Why was Erza so strong?

Why was Erza so strong?

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Its because she's Erza

She's part dragon like every relevant character.

The power of friendship.

Natsu filled her with Dragon Stuff.

Technically Natsu is a demon with dragon magic.

Mary Sue

She absorbs the power of any man who fucks her. At least that's my personal head canon. Makes sense given how slutty she is.

Erza wasn’t affected by that one guys power who gives everyone who’s had sex unlimited pleasure, though.

Why was Wendy so weak?

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>wacky yet related characters
>actual romance
>Cool powers without insane power creep
>Female characters are actually interesting and not just there for the shipping
Fairy Tail is proof that Jump is holding the battle manga genre hostage and must be destroyed.


Her ryona was made for my dick

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The only person in Fairy Tail who earned their power was Gray

Prove me wrong

You're retarded

Because Mashima ruined her by making her an overpowered Mary sue.

Do you think she shaves down there?


I mean everyone had to learn magic in FT. Seems like few characters have inborn powers.

Natsu gave up his demon (and his real dragon powers) powers when both seeds were destroyed by him choosing to be a human.

What about Gajeel?

Nah. Dude just eat magic and got a massive power up.

Slayers are bullshit.

>gets absolutely destroyed in every way possible by some plant-controlling dude
>yells "BUT FRIENDSHIP!" at him, somehow this lets her overpower him and win in one move
It was shit before then but that's what broke the last straw for me for some reason and made me drop it

She wasn't. Hiro just wanted her to be strong for the plot, but couldn't properly show it. Thus he made her rekt the enemies with magic slices through whatever the opponent was made of/resist endless pain and lack of senses/off-screen her fights and made characters say "of course she did it, she's erza 'u' "

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Now that I see, that is the definition of any relationship author-character whereas the author has full control over his characters and how he wants them to be shown to the readers

Erza is one of the few actually "cool" female characters. I don't know why but she is.

Yeah her magic is objectively pretty terrible.

>Common, used for people to change there clothes
>It relies on outside weapons to be any good
>Can be stopped via many different types of magic (space, time, dispel, etc)

Because she’s Erza

I don't know, but she's wonderful

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>Strongest form is literally just her in base form with a sword
Why even use the Armors?

Hope she gets more ryona in 100 year quest


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I'd prefer to marry the pure sky dragon.

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Yeah, and where the fuck she gets her armors and weapons? She should do quests for mythical weapons and shit. But she always asspulls a new OP weapon or armor to win.

>actual romance

Because she's the best and most perfect girl in the series.

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I think she buys them.

Why cant Hiro just give us a nipple