My Boku no Hero Academia


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>"Bingo kid... All those years of constant harassment..."
>"All those afternoon's getting the worlds back"
>"All of that... Was because of me"
>"I took your quirk"

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buu vegita again? nah

Where the fuck is this from

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It’s another artist that draws very similarly to Horikoshi’s style, they make Dekuchako doujins


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Liberation army will help shiggy and then betray him
Screencap this

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fucking kek

Kek, what the fuck

Can you give sauce on the artist?

i want to see all of them

*Giga insta-regens immediately afterwards*

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Hk, he or she did that lifeline doujin

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manga would be much better if it had shit like this

It's finally clear now, the worst drawfag is the Mirio/Eri shitposter who derails threads...

Favorite track?

Oh shut the fuck up angry Bakushit its just a comic.

dude its just a fucking joke
calm your tits


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not really a fan of bakugou but his theme song is pretty cool


Yeah, I'm thinking Hero Society is fucked...

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we resident evil now bitch

i like that guy with a lot of mouths, looks like moonfish with ten heads

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>Spiky hair like Kirishima
>Shark teeth like Kirishima
>Shredded like Kirishima
>Hardening/protective quirk like Kirishima
>Crybaby like Kirishima
>In love with a man like Kirishima
What does it mean?

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The teacher sells kids to Dr Tsubasa's nomu farm

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Dont forget that Mirio and Eri are cute and canon

seething Bakunigger

Fuck off, the premise for Promise Neverland is weird and creepy enough as is
first chapter was nightmare fuel inducing
t. little bitch

>manga for kids becomes about harvesting children
I doubt it

this is bullshit and you know it

yeah, that would be too dark for hori

keep telling yourselfves that, he's already here
this track alone made AfO's anime appearance fucking kino

I wish this song was used more often

>deku now has OCHO quirks now that it's confirmed the doctor lied to him about not having a natural quirk
are we going to get a massive powelevel spike for the villians just so they can keep up with OCHO QUIRKS?

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I want to fuck she-nomu if you know what I'm saying

>Mineta doesn't have jungle fever

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>are we going to get a massive powelevel spike for the villians
when the jailbreak happens AFO will kill everyone who refuses to join him and divvy up their quirks amongst the League

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Oh they're definitely fucked if you know what I mean

never ever

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>Naruto had Madara, the Akatsuki and several other villages invade and destroy Konoha
>Bleach had hollows, Aizen, arrancar and Quincy attack Seretei and kill a bunch of shinigami regulars
>Black Clover has several kingdoms locking horns in between elves and cultists bothering everyone

>meanwhile Boku no Boredom prepares for ANOTHER fucking noumu attack that will most likely get squashed like all the rest

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how could I forget?

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So do you guys think Deku had a Quirk and Doctor stole it?

Would 17 years old Deku recognize Doctor if he saw him? Doctor treated 5 years old Deku

i'm going to MOLEST deku!

dabi has straight up murdered like 50 people
how's he a jobber?

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>jobber killing jabronies

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>running away from three top 10 pro heroes is jobbing

seething exposed shitposter

that's like saying Kirishima beating up those scrubs at USJ counts for something and discounts his Jobber status.

Oh shit check out High End before Endeavor killed him

sludge villain already beat you to it

If I were Dabi, I would love to job to such a fit and beutiful rabbit.

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Other way around. The League keeps getting insanely powerful tools. Current Deku at 100% could not take out the league + AFO even with Todoroki and Bakugo helping.

He has killed faceless mooks and lost or run away from anyone with a name or face.

>runs away from 2 severely injured Top 10 Heroes and a retard close ranged brawler

>who is snatch

i'll do it again!

>they read a manga just watch everyone with character lose to filler villains

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>retarded close range brawler
another top 10 hero who blew away his flames with one fucking attack

>with the aid of Mr. Compress

Fine, he has lost or run away from anyone who has appeared in more than one chapter. Snatch is as much of a literal who anyone with a name and face can get, introduced just to immediately die. And even then Dabi needed help from Compress to kill him.

Kirishima wins at the only thing that matters, the Bakubowl

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probably out-classes him in speed and reaction time lol

Saying "fuck this shit I'm out" isn't jobbing.

He has fire stronger than Endeavor and can't even roast a rabbit, how is that not jobbing?

at the distance they were at when he fled he could have kept the three separated with a heavy blast of fire towards Mirko

>moving the goalposts

There is a theory that Deku's father is actually AFO. If that was the case, then he would actually be a second generation which would mean him having the extra joint would not be THAT uncommon. The Doc was probably also aware he is AFO's kid and since he didn't manifest his mother's quirk, that would mean he inherited a variation of AFO. However since Deku and his mother believe Deku is a fifth generation kid, they would believe the Doc because it would make sense to them. AFO and the Doc probably don't want him to become competition for AFO either hence the whole lie. And since Deku has AFO but has never attempted to steal quirks, he doesn't know he actually has a quirk, a bit like the original OFA. Deku will probably be the final OFA wielder because OFA will have the AFO ability as well now, which could cause a literal war because of the unlimited potential if people were to find out about OFA. Now there is a fairly big hole in this theory, the Doc has not yet attempted to kidnap Deku and tried to turn him into a Nouma. However, perhaps there is some huge downsides to using AFO that we are not yet aware of and the Doc considers it too much of a hassle to kidnap a kid who has a quirk that can only store other quirks and said kid hasn't even stored any.

ULTRA based, especially knowing how exactly Mirio is holding Eri-chan

>say Dabi isn't a jobber
>lot of naysayers
>little while later
>say Dabi is a jobber
>lot of naysayers

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I think it's more likely that when facing off against the Doctor, Doc coldly reveals with that anime bug-eyed-no-emotion stare that it was a shame Deku didn't have a Quirk, as he would have already stolen and harvested him for it if he did

but that's mean to deku


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>people on Yea Forums are contrarian

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By why would he fight her? The entire point of the exercise was to test out the nomu and (potentially) kill Endeavor. The nomu was done for and he's clearly not done with Endy yet, so there was no point in sticking around and fighting a pointless fight.

>dabi is a worthless fujo character

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>Spinner is the only one with actual noble goals and self-respect while the rest of the retard pedofags live in squalor
checks out

fine then.

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Hori has really been upping the fujo/girlbait characters. He even made Shiggy look hotter with the longer hair, to say nothing of Hawks' existence.

I mean
people are going to both like and dislike things

The word jobber has lost all meaning. Fact is Dabi has a strong quirk and the twinkest of twink bodies, he can dish out damage and take absolutely none. He was knocked unconscious by Gran Torino, killed Snatch and nameless thugs, and has run away from all other fights. I don't know you're supposed to call that then.

Why even bother including a one-off character who jobs to Kirishima? That's like putting the USJ villains on this list.

so does that mean he joins Zeldris in the realm of "technically" winning/not losing/jobbing?

He ran away because he couldn't defeat her, he just admits to being weaker and fucks off. I don't know if jobber is the correct thing to call him but he's extremely underwhelming as a fighter with a strong quirk.

You can also add Kosei.
>his air shield got destroyed by Bakugou
>breathed the sleeper gas and becomed the load during the LoV attack
>jobbed to frog
Not a single victory for him.


fucking a*zawa

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for reference on the Zeldris thing

Is a jobber who recognizes that he would job in most fights and avoids them actually a jobber?

that's why we have other characters

he cucked kouda by putting him in a box
that's a win
and he snapped BEAST out of shinsou's OP-ass quirk

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>The word _______ has lost all meaning.
this is especially true for other words.

Doesn't that make you the absolute purest of jobbers? To avoid jobbing you job before you actually get to job?

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Isn't this big fucker still alive too, just in police custody and inert?

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yeah but just blast her with some flame bro. that instance where she stomped his flames out was when she surprised him and caught him unawares.

>Dabi jobs the concept of jobbing itself
I think this means he... wins?

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Monoma and the blade guy aren't really jobbers.
Monoma was a joke from the start, and the blade guy is barely a character.
Aizawa is a jobber because he's established as competent and constantly loses to make other characters look better.
Momo and Setsuna are both recommended students, which comes with a degree of expectation, and implies that beating them is a big accomplishment..
I'm not sure if I'd call Kirishima a jobber. He's certainly a loser, but I can't recall him ever being established as strong in the first place.


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i can't believe Aizawa jobbed to that big fucker.

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>Mfw i like a really small amount of songs out of the entire MHA OST

If only Hiroyuki Sawano boarded this ship...

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How should I update the list?

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Spinner also happens to be a cuck

this guy was the most based nomu

>even in fan art Deku acts like a massive beta whenever he's around a female

Jus screencap your own posts and put them in the 'No fun allowed corner'

>200 chapters
>the biggest threat to society is 5 street crooks and a doctor who makes clones
Literally any Jojo villain would bootyblast this entire universe

So what do you guys think about the idea of Dabi being the "perfected" Nomou?
That eggman used Todoroki's dead body and quirk to insert the Nomou gene?

Mr. Delusional, it's not happening

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He doesn't really act like he recognizes the doctor, though.

Reminder that Dabi is Ujikos favorite and will bond together against Endeavor

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"Dabi is a jobber" should be added.

aizawa pretty much fuck any character that isn't a noumu though

Hasn't been is not the same thing as never will. Hell, there has never been gay marriage in Japan was true until a month ago, and now it isn't. Bakugou is going to impregnate Kirishima on-screen while yelling GAY RIGHTS and you are helpless to stop it.

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>Going off the fact we average about 2-3 (averaged to 2.5) threads a day, there have been roughly 25,000 posts as of this arc
>>>Therefore this shittily made cap with 7 posts (and no way to ensure I didn't make them) is reflective of the enitr are
You've got a yikes from me

He masturbated to the memory, right?

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Get out fag

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>still giving a fuck about Boruto's Dad the Yellow Midoria

>Monoma isn't really a jobber
Monoma was presented as a cunning opponent and a threat, saying he didn't job is plain wrong. Of course Monoma is a jobber.

what's delusional about those
half of them are just posts of things that have happened

Is that right?

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Why is she such a thot?

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>the truth hurts

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Has he seen Izuku yet?
How has he reacted?
I'm asking because I think he may lead to more proof of Dad for One being Canon

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>his only female contact in years

unbridled optimism isnt a sin

>kids are barely in their first year of hero school lesrning to be heroes
>hurr they iz all jobbers
what the fuck?
they are kids?
they have to train to become good
how thr fuck do you all expect them to be all might level at year 1?

upvoted and based

This is why you don't befriend a mushroom.

koichi best boy
>simple power used imaginatively
the best kind

Nah, he acts nothing like a nomu. He's levelheaded and rational most of the time and spergs out when he meets Endeavor. He's a pure Todoroki through and through.

I wanna fuck that Lady Nomu

she ran away though

>She ran away

Absolutely wrong, Aizawa cut her off because she fucking ganked his ass like a bitch, then Irinaka closed the walls on them. She didn't run from shit. Also Shigaraki clowned his bitch ass in their first fight too, Aizawa fucking sucks.

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>AfO: Let's kidnap a bunch of kids, including your own grandson and turn them into Nomus
>Eggman: what about the Quirkless kid and the only other kid who keeps in contact with him
>AfO, sweating: no leave those two alone

Think on your sins.

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pic related

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Welcome to every anime MC since the 2000's. If they aren't as beta as humanly possible, japanease boys can't relate.

still didn't lost

no regrets

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That's gay.

Well he sure as shit doesn't win. Oh look, another example of him being someone's bitch.

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>including your own grandson

Winged Nomu was made from wing kid.
Wing kid is Eggman's grandson.

deku is so fucking cute

what makes you think that

To be fair, user, so far Aizawa has lost only while protecting or teaching his students.

Where the fuck is Shoto. He's one of the biggest jobbers in the series

This one's going in the retard compilation

let's be honest, in the end he's always fucked by circumstances

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>unbridled optimism isnt a sin
What is pride


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He's coping that peach alright

The anime has stopped airing for a while, why is the manga still has 13-15 pages each chapter?
Doesn't help that the pacing is kind of slow (since the Yakuza arc) as well.

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He's sure as hell Jobbed more than Momo and she's on there

Hori is dying.

but demon succubus has a bagina head. it would be worth it.

Hori is sick. Sick of all the waifufags.

>Deku wasn't turned into a Noumu as a child because he didn't have a quirk

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hori got too ahead of himself and they told him to slow it down
dude loves writing stories and has the entirety of the ua series wrapped up but they want to pad out the manga so that the yearly anime could have a chance to catch up


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>what makes you think that
Hori has pretty much confirmed it.

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and canon

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In the extra part of volume 7 Hori drew wing kid in response to being asked why the Winged Nomu targeted Izuku specifically.
Wing Kid's name is Tsubasa, same as the Doctor's so them being related isn't unlikely


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Hori got money and instantly stopped giving a shit. Just like every webcomic artist who starts a Patreon.

Ironic considering Boku no nothing happens has about as much payoff and quality as your average webcomic.

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Tsubasa is wing kid. Eggman is his grandfather. Eggman is Deku's pediatrician and AFO's personal doctor.

Winged Noumu went after Deku because his lobotomized mind still remembered him.

Who knows why he turned his grandkid into one. Could just be a mad scientist, could be because AFO told him to for some reason or another.

are we giving hori too much credit or is he really that much of an autist to have all this shit pre-planned out?

>tog 'MY BACK' ashi

Considering the second movie was announced and Hori is providing designs and input again I'm not surprised, he really has too much to do.

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kids make best nomus, their quirks are not fully developed thus can be easily modded and fused

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he's a mega nerdo

What if Momo gives up being a hero but doesn't give up her eating habits?

Post chads

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He had a complete plot planned out but has since padded it out due to the series becoming popular. Early plot points and foreshadowing sticks but the pace they're resolved at has slowed considerably.

I'm getting tired of asking you to kiss her Kacchan

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if he didn't have it planned out, then AFO's doctor wouldn't have been given the same VA as Deku's pediatrician. Bones knew since they were casting season 3, so Hori must have known before that

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>Big G catches Izuku
>instead of hurting him just stares at him in wonder even as the others try to rescue him
>"So it is true" he says before letting Izuku go and fleeing

She'll become a fat ochako neet

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At least AFO kissed mine

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Of course Dabi bonds with a man who turns children into tools to achieve his dream.

What if Momo tries to fight a nomu?

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>Horikoshi "wtf is Dayquil" kohei

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>Imagine Melissa coming back for the second movie
A man can only dream

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well at least she can go all out on a noumu

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Huh, now that I think about it I can see Dabi feeling betrayed when he finds out about the kids being used and have a change of heart and help his dad

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I want to give lots of hugs to Aizawa! I want to break his ribs!

So, if AfO being Izuku's dad turns out to be real how do you want to see it handled?
Like I'd love for Toshinori to somehow find it out before everyone else and try to hide it because he knows it would ruin Izuku's life

fuck off niger

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Togashi is constantly on death's door and still tries to write and draw as much as he can.
Hori takes breaks when a new Spider-man game comes out.

Nomu how are you using the Internet, you're literally braindead?

I want it to be full star wars NOOOOOOOO
I do also want to see toshinori's smile and spirit crushed by the realisation

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work smarter not harder

>his dad
>this meme

He also appeared to count it as something of a win that Froppy carted him off to prison by wrapping her tongue around him. Her warm, wet, sinewy, sensuous tongue.


I get the feeling that if it's true, AFO genuinely doesn't want people to know for Deku's sake.

>A cannon doing anything to a high end

right here

that's what people said about deku getting all previous OfA user quirks

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Best case scenario, it plays out exactly like this comic.

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Dabi is most likley Touya

>Villian got bored of fighting shallow figures of justice
>He decides to create the perfect hero, giving him a rough past and a constant grow at the hands of his rival
>Deku is just a creation in order to get out of norm once in a while
>just a simple game

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What would Bones the animation studio's quirk be?

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>Togashi is constantly on death's door and still tries to write and draw as much as he can.
This is bait. This has be bait. Between the literal doodle/scribbling artwork or the fact HxH has been on the same homework arc for 7 years, this has to be bait

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>it's an AfO thread
based and, dare I say it, redpilled

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Can redistribute any material at will, but can never distrbute resources equally or appropirately

>AfO has been autisticly collecting every kid who's bullied Izuku and Nomu'd them.
>Only reason Bakushit never got nabbed was because he's the only one Izuku was in constant contact with and his sudden disappearance would cause Izuku distress
Would this make Bakugou hate Izuku more or less?

That homework arc is Tsenderrich goodness that is luring more talent towards it than your holding pattern of a story.

I await your butthurt come June

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So let me get this straight. Originally, Hori only plans for some arcs, and the other (such as Yakuza arc, Gentle arc, Provisional license arc, Class A vs B) are padding after the manga becomes a hit. It's clear he
didn't plan these so they feel like shit.


Would be cool if there's only 12 thematic designs and not an entire army of forgettable fodder.

>So the evil doctor and Deku's doctor being the same guy is almost confirmed.
I was a fan of that theory for a while. But I'm still waiting for Dabi to come out as a Todoroki sibling. When will we get to that?

he cried because Togashi spent 4 chapters on ripping off Jojo instead of actually doing anything interesting kek

Deku's necktie should be tied in a big knot

With this pacing, maybe in 2021.

Fuck off, Togashi unironically spends his time on idolshit.

>Togashi gets Hori's shitty editor that he Hori replaced with his own guy
That's the same fuckwit who wanted All Might to be a tween prettyboy you fucking retard

about the same time hori gets around to the shouji arc

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He clearly planned Mirio and Eri's relationship.

Hug the Frog

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>he doesn't know

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Enji shot first

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My boy Koichi should hijack the main series, I hope I can see him there at some point.

Berserkfag over here. I'm used to waiting, so this is no biggie.

yeah he did

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>AfO locked his brother in a literal cage to keep him
>Doesn't massively control every aspect of Inko and Izuku's lives
I'm not seeing it.
Although the fact that the OfA vision of him had it's eyes blocked at the same time Izuku's mouth happened to be blocked was weird.

>Kaminari traitor reveal when?

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but in that image high end is shooting first
endy just hit first

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>no ass

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What am I supposed to be looking at here?

cute sneeze

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Not cute

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Yeah it feels like that, he even said Yakuza was his try to do a shonen like long Arc, he planned on ending the story in 20 volumes so i guess anything without the LoV involved was just there to develop other characters.


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Oh so now I see why Toga used Deku's blood for such a stupid reason.

yes we know her name

bakugo is for cringe incels

Would you help Jirou pull out her wedgie?

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this 5

Something like that. He does plan for these arcs to in advance and he ties them loosely together with each other, but they were obviously not planned from the start.

Without even thinking about it

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Calling it now, the Traitor's gonna sacrifice themself to save Deku, and reveal that AfO ordered them to protect him at any cost, kicking off the "holy shit Izuku's dad is All for One" arc.

Ugly ass, she's got no buttocks

I would wedgie her

Attached: 1537762020056.jpg (960x1280, 484K)

Found the incel

Attached: Trap.png (759x537, 63K)

Villain chapters are really fucking boring

Attached: pouting anime girl_17.png (817x625, 257K)

[breathing intensifies]

Attached: Regenerator Resident Evil 4.png (239x384, 97K)

That's retarded

that would actually be cool, hence why it's not going to happen

worst taste

back to your hole dekufag
>fujoshit *coincidentally* removed the pretentious "ceo and founder" tripe from her Twitter bio after getting assblasted on here
Fucking kek, if any of you still don't believe that we're being raided by this Twitter roastie and her followers, now you know


Bakugou is for fujos who cream themselves dreaming of bad boys that they can "fix"

>muh fujo raid boogeymen
just leave them alone bro.

Attached: no.png (145x22, 913)

KEK that is hilarious holy shit

How will she handle her students becoming nomufied?

Attached: 1553199689714.png (269x499, 63K)

>business owner.
literally nothing

t. twitter bitch

More Poopoopeepeerio

they deserved it for being brats
she tried to help them

We still need her to talk shit about Mina.

>outing himself as the paranoid obsessed incel

She's not bad, I'd fuck her

What do fujos think about cute and canon mirieri?

This fucking nigger right here can eat a molotov

Wouldn't they want TinTin to be with the Elf? Hence the term fujoshi?

You're not fooling anyone retard, now bak u go to your sjw shithole >>>/tumblr/ >>>/twitter/

what is wrong with her face
jirou is far more cute than that

Attached: k2AlpgHI_400x400.jpg (305x305, 29K)

She'll recognize them and cry.
Then she'll hug one of them and tell them to please stop because she knows they're still in there.
The one she hugs then proceeds to bite her head off. Bakugou and Todoroki witness this.


Attached: 1552570716596.png (800x132, 35K)

Stain was interesting. Gentle was interesting. These guys are not.

But she's ugly.

picked the fuck back up

>Gentle was interesting

Is this counter-bait bait?
I don't even know anymore.
Regardless, fuck you and fuck twitter

Attached: 1551725161470.jpg (1606x2291, 1.11M)

anons here also want their pelvises to get crushed by the femnomu, not surprising that they'd be desperate

jirou is for fucking into the bed until she passes out and being gentle with her the next morning

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Attached: SO HORNY AND LONELY FUUUUU.jpg (753x595, 23K)

>The one she hugs then proceeds to bite her head off.
It'll be the binging ball brat

Attached: 5.png (884x1300, 268K)

Cause they have shit taste.

>finally a little love for jirou in these threads
fuck yeah

>Hori only doing sketches now to shill merchandise

Attached: the fuck.jpg (1280x576, 110K)

How would he handle a Nomu?

Attached: 1553190511276.png (1280x720, 1019K)

i audibly keked

Attached: GODKEK.jpg (1284x980, 262K)

Throw his bugs and die soon after.

pls dont turn bakugou in jobgeta 2.0

>finally a lot spamming for jirou in these threads
fuck off

Attached: shit waifu.png (960x948, 1.11M)

Speak to it's lizard brain and trigger a deadly aneurysm.

>most posters ITTs are incels and are desperate enough to have sex and lose their virginity to a Frankenstein Flesh Monster

Attached: 1527908806259.png (540x440, 167K)

bakuniggers cant take a joke kek

Who would be the most painful character to lose this way?
Ochako maybe?

spoken like a true discord tranny their
casual reminder you will never be a women
you'll be stuck in a man's body, or worse, you're an unironic fagot

Can you make more Mirio stuff? It is great

>Implying she isn't a servant of AfO

Attached: 1551441261768.png (1340x1253, 16K)

Fuck you I just like monster girls

spoken like a true miriopedo

Attached: Loli Posters.png (750x282, 175K)

>monster girls
Mutants aren't for sex.

Checked and based. Soon Ujiko will create his "masterpiece", the ultimate bioweapon.

>Destro chose the rat as the symbol of his army
>A famous theory says that whatever granted quirks to humanity came through rats
>rats are used in several scientific experiments and tests

reminder that quirks were a literal virus/bioweapon that leaked and found it's way into the human gene pool

Attached: CGS4.jpg (325x270, 21K)

Dont mind me just posting the new nomu

Attached: Bunny.jpg (356x1200, 86K)

as opposed to blacks or other men when eveyone itt is a man?

Attached: 1552073569889.jpg (2342x1814, 374K)

Attached: nezu.jpg (210x240, 19K)

yes, and i am comparing the "Frankenstein Flesh Monster" to your dear twitter roastie, retarded avatarfagging fujoshit 1527908806259/

Based and Destro Jr.pilled

Attached: neck snap bitches.jpg (400x374, 37K)

Attached: 1553197797895.png (912x6508, 1.01M)

>it's a c/u/ck episode


Attached: 1551154061930.jpg (235x250, 10K)


Attached: 1553208427294.jpg (202x1080, 119K)

So you're saying that the quirk virus has now achieved


Attached: 134534534564356456754675.gif (500x205, 1.73M)


>being against lolis
>on Yea Forums
How did you find your way here?

this is my wife, say something nice

Attached: 1535232265747.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

>That's the same fuckwit who wanted All Might to be a tween prettyboy you fucking retard
He got his wish it seems

Attached: 1552065902406.png (791x327, 436K)

This is my wife, say something nice.

Attached: 1552994415649.png (528x455, 215K)

>todoroki's brain just fizzles
>bakugou desperately trying to balance fanboyism with seething rage at being patted
that panel is fucking gold

Pure shits.

I feel sorry for you. Everyday must be a terrible burden that you must endure for having such a shit waifu.

This is my wife, say something nice

Attached: 234523452345234356.png (220x232, 90K)

This is my wife, say something nice

Attached: gdgdfsjn.png (1088x1000, 1.18M)

Literally tumblr

This is my wife. Say something nice

Attached: 1552874176972.png (234x375, 97K)

Generic bimbo

go back to the hospital rei

She's cute

Attached: DLJb1rVVAAEaHt4.jpg (1000x750, 138K)

She needs to stop being a tomboy.

>They have the One For All.
>"They have the Quirk One For All"
>Or is it another one of your cons?

Attached: AFO Visits All Might.jpg (1000x410, 41K)

Simons type Nomu when?

Attached: 758.jpg (772x610, 70K)

This is my wife, please catch her

Attached: 1535251659838.jpg (1000x944, 818K)

deku is my HUSBAND

Attached: minas.png (413x401, 136K)

Attached: 1548215352767.jpg (948x1079, 92K)

Attached: 1517092630062.jpg (686x457, 104K)

Nice try, no one's dumb enough to marry a retarded shipperfag

Attached: Lol louder.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

Good catch!

Bad catch!

I will cuck you

Attached: IMG_20190320_064047.jpg (1228x1736, 223K)


Attached: Shippingfag.png (493x557, 203K)

too late

Attached: wedding.jpg (1920x1854, 331K)

poor all might

These are my wives, say something nice about them.

Attached: 156704832479.jpg (356x747, 137K)

I wanna see Nedzu's big conspiracy board

This is my wife. Say something nice

Attached: 1553199193170.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

This is Shoto as a black woman. Say something nice to her.

Attached: shototheestallion.png (290x237, 90K)

she has shit taste in men

He ain't going to fuck a rapist.

she has amazing taste in men

this is a picture i took of someone else's wife. say something nice or mean.

Attached: lady.jpg (927x1200, 394K)

she has ok taste in men

She cute

Attached: 1536016730858.jpg (720x827, 77K)

This is my sunshine, say something nice!

Attached: 1553117202134.png (696x293, 196K)

she really is
I hope her ending is happy

Attached: 9498b7b9359ffaf0714ef68afcccdef4.png (870x1095, 365K)

She'll get turned into a Nomu

Even though you are now a quirkless freak I still love you.

based sunshinefag
save us from mirierifag


Attached: 1549433735991.jpg (798x719, 54K)

>implying Mirio and Eri isn't the superior ship
If you love Mirio you will support him.

>he doesn't realise

Attached: 1533345385096.png (600x731, 296K)

Hehe, jokes on you!

damn Eri looks good

Wait, maybe the giant fucking robot threatening Ochako wasn't the gimmick

Maybe Ochako was the gimmick.

It is kind of interesting how heroes basically obey the three laws of robotics according to Asimov.

Attached: Ochako Uraraka.jpg (225x350, 37K)

Prime All Might could destroy all of them...

she'll make a truly beautiful young wife one day

Attached: 1537227046654.jpg (800x1098, 73K)

Attached: romantic.jpg (3856x2480, 1.29M)

This is the perfect Eri

Fat stinky hairy jobber

Attached: 69764b7b-8ded-4cc0-b163-1882a5542798.jpg (1026x1186, 80K)

Is this what homosexuals are into?

Is AFO's doctor the same one that told Midoriya he didn't have a quirk? Is Hori seriously going to reveal that AFO stole Midoriya's quirk during childhood or some shit and the doctor covered for him? I pray Hori has the sense to not give Deku a 9th quirk at some point, but based on what's happened up to this point, I'm skeptical.

Ew what the hell


It's probably that he's an actual doctor on the side and he was telling the truth about his quirk

with writing like this anything is possible. alternate timelines/realities time travel. it was only a matter of time until that stuff showed up in this manga. for crying out loud he takes inspiration from capeshit.

Attached: Bak U Go Confirmed basically.png (2220x1804, 2.53M)

Constantine reference?


so this... is the power... of tumblr fujos...

Sunshine is such a lucky guy!

>this is dialogue according to herospics

Attached: but it did get worse.jpg (1218x2462, 576K)

Utterly wonderful

Attached: romantic_k1.jpg (800x564, 69K)

All the twist the future shit was so bad

Shut up. Sunshine poster is dead!


Attached: 1552196953802.jpg (2067x2923, 1.55M)

Are you implying that Hori isn't a master of the art of prose?

Attached: this is how human beings speak.png (506x416, 102K)

He always shipped Mirio and Eri, so his spirit lives within me.

Attached: 4624523423.png (669x672, 197K)

Fuckin kek this one always gets me

But that's Deku's wife.

Attached: Mount Deku.png (600x800, 206K)

Wait, what?

Attached: Blockhead.png (300x316, 38K)

Are we the most autistic part of Yea Forums?

Attached: e11734bb-1b12-4e64-b897-99f96d1d48ed.jpg (1280x983, 171K)


japan cannot into natural-sounding english dialogue

when will she teach others GMA to enhance their Heroic aptitude?

Attached: Fat.jpg (632x1200, 287K)

When she starts losing weight.

When she starts losing weight

Shit thread for a shit shounen

Attached: 1552509099805.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

>*Giga insta-regens immediately afterwards*

Which student would benefit the most from GMA?
Obviously all of them would benefit from it, considering the fact that Ochako has never lost a fight since learning GMA, but which students would get the most bang for their buck?
My top picks are Shouji (has 3 times the limbs to work with) Sero (ranged grappling) and Hagakure (self-explanatory).

After she beats one of the high-end Nomus single handedly
That's not nice to say about Hunter x Hunter, user


toga and ochaco love eachother!

Attached: yuri.jpg (1002x900, 39K)

All Might

Cute female monkey noumu

When she starts gaining weight

That tumblr no longer exists.

After a villain shatters one of her hands, so she has to teach GMA instead of being a hero.

What the fuck

What are some based and redpilled moments in this manga?


Miruko unleashed an OFA tier smash that blew away his fire. Gran Torino wrecked him, Miruko would send him into a wheelchair

Momo jobbing.

The artist actually got her giant hands right!

Best hero, never forget

Attached: 56479506_p0.jpg (695x876, 815K)

So did Han.

Reality looks pretty darn good to me!

>not even in the top 10
It's pretty traditional Japanese style with some modern gangster stuff. Top tier.

Attached: 6b4a312bcad4c5df7981d80d64bfc0ee.jpg (540x763, 120K)

What's wrong with him?

>yeah, that would be too dark for hori
Considering hes writing a manga about what are essentially child soldiers you think this is too dark? Keep in mind that the villains have already shown they have no qualms about kidnapping, or even just killing children.

>And he got 7 quirks to go with it!

Attached: But it worked for Deku, doctor.png (919x331, 194K)

giga a cute!

Attached: 06 (3).png (920x1300, 323K)

So there are two narrative forces.
Those who wish for something so hard it happens, the optimistic people.
And those who think you need to prepare and work a lot for shit to happen.

I fixed it.

Attached: niggah streams.png (506x416, 98K)

it can't be helped

What the hell is Giganto Maxia? I think this is the third time I've seen it referenced in manga?

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Attached: fujonigger btfo.png (649x256, 108K)

My thirst for Deku is unparalleled
He's truly husband material

Say what you all want if Overhaul is a good villain or a crappy one, his design is pretty neat.

Attached: DnrwRlBVAAA3_rV.jpg (891x990, 102K)

So the doctor that told Deku he has no Quirk is in fact also All for One's doctor and the man behind the Noumu's. What do you think this means?

Attached: tQSdTKg.png (944x735, 258K)

Calm down Mina.

Attached: pheu8tyPmp1wubs04o1_1280.png (1280x1463, 2.86M)

I hate fujos with all my heart.

That AfO is Deku's dad.

Attached: DyKnZ-tU8AEwKGN.png (1200x846, 649K)

I wish that was me

he's really cute

Attached: couch.jpg (2480x3508, 655K)

They'll always be here. Nothing more anyone can do but cope with it. COPE!

Attached: 1475858262094.jpg (652x660, 116K)

you know somehting I wouldn't be surprised if the Doctor intentionally hid Deku's Quirk because it is or is related to All for One

Deku or Mina?

Well then you are lost.

I mean, hasn't AFO been doing mafia shit for DECADES now? How would he have time to fuck Inko between crime sprees?

Mina in that picture, obviously
Izuku is the cutest

Attached: Midoriya3.jpg (564x1081, 89K)

The next season of the anime better fix his fucking design. I'm not sure what it is, but his mask looks like fucking plastic.
>Le balding birdman

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

deku is the cutest thing in the world, i love him and i'd spend my whole life with him if i could

Attached: 1536373707112.jpg (794x1200, 169K)

I hate overhaulfags so much

Gigantomachia was the war between the giants and Olympic gods in Greek mythology

>Eri, please rewind my hairline!

Attached: Overhaul_Anime.png (250x568, 75K)

t. shiggy

He'd probably always work hard to make you happy and treat you kindly
You tell a lot from a man about how he treats his mother
But at the same time he's a beast and could probably bring it in the bedroom if you asked nicely

Attached: Midoriya16.jpg (1000x726, 125K)

deku has the perfect contrast

>But at the same time he's a beast and could probably bring it in the bedroom if you asked nicely

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Why is Toga so god damn adorable?

Attached: BONE.png (983x274, 501K)

Thanks. Hard to find out since every scanlator and even Dark Horse spelled it differently last time I looked it up.

How did he go from this to that?

Attached: GottaCure.png (798x452, 137K)

Do boys actually look at eachother's dicks just to make fun of them?

>marry and fuck
besides he was laying low for a while even before All Might punched his brains out.

Well whatever punches AM used to beat AFO's shit in must have gotten rid of his hair worse than a cancer patients.

Attached: NO GOOD.png (465x111, 43K)

love this pic

How is Kirishima a jobber? He got completely fucked one fucking time. The rest he either put up a good fight or didnt lose at all.

Just imagine
One for All dick

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Kirishima's fight record is 1-1-7. The only win he has is against fodder who only stood a chance at all because of trigger

Dude All Might effectively took the top of AfO's head off

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Attached: Toga_stop_posting.png (281x361, 83K)

Monoma was forcibly made to job. Horikoshi is shit.

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What the fuck stopped him from killing AfO this time around? Honestly, All Might talks about how dangerous AfO is this entire time, but he just lets him get arrested alive?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 33 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_18.04_[2018.08.03_00.43.59].jpg (1920x1080, 98K)

Can we not go full autistic retard?

Attached: 003.png (394x318, 51K)

I misremembered, it's actually 5
>tied Tetsutetsu
>lost to Bakugo
>lost to Cementoss
>got meated in the licence exam, would have lost if not for Bakugo and Kirishima
>beat unnamed fodder villain
>lost to Rappa
>lost to Shishida

Monoma fucking sucks. Ochunko literally beat him by slumping her fat ass on his back

deku's so sweet!
i love him!

Attached: 1536512643468.jpg (770x828, 176K)

Horikoshi couldn’t let him win after he insulted Bakugou. It explains why Uraraka suddenly pulled a tapeworm out of her ass and was able to use it as rope too.

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If the winged Nomu is prof Eggmans grandson doesn't that mean that his grandson is now dead because Endy fucking cremated his head.
This is pretty dark.

You mean Stain killed him?

Regard the accusations of jobbing as the same as little kids who have learned a new word and are shouting it all the time whether it's appropriate or not. It makes things much easier to take.

You... do not know what kind of a hero All Might is?

No, if you asked that question, you don't.

Kiri and Fatgum beat Rappa and Tengai.
Kiri got his ass kicked in the process, but that's because Tengai was there and turned the match into an attacker and a defender against 2 defenders.
There's no knowing how the match would go in a 1v1.


Attached: a87f34c3cd824b4bcacab92f7735fcfc.jpg (751x1063, 116K)

>>lost to Bakugo
put up a good fight
>>lost to Cementoss
countered, but did the stupid thing, but he still faced an overwhelmingly more powerful opponent which we knew was strong
>>got meated in the licence exam, would have lost if not for Bakugo and Kirishima
quirk that his natural counter, nothing he could really do and if he couldnt do anything anyway because of the enemy's quirk
>>lost to Rappa
no he fucking didnt, and it was because of him they could actually win
>>>lost to Shishida
genuinely outplayed
Its already established that his quirk isnt very versatile. The ones where his general incompetence resulted in him being destroyed is vs cementoss and vs class b(he would have never won vs shishida solo).
Jobbing doesnt mean "to lose" so really its 2 wins(rappa, street mook)- 1 tie (iron4)- 3 loses(cementoss, bakugo, meat) - 1 job (class b)
Out all of his loses he really was put in a fair fight where he could have actually done WAY better than he did was vs class b. And that being a job is also a stretch because they had VERY good quirks vs him.
Really out of that list the only jobbers are Setsuna and Monoma.

Attached: 9da054f401f43dc62d247336418c749079da2cbc143e5ba4aa89181cc1986670.jpg (340x480, 44K)


Wrong Nomu. The grandson was one of the ones Shiggy unleashed on the city as retaliation for Stain making him angry. The one who grabbed Deku and tried to fly off with him, only to be paralyzed by Stain's Bloodcurdle and then stabbed in the brain.

And it is rather dark.

You know since the grandson was one of Bakugou's buddies you'd think that he keeps in touch with his old pals and get suspicious when one of them goes missing like that.

Attached: DQZe94vU8AESDcc.png (613x875, 232K)

>Really out of that list the only jobbers are Setsuna and Monoma.
And Aizawa. Can't forget Aizawa.

>deku gets to nut in BOTH of these girls

Attached: D0GLFYuUYAI-tTf.jpg (292x354, 22K)


Attached: 1546549314984.png (794x966, 379K)

kirishima sucks

Wow, I'm so envious.
I wish I could fuck a boy and then get my dick melted off by a mutant.

>Kirishima gets to nut in Bakugou while Dekuck gets Chunko
Oh the sides

I'm sure Mina can control her acid like that. Don't have a counter for the boy part though...

no u

Attached: 0143-014.jpg (1066x1600, 484K)

Dick literally?

Attached: 4145d05c-ae0f-477b-becc-27e1f53c2b61.jpg (1200x1792, 924K)

He jobbed only once.

Attached: 026cc2f2516988b19726df21ff454086f0236cc775f974d776c467cddee46bf5.jpg (420x444, 12K)

It's canon that she can control the acidity of her exceptions.

>They can fuck Deku
>I can't
This fucking sucks man!

Attached: 1539908172796.png (485x269, 87K)

>I wish I could fuck a boy
It's big of you to admit it.

She can control her acid normally.
But there's no guarantee that she can maintain that control mid-orgasm.

reminder that kirishit is in 1A and therefore a bad character.

Bakugou doesn't care about extras. Kirishima has literally been his first actual friend since he got his Quirk.

I sure hope Jirou doesn't get acid burns from all that toe-sucking!

Attached: MINETHONK.png (227x197, 28K)