>the exact moment a character is ruined
What the fuck are they doing? Also, the auction gamble is boring as fuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
i mean we all knew it was female, but why the fuck does she suddenly have lipstick on
Fuck she's so cute.
Haven't watched the episode yet. Who's that?
Why the fuck would anyone partake in the auction, the whole gist of it is just retarded and you end up just throwing votes straight to the trash.
If you theoretically bet on every auction and dont win you end up losing either way.
That's the point though? You win a large amount of bets with a small bid, or thats the gist of it at least.
no, i do get it, it just seems pointless how it was handled with people just throwing bets around knowing they will lose them.
I like that how everyone is sitting away from each other whereas Mary and Ririka were sitting together
If everyone else pussies out you can win big. It's a reverse prisoner's dilemma.
She was more attractive as an androgyn.
Ririka finally hooked her in, she's not letting anyone get in the way now.
did she even bid once?
who is this semon demon?
i like thispredator kind of looking females
t. proofed gambeling is trash
No, she didn't. She is just there to help Mary.
Also, we will be getting the manga in 2-3 days and Mary is gonna hell of impressed from Ririka
she can bid that i want to fuck her
if you know what i mean
God, what a downgrade.
Which day the episodes air? I thought it was thurs/fri
Thanks user
Author still has a nail fetish
what do you mean?
I am happy my prince Meari is back
She's really pretty.
For a dude she's handsome. For a woman welp...
Still think she has a thing with/for Yumeko's sister though.
her eyes changed shape as well, this is too much
Once again proven that anime-original will always be shit.
>removes glasses
>bone structure changes
Where did the wings come from?
Yuri magic.
It's called make up and it does wonders
its a she?
Yea Forums can't handle alpha dykes.
Just realized it's a dyke.
She only needs votes to buy her way into Mary's pants, a waste to lose them on a silly gamble.
alpha dykes are great
>suzui with only 13 votes
>wasted them for absolutely nothing
Fucking useless fuckboy. Bring back Manyuda already.
>inb4 he uses three votes to outbid everyone getting 100 votes and yeets everyone once more but this time yumeko is swallowing money suitcases with her vagina out of pure arousal.
>yumeko is swallowing money suitcases with her vagina out of pure arousal.
I'm having trouble picturing this.
I want Rumia to talk dirty to me
she'd probably get tired and fall asleep half way through leaving you to finish yourself on your own
then I would fuck her asleep and then cuddle, even better.
Why are there no clean-style wallpapers from the opening? I just want a nice Kirari wallpaper
only the eyes seemed to change shape to me, the rest can be chalked up to the hair being held back
boy I wish I could put that make up on at that speed
I could maybe possibly somehow understand if the change happened behind the scenes but this was just silly
This was cute
I cackled so bad when she said people fond her voice annoying. The seiyuu did a pretty good job conveying that without overacting to make it so obvious
>inbe4 her normie face was the make up one and she just quickly wiped that off
she keeps doing that cross-handed thing. its retarded.
Mary is incredibly cute
It's an odd gimmick
So does the second season have any actual stakes or mindgames that aren't instantly blown away by le special perfect main character or is it just a fake gambling show again for the sake of animating titties
I am in love.
Regular Batsubami > True Batsubami
>She's a character exclusive to the anime.
Why do this?
For the same reason they did the awkward season 1 anime original ending, they wanted something significant and with some sense of "finality" so they came up with this.
In this case of S1, I feel like it was because they had 12 episodes rather than 13. Probably would have done the Tower arc there if they had that extra episode, but at least here it's a proper, so to speak, final arc for S2
That's a really cute Yumeko.
Yumeko is the cutest
Wouldn't betting 100 every time be the only way to "beat" the auction? So that no one, including the auctioneer, gains anything?
Depends on who you want to lose. If person B were to bet 101 after that, then person A would be down 100, person B would be down 1, and the auctioneer would be up 101. Person B basically paid 1 vote to screw over person A, just because you don't personally gain anything out of it directly doesn't mean you can't benefit.
>suddenly gets lipstick and makeup
Fucking ruined. She was so hot before. I'm so angry.
It's a vast improvement
Those eyes wow.
It does look like its going to be a better finale than S1, but I wonder how they're going to maintain the status quo after what they've done here
Kill yourself you miserable retard
Why does she keep her eyes closed?
You are a faglord
>this card shows "tongue" and "Mary" but i can't figure out what this third drawing is. It's some kind of hole?
It MEANS "dont cum inside, its not a safe day!"
Ririka is too cute
I'm glad he doesn't get much focus
dead series
dead manga
dead anime
dead kaiji ripoff with dykes
dead threads
good riddance
Kill yourself yurinigger
enjoy your dead series retard
she hates it
Haha haha this is just the start go back to cocksucking men lover
They specally theater screened the tower arc to btfo hetfag like you now hop on suzuis dick LMAAAAOOO
I have no idea why you would quote me.
I want to marry Ririka, it's not fair.
My fucking sides at this scene.
The screen?
god I hope she has a dick
I want her to force herself upon me as I struggle in vain
>mary playing all tsuntsun for hugs
or are hugs off limit in mary&ririka relationship?
There's no word to express how much I want to kiss her on the lips
>only 1 episode left
when it's over, where else are we gonna go for a technically-not-lewd-but-still-pretty-fucking-lewd show?
> I was MERELY PRETENDING to dislike gambling
How can I adopt a Runa?
wish she had a full arc of her own, or an ova/spinoff
The election arc tries to throw in some twists at the end of gambles rather than end everything with "I raise the stakes 50-fold because gambling makes me horny!" but otherwise it's more of the same
How about killing yourself?
it's not on the website I usually use because netflix
Chapter when?
As expected of harem lead
>that fucking color contrast
I know what you mean, I'm going to miss this show
Rin Obami, the absolute madman.
I want to protect those smiles
>not sure if trolling or a legitimate cuck having an aneurysm because of muh useless self insert didn't get attention
Feeling personally attacked? Kek
I want her and Ikishima to make up.
I like the way Yumeko tries to avoid/ignore her, its cute and Midari's reaction to that just makes it better.
So, Yumeko's jealous of Mary's new friend
Her name is BATSUbami you dimwits.
The fucking foreshadowing.
Where the fuck is manga? Give me please
Mary is so cool with her trophy wife in tow.
>ywn snuggle with her inside that hoodie thing
From what I've seen this is 62.5
Link please user
Found them on twitter
Also, there is no 62.5, I think. May be it's 63
My apologies
The yurichad Mary sitting with her girlfriend, the hetcuck Suzui probably literally banished some seats away by Yumeko in order that he might act as a firebreak from Ikishima.
How many pages are there in Twitter ?
I'm actually pretty fucking sure it's Ririka seating herself near Mary and not the other way around.
Yes, because she's wet as fuck for the yurichad Mary. I never suggested otherwise.
I wish I could be a yurichad like Mary
>using Suzui as a meatwall
Yumeko a smart
I'm gonna pay you 100 votes to fuck off.
Yes it's actually pretty hilarious and realistic, rather than the usual over the top reactions in anime
based alpha dyke
Yurichads assert dominance over others of their kind with an intricate ritual display of dramatic hand gestures. Mary put up a good fight, as expected of her, but Rei came out ahead in the end.
This was probably second gayest chapter in the manga. After the logical girl chapter of course.
>Kakegurui season 2
n-nani? How does Kakegurui get season 2 but not Killing Bites
wait, that's a girl?
Yes, and you should've known from literally the moment she was introduced because this series is incapable of having relevant male characters.
And that's a good thing.
>Mary will never be your boyfriend and save you from the darkness.
>Mary will never oust you from main character spot and make herself the main character
>Mary will never save your dying show
Fuck off and kill yourself, retarded newfag.
This is the same person? Really?
It's like you people have never even seen someone take on their Final Form.
Ibara and Rin give off more gay vibes than most of the yuribait in this manga.
best girl
She was more handsome with the glasses
She's so cute wow
>expecting Yea Forums to know Moonrunes
Cute hand gestures
Based Mary
Realistically what are the chances that Yumeko is still a pure virgin??
I liked her more with glasses
I want to pet that cat
I’ll just leave this here.
I don't understand the rule of the gamble. somebody explain please.
Fuck this has been a boring season.
It's so stupidly simple, what's there not to understand?
It's literally a dollar auction game.
My wife Ririka is so cute!
So do I
Was the chess puzzle ever solved?
What chess
From the dyke tower.
So Ririka is into Mary, Mary is into Suzui and Yumeko, Sayaka is into President, President is into Sayaka and Yumeko, Suzui is into Yumeko, Yumeko is into everyone who makes it interesting, so the hell solve that puzzle?
Chapter 62.5
>Mary is into Suzui and Yumeko
Maybe in your fanfic she is.
Thanks user
There was a brief indication early on that Mary had something related to Suzui given how she was characterized reacting to Yumeko getting along with him, but it kinda feels like if that was supposed to be anything it got dropped as we've seen very little interaction between them since. Otherwise Yumeko is the aggressor in her and Mary's relationship, so that doesn't fit much either.
I don't remember Mary giving shit about Yumeko and Suyui getting along, assuming there was such a thing it probably got dropped like you said.
Fucking gay.
It was a smaller moment that I remembered, but still hard to describe as anything else. Maybe Mary was just pissed Yumeko was getting attention from her introduction and the moment was just slotted into the end of scene after her talking to Suzui?
>So, Yumeko's jealous of Mary's new friend
Looks more like she's curious about her similarity with Kirari who is Yumeko's ultimate rival.
If Mary liked him then she wouldn't have behaved with him like a trash.
Mary was a twisted bitch at that point so who knows. She might have liked him and dominating him was her way of showing that.
These days Mary's characterization is colored by her spin-off manga where she's depicted as a cool shounen hero, but I don't think that's how Mary was supposed to be when the main series started serialization. She was mean to be a bitch back then. The spin-off basically retconned her characterization.
I'm pretty sure literally every relationship in the series so far has people treating each other like trash. It's a symptom of the way the school encourage people to be greedy and hierarchical with each other. Yumeko's the only one who doesn't use the games to get a leg up on other people or use them or put them under her thumb for one reason or another. Just to play the game with people.
Kakegurui suffers from a couple of fairly typical serialize manga problems. The story is fairly obviously written the seat of the author's pants, so we get weird things like characters being total assholes only to get slightly more personable when they return later on. Then we have stuff like the whole Bami sub-families showing up, which are a standard example of introducing a whole new team of mid-bosses when the manga gets extended beyond its originally planned story.
The nature of Mary having a backstory that seems very at odds with how she is when we first see her is just an extension of that.
I don't see how this is any indication of Mary giving a fuck about him.
Pretty much this
Mary doesn't like him. She is just jealous that the way he looks Yumeko, that's all.
I just hope that her friendship with Ririka is genuine.
best girl
Nope. Mary totally likes him. For example she blushed when Suzui spoke to her after the nim type zero.
I think something happened to her during Kakegurui Twin. After that she could show her love only by humiliating her love interest.
To be fair if we look at Yumeko she holds zero romantic interest in Suzui in actual manga, but anime 1st season added completely original ending where she suddenly has feelings for Suzui in last game as her motivation which was such a bullshit take.
But Mary actually shown two times to be blushing for him in the manga where there was no reason to at all if she wasn't into him a little.
They can make Kakegurui twin as gay as they want and pair up Mary with Ririka, her end game is Suzui.
The only reason she blushed is, because she's a tsundere and that's what they do when they're thanked or embarrassed. Now if you still want to want to ship Mary with bland guy who has zero personality, I don't care but don't make it look like it's more than your own headcanon.
>the creators can make it gay as they want, but it's somehow still straight!
You need to take off those hetgoggles, user.
Lol, ok let's assume that Mary likes him. But does he got any hours for her!
The secretary is famous more than Yumeko because of the Yuri bait, now see how mangaka is going to pander Ririka and Mary. Honestly, her relation with Ririka will be more interesting than Yumeko.
>Mary has blushed several times for Ririka
Endgame confirmed boys
Honestly, this Arc was too gay
It's thousand times more likely than Mary x bland guy that's for sure.
So apparently the author is a fujo as well?
Who gives a fuck? This manga is all about Yumeko personal mind game with Kirari. The rest is decoration. Hot decoration, but pretty much irrelevant.
Are you getting it now? See how is he going to pander RM ship.
Higher than you think I'd imagine
wait Suzui doesnt ever become a love interest to anyone and it ends up being a lesbofest
ye dropped
>wait Suzui doesnt ever become a love interest to anyone and it ends up being a lesbofest
It more looks that the author was forced by editor/publisher that he has to include main cast male character in this as self-insert as a deal to have his story serialised, because there's no need for Suzui character at all aside of him being heterosexualbait type of character as funny as it sounds to show from time to time that the girls aside of wanting to fuck with each other so much all the time one or two will look in his direction to show they are also into this guy/male readers etc.
It's basically Yumeko/President/Mary/Ririka/Sayaka/that crazy girl and all other lesbofuckfest, pretty much even the glasses guy and his blonde gf are really irrelevant.
The spin-offs, anthology and prequel are too gay as hell.
Not really. There is also Manyuda and nails girl. It's just that Suzui is so utterly boring that he got written out of the story.
It's the other way around. In the draft the author drew before the manga was serialized, Suzui was the MC.
I think the editor probably have him change the story and focus on Yumeko instead.
>Suzui was the MC.
Maybe it would be better, the manga would be forgotten after one volume and cancelled if he was MC.
So, people what's your thought Mary and Ririka's relationship?
Looks like Mary is to Ririka what Sayaka is to Kirari. Only on more equal terms, I guess.
Its a very cute relationship, but Ririka has to try a bit harder to fully convert Mary. She's hot and super rich, so it should be easy for her.
>They're now officially shilling Maryrika
My weiner is diamond.
I used to ship Mary/Yumeko, and I still think that has appeal to it, but Yumeko is just too wild and Mary is too rational. Only Kirari really matches up well with Yumeko (sorry Sayaka, childhood friend always loses). Ririka is better for Mary, more suitable for giving her domestic happiness.
>consider the following
It's impossible not to ship them together.
I'm glad this garbage is flopping
And it'll get a S3 despite that
Based Netflix literally saving anime
Anyone else think the second season is actually better than the first? It just feels more fun and I like the new characters.
I liked the first one better. It felt like Yumeko was having more fun back then.
>last season
Yumeko was better in S1 but Momogami clan covered it for me, too bad Tower of Yuri wasn't in S1 and Rei is Sex.
If it weren't for the next page this really does look like a kiss.
Is this tranlation correct and Ririka has been conspiring with Runa the whole time?
Wow, I'm first time seeing this. But why will she betray her own sister?
The translation I have is somewhat different. I don't have the raws so I can't check which one is correct.
that translation implies Ririka > Kirari
Yurifags are completely delusional lol
Same with people who think any girl will end with Suzui, so heteroshippers aren't much better in their delusion.
You want raws. I give you raws.
good thing Kakegurui's author isn't an obnoxious hetfag
This one is correct according to raws. That only I was thinking why she will go against her sister?
He is tho
I advise you to read his novels and spin offs, almost every girl is confirmed to be into boys
Not sure where you are getting that from.
That's obvious because she is kind girl, I think that president is the one running.
Go and translate it, user and also check the anime.
>Suzuifags getting more desperate by the minute
Why would I translate it? I don't see how that scene implies that Ririka conspires against her sister.
so, according to the raws, is correct
How is this show? Is it even remotely as good as Kaiji?
Nevermind, I read the Yen Press translation so you might be right.
Wait a second, I think that you are mistaking. The proper translation is the second one. What do you got from yen press?
Dropped the anime at the end of season 1 because of the original ending. Is season 2 good or should I just stick to the manga?
Yeah, you are right. The second posted english translation is the correct one(which is from Yen Press according to the filename). I got them mixed up.
>Dropped the anime
>at the end
Yeah, right. That first post give me a heart attack for a second. I really thought that Ririka is conspiring.
Stick to the manga. They even don't know what they are doing.
First time seeing such an expression from Yumeko? What will happen you think?
Yumeko's probably just confused since Ririka looks just like Kirari. I think this is the first time Yumeko sees her face and all.
They are both from Yen Press.
Why do they have two different translations?
The same reason why this happened.
This show deserved more attention.
she sees through Ririka's act
Why exactly is Ririka pretending to be friends with Mary? or is she truly friends with her?
It's probably like the President and her secretary. She's genuinely interested in Mary, but also kind of a nutter.
President's orders. The real question is why Kirari wants Mary on the student council.
I don't think she wants Mary in the council at all. I think she just set Mary to become a potential obstacle in Yumeko's path at some point.
Honestly, I get the feeling this whole "election" is just some sort overly elaborated mind game between Kirari and Yumeko.
Since Ririka has pretended to be the President before, I get the feeling the Kirari Mary met that time was actually Ririka.
Yeah, I think so too.
That would be a nice twist, but I doubt thats the case.
I thought that too, but it's clear Kirari wants Yumeko there. Or maybe she wants to mindfuck her
I don't think Ririka likes Mary like Kirari does for Sayaka. Mary is paired with a lot of girls, so it makes me think this is just fanservice. I don't feel anything more than friends between them.
just as trash
Forget about yuri for a moment. The reason Kirira is interested in Sayaka is because Sayaka was able to instinctively tell her apart from her twin. Sayaka was so interested in Kirari (the real one) that she could tell right away the Kirari she was talking to was a fake. That's why Kirara took her as personal secretary.
Likewise, I think Ririka is interested in Mary because Mary is the only one who sees Ririka as herself and not just a shadow of her sister. Note how Mary told her "think for yourself" and also had her drop the mask. All this really touches Ririka's heart.
Guys, come on you get Ririka's POV. What else do you need to confirm? She is genuinely supporting Mary. The reason why president asked Ririka to join Mary may be the reason to stop Yumeko. President sees the potential in Mary, but need some polish and hence sent Ririka. But she is genuinely supporting Mary.
Yes but why did Ririka chose Mary to begin with? It really seems to be random and out of thin air. While for Kirari there was an actual reason.
I'm still not convinced Ririka doesn't have ulterior motives for Mary
>President sees the potential in Mary,
But Kirari doesn't want to stop Yumeko though. Plus she herself is more capable than Mary, so she could stop her on her own
I don't know, may be as a back up.
>I think the editor probably have him change the story
or probably the artist which seems to be a yurifag
Based artist