Beri beri kyut.
Pretty sugoi.
not a bad design at all.
very cute, though the head and neck looks a bit disconnected with the rest of the body. keep it up man
was looking for one thing I drew, but appears it wasnt tagged, this will be a journey
Godspeed, user.
do you remember what the request was (if it even was a request)
you might be able to find it in the archives too
was some q-bee stretching her mouth with fingers, with some saliva
surprisingly easy to locate if this is the one you meant
exactly the one, I was already browing by the page based on the year, thanks
If you sitll have the original file you uploaded, try uploading it to the booru. If it already in there, it will link you to it.
If you don't, you might find it fastest if you still know when you drew it and look for things that were uploaded back then.
no prob
btw you doing that time-lapse improvement twitter meme or just some other motivation to find it?
Requesting Galko in a store trying on some swimwear or lingerie but what she picks out winds up being too small to fit her curves.
na, just looking up old stuff to show some friends, I dropped drawing sometime later, so it regressed over the years
ah, well hopefully you'll regain that if you decide to pick up drawing again
Requesting this with Jeanne d'arc
Also a boatgirl Jeanne based on the 1930 cruiser ship of the same name, frame of reference for two mobage which have their own versions
Why not the 1899 cruiser ship of the same name?
Hm I guess that one works too. I preferred 1930's since it looks more moden and stylish as opposed to the older and rough look of the 1899 version
I'll finish it tomorrow. Probably.
OR that's fantastic work I hope you complete it.
Thank you!
You don’t deserve it anyway
cool point of view and angle
not that user but nobody deserves getting free art. nobody deserves anything.
Bigg tiddies
What's "rough" about it?
Please :c
das some good shit mang. specifically the arm anatomy looks great
fuck, I like this way too much
Requesting Fubuki dressed like I-No from Guilty Gear.
Requesting Magical Maid Koyori playing whack-a-mole
Somebody redraw this cause this is ON POINT! Also she could use a Bammbo hat
This is way too good. Thank you so much user. I really love it.
I would like to request Marian Carl from Noble Witches (left) wearing the same clothes as Taiki Shuttle from Uma Musume (right)
Both are thicc American horsegirls
Ferris paizuri please
Trying out bondage because she's curious
you killed it with those thighs, goddamn
OR here. Hot damn you knocked out out of park with this one, especially with that revealing dress! The cross choker was also a nice touch I liked as well. Thank you so much for this awesome delivery!
Saved so goddamn hard
You have such a great sense of style and the coloring is amazing! Unbelievably good work, user.
Well I wanted something like this too for a long time so I guess I'll use this as a reference.
Draw Benito Mussolini
Can you draw some sexy Raphtalia sometime?
Sorry for the vulture.
Good pic, but he's just gonna ask for more.
If you go as far as to make the ahegao an endstate, maybe add streams of liquid mana shooting out from the docking point (like pressing your thumb over the opening of a hose)? As far as Kuro's expression, I was IMAGINing savage hedonism, perhaps with a smuggao climax.
If only people drew Garo stuff here
Requesting Ryuko wearing Deku's hero outfit.
no one fucking request it
let it be known i'd love to see Sophie and Gina dressed as bunnygirls
Or Sword doing that squatting praying pose behind Gina's back with her ass partially exposed, like that one MTG guy did
i jerked off the air while working on this to make sure i was getting the gesture right
Garo stuff is mishashit anyways
Holly teach me how to lineart
Kikko dressed as a normal witch or botching a spell and blowing up her clothes, otherwise showering or taking a bath.
Keep in mind this is only her transformed look not her actual normal look.
OR here. Certainly looks promising so far! Also can't go wrong with practicing the technique before drawing it. Seems pretty spot on.
The OK gesture is indecent?
Requesting Fran wearing the Dangerous Beast costume please
spend so much time in the lines it cripples your productivity and you'll get there.
no but seriously the only reason my lines look like that is because i will redo them until im happy, i dont recommend doing this if you want to get things done.
i used to think having a mirror on your desk was a joke. it's not.
yes ill have to blur it out or the feds will get me
Requesting Okako with better posture, and her breasts looking much better and bigger as a result.
Anything else, involving her hidden big breasts, is good too. Since a plug suit Galko was drawn, how about one with Okako. And how about her actually looking pretty, with makeup and her hair all done up and such, like how a highschool girl would be like for prom or a formal dance.
Never thought to use a mirror for that sort of thing. Might try it sometime. Also nice bullying
any idea what does she looks without her head thing
>actually looking pretty
what the heck did you just say? okako is already pretty. naturally pretty
Ran out of time! Gonna be away from tablet for weekend - Heres where it got to
Cute as hell. Would trade P cards with.
Very nice
OR here looks great for being incomplete only thing that's kind of freaky is the colorless eyes but I can probably finish those myself thanks a lot dig your style
Requesting colors for Trick or Treatment Shizuka
Shizuka ref:
Trick or Treatment ref:
not OR but great work
Just how many Lives have you attended, Dio
whoa pretty
did this take you about an hour? not bad?
So I sketched out the basic movement, and I'm both pleasantly surprised and scared by how the movement came out. I'm excited to continue developing this, although I don't know if I should add clothes at all.
I will try my best to make it satisfying.
that's a very fluid, satisfying motion, it totally blew me away man. can't wait to see it finished.
Unf that movement
Is Kuro falling back enough at the end to reveal Miyu's docking port?
OR here, thanks a bunch drawfriend for this cute Anya, reminds me of the good ol days.
araragi how he looks in the eds (the kind of stick figures) if you really want to try your best then try make him look like rivers cuomo in this picture
i just want the easy version (the one on the top)
I've decided to post my wip because I should commit to more line art than a messy sketch.
the lines look nice and clean so far. ganbare
Cool, I like how it looks.
bump again
Arm and leg are too short and you clearly didn't even try on her left leg.
I love this dork
redline it for me then, bro
Requesting Sucy and Fuwa fusion with an army of mushroom fly familiars
bump again again
thanks for anchoring
you're really bad at anatomy
k. You're welcome.
even if the redline itself was not entirely accurate, it's clear that anatomy issues are present. You should at least be aware of them and try to fix it in your future drawings.
Requesting Tejina with a gun
Some kinda shitpost will happen
I have a commish in progress who wants a preview?
I do
I don't
Are you the one commissioning or the one being commissioned?
just post it if you want to post it.
The one paying.
What's wrong with Pitz?
Give me a thing to do
Killer Queen holding an old cartoon style bomb.
Requesting Tejina being impregnated
bump 2 - electric boogaloo
I meant like tidy and neat hair and such.
Yeah see this is super pretty, she looks so nice there. Thanks user, even though she looks less than pleased at being more gorgeous than usual, its a nice picture for sure.
please do the araragi one
Mouse Akko dressed as Fievel from “An American Tail”
expect it in 2-3 days
Nice, not OR but very much looking foward to this
Could I get a picture like this with Shamsiel?
this is a little tip that really helped me out and i think it could be useful for you.
>mfw have baby hands??
cool. i'll try fixing the hands next time
Will there be a version with her mouth taped?
the fuck's wrong with you
Shes in a dressing room so ill guess no
A few more days and then I ask for something else.
Hands and forearms are entirely too small.
more muscles
Awe man
>yfw this is already second nature to me
>but only with teens
Saitama from One Punch man. Can probably just make his head with a silly expression.
OR here. Very nice! Certainly looking forward to this. Thanks for the wip to let know someone was interested!
Giguelf vs. Gochiusa shit please.
google conchiem69
The Chitose one, right?
I'm not going to finish that guy's request because he hasn't anchored in two threads. Sorry dude.
What was it
Absolutely glorious!
OR here, I was convinced that the chances of someone doing the live idea were of zero to none, so needless to say, I'm so glad I was wrong.
You even gave it a double panel for a better context!
10/10 I fucking love it. Thanks a ton!
Thank you very much. It may take a while though.
If you are referring to the loop, yes, Miyu's docking port will be visible for a frame or two.
Have any movement in mind for the climax, for example: Kuro either falling back or forward onto Miyu such that the mana squirt is clear.
I was thinking that the mana emission would be most striking as a multi-directional burst caused by the contact of their ejection slots, as per the "thumb over hose" analogy. In that regard, maybe on the last cycle Kuro grinds down on Miyu even harder and holds contact instead of falling back. That could also work for cleanly resetting into the next loop of the animation rather than having Kuro change position dramatically.
please. i beg you
Unless someones holding you hostage with a gun up your ass, stop and be patient like everyone else
fishing and catching a really big fish.
That is cuteness overload
dead thread no fresh requests
It takes time to deliver
i'm waiting for a request so i can draw something. don't wanna draw for someone who isn't gonna see it.
They do see it and there are a lot or requests.
If you want to be personally asked just say it
I've been seeing my request for weeks now and nobody's drawing it
Slowly working on it, user
Everyone's in the WWDT. There's no point in posting work or requests here on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
i see, sorry about that, didn't know it existed. thanks.
>i'm waiting for a request
Lots of requests in here. Just pick one.
>Everyone's in the WWDT.
Far from it. If you have no "waifu request" to post, you don't post over there. If you don't want to draw WWD-tier requests, you don't draw over there.
In fact, we often have more activity in here than in the WWD over a weekend.
could you do ? thanks
Could you SHUT UP? thanks
Dem teeth though, wew
Not him but that's beautiful
Coming out super cute! I can't wait for you finish
sexy and hot. Thanks
Requesting the image on the right with Kaiji
>page 9, 9 posts away from 500
Cirnos with glocks
Anime girls nuking niggers.
>page 9 again
What's going on?
Requesting Monkey from Bakemonogatari wearing flip-flops.
>What's going on?
Board moving fast, thread moving slowly. Not usual on a Friday evening when the thread's close to 500.
People waiting for the new thread to start posting again
>work doing heavy lifting
>hands start to hurt
>cant used pen to draw
>can't hold it for more then 5 minutes
This is the end for me
bump :^)
Take a pause. Both from drawing and work. Consult a medical doctor if necessary.