Why was this movie so god damn ugly? I've never seen a movie uglier than the original show until this...

Why was this movie so god damn ugly? I've never seen a movie uglier than the original show until this. It's a shame because it had some pretty cool ideas, but I just couldn't get over the abundance of shitty cg.

Has everything Psycho Pass related since the original show been a let down? Does S3 have any hope?

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There was some good Akane fan service at least.

bump for anime discussion

Doesn't S3 have a new MC and no Akane?

So what happens in Sinners of the System? Where the fuck is Akane?

I thought it was good. Definitely better than S2
They are trying to fool us, no way the old gang won't return, especially after Sinners of the System.

Season 2 when?

Replaced by superior inspector

Attached: 『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス Sinners of the System Case.1 罪と罰 』スポット-cyjZ74IIQGU.mp (1280x720, 81K)

retired and became a housewife after getting knocked up by Gino

Mika is cute despite being a bitch. too bad she doesn't like men.

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>Mika is listed in the databook as 5/5 instinct
>She immediately realizes the lesbian in her school is a serial killer and tells her friend to stay out of it
>she is ALWAYS suspicious of Akane, no matter what

What did Urobuchi mean by this?

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Strong and thick Gino dick can do wonders to her, I'm sure
>Akane is Makishima of S3

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has anybody drawn fanart of akane and aya brea lezzing out

So how long until sinners of the system BD release? Not interested in S3 with no Kougami, it will be a Trainwreck like S2.

Has Kougami fucked the blonde from ss3?

Not announced yet. Hopefully they'll come out before S3
>S3 with no Kougami
Didn't the blondie convinced him to come back to Japan? in the third movie?

>Didn't the blondie convinced him to come back to Japan
The most important questions is whether he fucked the blonde. I just want to see the akane X Kougami shipper's meltdown.

Kogami is revengesexual

Best girl and worst girl at the same time is literally the best character type.

We didn't see him fucking makishima.

How does she do it?

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What do you think is in the bag then?

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All the porn magazines that he faps to due to having no courage to actually ask a real woman out.

Sybil is the worst girl tho

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>Mika is only 5'2

I can pick her up and fuck her against the wall.

t. Ginoza

I can't forgive her for surrendering Akanegranny to Togane. Poor old lady did not deserve it.


Neither can she
But S2 is not canon anyway

Did SS3 contain a Kougami bath scene given we see him holding a towel in screenshots?

>especially after Sinners of the System
Bds fucking when?

is it finally time?

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Worth watching, I guess?

I hope so. If it doesn't happen i gonna flip tables.

Old and busted, GinoMika is the new hotness

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wish they made more series like this

btw tehre will be AJ Psycho Pass keynote on 24th. Maybe we'll get real PV and BD dates for SS