Rival ha yamerarenai!

Dumping a translated oneshot.
The typesetting is pretty bad, especially the latter half, as I've never typeset myself before, and I got absolutely sick of doing it. I might redo it later.
If there's anyone who wants to typeset the rest of the tank (the rest of it is yuri), please let me know.

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Are those middle squares supposed to be in japanese?

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No, I was wondering how to deal with a n awkwardly split Japanese sentence, decided to save it for later, then completely forgot about it thirty pages later, sorry about that, thanks for pointing it out.

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are these two JCs gonna munch each others carpets or what?

That's it for the first story of this oneshot collection. If you'd like to typeset the rest of it, please say so, as I don't much care for doing it. But if no one else wants to I'll do it properly from now on.

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There's one more chapter with them at the end of the collection, but no, this is the only couple who doesn't get explicitly yuri.

that was cute, thanks user

>If there's anyone who wants to typeset the rest of the tank (the rest of it is yuri), please let me know.
This was interested, I want to do it. How can I contact you? Mangadex? /u/ translation thread? E-mail?

Just post an email and I'll send you the raws, and over the week I'll send you the rest of the manuscripts as I get them done. Looking forward to working with you.
