Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru?


Who's ready for AOTY this Summer?

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?&q=Mitsue YAMAZAKI
google.com/search?&q=Fumihiko SHIMO

>made by Doga GODko

i see potential in this one.

Me struggling at the bench press

/fit/ and Yea Forums together at last. As a gym and anime addict this really does it for me.

Attached: Dumbbellpv1.webm (960x540, 418K)

Really look forward to this, musclegirls are the best. Threads will be absolutely awful though.

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how much are you lifting

>Danberu gets excellent animation
>Kengan gets stuck with trashy 2016 Berserk CG

Just fucking end me now

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Same, Im so glad this is getting an adaptation by GODAKOBO, the girls look so cute.

threads will be absolutely amazing
I'm unironically expecting above average quality discussion from the /fit/fags inbetween waifufaggotry posts

Attached: Dumbbellpv1_2.webm (960x540, 545K)

Hibiki likes to eat, has a fat ass, and is a good fister. Which Hibiki am I describing?

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Akemi best girl

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I still think that personnel are more important than studios.

Speaking of:
google.com/search?&q=Mitsue YAMAZAKI
google.com/search?&q=Fumihiko SHIMO

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Wait, what happened to Zina?

I want to stick my face between Hibikis strong tanned thighs
I want to like Gina more, but she is drawn like she is a twig for some reason
I hope both of them have some nice looking abs, and it’s not just Ayaka that has them
This is the anime I’ve been waiting for - I wanted to see muscles in Haruna Receive, but that was just moeblobs with no defined muscles at all

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>it's okay to talk about /fit/shit in danberu threads
>it's not okay to talk about /fit/shit in weight loss isekai threads
Because that makes sense. Get fucked whoever reported me and landed me a daycation for talking about something relevant to the thread's manga.

I’ll see you in the iron church, user.

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you deserve a perma

Says the faggot who can't even capitalize or punctuate.


The design looks better in the normal stance, instead on the flat bench pushing heavy weight.

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What gets me is,

...where's cosplay sensei? Where's Tachibana Satomi???
She appears LONG before Zina does, and is far more active in the series even when Zina does appear.


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Gina is an equally accurate translation. Ultimately, for naming reasons, a better one.

Something about this image gives me the impression their focus is definitely more on the form and artstyle than on the instruction of comedy that sets the tone of the manga.

I can't say I'm complaining; we have the manga for the instruction and humor and this will be very fun to look at. It just seems a little more....cute, instead of raunchy.

Attached: Chapter 3 - Squat (6).png (715x1013, 276K)

lmao im too dumb i didn't make the connection.
Is there a deadlift chapter yet or does the writer still think deadlifting is only for people who've been lifting for 10+ years?

Chapter 23

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/fit/ and Yea Forums united in wanting to be the little girl

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So the russian is canonically a porn star?

My dick is ready for Hibiki's fatass.

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What are her rape doujin going to be like? Scrawny, 100 pound guys?

No, she just has a joke reference to two pornstars because this page makes is obvious that Sandrovich Yabako watches western pornography. Zina, or Gina, is obsessed with erotic cosplay idols, though.

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fat old men


Needs to be fit old men or bust.

The TL made two translation errors on the name and generally westernizes a lot of the puns, too but he's copped to them before: Zina's name and Silverman's Gym.

>It's not "Silverman's Gym"
This name is possessive and makes an obvious joke of "Gold's Gym," where Arnold Schwarzenegger trained at in Southern California Venice Beach back in the 70s. Obvious to the west, not obvious to the Japanese.
>It is "Silverman Gym" (シルバーマン = Shirubāman)
This is not possessive and the joke reference is to "Kinnikuman," a manga title "Muscle Man" but with "Kin" meaning "Gold." The flexing muscle mascot can also be vaguely construed as the character, Silverman, from that manga.
The 1st's translation works better for a western audience than the 2nd more literal and accurate one.

He also was concerned about "Kure Yakusha" being "Kure Yaksha" because Sandrovich's earlier work, "Kengan Asura" has the sanskrit name there in the title and the yakṣa are a class of demons with a split personality: regarded as generally peaceful and benevolent in appearance but also extremely vengeful and murderous when they want to be. The Japanese spelling of her name this demon is the same, though yakṣa is masculine while the feminine version is yakṣī (and her name is not Yakushi).

Attached: Silverman and Goldman.jpg (560x396, 67K)

Would it still be rape though?

For Akemi? Yeah. Fat men, skinny men...those aren't her type.

If it was some insanely muscular man or truly swole gym-bro, she'd probably be all for it.

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Who the hell named their kid Zina? the translator is retarded.


Would she bone the Kingpin? Looks fat, but ridiculously strong.

>we know it's a mistranslation, but don't worry! we will keep the mistranslation instead of fixing it from now on because why not?
It's so annoying that so many fantranslators do this. Who knows how many misromanization they have in Beastars (like Sebun = Seven) and I bet the translator will keep being stubborn anyway even after the official names get revealed.

Good luck to the half egyptian cutie that is voicing Hibiki, hope she get's more roles in a future

What are you waiting to racemix you fuckers?

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Well Hibiki is there because she wants to lose weight and get a more defined body, so abs won't show up there. Zina might depending on the scene, though.

Probably not. She's specifically about the appearance of muscles. particularly the pectoralis major.

My Kettlebells are ready!

And yes, this is unironically AOTY

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Hope there's lots of midriff shots.

Do you even lift?!

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What's that?

The only lifting equipment you`ll ever need

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Putin approved

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>you will never lick Ayaka’s abs
Why even live.

Oh, ok. I'm not a girl, so I wouldn't know

Attached: 010_1493882036.png (960x1361, 264K)

You`ll probably not survive a normal kettlebell workout. Its ok. Its only for the manliest of men.

Attached: file.png (600x408, 358K)

I wouldn't survive a cheerleading routine either. Only the manliest of men indeed.

Yeah, keep making those deadlifts forever thinking it`ll make you stronger, while dieing from trying to climb the stairs

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Do you have problems climbing the stairs after doing deadlifts?

"Zina" is short for "zinaida", which is derived from greek "zenais", which means "zeus's"
A typical russian female name

I sprint the 12 story hours stairs up and down in three sets. I know the difference between isolated excercises/compound lifting and actual strength.

Kettlebells workouts are great, since its both functional compound strength and body activation, combined with higher heart rate. Unlike dumbbells, kettlebells is litterally sufficient equipment to make you big.

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This is getting an anime? What the fuck

What's a story hour stairs?

Get an active hobby or something. Sprinting down stairs is lame. You're obviously not going to have good cardio if you just lift weights. That's not the point of it.

Springing UP the stairs is very intensive and effective HIIT, its hard to find a better one - especially when you are bodybuilder with body weight above the sprinter/fitness midgets. The only restriction is avaibility of stairs. Its not for cardio. Cardio requides longer period less intensive training,

These threads will be beautiful and terrible to behold.

Do not take the muscles lightly. Fitness is War. Kaguya-fans know nothing of real War yet.

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>musclegirls are the best.
But there's no musclegirls in this.

Natty muscle girls?

Also, her elder sister.

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So I can lose my flabby stomach if I plank?

No. Losing the flabby stomach is 90% stop eating too much and/or eating garbage

No, if you are proffessional boxing trainer as the girl on pic is.

Attached: girls.jpg (3840x2722, 3.1M)

>1st row 1st - an Ogre, based on her eating habbits and insane strength episidically displayed.
>1st row 2nd - Gymslut
>1st row 3rd - Boxing Trainer
>1st row 4rd - Boxing Trainer
>2nd row 1st - An evil maneating Yokai (scary)
>2nd row 2nd - A russian Sambo fighter, Putin's spy
>2nd row 3rd - AV star
>2nd row 4rd - tumblr cosplayer pretending to be young girl

Are there any tomboys in this series?

That trailer made me sweat. Holy shit, this is gonna be good.


That's pretty flat, but could be flatter.

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Will I find this show inspirational for starting lifting?

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>could be cute girls lifting cute weights
>instead shoehorn men and romance into it
It's shit

Judging by the last two, these threads will basically be /fit/ alongside lewd webms

>AV star
Details, please.

It`ll inspire you to start eating.

Attached: 014_1476027240.png (800x1134, 939K)

Cosplayer star that started with porn, moved to become popular cosplayer and now tries to move to TV industry by sleeping with producer

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Is this yuri, I hope this has potential.

producer is in 3rd pic (too bad he became gay)

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They'll know each other. Your standard yuri goggles will be sufficient.


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You`ve been fooled. It is actually an Idol Show.

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>baiting yurifags
It's like you want HIM to infest these threads.

when being /fit/ goes too FAR.

All cute girl shows should be idol shows, or at least have an idol OVA special

Attached: my favorite word is bulk.png (960x1361, 247K)

Mods are probably fat fucks.

it has two idol arcs and both are the worst chapters in this manga since try to be unrelated comedy instead of just giving fit tips.

Same with Arnold Schwartzeneger arcs. Manga strays too far away from its original concept - and has less and less to do with bodybuilding as it goes on, sadly - probably since it became too popular and editors demanded to make it more a general "comedy" rather than niche fitness manga.

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Stop eating like shit and do sit ups.


No. /fit/ is very fucking gay

The thing /fit/ would not like about this manga - none of the girls find the muscle macho guys in gym even remotely attractive (aside from the Ojou who is not quite right in the head). They all want Twinks/guys that do not lift (i.e main heroine's chuni billionair brother)

fit: "hurr durr we do not lift for thots!"

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>(aside from the Ojou who is not quite right in the head).

Best girl found then. I'll enjoy seeing her wet herself every episode

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I can never be good enough for her, but that won't stop me from trying.

My D is ready

>Lifting for 3DPD roasties
>Not lifting for kawaii 2D imoutos
Don't be a fag user.

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Fuck off, its a show for the Brain, not dick

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>western society is becoming more and more faggot-oriented and treats sign of masculinity like a plague
>nip society is still favorising healthy relationships, exercise, muscles and good nutrition
I want a permanent nip visa so badly.

>/fit/ and Yea Forums
Wouldn't that be /fat/?

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Zina is a normal Russian name, which is why translators got confused, I assume.

>treats sign of masculinity like a plague

Gonna stop you right there, user. There's a clear line between masculinity and 'toxic masculinity'. One is being a man, the other is being a whiny baby and a dick.

You're being the latter right now, so stop.

>>nip society is still favorising healthy relationships, exercise, muscles and good nutrition
excercise, muscle and good nutrition is threated as a joke by Nips. They laugth at it and the manga is indicator of that.

Nips like unisex gay

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>toxic masculinity

Attached: file.png (700x505, 385K)

It's just nips thinking muscle men are gay because these people tend to be narcissistic and only focus on their bodies (like females would do) and exposing themselves

Fuck off back to ANN, faggot.

Attached: stop.png (667x720, 134K)

And they're right

I picked the manga up because of the PV, and oh boy am I glad I did. I love this cast so much, holy shit.


Also, what's ANN?

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There will literally be no excuse not to lift when the anime will air.

This is your last chance, Yea Forums

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>these people tend to be narcissistic and only focus on their bodies (like females would do) and exposing themselves

but that's true

>generic shojo designs
Does a single one even get swole? Not even one?

Main heroine is pretty "swole"

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Nope. They remain petite, dainty flowers for the entire time.

Perfect, the way girls should be.

Popular bodybuilding started with murican boomers more or less.
Nips think health is more about living long rather than being swole

>generic shojo
retard, it's obviously intended for male audience
anime also made them thinner

This one.

Attached: 1526554042391.jpg (960x960, 163K)

>anime also made them thinner
No, it didn't. The girls are stick-thin in the manga.

sakura is fat as fuck in the manga
and overall they clearly were thiccer in the manga, you're blind

It did. Also "streamlined" faces, of which MC suffered the most and Zina the least.

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It's the one place you won't stick out like a sore thumb.

And you're doing such a great job blending in. Do you realize that when anyone makes a public statement calling out whiny babies and telling them to stop being whiny babies, only whiny babies will get triggered by it, right?

Basically, stop being a whiny baby.

>managa about lifting made for males
>doesnt cater to swole transformation fetish

Attached: 5d261a8e4c5a7dff8c5cb8ef0e851226.webm (640x640, 2.34M)

Will Godakobo muscles live up to KyoAni muscles standard set by Free?

Attached: GcJi[1].gif (320x180, 968K)

Nah, they will use the same standard they set with pedomaid.

I belive the show about lifting requires a little more effort than show where it was just a comedy gimmic

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! - 02 [1080p].mkv - 01;42;04.366.jpg (1920x1080, 698K)

can someone post the color pic collection

Reminder /fit/ girls are mostly cute dykes

Is she the female equivalent of The Architect?
Instead of fat women, it's muscular men.

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>guy in the back is only benching 205

>skinny director is working hard to improve himself
Go, fellow skinnybro!
(I thought the story would make fun of him, but it was great to see everyone cheer him on.)

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The best thing about the lewd explanation pages are the underboobs.

>lifting for f*moids
never gonna make it

Attached: welcometofit.jpg (589x663, 162K)

Leaving humanity behind

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You're the same guy posting in the /fit/ thread, aren't you?

it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan

Did anyone unironically (re)watch Anitore to follow their routine? It was actually pretty fun.

Attached: mfwcrunches.jpg (285x414, 38K)

I'm glad the animators aren't cutting corners when it comes to Ayaka's abs.

Attached: Y-you t-too.png (960x977, 584K)

>Kure Sensei
You can update your little collage, there.

And, fun fact if you didn't know:
She Karla's mother. And Karla is 16-years-old. Her husband is also 46-years-old
Kure Sensei is only 34-years-old.
Seems a strong desire to build a family is STRONG.

Attached: 03.png (960x1361, 637K)

>Cosplay idol's shadow is a devil
>Cake sensei's shadow is a cute maid
I never noticed

Attached: 01.png (960x1361, 1.25M)

>2nd row 2nd - A russian Sambo fighter, Putin's spy
I think you might have confused her with Zina? That's Aina-sensei. She's the biker gang type.

Attached: 03.png (960x1361, 853K)

>legs still thin as fuck after 3 years
big yikes

They know why they came to this winter holiday party

Attached: operation SNATCH.png (292x193, 59K)

They've been lifting for barely 1 year
They're 17-years-old
They're not on testosterone hormone therapy to get big
All but machojou are weight training to lose weight and stay thin

But, it's not like fit girls don't appear in the manga.

Attached: Chapter 4 - Stretch (5).png (715x1013, 247K)

And they do add another trainer to help out from time-to-time in literally two more chapters (in eng).

Attached: 11.jpg (960x1361, 151K)

Yup, you got it, Pierce. The manga BEGINS with her being exactly that AND being a feeder to Sakura.

Attached: Chapter 2 - Bench Press (17).png (715x1013, 295K)

The artist knows underboobs are the best feature for teasing. He's a wonderful man for making absolutely every straining set an excuse to draw crop-tops for underboobage.

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Naisu badi

Attached: Akemi.webm (1280x720, 361K)

Attached: Hibiki.webm (1280x720, 220K)

Kylä kunnon löy lyt tyä päivän päätteeks piristää työm miehen päivää

Attached: Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

She learned from the best

Attached: Sleepy Eyes for Excited Minds.jpg (608x945, 257K)

Ainakin Zyzz saa nyt ikuisen leponsa.

Premise is good, and the girls are cute. Looking forward to this and its doujins,

Muscle fetish
Get corrupted by faceless bald architects

I hope they fix some of the wonky looking forms in the manga. My autism can't handle it.

Nothing to corrupt on my end, always liked those kind of girls. Unfortunately finding muscle girls taller than me is impossible.

I meant wannabe fit girls get corrupted by architects like pierce-san

One of the only series I talk about on Yea Forums anymore, maybe I'll finally be free of this place when the animeonlyfags ruin these threads too

Not really, the characters never actually look fitter visually over time or anything

Wtf i went gym twice and still not mr olympia

The intro pages, the 4komas (which are all colored)?

post exercise lewds This zip has all of them at full size (since Yea Forums hates 4MB) plus all the other full page stuff


Attached: Cover Pages 1.jpg (3528x3039, 2.77M)

>Nao Toyama is voicing one of the characters

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Well, when the primary male trainer who appears every manga to train these girls is a completely ridiculously huge and wildly-too-muscular-it-doesn't-make-sense macho, intrinsic to his entire premise for the comedy...

...yeah, I'd say they'll probably give the muscle a little more attention. To at least one person.

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>Reddit spacing
You're not even trying to hide it.

>men should show emotions
>eww stop being toxic whiny baby dick
Reeks of reddit

>top row
>2nd from the right
i c wut u did there

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That homo over there

Stop being fat. You could have the hardest washboard abs in the world but it doesn't matter if they're covered in a layer of fat

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Machyo is the cutest of them all

>Nao Touyama

Attached: 1536434067049.jpg (520x1046, 87K)

It's funny, and keeps the story from just being tits and ass (which is great, don't get me wrong).
I'm not thrilled about the shoehorned romance, though. Just let Machio turn Hibiki down and be done with it.

Attached: 10.png (960x1361, 579K)

>shoehorned romance
The only reason she joined Silverman Gym was because Machio was a hottie. That "shoehorned romance" has been in integral part of her character from literally Ch. 1 and it's shown up in basically every chapter for 2 years now. Initially, she "fell in love" with his bishie cute form and hates the fact he's actually a muscle-freak. 2 years of publication and only now finally is she starting to admit, "ok, I guess his muscles are pretty nice, I GUESS."
They don't even focus on it; it's just a little thing to draw her freaking out or blushing or reacting in some way from time-to-time.

If you're worried about the new "AkemixMachio" thing that happened in the last couple Eng chapters, I can assure you it's a joke, it will go away on Ch. 60 and Akemi does NOT have any romantic feelings for Machio whatsoever. She just lusts for his body.

Attached: Chapter 1 - Admission (16).png (715x1013, 251K)

>trying to argue with yurishitters

Attached: that one.jpg (374x374, 41K)

I see your point, but it was merely a crush on her part for most of the story so far; and as you noted it was superficial to begin with.
It's weird to have the shift in tone for "serious" romantic interest after all the wacky hijinks.
I'm not a yurifag, retard.

Well, I can two more reasons for the "tone" shift to more serious recently:

At the end of the aforementioned Ch. 60, Akemi also states, after explaining she doesn't have romantic feelings for Machio, that "he has a girlfriend anyway." It's the reason for 's introduction the following chapter; Hibiki gathers the cast together to find out what's going on and how she never knew. Ultimately, again, it simply being a vessel for the comedy.
The girls will be graduating next year and they need to decide what they want to do with their life. Hibiki decides she really appreciates the time she's spent at Silverman Gym and wants to (mildly) follow in Machio's footsteps to help others improve their fitness. And to bag him, but that's not as important right now.

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I wouldn't fucking miss a dunk in front of my bois too. The fuck were they thinking?

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Need Yea Forums versions of those

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how is the gains goblin portrayed in the series?

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Machio had long ago exorcised all gains goblins from Silverman Gym.

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>did this earlier today
dont remind me of the pain

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from normal cutie to gym thot

Our time has come

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>hogging the latpulldown for 3 entire years