Shingeki No Kyojin

This series is basically a PSA on how not to raise children.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Don't let Armin near the kids
Seems legit.

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But Armin would be a good parent. Better than pretty much all other characters.

Gay parents aren't known to be exactly the best.
But I would raise children together with him if he wanted to...

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>Faggoty parents are good

>implying the shitty mentally ill fags of today have anything to do with gays of the past
>implying he's gay
Back to /tumblr/.

>replying to me twice
Why tho. Can you get out of my thread if you're gonna be an attention whore? Thanks.

>user thinks Armin isn't gay

>replying to me twice
That's wrong though.

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He's bi at best if we're gonna act like tumblrinas and talk about sexuality headcanons. Not that that has anything at all to do with him objectively being one of the people better suited to being a parent in the series.

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go back dumblrina

Aight, my bad. You probably just turned the (You) off but whatever, I'm not in the mood to fight tonight

>He's bi at best
So he likes women. And he likes men. When a guy likes a guy, that's gay.

Well the mong is Isayama's self insert so maybe he is a homo. I don't think he is in canon though

Good thing he likes Mankasa maybe ask the Urifag

>formatting fucked up
This is moot's fault.

I rabu Armin

sex with Yumiru

Attached: ymir8.jpg (960x960, 130K)

>IP doesn't change

I doubt he's bi. He liked Annie even before eating Bert and has never shown attraction toward guys

Go back where?


>He liked Annie
stupid AAfag

He and Eren seemed gay enough to other people in the military that they thought the two were dating.

Killing machine obsessed with dead people died. Human manlet will be born thanks to Hans.

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I don't ship them. Armin liking Annie doesn't mean Annie liked him in romantic way as well.
I don't remember anything like this.

>He liked Annie even before eating Bert
What? Even post timeskip he shows no sign that he likes her as anything other than a therapy rock, there's just Hitch making fun of him and Eren trying to get a rise out of him.

> Even post timeskip he shows no sign that he likes her
Amazing. Not even Eren is this dense.

Isayama said it in a Q&A.

t. EAfat(pedo)

It's Bort's feelings AAfat

>tfw there's no rumor that you and your otouto are incestuous

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>It's Bort's feelings
So Eren wants to fuck guys now because he ate Maid-chan

>He liked Annie

The only pedo here is you AAfat

EHfags get so angry when you suggest farmer is the father. I'm not that taken by this storyline, but the tears when farmer is confirmed as the father will be delicious


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Talk to Isayama, he's the one writing this plot and the mong's interest in Annie is an inheritance from Splort alongside his pussiboi tendencies to sympathize with the enemy

Are you gonna spam that in every thread, now?

>stealing my posts from the other thread
Faggot, write your own

>falling for the rageturd's bait
Armin has zero interest in Annie. Bert has nothing to do with Armin.

>Bert has nothing to do with Armin
Well it's a plot point, so deal with it. It's Bortmong now

>''Armin is being controlled''
>''Eren is FREE''
Erenfags are hypocrites

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living rent free in your head

It's not a plot point. You have to be a retard to think Eren is telling the truth. He doesn't know shit about Armin. If he did, Armin wouldn't be resorting to rock therapy.

>EHfags get so angry when you suggest farmer is the father.
No I'm not. There's still a chance farmer is the father but the reasons those farmerfags give are too bullshit and ridiculous to make me believe he's the father.
Again I'm not angry at the possibility of the farmer but at the bullshit excuses made up by those fags

Eren looks like such a seething faggot there. He's full of shit and literally just going "n-no u". Everything he said is false.

>Arminfags are retarded
We know Eren is being influenced. Armin is being influenced too. The nuance however is that Eren is being influenced by people who tell Eren he is free. Armin's influence leads him to Annie. Eren's influence leads him to believe he is free.

>You have to be a retard to think Eren is telling the truth
You're in denial. Previous shifter influence is canon

>armin is being influenced
He isn't. There is zero proof he is and hefty proof he isn't.

All evidence to the contrary.

It wasn't at all until Isayama made this retarded plot point to bring Blort back in a way.

Calm down, Hisu

>y-you're in denial
It's not canon and never was. The only thing they get is their memories, which may affect how they perceive the world, but the shifter themselves has no power or control. except with cuckren, who has the founding titan within him, and thus is used as a vessel by cucksha and fagger.

Stop trying to make your shitty, sweaty failure relevant.

Isayama literally confirmed it.

>there is someone who thinks that Armin is straight
If he was, he wouldn't look and act like such a cocktease. Look at the guy.
Everyone who thinks otherwise is just jealous that the only good girls in the anime are either dead or in coma. Sorry straightFAGS, we won this time.

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Source or gtfo

This is shitty bait, EHwhale. you're right that he's the only good girl

But Eren's actions go against Grisha and Kruger's wishes. If he were manipulated by them he'd actually buy all of Floch's we wuzing about the Eldian empire

He did have to include some strategic truth, namely the parts AM already knew were true (Armin's visits, Mikasa's headaches) plus maybe some of his new info or deductions.

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It might be a retcon, but it still is a plot point atm
>Stop trying to make your shitty, sweaty failure relevant.
I'm not a Splortfag you fool, I'm just not in denial like you AAfats

Based no one likes those retard redditors, EHcucks should just kill themselves instead of posting their cringey mental delusions here

>go against their wishes
Tell me how I know you speedread.

>But Eren's actions go against Grisha and Kruger's wishes
no they don't

That's the Urifag newfag

Where my ELsisters at?

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AA is endgame.

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Poor LEpedo

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Eren doesn't give a shit about the Eldian Empire.

Grisha and Kruger wanted to restore the Eldian empire. Eren just wants freedom and to do that he'll kill anyone that gets in his way, even if it's other Eldians.

Translated version?

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You mix japanese mentality with our mentality.


>next chapter

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Everytime someone posts this, somewhere out there Armin vomits again.
Please be nice to Armin.

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>p-please I can't go back to tumblr to post my pedophile stuff so please I want this to be my safe space
Based roastie

Yeah, in japan it's kinda normal to be girly, gay and sexy for a male. Their whole culture is gay.
Which further proves the point.

EJ interaction when?

Attached: ar.jpg (776x1500, 194K)

Does Eren drink?

Yeah, but he doesn't get drunk which makes him a lousy alcoholic

>Eren Alcoholico

Then he and Jean probably meet and complain on the reg.
>I want muh freedoms
>She cut her long black hair so short

It really isn't, they are pretty homophobe and some who are gay rather not mix with LGBT groups.
In fact Eren was supposed to be a girl so yurifags have more points than the fujos in this case.

>kill anyone that gets in his way, even if it's other Eldians
Ah so just like Kruger then

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Imagine being a cuckrenfag...

>Artist trying this hard to make it look like Hisu

>>Eren Alcoholico

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Mikasa's new haircut made her 10 times hotter.
Can't wait to see her animated.

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Their goals are different, Eren wants to protect Paradis.

Krugee would have sacrificed Historia way sooner

Never again

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Seething EH redditor no one likes you, all your posts are garbage that's indicative of a someone with the mind of an insecure juvenile imbecile who's only capable of having one thought pattern that he proceeds to make blatantly clear all over these threads

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EH was meme here newfag

Kruger wouldn't have gone and raided a city mostly inhabited by Eldians then brought chaos to his own island because he couldn't find it in him to sacrifice a blonde midget.

Their goals aren't in contrast. Also they are influenced by memories, not controlled. Eren is looking at things from a different perspective than the rest of Paradis because of that. and he's more like Kruger than Grisha anyway. Same for the mong, he's controlled by Bort and he didn't switched sides, but he's influenced in his mindset

Yeah right... That's why they had kuge, kabuki, shudo and shit.
And that's only in the past where it was completely normal for japanese nobility to have male lovers. Because women were considered to be walking wombs and incapable of true love and relationship.
Homophobic as fuck. Japan is.

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>things you don't know: the post
ok. also he's not Kruger himself. but he's influenced by him

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>implying eren only did it because of muh hiss
Ah, the EHfat

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What was the point of working with Zeke whom he already knew was a nutjob when letting Historia eat him would've been preferable and easier?

Pieck of the Week

He is not wrong though

Imagine being this insecure

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What an utterly worthless point to make my retarded redditor.

Pizza was invented in Italy, guess shitty Digiorno's pizzacan't come from America then.

Kill yourself dipshit.

>he already knew was a nutjob
>all it took is to call him nii-san and he's putty in Eren's hands
He's retarded that's what he is

Would she still love warchief once she finds out he's not as cool as she thought he was?

Post EZ!

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Yelena had already told Eren about the euthanasia plan before he and Zeke even met.

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>Food analogies

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EH was memed here first. Keep SEETHING just because you live in leddit. EH belongs to /snk/

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I like how all you can do is insulting instead of explain it. You SJWs are all the same.

>that space
Go back ROASTIEledditor

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>crying because someone calls him retarded on Yea Forums
newfag. leddit is more your kind.

I'm not the one insulting just because you can't explain shit. Maybe cry less and try to answer.

How can other, lesser bongo cats, compete?

Attached: Best bongo cat.gif (768x768, 33K)

>It was suggested here before that means there's no way retards from other sites could have latched on to it afterwards and come here
Fuck off brainlet ledditor, you ain't foolin' no one


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Then EH is /snk/?

I did explain, unfortunately you're too busy whinging like a baby to read

Typical EH npcs can't think for themselves so they rely on literal meme arguments and INSISTING harder

They can't.

Is it me or EH triggers SJWs a lot.

Eren already knew his bro was insane and their goals weren't even aligned. Keeping him around when he has people like Yelena working under him or had the half of the junta poisoned at the risk of creating more civil unrest on Paradis and infighting when the world is already coming for their ass is a ridiculous decision.

it destroys almost every single gay ship in one strike
truly a blessing

G E T T I N'

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>tfw no one cares about them because they're ugly old men

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>keep insulting
>still no argument
Be grateful I gave you some attention. EHchads will allow you to continue living in your YAAAAAASSSS delusions

why are they so gay?

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Oh shit, I love it. Now I need to kill myself.

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Erwin doesn't belong here. He is not only voiced by a fucking JOTARO, but he was actually one of the most competent and charismatic characters out there.

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Even leftists are getting tired of the faggots. They became what they hate and I can understand why they wanted to ban their shit in some places.

It's hard to resist Armin, be you man or woman. He is too hot for this world.

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The civil unrest is needed you fool. For Paradis to be free they need to 1) cripple Marley 2) overthrow Paradis' government and install a new one. Once the whole world goes after Paradis then Eren can rumble, but those steps were necessary for freedom

I actually like EH because I don't care about Eren or Historia, and Ymir was too hot to give her to some chick.
Glad she died. It's better this way.

t. Ledditor

>T I D D Y status - Got it

But the leftists no longer like faggots because a faggot could never satisfy their deep-seated cuck fetishes like Ahmed does, but they can't have them both so they open the borders and give Ahmed their gibs and their wives while the faggots are getting wrecked in the streets due to gang enforced sharia law.

On another note, Armin best girl.

>too hot
That is exactly why I'm happy she is a dyke

Kruger killed Eldians in order to play a spy role.
Eren kills Eldians that are in his way.

Anyhow, it's just to stupid to claim that Eren is being manipulated by Kruger when his actions are in line with everything he stands for (unless for some retarded reason he isn't lying to Zeke)

Eren loves his blonde midget harem.

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LH is comfy but I highly doubt that Hange likes manlet in that way. She is just much nicer dealing with manlet’s Ackerautism than Eren with Mikasa.

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Who is the most tragic Yeager?

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>Kruger killed Eldians in order to play a spy role.
>Eren kills Eldians that are in his way.
Same difference, faggot. It's still killing people who get in your way, regardless of your original motive.
>it's just to stupid to claim that Eren is being manipulated by Kruger
Ah, another user who can't read. I never said he's manipulated, I said influenced which is canon. Now leave

Best nose here

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The conflict basically boils down to Peacefags a.k.a the mentally challenged (Armong and his fwiends, Karl the Cuck) vs Freedomfags/Iwasbornintothisworldfags (Eren, Kruger, Grisha, Hisu) vs Nihilistfags a.k.a Ididn'twanttobebornintothisworldfags (Zele. Xaver)
A.k.a Blue pills vs Red pills vs Black pills

Influence is a completely different thing from your previous claim of Eren just being a vessel for Grisha and Kruger.

>Hisufags are pedos

You are blind to the truth, heretic.

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Those would be Armongfags

Attached: 18.png (1000x5250, 1.86M)

Which I never claimed. I was right, you can't read.


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He could have easily done the same with Mikasa

Based height difference

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Your kingdom shall fall, false goddess

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This means Jihad.

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He is fucking 19.
You can call manletfags pedophiles as well, would make as much sense.

Is there a character more shonen cliche than Historia in snk? Probably manlet I guess.

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Historia is 19 too

A new government run by whom exactly? A guy who sits around looking at windows while his extremist cult followers are busy running around beating up and putting armbands on old men?

sex with Gabi

Historia is bad.
I don't really get what people like about her. On Yea Forums of all places. I would imagine her being reddit queen or something. Literal fucking disney princess.

What does that even mean?

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>On Yea Forums of all places
They're waifufags

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But she is boring.

What is this expression trying to convey?

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>tfw you didn't get to smash Reiner's ass

He likes Reiner more than he likes his slave friends

I remember when back in the day snk used to be lauded as writing female characters well kek, that statement didn't age well
>Isayama did nothing with her other than give her autism unironically
>muh queen generic shonen
>has one semi-decent arc then disappears only to show up again pregnant and do nothing again afertwards
>alive and insufferable

>I remember when back in the day snk used to be lauded as writing female characters well kek
Only by normies whose only other experience with anime were Dragon Ball and Naruto.


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To kill all niggers


>Reiner help I'm being kidnapped

>Literal fucking disney princess.
Killing her father and being pregnant?

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Ymir Fritz

Knowing the future and knowing that it sucks


Attached: D2K_KcaWoAAzhD9.jpg (1122x723, 127K)

Eren will become the Devil. Screencap this.

Attached: D2Li_BvU0AAvYzZ.png (804x872, 138K)

That pic would be a 10/10 if it was Mikasa with Gabi

Fuck off, Floch

>whole season released in one day

is the hype kill?

Attached: firefox_cR9h0KfFAk.png (465x273, 154K)

wait, is this real?

Rip season 4

I think it's going to be 10 total, not 10 released on april 29th.

I'm not sure if that means what you think it means. I think it's trying to convey that the season is 10 episodes long and starts on April 29th.

Attached: Ht3KROf1B14.jpg (766x1080, 430K)

it says "1 episode airing on " for most shows

Know your place

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I haven't heard any news that all 10 episodes are going to be released in 1 day. It's most likely just a mistake on the site's part.
It's kinda huge deal. And there is no point releasing everything in 1 day, it's not netflix or anything.

I wasn't aware, I've never been on this site. In that case it could be that they're dumping the entire season in one day but at the same time it could be a mistake by the site.


Name a sexier Nazi. Hint: you can't

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Is HA the next MA?

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I remember happening to one anime but don't remember the name right now

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kek retard

>giving a shit about the warriors

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>tfw Hange, Annie and Piku will never hungrily sniff on your shaft, then take turns inserting their nostrils on your tip to snort the happy juice when you reach climax.
I have no fucking clue why i even bother to wake up each morning.

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If both noses touched the whole universe and PATHS would be destroyed.

Attached: shingeki-no-kyojin-attack-on-titan-episode-15-pic1.jpg (1366x768, 162K)

>If both noses touched
FAR too lewd

What about double tag action handholding with full blown eskimo kisses?

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You must be stoppped

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>If both noses touched
Please user, you’re posting in a blueboard.

Zeke is the purest character in all of manga.

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With Hisu

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>If both noses touched

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>tfw you'll never save Armin from bullies, and then hold hands on the way home together
Why live bros

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You all bitches and hoes are being cucked by this og blonde womanlet as we speak

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it's not fair

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I just want him to be happy.

>his ex
>not Armin

Me too, user. Me too.

Attached: D0Z-HVPV4AEpd8_.jpg (960x1200, 81K)

nice facebook meme bro xD

What a colossal faggot you are, holy shit. I can smell the beardlet manlet cringe off you from here.

>69 with those noses

Attached: (1190x813, 905K)

I care about Pixis and his death will make me very sad

Cute Pieck

Can I post on my facebook page too? :)

He has a wife tho

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kek at Annie's face
>"It's touching me."

He faps to Annie crystal everyday

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His wife doesn't look too comfortable with him anywhere near.

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You should go wash your hands after posting this.
With soap.

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I wonder how long will it take for the creators of SnK to realise that the thing most fans want is a Shingeki no Kyojin datesim game.
I'd pay my money to Bandai for this.

Attached: f9b61d971435e0133f5f798c83d210a9.jpg (960x563, 60K)

If you're going to shitpost, at least find some decent art dude.

>Mikasa is a girl (male)

Attached: 1540946042431.jpg (290x394, 60K)

Guykasa is cute!

That's literally how she looks in the manga now tho.

>not glorious SMT

Attached: pieck.png (193x221, 33K)

Didn’t we already get that as a DS game?

First, it's not a datesim but an action game.
Second, it's really shitty action game as far as I know. I haven't played it, but well you don't need to play anime DS exclusives to know that they suck.

>Ex is not Armin
>No "his wife"
>No "his lover + pic of Reiner"
It is shit

cute and canon

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LH relationships are not like EM even if there's nothing romantic between them. They show normal friendship at least. And manlet is dealing with Hanji's weird behavior as well as she is with his autism.

Attached: pikuchu.jpg (828x1280, 168K)

Being pecked by Pieck!

>Read what Mikasa (male (true form)) said
>Remember 112
>Remember the pic of Mikasa.exe crashed in 113
My erect dick will be able to breach all three walls at this rate

>the everyone is gay armongwhale triggered by the AAfag

>Eren is lovely, and so, when they’d not been together Zeke had had thoughts he shouldn’t have of Eren. Worse. Especially so after that mentioned meeting in Liberio. Eren bestowing him with hope and certainty. What Xavier, who Zeke considered his real father now- had known he’d find. Someone he can trust. Someone he can love. And someone who feels just the same as he- but there is no way, there isn’t any possibility that Eren feels what else Zeke feels about him. Zeke still in awe that they are here, together. That Eren is looking at him, prettier than Zeke had envisioned. Remembered. Zeke wants to touch him. Where that one touch will lead... a twisted notion, he knows.

>He wish he could. Like in his dreams, his late night fantasies when he’s alone in his room. He wants to stroke Eren’s cheek, cup it as he presses his lips to his, he wants to taste him and kiss his neck. His breasts, his body. He wants Eren’s legs wrapped around his hips. He wants to grope and plunder Eren’s plump ass. Eren beneath him, gasping and moaning as big brother reassures him he’ll never be alone. Zeke’s cock sliding in and near out of him. Sweet Eren.

Everyone does that though

One of the few ships I wouldn't mind ti be canon honestly

>implying they don't
homosexuality is a mental illness, user

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Armin is for sweet, tender gay love.
There is plenty of other characters you can make breeding pairs with.
although most good characters are dead so I can understand how frustrated you might be

Jokes aside, is it healthy for her?

>That's why we call it "Paradise" -Eren Jaeger

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The first one was action and the second was just about befriending them. Although the YH route from the second one made you more look like a third wheel

>Zeke’s body is hot, his breath uneven as he considers it. Knowing they can’t. Not only because they must save humanity but also because it isn’t normal. Zeke has seen the others, he’s strove to emulate them, he’d been envious of them. Those older siblings with their little brothers, little sisters. A family complete in this wretched world.

>If Zeke had had Eren in his life sooner... then his heart wouldn’t hurt as much, they would have had more time together and maybe... Zeke wouldn’t be having these dirty thoughts. Heated and terrible, envisioning Eren straddling him, above him as he rides his large cock. Zeke would fill Eren right up. Eren’s long dark silky hair would sway with each roll of his wide hips, beneath Zeke’s hands. Worse his desire becomes when Eren, sweetly, forgoes his name and instead says-

>“Big brother,” Eren starts, concerned, “Are you alright? Your face is all red. It’s been a long journey. You should rest.”

It wasn't, Eren was supposed to be female but Isayama had to change it. If anything that means the series was going to be way more yuri kinda like Madoka

Yeah that's probably true, but she is better than Mikasa and Annie will never come back... so...

She probably grew a little too though.

He is scratching his hands while he put them behind his back.

>Eren was supposed to be female but Isayama had to change it

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Cute and CANON

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Well, Eren is male.
Good thing Isayama made this change.
Madoka and Utena I think are the only notable shoujo-ai titles that are worth watching. Even though Madoka isn't more shoujo-ai than Legend of Korra, but whatever.

>Eren turns away from him. Walking over to the bed, gesturing to it since he can’t grab onto Zeke and guide him.

>“Yes, I think you’re right Eren. Some rest will do,” Zeke considers, watching as Eren pulls back the blankets for him. Zeke salivating over those wide hips, his little brother’s plump ass. Jutted out as Eren bends over to fluff the pillows.

>Zeke follows.

>“We can talk more tomorrow,” Eren is saying as he turns back to him. Zeke once again too close, from Eren’s disapproving frown. He lets it go this time. Almost too shy as he says, “Good night... Zeke.”

>Eren about to depart to his adjacent room when Zeke calls out, too frantically, “WAIT!”

>Eren’s already big eyes, big and wide, too pretty as Eren stops to regard him. His surprised expression- adorable. Zeke swallows, his palms sweaty. He retracts the hand he’d extended. Guilty as he knows he can’t touch Eren. He can’t stop him.

>“Sorry,” Zeke says, embarrassed as he scratches at his beard, “I... I was wondering if you could... if you could say it... like before...”

>“Ha? Say what?” Eren is puzzled, stepping in closer to Zeke to Zeke’s satisfaction and growing strain. The erection in his trousers about to make an apparent tent the longer Eren remains near him.

With all this talk about /u/ and EH it really makes me think if Armin was going to be the royal with Ellen. I also feel that Eren-Mikasa were going to be like Madoka-Homura.
In any case that proves the Arminisgayfag is wrong, Isayama wanted a female Eren so much he created the Gabo and her love interest is a male


Cuter and MORE CANON

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I stopped watching Korra after 2 seasons, compared to Aang it was meh but I heard they made Korra and that boring fire-guy's ex closer and I kek'd.
I shipped Korra with the silly brother though

>Eren is awash in concern as he deigns to come even closer, with Zeke beating around the bush.

>“What is it Zeke?”

>“I want... I want you... to not call me by name,” Zeke tries, wondering if Eren will laugh at him. The prospect of seeing Eren’s bright smile he has scarcely seen causes his heart to skip a beat, his dick growing harder. For such a smile he doesn’t mind being the fool. He is a fool.

>Instead of that smile he’d come to anticipate. Eren flushes splendidly on realisation.

>“Ah.... oh, that’s what you want?” Eren is reiterating, too shyly, Zeke wants to kiss him. He wants to lift Eren up onto his mattress, and make love with him until the sun returns. He wants to hold him, tell him he’s pretty, and cum inside him. His lovely Eren. Trusting in him, understanding him- feeling as he does about their fate since they shared in the same sort of suffering.

>“Then how about... we try this?”

It's miles better than most other similar titles.
Utena isn't particularly grounbreaking either, but as I said, it's still a decent watch.

mass shooter anime when?

Oh, and post more stuff by this guy (pic releated). The non-gore stuff is pretty cute.

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>not using actual canon
c'mon man

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>everyone wants to fuck Armin: the thread

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>Zeke doesn’t understand. As Eren takes out from a trouser pocket, a white handkerchief square. Hesitant as he regards it somewhat intensely (regretfully) before he unfolds it once. Looking at it, Zeke can tell it’s well used but well cared for. Impeccably cleaned and ironed. Vaguely it smells of flowers like Eren’s hair does. His skin, probably tastes of salt from the sheen of sweat that’s gathered from the back of his neck. Hidden by Eren’s hair, unbound in private.

>Eren holds up the only half folded handkerchief.

>“How about we do a little test. So long as we’re not touching skin to skin, perhaps we can... make contact.”

>Eren’s eyes are peering at him hopefully from above the fold.

>“How about it? Big brother.”

>A shudder runs through Zeke, hungry and gaping it leaves him.

>“Yes. Yes let’s do it Eren,” Zeke should be ashamed at how eager, deep his voice got at that consideration but Eren seems pleased. That shy that is teasing him to no end.

>“Then, with your permission...”

>Zeke had expected that Eren would use the handkerchief as a barrier between their hands. Since they’d not been able to shake on it. Zeke only able to pass along his baseball to Eren. Zeke giddy at the idea that maybe before their time is up, they could play a few games of that too. Brother to brother. He could teach Eren too if he didn’t know how. Zeke had been joyous considering it until he’d returned to his room and those other thoughts trailed on in with his victory. That he could teach Eren other things, pleasurable things, Eren within his embrace...

>A kiss.

>To his cheek.

>Between it and Eren’s soft lips, the handkerchief.

thanks, based user

Sex hair!

The only good thing about Korra was the animation. What a waste.

I have yet to see Utena, I remember my first yuri being Strawberry Panic. I may rewatch it someday just for the nostalgia, I remember reading a little of the manga and it was too different.
Noir was also pretty cool.

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What the fuck happened to turn these threads into pure fagsmut? You should all be gassed.

"What is done out of love always exists beyond good and evil"

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Well, that's your opinion.

Objectively is a shit tryharder show

>Eren drawing back and lowering the rectangle of fabric as he smiles at Zeke, expression warm. His lips darkening as he licks at them, briefly. Bemused. Lovely as he says, “Good night big brother.”

>Then laughing, “It worked!”

>Zeke unable to take it.

>“Hey! Hey! Come on now Zeke! That’s too risky! Be careful!”

>Zeke could not help it. Delighted by this new discovery. Eren’s hands up, and pushing against his chest. The handkerchief balled up in the fist of one. Zeke’s shirt between them, and Eren’s in his way- Zeke holds Eren’s hips. His palms cupping the glorious shape of them. Gripping.

>“I want another kiss,” Zeke hears himself say, shamelessly. He’s almost appalled since surely Eren can feel it with their bodies pressed close like this. Zeke’s throbbing erection, pushing up against his little brother’s thigh. Zeke should be disgusted with himself but at this proximity he can see each long lash framing Eren’s eyes. Eyes glancing away from him, in consideration. He can smell Eren better too, feel his heat, how softer his skin looks. Zeke’s gaze snaps over to Eren’s tongue, once more wetting his pink lips. Zeke feels like he might cum from that sight alone.

>“If it’s only skin that’ll cause the spark then...” Eren is leaning forward, briefer, gentler is this second kiss to the same cheek. Not with the handkerchief but brushing to the hairs of his beard. Not enough contact of skin, flesh, blood. Not enough. Zeke feels like he’ll go insane.

With hips like those who wouldn’t?

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Being shounen-ai fan I don't particularly enjoy those. But I can understand why others might enjoy it.
Strawberry panic was okay though and I watched it long time ago, I liked the girl with the blue hair a lot. She was riding a horse and looked like a teenage boy somewhat.

Based fellow yurifag. Also, Tamao a shit.

I meant to post this but I guess that works too

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>After that.

>On the bed.

>They’ve kept their clothes on just in case. Careful, precise, yet rushed and heated. Kneeled together, Eren’s knees supported by his, so they’re closer, it’s better. What else Eren had wanted to try. His wonderful, exquisite, brilliant Eren.

>The handkerchief is wrapped around Zeke’s cock as Eren’s hand wraps around it and his own cock. Bringing their erect members together, thick, pulsing, thrumming heat. It’s cute how Eren is concentrating so hard, to make sure their members stay together, rubbing between them the handkerchief. Eren doing his best to hold them both up as his hips jerk forward continuously and he cries out from how good it feels.

>Zeke moaning, grunting, seeing Eren’s wet and exposed tip, flashing before Zeke’s bulging tip is revealed. As the handkerchief flapping between them has them share their wetness. Eren is struggling to keep his grip secure around them. Zeke too big already even without Eren’s cock to join in. Seeing Eren struggle for him, only makes Zeke’s heart fuller and his cock bigger. Eren too cute as he is distraught. Within his newfound pleasure and the tricky circumstances.

>“Stop it! Big brother! Don’t get any bigger!”

Yeah that one was cool. I also remember the blue-haired girl with a bun being cucked hard. I expected a yandere ending with her kek


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>>“Stop it! Big brother! Don’t get any bigger!”
I wish I could erase this sentence from my brain

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>shit ship
>shit ''art''

babies are beautiful and we need more babies in the anime and manga.

MOST CANON infinity + 1

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At least post baby bastard fanart.

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>Unfortunately Eren’s pleas does little to help either of them. Zeke would have loved to hear Eren say that, with that very cock inside him. Zeke knows for sure, Eren would be doing his best then too- to fit Zeke in to the hilt had they been able to fuck like that. Zeke is at his limit as he considers it, and rakes his gaze hungrily over Eren’s frantic form, Zeke thrusting with him. He wants to cum. He wants Eren to cum. He wants Eren. Every inch of him, every last remaining second.

>Zeke’s hands have been running up and down Eren’s body, above his shirt. Gripping his hips, feeling up his waist. Before Eren had come to grip their cocks together with both his hands, he’d had one hand clinging to Zeke’s sleeve, then the forearm beneath of it. Cute. Too cute. Eren’s flushed face, his moist eyelashes as it feels really good. Touching. Connecting with Zeke like this.

>“Above me, get above me,” Eren says, suddenly, practically begging as he settles back to lie down onto Zeke’s bed.

>Eren unzipping his hoodie to lay bare his stomach, his breasts. Zeke burning at the sight, his cock feeling like it will burst. It does. Eren preparing for it with Zeke hovering above him. Between their bodies, their spurting cocks. Eren’s legs spreading to box in around Zeke’s hips. Eren cumming right as he’d felt the first gushing splats of Zeke’s hot semen touch and seep, sticky and copious, across his bare skin. Eren ready for it. As he cums his semen mixes in with Zeke’s.

>Zeke stunned and humbled, completely awestruck from his powerful orgasm and Eren opening himself up to meet it. Their pleasure heightened from the risk, the thrill, this bet.

Walks in on thread
>ZE fic (admittedly pretty hot, but fics? really?)
>/y/ talk content
Yeah, snk threads should be banished unless on chapter week

This one.

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Mods are too lazy to enforce that, even if it is a good idea.

Abe supports EH

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What do you want to talk about then my friend?

>admittedly pretty hot

Fujofags everyone.

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This kills the EHfag.

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japan should pay reparations to china, abe

>Zeke watches in amazement as Eren reaches to mix around their fluids on his hot flushed skin, more. More more more, Zeke staring famished yet fulfilled as Eren sets to lick their combined semen up from his fingers, moaning loudly for Zeke as he tastes their union. Zeke’s entire back covered in sweat, as he resists having a taste for himself. Wanting to lick some up from Eren’s body.

>Seeing, feeling, knowing well Zeke’s intense gaze upon him. Eren props himself up onto his elbows, their faces far too close. His pretty dark brown hair swaying over his bare shoulders as such a motion shrugs the rest of his hoodie off. Zeke groaning, brokenly as he wants to fuck Eren more. Touch him even worse than before. Zeke takes a chance. Reaching to stroke with his vying fingers, the nearest lock of Eren’s hair.

>Eren’s parted mouth is wet and all too tempting.

>Zeke allows himself to burn more of this wonderful sight into his memory, barely able to bring himself off the bed. For the better. He manages. Intending to do up his clothes, the handkerchief soaked and forgotten at the edge of the bed. With Zeke a safe enough distance from him, Eren begins to fully disrobe, his clothes kicked off from the bed as he spreads out. Fully naked except from their mixed cum still sticking, dripping slowly across his skin. Zeke watches as Eren smiles at him, knowingly. Zeke considering. That from their close proximity perhaps Eren knows all his foul fantasies he’s had since they’d been apart. Dismissing. Since even with the Founder’s kindling reawakening that may be too much.

Why is Yelena posting in this thread

but both Eren and Historia aren't nihonjin.

Kek, someone post the Yelena writing EZ fanfic image

I want to EAT Hansi's balls, PUNCH her and SMELL her

You know these threads have reached rock bottom when even Armongfags are back.

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Abe the absolute savior.

Is that a coat or is wrapped in something?

Post an MA one next!

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I second this

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Based Abe

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>It doesn’t really matter, since Eren must feel that same as he. Wholly. Truly. As Eren displays himself for Zeke, showing off his bare body. Turning sensually his hips. Spreading his legs and lifting up his ass. Eren reaches to coat his fingers with semen, then reaching down to his tight puckered asshole, Eren shoves his cum sticky fingers inside himself. Screaming in need and pleasure as he ruts himself against them. Never looking away from Zeke who can’t take his eyes off him.

>Eren is perfect.

>He really is. Too much. It’s too much. Zeke reaches down to pump his cock. Hard again from watching Eren pleasure himself. From seeing Eren’s naked body. Zeke beats off, in tune to Eren’s movements. Erotic. Exceptional. Zeke is certain. This is destiny. Eren is his fated one. And he is so grateful.

>Zeke moves closer to the bed.

>To cum again, all over Eren’s body.


Final confrontation soon.

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it’s erens baby but historia is not the mother

He'd support Mikasa having lots of children with a Hizuru prince

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>Hans: E-Eren! Knock first!

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All ships with manlet are gross, sorry manlewhales but he's ugly

Can't wait for the family reunion.

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Eren momzoned her years ago let it go

Imagine actually thinking that this joke moment is meant to prove anything

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Eren loves Historia and Historia loves Eren

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>ZE fanfic
This thread needs to be burned.

*slavezoned her

Don't bully Yelena

Post unironically good fanfics. I'll start

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>discount Armin
No thanks.

Armin best boy.

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and CUTE

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Armin's best boy AND best girl.

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He is very brave, honorable and smart young man. Not girl!

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Post yfw Eren told his men to kill the manlet

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Man I feel bad for all these faggots thinking this shounen won't betray them like many others.

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Did he though?

He didn't exactly but he knew Zeke will try to anything to get rid of him. For Eren his superiors are disposable


>For Eren his superiors are disposable

Floch doing as he pleases. If not for Hange manlet would have been killed by a fodder.

>Floch doing as he pleases.
Eren hasn't been there for any of it. He probably doesn't even know half of what Floch has done.

Yes. It was Eren's men that spiked the wine and they went to the forest knowing manlet was the only Scout they'd have to fight while the rest were titanized. To Eren: Zeke > manlet

There is always headcanon anyway. I got used to it.
Only YOU can truly know what ship is da best.
Speaking of which...
How do you guys look at Armin and Jean potential couple? I think it's pretty underrated, since Jean is a pretty nice guy as well. Someone may even say that he is better suited for Armin than Eren (the main thing going between Eren and Armin is the fact that they're childhood friends), but Jean is kinda better for Armin personality-wise.

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Eren knows manlet is Zeke's biggest threat. He was waiting for him, he is letting Yaegerists do as they please.

>Eren killed Zackly

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Eren's men aren't Eren, you have no proof at all that he gave any of these orders.

That doesn't mean he gave them orders to do what they did.

Eren will probably kill floch himself

>Hongo saves manlet
I would send death threats if I were a fujo.


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They literally destroyed Zackley. Eren not stopping them doesn't give you enough clue?
Did you skip the part where Zeke and Eren had a place and a time to meet?

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and Sasha...

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Indifference isn't the same as telling someone to do it.
>Did you skip the part where Zeke and Eren had a place and a time to meet?
How's that relevant?

Not really, I'm just pointing out the facts. You don't know what a naysayer is for?
Eren, so far, hasn't ordered anything.

LEshits are literally retarded, they took all that marketing too seriously when they barely have much interaction. EAr and YH interact way more.
They may ship LM and EHans using their logic

>They literally destroyed Zackley
Who said that Eren ordered to kill him?

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>E-Eren doesn't know about the wine, guys.
>H-he'll turn on his men any second.

Eren doesn't stop them because Eren doesn't care. He only cares about Zeke and he is expecting to meet with him using any means.

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>Eren doesn't stop them because Eren doesn't care.
And you can prove this? Prioritizing meeting with Zeke =/= Not caring.

Floch died in Shiganshina.

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Not as unpopular as you may think. In my all-girls secondary school it was pretty popular as a side ship.

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True, mental illness knows no boundaries.

>aaaaaaany second...

Zeke>>>>>>>>>>>>>manlet's life

Eren doesn't know what happened with manlet, so your putting forward a theory, not stating a fact from the manga.

Are these people serious? How do they think Zeke was going to escape from manlet and 30 scouts?

Manlet is Hongo tier for him.

What does that even mean?

He knows 30 soldiers and manlet were guarding Zeke, and that those soldiers would be titanized and his men would carve through anyone in their way to get Zeke. Sorry, Eren doesn't give a shit about the gremlin.

That they are just his superiors.

Manletfujos are retarded.

Not like he would care.

>He knows 30 soldiers and manlet were guarding Zeke
>and that those soldiers would be titanized
You can prove this? Again, there's zero evidence that Eren knew this was going to happen



could armin use the shifter powers to grow a special ribbed cock that can satisfy annie to multiple orgasms? iseyama please respond

>E-Eren doesn't know about the wine, guys.
Yeah, he thought that the new armband system being adopted right outside his stronghold by peopl that answer mainly to him was just a fashion choice

>zero proof
>his men literally spiked them.

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>his men literally spiked them.
And you can prove Eren ordered them?

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It's unironically Armong's most popular pairing

Manletfujos can't be this retarded, can they? I want to think they are trolling

post more EZ

Yes, and he knows Zeke would just
>Zeke: Levi-kun, my biggest enemy, and his 30 men, I know you don't trust me but please let me go
>Manlet: Ok Zeke you can go
>Zeke: arigatou senpaiii

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This series and OP are a mistake.

Eren would kill the manlet if necessary and if he gets in his way.

Based, Armin is cute.

What you said:
>there's zero evidence that Eren knew this was going to happen
Eren's men titanized them, he knew about it, and he didn't give a shit. Eren doesn't give a rat's ass if manlet dies.


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I love that one

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Just the last part would do for me please

He might, but you can't prove it, nor can I. Nobody can.

>he knew about it
You don't know that. The wine was only intended for higher ups. You have no proof whatsoever that the wine was ever intended for manlets squad.

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Kid EZ are very cute.

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Eren is a Mary sue.

We've come full circle. We're past our Armin-hating stage and back to 2013 era stage where everyone agrees his ass is for pounding.

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LH passionate lovemaking when?

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He should be a girl

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scuffed historia

imagine teasing armin about the time you annihilated his booty after he's the colossal titan and he's still too much of a bitch to do anything

Manletfujos pretend that Eren and manlet are deeply in love with each other based on nothing but their own degenerate porn. They are retarded by default, this is nothing new.

Then how come he hasn't accomplished anything on his own in the entire series?

*superior historia

No. Historia has different face, different nose, different haircut, different personality.

Manletfujos read a different manga. Nohing new here.

i don't know what the fuck this thread is but i guess i cant hate it too much. at least its a little different from the usual bowl of cancer we're served

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That's just Historia with a pig nose

>"...Those who blew Darius Zackly away with a bomb. We did so because the military government was moving forwards with a plan to have someone more convenient to them inherit your Founder. Even though you are the only one... Who can save our Eldian Empire. Eren Yeager.

>"I'll locate Zeke. That's it."


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why are EHfags triggered over femarmin? is it because she threatens their ship?

Yeah, it's a bowl of cholera instead. How nice.

They are, and desperate to blame everything on Flocke.

>3 titans
>leader of the Eldian Empire

t. seething fujofatnigger and/or Bort

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femarmin doesn't exist, user.

It's people just pointing out the laziness of that design.


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if were armin gayposting for one thread i may as well just say this panel always struck me as a special kind of gay

nothing lazy about it, its exactly what he would logically look like.

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Laziness of this design? It's just Armin with longer hair. Point out then laziness of Isayama's design because he gave characters similar faces.


"GEE", it's almost as if Eren doesn't give a fuck about Floch's methods as long as he can meet Zeke, because of coursw manlet and his 30 men would just let him go

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>that image
meh, not cute enough

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Will LH child look somewhat like Pieck?

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well as long as they stay away from historia or not messing with his plan, he would probably be okay with them running around.

>Theory, theory, theory
Look, just come back when you can prove something.

You don't need to be EHfag to point out the obvious, dingus

Of course he's fine with them running around, that's why he's only working on getting to Zeke. Saying he doesn't care, is a very different thing. He cared about Sasha, but if you want to make an omelette, you gotta crack some eggs.

What? How do you expected Zeke to escape from his worst enemy and his men? Are you retarded?

but its true tho. eren are very careless about the yeagerist. mikasa was almost killed from the bomb that kill zackly. also mikasa armin and the other were also in danger of Zeke wine that jean almost drink. while I agree he probably didnt order anything, he just doesnt care about manlet life

But I love her angry face. Femarmin wouldn't be dumb bimbo but smart ruthless girl. That's why I like idea of her.

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Girls are yucky.
Armin is perfect as he is.
Besides, you always have Historia. She is like poor man version of Armin. Not as cute, not as smart, but oh well.

And Eren didn't tell Floch that what he did was wrong, nor did he oppose the wine plan that is currently taking place right outside his doorstep inside Shinganshina and he was fully aware of Zeke's escape plans.

What? How do you know Eren expected Floch and Co. to titanize manlets men and send him into a murderous frenzy that nearly cost him the person he was meant to meet up with? Are you retarded?
There's obviously a lot we don't know about how things were supposed to go down. Zeke would have never reached Eren if it wasn't for the god loli.

Careless =/= not caring. Don't conflate the terms.

>he just doesnt care about manlet life
You can prove this? Again, he cared about Sasha, but if you want to make an omelette, you gotta crack some eggs.

he definitely care but he is still risking their life. its like he will cry if they died yet he is still risking their life (sasha for example). i guess care isnt the correct world. neglectful would be better

Everything involving Armin is pretty gay, even talking to Annie about his seashell

Why would you tease him about it?
You don't want to be cruel to him, the guy suffered enough.
maybe tease him a bit in private, but it wouldn't be possible if he is in colossal titan form

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>And Eren didn't tell Floch that what he did was wrong
Eggs. Omelettes.

>Shinganshina and he was fully aware of Zeke's escape plans.
You can prove this?

Risking their lives means it's a risk, something he's doing without being sure of whether or not it's worth doing. He's not neglectful, he's measured. He has weighed their lives against the outcome of his plan and found them worth the cost.

Read the above.

If they children will be as beautiful as Pieck they need to fuck asap and make them as many as possible.

I think you mean cuckren SEETHING over Armin confiding in people other than him

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>Risking their lives means it's a risk, something he's doing without being sure of whether or not it's worth doing. He's not neglectful, he's measured. He has weighed their lives against the outcome of his plan and found them worth the cost.
basically their life isnt worth much to him as long as his plan is completed.

He didn't give orders because he doesn't give a shit.

Kinda sad when you think about how he, Armin, and Marco were really good friends with each other. Now only one's alive.

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Mikasa and manlet will team up to stop Eren.

and fail miserably

am I the only one who finds EHange relationship better and more complex than eren and Manlet? I actually want to see Eren and Hange meeting way more than boring manlet.

Their lives vs the lives of everyone on Paradis is a good trade, even if their friends.

So you can't prove anything.

The memes that came out of that chapter were unbelievable.

No, punished injured manlet will be busy making cute daughters with Hans

> if you want to make an omelette, you gotta crack some eggs.
you know that contradict your statement right? when you crack an eggs, you would throw away the egg shells (sasha) because it is not valuable to you, only the egg yolk (the outcome) that is what you needed for the omelette (plan)

>tfw no giant bf with tits you could sleep on
>tfw I have no face

>You can prove this?
Eren and Zeke had a designated time and place to meet each other

>"Eren, fall."

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> the lives of everyone on Paradis is a good trade
user you still thinking eren is fight for paradis.......

>So you can't prove anything
>guarded by manlet and 30 men
>Zackley, dead by Yaegerists
>Yaegerists and everyone know manlet is Zeke's main threat
>Eren and Zeke planned to meet to a certain place/time
>Manlet and his men wouldn't allow it
Your brain. Use it.

Offscreen friendships don't count for shit

You mean their lives vs long life of Historia? Because every sacrifice could have been avoided if Historia had been titanized.

Please don't bring this again or this will be a shipper battle again

Her live was the valuable part, there had to be casualties and she was that casualty.

And to you, that means he knew that he was going get manlets squad turned into titans, blown in half, resurrect etc etc?

You don't?

So you can't prove it outside of your reasoning? Nothing actually concrete?

No, I mean their lives. Historia obviously plays some part in this whole thing, but I couldn't care less about shipping

>when you plan your dream vacation with your bf and he spends the entire time being an emo faggot

Then what is Eren fighting for?

>Muh baby

>Eren doesn't know about the wine
It's not like Eren can't visit the prison any time when Jean and Connie are witness.

Can't have Eren and Connor meet that's bad news

>Her live was the valuable part, there had to be casualties and she was that casualty.
Im not saying her life isnt valuable. Im just saying that your omelette and egg sentences contradict what you are saying
>You don't?
its obvious since chapter 90. in fact all these mess would have not happen if eren sacrificed historia. he rather put paradis and the rest of friends in danger because he cant sacrifice historia

>n-nothing actually concrete
USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. How do you think Zeke and Ere were going to meet when manlet and his men wouldn't let him?
This is "the hobo is not Eren" tier.

muh friends or muh Paradis

muh freedom

Shipping? I don't ship EH, I dislike EH. BUT READ FUCKING MANGA. Everything has started because Eren didn't allow government to titanize Historia, instead he escaped to Marley on his own and brought Zeke to Paradis, became reason of Sasha's death and a lot of other things. I will be happy if there's something more than just saving Historia behind all shit he had done but I really doubt.


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>being this retarded

Shitlet is irrelevant now. She'll team up with the warriors.

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There's not much to say about Eren and Manlet anyway. They're just subordinate and superior and neither the manga nor the anime pander to LEfujos.

Freedom of what?


>People actually believe Eren is being deceived by the Jegerist and he doesn't know about the wine and the shit they do.
this is sad

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saving historia and probably ymir shit about reincarnating in historia child. that probably it

Don't cry calm down


>manletfujo on meltdown mode

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I mean Farmer or Flegel could be the father but Historia is still more important to Eren than the manlet.

>I mean Farmer or Flegel could be the father
>Erenfags are cucks

Manletwhales are desperate.

>This arc is caused by pic related
wouldnt blame eren tho. I mean historia and his mom were two important individual who make him want to live and move forward. seeing the person who help you continue living be a slave and live a short life would mess up eren a little bit

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>Muh Paradis even though I'm destroying the country from the inside while bringing war to our doorstep

That wasn't my post but a shitletfags are not in position to complain. Your character is shit and disposable for Eren's cause

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Too bad EHfats can't grasp the concept that Eren likes to protect his friends.

>bring a war to our doorstep
but that actually is his plan. now i think about it, i suspected that eren attack liberio because he wants them to invade him back in marley arc. I guess its become canon

>reduced to fingerpointing
Sad manletcuck

>n-not my post

I believe farmer is the father manletcuck

>the only one who can destroy all the titans is eren

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Not him but the fact that Historia matters more to Eren than Manlet has nothing to do with characterfagging. It's just basic common sense and ability to read.

>likes to protect his friends.
>risk them life in liberio
>send mikasa to fight the WHT alone
>actually cause sasha death
>zeke wine almost killed jeanbo
>mikasa died of explosion
>beat up armin and messed mikasa
>bring them to the place where he will activate the rumbling

>I believe farmer is the father
Are you a cuck?

This, you don't have to ship shit to see it.

>mikasa almost died of zackly explosion

>likes to protect his friends
>Puts one "friend" over other friends and country
Oh yes of course

>implying liberio eren is the same as pre-marley eren
Entire argument thrown out the window. Historia is pregnant now.

No, manletcuck. If Eren is the father then oh well, but that topic is too boring.

>>the only one who can destroy all the Eldians is Eren

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I think many people speedread the uprising arc and probably miss eren and historia development.


If Erwin had been alive he would have fed Eren to someone else even before wht with the first signs of weird behavior. And it would be right decision

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>what is personality change
>what is referring to pre-timeskip eren, not post-timeskip edgeren
EHwhales are fucking retarded.

You have to mean Armong because he never gave that much of a shit about Historia.
>literally was willing to let all of humanity die to save Armong in the serumbowl

>self insert as Eren
>wants the farmer to be the father

>entire argument thrown out the window


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>caused sasha's death

>no mention of headcanon anywhere, just stating basic fact that he's practically a different person with different ideas
sasuga EHcuck

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The way he protected my favorite girl during unnecessary attack on Marley? Yeah


this is why he is dead, Eren, Yelena, and Floch would be dead and if he was alive.

>world declaring war on eldia
why are EHwhales so braindead?

He protected no one but Historia by choosing to shut up. The safety of the whole island including himself and his other friends were possibly in the balance when he made that decision.

didnt you just say that he care about his friends retard? I debunk your ass then you go "EHwhales are fucking retarded.: like its the only thing your tiny brain can make up.
>he never gave that much of a shit about Historia.
a retard and a speedreader. sausuga brainlet

because his friends are so "protected" right now

Yeah, I know but still.. What a chad he was.

are you so triggered by EH that you lost common sense?

Wow he protected a friend that happens to be a girl, it must be LURVE!

Fucking please. Nobody's safety was really at risk when he hid that information.

I think you are losing it user

>nobody safety was risk
>what is world anger at eldian
>what is marley

>unnecessary attack on Marley
Fuck off, Janbo

Yeah except the fact that a nuclear weapon would protect Paradis.

How did this attack prevent world from declaring war, retard? It literally was useful only to Eren and Historia because now world's army is on the way to the island so Paradis can't wait until Historia gives birth.

>Fucking please. Nobody's safety was really at risk when he hid that information.
Is this a new level of delusional?

Eren had already changed before he went to Liberio. He started taking indepedent actions after meeting with Yelena, had clandestine meetings with volunteers, probably gathered the first few who would be later known as the Jeagerists all of that while he was still on the island. Not to mention the Historia business which he was 100% involved in regardless of whether or not he is the father.

Just the LEpedophile
Poor dumblrina who got banned for pedophile

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So this is what sheer retardation looks like...

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Ok, let's see if I got this: Eren doesn't know about the wine but he somehow let Jean with the rest who could tell the others and Eren if he visits them?

I don't like EH or Eren for the matter but is pretty clear he is doing this mess for Historia sake. Eren is a very self-centered individual.

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>You have to mean Armong because he never gave that much of a shit about Historia
Holy shit, is this real life?

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now I think about, every yeagerist know about the wine and yet the leader doesnt know. they have a different arm band for those who drank the wine and the yeagerist didnt because they were aware and yet such plan is not known to eren the freaking leader? not to mention that zeke is delusional and think eren wouldnt betray him so why do he need to keep it a secret?

>is pretty clear he is doing this mess for Historia sake
>Eren is a very self-centered individual.
Damn right, user. Based Eren

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Ellen is a good mom.

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Simple, because Eren knows and most likely knew long before fucking off to Marley. That might have actually been one of the first things Yelena told him about when they met.

>he smiled

Same here. I don't like EH, current Eren and Historia but right now it is the most obvious explanation of Eren's actions. Of course Isayama can write some unpredictable plot twist like Zeke's ressurection but available information shows that Eren is doing everything for Historia at the first place.

>.Eren is a very self-centered individual.
this is why I like eren. its not about muh hero and self sacrifice shit like this cuck in pic (now i think about it, irisviel look like post timeskip historia)

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