One Piece (Cover & LCP) Kimetsu no Yaiba Dr. Stone The Promised Neverland act-age Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui (23p) Haikyuu!! (CP) My Hero Academia Black Clover Saigo no Saiyuuki Jujutsu Kaisen Boruto (CP/41p) Hinomaru Zumo We Never Learn Shishunki Renaissance! David-kun Chainsaw Man (CP/21p) Yuuna and the Haunted Hotsprings Shokugeki no Soma Gokutei Higuma ne0;lation Jimoto ga Japan
Jimoto ga Japan took the bottom slot again this week instead of switching with David like it usually does.
Are Jump going to let David compete as a normal series now?
Jacob Cooper
They are going to axe david, most likely.
Anthony Watson
But if this week is an indication of its actual ranking, it's out the immediate danger zone.
Landon Mitchell
>Ruined S3 for movie >now will ruin S4 Kek. BBCchads win again.
Christopher Diaz
>it's out the immediate danger zone. Both volumes sold like total garbage. It's in the FULL PANIC MOD DON'T AXE ME PLEASE zone.
Isaac Torres
>Souma higher than Higuma
I knew that it would have backlash after how shit the fox was as a enemy that supposed to be strong was, but that's a bit too much. At this rate the axe will be sooner than I expected.
To be fair, MHA only exists to fund bones passion projects.
Thomas Collins
>1 < 144 > Kimetsu no Yaiba >18 Preview >Cover & LCP: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Best place and best LCP for best title
Xavier Perez
>number of covers for one piece increasing during glorious nippon arc Hmm........
Ryan Miller
Davido-kun is changing from gag to romcom, maybe thats why.
Tyler Rivera
>19 18 you mean
Brandon Lewis
>Masician This cant be a fuck up can it?
Isaiah Wright
Wano was the arc Oda had been building up since the timeskip and was even brought up during Marineford. Punk Hazard, Dressrosa, and Zou were all leading up to Wano. This is the big arc. Oda also had Wano in the works for a long time since that prequel of his took place there.
Kayden Miller
ne0 and Higuma will get chain axed for sure.
Daniel Morales
>Boruto (CP/41p) Everytime I see this on the toc it has a fucking Color page.
Ryan Wright
I don't think there's any "backlash" regarding higuma. People are simply not interested in yet another generic exorcist manga when there's already Kimetsu, Jujutsu and even Chainsaw Man.
Connor Lewis
WNL gets color pages for next issue and the issue after. Jimoto gets a color page. There will be a special Kimetsu sidestory next issue called "Kimetsu no Yaiba: Tomioka Giyuu Gaiden - Part 1" (CP, 45p). Artist is Ryoji Hirano (Bozebeats).
Mason Reed
It's a monthly series, that's why.
Zachary Sanchez
No surprise. For Shueisha, Jujutsu is the most irrelevant (in no danger) title, so it will be last in its list of priorities, even under Hinomaru or Yuuna
Jace Butler
Based ugly and gay, they know exactly what they are doing.
Alexander Cruz
>For Shueisha, Jujutsu is the most irrelevant (in no danger) title, so it will be last in its list of priorities, even under Hinomaru or Yuuna Yeah, it's better to push Dr. No Sales another time.
Zachary Hill
I mean"backlash" as a result for his choice. He had a good chance to make his story interesting but fucked it up for choosing a boring conclusion and ended losing his readers.
Nolan Young
Where's my mecha
Nicholas Martinez
Either it sells a shitton of digital or I have no idea why it's being pushed so hard for so long.
Angel Moore
Nice that the Bozebeats guy is doing something, he's talented for sure.
Jayden Stewart
His last oneshot was so fucking good, I hope he will return with some nice series someday
>MHA gets two movies >BC not even a single movie OH NO NO NO what happened bros? I thought we were the next king of shonen
Landon Jones
>Artist is Ryoji Hirano (Bozebeats). At least i can expect cute boys.
Jackson Sullivan
Kimetsu and Act-age are at least getting anniversary covers. Jujutsu is being more forgotten than even Hinomaru
Nathan Price
Black Clover is trash, axe soon
Owen Bell
CSM color page leak when?
Nolan Murphy
Kimetsu is getting an anime next month, they cna't afford not to give it one now.
Brody Russell
I'm sure Jujutsu will get its anniversary cover next week, surely.
Daniel Ward
I remember when kimetsu got the cover for its second anniversary (not).
Alexander Ward
yeah, maybe he will get 5 more, one for each of Deku's 7 quirks.
David Lee
Reminder that Kimetsu is going to save the shonen genre
Noah Sanders
Dr. Stone is a very nice manga for your magazine's image. >Look, it's not just some fighting or sport shit. It's a COOL SCIENCE manga. On paper it has the potential to become something legendary like Detective Conan. The problem is that Dr. Stone simply isn't taking off.
Colton White
I wouldn't be surprised if it had a government subsidy either
Jonathan Allen
Not really, Conan has a huge appeal to kids with mystery and Conan being in the body of a kid and using kids trick. but science in Dr Stone is boring for kids and there's nothing really appealing in the series and the girls aren't cute.
Brody Martin
HeroChads RISE UP!
Austin Peterson
>On paper it has the potential to become something legendary like Detective Conan. Stonefags everyone
Joseph Howard
Well, it can't be worse than the first.
Nathan Davis
I'm not a stonefag though. Do you understand what "on paper" means?
It's possible that Stone, despite selling low, contributes a rare demo like older men or something, which could positively influence other sales. I wouldn't bet on this being the case, but they have to be keeping it around for some reason or another
Sebastian Jones
BChads don't need shitty non canon movies
Christopher Taylor
>15 < 10.5 > Jimoto ga Japan >16 < 11.57 > Shokugeki no Sōma >17 < 12.33 > Gokutei Higuma >18 < 13.14 > Ne0;Lation
these are damned, ain't they?
Jaxon Price
>Stone >selling low
where'd ya get that information?
Colton Rivera
Jimoto is safe for now. Souma is on freefall, Tsukuda is out of his mind and Tosh doesn't even bother. The others are straight up axed.
You can just check oricon and see how it's the lowest selling pseudo long runnig manga in the magazine barring AA which is actually catching up fast.
Ian Flores
>Souma is on freefall, Tsukuda is out of his mind
True, no idea what he's thinking. From semi-competent storytelling to fanfiction-tier.
Hudson Bennett
From one of the recent threads >Let's look at modern(post MHA) Jump line-up. >Broke 100k at >Black Clover: vol.5 >Kimetsu: vol.8 >Yuuna: vol.3 >Boruto: vol.1 >Neverland: vol.3 >Bokuben: vol.8 >Dr.Stone: ??? >Jujutsu: vol.3 >Act-age: ??? (vol.5 is outpacing Dr. Stone vol.6) Stone is on volume 9 and slowly declining by the way.
Colton Hill
To be fair, even with the movie BC Sales will never past 250k. Here Dr Sales
Okay genius then what series in post-MHA past 100k in just 1 volume?
Gavin King
Jujutsu past 100k in it's 3rd volume.
Sebastian Watson
If BC makes more money then how come they never made a movie for it to make even more money?
Christopher Fisher
on Hiatus
Thomas Hall
>it's a niggerclovercucks make a joke of themselves episode everytime
Easton Young
It was in TV Tokyo's top list. Has MHA even been in the top list of its own channel? Boruto Long running anime.
Ryan Hall
>Top-Selling Media Franchises in Japan: 2018 >3,758,656,453 My Hero Academia >1,489,531,344 Black Clover ???????????????????????????????????
Lucas Lopez
>Boruto Damn I guest i'm wrong
Jason Walker
Can you stop samefagging Jim?
Blake Ross
>BC makes more money than MHA overall. Top kek
Ian Lee
vol 0 sold close to 100k.
Luis Hall
>muh boogieman
Ian Morris
Shame, about how long was Berserk's boat? We haven't surpassed that yet, right?
Jordan Gomez
Clean your toilet
William Kelly
Vol.0 is not the first volume, retard.
Jacob Baker
>non-canon Even if they're not canon Tabata would be forced by his editore to shill them in the manga.
Julian Moore
Don't be a faggot
Logan Clark
wasn't the boat like a fucking decade?
Lucas Morales
Stay delusional.
Brandon Rodriguez
>Says BC made more money than MHA overall >Proven wrong >Moves goalpost to being on TV Tokyo's list for some reason when he was talking about money before "BChads"
Is the BCfag false flagging? I think at this point everyone knows Heroaca is the bigger manga over BC, hell, I think even their fanbase knows.
Jose Wood
It's all one retard in every fucking thread. He's even made a bait thread
Brody Cox
And it's always the same argument as well.
Thomas Campbell
That was some of the worst writing in the whole manga.
Ryan Parker
Its Jeremy who's false flagging to make BCchads look bad.
Benjamin Jenkins
Thats only tv revenue. TV Tokyo highest performer is Boruto and it's tv rating is only sub 2%. MHA have average of 4.5% guess who making more money in TV revenue.
Luke James
This shit is giving me Gridman thread PTSD, theres always that one person trying to ruin the thread, even after the show ended. It's insane
Brayden Martinez
Maybe BC fans are retarded
Gavin Wood
but how are those sales bad?
Noah Johnson
how can you unironically be a fan of black clover
thats like being a fan of mcdonalds
Leo Barnes
>already in a plateu despite the huge amount of pushing and can't even break 100k That's why it's bad, even fucking bokuben has managed.
Cameron Phillips
What these guys said
Asher Price
>BC bad >MHA good The recent arcs of MHA are SAO tier while the Elf Invasion arc is being compared with the Marineford arc which is the peak of shonen.
Joshua Jones
>is being compared with the Marineford arc By whom? BCtards?
Asher Ross
>samefagging Its fucking pathetic you bald faggot. Go clean your toilet
Charles Rodriguez
I downloaded the first movie but didn't even watch it, lost interest for some reason.
>while the Elf Invasion arc is being compared with the Marineford arc which is the peak of shonen. Top kek that shitty arc is closer to the fourth ninja war, it even has the same shitty plot device of fighting allies controlled by the villains
Joseph Anderson
>Shittalking the lioness waifus of Dr. Stone I bet you like the trap buttler, faggot
Grayson Russell
Fuck off dumbass. It was only compared to Marineford and Kamino for the fact that after the arc ends we'll likely have retards saying the series peaked and hasn't been good since that arc. Same. I was looking forward to it for a while and then suddenly lost all interest in it.
Andrew Green
>tfw no Toriko I miss it almost as much as Medaka Box
Jonathan Fisher
>Elf Invasion arc is being compared with the Marineford arc
"both are big battles, so they must be comparable!"
I don't even care about that fucking movie because they initially revealed best girl Froppy in the first poster but took her out the movie for whatever reason. She's the only character I care about in this garbage ass series.
Samuel Robinson
>Tokyo Wonder Boys was going only for 10 weeks What was it even about? It seems to be the quickest axed series, all others had at least 11-13 weeks to go.
Bentley Thompson
Kamio Yui will survive at least 30-50 chapters. Saiyuki is a 20-30 chapters series tho, not quite strong, since the first enemy is an edgy kid, which is a bad sign IMO
Angel Rodriguez
BC is more popular than osomatsu Jim
Blake Smith
>trying to go for the fujo appeal route >BC Not working in a million years.
Jaxon Turner
First you guys falseflag BC, now you're doing the same for HXH in the TOC, atleast get new material for fuck sake.
Elijah Sanchez
Got a color page and a fanart contest, that means it's surviving an axe round huntertard.
Michael Nguyen
>"Kimetsu no Yaiba: Tomioka Giyuu Gaiden - Part 1" (CP, 45p).
Absolutely based best boy.
Camden Evans
/thread Jeremy should be banned
John Anderson
>Hungry Marie: 33 weeks Those could have been 33 more Beelzebub chapters to give it a better ending, fucking Tamura
Jeremiah Collins
Isn't Soma in cancellation territory?
Adam Gray
I hope it's shota Tomioka, add some Sahito and you have an arc.
Julian Sanders
I enjoyed it more than anything past the license exam arc desu. All Might isn't an imaginary friend there and Deku doesn't have 7 quirks or backpack lolis. It just made me lament the current state of the series more.
Jaxson Martinez
The best thing about this meme is that anyone can watch the movie and see that its not true. Also where's your movie BCfag? Surely you're not piggybacking off the success of a popular property again like Toriko did? Nobody cares dickass. Man that sucks....for you you're just a fair-weather fan anyways.
That's why the Axe in the pic is not unsheathed yet, Fujimotofag.
Xavier Garcia
>fujo push I'm a little bit confused.
Jackson Howard
>fair-weather fan The series is more like a nuclear winter. The author can't even shit out more than 15 pages anymore.
Ian Price
>kids who weren't there when people complained weekly about fights going nowhere because all Oda did was dicktease matchups until Whitebeard got stabbed by Squidward
where the fuck is the movie supposed to be slotted into? Unless it's a remake of an main arc or something.
James Hernandez
>Really noticeable sentence structure >Replies with "Boogeyman" whenever he's called out >Replies to everyone who hates on or criticizes MHA, valid or not. >Never responds to an argument. Always says "You're wrong dumbass" or something to that effect. >Posts pictures of his shitty toilet bowl whenever someone triggers him.
Isaiah Long
How's its tankoubons? Did he fix the page counts there or just added overall chapters?
Jacob Cook
The worse thing is that he's not even being ironic
Julian Lee
>The author can't even shit out more than 15 pages anymore. You do realize that's the norm right? Dragonball never had chapters that went over 14 pages.
Kevin Morales
It's 2019 faggot it's not supposed to be the norm
Nolan Cox
>Implying BC have chance to make top 10 this year Oh no look at the level of delusion.
Kayden Young
>the Elf Invasion arc is being compared with the Marineford arc
Easily. Golden Kamuy , Slam Dunk and Slime backlog is gone and Tokyo Ghoul has ended.
Tyler Morris
>talking about BC piggybacking Osomatsu success >when BC is more successful than Osomatsu >talk about something completely different Hey Jimmy how's the villain training arc doing?
Christian Thomas
>BChads don't need no movie >BChads don't need no anime >BChads don't need no video game >BChads don't need no manga
This is getting sad at this point
Brandon Bailey
Does the leak have CP for Chainsawman? Hopefully its a shot of all the main cast, dying to see them in color
Easton Clark
Well, both are shit, so that's an apt comparison.
Brandon Thompson
It works for Jujutsu.
Ayden James
At what? At selling more manga? Bceause Osomatsu sells droves of merc and has even gotten a movie.
Gabriel Campbell
Am I good to start reading the Wano arc?
Christopher Green
>translating Group dropped it because of mangaplus
Adam Cook
I personally think MHA Bakugou retrieval arc was more comparable to the Marineford arc, there are some parts I would even say was better than Marineford.
Jaxson Wright
BC backlag is also dead tho? And even with those gone there's Kaguya,Toubon KnY that got big boost especially Toubon.
Cooper Cook
>At what? At selling more manga? Isn't that the point of these threads, Jimbo? >Bceause Osomatsu sells droves of merc So does BC >and has even gotten a movie. Because its anime is done and is a hella lot older. You're a retard Jimmy.
Daniel Wood
Jimbo clean your toilet
Elijah Gray
Can’t wait for Black Clover to fail at reaching the top 10 selling manga of the year again, with Fire Force and Kimetsu getting anime and Samurai 8 coming out , BC doesn’t stand a chance
You don't actually believe Enen will reach the top 10, do you? No one cares about that manga.
Zachary Morales
Let see what BC can competition >Op >SnK >Kingdom >MHA >HQ >TpN >NNT >5toubon >Slime >KnY >Kaguya
Ryder Walker
Have you seen that PV? It looks great
Daniel Hernandez
Why? It didn't overstay its welcome, it's short and sweet. I rather have this than a lengthy arc in OP that takes forever to be done. It only needed 20 somethin chapters to setup for an emotional fight scene between AM and AFO, OP took like 130 ch to setup for Marineford and the payoff is just as much as Hero did in 20 chs
Jack Bennett
Like that matters? Mob Psycho post-anime only sold 20k per volume.
Jeremiah Parker
One Piece spoilers are out:
Oliver Howard
>5toubon It's 5toubun.
Andrew Long
>No one cares about that manga. Says who? Yea Forums? imagine thinking this website has an impact on the sales in Japan.
Unfortunately he's right, no one cares about Fire Force. Volume sales have dropped quite a bit too, it's a shame
Juan Cooper
This is the most discussion I've seen Enen get since it started 4 fucking years ago. Most people dropped it after the first arc because it was fucking boring and many people still aren't interested in it. The anime brought for a lot of newfags who have not even picked up the manga and are just waiting for the anime mainly because MUH DAVID.
Hudson Ramirez
>Japan doesn't care about Enen no Shouboutai. That explains the anime adaptation and all those views.
Liam Cruz
>it's a shame No? Its incredibly dull hence why people lost interest. Soul Eater was another series that mostly got attention due to its anime.
Ryan Flores
>This is the most discussion I've seen Enen get since it started 4 fucking years ago. Lurk more
Ryan Flores
>all those views. >none of which has gone viral Okay. Also thvarious niche manga get adaptations I AM FROM JAPAN is getting an anime adaptation.
What's there to lurk? Enen is released weekly and there aren't any discussion threads for a new chapter even when its not translated. Nobody cares about it at all.
Elijah Hughes
Stop using Fire Force to shitpost. You probably don't even read it like the rest of the series you use.
John White
Charles Murphy
>1 < 144 > Kimetsu no Yaiba Good shit kimetsu. Also the Anime is looking Great
>are not even Naruto level quality. What IS Naruto level quality? Early Naruto's best parts were copied right off HxH and Late Naruto's best parts were negated by a shitty out of nowhere reincarnation story and aliens.
Levi Foster
This is probably gonna be either 13 ep or a split cour right, cause i never see ufotable doing a straight 2 cour before.
Joshua Rogers
Yeah, it's most likely split cour.
Nathaniel Davis
It's not that high level of quality.
Ian Green
Btw what's with the naruto copying hxh? Nardo was first so where that idea came from?
Camden Lewis
It's been so long since the last axing round. I need more shitposting materials.
Luis Rogers
>Nardo was first so where that idea came from? It was not, literally just look up their first release dates.
Jacob Morales
You're saying this but in reality nobody gave a fuck during the previous axe round.
Jackson Hernandez
According to wikipedia Naruto is from 1997 And HxH from 1998 Could you post your source?
Daniel Russell
Black Clover is far better than Naruto.
Bentley Ross
At least it's better than this thread. Everything is in place so nothing to talk about. Thread's dead af.
Aiden Morales
Imagine being so stupid you can't even properly read a Wikipedia article.
Brandon Cox
Fix your toilet and eyesight Jdog
Matthew Gray
Don't worry, Neo and Higuma are about to get the second volume treatment.
Justin Foster
>1 < 144 > Kimetsu no Yaiba PUUSH
Evan Ross
The 1997 one is the pilot chapter, so probably a one-shot or something.
Ian Howard
Whats with the selective sight and bad attitude bros?
their juveline tone, their unimaginative setting, their flat characters
Daniel Ward
I don't think it is, they already released thst last visual key that means they will go beyond spider arc
Jackson Gonzalez
When's the next Hiatus in Hiatus?
Aiden Carter
Black Clover has great worldbuilding, foreshadowing and fights. It is far better than those.
Adam Russell
>kimetsu no yaiba at no.1 What’s the point of pushing this axed manga again? I guess volume sales are not that good, so they’re desperate for a last hoorah.
Samuel Davis
KnY is ending and it has an anime coming up hence the push.
William Reyes
more like tomioka giyuu GAYden
Aiden Butler
Cope harder
Cooper Thompson
>guaranteed replies
Julian Jones
It's not ending. If it's performing better than the other series in tocs, it's because its good chapters and obviously the anime is influencing.
Blake Rogers
I don't even remember what the last cancelled series were
I understand why you’re in denial. WSJ series are usually allowed to go on for years after they manage to gain a fanbase. Kimetsu is the only case I know that survived the early axe only to run into it in its third year. Most likely they’re paving the way for Samurai 8, and Kimetsu is just unimportant in the long run.
Mason Murphy
So how are Shokugeki Sales? Have they dropped enough so I can Shitpost saying that Black clover sells more?
Nicholas Powell
Yeah keep coping. You're the only one in these threads who cries for Kimetsu, so here's your last (you).
Carson Jones
Nah dude the manga has 4.5 million prints already. Not getting canceled at all.
That's how it usually goes. I don't know where's those obsessed newfags like come from.
Caleb Garcia
How big will the Kimetsu boost be? Is a TPN tier boosto possible?
Ryder Taylor
I see. Expect to see more high rank for Kimetsu from now until the anime ends. Too bad I can only see the backlash the anime will suffer due to the insane amount of shillings it got recently. People will check it out for the studio name, but drop it after a couple of episodes after they see how painfully generic and outdated it is.
Mason Sanchez
Brody Rogers
It's got the same boost as AC. AC was going 1 1 1 1 on its final arc.
Jaxson Sanders
>Dr. Sub-100k
Asher Perry
Well honestly, I do have fun seeing a series crash and burn out of the magazine, but that's partly because it means there'll be a shiny new thing to replace it. Only the truly terrible series really stay with you (U19, Golem Hearts)
Adam Fisher
Like I said, they want to capitalize on this last chance before the series meet its end. There is no reasons to print additional one million volumes at once otherwise.
Christopher Brooks
>see Kimetsu high on the ToC list >"Nah, let's see it" I got the first 2 volumes of Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba by Viz and man, it is absolutely atrocious and I now understand why the series is not popular in the west. The beginning of the series is the worst thing I've ever seen, the "training" chapters were so fucking bad and uninspiring that I regretted a little getting these two volumes. The art is bad, like big bad, even Dr. Stone, a manga about science, manages to get beautiful panels and stuff. Given the first 2 volumes, I highly doubt Kimetsu will even come close to other mangas in this aspect. But what really bothers me is the lame power system. It's pretty dull and basically is just flashy ways to cut things with the sword. Vastly inferior to One Piece's devil fruits, Hero Academia's quirks or even Clover's magic books. The creativity of the author gets really limited, its either unlocking a new power or training new sword techniques. At least the demons are cool, I mean, they're very different of the common devil style. To be honest, they're too good for its own series. 4/10. Given the shit that kimetsu fans keep posting on ToC threads, the series relies too much on edgyshit and fujo pandering to keep going, and the japanese otaku is well known to love these old japan series.
>This interview takes place in 2009, during the 10th year anniversary of Naruto, this interview is found in the "Naruto 10th Anniversary Chronicle Book Mini" :
>Kishimoto: Before I became a professional mangaka, I was already a big fan of Togashi-sensei, I was able to greet him at the Jump Festa
>Kishimoto: Yes. Well, during that time period I was having difficulty creating my manga. I thought I'd ask you for some tips sensei, the first time we met I was a little nervous but luckily Sensei was very nice to me which helped me get over my nervousness and allowed me ask a lot of questions. After diner, he showed me his workshop, the cycle of creating a manga, how to have a good work atmosphere and many other things. Back when I've started the serialization of Naruto, my inspiration for these was Hunter x Hunter, even to this day it still has a special place for me and I often re-read it.
I don’t cry for anything though. I just want to state my observations regarding Kimetsu’s recent push for both the manga and anime. I doubt the anime will be a success outside of Japan due to its source material, see for a new reader’s first impression.
Christopher Mitchell
jeremu-chan is bored this week read boku push academia and drink our sweat
did any of them have potential in the first place?
Kevin Davis
>MHA gets two movies A second movie was announed?
Ethan Carter
Cameron Walker
>I was expecting something like Ushio to Tora, but I got really disappointed. >Ushio to Tora Now this is a bait of excellent quality. Goddamn you deserve this (you)
Christopher Miller
Aki and Power better be on it.
Joshua Wright
MHA push is nothing new
Jason Myers
Bones needs that money
Henry Cooper
Damn One Piece getting shilled with another movie. Jump must be in trouble.
Nathaniel Bennett
Hope it's a shot of the Main 6
Carson Campbell
>MHA push Its not a push if there's a demand for it.
Oliver Sanchez
>my opinion is shit because I've compared two mangas about demons
Landon Garcia
Where was the second movie announcement?
Ian Jenkins
You must be new if you haven't realized that according to the fags in this general: >If something is on the upper ToC and/or sells well then its been pushed and is not actually good >If something is not on the upper ToC and/or it doesn't sell well then it's bad and deserves the axe
Levi Gomez
Read the fucking thread
Jackson Gonzalez
I don’t know how the author did it, but it’s quite a miracle for Kimetsu to survive as long as it did, given how mediocre it is. Many better manga have been axed for less. In the end it’s still cancelled, but at least it managed to get a few fans.
Landon Hill
>new reader opinion is best opinion because it fits my opinion (you)
Levi Perez
There's a lot of amateur and excellent artists out there. Even thought it is a important factor, it doesn't justify the overall bad and rough quality of Kimetsu's art. The author is just bad at drawing and experience will not change this.
Angel Wood
Jujutsu has worse art than kimetsu. But that doesn't change the fact they are in top because of their efforts.
There’s a reason this manga is still relative unknown in the west, despite being in Jump for 3 years already. BC is only one year older, but the difference in popularity and name recognition is huge no matter how you look at it. I doubt Kimetsu threads on Yea Forums even reach 50 IPs on average.
Jeremiah Perez
>overall bad and rough quality of Kimetsu's art. The author is just bad at drawing and experience will not change th Do you know about artist style? KnY author has own great style when most of Jump artist has usual shonen art style. You compared it with Boichi but all that he have - copied faces and copied background from photos.
Dylan Johnson
Aaah geez, for the sake of those who don't know, Ushio and Tora too had a rough start, especially the art which, while getting a lot better, never really managed to become good. In the art department I can safely guarantee that KnY is far better than what UtT was at its best.
Luis Rogers
BC has an anime and game. BC is also massively shilled by Crunchyroll.
Jace Torres
Even now the Gotouge fails to understand perspective and all her action scenes are complete visual nonsense.
Mason Martin
“It’s has a certain charm” is also the most common way Kimetsufags use to defend their manga, meaning even they don’t know what good about it.
Joshua Sanders
Kimetsu doesnt appeal to all public tho, its harder for people to get into a manga that is based in old japan era rather than a fantasy medieval manga.
Colton Sullivan
>BC is also massively shilled by Crunchyroll. The same as all their other series.
Grayson Harris
I think I wasn't really precise in my words. I was not talking about the art of Ushio to Tora. user said Kimetsu was a "bread-and-butter fighting shonen" () and I said Ushio to Tora fits his description and I wanted something like this with Kimetsu, but I got disappointed and I explained my personal opinions about the series here .
Josiah Turner
>BC Now I understand
Christopher Long
>moving goalposts kill yourself
Thomas Thomas
disagree. I dont think the Battles are hard to follow if you arent speedreading.
Remember when BCfags and Kimetsufags respected each other
Jack Edwards
I disagree with your opinion. One thing is having a unique art style (like the demons, they're pretty much unique in shonen jump right now), other thing is actually pleasing the reader with it. The author fails badly in pleasuring the reader with his art. For example, look at the top middle panel here: . It looks really bad, like a teenager trying his first drawings. But we're talking about the biggest manga publisher in Japan here, and, in my opinion, this is unacceptable.
Camden Phillips
Welp that is your opinion man, and the truth is, nobody cares about that.
It's funny, I think your example is pretty much a mess, even if it's understandable.
Brandon Harris
You are just butthurt a woman managed to make a relatively successful manga in Shonen Jump which so far was a man-dominated magazine.
Leo Reed
>moving goalposts
Ethan Lopez
Is act-age good? The premise seems unsuitable for a WSJ manga.
Nathan Parker
Takes a while to find its footing, but death island is pretty decent and railway was great.
Gavin Butler
What's suitable is whatever works, premise really isn't relevant. That said, when I've asked why people like about it all I ever get is "yonagi is a cute autist and my waifu" so I've never had any interest in reading it.
Nathaniel Garcia
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a a Cloverfag. I was just using BC as an example to show how underwhelming Kimetsu is compared to its peers. I don’t read a single chapter of BC but i can recognize its starting main cast. I bet you the majority of non-Kimetsufags don’t even know what the manga is about, or worse, don’t even know it exists to begin with. Even I was surprised to find out BC is only one year older than Kimetsu. Honestly thought Kimetsu was much younger given how little coverage it got.
Anthony James
> bc is in his last arc, because is bleach all over again TICK TOCK CLOVERKEKS
Luis Walker
Yonagi being a cute autist is a big part of its charm, because she's the MC and her craziness shapes the manga.
Angel Jones
>all this anti (B)BC falseflagging and retards falling for it
I think it's important to discuss with someone who have different views of the same thing, even if nobody cares. It's actually better than just shitposting, and we can know the strenghts and weakness of WSJ titles.
Chibi drawings are common and it's a good way to have SoL chapters, but I would hate to see it in any remotely serious situation.
Austin Powell
Kek. What's with the amount of meme faces? Is the author even serious?
Angel Cox
>BC >written by an alpha male >Kimetsu >written by w*man
Parker White
It's just one shitposter.
Brandon Fisher
>Playing the gender card already At least try to come up with some actual counterarguments, user. Bitter about what exactly? The truth is most people don't care about Kimetsu at all. I was honestly surprised when I saw how many views the Aniplex trailer for Kimetsu anime got. Turned out almost all of them came to make Goblin Slayer jokes. To be fair, Kimetsu is not similar to GS at all, but that just proves how unknown it is. I know you Kimetsufags like to jerk off yourself that being unpopular is a good thing, but that's not true. If Kimetsu was a little more popular, maybe it wouldn't have been axed.
Christian Kelly
fuck off and stop falseflagging,
John Mitchell
Those faces only happen in comedy or SoL chapters/scenes.
Lincoln Flores
just by one look at that filename he's phoneposting from an android/samsumg so clearly no
Jayden Foster
There are like more than 300 of them from that pic alone. Don't tell me every single chapter of that manga is a SoL chapter.
Benjamin Wright
Every page of a SoL chapter has like 20 of them
Aiden James
The sol chapters usually have a fuckton of them.
Oliver Howard
I don't really think any of this is remotely interesting, to be honest. I don't care about your complaints and I don't need to justify liking the series to you. No one is getting anything out of this.
>All of the Kimetsu bullyings in this thread Too bad there are not that many Kimetsufags in the first place to fight back properly. I can see the amount of hate threads when the anime airs: >Is this a Goblin Slayer ripoff? >This new isekai is not interesting as Shield Hero >This is so boring. When will it get good? >I thought this was the next MHA killer? >ufotable is wasted on this shit >How did this even get a movie?
Jonathan Adams
That's a good thing, with the slow pacing and the not enough amount of people to fight with they will get bored.
Thomas Ward
its not axed. or u say neverland is axed?
Michael James
It's always better to ignore shitposters and not give them any (You)'s than fighting them back since it's not like they will ever stop.
Aiden Edwards
true that
Carson Cruz
You can't be serious. I was under the impression that the manga is super edgy. Isn't the premise "My entire family is massacred and I must avenge them"? I don't know any other Jump protagonist with that kind of bloody background.
Joseph Roberts
neo;lation is surprisingly okay in the later chapters
shame its dead
Nathan Barnes
Act-Anime soon, Chadages.
Benjamin Ward
>muh Kimetsu stronk!! >huh hey I don't like Kimetsu at all >s-shut up, your opinion doesn't matter!!!
Evan Smith
Yes, that's the premise, he wants to revenge his dead family by killing demons while he searches for a cure for his sister, but the MC isn't edgy, he's actually a ray of sunshine with soul healing powers.
Carter Thompson
Holy shit Kimetsu haters are on suicide watch. Will people hate on Jujutsu because it's good too?
Oliver Rodriguez
It has more blood than your average shonen, and important characters die regularly, but it is not a constant edgefest. The characters themselves are not edgy at all, they just find themselves stuck in situations that cannot be resolved without bloody violence.
Hunter Wilson
He doesnt really wants revenge, he just want to kill muzan so nobody has to die at the hands of the demons. Tanjirou doesnt hate demons but he will still fight them
They'll hate it because it's Bleach: Exorcist Edition, right down to the mangaka being a bleach fangirl who even wrote poems in school because of Kubo.
I miss Bleach so much, bros. When will based Kubo come back.
Jaxon Anderson
don't forget shingeki
Jaxon Ross
People will hate on Jujutsu just as people is hating on Kimetsu. After all every manga gets shitted when the animefags appears.
Jacob Ramirez
Why is't Hunter x Hunter on the list?
Kevin Brooks
What about it?
Jonathan Lewis
I thought they confirmed author is a guy already.
Jace Murphy
>Kimetsu bullying The source material is bad for a lot of reasons and people just exposed. kimetsufags are just pretending the series is the new shonen savior, shilling hard every toc thread. I'm not even surprised, the entire fanbase of 50 posters have the underground syndrome and hates on everything that is a bit popular.
Colton Rodriguez
Zachary Wilson
I don't know how it is past chapter 3 but those were some of the worst first few chapters in a while. It one of the few times you have to describe it as cringe. It's all movie hacking so basically magic. Even Souma in its start had real cooking. This shit is just making buzzwords up he doesn't even know the meaning of.
Jack Wood
they dont hate on kimetsu, though, even its one of the most popular manga out there
Isaac Bennett
Titans are basically boneless Hollows
Austin Sanders
ask togashit
Oliver Cruz
Kimetsu shills are the worst, just look at the first replies in this thread.
Charles Butler
Akutami Gege is male, it's confirmed in the extras from volume 2. In the extras, Itadori refers to the author as "otouto" (younger brother).
Levi Harris
Also the severe lack of female characters will drive off the waifufags. Seriously, the manga does not even have a love interest for the MC (well, there is a character who can fit in that role, but her presence in the story so far is close to nil). There is only one single female character that appears regularly, and she doesn't speak and spends most of the time sleeping a box. The author even decided to kill off a fan-favorite girl to thin off the already small number of girls.
Parker Hall
akutami is a man
Nathaniel Jenkins
Kimetsu loses in popularity to fucking Black Clover. Took eight volumes to get 100k manga sells while Clover took only 5. Shut the fuck up kimetsufag.
Joseph Gonzalez
That's because the manga is basically bought by fujos. Even the author is probably one.
desu i like girls in kimetsu better than any other manga.
Adam Howard
They might as well not exist, m8.
Dylan Diaz
Kimetsu is only 30k behind BC with the newest volume, it'll soon surpass it since the sales keep growing every time.
Austin Murphy
>Muh shitty artstyle that don't please anyone except the 4mil+ who bought it >Muh no popularity in the west despite been 3 years old even tho is one of the most popular mango in Nippon >Muh powerlevels aren't as good as my Ki/Chi/Halo/Reiatsu/Nen/Magic/Spirit power system that every other shonen underage the Sun uses >Mutant power are good tho for whatever reason >W-why is ufotable being wasted with this? Why does Aniplex gives it a chance? Why, Shueisha, why? hmm
Lincoln Howard
We all know it's only one kimetsu hater out there who likes to shill BC.
Carson Bell
This. I can't wait for the anime to arrive and Kimetsufags to get butthurt over being exposed. They have gotten an easy pass so far because no one else reads their manga. Let's see how they handle the upcoming intense criticism and scrutiny.
Lincoln Powell
Nah, but you can tell she's a woman because of Mitsuri's backstory.
James Hughes
>underage the sun hmmm
Robert Harris
mitsuri-chan nezuko-chan Tamayo- sama Koinatsu-san Kie-san Rui-san
Grayson Scott
Well seems like kimetsu being at the top makes your anus clench, right
Dylan Rogers
At least we now know that the first episode will be pleb filters
Kimetsu won't be popular in the west and never will because it's too japanese for westerners, but it's going to be a massive success in Japan where it matters.
Aiden Green
Uhh, whisperchads?
Michael Brooks
Aren't recent chapters super rushed?
Hunter Clark
Lincoln Jones
>imagine being so desesperate that even black clover seems like a competitor in sales revenue Lmao, I'm not even going to mention Hero Academia or HxH. Just Hero alone BTFO Kimetsu hard, by far.
Justin Gray
No way, it's almost the exact opposite.
Joseph Anderson
>It can't be popular in the west because its too Japanese
That's common knowledge that bnha tops in sales along with op.
Luis Stewart
kie-san is tans late mum and sorry its Ruka-san, Kyojurou's late mum.
Aiden Gutierrez
>Rurouni pedo Kenshi
Elijah Price
>people have shit taste >no source and any other WSJ vastly surpasses Kimetsu in populatiry. Even fucking Black Clover is very popular with TV Tokyo >extremely shit and boring battles that relies on edgyshit to please the retards >moving goalposts, not understanding the variety of powers make the manga more enjoyable >ufotable is known to be very bad at fight scenes and is only popular because fatefags The absolute state of kimetsufags
Tyler Ward
The only thing I felt that could have used more chapters was Zenitsu vs his rival. Just one more chapter, really, it was over too fast mainly because Zenitsu one shotted him the chapter after his introduction.
Michael Peterson
>i-it gets good later I swear The same behavior as BCfags, kek
Andrew Nelson
It's amazing how Kimetsu marked your life more than the actual fans.
>it's too japanese for westerners Implying demons and swords exists only in Japan. Don't be this dishonest, kimetsufag
Xavier Lopez
Everyrhing you said is wrong.
Logan Ward
>kimetsu >one of the most popular manga out there Nice joke. Like this user said , being beaten by the extremely generic, cliched, uninspiring copycat shounenshit that is BC speaks volume about Kimetsu's popularity.
Mason Wood
Nah, I'm just tired of kimetsufag ruining toc threads
Isaac Clark
No its not. Actually, kimetsu doesn't have any strong point that make it different from any other shonen here. >b-but muh feelings! Power of friendship exists everywhere
Jackson Hernandez
the absolute state of Bleachfags
Aiden Adams
i wonder why they are doing the anime world premier in la, paris taipei and 11 cities of Germany and Austria. why Austria?
Henry Parker
what the fuck At least the Toriko x One Piece crossover sort of made sense
Cooper Ward
>ruining What? Not enough BC vs MHA shitposts? You miss Hunterchads? What the fuck could you possibly blame kimetsufags for that would ruin these garbage threads?
Jason Nguyen
>Muh opinion are facts you and everyone else have shittaste >No source besides the ToC itself for firsts >If I use the word edgy enough it'll make my """"""point"""""" weigher >Goaposts, when the systems mentioned work on the same basic shit with just some different flash colors >ufotable is known to be very bad at fight scenes because I said so again hmm
Nathan Butler
Nigger what? Thread was doing fine until this started He always post the same damn thing in every TOC thread, the only difference he got his (you'd)
Jeremiah Martinez
>I bought two vol of this mango I didn't like that people were talking about it on a taiwanese pictures trashbin only to shit on it
Nathaniel Wilson
I know it kills you to see people express enjoyment for a series rather than constant flaming and trolling but you'll just have to deal with it
Gavin Adams
Kimetsufags before : >Please read KnY Kimetsufags now: >Being unpopular is good >bought by fujos That explains a lot, honestly.
Caleb Miller
I don't know but karma will hit so hard like being hit by a truck to the point of being isekai'd.
Jace King
>muh underground series is so magnificent, look, it sold 4 million copies, amazing!!!!!! >its so popular in japan, western gaijin hates it, so japanese!!!!! >the characters are so developed!!! how can hero academia even compete
Blake Wright
Connor Collins
>Thread was doing fine until this started Nah, there was the BC falseflagger before that. Though it just reinforces the point that what the true cancer in these threads is the BnHA/BC/HxH shitposting wars. I'd like to see these threads where Kimetsufags apparently are the ones ruining the threads.
Lucas Nguyen
Lmao you're pulling that from your ass. They only come here to post about the toc ranking and few shit about it. I bet you do the same with BNHA or BC.
Isaac Flores
>no artist or work can ever improve >EVER
Ryder Edwards
Wouldn't surprise me if the BCfag is the one trying to start shit up so he can get more attention.
Carter Taylor
I don't know what this guy is blaming them. I mean they don't even shitpost like those you said. They don't even make threads shitting on other series or derail a thread. Wtf.
Michael Smith
The same can be said to Jujutsu, Souma, Chainsaw or even Black Clover, isn't it?
Evan Price
Yes it is. You just see how he shills BC to shit on Kimetsu.
Landon Peterson
>MHA do 300k in its first volume We're your rival BCfag. Leave kimitsubros alone.
Jonathan Ramirez
It should be named. "why everybody hates Tomioka"
Tyler Young
Then where did the news of being axed come from?
Colton Stewart
The cancelled/unpopular shit is really obviously disingenuous. I don't know why they're so mad though.
Justin Perez
From what I see Jujutsu is doing fine now, while Souma shat the bad really hard even if it had a good start. Chainsaw I don't know, but its fags doesn't seem to care. Black Clover wasn't good and become average. But that's just me.
Ethan Price
I think it has to be a falseflagger at this point. No one can be delusional enough to think that BC does better than BnHA financially.
Lucas Fisher
It's on its "final arc" supposedly and a lot of foreshadowed climatic fights are happening one after another.
Adam White
Nobody said it does, nor did they say it was the saviour of shonen. You are just annoyed at a group of people for enjoying thing
Jaxson Sanders
>this thread
Jason Peterson
Wow, it's the first time I saw this much KnY shitposting. I suppose that's because kimetsufags really post only in their own threads and the weekly toc with a few BASED and stuff. It's going to be fun once the anime airs, huh?
Ian White
i like satan's design
Hunter Fisher
It didn't, there was something about it being headed toward a final battle but that's still very clearly a long way away. One shitposter just keeps repeating that it's axed, even though it's patently not true, because it pisses people off.
Gavin Thomas
>Wow, it's the first time I saw this much KnY shitposting. Anime is close. It begins.
Matthew Young
Where the hell did all these shitposters come from? Usually it's just Jeremy
Andrew Moore
neck yourself
Adrian Bailey
Boy I don't know how to feel or if I even want to go into the 1st episode threads
Logan Hughes
There hasn't been an announcement in the magazine or by the author, like any other series on its way out. It's just from a jump TV program that said something misleading in a 30 second bit about KnY
That's because anons won't stop giving them (You)'s.
Henry Martinez
People are realizing that Kimetsu no Yaiba is not that good and does not deserve the glorification that it receives, neither deserves the jump push
Jackson Edwards
I don't know, there's a certain section of black clover fans who have a REALLY bad complex about people hating the series so they try to act as obnoxious as possible in retaliation.
Ayden Bailey
Fucking shame we have to get LiSA for the opening.
Carson Jones
Why yur so insecure
Camden Perry
>act-age is this good or it's Nisekoi v 2.0?
Christian Butler
Not even going to bother, will just be sticking to the TL threads. anime posters are cancer.
Levi Jones
It's very good, Yonagi is great.
Hunter Hernandez
That's bokuben, Act age is an acting manga about a rookie actress who is the MC.
Tyler Moore
As some user said, if only Kalafina had not disbanded
Brody Hall
It's nothing like Nisekoi. Bokuben is Nisekoi Lite.
Evan Murphy
Maybe the ED will be better. They'll probably announce it at Anime Japan this week.
Joshua Smith
Because both of those are better than this "best friend BS" fight. Gojou had to rescue this arc.
Jose Cooper
desu i dont want this kind of spinoff to happen. unlike oyakusoku no neverland which is fun, it will be like anime original.
Wyatt Rogers
>if only Kalafina had not disbanded We would have gotten a super generic kalafina opening because most of their stuff with Kajiura is extremely samey. It's a shonen with a lot of blood and fights, give it a more hotblooded sounding group, like UVERworld or TM revolution.
Isaiah Miller
Kami Yui is nisekoi tier
Josiah Green
Look, I'm not a BC fag. I compared Kimetsu with BC simply because they are both battle shounens and began serialization within one year of each other. If Kimetsu can't come even close to BC level, it has some serious problems.
Ian Collins
You'd still visit them anyways. I know you will.
Jace Thompson
Why do people keep thinking it's a romance manga?
Jaxson Campbell
>U19 >18 weeks heh
Landon Anderson
Leo Walker
I think it's just a special chapter, not a full spinoff series.
Liam Lee
>no u
Charles Morris
Because they are on the same tone you retard. How can you compare something with cheerful theme like magic and friendship, ft world building and all that with swordfighting in taisho era?
James Sanchez
Yonagi has a great harem.
Nathan Clark
Inuyasha is popular for its love comedy and Kenshin is popular for its realistic setting. I honestly don't think Kimetsu will become that popular in the West after the anime.
Blake Johnson
Good. At least BC threads won't degrade to MHA level of general fujo shitpost.
>even though it's patently not true A lot of Kimetsufags actually believe the manga is ending though.
Nicholas Nguyen
2 weeks about 90 pages in total.
Christian Martinez
One Piece > Dr. Stone > Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai > David-kun > Chain Saw Man > My Hero Academia > Black Clover > Jujutsu Kaisen > Act Age > Yuragisou no Yuuna-san > The Promised Neverland > Kimetsu no Yaiba > Haikyuu!! > Hinomaru Sumo > Jimoto ga Japan > Shokugeki no Souma > Goktei Higuma > Ne0;lation
It is relatively close to ending, it's just not cancelled, anyone trying to make the latter argument is baiting
Lucas Garcia
I hope we get translations for this.
Brody Carter
Nothing last forever. everything ends eventually.
Luke Green
Based moeblob Sakurai.
Lincoln Bennett
Wouldn't >Viz do them considering they picked up kimetsu as a whole?
Joseph Perez
i wanted Gotoge to write it.
David Miller
Cocodrile is writing it
Levi Barnes
>If Kimetsu can't come even close to BC level 50+
>1 year difference >75 episodes anime >Sold only 30k more volume than underdog series without anime What about you are talking?
Aiden Sullivan
Gotouge could have written it, you know, just not draw it. I doubt she'd let someone else do Tomioka's backstory for kicks so if nothing else the otline must be extremely defined.
Connor Taylor
Chad-Age anime by KinoAni soon.
Christian Edwards
I don't think so, do they even translate special chapters?
Colton Walker
If it ever gets one, I'm betting on A-1.
Brody Lee
>It will probably have Shinobu teasing him one last time to rub salt in the wound
Ryder Taylor
It says there the writer is Gotouge, Hirano is only drawing it.
Jordan Lewis
Again, in the tomioka section it says gotouge is writing it, only she knows about his background
>Every shounen manga has a harem I don't know about that,
Jose Cooper
Neo is already dead.
Jaxson Brown
Even Tanji can be construed to have a harem to the type of fags that say that guy's statement
Chase Richardson
Tanjirou has a harem, it's just that not all of the members are female.
Robert Edwards
Both Kamados have a harem.
Adrian Brooks
How much boost did TPN get?
Bentley Gomez
Tanjirou has a little brother harem, mostly, poor kid.
Carson Flores
I hope it's Wit studio and animated in a similar style as After the Rain.
Hudson Gray
Tanjirou has a harem of anikis
Levi Flores
Both are good user.
Isaac Rivera
They've translated some one-shots before when the authors were popular, but I don't know if they'll pick it up with the new way they're doing things
Thomas Johnson
Wit studio should be fined. It is hell for animators.
Dylan Reed
I like that the general atmosphere in Kimetsu is one of hope and optimism, no matter how bleak the times are. If only everyone in this thread could be like these characters.
>glorification What are you on about, kimetsu's fanbase is anything but pretentious. It's a straightforward flashy swordsman vs demon battle manga and it was never sold as anything else, unlike the 'new king of shonen' BC.
Nathan Reyes
>This shit is giving me Gridman thread PTSD, theres always that one person trying to ruin the thread, even after the show ended. It's insane do you mean the yurifag?
James King
Wow. Kimetsu has already become so famous that attracts faggots whose limited intellect think that they can rate mangas, even to say something about art when they can't even draw a decent circle. Please go find the nearest tree and hung youself, not for hating Kimetsu, just because you seek attention by badmouthing a manga thats high on the TOC. What a miserable life you have.
Wyatt Price
it says Manga: Hirano. while neverland / Stone says Sakuga(Art): Posuka/Boitch
Lincoln Adams
Then I guess it was approved by Gotouge.
Gavin Edwards
Not too much, but I think too early to talk about boost already. For some not famous manga anime can give 100k+ boost like it was with WT.
Where is the user with the TOC graphics? I have a request for him. Please overlap the axed series with the ones who survived (pushed or not) and with the ones who have the axe on their neck, it could help us to predict their doom or salvation. Like overlap Robo x lasershit with Chainsaw man. Or ne0lation with Act-age or Kimetsu. I am assuming you have all that data.
Levi Flores
>imagine being this insecure
Brayden Ward
Thanks. Is the biggest time for boost after the anime ends, as the animeonlys want the continuation?