>getsuga tenshou
>oh noes ichigo! he didn't even flinch!! :O
>Getsuga Tenshou
>foolish substitute shinigami, your powers can't eve...
>yaaay you did it ichigo :DDD
fuck this guy
Getsuga tenshou
Did Ichigo fuck your Rukia or som- oops, he didn't. HAHAHAHAHA.
I read the first 100-150 chapters in one breath and then it got extremely boring. I now struggle at 200 and something, should i go on?
You didn't even try
Yeah, it gets better.
Fuck off, Ishida.
Nah it's get worse. Ulquiorra is the only interesting bit about this manga. And maybe Grimjobber.
>things that dont happen in the series
just like kubo didn't even try to make an interesting character and just made ichigo an asspull itself
>give him multiple transformations
>give him powers like no one else
>give him who knows how many swords
>give him two fukking swords at some point
>defends ichigos "character"
>dares to call anyone a brainlet
just keep on writing that ichigo/rukia fanfiction of yours, malfag
>oh noes Goku! he didn't even flinch!! :O
>foolish saiyan, your powers can't eve...
>yaaay you did it Goku :DDD
Stop reading shonentrash then, user. It's clearly not your cup of tea
>cant understand a shonen for kids
>gets mad when called a brainlet
Cope brainlet
point me to the part where someone started talking or defending dbz in this thread, user.
>oh no Narutoo!
>rasen-shuriken :D
>ah... ahhhh ahhh narutoo
>ahhhh sasukee
Maybe we are just spoiled with all these different battle shonen techiques, but isn't it kind of realistic for Ichigo just having 1-3 techniques?
How long does he have his power throughout the series? 2 years at best? Jeah he gets a ton of powerups, but he can't learn how to utilize them in such a short amount of time. So the only thing he knows is how to focus a shit ton of reiatsu around his sword and that's it. You can ( try to ) explain his ridiciulous power in-universe, but you can't let him use Kido or different Bankai techniques while other Shinigamis need to praxis for 100 or even 1000 years.
>>cant understand a shonen for kids
>it's supposed to be bad, user
>all maitoo
>all for one 100000000% :D
If you read 150 chapters, it's a proof that you like it.
>I'm intentionally being a retard
You sure are user
>shinigamis need to practice many years
>many captains get their shit handed to them by the enemy
>ichigo manages to beat them all
no kido for him is ok, but if you plan on giving him such immense power it wouldn't be hard to believe that AT LEAST his bankai could have had something fucking special except just a getsuga tenshou on steroids.
You mean
>kage bunshin no jutsu
>can't even defend his favorite babies first shounen
>has to rely on insults
you should stick to the bleach forums, user
>Shounens getting 1-3 techniques
>Luffy has dozens of named techniques
OPchads way?
>cant even read at the level of a first grader
>has to shitpost on 4channel to cope
>still relies on insults
dude, it's fucking obvious that bleach is one of your first shounen, and you probably hold it close to your heart and that's ok
not everyone has to like the things you like
and i know that it's hard to accept the flaws in the things that are dear to you
but you are literally acting like a spoiled little butthurt nigger
>>cant even read at the level of a first grader
this is coming from someone who thinks that ichigos character is well written
>>has to shitpost on 4channel to cope
cope with what?
>not everyone has to like the things you like
The irony
Stop giving him (You)s
where's the irony?
i can't criticizes badly written characters?
My balls hurt for some reason. Should I be concerned? a
>i can't criticizes badly written characters?
So far you havent
i don't know who you are referring to, but he's bumping my thread for free
seehe is also making the bleach comunity look dumber with every post he makes
>b-but what about this other manga that isn't bleach
Am I right that a vice-captain has to train his Bankai for 10 years before he can become a captain? Probably to fully utilize it. Even Toshiro achived his "matured" Bankai way later on. Renjis Bankai simply lied about it's fully potenzial and Rukia almost killed herself after entering Bankai for the first time.
Also a Bankai is evolving, Yamamoto's Bankai was way different than 9000 years ago. And you expect Ichigo to learn new techniques within 2 years? Or how to create a quincy bow after ... 2 days?
>he looks dumb because he keeps pointing out how much of a brainlet I am
Post tiddies.
if they can make him so much stronger the 99% of characters in the manga, then it wouldn't so hard to believe that his bankai could've had some something more unique than just a stronger getsuga
hell, he even managed to hold his hollow mask for several minutes in a time where the other visoreds managed only a few seconds
You are welcome brainlet-kun
Or maybe Tite Kubo is a hack that can't write an interesting story/setting and stay consistant even if his life depended on it.
Don't give me the shonenshit excuse, there's way better series out there and they're shonen as fuck.
>this desperation
the thing is that there are interesting characters in bleach with interesting powers but they all pale in comparison to the ultimate technique, the getsuga tenshou
>Goku actually winning fights
I fucking wish
Buckle up for another sub-70-IP 500-post samefag extravaganza.
It's called discussion...
I know it's your first day at Yea Forums, but try getting used to the interface before interacting.
Also Tite Kubo has the narrative skill of kids in a playground.
>Imma gonna use that
>haha I got a shield that negates that
>oh yeah, well I got a super that
>oh no he got a super that, time to use THIS
>shit he's using THIS well I got a mega-that that negates this
>oh no how could this happen jk i'm never dying
He´s won more fights than Vegita
Eat your vegitables, ken-sama
>THIS desperation
When it's the same people with the same talking points every day it's called insanity.
don't bother too much, he's just a bump machine that considers (you)s as some kind of achievement or upvote system
but feel free to continue as you wish
>this samefagging
2-0 Gokek
I like Bleach.
I like this thread.
But most importantly, I like you.
>generic edgy nihilist guy
>generic hotheaded fite me irl guy
>meanwhile the actually interesting espada like Aaroniero and Baraggan get glossed over and defeated in their first battle
>best boy Baraggan got defeated by a fucking kido user and fucking soi fong
>oh noes deku! he didn't even flinch!! :O
>foolish hero, your powers can't eve...
>yaaay you did it deku :DDD
>kacchan please fuck my girlfriend
There's been bleach threads every day of the week. Who is paying you to shitpost like this?
>b-but the other manga!!
Viral marketing for the upcoming Bleach: Brotherhood.
King Piccolo
>punch to chest
Piccolo Junior
>combined effort
>kamehameha did deflect the galick gun though
>spirit bomb + SS
>not killed by Goku
>killed by Kamehameha but it was Gohan's
>spirit bomb
>Goku lost
Golden Frieza
>Goku lost
>Goku called Zeno
>combined effort
wow, Goku isn't actually a hack.
Anime announcement soon
You write like a retard, that's why everyone's disagreeing with you.
But you happen to be right on the asspull part.
Bleach Brave Souls may be gachashit, but goddamn does it know its target audience.
>generic edgy nihilist guy
>generic hotheaded fite me irl guy
>meanwhile the actually interesting characters get glossed over and defeated in their first battle
This applies both to the Espada and the Captains,
>mid battle power level spike that stops the bleeding
>mid battle new transformation that gives "high speed regeneration" and invalidates the fight up to that point
>power levels invalidate you
>"first person to run out of transformations loses" the manga
truly he was a master
What's his new deal? Bleach anime is coming back in October? Apparently baiting BC fags is the new thing to do and his evidence is better merch sales than BC manga sales.
So why isn't Kubo back at drawing manga? Hasn't it been more than 2 years now?
What the fuck are you talking about? No one mentions bleach in BC threads
I'm not talking about Yea Forums, talking about Twitter
who's this retard? and why are you shilling him?
>mc uses strongest attack
>”lmao foolish human so weak”
>mc dies
>series over
woooah subverted my expectations
>doing the same thing over and over until it works because plot
>failing outright and dying
>these are the only options
This is your brain on battle shounen
He uses Getsuga Tenshou because he doesn't know what his power is. He learns a few variations later on, but Getsuga Tenshou is still his bread and butter.
Also, Getsuga Tenshou is ridiculously powerful. Don't underestimate it. His are gimped due to plot reasons. Getsuga Tenshou is literally a god killer.
Is that fucking ANIME on his TILE FUCKING FLOOR. Onions as fuck to match his aged, lined forehead.
don't forget user, this is now a mainstream site
I read to chapter 423 and realized that past this point it just goes downhill even more so I stopped.
Under what possible definition of "edgy" does the word not apply to Espada Quatro?
If I recall his special ability was to go really faster
well before the final arc anyway.
Kubo must have been horny when he drew her.
I bet she dresses like that because Ichigo barely touches her, I wouldn't even be surprised to learn that they've only ever fucked once on their wedding night and Orihime had to get him drunk before practically raping him just to make it happen.
Don't project your faggotry onto others
Under which definition of edgy does
>le i am such a monster
>le i love blood and gore
>le i love killing
>le human lives are meaningless
>le god isnt real and this world so cruel
>i le laugh when killing le weaklings
how do these or any other edgy trait le apply to him
They've only had one kid in 10 years dude, math adds up.
>gomu gomu no
>oh noes luffy! he didn't even flinch!! :O
>Gomu Gomu No
>foolish mugiwara, your powers can't eve...
>GOMU GOMU NO!!!##$$%%
>yaaay you did it luffy :DDD
>oh noes Naruto! he didn't even flinch!! :O
>foolish genin, your powers can't eve...
>yaaay you did it Naruto :DDD
fuck shonenfags
There's worse ass pulls in Naruto than rasengan
It's more along the lines of
>Naruto takes a billion shots to the face than chibi powers his way to one hit ko everyone
was it too much to ask for a fucking sword spin and hand to hand combat, I fucking hate it, bleach suck shit out of my ass
Does Ichigo even win fights though?
He literally loses every single one of the fights he ever has and than spergs his way into a power up because he has someone inane God power due to his dad being a captain and just generally a beast
Ishin sent flying lvl 2 Aizen in a building with a literal finger flick, I cant wait to learn more about the Shiba clan... Oh wait...
I found it ridiculous how White Ichigo/Zangetsu pulls out all these creative uses for Zangetsu, such as using it like a propeller, taking advantage of the extendo-cloth to allow for ranged slashing attacks, and even changing the direction mid-swing... and Ichigo does NONE of this cool shit with his sword.
He just fucking brute forces his way through every goddamn fight.
>hand to hand combat
There's plenty of that
this, a thousand fucking time this. everyfuckingone teach him cool shit and he uses fuck all its fucking enraging
If Ichigo took advantage of Zangetsu's binding cloth more often, it would have made his fights a fuck-ton more engaging.
Like... he could use that cloth to bind or blind his opponents, trip them up, or otherwise ruin their day, and he never fucking uses it beyond wrapping Zangetsu up when not actively wielding it. No long range slashing attacks, or whipwork that would make Sheik or Simon Belmont nod with approval... nothing.
>He literally loses every single one of the fights he ever has and than spergs his way into a power up
I would wield zangetsu with one hand and wrap the cloth on the other and straight up strangle low level for rep
The chain in bankai is too short for that
okay, so what the fuck does his bankai do anyfuckingway? cuz its been almost fucking 20 years now and I dont fucking know, its a plot hax, does he go faster? seems like that wasnt it, okay, does he beam spam harder? a little I guess but he still fucking needs to pull that fucking mask out to go from 150 pts of dmg to 200, ho fucking ray
Stats boost
literally the shitiest type of fucking hax
Its not supposed to be a hax
yes it is, because everyone else have cool weapons and gimmick and spells and shit but what our main characters quirk? HE GIT STRONGER YEAH
fucking asswipe piece of fucking ass garbage that made me waste my fucking teenage years for nothing, I shouldve fucking watch naruto
>everyone else have cool weapons and gimmick
Except when they dont