Trascend your basic taste, ascend into patricianhood; purge plotfags

Trascend your basic taste, ascend into patricianhood; purge plotfags.

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Kill yourself and stop spamming this shit.


every story has a plot you nigger, even a SoL episode has a plot

Everytime this man is posted, a plotfag somewhere kills himself.

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Plot > visuals
Content > wrapping
Sky also is blue

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Kino no Tabi is the best anime ever made.

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It disgusts me that some of my favorite anime are lumped together with literal trash in this list.

i dropped Flowers of Evil almost immediately because of the animation style is it worth watching?

not true but I still love you user

No but the manga is great, best girls wins in the end too

Read the manga.

What is a plotfag? i like plots more than artstyles

Not being a plotfag doesn't mean you only care about art (though I know some people do) but that you don't require a strong central and progressing plot to be invested in something.

I like most of the ones in the list but franxx was just bad

The manga was really good, it did not deserve that shit animation

Just another buzzword. Ignore him.
He's been the only one spamming this thread

Absolutely based.

this post is 50% correct

there's legit no way people put some of these shows anywhere close to some of the others

I bet I know which ones you're talking about and you're wrong. They are actually better than the works you are so fond of.

style is substance

Second row has good plot though, rest is mostly manchild trash

Based, fuck plotfags

Don't reply me you fucking manchild

Why isn't VEG used as a poster child for the visualbrainlets?

Shut up retarded plotfag

VEG doesn't have style nor substance.

paprika really deserves to be on there. that movie sucks ass, it’s all visuals no plot.

Is this the cinegrid thread?


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if you don't think flcl has substance you are a fucking retard that doesn't understand humans

Paprika is trash. everyone knows it. faggot

>all visuals no plot.
Cringe. Fuck off plotfag

You can make it into one. kid

Plotfags will never understand the keyboard shot.

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>no substance
Nigga how can you say shit like Utena and FLCL have no substance?
Oh wait I've been baited.

>mushi-shi has no substance
I'm sorry you have attention deficit disorder user, but you can't use it to hide your retardation.

It's a shitty meme buzzword to negatively refer to people who highly/exclusively value the plot structure of a show over its thematic or intellectual depth. Stuff where events happen, make sense, and are interesting on a surface level, usually due to being character-driven, yet lack (or are weak at establishing) any purposeful meaning behind them.

60% style, 10% good substance, 30% bad substance

Not what it means.

Just saw dead leaves a while ago and it was fucking sick, is there anything more aesthetically cool?

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what a stupid shitposting thread. this shit belongs on another board fuck all of you

not him, FLCL is a polished turd.

flcl is full of autistic characters though

The original maybe. Not the reboot.

yea fuck the reboot and it's cgshit vehicles and backgrounds ugh

Looks like a FLCL ripoff


Imagine being this fucking retarded

I really miss this meme

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Yea it does look like a real piece of shit. Makes sense.

There's nothing wrong with plot-centric stories, what's wrong is pseudo-intellectual children undermining entire works by magnifying minor plot contrivances as if there's nothing of value to something without a bulletproof storyline

now that you mention it each anime have similar style to other anime in its row

What's the appeal of it? I liked the episode where those three strangers betrayed her, but the rest were ok at best

I mean, i like the whole idea of Kino being an entity that merely observes and doesn't intervene, but the development of the plots was... just bland. I couldn't see what's so good about it, honestly

Because the visuals don't do anything for it. They're just detailed and that's it.