Kimetsu no yaiba 151

Gook scans are out
Based gooks only delivering early only if it's a Tomioka chapter

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tomioka chapter

New key visual and new cast reveal
>Houchu Ohtsuka as Sakonji Urokodaki, Yuki Kaji as Sabito, Ai Kakuma as Makomo, Nobuhiko Okamoto as Genya, Toshiyuki Morikawa as Kagaya Ubuyashiki, Daisuke Namikawa as Haganezuka, Takumi Yamazaki as Kasugaigarasu, Hikaru Midorikawa as Odo no Oni, Takehito Koyasu as Teoni, and Shiori Izawa and Aoi Yuki as the Guides.

And the op is by liSA

Final info is expected info Anime Japan this weekend

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>Tomioka chapter
It was a full on Tanjirou and his dad backstory.
>sickly as shit
>beheads a bear in one blow


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It's a papa Tanjirou chapter actually. If someone can dump it pls.

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Is it wrong to be more excited for the spin off next week?

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>90 pages dedicated to best boy
How does he do it?

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What spinoff?

more of a baby tanjirou chapter. gooks have good taste

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>There will be a special Kimetsu sidestory next issue called "Kimetsu no Yaiba: Tomioka Giyuu Gaiden - Part 1" (CP, 45p). Artist is Ryoji Hirano (Bozebeats).

Tomioka gaiden starting next week. It will probably be just a few chapters but still really looking forward to it.

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Seeing this make sme want Tanjirou to go back home and pick up his dad's ritual clothes. They look a lot better than his outfit.

What I meant is that last week gook delivered it earlier than expected before the others because it was Tomioka chapter

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More clips from the anime

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isn't this pretty early? thought gookscans usually came out on fridays

last page

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It seems the whole magazine came out earlier this time. Last week it was just Kimetsu and Chainsaw for some reason.

Welp I didn't notice that today is Thursday

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screening in australia too

How I hope we get proper combos in this fight a la UM6 now that Tanjirou can actually fight against Akaza.
I want water autism overdrive.

The pose Kamado dad made before beheaded the bear in the most badass way possible is the same as water breath 1st style.

Also the anime is near! Here is a bit of the anime:

2 more weeks!

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>I don't follow the series, so I apologize in advance.
Father was like a plant.
He never waived in his emotions and was always serene.
Even before his illness took him, he never changed.
Whenever I think of him his calm smile and river like calming voices come to mind.

What do you think about when you are dancing the Hinokami Kagura?
Once a year the Kagura is an ordeal endured ceaselessly from dusk till dawn.
The whole 12 form of the dance must be done from dusk till dawn hundred, thousand, 10 thousand times.
Father, if it's too much I can start doing it starting next year. I'm worried about your health.

Thank you Tanjiro, but I've never thought of Kagura as a burden.
Surprisingly when I just learned the kagura from your grandfather I was younger and stronger. Yet it was a suffocating ordeal.
Simply, there was a lot of unnecessary movement. The important things are the correct breathing and the right movement. Minimal movements were needed to efficiently bring out the maximum force.
When you do, your head begins to clear.

First you must memorize the movement and the feel and grasp it.
Open your senses and acknowledge your body down to each blood vessels.
This is the most agonizing period where you feel like you hit a wall no matter how you struggle.
You have to memorize a lot of things then begin to cut away the unnecessary bits. Close everything outside of what's necessary for that movement.
When a person want to hear better, they close their eyes right? Like that, you need to select what's needed for the moment.

Holy shit that quick? Thanks!

>when you create sun breath but shitters just rip it off but worse

If you do, you can close and open your muscles and veins easily and quickly as blinking your eyes. Only then the path opens.
When your head clears, you can see the world shine through, but this is only achieved by struggling with all your might.
Do you think I can get there too?
If you practice hard you can.
Now, it's done.
Thank you.

10 days before father passed away from his illness. There was an incident where a bear attacked and ate a person in a near by mountain. Bells were placed on string to surround the premises.
Hmm? yes?
Follow me.


The bear on his standing its legs looked like it had mass of nine men.
It already ate six people by now.
The bear was outside the bell's reach. Father sensed the bear before it rang the bells.
My sickly father confronted the bear with a single hatchet. We didn't have proper weapons in our home.
I'm sorry about your hunger, but I won't show you mercy if you approach.

I won't forgive anyone threatening my family. If you do not heed my warning,
I will take your life.
Father, how... what should I do?

>krazy bear noise

>bear is kill

The head, thick as a man's body fell with a thud and the chiming of the bells.
I couldn't follow with my eyes, but father must've sliced twice with the axe in an instant.
There's no way the axe could've sliced the neck otherwise.
My father's scent didn't change.
Like before he sliced the bear's neck, there was no fear, low of his spirit, killing intent. Just my father standing there like he always was, like a plant.

Did you see it properly?
I saw. s-saw it. Father, are... are you ok?
It's ok. Never forget what you saw just now.
Father was never the type to show off his power in jest. I realized later that it was,

a demonstration. So I could learn how he moved when he saw the world shining through.
Father, grandfather, and great-grandfather too
Never give up. Always think. All walls can eventually be broken with persistent effort.
I understand father. That's why then

I could dodge Akaza's vortex like strike.
I would've likely died on that hit.
With Kiyu's techniques there were moments of respite and we prevented a complete fatal hit, but it still couldn't be properly guarded.

However, I never thought something was wrong.
for a brief moment, for a single moment I could take a step in.
Into that world.

the world that shines through.
I could see inside the body.
Like Hantengu hiding his heart. I don't know if I just smelled it or saw it, but I concentrated every sense toward evading.

I moved faster than I ever did before.
Sorry Inosuke. I brushed it off before, but it appears you were right.
Hurry, Kiyu-san is holding the enemy off.
I will use this to beat Akaza!

Based kamadodad

Thanks user.

Thank you based guest translator

thanks user!

Thanks! Kamadad was a badass dad.

Something tells me Akaza is a weak coward who cares more about not dying than anything.

Akaza is a faggot

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hand demon's ass claps when he walks

Will you do this every week?

Now I understand why mamajirou was willing to take papajirou's seed into her womb every single year.

This is some samurai movie shit

Kamadad looks dead inside.
And outside.

The ugly&gay one.

>10 days before his death
user, he WAS dying.


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Cant wait for the anime to reach this chapter!

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funny that Sabitos voice is Eren of Shingeki.

I remain optimistic about the TVCG in this series but a kernel of concern still festers inside of me.


>Tomioka's mark is at the same location as Sabito's scar
Didn't realize it until now
I still can't believe they hire a bunch of high profile VAs for jobber demons and characters who only appear in one or two episode. Do they have that much money to spend?

>Do they have that much money to spend?
Yes. Hopefully this means they will make a seiyuu event with all of them, if they make it the BDs/DVDs will for sure sell a lot.

I still can't believe this is being animated by Ufotable. I still have nightmares about it being done by Pierrot or Toei

I'm also looking forward to it, I really like Hirano's art.


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I find it curious that Tokitou, Mitsuri and Tanjirou trigger their marks by having memories and being sentimental, but Tomioka only woke it by just fighting, I thought he would remember Kobito and all that

God's work, Korean user.

>Nobuhiko Okamoto as Genya
This is great. This whole cast is actually amazing.
>OP by LiSA
I don't like her too much but I still hope the OP will be good. I wonder who will sing the ED.

>tfw some nips have already watched the movie while you'll have to wait til April 6

I was wondering why someone responded to me with
in a spring anime thread and that explains it.

Because he was already an extremely skilled fighter and one of the best pillars, so a challenging fight after getting over his issues was all he needed.

In the end they will actually suffer more because they'll have to wait until May to see the continuation.

Who the hell is Tanjirou descended from?! How is his father dying if fucking Cancer, but he can chop a bears head off in two instant strokes and leap 9 feet into the air? What blood is running in that families veins? It honestly feels like Muzan marked them for extermination, and their death wasn't the work of a totally random demon invasion.

The last part is evident, but canonically they are just descendants from random charcoal cutters who somehow managed to master part of dance of the fire god.
It's also probably what's killing his dad.

So, did the nips watching the movie say anything yet?

How the handsome moeblob Sakurai can be stopped?

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He'll die a virgin as his bully waifu is ded.

>Tanjirou, Nezuko, Sabito and Makomo

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I saw some nips in Twitter saying it was great, the animation was amazing, the music was beautiful. They used a song that was composed by Kajiura with Chiaki Ishikawa's vocals in the ending credits (it's not the ending theme but just part of the OST). Also when the screening ended Kimetsu was trending on Twitter so they really liked it.

Pls I bet he's a lady killer and getting laid is not a problem for him.

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>I bet he's a lady killer

He is an autist.

And here I was ready to rush home after my math final

Wasn't that gay as fuck?

Not particularly, people were just horny for the shota MC

I was surprised that other korean user translated it. I guess his translation is right?


It was not gay, the boys just were really cute and anons wanted to fuck them.

Yeah, it all looks fine to me

I can't guarantee it.
I only jumped in because someone at Chainsawman thread was asking about it. I lurk here very occasionally and I felt pretty nervous doing this because it seemed to get jargon heavy right at the end. Also apparently you guys have a consistent translator in these threads?

That would be me. Were you the guy I told in a CSM thread that MTL would be workable with proper phrasing?

damn, thats pretty

Very nice. Also what's the name of the chapter?

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Thank you so much

Looks like "A New Year's Eve blizzard"

Not sure? I namefag as above when Korean Translation is needed but I'm anonymous otherwise

can someone dump this page in good quality only?

wait for sunday, newfag

faggot the filename is not the same as the ones that were dumped, thats why im asking it. It's usually posted from the first page.

Is it only Australia getting screenings? NZ too?

So basically tanjirou is gonna cut down on unnecessary movements?

Niggas according to Charapedia, Kimetsu is placed second to the most anticipated anime in spring

Yeah, I saw it earlier, it's also winning the Nijimen poll. Nips are really looking forward to it.

What are these polls?

I'm hype as fuck too, I only fear that, you know, our threads and all.
They might be gone forever, even more if some shitposter starts spamming threads like TOC thread with weak bait, bringing in even more shitpost.

>WNL above OPM
Is this shit legit?

That nigger is totally butthurt because of kimetsu being on top and getting a luxurious treat in anime industry. Next time you see him just report him or ignore.

Online polls from popular japanese anime sites so fans can vote for the most expected anime from each season, they make one every season and they usually get around 10k votes so you can have a good idea about what's going to be popular in Japan.

We have to just ignore shitposters and not give them (You)'s. Trying to fight back and defend the series will only make things worse because they will never change their mind and will keep shitposting.

>Is this shit legit?
Even on preview OPM S2 looks terrible

I really like this chapter cover.

oh fug, thats great. i need more merch

The charapedia poll works with a point system. You can choose three series, first gets 3 points, second gets 2 points, third gets 1 point. Many nips will watch OPM but they probably aren't as excited about it because of the studio change so maybe most of them placed it in second or third place.

It's not his fault he's an albino magnet.

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This must be pretty bad then, because Bokuben is animated by a literal who studio and look average at best.

And it still looks better than OPM S2 with "filler" tournament arc and bad animation

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RIP to that and Ziga. At least Jujutsu survived.

>Daisuke Namikawa
My body has never been so ready

Pierrot can at least be good when they put in the effort.

No hype for the anime. Kimetsu only gets better after about 30 chapters. The first arc is really weak.

>RIP to that and Ziga
They deserve it. Good art but so weak story. Bozebeats author can make kino one shots, but not serials.

Jujutsu has great visuals but the plot is a mess

I personally started to like the series after the introduction of both Inosuke and Zenitsu. We will probably get them around episode 7 so I'm fine with it if the first episodes work to get shitposters bored.

After episode 5 comes that little arc where Kamado siblings kill their first demon (the underground one), then Muzan introduction and the first UM fight, then comes Zenitsu and the Drum house. His introduction would come right after episode 9 or 10.

Ah yes, I had the first arcs a little messed in my head. Thought that was before the demon hunters election thing for some reason.

That'd be me. I was actually about to MTL it when the other koreanbro came around. It takes too long to mtl and edit that shit so he's godsend.

I feel like it's very basic, but it's execution really stuck on me.

I too start uncontrollably spamming the same move over and over again even though it doesn't work when i'm losing hard.

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Relatable protag here

Still not as bad as
>try to prepare as hard as you can for battle
>get terminated in less than a minute for overthinking shit
That's why my boy Osamu bin Mikumo is best boy.