Elf Slave

New chapter is up


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did this caught up with the raws?

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seems like it

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end of the chapter

see you in a month or so

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Thanks for dumping the chapter, user.

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Thanks. This took forever to get translated

Is she really a salve?

let me guess; Barbaros, right?
thanks user

She's as of now no longer bound by any spell to serve the protag however she still wishes to dedicate her life to serving him and refers to him as master so... kinda

what is this manga about

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Stockholm syndrome

Pure vanilla slavery

Powerful wizard buys beautiful elf slave girl of a deceased demon lord during an auction because he fell in love with her
it's very cute

Do you even know what stockholm syndrome is or are you just pretending to be retarded?
Pretty much explained in the manga title "I, a Demon Lord, Took a Slave Elf as My Wife, but How Do I Love Her?".


>are you just pretending to be retarded?
user can read the manga and find out what is about
why should I answer him seriously?
also, I am replying to you, so maybe I am retarded. yes

>you try to do the right thing and are treated the bad guy feelsbadman

Thanks user
also when do we get the wholesome zagan/nephie sol chapters back?