Senryuu Shoujo 120

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> I have one more present for you
> Your new sister in law!
Get married already.

Nanako's face seems to be more marshmallow-like in these latest chapters.

"So it's the end of march tomorrow huh..."
"Spring break goes by really fast"

"And we're second years starting April..."
"Maybe I should go to a waterfall to get pumped up"

"Hm...? Hang on. Wait"
"I feel like there's something supposed to be on March 31...?"
"What was it..."

"March 31... March 31..."

"Oh right. It's the day the Eiffel Tower was built."
"No. (big) It's Hanabi's birthday dang it!!"
120: Hanabi's birthday

Comic 1
Hanabi's Sernyuu

"S-sorry Hanabi!!"
"That was just a little joke"

"Kokes are perfect for Nii-chan this year"
"I wanna be a guy with tons of wit!"
"More like tons of sh*t!!"

"Okay, if you got wit. Then make a senryuu now, Nii-ni"
"Right. Leave it to me!!"
"I'll make name senryuu using Hanabi!"

Ha - Hearts up for the spring.
Na - Natural summers are great.
Bi - Vivi's good also. [Improvised a bit to try and match this]
"No that doesn't work!!"

Comic 2

"So since tomorrow's your actual birthday"
"Nii-chan's gonna make a surprise for you"

"If you're gonna say that, then I'll raise the hurdles okay?"
"Yeah. Bring it up! Bring it up!!"

"Yaay! I'm so excited now!!"
"Heheheh, yeah get excited"

"Ah, maybe I should get ready just to be safe"
"My passport"
"Sorry. Can you lower that hurdle by a lot?"

> "I feel like there's something supposed to be on March 31...?"
>"Oh right. It's the day the Eiffel Tower was built."

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switched to phone

Birthday cake

March 31
Happy 6th birthday Hanabi!!
Waah! Thank!!

Already 6 huh? Time flies so fast.
You’re fast at eating cake!!

And you’re even eatibg the main nameplate!!
Eh? It’s a main?
[plate] Happy birthday Hanabi
It’s supposed to be the centerpiece!!

Sorry, I’ll put it back.

Comic 2

Hey you wanted this Nucky costume for a while, right?
Yaay thanks dad!!

Mama got you a paint set
Waah lots of colors!!

Nii-chan got you a bat!
Let’s play baseball together!

I’ll use them all!
Mixing them all created a B-rate horror film!!

Comic 1

A backpack present because she’s starting grade school this year
Hey does it look good?
Yeah... I know...

This is a bit too cute...
Yeah... this might lead to kidnapping...

Hanabi. Maybe a backpack won’t work.
So use e a sago palm bug net instead.
Oh hell no!!
Oh the boys here

Comic 2
Hide eyes

Hanabi, come over here.
Oh wait!?
Is this the big surprise!?

Wah!? What ghe?
Just count down now, hanabi
Uhhh... fifty thousand, forty thousand...
No no, too much.

Just start from 5
5... 4...


Hey Hanabi-chan!

A happy birthday today
From me to you! Yay!!

Kyaaaah! A Nanaaaakoooo!!!
Hahah, the surprise worked!

When I told her about your birthday, she said she wanted to come and celebrate.\+ I brought her here in secret.

Ehhh, Thanks Nanaako!!
Hanabi is a happy girl’n

I’m glad she’s happy..
Kitties go meow meow
Doggies go woof

Huh...? I feel like I’m forgetting something...
What was it... ah

Lots of typos

Oh yeah. I gotta feed Aguu.
No! You haven’t brought me on yet!!!

Ah!! S-sorry!! I seriously forgot!!
So you’re putting my greeting lower than feeding your bunny!!
Have some cake, Nyanyako!!
Hanabi is now in grade school.

Thanks user, this was a cute chapter

Thanks as always TLanon.

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Who're we waiting for?

Wonder just how long Masakuni will keep this going.

No one, we can stop.