Let's see what the retard did
Date a Live Vol. 20 Release thread
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Best girl saves the world.
Here's the current DAL thread from 5ch's light novel board
Tohka gets a power-up? Totally expected and predictable.
forgot to link it
Date A Bullet vol 5
There's a lotof shit that's missing so don't think this is all. So if I get what the spoilers say:
>Tohka creates a fake world with Mio's angel.
>Kurumi snaps Shidou out of it.
>The world Tohka has created isn't limitless and will soon colapse becuase it's draining Tohka's reiryoku fast, this also means she will die if Shidou doesn't do anything. Also, there's something outside of that world that is getting closer and aims to destroy the world (I don't know if they mean the world that Tohka created or the real world)
>After a chain of events Shidou meets Tohka and now the girl named Tenka.
>The spirits decide to do a spirit war to create enough spirit energy to sustain the world Tohka created for a litle longer so that she doesn't vanish. At the same time, this war is used as a competition for the spirits to confess to Shidou.
>Winner ends up being Yoshino who went all out becuase Yoshinon told her Shidou could be taken away from her by any of the other spirits.
>At the sam time Tohka/Tenka and Shidou are fighting the Mio clone and they manage to defeat it.
>Yoshino confesses her love for Shidou in a very brave way, she even takes off Yoshinon to do so.
>The spirits can't get in the way of the winner and despite wanting to voice their feelings, they can't.
>Shidou is actually considering accepting Yoshino's confession but the retard starts crying and he ends up realising that Tohka is important to him.
>Shidou ends up rejecting Yoshino and confesses to Tohka as the worldd created by her starts dissapearing.
>Tohka confesses to Shido and they kiss as the world ends.
>Shidou wakes up on the beach where we left off in volume 19 but Tohka is nowhere to be found.
Cue vol 21
>>Shidou is actually considering accepting >Yoshino's confession but the retard starts crying and he ends up realising that Tohka is important to him.
Predictable but still, what a coward.
>Tohka and Inverse Tohka (Tenka) are now separate entities
>they can fuse for a super buffed up form
>this raises the possibility of doing the same for all the girls, doubling the size of the harem overnight
>inverse forms of all spirits revealed
please tsunako, i'm begging you
>yoshino ends up getting the straight-up rejection
That was mean and unnecessary. We all knew the retard was going to win, no need to rub salt in the wound.
>Shidou turned down THIS
More for us
Yoshino had her inverse designed awhile back
>blue haired girl rejected
wow i can't believe this
>Rank: (1) Yoshino
>Rank: (2) Origami, defeated by Yoshino
>Rank: (3) Mukuro, defeated by Origami
>Rank: (4) Kotori, defeated by Origami
>Rank: (5) Kurumi, defeated by Yoshino
>Rank: (6) Natsumi, defeated by Yoshino
>Rank: (7) Kaguya and Yuzuru, draw
>Rank: (9) Nia, defeated by Kurumi
>Rank: (10) Miku, defeated by Yoshino
Shidou gets a new angel or spirit at the end
>yoshino defeating miku, natsumi, kurumi and origami in a row
Damn, Yoshino went on a rampage.
Retard literally ruins everything
Honestly fuck the author he could of had a Tohka end without fucking with Yoshino
And of course it's the most aggressive girl who has to suffer the rejection.
Kurumi or Miku should have been the one to get out right rejected
Nobody likes miku, that's why she's dead last
Yoshino’s power must be extreme. Is this the first time she's not held back?
>the retard won
Was anyone expecting anything else?
To be fair it sounds like this volume was a nice way to let the whole harem take the spotlight instead of casting them aside and only focusing on one or two characters.
What is even the point of one more volume then? should have just ended it with Tohka and Shidou on the beach so we don't have to waste another volume on the retard
Apparently they don't exactly describe what happend between her and Kurumi, and she shows up and ambushes Origami right after she had defeated Mukuro and Kotori.
The Yoshino rejection was unnecessary
At first I thought its completely asspull and out of nowhere why the author chooses Yoshino as the winner istead of fan favorite Kurumi ( which makes fucking sense considering how OP she is). Plus its a confession from a loli who probably mistakes a crush with real love. But damn that's really a sick move. To make the shyest gather all her courage to confess ( ultimate character development) just to let her get rejected in Rem style. That sure is brutal.
That said even if Shido accepts her confession, what will he do with the FBI?
It sounds like he might of said yes if Tohka didn't throw a fit
It just needs Shidou changing into spirit-controlling device-being so each time a spirit appears in any of the dimensions a special Shidou just for her gets created
He knew exactly what he was doing: giving Kurumi the outright rejection would make more people mad.
Most rejectable girls
1 Miku
2 Natsumi
3 Nia
1. Lesbian
2. Teasing onee san
3. Annoying brat
Nice choice bro
considering Kurumi's power level, Kurumi should theoretically wipe the floor with Yoshino.
How will Origamifags ever recover?
I don't know the rules of the battle Royale but Kurumi might have been holding back not to kill anyone
We won't know until we get a full summary but I see people implying that she let Yoshino win for some reason
He didn't really reject anyone. Tohka just started to cry before he could give an answer, however this entire volume is just a massive waste of time. Not only it just 100% fanservice, it served no purpose who the winner was since the author chose Tohka to be the "winner" in the end. However, the biggest problem with this is the fact Shidou would ever consider to choose a single girl when the entire novel has been about him wanting to make the girls happy not showing bias towards anyone and yet in this volume he shows him thinking about accepting Yoshino's confession only to quickly focus on Tohka and confess to her instead.
How so? Kurumi's power is lacking and use her own time which limits her a lot.
Yeah this is honestly what bugged me about this volume
the last volume is probably just going to be a rehash of Mio/Shin romance and the rest of the girls either fade out of existence or content at being cucks
Author could still pull a half assed harem end with with Tohka as the main wife but I doubt it
It doesn't help Tachibana likes shonen and powerlevel shit a lot. This is probably the volume he has waiting to write for a lot time since he extended the series but it feels totally disconnected with previous arc. What the fuck is the purpose of the girls suddenly fighting each other only to have the right to confess to Shidou, not even as couple but just a mere confession. It's like the Tohka vs Origami fight in volume 10 that ultimately lead to nowhere but it served to satisfy Tachiban's thirst for poinltess battles.
The issue is here is not that there is not a harem ending. I fully expected the author to pull some nonsensical reason to make Shidou choose Tohka since she is the main girl but this volume just showed he would have considered to do the same with the winner regardless of who was. This is a complete butchering of his character and everything he has done so far.
>another volume that went absolutely nowhere
So vol 12 again?
>worst girl wins
Nothing new
>However, the biggest problem with this is the fact Shidou would ever consider to choose a single girl when the entire novel has been about him wanting to make the girls happy not showing bias towards anyone and yet in this volume he shows him thinking about accepting Yoshino's confession only to quickly focus on Tohka and confess to her instead.
Doesn't this happen often in harems? The guy doesn't want to make any of the girls sad so he neglects choosing anyone but he chooses someone anyway?
I'm guessing it'll be another 5 months until vol 21
It's not that bad but you can tell this was just Tachibana doing what he wanted for fun without even considering if it made sense thematically.
Volume will 21 will be finding Tohka and that's it
Yeah and those endings are considered shit tier, it seems like most nips are unable to write endings that are not lame or predictable as fuck.
More like Date a Clock
At least in most cases both the main girl and MC are shown to reciprocate their feelings ever now and then. Shidou, on the other hand, has never shown any kind of bias except for Mio and her clones who are all dead and speaking about Mio what even happened to that plotpoint. Shidou was supposed to be really sad since he lost his true love once again, especially with Shinji's memories adding more weigth to his burden but then in this volume we have a battle royal? Oh and let's throw some drama for Tohka because it's her turn to suffer a tragic fate even if she never did or felt anything that would make her tragic in the slightest.
This series will become another shit series that advertised as harem series but actually not ?
More like it will be another harem series without a harem end
Tohka was always the obvious, this was never a surprise. The real question is what bullshit reason the author was going to use.
True I guess without Yanguire time shes limited on what she can do now.
Even so Couldn't she drain parts of peoples time with Devouring city or something?
Kurumi never acts without a plan, could she know she would be rejected?
I don't think that it can be considered as harem series if only one girl win
There were no normal people around during the fight and that ability doesn't really affect full powered spirits that much unless they just stand still and wait for Kurumi to absorb their powers. Kurumi is an one-hit kill type of person, an assassin class speaking in game terms, if she can't do that then she stands no chance which why she only fought opponents weaker than her after her fight with Kotori.
that's the case for 90% of harem series though
unless your saying IS isn't a harem because Houki is the obvious winner
You mean like 99.9% of haremshits???
Fucking retard.
I think harem tag should be given to the series at the end of the series when it confirmed it ends with harem end
Then go take over Japan and change the law so that that becomes the rules, otherwise, that's never gonna happen. You perfectly know the "harem" tag means 1 guy and a gorillion girls who want his dick, and that's it. Unless you're a complete newfag there's no way this could be surprised you in the least, because this is what "harem" means in 99% of otaku media.
Or authors could just commit to the genre their series is marketed as
You don't sell books by doing that buddy.
More like Date a Best
More like Reject A Loser
She wasn't rejected tho.
>Trap yourself in a time loop over a hundred times to save some faggot with a harem
>He doesn't choose you
It's been established for a long time that Kurumi isn't as smart as she thinks she is
Kurumi is probably the most cucked haremette. Tachibana did the right thing by not giving her the rejection.
He is sounds like a clockfag user, not to mention she was already cucked in the same volume that happened with the Nibelcoln army then Mio.
But no one has been rejected so far.
It's true no one actually got rejected directly but confessing to Tohka is exactly the same thing to everyone else
But that was the possibility that everyone expected to happen, no to mention this wouldn't be the first time Shidou confesses to someone. The author is just wasting time with all this pointless drama but I never expected he would release a mostly filler volume just to make Tohka the winner.
What little love he had left for this series is gone
he just wants to end it and this volume was basically a shitpost to his fans
I don't think even he even cares about what the fans think, if anything I bet most people in Japan is liking it since the main reason they are following the series are the girls so this is a win-win scenario for Tachibana since he loves shonenshit like this.
This shit is gonna to end like Kyou no Cerberus, I can fucking see it.
why does Yea Forums have such a visceral hate for this poor girl
? The real problem is the stupid writing and this is supposed to be the final arc.
t. retards
Meant for
big retards
Main girl syndrome. Also retard____________.
What does that have to do with this? Tohka bullying isn't real hate.
Yeah, Tohka is a big retard. We know it.
no, you guys are retards
But we are not Tohka.
>Retards defending retards
t. more retards
seething retard
shut up retard
based and retardpilled
>about to accept Yoshino's confession, but suddenly "remembers" Tohka who is more important to him
>ends up realizing the main girl is more important to him
Dammit Tachibana. I'm a bit surprised Yoshino gets the spotlight instead of Kotori, though. Ah, well, actually not really. If Kotori is out because Tachibana doesn't want to go down an imouto route (even if it's NBR), I suppose Yoshino who's the third main heroine is next in line.
It didn't really matter who was the winner of the fight considering the outcome would have been the same. This entire thing was just fanservice for fans and powerlevels fans like Tachibana.
I guess. BUT still... It leaves a bit of a soured taste in my mouth.
This. It was a pointless volume all around.
Because it served no real purpose and Tachibana just used Yoshino because she is one of his least liked girls in the series.
>she is one of his least liked girls in the series.
Based on inference or is there a source on that?
A free for all among the Spirits in Shidou's harem? I'm pretty hyped. I've been wanting to see them battle each other when they don't hold back short of killing for a long time. While the winner has been spoiled, I'm still curious to see how each battle was decided.
I was going to say Miku is actually the least liked but then I remembered Tachibana likes lesbians
He never stated he disliked her but it's obvious he likes some girls more than others but he was surprised back then during season 1 Yoshino was so popular yet he never tried to make her relevant or increase her scenes. I would say the twins and Yoshino are some of the girls he doesn't really enjoy to write as much as let's say Origami, Kurumi, Miku or Natsumi.
Tachibana, please.
More detailed spoilers have been revealed. Want moe to write them? It clears up the doubts about Yoshino winning the competition and Tohka's "confession".
>Inverse Tohka actually gets to be a fully separate manifestation from Tohka and part of the harem
Doesn't this create the uncomfortable implication that there are 11 more inverse girls that never ended up getting "saved" and one more that got completely shafted (NeOrigami)?
If you don't mind
If you are expecting to see who is the strongest spirit then you are going to be disappointed, this "battle" doesn't really show that otherwise Mukuro would have been the winner considering she was even stronger than dark Tohka.
No, inverse Origami was just Origami and inverse Yoshino was implied to be just Yoshinon who is just Yoshino.
Didn't NeOrigami get booted into the "inverse" spot after the original Origami took the driver's seat of their psyche?
Inverse is just a manifestation of the darker side of a spirit's personality. Inverse Tohka just gets special treatment because Tohka bias.
When did that happen? Both personalities were supposed to merge rather than coexist in the same body.
She ded
Ok, I was the one who wrote these spoilers in the last thread so now that we've gotten more detailed spoilers, it'll clear up some doubt. I'm just writing the smaller details that were left out last time.
>Shidou and co live almost a month in the fake world created by Tohka.
>It was Dark Tohka (now known as Tenka) who created the world they're now in. The reason being Mio's death. Becuase Mio is no longer alive, the Sephira crystals would dissapear just like her, that means that humans thar became spirit would become humans again but those who are not human would dissapear. That means Tohka is dying which is why Dark Tohka interefered at the end of volume 19 and used Mio's sephira to create that fake world as a temporary solution.
>The reason Yoshino beat Kurumi was becuase Kurumi used Dalet on Mana to restore her lifespan to normal which left her pretty drained.
>Shidou and Tohka/Tenka face off agaisnt the accumulation of reiryoku which takes the shape of Mio. In the middle of the battle which proves to be really tough, Shidou hears a voice in his head telling him that he has to help Tohka. After that, he realises he can used Mio's angels.
>Shidou uses all of Mio's angels: Ain Soph Aur, Ain Soph and Ain and Tohka/Tenka combine Sandalphon and Nehemah into one single sword which is called "Jezelhelev" (Sword of Genesis) and beat "Mio".
>Shidou and Tohka return to everyone. Yoshino confesses but all of them soon realise Tohka is soon gonna dissapear and everyone starts crying. Shidou tries to come to terms with that fact but starts breaking down. Shidou and Tohka confess their love for each other and the world dissapears.
>The girls are no longer spirits, Tohka is gone and the volume ends there.
Anyone who kicked the bucket yet?
How long before it ends?
Is Qualidea dead yet?
>>The reason Yoshino beat Kurumi was becuase Kurumi used Dalet on Mana to restore her lifespan to normal which left her pretty drained.
Isn't Mana literally a middle-aged auntie? Something like 42 years old? Is her lifespan now that of a middle aged person's or middle schooler's?
>Anyone who kicked the bucket yet?
Only Westcott and Mio have remained dead. Tohka is not going to die, this shit is just to give so cheap drama to her character
>How long before it ends?
Next volume.
>Is Qualidea dead yet?
Who knows.
Everyone loves Tohka.
Wew fucking lad
Thanks for the spoilers user
Well, that has always been Tachibana's aim since the beginning of the series.
more bullshit powerups for Tohka
>even though Mio's angels are basically an "I win" button and Shidou could've handled everything himself
Well, all of them see each other as family.
Well, at least Tachibana let Shidou take part too.
Just at the very last moment against an enemy that wasn't even real. There was not tension and this only happened because Tohka took the crystal that didn't even belong to her to begin with, all this could have been prevented if the retarded twist from last volume never happened. Basically this entire arc is based on Tachibana's terrible writing from last volume.
It wasn't Tohka who took the crytal but Tenka. Mio's death meant the girls would become humans again, everything would go back to normal and that would have been perfectly fine if Tohka was a human too but she's not which meant while the others were becoming humans again, she was dissapearing. I don't think that'ssomething retarded anymore, it makes sense.
I don't
But that is what ultimately happened anyway, not to mention dark Tohka being able to take over Tohka's body was only implied in the same volume it happened. This is only something Tachibana wrote at the last second without putting too much thinking into it other than say, oh wait it turns out Tohka is linked to Mio's existence just because, even though she can be sealed and still have a physical body unlike Rinne but Mio dying somehow means she does as well which was never implied until this very volume. The problem here that is that it wasn't properly foreshadowed in other volumes to make it feel believable, not to mention this depends on the idea of dark Tohka not being evil at all which wasn't supposed to be the original concept Tachibana thought at first where inverse spirits were evil. It's just plot convenience after plot convenience with no proper foreshadowing that makes this all seem like a rushed piece of writing.
Does everything need to be foreshowed for you to be satisfied? Most if not everything that had to do with the series was properly foreshadowed and explained but do you really need to do that with the obvious? The Sephira crystals are dissapearing, then it's ovious Tohka dissapears too. I don't see why that needs to be foreshadowed. Also, you're wrong, we knew Dark Tohka was able to take over Tohka as soon as volume 15.
>The Sephira crystals are dissapearing, then it's ovious Tohka dissapears too.
No that wasn't obvious because Tohka sitll had a physical body unlike Rinne who was pure energy so her existence depended on the dream world. This wasn't the case for Tohka who obtained a normal body after being sealed, at no point it was foreshadowed or even implied, what you are saying is a mere assumption.
>Also, you're wrong, we knew Dark Tohka was able to take over Tohka as soon as volume 15
Which only happened because she refused to forget Shidou which filled her with despair, again something a spirit needed in order to go inverse which is still bullshit because Mukuro was supposed to seal her memories but her love for Shidou was too strong that she went inverse, seriously. This is the best he could think but whatever, what happened in last volume was completely different, she just take over Tohka's body just like that.
Also, yeah a story is much better structured and enjoyable to read when it makes sense and you can tell the author put thought into it leaving hints throughout the story in order to make the reveal even better if no one manages to guess it but this is a different case. What Tachibana did was putting the cart before the horse. Take Tohka being able to use Mio's powers last arc for example, instead of foreshadowing it he explained it in the next volume and arc claiming it happened because she related to Mio somehow. Another example, dark Tohka taking the crystal even though it was the last reminder Shidou had from Mio, instead of being foreshadowed we were given the entire explanation next arc. Only a writer with little to no talent would resort to such cheap trick just to make the writing less "predictable" when it only helps to make it less coherent.
No, we learned that she would sometimes borrow Tohka's eyes to see the world for herself, that's what I meant by taking over, she didn't literally take over her body.
Forgot to write that Tohka is the Sephira herself, so she actually has a "body" per say, she's not made completely out of reiryoku like Rinne.
But when that was even implied before? It's obvious Tachibana had a change of mind at some point after volume 12 or 13 considering Tohka going inverse was considered as a bad thing in Origami's arc by Tohka himself, then we got nothing in volume 12 that would change this concept and volume 13 even showed Nia going inverse was a bad thing, then Mukuro's arc happened and dark Tohka showed up for not good reason, oh and she is a different person now. We never saw this change again in subsequent volumes and even during Kurumi's arc it was stated the girls went inverse destroying the world in those timelines once again reinforcing inverse spirits are not a good thing and Dark Tohka did nothing back then, during 200+ timelines even after the Kurumi clone told them about it.
I don't know if you have realized by now by these change of mind Tachibana's has affect previous event so much it raises a lot of questions, like why she didn't do this then of why this didn't happen before? This is the same problem that happened to Mio, the introduction of quasi spirits, impure crystals, the summoning magic that can turn anyone into Mio tier, etc.
Not sure how that changes anything, she doesn't turn back into a crystal when Shidou seals her the same way Nibelcoln clones go back to being a piece of paper after being sealed. The only, retarded, explanation I can think of is that Tohka is special, just like she is the only rational dark spirit, just like she was somehow able to use Mio's powers without taking the crystal, just like she was able to somehow turn inverse because she refused to forget Shidou even though her memories were locked in so on. It's just lazy writing, she is pretty much a chosen one type of character, a Goddess.
Listen I know Tachibana isn't at his best when he has to write Tohka because she's the main girl, but you're not being exactly constructive either since you have a huge hate boner for Tohka, you're discrediting the little development she gad. Dark Tohka didn't change in volune 15, what you're saying is utter nonsense, go back and read the volume again, 8n wgat way is she a different "person". She was still rude, ruthless and wanted to kill Shidou but since her IQ is as low as Tohka's, she got tricked ibto NeOrigami's plan. Sure it isn't the best writing but it's not like she was a different peraon like you're claiming. Also, why would she help Shidou? She had no reason to help Shidou since she hates him, she only cares about her other self as implied in volume 15 when she tells Shidou to take care of Tohka. It was only when Tohka was in danger that she did something like in volume 18 and 19.
If you have such a huge hate boner for Tohka then I have no idea why you're still reading this LN.
Maybe Yoshino is really a demon class when she gets super serious.
>The girls are no longer spirits
I sorta expected it, but damn, I was hoping this would be a harem series where the girls don't have to be human to enjoy a happy life with the MC. Being a superhuman existence is more interesting than just being a normal human.
>Dark Tohka didn't change in volune 15, what you're saying is utter nonsense, go back and read the volume again, 8n wgat way is she a different "person".
How so? She didn't try to kill Shidou, if say she wanted to do it but there was nothing stopping her other than Mukuro but why would she care about her? She is an inverse spirit, if she didn't care about Shidou and only herself then she had not reason to let him live, killing him would have been the perfect chance to be free even if that means fighting Mukuro later. But okay, let's say she is the same person that wanted to kill Shidou in volume why the fuck didn't she take over Tohka's body after Shidou sealed Mukuro, why she didn't kill the other spirits first then Shidou when it was shown she could take over Tohka's body all along last volume. Why they fuck she bothered to take the crystal and created a perfect world when she is supposed to be the same evil/bad person, why the fuck would she take the crystal and risking the chance of dying like it ultimately happened in the this volume when Mio stopped her before meaning she had previous knowledge about crystal. Just why? What you said about dark Tohka being the person is the real nonsense here. I don't hate Tohka, I hate the Tachibana is willing to bend the narrative and write retarded shit for Tohka's sake. This is not even a problem with Tohka anymore, this is the author's problem who is unable to be unbiased with his favorite character and like I said before you can see this problem in other places like the sudden idea of the girls being able to be hosts of more than a single crystal. Look, I don't hate the novel or even Tohka. I dislike Tachibana for going full retard whenever a character he likes is involved.
This is why I consider Origami's arc to be so good, it stays true to Origami and Shidou characters with all of her problems and issues being properly foreshadowed since the beginning of the series and she even had to pay for her mistakes.
She proved to be strong enough to stop inverse Origami for a brief moment on her own but instead of showing how strong she truly is, Tachibana decided to give an excuse for Kurumi's loss even though she is not a fighting class spirits at all. Yoshino could have defeated her with no problem even at full power.
I don't know, I think the girls would prefer being human since it means he can give them babies and marry them.
Didnt stop origami getting pregnant in the games
Not him but Origami was still 100% human during the first game.
I through the games were not considered canon.
Only the first game is canon, the rest aren't.
Ok take it easy user you sound like you're gonna break your fingers. You already said so yourself, Tohka is the shonen protagonist of the series but it's not nearly as bad as you claim. Let's say she had a slight change of heart, that cpukd be acceptable and that would make the events slightly more understandable. Also I'm not saying that is near the quality that Origami's, Mukuro's, Kurumi's and Mio's arc were but it's not that bad considering Tohka's shonen-esque character. I think he handled it better than I expected, I really thought this volume would be a trainwreck but it wasn't all that bad, we can still Shidou stay true to his character trying to accept Tohka's gonna be gone. Most of what was written still made sense even if Tohka's character created some plotholes. You could say everything was perfect except for Tohka, but you know, there's no such thing such as a flawless story. I'm still glad we got some great arcs along the way and this novel wasn't as bad as I tought.
>we can still Shidou stay true to his character trying to accept Tohka's gonna be gone
I can't really agree with that. Shidou didn't stop when Origami was mindbroken. He was willing to help Kurumi and change the past even if that meant she and probable the other spirits would never meet him but as long as they are fine and happy he would be fine too. In this same volume we had Shidou considering to choose a single girl which is ridiculous considering what he has been trying to do the entire novel, just the mere thought of him being okay with the girls deciding who gets to confess by winning a "game" is something I can't see Shidou agreeing with considering something similar happened in the twins arcs with both twins fighting over who should be the true Yamai. The only thing I can say about the way Tachibana writes Tohka is that he sure is consistent and how inconsistent Tohka's character is. I know no story is flawless but this is the final arc and we are seeing some really poor writing that doesn't stay true to several characters, especially Shidou who has been the one with the best written development in the novel and it just hurts to see.
Shidou didn't even know the spirits were competing for him. And from what I've read, he says something about being unable to accept having one important person to him missing, that everyone needs to be together.
Ah a true harem protag answer
Then why even show him considering choosing a single girl, I expected some bullshit reason for him choosing Tohka considering she is the main girl but doing it for the others? Hell, this whole thing would been the same regardless of the winner and that's precissely where the problem starts. Shidou would never ever think about such thing, he would always choose everyone, except if Tohka is involved but I already mentioned this.
Becuase Yoshino's confession came out of nowhere and he was a bit suprised. He didn't even have time to consider becuase Tohka started dissapearing and he realised Tohka is important to him. Yes Shidou and Tohka confessed to each other but that's due to the rush of the moment. In reality, Shidou would want everyone to be a family, and that's strenghtened at the end whenhe says he'll do whatever it takes to bring Tohka back.
origami or yoshino would be fine.. but no... we gonna need to go to tohka because she started to cry..
>muh crying
Those spoilers left out some details and some are a bit wrong. Read
That doesn't sound like Shidou at all, he didn't cry when or lost his cool when Origami was brokena and even though Mio died in front of him he still understood she finally achieved the peace he wanted. This shit with Shidou confessing to Tohka and crying sounds exactly like the movie which was awful and also very forced.
He cried for Origami and also cried when he learned Mio died. What are you saying?
That doesn't really change much, this whole battle royal thing, Tohka dying for cheap drama and have Shidou confess to her seem poorly thoughtout. It's like if Shidou started to despair after seeing Mio dying.
I don't remember him crying for Origam because she was impossible to save, only feeling sad he would never see her again but that it was for the best, the same applies to Mio but he also understood Mio was happy as well. Not sure what is the point of confessing to her when he is going to try and save her anyway.
I don't get it what is the point of this battle royal if all the girls were going to do was confess to Shidou? They can do the same without fighting and nothing guarantees Shidou would accept the winning girl anwyway.
It's just fanservice for those who wanted to see all the spirit going full power at once, you can argue the loser girls didn't have the right to stop the confession but they can confess on their own when the girl and Shidou were alone so this this was needlessly complicated.
tachibana's terrible writing
He cried two times for Origami. One when he saw that she wasn't around and two when she was back to being her old self again at the very end of the novel. He cried for Mio becuase of what her existence meant for him.
Of course Tohka is special becuase she's the main girl.
The main objective of the spirit war was to create enough reiryoku to sustain the fake world a bit longer but then the spirits decided to use it as a competition for Shidou.
fuck... now I want yoshino to go full inverse then "eliminate" the crying retard
Like I said I don't remember Shidou crying in those scenes for seeing Origami in such state while also confessing. He just felt sad after changing the past but he never said how much he loved Origami or anything like that. The same happened with Mio, he was sad but accepted her death, he grieved for her death but then in this volume all that matters is Tohka.
So, it was pointless then.
That sounds stupid, Mukuro alone has shown to be far stronger than everyone else yet she is supposed to lost like half way through. Not to mention Shidou wouldn't even approve of it and it also goes against what characters like Nia, Natsumi or Yoshino would do. Couldn't Kurumi just use her shadow world and give all the energy she absorbed to the world? Couldn't Mukuro just affect the planet with her power if that is what the dream world needed. It sounds like happened just because Tachibana thought it was a cool idea.
Of course he didn't confess, when did I say he consfessed? I just said he cried for Origami and Mio.
But that is what I'm talking about, Shidou didn't just suddenly lose his shit and started confessing and crying like everything was lost with Origami or Mio.
Can't they just create spacequakes together rather than fight among themselves considering the loser would stop fighting reducing the amount of energy created?
The fake world eats up tons of reiryoku and a spirit war would create enough reiryoku to keep the fake world together. They were looking for a way to prolong the fake world's time becuase Shidou had to find Tohka.
Mukuro's powers don't create reiryoku user and Kurumi used all her energy to restore Mana's lifespan.
He didn't "los shit shit". He just cried for Tohka, just like he did for Mio becuase a person who has been with him for a long time was gonna dissapear. Of course this is the author giving the main girl the special treatment but it's still acceptable.
>Mukuro's powers don't create reiryoku user and Kurumi used all her energy to restore Mana's lifespan.
That is retarded, all the girls use power when fighting and Kurumi even consumes her own time when using her powers making her participation into this war really stupid unless she suddenly doesn't have this problem anymore which is equally as retarded. The fact you are telling me a war was the only way to keep this world existences is fucking ridiculous since the more the fight the less combatants there are considering at some point there won't be anyone to create energy. This makes even less sense when having a spirit like Kurumi who is very weakm with her powers consuming her own time, as one of the final contestants.
I'm not sure if you have realized it by now but this whole scenario makes no sense.
Yeah no. He didn't react the same way with Origami or even Mio who was supposed to be his true love, and he even had Shinji memories at this point, yet somehow he confessed to Tohka while crying like there was not chance to save her even though he would be trying to do so later.
We still don't even know how this works yet, we jsut know that releasing their reiryoku in a barrage of attacks releases the energy and that world absorbs it. Also, they're in a fake world altered by Ain Soph and they're using their full astral dresses.
Honestly, I'm convinced you jsut have a hate boner for Tohka. You know the main girl is gonna get the special treatment yet you're mad anyway. Isn't that self-contradictory?
I haven't read date a bullet, is it cannon?
>You know the main girl is gonna get the special treatment yet you're mad anyway. Isn't that self-contradictory?
What does that have to do with this? If you think she is getting a special treatment why are trying to excuse the fact she is treated this way?
It happens in a separated continuity.
I'm not trying to excuse her, I just knew from the beggining that this was obviously going to happen. It happens with every harem series. Shidou confessing to Tohka is that special treatment but that's about it. Why do you need to be mad about it since you saw it coming from ages ago? You yourself said it in the hundreds of threads we've had.
But the problem with this whole thing about maintaining this world is that is self-contradictory. The only thing allowing the girls going full power is the world itself so that means they are being fueled by it but at the same time they are trying to fuel the world, however, this doesn't really help because they are using the world just to be able to keep their forms and the fact Kurumi is also fighting means she doesn't really have her usual limitations but why is this happening? It's the world fueling her powers too? but that would mean she is using power from the world. In the end this whole thing sounds pointless because they are just fighting to fuel the world but at the same time it seems like they are being fueled by it. I don't think the author put much thinking into this, no to mention keeping one of the weakest spirits around for the final fight is stupid.
Kind of, the characters in DAB mention the DAL characters at certain points which means it is connected. It's just that it happens in another timeline and the other world.
so it's just for clock fags got it thanks
>I'm not trying to excuse her, I just knew from the beggining that this was obviously going to happen.
But you keep giving "reasons" why she is being treated this like it was a reasonable thing that explains why she gets this treatment.
I can't even say it's for clockfags but then again they don't really give a shit about her personality so maybe you are right.
Becuase you're seemingly mad that Shidou cried for Tohka. I don't understand your reasoning of thinking that him crying for Tohka is him being out of character when that's not the case. Tohka is the main girl so it's a given he would shed tears for her. You're just mad and I understand that but it's still within the acceptance level, Shidou crying for Tohka is completely acceptable.
That is not the problem, it's the fact Shidou would react in such an exaggerated way when he knew not everything was lost yet he reacted like that for some reason. Again you can say it's because she is the main girl and you would be right but that would also mean you are trying to excuse her and the writing around her.
Connected to what? A timeline where the world is over? It's not like Kurumi is coming back anyway since Mio would simply kill her again if the inverse spirits don't do it first.
I'm not trying to excuse her user. That's just Tachibana giving her the spotlight, the special treatment and you understand it too. I
Is the movie canon?
I understand the special treatment she gets but there is a difference between understanding why it happens and whether it is actually acceptable or not.
The movie is just a rip-off of the first game which is actually canon.
Whether you think Tohka deserved that Shidou cried for her is up to you. I would be more inclined to your thinking if Shidou had never cried for anyone else but he at least did for Origami and Mio. If he had only cried for Tohka an confessed to her while doing so without having cried for anyone else before, I'd call it bullshit but that's not the case.
summary user, what did yoshino do after the fucking shidou turned her down?
Again, the point isn't if Shidou cried for her or not but whether it made sense for Shidou to react in such way like there was not chance for Tohka to be saved to the point he started to confess and cry. This didn't even happen with Mio who was the person he was supposed to love which funnily enough stop being relevant in this volume and now Tohka is all that matters.
Shidou didn't turn her down. She started crying with everyone else as Tohka was dissapearing.
He didn't turn her down. The whole thing is just ridiculous since they turned this whole battle royal thing into a game when it was supposed to be a life or death situation for Tohka and guess what when the fight was over Tohka started to disappear giving no chance for Shidou to answer Yoshino.
user, it's the own Sephira crystals that are dissapearing.
And Origami was beyond salvation during her arc, that didn't prevent him from thinking there was salvation nor made him lost his cool, let alone start confessing how much he considers Origami as a friend or whatever.
>sweet ARMS was created for Upotte (hence the name, a reference to arms as in guns)
>they continue activities after Upotte
>sweet ARMS are now better known for Date A Live than Upotte
What did Nippon Columbia, Fantasia Bunko, AIC, Production IMS, and J.C.Staff mean by this?
But it's not like Origami was dissapearing, even if there was no salvation from her, she wasn't gonna die.
Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?
[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas
You're late, retard.
It's time to take over this board and this series. This is revenge for you all calling us retards!!!
Yeah, it was even worse in Origami's case. With no chance to save her she would eventually destroy the world and this also happened when the Fraxinas was shot down with Shidou losing communication with her, yet he didn't lose his composure. There were far more lives in danger, with one of his family member possibly dead and one of his closest friends mindbroken.
I’m pretty sure he is crying since to him, there are no longer ANY options available that will save Tohka thus making her disappearing something inevitable, and if there any options left he obviously has no knowledge of them.
But the issue here is that Shidou would never think like that. He didn't have the power to travel through time during Origami's arc but knew Origami was beyond salvation yet he still thought there could be a chance. Even, in failure he would try to learn from it.
Again user, that's just Tohka getting the special treatment.
But this isn't the final volume or the epilogue.
I know but again the point is whether it is acceptable or not. We can explain all of Tohka's asspull power ups as she being the main girl but that doesn't make any of these scenes any less unacceptable.
Retard. Better pray she doesn't die for good.
I still don't get that scene in S1 where one moment Origami shows her panties and it's blocked off by sunlight, but the next moment they show the same panties uncensored.
>staying dead
Pick one.
hey why are you this late retard?
I want to Date A Origami
oh yea? but tohka still a retard
? I don't remember much about season 1 but maybe it was just an effect. Episode 1 shows Kotori's panties like it's nothing. I don't see any reason to censor all the other scenes like this.
Tobiichi A Origami
I love this Origami so much. Please keep her.
t. Tsunako
Oh, yeah. Last episode airs tomorrow.
>Shidou is actually considering accepting Yoshino's confession but the retard starts crying and he ends up realising that Tohka is important to him
>Shidou ends up rejecting Yoshino and confesses to Tohka as the world created by her starts dissapearing
Read the thread.
Those spoilers were the first we got but were really vague. Read the thread.
True but let’s just look at what’s happening the world is about to collapse, with Tohka disappearing with it. There are no longer any options to avoid or delay it, so in the rush of the moment he blurts out his feeling for her to comfort her in her final moments. Can we at least agree that’s in character for him. Especially since until the next volume reveals how they will save her, to him at least it’s seemingly permanent
Could they at least use episode 12 to adapt one ss? It would at least be used for something useful.
give me back the real origami any day
I fail to see how that is in character for him when that means he would be admitting there is no chance for salvation when this was already the case during Origami's arc but in this case the entire world was in danger, Kotori was probably dead and he was even more powerless back then yet he still believed there was a choice. Shidou would never react like that, sure he would be sad but he would never give up and start confessing like everything is over.
Tomorrow is the last episode? Already?
They didn't do that last two times, they are not doing it now.
There is another episode next week but since it's going to be filler shit this is the real last episode.
but origami in ast suit looks great
There are plenty of fodder who also wears the same suit, not sure what is the big deal.
>Implying Satan Origami looks worse than AST Origami.
I hope they don't try to do some shitty anime original ending.
It's a filler episode and also the last one. Do you really think there won't be an anime original ending?
not with the s3 anime artwork you ain't
How did Origami defeated Mukuro?
It's only natural to be jealous of a goddess
Seriously though she unfortunately just doesn't appeal to most LNfags here
Based but it's honestly not worth bothering them here
Long hair Origami is superior to short hair Origami while in spirit form.
We still don't know.
Anons, do you think this is a coincidence?
? The design for the cover wasn't even finished by the time the anime aired.
>implying you are not the same Tohkofag
Sure but I always thought she looked a bit weird in this part of the OP. Now that I've seen the cover I can't help but think this was done on purpose.
I thought that was Kurumi, no to mention the design from the cover is more complex.
is it really that hard to believe?
>Tohkofag replying to another Tohkofag 6+hrs later
You can't fool me.
I doubt they put much effort into it since it's just a figure of Shidou and Tohka from afar. But you can't deny that Tohka's hair appears to be in a ponytail.
That's what happens when you only check in these threads only once in a while or are Tohkafags welcome here nowadays?
But that is Tohka's usual hair style.
? I'm just saying that only a Tohkofag would reply to another 6hrs later.
And I was just asking why it's so hard to believe I'm a different Tohkafag unless you're telling me Tohkafags are actually allowed to be here if this happens often but whatever
Not sure what are you trying to say, but why would you reply to a guy who is probably not even here, especially when his post is that old. You must either be the same guy or know he is still here but the latter doesn't seem to be the case.
Tohkabros and Origamibros brothership!
Only if Tohka is bullied.
I love DAL so much!
What do you love about DAL?
>Origami will not win
Since I saw him when lurking a previous thread and only got online a while ago but felt like getting the message across so he saves himself trouble.
If he doesn't see it then big deal, I'm not the sort to get bothered over it but I feel like doing another Tohkafag a favour
Also this.
Still hoping for a harem end
I just love the series. I have a lot of fun with it.
Late but damn I feel bad for Yoshino and Yoshinobros
Those are outdated spoilers. Read the thread.
Maybe next time you sould also try reading the thread.
Mukuro a cute! The way she's pouting makes my heart hurt. Mukuro is too cute it's unfair.
Would you consider that Tohka has been convincingly built up over the course of the series to be the spirit with the strongest relationship with Shido and a likely winner? Or is it an asspull mandated purely by the first girl winner policy?
Both and neither at the same time
no way retard
we can still save yoshino... we maybe tachibana can kill tohka and everything will be fine
also even Natsumi wants to marry yoshino
nah. she just happens to appear first. even origami and yoshino shared more points to shidou than that fucking retard
I can't really say her relationship with Shidou feels the strongest when she has been loyal to him from day one but this makes her feel more like a pet than a real love interest because she behaves like a child while Shidou keeps maturing with each volume and since Tohka is portrayed as perfect she will always be there for Shidou even if he doesn't really need her as moral support. This is why she has been considered as the obvious choice, not becayse of closeness but because made it clear she was the main love interest and heroine since the beginning of the series.
Depends on what you consider good build up. There has never been any real conflict in Tohka's relationship with Shidou since she is supposed to be perfect in every way and loved by everyone.
I need season 4 for Mukuro. I would pay to see Mukuro animated.
They would butcher her arc.
How would you fix Tohka? And no, just deleting her entirely doesn't count.
It's not asspull if is obvious but that doesn't make the ending any less boring.
Make her not retarded
Don't turn her into a fucking shonen MC.
More screentime
Nothing, I'd just settle with a harem end or with a tragic end. I think Mio and Mukuro are the best girls and no other girl can top them.
t. tohka
But I want a new season.
Change of writer, even if we change Tohka Tachibana would simply get her dumb personality back just like he made old Origami take over the body of NeOrigami.
But her retardness is part of her character. What other kind of distinguishable personality would she have?
Well, she is the main heroine, as much as some of us can't accept that. Even if she gets more screentime, how can you do that? A major part of the story is Shido trying to make the girls fall in love with him.
Make her not be brain-dead tier, she even gets serious when needed so there could be an in-between.
>It's safe to like Origami
Times sure have changed. Not that I'm complaining.
Rank all DALs from best to worst according to your opinion anons! And write who you think should end up with Shidou!
Anyone has a chance with Shidou since they are not fucking Miku
For me, it's Kotori >= Kurumi > Yoshino = Origami > Natsumi = Nia > Kaguya = Yuzuru = Mukuro > Miku
Mukuro >= Yuzuru >= Origami > Kotori > Yoshino > Kaguya > Kurumi > Tohka > Natsumi > Nia > Miku.
Mukuro seems to be one of the closest to Shidou without being forced, the fact they share similar experiences make their bond stronger.
That has been the case since 2013.
After what she got in volume 10, there was no longer any reason to dislike her,
Mukuro > Yuzuru > Yoshino > Kurumi > Kotori > Kaguya > Origami > Natsumi > Nia > Miku.
Mukuro's similar childhood to Shidou's made her character's appeal be up there.
Mukuro > Origami > Yuzuru > Yoshino > Kotori > Tohka > Kaguya > Natsumi > Kurumi > Nia > Miku.
Mukuro is a truly good girl, I'm glad she has remained useful with the short time she has had in the series and is one of the girls who deserves to be with Shidou. Origami has also changed a lot since her arc which was amazing, it would be a shame if her new genuine feelings for Shidou go to waste.
I don't know, I still saw hate every now and again from time to time. But this thread is free of it. Granted, I don't lurk as often as I used to.
I know.
Best/Who I think should end up with Shidou: Origami
Worst: Miku
You forgot the retard.
>I still saw hate every now and again from time to time.
I haven't seen any real hate in a long time, unless you are talking about people who discuss how bad the old Origami was.
Damn it, well she would be after Origami.
Yeah, probably. Although to be honest I don't think old Origami was that bad enough to warrant hate to begin with.
So its pretty much confirmed that the author is an objective faggot and is either going to make an open ending with no choice or he is going to choose the retard? Jesus christ dude this was one of the few i saw had a excellent chance of ending in a legit harem like ZnK or Vanadis. Fuck these pussy as fucking authors man.
>open ending
There won't be an open ending but I don't know how you didn't see a Tohka ending coming from light years away. This much has been obvious since season 1 threads, with harem ending being just a secondary choice.
>Mukuro seems to be one of the closest to Shidou without being forced
What do you mean? How are any of the other girls forced?
I mean Date A Live didnt suffer at least in the LNs the same autistic tendencies that other harem novels and animes have where in the girls all stay relevant to each other and remain relevant to the plot as seen in this most recent volume. The story only makes sense to have a harem ending which dosent run anti thesis to the main narrative in the slightest.
Well actually, that's where it appears to be headed.
I never said anything about the rest of the girls feeling forced.
>where in the girls all stay relevant to each other and remain relevant to the plot as seen in this most recent volume
Not sure what series you have been reading but DAL was a lot more like your average harem series during early volumes and this latest volume feels like filler with the battle royal thing no even being that relevant plot wise and it happened mostly for fanservice.
>Shidou is actually considering accepting Yoshino's confession but the retard starts crying and he ends up realising that Tohka is important to him.
Good lord Tachibana, this is IS's Yumizuru level if bad case of waifu injection.
Tohka was already acceptable as a cute retard, but damn shoving it down our throats?
grade s++ (for story and character): yoshino / origami / reine
grade okay (for design): nia / kurumi / twins
grade shit: tohka / miku
There was always going to be a bullshit reason for Shidou to "realize" he "loves" Tohka even though he has never shown that before.
Read the thread.
Only alive characters allowed
I wonder if Tachibana used Yoshino because she is one the spirits he doesn't really care about or if he used her because at some point she was supposed to be Shidou's Oasis.
She was too good to become true end.
As expected, this volume got more reactions from nips than Origami, Mukuro or Mio got. They really like their retard.
I never liked a bimbo
She does place first in most popularity polls. The real target audience from this kind of series is the opposite you would find in these threads.
That is still too smart for Tohka.
really? nips like the retard?
Are you serious? Like said. She often ranks as the most popular and is the face of the series, of course they like her.
They're the exact opposite from DALfags on Yea Forums.
The first four spirits and Origami are still the most popular girl in the series with Kurumi and Tohka being the most popular ones but China seems to like Kotori a lot.
how new?
Makuro a shit
it's mukuro you retard
Now let me get this straight, ex-humsn spirits lost their powers and became human, and remaining just disappeared? So after all this ends there won't be spirits anymore?
Anyone else feel like death
I want a proper burial for when the last volume is out and she's not back
Goodbye anons
I felt it when tachibana destroyed yoshino
Dividing the series up into Main (serious) and Encore (SoL) was a mistake. Tachibana could've included a tiny bit more SoL stuff to provide some of the latecomers with more screentime
Does anyone happen to have a link to the previous translations?
Reine is true end.
Not really, it worked very well at first but then Tachibana stopped writing good short stories and just wrote fanservice shit or what if stories. The novel already suffers from SoL scenes feeling like filler so adding more of that would only hurt the books.
When did that happen?
Yeah, no more spirits and all this happened because Tohka took the crystal. It would have been fine if an antagonist or villain did it but that isn't the case, this is just Tohk and her inverse form being retards and risking their own existence for no reason at all and Dark Tohka already knew about Mio and her crystal before. It seems like the main villain/antagonist this volume is retardation itself.
nepgear date in few minutes...
Long hair Origami looks more like Black Heart for me.
Old Origami is also coming back so that means no more Nepgear clone.
DALbros we're getting a crossover with Danmachi.
I'm surprised there not a Neptunia crossover yet.
9 minutes until last episode airs
True. It shouldn't even be difficult since they both have the same artist and CH makes the DAL VNs.
no thanks bro
5 mins
get in here niggas
The art is not looking very good.
Not a lot of budget but it could have been worse.
my dog wife
now neither of us cant be virgin
So it just ends like that?
winner of DAL bowl
They should have skipped the OP, the end felt kind of rushed.
Fillershit next episode.
What the fuck. Origami became a jew?
The fuck is wrong with her nose?
Really, it was one of the last scenes but they didn't have time to fix that massive nose?
So you are saying all the girls are shit?
oy vey
now all that hebrew shit in DAL makes sense
It wasn't a bad episode but it could have been much better if it had the same animation and consistent art like last episode.
way too rushed, they also skiped the after scene where she apologized and thanked all the other spirits for fighting for her.
Holy shit, look at the size of that thing.
Did they skip the scene where the girls suddenly get their memories back for no good reason. I couldn't tell if it happened or not since they jumped to the credits.
The art was inconsistent but not nearly as much as in the mediocre/bad episode. I'd say it had okay art.
fucking origami
shiron, where is fucking shiron?
Is there an up to date place to get these novels from?
If you are talking about the ice armor then I'm sorry to tell you that it is in the anime and they didn't use CGI like I expected they would
Check the Facebook group. The Mega link hasn't been updated with last volume.
It looks like this was the last scene they finished.
>she will not win
It really hurts because Shidou was pretty decent.
Ah, it's something.
>Episode 12 will get the good looking episodes despite being filler.
Why are they so retarded anons?
I sounds like they rushed the ending, I hope they didn't skip Shidou's dialogue with Origami after the sealing happened.
Because that is the pattern, but to be fair this episode didn't look that bad. It seems next episode is either a filler episode or just volume 12.
>Shidou was pretty decent.
That's an understatement, user.
Subs out.
>[HorribleSubs] Date A Live S3 - 11 [720p].mkv
>just volume 12
>volume 12.
Why would they adapt volumr 12 in ine single episode? Not tht I'd mind becuase volume 12 is horrible but still.
Ok, thanks. Is there a reading order for the side stories?
Why not. Volume 12 itself was filler shit so it would be perfect for them to adapt.
Don't bother with the side stories. Most of them are crap.
I still haven't watched the episode but what does the preview of episode 12 show?
The title of next episode is about dating Shidou or something like that, the preview also shows the girls names for some reason. If they are planning to animate the entirety of volume 12 in a single episode then I hope they do it.
Well fuck. These fucks might actually be doing it.
Fucking HS.
well at least it won't be anime original
The scene is there but it looks like they skipped a few lines.
But what does this mean for volume 12? Do you anons think they want to skip it or something in case a new season is announced in the future?
It's not confirmed yet, they might animate their version of volume 12 for all we know and vol 12 is still a filler volume at its core.
They just need to animate something and volume 12 is single volume "arc" that doesn't add much to the plot. Sounds like a perfect volume for them to animate.
But user, they would be doing the entire volume in one episode. Even there are certain parts that are important in that volume.
Not really. Volume 12 doesn't have anything that could be adapted next volume. Nia at the beginning of her arc wasn't struggling with the face she was previously captured or anything and the name Mio can also be mentioned in any other volume. Volume 12 is just a waste of pages, they probably are just animating the dates and that's it.
Listen user, this could imply Kadokawa wants to adapt more of the novel becuase volume 12 doesn't exactly end casually. If they're just planning to animate the dates, then why boher going through the trouble of adapting something canon, just make it filler in that case.
>animating an entire volume in a single episode
jesus christ
Is the entire cast strong enough to seal Shido's BBC?
Because volume 12 in itself was a filler volume, the major plot relevant event was Shidou going berserk that turned out to be not threatening at all since Mio came and the girl stopped him rather easily to the point they even joked during the saving Shidou scene. They can just completely skip all that and have no real effect in the overall plot because Shidou never loses control again.
They animated Yoshino's arc in two episodes, volume 12 is so uneventful they can adapt it into a single episode.
Seriously you have to be some serious retard if you gave a fuck about what happened in this volume, anyone who's been reading DAL since the very beginning knows this shit doesn't mean anything because next volume and thanks to the power of the asspull Shidou will bring back the retard so he can have the worst girl at his side since the absolute fucking faggot rejected everyone else.
What a shitshow of an ending Tachibana.
best girl forever
>retard wins
Imagine spending 20+ volumes making every fucking girl fall for the MC just to friendzone all of them to make the shittiest girl win.
Kurumi > * > shit > Tohka
Maybe next time try reading before shitposting. Nobody was rejected, in fact the girls fighting each other was absolutely retarded because this was a life or death scenario. It's like if they started to play Mario Party and then expected Shidou to congratulate the winner in the middle of funeral.
You can't stop pretending you are reading the series. Not only he didn't reject anyone but it was obvious Tohka would be the winner in some way(single girl ending) or another(harem ending).
Are you stupid you retarded secondary? even yoshino who confessed her feelings was rejected, stop trying to defend this shit writing and go back to animesuki.
It was an okay episode but it is obvious they had to rush it near the end.
>waiting years for an episode with bad art
Get some standards user
>Kurumi poster girl of DAL
Tohkashits on suicide watch
You are the only one shitposting here. Those spoilers are the beginning of the thread are outdated you fucking retard. No one was rejected, the battle royal thing just happened because Tachibana wanted his retarded battle royal because he loves shonenshit like this.
Well I got something and it did look pretty ok where it mattered.
>wasting your time reading this schlock series when all it was ever known for was the art and girl's designs, mainly Kurumi's
Who the fuck cares but autistic Tohkafag LNlets, this shit has been forgotten tier for years
>Basing his retarded opinion on spoilers
>Can't read moonrunes
>He doesn't know the translations of the first 2 chapters and the last one is already out
Way to prove how desperate you are, you're so fucking pathetic.
How much is my waifu Kurumi in s3?
Worth picking up or should I just not bother
You are just a stupid idiot that doens't know anything. Just check the Facebook group, Shidou was looking for Tohka while the girls started this whole shit as a game which he had no idea of and when Yoshino confessed the dream world started to collapse since the girls stopped fighting. For Shidou, Yoshino's confession came out of nowhere and then Tohka started to disappear along with the world, it wasn't the best chance for any of the girls to confess. If you want to bitch then bitch about the way the author made the scene look like everything was lost just to add some cheap drama to the scene.
she's in a few episodes
this season's pretty terrible because it's JC staff but dunno, eyepatch kurumi might worth be picking up for since you're an animeonly and since she returns later
>seething secondary
No, (You)'s for you clockfag.
triple trips has spoken
It could have been better with last episode's art and pacing.
>volume 12 might be butchered
This season suddenly sounds a lot better.
Don't get your hopes high, this could be their own version of volume 12 the same way the movie is a carbon copy of RU.
>it's been obvious the retard would win
And I still didn't like it, what the fuck is your point?
Why drop it now and not way before then?
I was reading it for the other girls obviously
The question still applies, why drop it now then? You knew Tohka would be the winner yet you keep reading it but now all of sudden Tohka winning is a problem?
Still hoping for one big family end in the final novel
it would fit the series
Do you anons think we'll get to see Shidou doing some cool shit? I'm a bit skeptical about one episode for this volume.
No, only at the end he uses Mio angel but it's for something irrelevant like destroying an illusion that looks like Mio since there are no real villains or antagonists this volume.
Just read this vol now, this was one of the most fun volumes so far, chad Shidou manhandling Ellen was awesome.
Talking about episode 12 user.
Other than a few scenes here and there Volume 12 is just awful and considered one of the worst if not the worst.
Oh, if you are expecting some fighting then I'm going to say no. They didn't even bother to change Shidou's eye to golden nor they gave him white pupils, it's like if in the entire season he only used his powers during episode 5.
>Shidou with normal eyes
I knew JC would do a mediocre job but how could they forget such an important detail.
I guess they didn't have enough budget to draw a new pair of eyes.
Not only that but they also forgot Origami was supposed to have white pupils after the sealing happened.
That is pretty much what they are right now. Some would say it's an opening ending.
If they adapt volume 12 next episode it's possible this scene won't be included.
Why bother with volume 12, they aren't planning for season 4 are they?
No, if that was the case then they wouldn't be adapting volume 12 next volume.
Season 4 adapting vol 13 to 19 in 2cour by Liden Films, and they announce movie closure adaptation of Tenka arc.
next episode**
Miku is worst girl.
Trust me, I work at Kadokawa
No after this season bombed pretty hard. Japan doesn't care about it anymore and not even the chinks are buying it this time.
I love Kaguya!
This season was truly mediocre but if last episode manages to butcher volume 12 then I'm okay with it.
I remember seeing the BDs back in the 1000s again but I'm pretty sure this episode will turn off buyers again. Honestly, why do they have to be so retarded?
Really? Good then I can expect more from the remaining volumes. I just liked how laidback this vol felt and how chad shidou was abusing the spirits power for some shits and giggles
Sure user, next thing you'll say you're friends with Tachibana.
>BDs back in the 1000s
That is not a good thing you know. Even season 2 managed to sell 6k average, this season is going to sell even worse.
That is precissely one of the reasons it was so hated. The volume was delayed for almost an entire year and with Shidou in the cover people were hyped expecting something good and interesting but all we got was fanfic tier writing.
Could the next episode be Itsuka Redemption?!
yoshino was pretty awesome
It's either volume 12 dates or just a carbon copy of volume 12. Whatever they decided to do this means the anime won't have any more seasons.
This episode sure have a lot of errors like Natsumi being drawn in full power mode or Shidou and Origami lacking white pupils.
They could have perfectly ended with Origami's arc, I don't see why they'te going through the trouble of adapting this in one episode. Now a filler episode sounds better.
Not sure what is the problem here. Volume 12 was awful and it's better if they butcher plus this would mean no chance for another season which is a good thing considering how season 1 is still the only good season.
More like Disaster but now the volume will be an even bigger disaster if they adapt it in a single episode.
That's why I'm calling it redemption user.
Redeem what exactly?
Way too late.
Why is Shidou such as chad?
He has too many redesigns in the anime.
Why do they keep drawing his hair like he has horns?
At this point you should know there're two teams animating this arc user.
This was supposed to be the bad looking episode so they guy who doesn't know how to draw Shidou was in charge again.
We're getting the good looking episode next week. I swear this was some shitty schedule. I hope JC never touches DAL ever again.
I don't think any studio will be able to touch the anime ever again. Also, next episode is the filler or butchering of vol 12 when this should have been the good looking episode but I guess next episode is worth watching if they are really planning to adapt vol 12 in a single volume.
After how badly this season performed, I doubt there will be any other season but that is a good thing.
I just realized they didn't even bother to change Shidou's to golden with pupils. Wow, they really did not give a shit about details this season.
>"me Tohko, me fight"
It's the animation theam the does the bad looking episodes that don't give a shit. The anmation team that did the good looking episodes did a good job with their episodes actually.
So, it's finally over. Now the novel needs to end to put this series to rest from all this butchering.
There is still one last episode but who even gives a shit about it.
Team A and team B.
Animators at team A do the good looking episodes and put some effort into it. Team B, bad looking episodes with litle to no details.
>Tohka wins
get fucked Yea Forums
I was talking about the first half of your post. It was difficult to read.
Have you been living under a rock or something?
See you next week user.
You won't be seeing me in these threads next week, I only wanted to finish Origami's arc.
tachibana will redeem yoshino user. she still has a chance
Redeem her from what?
>miofags btfo
>origamifags btfo
>tohka haters btfo
Based Tachibana
I love DAL!
>JC Staff
Who will be the next studio to butcher the anime if there is a season 4?
I love DAL more than you.
DEEN, probably.
Hopefully nobody.
They still need a studio.
ARMS original arc, they will also faithfully respect the QUALITY
>Butchering Mukuro.
Do that and I swear those faggots will be hearing from me.
The studio that adapted QUALTY imouto. They can follow IMS and JC's legacy.
A-1 pictures, considering what they did to QC.
Well, at least we know this season bombed so the chances for another season are pretty much zero at this point.