Which anime character epitomizes the word loli for you?

Which anime character epitomizes the word loli for you?

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Namely because her loliness transcends age, and she's Konata.

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I know it's 2 chars not 1 but how could it be anyone other than Illya and/or Kuro

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every time I hear the word loli my first thought is Cirno.
which is even weirder because I have barely played one touhou game.


Do you like Namori's lolis?

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Her JCs are sexier.

Attached: Chinatsu with lolita glasses.jpg (1220x1907, 379K)

Yes, especially Mao.

This one. Didnt your daughter ever teach you that stray lolis are dangerous and not to be trusted?

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God Aoi is so sexy.

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Your image makes me think of sakura.

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Best JK loli.

Asuha or Lotte

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Cute snail

One of them needs to consume semen to survive.
The other one just likes the taste.

The sexiest one.

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But thats no KAOS.

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JCs have better butts.

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Posting VO when talking about butts is cheating

gross dont post that here

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That's me.

How has no one mentioned this yet?

Attached: kodomo-no-jikan.jpg (444x512, 107K)

Sakura for sure, especially in that platinum dress.

Too obvious

JC butts aren't gross.

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>cropped at feet


Sagiri a cute, but fakeslut normie classmate was my favorite.



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She was the only character in the series who wasn't somehow involved in LN publishing.

You have to go back.

Best loli coming through

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One of the few I would not fuck.

Nope, you just headpat, hand-hold and snuggle while making sure she does her homework, goes to bed on time and is happy/healthy.

Attached: matsuri 021.jpg (832x520, 29K)

The rest of the mashimaros are fair game, though.

The Ramunes

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Asuha's a succubus too technically, so she'll probably have to as well.

But user, those little girls are doing adult things

Even better.

I’d like them to do my adult thing

So what?

I don't see what prevents me from doing those things and also fucking her and cumming on her glasses.

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If you want to see pics of big sweaty cocks that much,there are entire boards for this

I don't get it.

For my dick.

user, that’s naughty

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Meant for


Post that image of Nanoha eating ice cream.

>Kinomoto Sakura epitomizes loli for many people
>her show is literally about her going through puberty

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>first post
>is best post

Too old, get out of here.

I’d like to lick that puffy vulva

Juju, I really miss her. I hope she's okay

Can you fuck off already?

The cute and funny Colors

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These two.

Specifically, this image.

Perfect, genuine, complete, crystalline, pure. If I had ten thousand such lolis our troubles here would be over very quickly.

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I appreciate the effort user but it's just not the same as when that dumb French whore says it.

Yep, that's me.

Fuck off. Why Sakura? She is not sexual and CCS is a show for little girls.

>She is not sexual
You HAVE to go back.

This one

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Loli Nanoha is beyond sex incarnate, I love her.
Too bad they had to go and ruin literally everything in their pursuit of normalfag tail. It really sucks.

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my nigger

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I know that this version is not her most loli one(From Kizumonogatri). But this version always get in my mind when I need an example of a loli.

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Byakko-chan a best!

Just look at her.

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The Mashimaros.

I want to work my magic on this girl!

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IMAGINE what you could do with four Nanohas.

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Not the ching chong.

What's your problem with ching chong lolis

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Challenge: explain why you like lolis without sounding like a pedophile

Don't reply to the pasta.

her tiny body

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Not possible

A show is vastly more interesting with a little girl as a protagonist instead of a generic self insert faggot since they are almost always portrayed as weak, so seeing them be the heroes makes the story more compelling

You people aren't even posting the best Nanoha girl.

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Cute little vaginas

Pretty sure Hayao Miyazaki explained the benefits of having a young girl as a protagonist years ago.

Something Hollywood will never learn. They just write generic male heroes then cast women into the role.

God, what a fatass.

Eating out a female is gay

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Fuck you

I dislike obese lolis

Why is this so hard for Westerners to understand?

CCS is the peak of little girl shows precisely because it embraces the transitory aspects of the coming of age of a young girl, and we as the viewer get to see this innocent, naive young girl go through these ephemeral moment, like her first crush, or spending time with her loved ones..
If you were to misconstrue "loli" with "girl child I want to fuck" then I'd agree, but Sakura is the littlest, girlies of little girl there is.

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She's not even prime 14

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I totally agree with you. I'm pointing out that CCS is pure. Which is why it is my favorite anime (and show overall).

But I was also pointing out that you can't really say Sakura is a loli. At least not for very long, as she is literally in the process of developing hormones and growing. She starts off as an innocent child and ends as a young adult in a relationship. It's really a show that loli lovers should be mad about, as it shows the star growing out of their fetish.

That said, Clear Card Arc ruined an otherwise perfect series.

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My ninjas

What a hag

Now explain why you like lolis while absolutely sounding like a pedophile

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They make cute and funny noises when you play with their cute and funny place

Please do not call my cute daughter-wife a hag.

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Sagiri is my loli waifu!

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Can't beat the classics.

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the epitome of a loli slut

I don't give a damn that it's Yea Forums shit, Roll is my quintessential loli

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Just one more!

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Roll is old and busted Yea Forums loli

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>old and busted
I'd give her my buster shot, right in her mouth

Roll is eternal and your flavor of the month pokemon slag is going to become irrelevant in less than a year.

Kokonoe Rin will always be the very definition of loli to me.

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>less than a year.
Nah, next pokemon femc isn't even a loli

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Roll is ugly

She's cute except for her franky gorilla popeye arms

Cute feet

>roll will never hug-kill you
Why Live?

Fuck lolis


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I’d like to season a loli’s eggs with my onions sauce

>the word onions automatically changed to onions
Is this new?

Go back to where you came from retard.

How could anyone get off to removing Rika's clothes

Wait which word is changed to onions, am I retarded?

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Lurk for 10 years before posting.

I already have you fucking nerd now tell me about your new funny jokes you implemented while I was not looking. Good job not even using sage for this meaningless shit that does not contribute to the thread!

Lurk for 15 years before posting

Chicken-chan a cute!

Attached: ChickenChan.jpg (1500x2500, 886K)

Yeah Shinobu is what comes to mind for me when I think of loli. Sakura is too pure, she transcends loli.

She's the first one that comes to my mind when I think of lolis or pee.

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How do I make Juju love me?



The best.
Cute Mao. Why can't the whole anime just be about her being a teacher.

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How do we know Shield isn't a loli? She could be 11 as well.

It's funny how they changed Roll's design because people were lewding her so much and it just made people lewd her even more.

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fat chipmunk loli

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Attached: Harusame Aomurasaki.jpg (1752x2476, 1.5M)

>can barely speak her mind
>can't read kanji
>can't do anything at all but being a walking onahole
It doesn't get better than that.

Please don’t call kindergartners walking onaholes

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>eggs with onions

But that's exactly what they are.

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For me, it's Alvis Hamilton.

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I’d urinate in her anus

Who is she?

By killing yourself

Elaborate, please

They’re very cunning
They’re very cunning

I love my daughter

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They're all very cute and funny.

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It’s okay loli-chan I can’t read kanji either


Elaborate, please

I don’t get it

Sauce on devs changing Roll's appearance due to lewders?

I like to think Roll can reprogram her eye color on a whim and just prefers green now.

>rec me some loli anime
Kill yourself.

Lurk more.

>being new enough to not recognize a thinly veiled rec thread when you see one
No, (You) lurk more.

Favorite loli tags?

I’d like to see a kid’s manko


Loli + rape


Holding in pee



Lurk more.

Lurk more.

Probably this one

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loli shota -yaoi -breasts -femdom

I wish there was a comedy or innocent tag.


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If you insist on age difference you can just go fuck yourself.

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>insists on having shit taste on purpose

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>Doesn't know how tags work
This is getting painful to watch.

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>lack of reading comprehension

Is it necessary to filter "yaoi" when looking up "loli"? I don't see how those two tags would ever be used with each other.

>search "loli yaoi"
>over 600 results
People found a way, apparently.

Just avert your eyes faggot lol

Some may include the loli tag even if there's just a loli present for one page. This is especially a problem when I'm just trying to look up manga with no huge age difference. It's also why I exclude breasts, because a lot of times there'll be a loli for two panels but the rest will be shota on cowtits which isn't what I want.

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>This is especially a problem when I'm just trying to look up manga with no huge age difference.

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>the presence of cock makes you think it's gay
Ironic since you posted a screencap of a show with a male MC.

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>because a lot of times there'll be a loli for two panels but the rest will be ... cowtits
I fucking hate this shit

>reading comprehension
Continue wanking yourself blind to little boys, turbo fag.

>Thinks shota existing at all is inherently gay.
>Needs an adult participant in order to enjoy loli manga
user, you have a serious problem. Seek help.

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>quote and linking to /y/
>reading comprehension
Based ESLposter

Same here, it especially happens during the empty periods between comikets, easily half the translated doujins you see popping under the lolicon tag have lolis for 3 fucking panels and the rest are cowtits, it's so goddamn annoying.

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>is gay
>gets mad when being sent to the dedicated gay board
Cringe shota shitter.

There is literally nothing wrong with loli/shota

>y-y-you g-got a p-problem...
>s-seek h-h-h-h-h
Tell your Facebook friends about it. Twitter, too.

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The -"low loli" filter helps with that sometimes but not always.

This faggot is so triggered by the mere mention of shota at all period that he's having a breakdown. Sad.

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>implying I'm even that guy in the first place
That's going to be a yikes from me dog

It's even worse when there's only one female character that's clearly a boob hag yet it still gets the loli tag for whatever retarded reason.

This actual faggot is so triggered by being reminded of his closet that he's having a breakdown. Sad.


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Just thinking about it pisses me off, don't remind me, so many wrongly tagged doujins.

You have to go back

The problem is you like shota

Kill yourself

I'm already back though, can't say the same thing about wherever you come from

>not wanting loli x shota
>not self-inserting as the shota

>projecting this hard
This is embarrassing

Is the reason why homos ITT hate shota on loli is because they can't self-insert as the shota?

It's simple, loli x shota doujins tend to be slightly more lighthearted on average than loli x adult. There's nothing gay about that, it's just a matter of preferring the loli to be having fun, fooling around and being a kid.

Just because not everyone is into the same rape and ryona shit you are doesn't mean you have to feel threatened and sperg out. Just relax.

Self inserting as the shota is for faggots who are too pussy to like a proper age gap like real lolicons do

They just can't stand porn that doesn't have a big hairy cock in it.

>being gay AND a self-insertfaggot

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>it's just a matter of preferring the loli to be having fun, fooling around and being a kid.
>implying this doesn’t exist with loli x adult
Get a load of this faggot

Just get back to lolis and stop this shitty conversation, look, Momoka wants your attention.

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>proper age gap like real lolicons do
You are such a gigantic obnoxious faggot holy shit

Do you not know what on average means you fucking retard?

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>"haha i love seeing naked little boys with their little floppy weewees in my porn haha"
>"i'm not gay tho haha, those other people are the gays hahaha"

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The problem with age cap is that the guy is 99% of the time a fat ugly bastard.

Imagine being a pedophile but still being too insecure to admit that little boys are cute

Normalfags who are afraid of being pedophiles self insert as shotas so that they don’t feel bad about wanting to fuck little girls


>You are such a gigantic obnoxious faggot holy shit
Self insert as an adult, you poor excuse for a lolicon

Since i was kid,i always prefered lolixoldman,lolixshota is boring

Still hotter than shotashit

You should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Fine, I'm done. Back to posting cute loli.

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>if you enjoy the purity of loli/adult then you must be into rape and ryona

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>uses lol
>thinks anybody else but him is an embarrassment

t. has not actually read any age gap doujins because they didn't have enough little boys in it

>JK hag

Loli is a body type

Read more loli, you fag

>shotas = not okay
>obnoxiously obese fucks = a okay
The absolute state of ironic (((lolicons)))

It’s a combination of body and age, true lolicons fap to true lolis

>((( )))
The absolute state of shotahomos

Most of her art is traced

Let's not fight about bullshit like how some people fixate more on males in porn and need them to be old and fat. This thread is supposed to focus primarily on loli, not obsessing over men.

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Shotashitters, hag lovers, and oppainiggers are cancer


Have the buzzwords gotten so bad that we're now lashing away even at perfectly innocent words?

Would you stop shrieking like a bitch, please?

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Even better.

Attached: 1509807281977.png (800x686, 228K)

>perfectly innocent
Go back

Lurk more.

It was nice knowing you, user

Will normalfags stop having shit taste?

Take your history revisionism and kill yourselves.

>calling out normalfag shit is revisionism

Is there a term like "trap" but for lolicons? Like a "trap" is bait for a straight guy who got lured by a male who looks like a girl when clothed, a "lolicon trap" is bait for a lolicon who got lured by a hag with well-hidden tits who looks like a loli when clothed? Because we need a term so we can filter out the garbage.

Attached: 14.jpg (751x1045, 162K)

The last time "lol" has been accepted here was when everyone was unironically spouting "epic" and "winrar".

I've been around when cancer like Taiga ruled this board, you can stop trying to fit in.

Closest I can think of is reverse trap or tomboy but neither of those really encompasses what you're talking about.

>reverse trap or tomboy
Both of those are excellent tags to go alongside loli though.

They think history began when they blew in here around 2015.

>calling out "lol"
>while letting "cringe", "yikes", and "seething" go free

Fuck you all.

Your personal taste is a combination of body and age, the actual definition of the term applies to body type only, otherwise lolibaba would not be considered loli.

2016 desu, it seems like that year introduced a lot of the cancer known today thanks to /pol/. It would explain why there's so much unironic loli hate on Yea Forums all of a sudden recently.

I like the childish doujins where it’s about the nudity and the emotions and not sex. Way too much porn just devolves into gnashing bodies together.

Name one

I'm gonna need some examples.

I agree. Neither of them really fit what that user said.

Oppai loli might be closer to what you mean if she looks like a loli, but secretly had big boobs under her clothes.

>lolibaba would not be considered loli.
You’re right, it’s hagshit

As shitty as oppai lolis are, they're still lolis and are usually tagged appropriately. Fake lolis look like lolis on the outside but aren't on the inside, and I'm not talking about age.

It might not be for everyone but personally I love this one.

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Hagshit it may be, but I see Shinobu and Mao posted up there with no-one complaining, and also count a couple JK lolis as well without any word. I also see a Rika, who is mentally at least 100. So are they loli or not?

Last thread was good but this one is a goddamn shitshow, for fuck sake.

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We need to stop arguing with this one obsessed sperg. He's just trying to drag the thread down the shitter with his triggered shit fit at this point.

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>shotashit again
Why can't shotashitters stay in their gayboi board?

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Something happened today compared to yesterday when this thread was mostly dead.

This piece of shit happened.

>only one person can disagree with me

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>someone simply mentions that they like lolis with shotas
>the entire thread gets derailed

>unironically defending lol
>I’m an oldfag I swear

she's a cute slut

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It’s easy, just don’t have shit taste

It's fucking ridiculous. All of a sudden the retard starts snapping at everything. This is more than just an issue with porn preference. He must have gotten bad touched as a little boy or something to lose it this badly. But that isn't my fucking problem, I just like cute stories.

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>he thinks it’s only one

Stop replying to yourself

>replying late hoping no one notices

>literally "who hurt you"
Goddamn user was right, shotashitters are all normalfags

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So what if nobody says anything now? It doesn’t need to be said every time. Anything above JS age is hagshit, even with loli bodies. Fap to true lolis like a man.

>a few minutes is late
>thinking I care about being noticed
We get it, you were outed and you have nothing left to argue

To avoid long-winded arguments about definitions and make it more simple for future use, I propose we use the word "youjo" (幼女) to refer to lolis who are specifically very young.
To quote Nicovideo's definition (with my rough Japanese skills), "the exact definition of a youjo's age upper limit isn't settled on, but about JS is the upper limit."

What other explanation is there for this level of autism over a god damn tag preference?

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Not being a literal gay.

I prefer loli for girls who look and are of age, and shit for everything else

It’s called having taste

We could have already gone back to regular loli posting if the shotafaggot had learned to keep his mouth shut when told to leave

You can kiss my ass you temper tantrum throwing little bitch.

Attached: kill yourself.png (1200x1200, 670K)

You’d probably like that, faggot

Listen my friend, I like my youjo as much as the next guy. I'm not saying I like hagshit, but what you're trying to argue against is a tried and true definition Japan and everybody here has argued about many years past and already settled on a definition for. There's no use splitting hairs over something like that. Loli is loli.
I understand your frustration, but let us not poke beehives and turn people against us by calling out their shit taste in liking JK hag lolis. We must steel ourselves and join hands, and proclaim together "At least we don't like that gay shota shit."

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Does Madoka count as a loli? What about her friends?

The premise of Madoka is that lolis give off massive amounts of energy when they stop being lolis

There's nothing gay about loli x shota though. I really don't know where you're getting this.

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Why didn't you tell OP to fuck off? He posted Sakura, a character from a series with loli x shota as its main couple.

I agree except this
>many years past and already settled on a definition for.
If that were true, nobody would still argue. I’m not saying JC lolis aren’t lolis, only that JS is Just Superior.

I don’t think it’s gay, but it’s most definitely shit. Shotas are for older females, not lolis.

I know you'd love it if it was true, but no one is talking about the chinkshit shota. Except you, who is bringing him up now to try and make it acceptable to be an utter gay, as if that was the purpose of the thread all along. No, you fuck off.

>There's nothing gay about loli x shota though.

It’s gay because normalfags can’t into adult x loli


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You definitely need to leave

Yeah, that was a joke. I'm personally neutral towards that, the main focus for me has always been the loli. The existence of loli x shota isn't going to negate loli x onii-san merely by being a thing, if anything it's just more variety for us to enjoy if need be. I don't really like babydick, but I feel no hatred for those who do.
The main thing here is I just wanted to calm a friend down from unnecessary infighting regarding lolihags, and I suppose this applies to lolishota as well.
There will always be arguments because it's hard to tell sometimes. Some people think that budding breasts are acceptable for a young girl, some people think they need perfect flatness. A lot of this is up to personal interpretation. My main purpose was just to clear up any confusion about the initial post, which seemed to imply that JK lolis aren't lolis. Calling them shit taste, I can understand, but if the body type fits, they're still loli, even if they're JK, even if they're 1000 years old, etc.

To summarize, peace. Peace, fellow lolicons. Let's not argue over petty things such as this. Let's just discuss little girls and how we like their cunningness.

Attached: 1522048238009.png (2084x1491, 3.75M)

If you can’t handle fapping to lolis who look, act, and are aged like little girls, can you even call yourself a lolicon?

It's just drama between lolixshotafag and the rest, I don't even care if they nuke it at this point.

Attached: 1510558679852.jpg (1108x1584, 970K)

You're the one that saw a passing mention of a tag and decided to go apeshit and make the thread about it retard.

I like both. As long as it's fairly lighthearted.

rabu and piisu

Attached: 674560676124164097_CVyFW4LUkAQs0XQ.jpg (525x800, 48K)

>no u

>replying to a normalfag ironic weeb seriously
Get out.

The only people we hate more than the normalfags are the fucking shotashitters.

Attached: 2015MontyPython_TheLifeOfBrian_Press_280915[1].jpg (956x634, 122K)


Hey, at least the memer makes no bones about it. Unlike the other retard and his insistence to not go back to /y/ where he belongs.

This thread doesn't deserve any better than that, honestly.

Attached: 1526398502757.png (1091x1153, 1.12M)


Don't feel bad user, I agree.

Going to a loli thread feels like playing Russian Roulette. It could be good, or it could be being assailed by one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse (shotashits, oppairetards, hagfags or J**u)

If you want to try to get every loli thread nuked because of your triggered arguing to prove a point, go right ahead. I've explained my preferences enough at this point, so you can just stay mad forever.

Attached: 8_33553_224_20130110012757.gif (280x180, 9K)

>defending ironic weebs

>says the fagqueen who shat on the entire thread because he couldn't accept other people don't like his gay trash

Attached: 1528571845369.jpg (589x706, 83K)

Whatever retard

Attached: 72589_12_224_20140207233947.gif (330x384, 22K)

I think you confuse me with someone else, I have nothing to do with whatever conversation is going on, I'm just sad to see yet another loli thread ruined because some faggots can't just shut the fuck up.

Attached: 1509819424186.png (284x178, 109K)

Attached: 1526642100389.jpg (1372x2048, 208K)

>one guy mentioning that he likes loli x shota
You do realize none of this would've happened if you simply ignored him, right? It's not like he was spamming the thread with shota x loli pics. He didn't even post a single image before you derailed the thread.

In that case let's just enjoy some nice loli images and salvage what we can.

Attached: 1101a.jpg (1280x960, 195K)

None of this would have happened if he never appeared in this planet either.
You can go back to /y/ with him if you love his dick so much.

Where did you get that photo of my wife?

Attached: 1515956831666.png (592x768, 83K)

Did you get raped as a child? Serious question.

>hurr who hurt you??
Your next post will be "yikes"

Attached: 1515367072830.jpg (1538x1080, 172K)

Forget it. He'd rather obsess over proper cocks than enjoy loli to the point he hopes the thread is nuked. There is no helping him at this point.

Attached: 0901c.jpg (1280x960, 235K)


>only one person can disagree me
>no THEY are the gays i'm just fighting for my right to suck little boy cock that's not gay, right?

Attached: 1517122727497.png (213x193, 42K)

You're the only one bringing up sucking cock. Which apparently that means you're okay with sucking cock as long as it's attached to a fat old man.

But thinking about sucking dick is gay no matter how old the person it belongs to is, senpai.

Attached: 75.jpg (1280x960, 116K)

You're the only one that brought up a cock preference at all to begin with, son.

As I already explained several times, my preference has less to do with dick obsession and more to do with the circumstances of the encounter. Loli x shota tends to be lighthearted and comedic with the sex. Loli x adult can have that too. Which is why I can enjoy loli with or without age difference.

You're the one that is zeroing in on dick, talking about sucking dick, NEEDING dick to be a certain correct way or you flip the fuck out over dick.

Attached: 756061641163145218_Cn4SBnIUkAEUPgf.jpg (600x800, 61K)

Why do ironic lolicons hate loli x shota? Can't make FBI jokes when both participants are underage?

And your bullshit explanations got blown the fuck out every single time.
>dick dick dick dick

I like doujins like pic related and that recent Masuda one about the girl taking her dog on a walk.

Attached: natsunohi_01.jpg (2120x2989, 1.46M)

>girl taking her dog on a walk.
Does that end up how I think it might?

Attached: c91bae13f50b3e95a753adc8f7175492.png (930x1280, 576K)

Attached: dog walking.jpg (1280x1812, 418K)

Tina, 10 (Ten)

Attached: 1523255563872.jpg (1495x2000, 884K)

spoilers my dude but yeah personally i would fuck the dwarf or asuha in adult form because holy fuck is she hot

Post cute and sexy JCs

Attached: 69094054_p0.jpg (1000x1414, 1.13M)

Nina, 9 (Nine)

Attached: 1548836573830.png (850x1200, 828K)

The only good thing about loli x shota is that the loli is still hot. The shota part is only a turn-off because it's a guy that I can't relate to at all. I'd much rather have solo loli action.

That said, it's still way better than porn with ugly and/or fat guys.

Hanako, 8 (Eight)

Attached: 1535343329675.jpg (552x1005, 291K)

Shotashit is a disgrace in every capacity. No actual lolicon would actually defend that.

Renge, 7 (Seven)

Attached: 1531188715928.png (900x1117, 364K)

Char, 6 (Six)

Attached: 67561293.jpg (1500x2112, 1.6M)

Fuck off.

>a guy that I can't relate to at all
That's why I don't have an issue. I don't need to directly self insert into a character. I treat it like watching a show. Your way is fine too. It just seems like a silly thing to get mad about.

Attached: 1301a.jpg (1280x960, 234K)

I need a 5 and a 4

The thread was much healthier before you showed up. Doesn't that tell you something?

Just that you're a blubbering bitch that would rather scream and cry about a tag than have a loli thread.

fuck off

Ah yes, I'm the one blubbering, screaming and crying because people don't like my shotashit, disrupting a peaceful loli thread all the while. Oh wait.

It's not really that I need to self-insert, it's that self-inserting is what makes the guy's presence a positive instead of a negative thing, I think.

Whatever you say, ironic lolicon. Go back to making FBI memes.

Attached: idiot.png (1263x986, 1.03M)


Fuck this stupid shit, post more loli.

Guy's existence is a neutral factor to me. A means to an end. I just like happy lolis getting fucked and cummed inside of.

Attached: 200.jpg (900x1200, 163K)

Attached: nurseillya.jpg (1151x2048, 198K)

not a loli

Attached: 1539967277696.jpg (600x825, 427K)

What happened to your attitude of "if it's not a little boy then it must be RAPE and RYONA!!"? You sure changed your tune fast.

Can loli rape be cute?

Attached: 42.jpg (1024x768, 277K)

I was just assuming that about you because you're an angry faggot. I still do actually, given how long you can cling to being mad at the drop of a hat.

Why couldn't Chichi just look like this forever?

Attached: 1547766060647.jpg (848x1200, 103K)

Name SINGLE loli character that got better after a timeskip

They don't because they get older.

Yet you whined when I assumed things about you. Thanks for admitting you're a hypocrite on top of everything else.

I wish she could have. And I doubt Goku would give a shit either way. Imagine the doujins with eternal loli Chichi.

You assumed things, I assumed things. Do you think this works one way? How retarded.

Attached: 02.jpg (1024x768, 245K)

Thanks for not denying it.

I can't think of one, and I'm trying. They're always better as loli.

Attached: 08.jpg (845x1205, 305K)

>loli character that got better after a timeskip
>when timeskip unlolies characters

Attached: 1522200844801.jpg (853x480, 135K)

Maine. literally healthier, still alive, and still a loli.

Attached: 60354587_0.jpg (1200x863, 971K)

Sexiest JC

Attached: 1516341471307.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)


Attached: miuna doli.jpg (1280x720, 43K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Marchen Madchen - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.13_[2018.02.22_15.58.46].jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Why are Miuna's threads so dead?

Its fine.

>Loli x shota tends to be lighthearted and comedic with the sex
You haven’t read enough loli then if this is where you need to go for lighthearted stuff


I'm looking forward to bookworm loli, I hope she does lots of cute stuff.

The ironic ones are normalshitters who are afraid to self insert as an adult fucking a little girl

I think by that point he made it clear enough he was a newfag retard and /y/ escapee.

JCs are hags, post JS

What’s ironic about actually being a lolicon?

Why limit myself? To impress you? Then I really would be acting like a newfag. Keep having shit hangups.

Attached: 7514502a330272bf09d5f7e2245e7583.jpg (600x799, 261K)

Are stinky loli allowed here?

Attached: D1eAmM1UYAU2lnK.jpg (1195x1792, 198K)

only a few remember roricon.


Yes, you're a very brave soul, user. Now go back to fapping to bara, the adults here finally got the thread back on rails.

JC are prime time.

Attached: 66649152_p0.jpg (744x990, 720K)

I'd post more Dororo, but most of her pictures are a little too cunning for this thread. Stinky loli needs more clothes than light rags.

Attached: 1540204416547.jpg (2048x1450, 204K)

>avoiding shit fetishes is “limiting yourself”

Not near as good as JS, to be precise, 6yo lolis are prime.

Attached: 1517768269647.jpg (2508x3541, 527K)

Prime is nine.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.01_[2018.01.21_12.19.34].jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Hell no, JS is prime, JC is old and dusted

WEIRD and cute failures! WEIRD and cute disasters!

Attached: 1552843653107.png (256x278, 84K)

>draw a boy
>call it a girl

Stinky loli gets the soap

So your idea of getting the thread back on the rails is bringing up bara and focusing on penises some more.

Attached: b2802b0dce2828b88007b0ff52bcad66.jpg (750x750, 159K)

Attached: hope.jpg (710x989, 121K)

6 is not prime, but it is perfect.

Attached: 1534561647868.jpg (960x499, 77K)

psalm 69:5

It's both at the same time.

Cute JS

Attached: 71222058_p0.png (1832x2161, 2.98M)

Char got called a hag after turning 7 recently though.

Attached: 60b696c8bb8de8bfccae63f41c6e15f8002.png (728x1032, 1.46M)

So your idea of getting the thread back on the rails is bringing up shotashit again because you didn't feel you ruined quite enough of the thread.

Attached: 1529819859929.jpg (342x323, 15K)

That hag can pass for a JK, get that shit out of here


Sauce katsudon.

Attached: sausu katsudon.png (535x721, 823K)

Except I didn't bring up shota at all in that post. But you just did. Again. You can't help yourself, you're obsessed.

Attached: 1553033373203.png (272x401, 114K)

So when is she going to move into a retirement home?

JS lolis are objectively the most fertile


>i'm a goldfish
Okay user.

Attached: 1531881573665.png (114x148, 14K)


Attached: 1521380680800.jpg (1200x675, 102K)

She's not been called a hag because she turned 7, she's been called a hag because in this picture they all look haggish, shit art.

Attached: 1534684774228.webm (640x360, 167K)

is she this lewd in the show? i love her shirt

What, you don’t impregnate your lolis?

For all the edgemasters purposely picking very young ages like 6 years old, how low are you really willing to go? Why not a 3 year old? Why not a 1 year old? Why not literally 0 digits?

Attached: 1497819288052.png (259x224, 12K)

Threads are so much better when we just talk about the fucking Colors

Fucking normalfags

Marsh mellows > all others

Attached: 1492134644759.gif (500x500, 1016K)

>edgemasters purposely picking very young ages

No. Nono is cute and funny.

Attached: 70825748_p0.png (1200x1500, 2.14M)

I can go as low as 3-4 nowadays, been into todds too for a while, but really, 6-7-8 is just my favorite range.

Attached: 1526365914039.jpg (788x1113, 121K)

Newborns you say?
You know I can't take you seriously anymore after that, right?

Attached: 004.jpg (287x185, 25K)

I don’t know what you’re talking about, toddlers are ripe for breeding

I'm sure lolis would be very happy to have a kid of their own with the one they love. Don't deny them their happiness.

Attached: 1551599948009.jpg (1440x810, 114K)

>Why not a 3 year old?
Yeah, why not?

Attached: 1541431916746.jpg (564x800, 355K)

Would 8-10 be more acceptable or are (You) too much of a faggot?

Akko is prime.

Old and dusted

>attacking vocab instead of the argument
Good job taking the bait and proving his point.

Akko is a hag and a nopan slut.

Threads are so much better when we just talk about fucking the Colors

My favored range is 7 to 11, but I can go as low as 4 if it's drawn well enough.

Yes. She can't buy decent clothes because poorfag.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dororo - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.52.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

What argument?

It’s not the vocab, it’s that he thinks picking young ages is “edgy”, fucking mongoloid

What argument, dumbass? Your argument that people shouldn't like what you don't like?

Attached: 058.gif (250x205, 987K)

Imagine fucking a fairy.

Attached: 1546026505001.jpg (2048x1486, 600K)

>thread is going to reach bump limit thanks to retards being retards
How about you faggots shut up and just post cute and funny lolis?

9-14 is prime time.

Attached: 1523659247434.jpg (1920x2041, 312K)

Dororo can be as lewd as she wants because she's tricking people into thinking she's a boy. She does a handstand and shows her fundoshi in plain view in an early episode.

Attached: 1544384199392.jpg (1920x1080, 275K)

I'll impregnate yours.

Why don't the haglovers with strike zones in 6-8yo go for 1yo?

Imagine fucking two fairies

Attached: a390833a842ba8a8ebdb694b81d09eae.jpg (1010x1236, 112K)

Well maybe if you start posting 1yos, we can start talking.

I want to flip her over and scrape my tongue around the inside of her mouth

Attached: 079.gif (460x351, 309K)

Double digits are hags

Three fairies?

Attached: 1551045166592.jpg (818x1157, 185K)

Attached: 28.jpg (869x1270, 216K)

Even 11?

Attached: 61593351_p0.jpg (800x1131, 344K)

Thank you, now I can definitively tell you that I would.

They can't get pregnant.
It all depends in the art style. Toddlercon is fine, but I dislike baby proportions, especifically the tiny legs.

Attached: 025.jpg (4074x6064, 1.72M)

Four fairies!

Attached: ff2a6da7d25e99dcb98ce090bb406cb8.jpg (740x1200, 153K)

Sadly yes, if your loli is 11 without having given birth, you’ve done it wrong

>nanami nana
What a stupid name.

I'm a 1-digitfag but I don't hate double digits lolis, how do I say that, it's just that, when fapping, reading that the loli is younger than 10 years-old instantly makes me harder than if she had been +10, I can't explain it.

Attached: 1509819827375.jpg (461x328, 74K)

>They can't get pregnant.
Not with that attitude

>not liking 1 digit in binary

Tell me this isn't hot.

Attached: 1492543718506.jpg (500x283, 89K)

Who would win?

Attached: animal jcs.jpg (1190x800, 427K)

>that uniform

Attached: 1539134266280.jpg (333x232, 45K)

The one with the axe.

Attached: 1550303341801.jpg (600x456, 29K)

When is Hiro bringing /l/ back?

My dick.

JC are the best mahou shoujos.

Attached: JC mahou shoujos.jpg (886x1079, 210K)

I would. Their first mistake was leaving their tummies bare.

Five walking onaholes.

Attached: 1534248008382.jpg (1285x1995, 317K)

Never Ever™

It means you have good taste

JCs should be required to be naked at all times.


JCs should be required to be grandmothers

I can only enjoy preggo if it's at the end of the story, like an epilogue. The thought of the girl getting impregnated during sex is hot as hell, but the actual preggo belly does nothing for me, and sex scenes including that are boner poison. Or fucking stomach deformation for that matter, or inflation. That garbage looks painful and gross.

Attached: 044.gif (400x225, 2.52M)

When there is no more injustice upon the earth.

Attached: 362.png (760x760, 220K)

Below high school the school uniform should just be nudity.

SEX fairies

Attached: 289e8273a5b622206b37b1ffc691aebf.png (700x1000, 343K)

Are lolicons going to chimp out the second the thread hits 500 posts agaIn?

Attached: 1545041480180.jpg (5932x4084, 2.22M)

You have to go back.

This thread will hit bump limit soon. What now?

Attached: ローラ.png (765x650, 266K)

The entire thread is lolicons

Attached: 1522414498044.jpg (4086x5899, 2.34M)

Some lolis don't have names at all.

Attached: cute and bunny.jpg (500x700, 98K)

Reflect on your actions and feel bad about wanting half of it on inane arguing.

We could reminisce about how good the thread was before and after the shotafag threw its tantrum while trying to reach the image limit

Attached: 6db9d2d8ba9832a97d36ccaacdabf862.gif (715x397, 966K)

But that will make it a bitch to look them up.

More rin butt please

Does Machi even count as a loli? She wears a bra.

But that's all of them.

Attached: 1526971313259.png (1200x1600, 1.54M)

I probably won't be "chimping out" with pictures this time. This thread was a little demotivating with how divisive it was. This could easily have been avoided if people would just learn to be civil with others, even if you don't necessarily like what they like.
Good night anyway, /l/. Maybe the next time will be better. Please learn from this.

Attached: 1524484235237.png (1004x825, 351K)

Bunny lolis!

Attached: 1524407821285.jpg (542x805, 336K)

Please don't post pictures drawn by talentless tracing hacks.

I read that there was an increase in loli this past comiket. Are we heading towards a loli golden age or is everything gonna come crashing down next year?

Attached: 1519500877255.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Bonnie is still the best Pokéloli.

Attached: bonnie.png (550x881, 131K)

Didn't you get banned the last time you tried this shit? And it hasn't been three days since then.

t. seething shotashitter

you're not welcome

no one here wants you

fuck off

2020 olympics loli ban

Only until the scottish girl gets turned into a loli

I don't know what you're talking about, I just hate Bubukka.

We never know

Everybody's desperately trying to cash into lolis before the UN and the 2020 Olympics fuck everything up

I hope there aren't any lolis in this thread who love shotas, they would probably cry from all the mean things being said about them.

Attached: x16.jpg (1470x2173, 490K)


Fuck off, normalfag.

Attached: bubukka loli.png (500x769, 206K)

What's wrong with Bubukka?


If the doomed campaign on /qa/ was anything to go by, there is very little hope. And if this thread is anything to go by, it might be total war anyway, since it's likely that they'd allow all types and styles of loli.

That wasn't me retard.

Attached: 1553035389050.png (1100x450, 329K)

How does he get away with this?

Would you?

Attached: x17.jpg (1476x2170, 460K)

That would mean underage content ban and japan would not do it

>And if this thread is anything to go by, it might be total war anyway, since it's likely that they'd allow all types and styles of loli.
Yeah but then each group would have its thread instead of having to share a room. So you'd post an oppai loli like a fucking retard and I'd be able to say "fuck off to your containment thread you fucking retard", for example.

>And if this thread is anything to go by, it might be total war anyway, since it's likely that they'd allow all types and styles of loli.
So basically like /vp/ with gen wars or Yea Forums with console wars, except with loli types?

im just happy that lolis are allowed on Yea Forums again
even if its temporary

Attached: 1512056585496.png (304x369, 128K)

We're talking about the country where unpixilated vaginas are illegal.

Attached: bubukka loli w.png (768x1024, 279K)

Illyas looks different today.

Attached: 0020 - m20.png m20.png (850x1200, 306K)


>You haven't grown a bit, sensei! And I don't mean growing in that sense!

Attached: 1536119542918.jpg (1280x720, 545K)

I'm not the shota poster, and I already said earlier that I'm neutral toward it. I know you're probably just baiting with this post, and if you aren't I don't disrespect the fact that you dislike shota, as I said earlier babydick is not really my thing, but you should really learn to be more civil with your arguments and less Yea Forums-esque with your "seething" and "BTFO" attempts. If someone posts something you don't like, you're free to say you don't like it yourself, but this type of needless argumentative format is not the way things should be nor need to be. The last thing /l/ needs right now is to eat itself apart, not now that we're finally on a good streak of nice threads. You have the power to simply express your distaste and leave it at that, please try it in the future.

LOLI LOVE will never die


Attached: ロリの尻.png (600x780, 130K)

You`re trying too hard, user. At least lurk moar before spurting shit from your fingers and wasting trips.

Attached: 0022 - m22.png m22.png (850x1200, 416K)

Probably. Because there are some things that obnoxious screaming faggots can't tolerate even if it's contained to a single thread. i.e. western shit.

Attached: 878311cb2ee3db998b7d92d856d47edc.jpg (4079x5950, 2.07M)

Post lewds already, you fags

Already bump limit? I feel like half of the thread got fucking wasted, what a shame.

Attached: 1509905757134.jpg (418x410, 122K)

You do it

>it's not even shota
As expected from a retard.

Yet there are many artist and autors fighting for artist expresion and they already repudiated underage anime content ban once.



Only if you boys can learn to play nice.

Attached: 1547799573615.jpg (1171x2048, 173K)

Oppai lolis wear bras.

Child porn with real kids just got banned 5 years ago, do you think the government is done banning stuff forever now?

Here's some manga. And don't dare complain about the panda, just make an account already.


Attached: 1553031218448.jpg (528x1600, 98K)

>still using panda
Just remember to have back ups ready.

I have 150gigs of loli doujins donwloaded, just in case, you know.

I'm keeping the F key warmed up

Then they could have banned it in that time,nobody is changing fearmonger.

Of course I do. Only of my top favorites though. I can't be bothered to back up every single thing I find remotely fappable.


Attached: KMB.jpg (1279x1497, 467K)

Name a better artist than Quzilax

All of them



one who didn't bitch out and start drawing only hagshit

Attached: 1522713840799.jpg (1403x992, 293K)

What is Little Beach Island? Sounds like an interesting place.

CP at least have arguments for a ban that have grounds and make sense. Now 2D does not. The arguments for ban of draw porn is the same arguments that violent movies and games create murderers. Also, what they banned was possession, which was not covered on the previous ban, in a way, it was a flaw on the law that they fixed. Distribution, creation and everything else was already banned.

>America bans possession of child pornography
>American attempts to ban drawn child pornography (blocked by the supreme court)

>Japan bans possession of child pornography

Its bitch island. When the japanese say "bitch" they basically mean slut.

thread exploded while i was sleeping

Attached: hinata crying.png (676x720, 465K)

based japanese supreme court! didnt the US do something else like in 2007 with the protect act or something

The attempt to ban draw porn was on Tokio bill and you know what happened to the political party that was on power at that time?

Attached: 9515607_p13.png (565x800, 94K)

Protect act was 2003. The supreme court said drawings can't be child porn, so congress just made really harsh obscenity laws against drawings of kids.

They are not changing his culture for a month event.

Attached: 3894cd79a79344f7355b23107988e85c.jpg (700x468, 55K)

I like Takumi na Muchi and Hiro Hiroki. And I'm really into Senke Kagero lately. Tsubaki Jushirou's faces are great sometimes, but he does a lot of non loli too.


Attached: 001.jpg (737x953, 334K)

>Unconditionally annihilates any targets by subjectively defining them as minors!

Attached: 1527277387395.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

JC butt

Attached: 1516727440160.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

JC are the cutest.

Attached: 1499308738488.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

That's a JD, user.

Wait a minute, that's no JC!

>JC hagshit

JS are the cutest.

Attached: C4zXlAOVcAAd6gJ.jpg (678x1000, 130K)

Stop talking about 3D


Objectively correct

I must politely but firmly disagree, sir. But they are also very cute, I don't discriminate against them.


Attached: 001.jpg (1280x1838, 498K)

We aren't though?

A JS and a JC should make out.

Attached: JCandJK.jpg (691x1000, 161K)

That would be for the best. I like the way you think.

What about a JS and JY?

I'm glad there are still loli connoisseurs to be found on this barren board.

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Thank you panda user

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barren like a loli womb

That would be very cute. And quite funny too.

>he doesn't know about pregnant lolis

i miss the panda threads

Just another victim of these trying times.

JS should make out with JS.

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Naturally, we're here forever. I remember when that was made.

For those of you that were interested in JY, I offer this Tetsu manga. Please consider it an olive branch for inadvertently derailing the thread.


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I'd like this panel better if "lolicon" were translated

Reposting something I posted here long ago.

Miman Renai - a good one, but there is no lewd;

Koi Kaze - a good Romance with incest and sex;

Astarotte no Omocha - Good one with some lewds and incest;

Mitsudomoe - Full comedy manga with lolis, there is some weird relationship of one of the girls with sensei and some lewds too;

Mizu to Gin - From the same author of Koi Kaze, relationship of an adult with a loli, there is sex like Koi Kaze;

Dear Oniichan - There is no Oniichan on this, but its a really good loli manga that is a must for every lolicon;

Gunslinger Girl - Full on Drama and a really good manga, there is relationship of adults and lolis;

It's My Life - If you have a little of tolerance for fujoshit, its a good manga about a adult living with a loli;

hshs Sasero or "Because She is a Little Girl, I am Excited Sexually" - The name say it, its a good ecchi manga;

Sen to Man - manga about a single dad living with his daughterthat probably is from a forbiden relationship with his sister, a good one;

Denki-Gai no Honya-san - One of the couples is a Macho with a loli, its a funny comedy manga too;

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Comedy manga about a loli that bully the boy she loves;

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita - Comedy manga about a guy that turns into a loli, there is lewd too;

Ooya-san wa Shishunki! - A story about a guy that moves into a pension were the landlord is a loli, there is no good translation, but you should watch the anime and keep the name in mind;

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No problem. Least I can do after accidentally starting lolishotageddon.

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NeNeNe - 7 chapters manga about a 35 yo guy that marries a loli;

Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi - Historical manga about a guy from a powerful family that lose the movement from his main hand and his father gives him a loli wife to take care of him;

Hi Score Girl - manga that tells the story about the game industry and the romance of a loli and a shota as they grow;

Okusama wa Shougakusei - lewd manga about a guy that marry of of his loli students, there inst much translated;

Youjo Senki - Edgylord dies and is reincarnated as a loli in a alternate germany during WWI;

Boku dake ga Inai Machi - Butterfly effect in manga, the guy goes back in time to find about a assassin that killed a girl he liked, he ends up with a loli;

Gigantomakhia - A manga form Miura, Berserk author, about a guy that travels with a loli in a fucked up world killing giants, there is lewd and piss drinkling;

Lolicon Phoenix - Comedy manga about a hero that protects lolis from rapists;

Made in Abyss - I think you should know about the anime, but its a loli and a shota going down the hole of death, its nice you should read it;

Shinshi na Meets Girl - From the same author as lolicon phoenix, a loli loves a salaryman that is too dumb to notice, so she tries everything she knows to get him to notice her feelings, a good comedy;

Chichi ga Loli na Mono de - MC is a lolicon and then his father turns into a loli, a comedy manga that is so so;

Tensei Shitara Ken deshita - MC dies and is reincarnated as a sword that is wielded by a loli catgirl, a not so bad isekai;

Konjiki no Moji Tsukai - Isekai about a guy that goes to another and have the power to create magical effects from kanjis, he always get involved with cute lolis;

Ichinensei ni Nacchattara - MC is about to die from a car incident but is transfered to the body of a loli by a mad scientist. Full of loli fanservice and some so so jokes;

You're okay in my book. Thank you, user.
I wonder if anyone's made a chart of loli anime sometime over the years. If not, I might give it a go myself.

Wanko to Kurasou is my favorite loli VN. Everyone has probably played it by now but it's still worth mentioning in threads like this.

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We still made it to 600 posts, despite everything.

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Majimoji Rurumo - From the same author of Yowamushi Pedal. MC is a pervert that meets a loli witch that can make any dream come true at the cost of his life. Good slice of life with comedy and some fanservice. There is a anime;

Dungeon Nursery - Yakuza jackie-chan dies and to prove to Buddha that he can be a good guy he need to clear a dungeon, but his only ability is to summon weak loli monsters. A very good comedy;

Candy & Cigarettes - Ex special op officer goes into retirement, but then his grandson comes up with a rare sickness and needs lots of money to medical treatment. So he finds a new job that is helping a loli hitman. Good art and a nice story so far;

Blood Alone - A vampire hunter that lives with a loli vampire. Started as a doujin from a character that the author used to play Vampire: the masquerade, then turned into a serialization that got axed and the author continues by himself now. Good art and romance with the loli. I highly recomend this one;

Akazukin no Ookami Deshi - MC is a hunter that finds a loli kemono and decide to take her as disciple, the problem is that he can't hear the poor loli;

Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - MC lives with a loli fox god. Really comfy romance;

Needles - Good comedy with a hard lolicon MC;

* * Fake lolis and stuff that i dont exactly recommend but you should know. * *
Aharen-san wa Hakarenai - Fake loli, but a good comedy from the same author from Denki gai;

My Girlfriend Without Wasabi - Fake loli and a comedy from Cool Kyoushinsha, same author from Ojojo and Maid Dragon;

Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso o Kasaneru - Pic related, the only reason to read this manga is Botan, that is a fake loli but a really cute one;

Watari-kun no ×× ga Houkai Sunzen - If you like yandere loli imoutos, but I dont recomend since I know the loli will never win;

Fudatsuki no Kyoko-chan - Fake vampire loli imouto that will never win in the end;

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Why are shotas so verboten?

Fuck off, retard

Perhaps the next thread will be better.
Have a good night, /l/. For real this time.

Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! - Fake loli called Rori that win the mcbowl, also one of the characters is a diplomat that marry a real loli;

Hanako to Guuwa no Tera - Same author as Mirai Nikki, is as bad as you may think it is, but i can mention because is not THAT bad, Hanako is a good loli ghost;

Big Order - I just put this here to say this is really bad and dont read it ever, same author as Mirai Nikki;

Oniichan Control - Yandere imouto and fake loli, a good read with a really bad ending;

Koharu no Hibi - Fake yandere loli, a good read;

Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - YOU SHOULD READ IT, MASHIRO-CHAN MAKES EVERYTHING WORTH THE TIME, its only here because Mashiro is not the focus of the manga;

Tsugumomo - The manga is really good and there is a lot of lewds Mujaki no Rakuen tier and better, but the author fucks really bad at the half of the manga and turned everything for worse, way worse;He killed all the lolis of the manga and there is no more lolis

Bake Kano - Good fake loli manga with lewds;

Domina no Do - Nonsensical comedy manga with a few lewd lolis;

3-gatsu no Lion - Shogi manga, the mc falls in love with a loli about halfway in the manga and tries to marry her.
Denki-Gai no Honya-san - One of the couples is a Macho with a loli, its a funny comedy manga too;

Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san - Comedy manga about a loli that bully the boy she loves;

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita - Comedy manga about a guy that turns into a loli, there is lewd too;

Ooya-san wa Shishunki! - A story about a guy that moves into a pension were the landlord is a loli, there is no good translation, but you should watch the anime and keep the name in mind;

NeNeNe - 7 chapters manga about a 35 yo guy that marries a loli;

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The mods seem to hate it even more than loli. When they started to delete their threads they didnt fight back so they just get nuked on sight now.

Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi - Historical manga about a guy from a powerful family that lose the movement from his main hand and his father gives him a loli wife to take care of him;

Hi Score Girl - manga that tells the story about the game industry and the romance of a loli and a shota as they grow;

Okusama wa Shougakusei - lewd manga about a guy that marry of of his loli students, there inst much translated;

Youjo Senki - Edgylord dies and is reincarnated as a loli in a alternate germany during WWI;

Boku dake ga Inai Machi - Butterfly effect in manga, the guy goes back in time to find about a assassin that killed a girl he liked, he ends up with a loli;

Gigantomakhia - A manga form Miura, Berserk author, about a guy that travels with a loli in a fucked up world killing giants, there is lewd and piss drinkling;

Lolicon Phoenix - Comedy manga about a hero that protects lolis from rapists;

Made in Abyss - I think you should know about the anime, but its a loli and a shota going down the hole of death, its nice you should read it;

Shinshi na Meets Girl - From the same author as lolicon phoenix, a loli loves a salaryman that is too dumb to notice, so she tries everything she knows to get him to notice her feelings, a good comedy;

Shirogane no Nina - It's a good and comfy manga, but it gets tedious fast;

Ragna Crimson - The biggest bait I have read so far. MC lives with a loli and get some asspull powers to save the loli from dragon apocalipse, but end letting the loli leave for her sure death to get some gay dragon in the party. Worst manga I've read so far;

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Is Wataten the best loli anime in recent times?

There's probably far less of them to fight back.

JC are the sexiest.

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Ijousha no Ai - MC meets a yandere loli that keeps kidnaping the girls he like;

Golden Kamui - MC meets a Ainu loli and have a romance going. It's good, until the author started inserting his fetish for Bara porn into the manga and make all male characters into "bears". He goes as far to recreate a scene from a gay movie into the manga with the main characters;

Tanaka The Wizard - 35 years old MC dies and is reincarnated into a new world with cheat healing powers. Have good lolis but the manga is very low quality. But the LN is top tier with hig h quality art from a very good loli doujin artist.

Uchi no Musume no Tame Naraba, Ore wa Moshikashitara Mao mo Taoseru Kamo Shirenai. - Isekai Usagi drop. Joke, this one is about a guy that finds a loli demon and start raising her as a daughter, but ends marrying her. I can't recomend because it's clear that there is a message about "muh raicism" and some left wing themes on it;

And that's it.

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not even in our own thread?

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No. Colors is.

I wish we didn't have to fight.


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