What a boring fucking show

What a boring fucking show.

>Dude child rape lmao so dark and edgy
>Child soldiers
>Child beatings omg so horrific

It doesn't make your show interesting, I'm 6 episodes in and you know what's happened? Fuck all. The pacing is decent but there's just NOTHING going on. OP and ED are 10/10 though.

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I agree. I don’t remember anything about this show aside from blue girl disappearing. Pretty shallow and dumb. Don’t know why Yea Forums fellates this garbage.

I don’t even know what this is but because of the character designs and quality you’ll never catch me watching this shit. I can guarantee that.

It was an alright show. The part where the MC and that elder woman preached to a rape victim that she shouldn't abort her rape baby no matter what kinda left a sour taste in my mouth, though.

you could've just dropped the show like a normal human being but you just had to make this thread to tell everyone instead

Children of the Whales was unironically good.

This is an anime discussion board, if you can't handle negative discussion then go to MAL or something

My only real complaint about the show is that the author tries to moralize no having an abortion, in the context of a scenario where a young girl delivering a child carries far higher risks. And there's even a doctor in the series that states this so the pressure to keep the child comes from a barren woman trying to live vicariously through someone else, and the MC who is too idealistic for his own good. Which doesn't sit with me at all.

Shu as a character makes sense on paper, he's supposed to be the typical shounen protag who is optimistic and unflinching in his views. Thrown into a setting where those qualities are at odds with the stark reality of humanities extinction. In execution Shu just comes across as incredibly annoying because he doesn't really seem to appreciate the situation he's in and ultimately he's able to go back to earth having only compromised in his ideals maybe once or twice from memory. (like when he looses his shit against Hamdo). He should have slowly lost his optimism as the series went on, but by not doing so he's able to convince Lalaru to not forsake humanity but all the shit Shu has seen should have turned him into just as jaded and spiteful a person as Sarah.

idk, it's a good show, I remember it fondly but it has problems.

>Fuck all ever happens but the pacing is decent.

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Its more that I get the impression that OP just wanted to signal how "above it all" he is which is really annoying and not impressing anyone

They look like they belong in a Ghibli movie about how he's a scummy birmingham boy from an industrial town and she's a german exchange student everyone hates because boo nazis


>Its more that I get the impression that OP just wanted to signal how "above it all" he is which is really annoying and not impressing anyone
No, I just wanted to express how boring the show is and see what other people thought. All that other shit is stuff you made up in your mind. I mean what I say, I don't hide it behind doublespeak.

I mean, they go from scene to scene, room to room, character to character fairly quickly. But nothing of substance happens in any of those scenes.

nope not buying it

Like I give a fuck you fucking faggot, who the fuck are you?

Well it does seem to bother you a lot for someone who doesn't give a fuck. Get over it then

Can you define substance here?

>I'm 6 episodes
It doesn't get anymore interesting, so feel free to quit while you're ahead.
It has no theme or message, it's just boring edginess right to the very end, all while the main character feels like he belongs in a completely different type of story given he has absolutely no normal, human reaction to any of the horrible shit that's happening around and to him.

That ending is also top-tier retarded. Hey, we've overthrown the baddie, but sorry Sarah, you have a duty to not abort the baby and not go back to your American home. Them's the breaks sweetie!
It's been 4 years since I watched this, and it still feels like the biggest waste of time i've ever spent on an anime.

Worst yet i've seen normalfags praise it as "Awww, it's so sad :( :( :(" and "Wow! It's like a deconstruction of isekai anime before isekai became popular :O :O :O".

>"I think X show is boring."
Imagine being this fragile.

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But MAL is all about negative discussion

It was, but I don't understand what that has to do with this thread.

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cool greentext strawman, try actually quoting me next time instead of making up conversations in your mind like some school kid trying to btfo his bully


> while the main character feels like he belongs in a completely different type of story
This is the point of the whole series. It's a grave of the fireflies type of an ending also. Probably it is a story that impresses younger shounen (15-25 years), not the boomer audience that inhabits Yea Forums now.

>like some school kid trying to btfo his bully
The projection is unreal.

aka "no u", yeah btfo but point still stands

Episode 1
>Ends up in X place
Episode 6
>Still in X place, no closer to his goal, sort of just milling about not doing anything while side characters exposition dump at you

>>Dude lmao
are you 15?

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The show will seem better if you watch it with your eyes open.

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I was going to mention that you shouldn't confuse the story only having 2 major locations as not having substance, but if you're going to ignore the exposition and situations that happen on the base I guess you can say the story has no substance. I'm not going to say the story isn't without flaws, but not jumping around to a dozen or so places isn't one of them.

>It's a grave of the fireflies type of an ending also.
No, Grave of the Fireflies had an ending that made sense, there's a clear chain of events that led the main characters to the fate they ultimately have, with the older brother being partly responsible for what happens to them.
There's a clear message to be had there in the tragedy of the film.

Meanwhile back in Now and Then, Here and There everything gets resolved cleanly, it's just that the characters are irrational and stupid enough to convince a 13 year old girl that she has a duty not to abort her baby, and worst yet, that she shouldn't return back to her comfy living in America despite being abducted from there and then raped. The main character is able to return home just fine, as if nothing ever happened, which in itself is stupid considering all of the traumatic shit he went through.

The biggest problem with the story is that it's nonsensical and it's clear the creator had no real goal or purpose to it.
It was only made to try and replicate the success of Evangelion without any of the creative talent that made Eva a classic.

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This is “Now and Then, Here and There” right ?

Isn’t humanity in the brink of extinction in this? It’s been so long since I watched it but why do people shit on the abortion decision? There is always a risk in childbirth but given the proximity to extinction shouldn’t that play a role in the decision?

It's actually one click on the 'google' link below the fucking image away.

It's a good argument, but I don't think the show itself brought it up.


>GotF ending
I meant the fade to present at the very end and the contrast of kids life in the present and wartime.

>The biggest problem with the story is that it's nonsensical
Why do you take it so seriously and literally? Can't you see the metaphorical side? Where we live in peace and safety yet there is a possibility for an adverse life that we might be plunged into basically at any moment? Where we might have to do things that we don't like, that fight against our established thoughts and sense of justice? And at the end, do we just go back to our normal lives or do we accept the reality? Maybe the story isn't really about what it is literally, but things that might happen in "real" life?


The world they're transported to is struggling to survive, but it's not on the brink of extinction.
The character they try to get to abort their baby is 13 years old and doesn't come from that world, she was taken from our world's America. If the show tried to make it seem like they were convincing her to stay for their own selfish needs to create more babies that'd be fine, but their argument is as though she has some moral responsibility to stay in this post-apocalyptic esque world and give birth to the baby of her rapist, rather than just taking the only portal back home and getting an abortion.

Abelia getting spared was the most bullshit thing to ever happened in this show

No but the people who like this show clearly are

>All these muh abortion

Do you even watch the show? Shu is a 10 year old boy whose main motto in his life is to never give up no matter what the circumstances.

If he let Sarah kill her baby that would derail his character. After all this year I still don't understand why western viewers are all raging at the abortion scene.

>Boring show

Do you ADHD?

And maybe if you pretend something boring isn't boring then you'd be a delusional fanboy

>Maybe the story isn't really about what it is literally, but things that might happen in "real" life?
Then the story failed because I didn't reflect on any of that at all because my suspension of disbelief was already shattered by the lack of any coherence.

The problem has always been the show goes out of it's way to tell us that there will/can be complications due to this pregnancy but the only counter arguments comes from a 10 year old that is paradoxically unphased by all the shit he endured to be able to look Sarah in the eyes and tell her to not kill her rape baby, and an old woman who just wants Sarah to have the kid because she never will.

This was quite literally an argument on the same level as "if you kill your opponent your as bad as they are". Sarah aborting the child isn't giving up, she's trying to get back home and return to as close to a normal life she can have and she's literally stopped from doing that while Shu gets to run home. This is one of the two major notes the story ends on, the other being the resolution of Hamda and Lalaru and it's there that Shu finally gets to unleash the bottled up rage he's been suppressing but he's allowed that in the story while Sarah has to be literally and metaphorically fucked over and spend the rest of her life in the twilight of humanity?

The ending of the story isn't as good as it's beginning and middle, nuff said.

Oh look, the pro murder faggots are here. Man, am I glad you weren't aborted.

>pro murder
The less scummy single mothers in the world raising scummy children the better moron

>paradoxically unphased
Shu climb a smokestack at a very young age, pretty sure that was establish early on that he was brave and during the first few episode he still trying to understand what the hell is going on, mind you he is not some trouble youngster or emotional kid like Shinji was. He was a very normal and naive kid whose first thought was to be "normal" in a not so normal place. The moment he become hinged or affected by such outcome during his time on Hellywood that's the moment when humanity already lost.

Sis ask sarah to not kill her baby not because she was old or she can never have a babies but as a testament of her strength If every girl aborted their rape baby she basically made the rapist won but if she go trough it and in the end overcome it she will be strongest women alive who fought hate with love. That's what sis trying to say that baby was innocent and deserve to live killing the baby make her no better than the man who raped her

Are you dumb enough that you can't made a simple analytical thinking?

>Are you dumb enough that you can't made a simple analytical thinking?
>Are you dumb enough that you can't made
oh, the irony

>If every girl aborted their rape baby she basically made the rapist won
Thats retarded logic but I'm also aware that thats not your view, and not necessarily the writers view either. I'm guessing the anime just didn't get the tone right for that, I remember it being portrayed as a triumph but I can imagine it wasn't necessarily meant as one
Its a puzzling moment in the show but people who get this offended over it in the show probably still think abortion is just "taking a bloody crap and being done with it" and not actually even more horrifying than just giving birth to the thing and giving it up for adoption if it bothers you so much

>If every girl aborted their rape baby she basically made the rapist won but if she go trough it and in the end overcome it she will be strongest women alive who fought hate with love
What in the name of gods green earth are you fucking saying. Jesus...

>pretty sure that was establish early on that he was brave
There's being brave and being unphased by months of torture and abuse.
>Sis ask sarah to not kill her baby not because she was old or she can never have a babies
No, that is transparently part of why she asks Sarah not to abort.
>deserve to live killing the baby make her no better than the man who raped her
Which is the same logic as "if you kill your enemy you're no better than them" which is a flat argument in a lot of cases and this one specifically. The child is innocent sure, but Sarah wanting to go back home without that burden doesn't make her worse than her rapist. In what world does that make sense to you?

Its clearly not his mother tongue ameritard

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ESL's need to lurk more before posting

There was nothing wrong with this. The child had no choice in the matter either. It also aligns with the rest of the shows narrative that war=murder=never justifiable. Abortion is, at the end, removal of a life.

>that is paradoxically unphased by all the shit he endured to be able to look Sarah in the eyes and tell her to not kill her rape baby
The moment she told him that she got pregnant with a rape baby was when he was out of words for the first time.

>you know what's happened? Fuck all. The pacing is decent but there's just NOTHING going on.
How can the pacing be decent yet at the same time nothing is happening? How stupid are you? What about it is "well paced" then?

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AHHHH. It's spelled "Unfazed" you fucks. Get it right!

In my day, this is what we used to call a 'try hard'.

Congrats user, I guess you're too mature for this cartoon. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?
I'm happy that a tourist discover some older animu, but does he have to shitpost so much about it?

>why do people shit on the abortion decision
Coping child murders.
Now I'm not saying murdering children is always a bad choice, it's acceptable if the mother's life is in severe danger. The mother may as well give up her life in that case, the decision should be left to her unless the child is sure to die anyway.

All other cases (even rape) she should never be allowed to abort. Death is worse than the emotional pain of carrying the pregnancy to term (if it wasn't all raped women that live in countries that don't allow abortion would an hero and they fucking don't).

Better than the entire catalog being seasonal generals.

its idealistic, but it isnt simple. she wants to kill the babby because its a rape baby, she does it out of hate and grief. ofc the babby doesnt have a choice, either she is the victim or the babby is the victim if she aborts it.

>Wahh threads can only be posted when I say so!
Get a grip moron. We don't all waste our lives watching shitty seasonals.

the different endings for shu and sarah is about how people deal with struggle. some get off pretty much scott free like shu, who gets to go home and the entire story is practically nothing more than a bad dream. for others like sarah, it destroys everything about life they thought they knew but still in the end cling to some small sliver of hope for god knows what reason. if its unfair, thats because the world is unfair.

This post's format feels like bait, but I actually agree with your points. it felt like they took a kids' anime and added dark elements, but the actual plot and especially characters still felt as simplistic and uncompelling as a normal kids' anime.

MC was such a retard towards the end, constantly moralising to the child rape victim why she should keep her soldier baby in a literal apocalypse land. Then said rapist plays the hero at the end by jumping into some water, really fucking stupid.

>wwaaah greentext strawman
kill yourself

>Wahh strawman strawman strawman
Fucking get a life loser, crying strawman is pathetic. Either respond or don't, stop crying about how the argument is phrased.

It's not a life yet

It's been a while since I saw it, but does she not have family in her home world who live out the rest of their lives believing she was kidnapped and murdered?

If the baby has the right to her future, surely hamzo has the right to earth's water?

We don't even know if he's the father.

>waah goo goo ga ga poo poo
this is literally you right now btw, I've just taken a few liberties to rephrase your statement if you don't mind

I repeat, only little faggot bitches scream strawman at people. No one fucking cares about the "rules of arguments" moron, this is a shitposting website not a fucking university.

>I'm a total fag that likes smoking cock
Yeah duh, like anyone's suprised by that, though I appreciate your honesty

its just suffering porn that people wank because they watched it as impressionable teens on the SyFy channel

Based and redpilled


Not mention that emperor who was evil for the sake of evil. And why the hell his servant just killed him, especially that woman?