Are you ready for their inevitable clash?
One Piece
Not really because I don't want either of them to win/lose
SaNa soon
Will Luffy fight Queen first in the sumo ring?
Will Big Mom eat Queen?
he still has to go through all the gifters and then the headliners that are there
So I feel dumb for asking, but what is the point of Luffy seemingly trying to extend his range with his Haki? Doesn't he already have ungodly range?
guys im making a snes homebrew top-down action/adventure one piece game. play as luffy. open to ideas on how he moves and attacks. ship and carrotfags need not respond.
>he still has to go through all the gifters and then the headliners
Shouldn't take very long.
the haki he's trying to use is an extension of armament haki. conqueror's haki is what he uses to knock losers out at range; obviously he would need actual armor against the ones that doesn't work on
He's trying to utilize haki in a way he hasn't before, not extend range.
Each color of haki also has its own range.
i give him two chapters, three max. remember that linlin group also has to cross the river to get to udon
Shield haki will be useful especially in situations like these where he has someone or something else to protect.
zorois losing shusui this arc
I really don't think they've read the newspapers, at the very least the fodder haven't.
I understand that, but from what I'm reading he's trying to extend his strike range with it, but Luffy can just stretch to hit his opponents anyway.
Maybe I'm just missing something key to all this
queen certainly didn't since he wasn't aware of kidd escaping
what you're missing is that luffy can't do it at all
Kaido read it, but yeah, he didn't even tell the people in charge of breaking Luffy about his CoC
Kamazo isn't done yet because he's zoro's dad and therefore able to survive wounds like that
He's also denjiro, he got mind broke by kaido and is hiding his face under the bandages because he got fucked up
>he's trying to extend his strike range
He's trying to manifest barriers that push people away without touching them since it's, in his words, an advanced form of armament.
It's his idea of both skill/strength training and showing off.
Okay now my dumb brain gets it.
He trying to put up a shield that will repel the enemies without touching him. I imagine he's not even attacking but rather just putting his arm up when the enemies rush at him.
kaido said to his fodder to not mention in the newspaper anything related to luffy's piracy career. and he didn't even inform orochi about their little skirmish
If you play dmc, think of it like royal guard
Big Mom will rape Queen. Their daughter will be named O-Shiruko.
The dynamic duo
Kuina's sword gets shattered and remade by a Wano blacksmith, screencap this
>and he didn't even inform orochi about their little skirmish
Orochi is aware of it though.
>Wano is shaped like a brain
>it's also where like a bajillion keikakus are unfolding
ah, my bad. i remember him mentioning only the yakuza incident
the flying six aren't really the strongest headliners, they're just kaido's favorite subordinates
Next chapter we'll for sure have an break announcement so Oda better deliver and keep us hanging with something dope.
how do you think interations between lord kaido and orochi go?
I'm pretty sure this guy will become an ally
Can someone post the Queen GIF of him being funky?
last time we got a pretty substantial round-up chapter
Are they on Wano? Are they flying six headliners now?
he's based off of benkei, who got his ass kicked by a badass samurai and then became his follower
so yeah he will
I hope the prison plotline ends soon, nothing has happened there and Oda teased us for months with the secret prisoner only for him to turn out to be a literal who
haki forcefields tho
>jacks subordinates
>flying six
just because you speed read doesn't mean nothing has happened
Luffy is gonna use Tankman (normal version) against Queen.
Hopefully all the fodder Luffy is fighting will be out of the way and he can actually scrap with Queen. Otherwise I can't think of anything else, right now we're still dealing with a lot of set-up.
So.. If I understood it right invisible barrier > hardening in haki mastery
So this means that Boa Marigold got a better mastery of armement than someone like Doflamingo?
Yes this also means Boa is better at CoA than Doffy.
>Sanji got the Raid Suit
>Luffy's trying to master invisible CoA
>Zoro's going to learn about Black Blades
What other Straw Hats power ups do you guy's see happening this arc
Doffy's armament was weak even by hardening standards. Grabbing Law's sword made his hand bleed and base Luffy punched through his armament.
I'd like for Chopper to awaken CoA. He's a pure brawler so it can't do him wrong.
Yup, Also Law got better hardening than Doflamingo even though Doffyfags refuse to admit it.
Usopp or Franky may learn how to craft Seastone
>Chopper's Awakening
>Franky's Seastone
>More of Usopp's CoO
The rest of them I'm not sure
I think the major moral of the beast pirates will be an extension of doffy's moral(no one is born "evil", we're all products of our environment). It's going to be that everyone is born with a "beast" inside them, they just need to be pushed to awaken it.
You have a point on the stretch thing, but he could potentially surprise opponents with the shockwave, he could also use it to potentially deflect attacks.
>Mihawk's Yoru is a black blade
>implied that black blades are permanent infused with armament
>still couldn't hurt buggy
i think they're just a band of post-apocalypse raiders
>the lone hunterfag calling oda's worldbuilding shit because he isn't playing all of his cards straight away
Hoping for Nami to learn to ride Zeus while fighting with her stick. Oda can't pass that up.
Wait is Komurasaki still alive?
just like how big mom's crew was just a band of wierdo's from wonderland, right?
Nami might be the biggest glass cannon in the manga right now (Decent attack but fodder tier durability) so CoO to make her max DEX
Thicc Nami!
>Only one Oden ally left
>There is an actor named Denjiro Okochi
>Has glasses like Koushiro and his most notable role looks like post TS Zoro
>Denjiro means "good ancestors"
>Manslayer is a herring, got bodied easily
>Real Denjiro is in deep cover because he's Ryuma's ancestor, and Orochi is a paranoid cunt and Orochi wants all his ancestors dead
>Denjiro is Zorojuro's father, who sent Zoro to live with a relative to protect him from Orochi.
Basically hes trying to use the form of busoshaku that Katakuri used, correct?
Link to the artist?
Who cares? No one can top bird cage LMAO!
family was a central theme of whole cake island tho
>Birdcage is canonically above Admiral Level
kittbetelgeuse on DA apparently
no. kuinas sword get perma black from zoros haki
but the morale of the big mom pirates was not to hide your true self from the world
It will be Luffy + Queen vs. Big Mom won't it?
akainus is one of the only people in setting who has the chance of stopping bird cage
he has the highest attack power of anyone in the setting
But the number 1 swordsman can't keep using a pleb sword like that, it needs an upgrade
just like how Bobbin hid the fact he was a MASSIVE FUCKING JOBBER AHAHAHAHAHAHA
>luffy see's big mom and starts sperging out
>bug mom's tard rage kicks in and she tries to steal queens food
>queen and luffy piledrive big mom
>"See mugiwara? we make a great team! You should join the beast pirates!"
i dig it. it would fit with her sensing the weather theme
Fujitora could have just killed Doffy and stopped it but he has autism and wanted Luffy to do it
Tankman (True) A++
yes but the arc had so much more going on than the charlotte family, mainly for example sanji and the vinsmokes' relationship
He wouldn't have lost if Luffy didn't get help from the entire island. If he were to fight current Luffy he'd still win.
Finally a good cover page.
I miss that Piratey aesthetic.
I'm mad how little fat art WCI Nami got.
Great chemistry in the doujin/manga. Best pairing.
if its perma black its legendary.
zoro will return ryumas sword and have cursed kitetsus and and kuinas sword
Protect her!
That's some bold fucking assumptions considering Luffy has his evolved Observation Haki and could be argued to be as strong as Dressrosa Boundman in base.
>the most powerful form of armament haki is invisible.
well that explains why people like whitebeard, jozu, marco and the admirals where not seen using haki at marineford
Oda'd yet again
>Is literally an Oiran in training
She is.
Just not for another 10 or so years
no swords will shatter, but he'll leave Shusui behind in Wano and will get a new sword forged. So in the end he'll only use swords he blacked himself.
This also goes well with her fighting style.
My only problem with that is how late it would feel for her and the remaining straw hats to awake haki now. I doubt they could develop it to a level high enough for it to be really useful in fight. Or maybe I'm wrong about Luffy becoming the pirate king a few weeks in-universe but I doubt it.
She didn't know getting it in her bunhole would feel like this
no you spee d reader the black haki thing was just a way Oda found to graphically represent it
Can't wait for haki god Shanks
>Luffy becoming the pirate king a few weeks in-universe
It's mind boggling when you think about how much happens in such a short time in their world. The newspaper must always be stacked full with interesting stuff.
Which one will win the inevitable Momonosukebowl and become the future Shogun's favorite girl?
>tfw pirate warriors 3 red haki Shanks will happen in the manga
Otama is too cute for that little shit Momo, stop forcing it.
then how did they know that Virgo was doing full body haki at punk hazard?
Usopp needs to learn projectile CoA
Those two were blown the fuck off by Zunisha, and Jack seem to be the only one strong enough to survive the blow and time in the ocean. So no. I don't think they're even alive.
What will Luffy's awakening be like?
Hi is going to awaken his DF by mistake trying to get this haki, isn't he?
How do we wipe this stupid smile off her face?
>doflamingo autism
i thought we got over that already
she's going to get hyper attached to zoro then kyoshiro is going to fuck his shit up
This is the zoan arc, and Chopper is a zoan, he SHOULD get something but Oda has completely given up on him. He did literally nothing during Whole Cake Island. Franky has his low key overpowered as fuck Iron Pirate suit that he hasn't used since Punk Hazard so he doesn't even need a powerup. Brook, Robin and Usopp aren't going to do anything.
I want to take them both in and raise them.
shouldnt shanks sword be black?
Both are way too good for him.
Leave me 15 minutes alone with her, she will never smile again afterwards.
delete this
He hasn't killed enough people for it to turn black
who says shanks cares enough about his sword for that to happen
also mihawk>shanks
Their drowned corpses are at the bottom of the ocean.
Gandhi's Shodai Kitetsu isn't black either so who cares.
Nami is learning Ninjutsu right now.
That's so good I know it won't happen.
this all just means mihawk> shanks and gandhi
Momo can have some whore. Give him Komurasaki.
chopper will get an upgrade to his rumble balls when we inevitably meet vegapunk and he gets to study the artificial zoan fruits.
franky will also get an upgrade at the same time.
zoro is going to die in this arc isnt he bros? I think one piece takes it first dark turn now.
7 more chapters, my dude.
>he still doesn't know when people die
It's almost like a girl like her has been seen before...
Set-up for what exactly? The SH's could just team up with the BMP and Big Mom, and btfo the entire country including kaido and the samurais.
Stupid doffyfag
What if Queen just bargains with Big Mom to turn on the Strawhats for some Oshiruko?
Like, Queen is obviously no fool, and he knows who the fuck Big Mom is. He would only fight off Big Mom if he KNEW he had a chance against her, which I don't think is the case. We also know that Queen is is always on the lookout for new members.
So if he notices that Big Mom is having hunger pains for Oshiruko, and that she has completely wiped her memory, would he try to use it to his advantage to get her on Kaidou's side?
>They were both using Color of Armament 2: Reflection
>Force of their strikes were reflected upwards and split the clouds
>The clouds weren't there in the first place
>The were both using Color of Conqueror 2: Storm God
>The black lightning effects aren't just for show, pure COC2 users create such a dispersion in the magnetosphere their willpower can create storms
You know aside from the fact that the entire reason the BMP are in Wano in the first place is to kill Luffy and co.
It's on manga panel. Why would they refuse to believe it?
Surprising low amount of shitposting in this thread, good job everyone
in one piece you cant die unless you give up( dr hiriluk, bell-mere, corazon, fisher-tiger, ace, clover, ect )
Willpower is the supreme force in one piece, as long as you still have your will and your dream you cant die.
Amazon Lily was a place full of haki masters. They're the only ones so far able to extend it into projectiles.
I missed the early threads, is invisible armament haki back on the menu and now known as superior or is the reflection buff simply going to be an add-on property to the black armament haki?
Here's your fucking (you) ya great bastard.
OP threads are quite chill when the autistic sanafag isn't around.
There isn't really anything mysterious about Devil Fruit awakenings. Just like Crocodile could turn the floor into sand, Doflamingo could turn the floor into strings, Katakuri could turn the floor into mochi.
When thinking of Luffy's awakening, just imagine his surroundings becoming a bouncy castle.
seeing as mihawk is considered a living legend in the same vein as shanks and whitebeard, yoru must be a blackblade he himself made, right?
the former
>shippers are the ones who ruin everything
preaching to the converted mate
It's a buff. They're the same thing, the "invisible" is just hardening but extended outside of your body.
It checks out, using superior haki to attack and defending with just enough to match your opponent.
Just imagine dragonball ki beams, that's literally it.
but we know that not all awakenings are the same
awakened zoans for example are radically different from doffy's awakening
also that shit about crocodile is headcanon
This is beat-em-up?
Is haki filled up automatically or from damage?
Sort of a dick for complaining about Zoro "stealing" Shusui if he's actually a bandit too.
we haven't gotten a proper explanation yet
Attacks under 25-50% of a users HP can be redirected back at the attacker. However since Luffy is a literal sponge, it's actually kind of a huge buff.
I'm sure you'd disappoint her into a suicide meltdown like Shinji did to Asuka.
I love them!!!
He uses Gryphon more like an extension for his CoA Electric Boogaloo, that is why Mihawk struggled in the past since he was used to fight blacked swordmen
I think Tonoyasu fills that part of the role. Put them together and you have Benkei.
>Next episode will mark the last time we see them until Oda chooses to reintroduce them
He steals from dishonorable samurai, while Zoro stole a national treasure. It's like Robin Hood talking shit to the Music Man.
Air expansion/contraction. Half his moves are already manipulating air, and this is the next progression.
All munitions and storms rely on air expansion/contraction to work. He already does this inside his body and will be able to do it outside of it as well.
Compressed air punch, enhanced movement by creating pressurized air currents, huge increase to his internal air manipulation techs, etc.
So it's possible that Mihawk's mega slash vs the moby dick was invisible armor haki used offensively?
mihawk>shanks and gandhi
Neither shanks or gandhi have black blades despite being top level swordsmen meanwhile chadhawk has one of the best blades in the world
Thanks pal.
At least we'll get some of the Charlottes in a few months when they appear in Wano. No Kata or Brulee, but we'll get some Poire and Galette at least.
>Zoro stole a national treasure
He didn't but I get you. Makes sense if that were Gyukimaru's logic behind it.
Flying slashes have been a thing since Skypeia, man.
>Sanji still doesn't know Rankyaku
Should be an obvious power-up but no
>that shit about crocodile is headcanon
because he didn't use the word? You'd probably believe observation haki and Mantra are two entirely different things as well if it wasn't outright stated.
Don't just read the speech bubbles. Look at the drawings too.
We haven't actually seen Gandhi draw Shodai Kitsetsu, and it wouldn't necessarily mean anything either way. Shuusui got blacked from a previous owner, and considering how old the kitetsus are supposed to be the same could've happened to Shodai Kitetsu.
Knowing that Mama, as well as some of the Charlottes, are in Wano is helping me ease my pain.
Guys, literally who gives a shit about this invisible haki thing? It's only a roundabout way to clumsily adress an apparent inconsistence back in the beginning of the series just because of a stupid cosmetic effect. Like literally, you're wasting your time if you're interested in this crap in any way, shape or form. I can't believe Oda is giving this a single thought, less alone entire chapters of explaining.
>Shanks is going to turn out to be a confident version of Buggy that bluffed his way to emperor while being weak
What even is it? Is it haki? It's no doubt that Sajni can kick really fucking hard so why doesn't kicks just instantly cause Rankyaku? I assumed (it might have even been outright explained by Jabra) that it was compressed air or some shit. Same concept behind Zoro's Pound Cannons.
It's not like Luffy is throwing around giganto shigans either, they don't have use for those techniques.
>dat bust on Brulee
Is this the best scene of Whole Meme Island?
Komurasaki is blood logia
Kyoushiro is the Wyper of this arc
Hawkins and X Drake will join the alliance and specifically group up with Sanji (in a similar vein we'll see Luffy + Law + Kid altogether at some point)
Reminder that Doffy is still stronger than Zoro and Raid suit Sanji at once and even Vergo was stronger than the likes of Oven and Daifuku and probably Snack level.
The difference is Crocodile LITERALLY said exactly what he was doing, in classic One Piece logic he can dry up anything to dust using his fruit in a very intentional way and gradually, the times we've seen awakened fruits turning everything around them looked completely automatic and instantaneous around the user and not at all how Crocodile did it.
Soul King isn't on there so no.
Is Kamazo done? He has been foreshadowed since the first chapter of the arc no way he gets efeated ina couple pages.. Page one wasn'tdefeated either Sanji most likely ran away rather than face a prolonged fight.
The best scene is Katakuri's m̶a̶̶̶s̶̶̶t̶̶̶u̶̶̶r̶̶̶b̶̶̶a̶̶̶t̶̶̶i̶̶̶o̶̶̶n̶̶̶ merienda scene.
Reminder that Sanji's shitty food accelerated Dora's death
Wait? You can cross out words now? How?
That was definitely a final blow page man. This ain't a Sanji chapter where we're hanging on what happened for 20 chapters.
Zoro ends his shit.
Nami gets Ninpo: Mirage Tempo - Perfect Clone Series.
Just put a line through the word
Happiness punch harem.
Page one will be back and mentionw hat happened, he mayfight someone other than Sanji anyways, would be retarded for someone liek that to be defeated that easily. I suspect Page One is at least Snack or Perospero level since he holds a similar rank and BP>>>Big Meme Pirates
Why hasn''t Carrot done anything this arc lads? Guess the bitch is over, was just a meme character for the duration of WCI.
reminder that Sora is a pervert.
Judge didn't even take a peek at Nami's bouncing tits.
Gear 4 parasite man
He'll beat up Queen with Jack.
>It's another Corrida Coliseum
Is this the only way Oda could think of to give him a way to hit Akainu?
the coliseum was a battle royale, this is more like a 99vs1 mode
No? Whitebeard struck him just fine.
i doubt a guy who lacked the will to develop haki and ran from the new world the first time he got his shit pushed in ever managed to awaken his devil fruit.
I don't think Kaido wants anything to do with Big Mom anymore. She's a ticking bomb that could destroy all of Wano if she hungered for something non-wanese like Semla.
Luffy will defeat Kaidou with gomu gomu no nakama, a technique where he uses gomu gomu no black mamba hawk kong storm while thinking about every nakama he met on his journey. In the anime "We Are" will play
Hello my name is user, and O-Toko is my favorite post timeskip One Piece character
Didnt Shiki say that whenever he met Roger there was a storm or something?
Whitebeard had an earthquake aura around his hands or was on death's door anyway. This is going to be the only canon way of damaging characters like Akainu and Magellan
>In the anime "We Are" will play.
Hi, user!
In THREE more chapters (940), Act 2 will be as long as Act 1.
since Law ate the ope ope after ditching Doffy's crew, do you think Doffy was unaware of the "split anything" part of the fruit's ability when he bragged about Vergo's haki?
Nice to meet you
what's your dream user
It's just a karate technique. It's not haki or a Devil Fruit, but something else entirely. Tekkai isn't armament haki, after all.
Crocodile stated he spent all his efforts taking his Devil Fruit to its absolute limit. One doesn't automatically include the other.
thinking about it, vergo really was a shitter if fucking law could overpower his haki
To be happy and content
Who else cant wait when the war starts and Kaido gets serious and goes on a rampage thinning out most of the allies just like Enel did?
it's a japanese folklore meme about how a calamity when 2 strong people clash
Toriko had the"Emperor Ring" based off it.
Baki has all average joes to instinctively rush to where 2 really strong big dudes are duking it out because they can "feel" the fight like how animals feel earthquakes before they happen.
I just realized that the girl in Ace's Cover story is the same girl in the revolution army commanders chapter
How would Sora feel about her son being a degenerate who's into underage girls and anthropomorphic people?
You're right, but Carrotfags will respond with
>B-Buh Jimbei's hasn't done anything too
Even though his absence is a plot point.
A random storm saved Roger's ship when he clashed with Shiki and was vastly outnumbered.
People don't think it was random.
Kata's mochi mittens are cute!
Which revolution army commander chapter?
How much are those worth?
Chapter 944 is shanks vs mihawk
Meant for
gas all katafags
thinking about it, is it even possible to steal a black blade from it's creator?
The blade is basically an extension of the creators haki right, so shouldn't they have practically unlimited control over it as long as they're alive?
Oh shit, you're right.
It's the same Lulusia Kingdom.
>Luffy unwittingly achieves awakening
>The razor collars he and Hyo are wearing become harmless rubber toys
>It's just a karate technique
But what's the technique? What actually causes it as opposed to a normal superhuman kick that can destroy buildings? Focusing all the pressure into a single point? I realize I am thinking far too into it.
If the average height of a giant is 15m and Sanjuan Wolf is 180m, then that implies his devil fruit allows the user to grow 12 times their normal height.
More likely it manifests as a curse.
>The blade is basically an extension of the creators haki right
stop assuming shit before it's confirmed holy shit that's why these threads are a fucking mess even when we're not discussing stupid ships
Gas all non-Katafags you mean.
so, here we finally are: a fatass, a goddamn kappa and a fucking maniac
It's basically just a flying slash but with legs. It's the same as why Zoro doesn't send out wind blade extensions with every swing.
10/10 , Got me good
Logia awakening.
Also what actually causes Diable Jamble and Red Hawk? In the 3D2Y special which is of course filler, but when Luffy uses it for the first time he says "It's Ace's spark!" or something like that. Is it friction? And when will we get an explanation for Zoro's Asura? These things seem like devil fruit powers in universe but they're not.
Nah. That's just a gear equivalent.
>It's the same as why Zoro doesn't send out wind blade extensions with every swing.
But he should. Why wouldn't he? Controlling his strength? Would make sense but Sanji never does it despite his massive strength in serious fights.
Diable Jamble is friction and the fire that burn's in Sanji's heart, Red Hawk isn't totally explained yet but I've seen a theory that it does have something to do with Ace, a type of inherited will.
Asura isn't explained at all yet.
Denkiro is a maniac?
>a type of inherited will
Makes sense considering the whole Will of D thing.
i mean kamazo doesn't look like the sanest of man around
What if Luffy's gears ARE his awakening?
I want to redistribute my Nut to the Minister of Nuts.
I'm pretty sure all the weird devil fruit like powers that random people have are some kind of haki that hasn't been revealed yet.
>Ryuuma once cut a dragon in capital
>yfw Zoro will defeat Kaido
>blood logia
Well that sounds stupidly overpowered.
I know willpower is a huge thing in One Piece but Sanji being able to light his legs on fire just with his fiery passion is a tad fucking much. Nobody else displays such almost Devil Fruit aspects aside from Luffy's Red Hawk and Zoro's Asura. At least Brook's ice powers make sense in the aspect of dead things are cold.
I want to give Charlotte Custard my custard
Kamazo's hair and Denjiro's silhouette are not similar enough desufam.
what if luffy wore square pants and lived in a pineapple under the sea?
Buggy can't be cut even with haki. His devil fruit means his body is already cut into single layers that he holds together through willpower.
eeeh, the ponytail is enough of a giveaway for me
So what if Imu is actually the good guy
I want to know what Zoro was going to ask about black blades dammit
big if true
Just hit him with the side of your sword.
Don't fishmen already do that? Minus square pants.
The way he's drawn in this panel makes it really obvious
Isn't that just grooming?
I liked there was an actual exchange of blows instead of them getting ready to fight and then cutting away.
Shanks is basically Rogers' successor and we know they both didn't have DFs because it wouldn't allow them to swim/use water which Shanks notes is the strongest "ability" in OP. That's why Buggy got mad and stopped caring because he realized with a DF he'll never beat Shanks. I predict Shanks and Roger have basically combined all 3 haki and are therefore fighting on a whole different level.
LOL if ims a girl watch her turn out to be Luffy's mother.
Luffy's daughter. She's trying to stop him from getting the One Piece because Roger's spirit is waiting to possess the poor sucker that gets to it.
>Dragon's revolution is really just the world's worst divorce.
Here is a theory that's not too far out there. Since Blackbeard knows Big Mom and most of her kids are on their way to Wano, I think Blackbeard us going to head to Totland and take her Ponyglyph and if Katakuri is still in Totland he's getting blacked.
And yet Whitebeard died like a bitch
That thing on the left is ugly
Breath of the elements.
Dedicated users:
Fire: Kinemon, King, Sanji. (There are many more fire users, such as Luffy, Kumadori, Hanyabal, etc, but it's uncertain who uses breath manipulation and who uses just friction)
Water: Fishman Jujutsu users.
Wind: Rokushiki users (Rankyaku) (Also why Sanji can't use the technique despite kicking much harder now than anyone in CP9 did; it's not just about brute force)
Iron: Rokushiki users (Tekkai).
Lightning: Minks and one of Whitebeard's ally jobbers.
It ties into when and how Zoro learned to cut iron. Breath of all things.
Seastone functions using similar principles.
Level 4 knowledge: This is related to why many devil fruits are named after onomatopoeia.
Luffy: Unexplained fire powers but it can likely be assumed that it had something to do with Ace dying in his arms or something
Sanji: Bullshit fire powers that nobody else uses for reasons
Zoro: Can suddenly have three heads and six arms. Totally unexplained. Possibly something to do with him wielding cursed blades? It even creates replicas of his swords
Brook: Ability to freeze things. Not really gotten into but I would assume it's due to him being dead. At the same time he was already known as the Humming Swordsman prior to death so his ice powers might actually just come naturally to him.
Is there anyone else that shows such blatant breaking of universe laws? Blackbeard I guess but it's been stated there is a reason for him being able to absorb another fruit. They say it might be due to something about his body but I don't know. So he had to not only be born with that body but also lust after the Yami Yami? What luck.
Well if he was ever planning to move against Big Mom's territory now really is the perfect time
She left her shit ridiculously undefended
I missed you Gas-kun, where have you been?
She has fifty ministers in addition to an extended crew, and she has her world renowned intel back online. Even Blackbeard's not dumb enough to attack Totland with half the army still there.
Haki is not energy its literally just three superpowers.
>blatant breaking of universe laws
One Piece operates on rule of cool and rule of funny most of the time, it's not breaking anything.
Haki literally means spirit
So is that woman Komurasaki or just another whore?
You know whats unexplainable? The shit the Happo Navy does.
Brook specifically states he has a cold blade because of the freezing nature of the underworld. It's because he's a dead man.
And honestly, there's loads of characters who do weird bullshit with no 'explanation.' Wanze produces soba noodles with his nose, Kine'mon cuts fire, Kumadori can control his hairs. There's fishman karate, okama kenpo, people can heal bones with milk. It's a comedy series.
Guess I shoulda waited a bit more before posting .
Rojushiki isn't actually iron though, is it? Their body does not turn to iron. It's haki that makes the skin hard like iron. Honestly I did forget about the many amount of people who can use fire for whatever reason.
Fishmen make total sense in their ability to manipulate water and it's explained by them being able to read (and presumably bend/control) the waves.
As for Kinemon his devil fruit is related to Foxes and Japan has a boner for Tanukis which they bring up a billion times with Chopper. Tanukis are known for their ability to change form and foxes tend to be associated with fire.
I might be a retard, though.
So here is my question could Moria take the shadows from Homies? Maybe that's why Teach wants Moria's DF power.
>people can heal bones with milk
Only Luffy and Brook do this though, right? And it astounds everyone else. I get that it's comedy and out of all things this is nothing. But most of the other things I mentioned have nothing to do with comedy. You're right about Wanze for sure, though .Does Okama kenpo actually have any strange abilities? I can't recall, honestly. I just remember it being martial arts.
I firmly believe that Bikini Bottom exists somewhere in the One Piece world.
No one has ever proven that's not the case.
What's wrong with them?
>have any strange abilities
It creates shockwaves by winking, you tell me.
They are generating vibrations from nowhere. Even idiots like Akira Toriyama knows you need some unexplained force to explain impossible shit in your series like ki allowing pew pew in Dragon Ball, chakra allowing witchcraft in Naruto, and eterano allowing magic in Fairy Tail for example. One Piece characters are literally doing shit without no explanation.
We have literally seen more inanimate objects """eat""" devil fruits than we have seen living animals eat devil fruits
Isn't that only Ivankov, though? Who else used Death Wink. Also Death Wink could easily be explained with will power or just a physical manifestation of disgust for homosexuals who wink at you.
It's just a martial arts technique.
It could be explained by his wink having enough kinetic energy to send a shockwave of air but it makes no sense how the fuck he aims it so precisely.
That explains nothing.
Carrot is the only attractive female in the Straw Hat crew
>Brook: Ability to freeze things. Not really gotten into but I would assume it's due to him being dead.
He calls it the chill of the underworld.
I assume Brook awakened his DF during the time skip, which is why he acquired abilities that he never learned during the decades adrift in the Florian Triangle. On Fishman Island, I think he even said something about "understanding the fruit's true power".
but now I'm back
So what would be stopping the many people stronger than him from just winking at people to send out shockwaves? The only other thing similar is Conqueror's Haki. But killing intent and whatnot is a huge Shonen trope. Maybe I just don't really enjoy the comedy aspect in serious moments because I'm soulless.
>It's haki that makes the skin hard like iron.
No it isn't. Rokushiki and haki are totally separate.
I'm an idiot to think "Humming Swordsman" had anything to do with ice. It's obviously because he fucking hums and sings. For some reason I was thinking the hum of a blade slicing through the air extremely fast. But hell it might be both.
Theory: the Sunny is going to eat the Yuki Yuki no Mi
CoC is more like a psychic attack than a shockwave.
You're right. I'm a bit intoxicated, user.
ivankov's makeup mask can stop magellan's deadly poison but, somehow, death wink is this unexplainable technique? what the fuck
Well too bad, that's all there is to it. One Piece is a series where karate lets you fly, bend your body like paper and become iron.
Theory: the sunny is rigged with a bomb that will explode if it goes below 60 miles per hour
>a ship that can't float
Franky would kill himself
>Their body does not turn to iron. It's haki that makes the skin hard like iron
Tekkai is not haki.
>As for Kinemon his devil fruit is related to Foxes and Japan has a boner for Tanukis which they bring up a billion times with Chopper. Tanukis are known for their ability to change form and foxes tend to be associated with fire.
Kinemon has the Clothes Clothes Fruit. The kitsune zoan belongs to Devon, and the tanuki zoan belongs to some non-canon character.
O shit, i just realized Toko is from the laughing village.
It has been shown to make craters and lift rocks, has it not? Particularly when the two clash.
No Toko is from the capital meaning her parents couldnt possibly be peasant paupers like the laughing village.
Except Devil Fruit eaters sink in ocean user.
A real shockwave would crush everything not leave bodies unharmed only knocked out.
I like the spreads when Sanji and Robin are together.
It's a boat, not a person. Being paralyzed won't make it sink. It's not like the water actively pulls in DF users.
I want to give Poire and Galette my filling.
The ocean doesn't make them sink, they sink because it weakens them so they can't swim. An inanimate object wouldn't have that problem.
I just think it could be a cool idea. Imagine if the ship could turn into a snowstorm and fly.
Devil Fruit users sink like a stone. Human bodies naturally float, user.
Eyes look very sad with no smile
Let's get this straight, do we agree that Martial Arts that simulate haki, in any way shape or form, are not actually haki?
If so, what's the point of haki? Can't Oda just made up a martial art to buff Luffy, instead of complicating things with Haki- or just make all martial art use haki in the first place.
I think it's both. The shockwave part more being from the clashing of the two projections.
>Human bodies naturally float, user
Tell that to the people who manage to drown in pools, not me.
>Dragon doesn't have a storm DF, he just Haki'd Loguetown and doesn't even have a power
The world is full of many different things user, I don't see the problem. One Piece doesn't group all weird bullshit under a single umbrella system, it's a world full of mysteries and adventure to discover.
What the hell does "lowdiff" mean?
Did Vergo not call his haki Tekkai? I could have sworn he did. Was he combining the two? Would not be surprised if I'm wrong.
If Sanji learned that he would be using a sword technique. Rankyaku is distance cuts using the legs as swords.
If Sanji learned that his legs would be swords and he would be a better swordsman than Zolo.
>He didn't use an air gust at Grey Terminal, it was Kamehamehaki.
Remember that time Doffy and Doffyfags got EPIC btfo????????????//
Imagine O-Kiku eating O-Tama alive and I dont mean licking her pussy I mean literally biting her flesh off and gulping it down as Tama screams and begs for mercy but Kiku is laughing as she tears more of the little girl's raw bloody dripping moist flesh into her beautiful mouth to be chewed up by her great teeth following her throat.
Human bodies float but not by that much, and not in a way that guarantees your mouth stays above the surface. If you fill your lungs with water or even breathe all the way out, you lose your buoyancy and will slowly sink. But humans are naturally buoyant, and don't sink like stones like Devil Fruit users do.
anyone find it bullshit other Emperors are all skyscraper sized monsters with world ending powers with subordinates close to that, and you're just supposed to believe this one armed guy of average height and no powers is as strong?
I disagree. Oda shouldn't cocktease us by making devil fruits so very unique then allowing people to casually use aspects of said fruits casually. If it were explained I'd be cool with it. Hopefully Asura might be explained along with black blades.
Low difficulty fight.
Do you think Luffy will go Boundman or Snakeman to defeat queen?
Shanks isn't one armed. He has an invisible haki arm that can KO people with one touch.
He had both, many of the Vice Admirals do.
He gets Asterix to snap Obelix out of his funk
Nope, he's awesome that way.
This is the worst possible application of Haki.
He's going to eat all the o-shiruko and go tankman
The hack realised he ran out of devil fruits to use so needed to make up shit. Without devil fruits One Piss fights are very boring just sword fighting and muh punchs and kicks.
Is Shanks's pure haki arm extending from a stub his answer to Mihawk's pure haki blade extending from a hilt?
What are the chances Brulee, Kata, Cracker, and some small forces might be doing recon in Wano through the mirror world?
Chances are Queen is going to one-shot Big Mom just to show how much stronger Kaido and his crew are. Don't cry, Charlottefags.
no chapter this week?
Is this an ironypost?
But looking at his built, Queen looks more of a strength type instead of speed, so Boundman.
Queen with his awakened gucci gucci no mi should make short job of big meme
Yeah I figured but Tekkai is the hardening of the muscles. So Haki can be used to harden everything which amplifies Takkai? Who else has been shown to combine Rokushiki and Haki? Coby and Garp maybe?
So Ryuma is the sword god from the home of samurai (and presumably the best swordsmiths) but his sword isn't even the highest grade. Seems weird.
There are more Devil Fruits now than there were before, what are you talking about? Dressrosa gave a Devil Fruit to almost every single villain in the arc, more than any other.
I assume the blade wasn't of the highest caliber when forged but the constant flow of Haki into it hardened/sharpened it and turned it into a black blade. So despite not originally being top grade it was basically modified to be.
Coby, Garp, Vergo, Luffy and Sanji.
Coby's done it, Garp is too simple minded to bother with it, Tashigi did it, several Vice Admirals in Marineford did it. Rokushiki is the World Government taught martial art, and Vergo was a master of both it and haki. So he could use armament haki and tekkai at the same time, making legs so hard even Sanji had trouble dealing with them.
What a brainlet tier post.
oh shit now that makes more sense
It's the sword god because Ryuuma used it, if he had done his feats with a peasant's blade it'd still have the same honor.
Oda has forgotten about asura, and so should you.
>but Tekkai is the hardening of the muscles
I don't think so. It makes the body like real iron, which is why Blueno face tanked Luffy's kick without anything budging (even Kaidou's face shifted despite being unhurt by the G4 barrage), there was a *tink* sound effect with Kaku guarded against his Rankyaku rain, and why Zoro busted out his iron cutting technique (which Kaku deflected by NOT using Tekkai).
Asura was mentioned during this arc though.
Sanji kicked through Jabras tekkai though
>Ryuma killed Kaido's parents so that's why he came back to take over Wano
>black cloak
>red hair
is he a superhero?
oda just realized he made devil fruits(especially logias) too powerful so he had to make a power system to let regular humans compete with that.
one piece fights are just clashes of will and thats all haki is, armament is just your ability to enforce your will physically and observation is your ability to enforce your will mentally.
>tfw u have no gf
>Vergo was a master of both it and haki. So he could use armament haki and tekkai at the same time, making legs so hard even Sanji had trouble dealing with them.
That was never stated, but I do think Vergo was using Tekkai. Sanji asked if he was made of metal. Vergo's fights also have a sort of "hard" feel to them, like Smoker and Sanji were hitting steel rather than flesh.
If it's being infused with haki that causes swords to turn black, then does that mean a black sword would be able to cut a logia user even when used by someone with no ability to use haki?
That would mean that theoretically Zoro would have been able to cut Kizaru at Sabaody. Maybe that's why Oda wrote it so that Zoro was already incapacitated when Kizaru showed up, so he could avoid revealing that.
>Preskip Zoro ever landing a hit on Kizaru even in prime condition
Zolofag please
Didn't Sanji need Diamble Jambe to win? His normal kicks couldn't break the Tekkai, but being like iron couldn't protect Jabra from being burned.
Doesn't Sanji only use Geppo? I wouldn't be surprised if he has been said to use Tekkai in his legs when kicking. So if he can use Geppo, Soru (which isn't really confirmed to be amplified by Haki) and Tekkai why can he not use Rankyaku? Or how about Shigan but with his entire foot instead of a single finger? Also captchas are getting fucking outrageous. I should have to spend multiple minutes solving 20 captchas to post. Fuck you, Google.
Just because it can doesn't mean it WOULD. Kizaru would simply lightspeed kick him before Zoro would be able to hit him with his sword.
We don't know what black blades actually entails, we have no idea how that'd work out
Tekkai is described as hardening your muscles, bud. I was going to actually say maybe it could be explained by moving all the iron in your blood to your skin (which is kinda retarded but hey, it's manga) but no. It's just muscle shit.
Haven't you played a video game before? The strongest nigga is always your size
Sanji just doesn't use those techniques because they're not his style. It's not really a question of can.
>using filmsy pieces of folded steel
>using flimsy pieces of human flesh
Zoro fell for the Samurai meme
Shanks is fucking 6 1/2 feet tall. That's 7 inches or so taller than the average American.
Obviously Zoro wouldn't have been able to accomplish anything.
But since Kizaru was not bothering to dodge or block any of the others' attacks since without haki they were just going through him, it would have revealed something was up to the audience if he had to dodge or block an attack from Zoro's black sword.
Buggy could handle birdcage just fine, honestly
Be honest, how many of you knew that was coming when she told Luffy the guy was abusing her with pliers?
It's ok, Chopper. I'm sure Milky would go out with you if you asked
>Just not for another 10 years
Try for another 5. Those kids start to get banged for money as soon as they hit 13 lol
Did anybody not? It was the only way to satisfactorily end that scene.
>being a manlet
Fair point. But I feel like there were times it would have been useful instead of standing around with his dick in hand. Like against Doflamingo raiding the ship. Why didn't Sanji use Rankyaku to send attacks at him to delay him even a tiny bit? Why wait until somebody is right up on the Sunny to fight them and risk the lives of other people? If it's solely style then Sanji is a true prick.
>then does that mean a black sword would be able to cut a logia user even when used by someone with no ability to use haki?
No. Zoro used Shusui by itself to cut Monet in half, no haki applied, and it didn't kill her.
I think black blades are molded by CoA. So Shusui became permanently blackened and hardened, but it doesn't possess any inherent haki power.
Fuck off Seth, this isn't Dragon Ball.
Sanji is so fast that doesn't really matter. A projectile isn't any faster than he is.
no like zelda but without dungeons. or maybe with dungeons. idk. i just like programming stuff; im not an ideas-guy. both i guess. maybe it very slowly fills+doing/taking damage increase it.
>introduced as the guy that is supposed to be more badass than Doflamingo
>only suffers one humiliation and indignity after since
Zoro vs Pica redone edition
Pica stayed there in the rock hiding like a faggot but Zoro using his CoO was able to find him then force him out by slicing up the rock formation into pieces. Pica couldnt believe his eyes and decided to get physical with Zoro bad idea. Zoro without hesitation sliced his left thumb off saying he missed as it was supposed to cut off his left arm. Pica screamed in agony then went back into the mountain like a coward. Zoro grew tired of this and just decided to slice the entire mountain apart giving Pica nowhere to run. As the rubble fell down Zoro saw Pica falling and in a flash he sliced his entire body horizontally in half. Pica's intestines and stomach hung below his bisected body as a current of blood gushed downwards. The pain was too much for him he went into shock as he descended to the ground. Within several minutes he lost too much fluids and thus died.
The end
>average height is being a manlet
No but Luffy is fuckin' 5'7. He's certainly a manlet.
>Tekkai is described as hardening your muscles, bud.
But it's not. It's described as mimicking an iron shell.
How this is accomplished isn't specified.
>Sanji is so fast that doesn't really matter
>Also captchas are getting fucking outrageous
Get Yea Forums X and switch to noscript captcha.
rankyaku is a swor technique. When Zoro or Mihawk use their sword they ccan send the slash over a distance.
Rokushiki users an use their lims as if they were swords.
That's another fair point but he should have done his best to avoid Doflamingo. He expected to die, basically. ? Why couldn't he just spam projectiles at Doflamingo instead of engaging him with geppo? It just seems incompetent on Sanji's part.
Were they able to control when their smile powers came out? Totally unlike the others.
gods, Toei is an absolute disgrace
>rankyaku is a swor technique.
Not really. It's mostly kicks.
So hardening is not just a higher level of the armament that allows you to touch logias and body modifying paramecias, they are two separate things.
And then this reflecting/armor thing Luffy is learning, that's a third aspect of CoA.
He' 5'9 now dummy & more or less comparable to Goku in hight. That's average in America.
>He' 5'9 now dummy
You're a dick, but okay.
Maybe Caesar improved smile fruits over time.
Smile users are strictly for making Kaidou laugh. The Flying Six have real DFs.
I swear average height in American used to be 5'11 just a few years ago. Thanks, Mexicans.
>It's mostly kicks.
no, they use their feet like blades, and send slashes using their feet
What about Pedro?
If they mostly use their legs then it's not really a sword technique, is it? They uses their legs as swords. It's a leg technique.
Funny how he seems to gets much more difficult tasks than the other All-Stars. He works so hard just to get bullied like a youngest brother
No but I remember when Dobonfags got BTFO
Fucking Dobonfags.
Black blade does not just mean “Haki”. We still don’t know how a blade becomes “cursed”. There is likely something more to it. Clearly in Zoros case it is ryumas O, MY HAKI and not his own. Maybe it is someone else’s in Mihawks blade too.
Possibly. But most likely Oda just not having yet decided he wanted Kaido’s crew to be that wacky at the time.
god bless user best of luck to you.
it's a sword technique. They can use sword techniques because they've learned a technique to use their feet like blades.
r/megalink wuz delet
Anyone got a megalink for the last few volumes?inb4, -Help a nakama out will ya.
Anyone else hear the theory that Zoro literally managed to lose himself in time?
I don't think there's anything to substantiate it but it's fucking hilarious
You mean Toki centuries ago sent Zoro to the far future just for the lulz?
All your nut is hereby confiscated by the Ministry of Nuts
how often does Chopper think about Milky's Milkies.
what the FUCK is that anatomy
The legendary long-torso race.
This Rankyaku uses the leg as a sword. Sanji doesn't do it because it would impeach on Zoros territory.
R-Robin chan
>trying to bait a canon couple with fan art
He already saw Nami's full frontal view of her vagina.
Are you an idiot?
>gets baited
Uh no my image is from an official poster with Strawhats clipped from different spreads. They still out them next to each other.
>SaRobfag is an ESL
Are you bored user
>retard is too pathetic to post full unedited color spreads
I would disown him on the spot
Best asscheeks in One Piece, prove me wrong
I cannot prove you wrong, you speak the truth
The animals represent the Strawhats not pictured.
The Lion is Sanji
The Bull is Zoro
The Snake is Usopp
The Elephant is Franky
Charlotte girls are NOT for lewd
Katakuri is for lewd
Dang I forgot. The meme no longer works now.
Don't deny it, Katakuri. You lust after your half-sisters.
What about Nami?
That's a good one
snakenecks have flexible spines
Queen will captured nerfed Big Mom
-she doesn't have prometheus or zeus
-Napoleon doesn't have his memories(or straight up doesn't give a shit about Big mom)
- Big mom herself has amnesia, meaning she possibly doesnt even know that she even has a DF
Kaido will she executed in the Fire Festival!!
Its only for the men to be animals. Chopper is already a deer and Luffy is a monkey.
>nerfed Big Mom
>she doesn't have prometheus or zeus
AS IF she needed any of those two to wreck havoc. She is a monster on her own, Prometheus, Zeus and Napoleon are only small additions to her raw destructive power.
Big Mom could steamroll Queen even without her df.
what if she was able to somehow wear an element like armor? maybe she and Zeus could fuse like big mom and Prometheus could?
Tard strength is the single biggest reason why she's a Yonko
i want robin to hug an elephant.
so this is now the official reason why all the people using armament haki from the amazon lily - war arcs were all simply using the upgraded version of it? i remember when we first started seeing black armament people were saying that must be how it was meant to look with prior looks being more of a prototype with oda not having a look in mind quite yet. I'm cool with this if this now is all true. gets rid of that little plot hole
Luffy is not getting an awakening.
She doesn't really need anything but her body, which kind of disappointed me first seeing this back in WCI. I'd have liked her devil fruit to have been significant source of her strength.
Instead right after we encounter Kaido who is built up as this seemingly invincible beast who can't be injured we find out Big Mom's strength is that she's a seemingly invincible beast that can't be injured (except when you break her mind for a few seconds).
Correct. However, his sisters are pure
But he's getting a loli wife cabin girl
How the fuck did you brainlets get to the fucking conclusion a Black Sword becomes so because it's been infused with Haki for too long?
Either I read a terrible translation, or youre putting way too much thought into it.
You compare Queen a Yonko commander to fodder giants
Pretime luffy defeated dory !!
>Mihawk has a black blade
>tells Zoro a swordsman should use haki so their sword doesn't get nicks in it
user you dumb
Speed reading faglord.
calling it now, Queen has the mochi mochi fruit, model: o-shiruko
Are you sure about that?
Because it's first and easiest explanation that comes to mind.
I think the haki explaination doesn't really make sense though, otherwise why wouldn't Shank's sword have become a black blade, or any of the other extremely strong haki users' swords.
She has this cool soul devil fruit is a giant fat woman yet her Yonko status is because she's basically the same as Kaido, a giant hulking beast that is more-or-less impervious to damage. Kind of lame.
I think it has to do with not only her physical strength, but her information network as well. Which is said to be one of the very best
Said to be.
So far all the evidence is that it's a big joke.
Because Shanks is not a swordsman.
Read WCI again
>Because Shanks Armament isn't as good.
Mihawkfags are just plain sad.
He clearly means black swords that are always black without even someone holding them, as those cursed swords Zoro picked up before he could use haki are.
Yes, because they're infused with haki.
So I have a theory
What if a sword becomes black not by using haki with it for so long, but by the sword itself awakening and using Haki on its own or some shit
Anyone can be good or even god-tier with a sword like Shanks likely is, but it takes a much deeper level of understanding what it is to be a swordsman for your blade to awaken or something like that, Zoro did mention how his swords "like" things
I like that idea because it also leads into explanations for how a sword could become cursed.
>being a government lapdog
>hunting down shitters from East Blue because you're too scared to go into the New World
>Because Shanks doesn't do so well with Arms.
That remains to be proven. The question is also 'whose haki?' and 'how?' Zoro can already make his blades black. You cant say it's just pouring your own haki into your blade enough that it turns black forever. It's probably more like said. The blade's will not the swordsman's.
At the end f the day she's a Yonko because she's an absurd beastly tank few others can stand up to. The information network is just a boon.
Shanks is a Yonko despite being a one armed guy with no devil fruit who spends a lot of his time drinking and partying.
Obviously it was left in the open, whatever a black blade may be, by this chapter. I just think a sword that has been inbued with Haki for too long is a little too simplistic.
People here also seem to overthink about CoA a lot, when Oda clearly stated that after the War, he decided to use the dark shading just to make sure people knew CoA was being used. Unlike how people think colorless CoA is one thing and black shaded CoA is a level above.
>and black shaded CoA is a level above
Other way around if you actually read this chapter.
O-toko is momo's sister
kumorosaki is a red herring
There are seemingly 3 types of CoA, basic unseen can hit logias and paramecias like Luffy. Black hardens things further. And there's a completely unseen force-field type that Rayleigh and the admirals demonstrated.
And each of those types seem to have basic and advanced versions.
Remember when people thought Luffy was vulcanizing his arms and shit when using Haki because of that? Good times.
What do you mean by "people"? The same "people" who argued in favor of Gear 5 Monkey Devil God Awakening?
That would also explain why not every strong haki user would go full blacked mode like vergo.
How many examples of non-black Haki are even seen anymore? That's not including ambiguous examples where you can't really see the impact.
I think the main point of Armament being black is as a visual cue for the readers to know when Armament Haki is being used. I'm guessing it was suggested to or devised by Oda after Marineford to avoid confusion.
>lives in a castle in the middle of the new world
>travels freely through yonko territory unhindered
>sails by himself directly to shanks and his crew
>all just to show shanks a newspaper about the kid he likes being friends with the kid mihawk likes
> in the middle of the new world
Citation needed
>goes to meet an old friend without any hindrance because they're friends
Oh wow it's fucking nothing
>when Oda clearly stated that after the War, he decided to use the dark shading just to make sure people knew CoA was being used.
receipts or bullshit
Can't think of recent ones but I do remember Luffy striking known logias with plain attacks on Punk Hazard.
Twice in Dressrosa, not sure how often otherwise since for the most part we have no idea if anyone needs to use it outside of hitting a logia or stating they're using it.
Makes one wonder if Pedro and the other minks know haki.
Think kind of attack probably doesn't matter if you use haki or not, so it's hard to tell.
It would have been pretty useful against katakuri's squarehaki punches
Eh, do your own research, newfriend.
No, man, unseen and black are the same, its just how Oda chose to represent it, when its needed, if they were different, it would be stated sometime in the manga, otherwise its fan wank headcanon. The force field, is just a higher level of mastery of CoA, that lets him use it like a very thin aura.
>if I keep spreading bullshit it'll be true
keep up the shitposting buddy
> it would be stated sometime in manga
the absolute state of HxHfags, they really need everything spoonfed
kek, never read HxH. Keep on with your headcanon, then. It's clearly shown throughout the manga, that the black color of CoA is not actually a thing in the OP universe, it's stated as invisible armor a few times, even.
Oda makes sure he gives a suitable explanation to whatever gimmick he comes up with whenever the time is right, it's not spoonfeeding.
If you weren't such a speedreading faggot you would remember people reacting to hardened haki like with Vergo.
She is also the Witching-Hour Boy. She gets the money from Komurasaki.
Who even reacted to Vergo's haki? When he clashed with Sanji there was nothing, Sanji just mentioned he was made of iron or some shit, when he went full negro against Law, he got destroyed the next panel. You are delusional. Either way, enjoy your headcanon, brainlet.
>believing all armament is invisible
>in 2019
jesus christ a/