5Toubun no Hanayome

Reminder to ignore the anti-Nino falseflagger

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Other urls found in this thread:


Nino is an ugly bitch.
Miku is much cuter.

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This post is an attempted psy op by a Ninofag

God I want to fuck Fuutarou

Nino is a slut and worst girl.

Haha, yup. They made such a mess of who's who in this that normal people are completely confused.

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With Nino in the lead, what cute date lies ahead for Fuut and Nino in Kyoto? Obviously Nino will make way to meet him and he'll heed her request once he gets the chance. Not to mention there is still the photo mystery with her vague memory of young Fuuts so hopefully that'll be brought back up.

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Can Yotsuba even save herself. Her eyes are showing no hope.

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Why don't we try to make this a semi-decent thread after the shitfest that just happened? I will start. At what moment did you start putting your quint as your number 1 and why? Try not to argue or be an asshole to each other (I realize that's asking for a lot).

For me, it would be around chapter 20 when she saved his job. She didn't need to, but she still ended up lying to their father to make sure he could stick around. Nino's is hard to pin down for me because it was a really long development over the course of like 40-50 chapters.

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Ichika will cockblock her hard, so don't hope for anything major

nino a shit
tsundere a shit

Nino sure is a cutie

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nino a shit

is this the new sip ?

Miku and Itsuki must be shit then.

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There's no difference between Ninofag and braindead chink.


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How t he fuck can anyone like this stupid bitch? I don't know about you but after drugging and abuse I would fucking call the cops and get a restraining order, are her fans masochists?

Best girl

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There's no difference between Ichikafags, Ninofags, Mikufags, Yotsubafags and Itsukifags.

no more yous for you tonight falseflagger

Of course there is, the others aren't as militant and rabid as Ninofags and they actually contribute to threads instead of pure bait and shitposting.


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>putting my bros on the same level as cancerous Ninoretards

Kill yourself

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Nino a best. Ichika a shit.

He's not wrong, THK.

Yup, especially Itsuki. Stay in denial all you like.

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These threads are terrible you guys just try to find faults to quints which are not you favorites and act as if it's your opinion which will matter.

>hating bestchika

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Cry more. You're all the same.

Heh, Yea Forums reached an agreement that it's actually the Ninofags who are falseflagging to ruin the other quints reputation last thread.


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Would you really call actual Miku a tsundere now? She's literally the Kosaki of the manga right now

Nino is great. Even her cancerous haters are becoming tsundere for her. I mean they must be considering the extreme obsession and rent free that goes on in their heads.

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Oops, meant haters.

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>moving the goalpost

>Yea Forums
Hi, OP who failed at samefagging and falseflagging Mikufags and Itsukifags from the last two threads that got purged.

Nice proxypoll.

>Would you really call actual Miku a tsundere now?
The same could be said to Nino but her obsessed haters beg to differ. Each quint has shown tsundere traits, not enough to define them as one but small tidbits that just happen not often.

>anti-nino falseflagger still ban evading

Yea Forums agreed you are cancer and should kill yourself. Even your fellow haters are embarrassed and are forced to shift the blame to Ninofags in an attempt to save face.


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Nino isn't important or relevant enough to have obsessive haters like Itsuki, she's one step from a side character that has no impact on the narrative, thus is frankly irrelevant.
What she does have a is a few obsessive fans that falseflag to make it seem like there's a significant amount of attention on her.


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damn ichikafags are cancerous
who knew

>there is still the photo mystery with her vague memory of young Fuuts so hopefully that'll be brought back up.
I really hope its brought up, it has to considering Ichika has the photo. I've always been anxious to know Ninos perspective on the boy in the photo then learn it's actually Fuuts. What'll happen once she learns the truth?

Probably demand and try to force him to dye his hair or else she'll stop liking him

>she's one step from a side character that has no impact on the narrative, thus is frankly irrelevant.
Good to know no one should take you post seriously



You fucking know it, and you're shaking since you don't wanna admit it.
No one has any narrative worth in this story besides Rena, Itsuki and Fuutarou. While those 3 have constant, natural struggles the others just have a checklist of problems to solve before they're shelved for a few arcs to be brought up again to instigate another drama

Imagine believing this

fatty cute

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Yeah obviously Itsuki is the main quint but that doesn't mean the other 4 had no contribution to the story and Fuutarous character. They're all important, not just Itsuki.

I never expected to get a delusional Ninofag to agree with me, but always nice to know they're so easy to school.

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>only itsuki is important
Uwah, for someone whom hates ninofags so much, you sure shat on 4/5s of the fanbase.

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You can pretty much cut out any quint, especially Nino and Yotsuba from the story and Fuutarou's character would remain the same.

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The other don't really mind since they already know what Itsuki's position, Ninofags need to be constantly reminded like asylum patients.

Speak for you nigger.

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>itsukinigger getting uppity

Amazing argument, changed my opinion on you fags.

Itsuki is best girl and best friend material. Fuutarou is a lucky guy

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>don't really mind
Don't lump me together with pathetic people that only because thinks he can't win, he starts hiding behind "garanteed" winners.

>ninofags spam nino constantly in 5toubun threads and even unrelated threads
>all other waifufags are somehow in the wrong for calling them out on their bullshit
really really really makes you think

I don't know which threads are worst, Kaguya or 5-toubun.

pathetic falseflagger cry more

>on you fags.
At least, talking to you made me notice it really wasn't the ninofags shitposting after all, it was your insecure self.

>especially Nino
If not for Nino he would've lost his job. And don't say if Nino wasn't here they would've had more time to study. Even if they did they all still wouldn't have passed all subjects like their father wanted. If not for her white lie Fuutarou wouldn't have married none of them and his character would remain robotic/ less opened up to things compared to now thanks to being around the quints.

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I want to pat her ahoge and feed her some burgers

I wanna see the Miku cover already

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Probably by the end of the month

end of month user

I love Ichika

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Snake was a mistake.

>loves a backstabbing cunt

Still better than for example some random meek qt.

>not loving a girl who is willing to do anything to fight for her love

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5toubun is the official romanization.

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>loving a girl willing to backstab her pure sister for personal benefit
absolutely pathetic

>Nino tries to make a move on Fuutarou but her future wife puts her in her place

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When will Itsuki bitchslap Ichika?

>manga is literally "guess who's the bride"
>retards think it's the first/main girl, the only obvious and boring choice, killing the whole point of the manga

Sorry, fattycucks. Itsuki ain't winning this.

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So you're saying Itsuki will marry Nino?

time to rustle some jimmies

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Best girls are never bitchslapped.

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Nino has been already bitchslapped.



thanks Yotsubro

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Why can’t we just love all the quints equally?

we can, but some people can't stop bitching on quints.

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im about to order a Nino plate. What should i get with it??

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My prediction for the following chapters is that 428 is gonna save the day

Burrito and fries user

But at what cost?

Try the quesadilla with rice and beans

>Mexican food

Sleeping pills and a glass of water

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wtf its a small ass plate, it came with a toy too

Seriously, this is the typical Kitsune face and smile. It clear that she's hiding something.

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I may have spedread, but when did he get the bracelet back?

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I'm going to marry Miku!

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>she's hiding something.
She's hiding nothing.

Eat Nino's taco.

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Chapter 31-32. it seems she put him on his hand when he still sick.

put it*

Being a martyr is just her personality,

When he was sick during the field trip, she put it back on his hand right before the quints all held his hand.


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What went wrong?

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Is it just the drawing that has the right side of her mouth slightly open or is her smile actually starting to crack?

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first option, Negi already did the same with Miku chapter 67

so which quint will gonna get the most NTR mindbreak ahegao doujins?

Miku, NTR doujin incoming, and I'm not joking

Which Chino would you pick?

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>inb4 the five girls were Rena

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>Be kid
>See this qt boy you want to talk to
>Tell your sister and she's cucks you into becoming everyone's bottom bitch till the end.
You snooze you lose

If Yotsuba wins i will personally suck every Yotsufag dick and drink their cum

I'll be waiting user

4, and then 1, because she has a ponytail, and 3 is cute

isn't she like turboslut?

you will regrete your words user

t. negi

At the least she's hiding her true feelings of actually wanting to compete for Fuu-kun, at the very most is the 8 Dimensional keikaku we all theorize where she's Rena, she's the kisser, she controls Abe and shit.
Or maybe she just have a martyr personality

This last one is clearly very intentional. She might be about to crack, which would happen in her arc

Yotsuba doesn't like Fuutarou romantically

I actually had a dream about the quints but Yotsuba wasn’t there at all, Nino was barely there. What does it mean

Is that my wife chino cosplaying as my wife

Nope.Fuutarou is an expert at fake smile.He already saw her with that smile couple of times and said nothing of it.

This, but unironically
You probably don’t focus on them that much

>Said nothing of it
I'm not that sure user. I'm sure he's aware of it but doesn't understand the reason

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What a bet to make on the only widely accepted end, and one that Negi could safely pull.
Better get ready.

I think Fuutarou will slowly recognize her martyr-ism soon.

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Nino is my favorite and Yotsuba is my second favorite amusingly enough.

>everyone who doesn't like nino is a falseflagger
ninoniggers are so fucking obnoxious

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t. falseflagger

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I believe the general consensus is that we wanna protect these smiles.

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hey you fucking worthless losers, is this obvious waifu bait show worth watching?

>ch78 proves that Nino is the best girl and only the blind dogfags don't see it.

Ninofags / Bro can be cool ,relax , eat chips and post the best Nino's pic because Nino is clearly the winner.My Negi is not very subtle about it!

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Yes. They are the top 3 quints.

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No. You'll waste you're life. I've been so invested in this show that I even get into fights on twitter with Ninoretards.

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Wrong, these are the top 3 quints.

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I just love how no one actually dislikes Yotsuba

Miku's soft virgin body.

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That's because Yotsuba is a bro and she sunk her own ships. Of course, if she happens to be the first crush and/or Rena, being a bro won't save her from the fanboy knives.

They'll only attack if she's confirmed the winner. But that's no way that'd happen.


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No one expects the Yotsuba inquisition

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>Yotsuba and Itsuki gaining popularity in Japan after Nino getting exposed

I like this timeline, bros

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obviously low testosterone japs will pick the less problematic of them

true men like war and struggle

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husband next to his wife

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>started liking nono after she stoped treating fuuts like an enemy
>pic related happens
Tsunderes truly are the eternal shit

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He's lying
Don't entertain him.

I recognize this paneling.

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But this is the only chapter in the Kyoto arc where she will get any focus.

why is ishigami so high

>Ishigami way above Fuutarou

I knew my boy could pull it off

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Too bad you're not a true man.

You know I didn't really believe in there being a THK until these threads, but god damn.

Stop posting that facebook tier shit

There is no THK, Ninofags can't handle the hate so they need a to bring up 10 year old boogeymans

Snakefags on suicide watch.

After getting exposed like that, he is in overdrive.

The only thing that got exposed is Ninofag falseflaging in the last few threads, there's really nothing you say that can change this fact.

She was digging her own grave way before that. Retards here like to compare her to Kirino but Kirino played the slow game and she won, Nino showed her cards before her sisters.

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She just sank her own ship.

More liek zetsubou.

Did you find your proof yet?
The screencaps are still saved here.

>true men like war and struggle
>Picks the toth that is going directly for him


Are you planning on avatarfagging too?

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>hates nino
>saves all of her pictures
Is he ok?

I post Nino ironically. I don't know who that other fag is.

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>snuff and rape
BASED mentally saneposter.

Yes I am

People have always hated Nino in these threads, newfag-kun.

Yotsuba with a Creampie!

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true endgame then?



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Why does Yea Forums like flopsuba again?

Reminder that Nino is a shallow 3DPD slut with the most shallow and fickle feelings for Fuutarou

What kind of a "man" not only doesn't like Nino, but actually goes out of her way to shit up the board with Nino hate?

For me, it's because inside I'm a self-depreciating loser who never gets what he wants, so it's easy to at some level feel identified with Yotsuba and wanting to root for her.
Maybe she can win where I'll never couldn't

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A lot of things, her design is as generic as fuck but her bully and overbearing attitude is obnoxious

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>muh Ichikafags
>muh snake
rent free 23niggers

>Ishigami next to Kaguya
>Chika next to Shirogane
I want to believe

>japs pick the shitty tsundere

Itsuki > Miku > Yotsuba > Ichika > Nino

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Why is Dororo on the female chart?

There is no fucking THK holy shit get a grip

A cat in second place. A FUCKING CAT IN SECOND PLACE! We can't trust those people.

Why yes, yes I do love Miku.

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What the fuck happened to these threads?

Nino haters wake up

People had something recent to latch on in their dislike of Nino. Naturally people can’t let it be

>Yea Forums hating cocky tsunderes is a normal occurrence for years
Oh, it's this guy. I'm sorry you guys have to deal with it.


23 have jobs now. Only 45 are still rent free.

my wife chino is so cute

Nino was too forceful in the raws that came out and Nino haters jumped on it immediately. So naturally, a lot of shit-slinging back and forth happened.

Is this autism?

Yea Forums must really be the most schizophrenic board on this website with the amount of new boogiemen i keep seeing you faggots referring to every other month

I love Miku

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anyone have the image of nino hanging herself

That only shows that you don't leave Yea Forums that much, but that in itself is a good thing, so good for you.


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I just want a group of qt quints to say my name in their own trope ways. Is that so much to ask?

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I can understand if it is your favorite quint and/or second favorite but five of them? Are you sure user?

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Miku here looks cute but I vastly still prefer her longer hair

whats the sauce of that pic user?

I’d rather have a potato like Tomoko

Itsuki looks so soft.

It's amazing how a simple hairstyle change can boost a 7/10 to 10/10

Wanna lick Itsuki flabs

> master1200


Just like Nino's chances



A dying Toubun thread? That's rare these days

Shitposters are calming down. It's for the best.

>thread is autosaging
Well shit

Mods might have banned the samefaggers again.

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I'm tired m8, it's been a week. Happily, we Yotsubros are alright

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Nah, just checked and they've fucked with the thread.

The thread is on autosage.

Ninohaters ruined another thread.


>a fellow fattybro
What a rare sight

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>Ichika is worst girl and has plenty of haters, but Nino haters are cancer by comparison
What went wrong?

Or from last place to first place if you look at the polls

Ichika is best girl and did nothing wrong, though.

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>the 5toubun fanbase
Snipping LHT was a mistake.

Most Nino hate that's still being pushed are just Ichikafags trying draw attention away from Ichika's cunt actions. They try too hard thus vomit the floor everywhere.

Ichikabros and Mikubros should make a discord channel to thwart every single Ninofags on Yea Forums

>LHT group still seething

Based, see you guys later

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Nah, last chapter legitimately made people dislike Nino again. She went too far and pretty much shot herself in the foot

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>dragging Mikubros into your little IRC raid
Kill yourself.

The answer for that will always be Oregairu.

If we convince the Yea Forums team to drop the series then maybe we can put an end to the fanbase

Go back, Snakefag.

Take a break once in a while, you can check the archives later.
..or maybe don't just for today, this thing isn't healthy at all.

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Cry somewhere else Ninoggers

>Ichikafags overreact and grasp at straws over omg rude meanie when she was confessing and being blunt about her sincere affections
Nice lie.

See you fellas in the release thread

Go back. You can also go back to plebbit.

Yes yes, it's all the big bad Ichikafags' fault.

No idea, probably some historical chink drama.

>Japan hates Nino
>Yea Forums hates Nino
>Only Reddit still likes Nino

What did you mean by this

>Snakefag requests discord raid and pretends Mikufags are on his side despite the fact lots of Ichika hate are from Mikufags
Desperate and no dignity.

Mikubros hates Ninofags, that's our common ground

Japan and Yea Forums loves Nino. More than Ichika at least.

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Only in your delusions, THK.

Speak for yourself.

Does Japan really hate Nino? She seems to get more quality fanart than even Miku

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>using an old poll to back up his argument


Nino is widely considered one of the worst girls of the season though

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Who the fuck is THK?

god I wish that was me

Haha, nope. Ichika and her cancerous fans are the common enemy now, and thanks to that most put their differences on hols in order to get rid of Ichikafags.

>Does Japan really hate Nino?
No, she's pretty much the second most popular quint.

Yea Forums's resident super autist who hates tsundere.

A boogeyman a Ninofag who's new to these threads is latching onto. Just ignore it

>poll from a couple of weeks ago

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No. Snakefags wish, though. Nino is currently the second most popular after Miku.


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>page 10

Easy bait. But, you know, being popular invalidates being most hated. A vocal minority shouting at the top of their lungs are only just that.

Put Kaguya instead of Chika and I'll agree 100%

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Can you get even more gullible than this? Your attempts are getting really sad.

I don't. As long as Ichikafags defend Ichika's underhanded actions, there will be no peace between me and Snakefags.

Seething ninofag

This, she dropped hard in my ranking with that little stunt of hers.
Fuutarou definitely needs to stay away from those crazy bitches Nino and Ichika
Only Itsuki can give him a peace of mind now

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So not only only are there more Ninofags than Ichikafags, Ichika is the second most hated. Nice.

You're confusing challenge with struggle.
Men love a challenge. They love a test of their ability with a reward, especially when others tend to fail that test.
Nino doesn't offer any challenge for him at this point. The only one who does is Itsuki, and maybe yotsuba.

Blame the anti-nino autists.

Kill yourself, Chikafag.

I'm Mikufag and I hate you Snakefags.

>My name Itsuki and I will win because I was the first to appear.
>My name Miku and I am the bait for the target demographic.
>My name Ichika and I am the onee sama of the group despite being barely older.
>My name is Yotsuba and I am genki.
>My name Nino and I am a bitch.
What do you stans see in Nino?

Nino will never stop being the most hated though

Kaguya is overrated shit
Chika and Hayasaka are much better

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