Best girls by the decade, Yea Forums

Best girls by the decade, Yea Forums

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Respectable picks. I guess the 2000s are going to have slim selections because that decade sucked ass for anime.

meh i would rather have sayla than sayaka
unironiaclly misato
great but not best girl

Literally who?

Haruhi Suzumiya.

>no 1960s

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My picks

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Never finished one before. I tried out 0079 but it was unbearably dull.
Whatever. Give it to Frau Bo, or however you spell it.
Sumika Kagami.
Yoshiko Hanabatake.

Too lazy to make a image
> 1970
Lady Oscar (Rose of Versallies)
> 1980s
Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service)
> 1990
Lain (Serial Experiments Lain)
> 2000s
Fate Testerossa (Lyrical Nanoha)
> 2010s
Homura Akemi (Madoka Magica)

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I feel I am being extremely fair. I have so many runner-ups, though.

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I don't know any 70s anime. Only 80s anime I've watched is Ranma and that's almost 90s.

Oh boy
They made anime in the 70s??
Koari makimura (City hunter) / Kei (Dirty pair original)
Akane Tendo(Ranma 1/2)
Sakura haruno (Naruto)
Lisa Lisa (Jojo 2) / Fubuki (One punch man)

Sakura Wars started with OVAs in 1998 (and a video game before that.)

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what's the 70s show?

wait... urusei yatsura started in the 70s right?
You fags really haven't seen any of urusei yatsura?

shit nvm

You can't get into it once you have seen rumiko's superior works(ranma)

Lupin the turd

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this kills the Yea Forumsutist

My bad.
I knew about the Saturn game, but not the OVAs.. Well, then I'm changing her to Shana..

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