
Please don't strangle corpses.

Attached: 1553178689672.jpg (165x236, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Shinomiyas bow to Papa
>In contact with aliens
>Possesses psychic-like abilities
>Controls Japan with an iron but fair fist
>Owns castles & banks globally
>Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Shirograde will be be the first city)
>Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Shirogane babies
>said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of a daddy who will descend upon the house and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with him
>He owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Papabots inside you right now
>Shirodad is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organizations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Shirogane bunker in Wilkes land?
>He learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the him. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Sugardaddy
>He's are about 5 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality he's a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. His purpose, being the father to every important person in the universe, yes, you too.

Attached: daddy in the house.png (292x417, 155K)

Based daddy poster.

Based "Based daddy poster" poster

Based retards.

Attached: 1552968578222.png (633x605, 412K)

Attached: daddy hatin.png (336x715, 167K)

>raws out since monday
>kaguya thursday is done
>still no tl
I miss jag.

It's a shame he died without training a successor.

I had hoped he was pulling a "It's a lie and I just took vacation" on us all, until it has almost been a year since he was gone.

I miss seeing the chapter translated page by page and reacting with other anons before we even saw the Rae’s :( Fireworks is one of my favorite threads I’ve ever been in.

Attached: D2MLfTHU8AAUjdJ.jpg orig.jpg (800x816, 122K)

The raws came out yesterday though. What you got on Monday were Korean scans.


Attached: 73799197_p0.png (1240x1754, 711K)

Speaking of, it's in here in case anyone want to check the JP raws.


And the kr ones with tls.

> Title: A New Seven Mysteries

> I've got a huge scoop
> You know about Shuchiin Academy's seven mysteries, right?

>The moving picture, the piano sonato that plays itself, the 13th stair, the hanging tree, the ring that grants wishes, the visiting skeleton

> Finally, anyone who encounters all 6 of those ghost stories will jump off the roof and die.
> It's talked about so much, there's no way that there can be any more scoops from it.

> But one more exists... an eighth ghost story...
> An eight? (Even though it's the seven mysteries?)

>The sound of the sea cucumber's organs... reverberating in the music room!
> I don't really know what that means...

Attached: 1553178340849.jpg (850x1200, 185K)

Ripoff of tasogare lmao

Poor Erika got mind broken.

I really want to see Osagashi with her glasses off!

I can't wait for the ninth mystery that's actually Kashiwagi having sex at school.

>Shuchiin Academy's seven mysteries
I didn't expect the 4-koma to reference the LN. Translation never though.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 22K)

You should first learn how to pronounce her name.

Attached: please remember that.png (889x478, 433K)

You're right, my mistake. I don't know why I thought it was Osagashi.

Either way, the matter still stands.


> Title: The Day Before Yesterday

> Something happened the day before yesterday...
> With this, I've collected all of them, right?

> Huh? There's some weird melody coming from the music room.

> A-ah... this is...
> The melody of death...

> I even hear screaming... what could be happening in there?
> It's the president's singing lesson.

> Title: Yesterday

> So, I left early that day.
> Club president... I can't stop shivering, so can I go home?

> You were feeling so bad that you were hearing things?
> No, that's not what happened! And yesterday I gathered up my courage and peeked in.

> And then...

> It was weird...
> Death's melody was coming from some strange student-like spirits...!?
> It was the president's singing lesson!

Attached: 1553178474527.jpg (850x1200, 199K)


Reminder that Kaguya is mentally ill and should be jailed in a nuthouse

Attached: Kaghoulya.jpg (392x548, 104K)

Please. She's rich enough to count as "eccentric," and she wouldn't get the commoners' nuthouse; she'd just get the disappointments room.

never mind
now I remember about that

"Long Nose."

I know about the Light Novel thanks for your help anyways, user

They released a Kaguya novel last year that occurs soon after the sports festival. Cover is pic related. The seven mysteries of Shuchiin is one of the main focus of it.

Attached: 19sPBPK.jpg (554x1200, 130K)

Why does Kaguya looks like Thom Yorke here

I wouldn't have given a joke answer if you didn't already have the real one; that seems a bit too rude.

> Title: Don't die

> Something terrible must have happened.
> What do you think, Karen.

> I was hoping for a story more like Inagawa **ji-san's.
> It's scary~ It's scary~
> This isn't a scary story competition!

> But it sound's interesting.
> I should go check it out.

> Whoever hears it directly will die! I don't want you to die, Karen!
> Right now... I'm dying now...

> Title: Karen's Desire

> Summer's coming soon. A ghost story article sounds good..

> So, it's been decided. Let's go gather material!
> You're really going!? You might not come back alive!!?

> If you're talking about a sea cucumbers organs, it's white when it shoots out, isn't it kind of pretty? (Although it's different between species)
> (Under picture: Karen's imagination)
> I'd be interested in hearing it.

> You had that desire to be violated by a white tentacle thing...
> It sounds bad if you say it that way!

Wow, this page is pretty lewd.

Attached: 1553178538377.jpg (850x1200, 197K)

My wife Karen is so pure

I'm glad Karen died before seeing a penis she might call it pretty and turn into a gigantic slut.

Did you miss a balloon there? I think it's the one after "I should check it out" with Erika screaming. i'm guessing it's just a "Don't go!!" right?

> Title: Confirmation

> Well then, let's check the authenticity of it...

> Hogay- Hogay-

> This is what you were talking about? It's just giant's singing. (doraemon reference)
> No...

> The singing wasn't this good...
> Good!!? This is!!?

> Title: This Time, Too

> Isn't it just someone who has trouble singing gradually getting better?
> Wonderful things can happen when you put in effort.

> No... it was more like... a curse that couldn't come from human vocal chords...
> You're imagining it.

> Erika, when you're scared, you tend to overthink it and scare yourself more.

> It REALLY REALLY happened!!
> Yes, yes, delusions, delusions.
> Today's activities: No scoop

Attached: 1553178602159.jpg (850x1200, 187K)

Thanks user.

Attached: Scoops.jpg (600x496, 46K)

Yeah, you're right, thanks. Erika is saying "Don't do it Karen!!"

she doesn't?

Thank you, user.

user does what those lazy fucks at JB don't.

As far as i'm aware, their translator has everything worked on, the problem is everyone else doesn't work on the side stuff for some reason, even the doujin spin off.

does this series end after karen dies during the festival?

Prez improving beyond human expectations, and also starting at levels below human comprehension.

To be fair, they've got to do editing, cleaning and typesetting.

>3 days before Christmas
>Implying she won't wake up on the 3rd day, on Christmas feeling enlightened.

Hey, we work hard too.

That's not really hard to do.

Attached: Media31 P1.jpg (850x1200, 363K)

just for that we're not posting the chapter today fuck you

Otherwise know as useless shit for amateur fan translation that delays releases and is filled with talent less sycophants that suck on the teats of the translators.


They're making a joke about her lazy eye

user hurt our feelings
It's free real estate, you can do releases if you wanted too.

I love my cute irish wife

Attached: bath.jpg (615x346, 23K)

>bath scene animated


Attached: 1552948817236.jpg (492x382, 43K)

She's in the bath, hm? That means she's naked...

Say goodbye to today's chapter release.

I'm pretty sure they don't care. The guys that took over right after Jag moved on were the ones throwing a bitch fit over Yea Forums releases. Or else they'd be bitching about the doujin stuff.

Nani?! Extra firm??

Attached: D2K56T3U8AAIbZq.jpg (1200x675, 137K)


Attached: 1550445023524.png (448x276, 15K)

Attached: Media31 P2.jpg (850x1200, 364K)

Attached: Media31 P3.jpg (850x1200, 361K)

You should upload these to MangaDex, user.

don't do it

That's why I told you to do it user

I'm still working on the 4th page. I can probably do it I guess, but i'd like to know if the translator is ok with it first.

hey translator user
would you be ok with it

God, I want to cum on her glasses

Where the frickin heck is the chapter

Good stuff. You should prob upload them if TL user approves. We'll be doing them on our own to complete the side stories on our site as well

We usually get a release later on Thursday, or early Friday. I'm the guy who usually dumps it when a new one comes out, so it's we're still on schedule based on their usual release times.

don't listen to this guy. I'm the real guy who does the dumps. this guy's a fake

Why don't you guys use Korean scans?


I'm not JB staff. I dump when they release it is what i'm saying, since we usually have separate threads for for when a chapter comes out.
Also the obvious answer is that the shit is watermarked, and LQ.

Attached: Media31 P4.jpg (850x1200, 337K)

Isn't a page missing?

Oh also, I just noticed I used "we" which I guess is why you thought I was from JB or something, brain fart. Anyway, i'll upload it to mangadex if TL user is fine with it, although I assume he is, i he's the one who worked on the kindergarten chapters from the doujin.

p1 was a bit higher in the thread

I mean, it's a bit embarrassing because I was kind of lazy in translating certain parts. But I guess I don't really mind. JB will probably release their own translation anyway.

> An eight?
Please fix my typo, though. It should be "An eighth?", actually "An eighth story?" would probably sound better.

Nah. The spinoff always has 4 pages. The only exception being the "That was a lie" chapter, where it was 6 pages.

Yeah, I'll probably be doing the typeset and redraws in JB with moe's TLs.
I also was the uploader of ch12 on MangaDex since it was going to be lost in archives. If you're the same guys, hope you don't mind it.


Attached: Media31 P1.jpg (850x1200, 364K)


Oh also, what's the chapter title? The text beside "31" on the first page? It's probably a good idea to translate it too.

No one here minds shit, i'm just doing the typeset for fun since I enjoy it, and I like making chapters come out for others to read. So long as you do it well and make some chapters release, i'm pretty sure people would appreciate it.

not all heroes wear capes eh

>t. anglo
Double translation are inherently inferior, even when the two singular translations are fine on their own.
I'd rather wait three day some than have the translation of a translation typeset.

>Oh also, what's the chapter title? The text beside "31" on the first page?
Right, its
> We can't talk about the new ghost story

>day some
days more*
I'm drunk

Thanks for the translation. I'll be uploading it under "Yea Forumsnonynmous scans" then.

Attached: 01.jpg (850x1200, 365K)

upload it under mangadex.org/group/12/a-nonymous

>tfw my sister was never proud of me

It hurts

Attached: neverever.png (1033x836, 717K)

Sounds good, user.


>tfw imouto looks up to me
Feels good man

Based user

Must be nice

Attached: c1hU1Rj.jpg (583x616, 27K)

Ok? I'm using 7zip, and winrar, but when I compact the images it's not letting me upload shit.
Am I just an idiot, or is there something else i'm not doing?

Attached: Ahhhhhhhh.gif (346x449, 121K)

Nevermind, I had to use Window's own zip file format.

My imouto is a awful bitch so who cares.

What's going on here?

Attached: 73779337_p0.jpg (3072x4262, 1.99M)

You have to do something she'll look up to you for, first

Attached: Hayasaka_29.jpg (1346x1994, 331K)

Attached: Kaguya_78.jpg (1000x1069, 159K)

Yeah, I know that much.

Then get off your butt and make her proud you bundle of sticks


Attached: Lewd girl.jpg (844x1200, 61K)

But that sounds tiresome, user

Attached: fAGufVh_d.jpg (640x910, 32K)


>Plain looking glasses girl
>Is now riding the cock of the biggest chad in School
How the FUCK did she do it?

I want to fuck Karen before marriage

Attached: 1550923246726.jpg (700x700, 131K)

You know she's a freak in the sheets and gives a mean blowjob and is also probably very pretty with her glasses off.

Karen is dead user
You need to accept it

That sounds sinful.

Attached: Karen.jpg (630x700, 96K)

Osagari kinda turns me on, I can't place my finger on it

It turns out being straightforward with your feelings goes a long way.


>It turns out being straightforward with your feelings goes a long way.
All that time Prez and Shinomiya wasted. They could have been lovey-dovey with each other.

Wasn't her hair darker.

She can't die, not yet. she has to be in Prez and Kaguya's wedding.

It is.

She will be their guardian angel
You may not see her, but she still there

My friend Maki is cute.

Attached: Maki Hair Down.jpg (844x1200, 57K)

Your friend is my girlfriend.

Maybe if she got rid of the dumb twintails she would have won the Tsubasabowl

Attached: 1553114651370.png (529x277, 93K)

Hayasaka looks pretty autist in this one
I don't know why

Attached: cute autist.jpg (640x910, 33K)

Spinoff extras are pretty weak.
It's just pages from the main series as reference to what chapter they're linking to, and those images the artist makes and posts on their twitter.

wanting to fuck Prez damages your INT stat.

>Newest spinoff is near Summer vacation
We're near the time where Kashiwagi stopped being a virgin. I want to see how she hides that fact from them. Erika was panicking over the idea of imagining she had sex that quick in a prior chapter.

>seven mysteries
>piano that plays itself EVERY SINGLE TIME

I hate this trope. Can't people be more original with the mysteries?

It's the big, round glasses.

My husband Ishi is cute CUTE!

Attached: whiteprince.png (844x1200, 124K)

I guess you are right

Attached: 1552589784890.png (695x564, 218K)

>I'm turning into an idiot

I'm hopeless. I can't get enough of this series.

Reading the manga was a mistake.

Attached: 1420049594902.png (438x444, 127K)

What about Moeha?

Wait, why is the latest spinoff chapter listed as 31?

Because it is chapter 31. The ones after 26 weren't typeset yet.

Attached: Expert.jpg (500x500, 54K)

some lads at jb are working on translating missing chapters for the 4koma and the official doujin

...oh. Evidently I've always ignored and forgot the dumps because I was sure a typeset would come, eventually. I'd work very well in a dystopia.

They're not "missing". They just haven't worked on them yet.

yea those got uploaded to mangadex

I want to help the Lady Karen preach the gospel when she walks the earth again.

TLs are ready, they just aren't proofread and typesetted.

Attached: file.png (500x500, 309K)

Going to assume you're the translator then? What's keeping them from working on the spinoff and doujins?

na, I just lurk in the Discord
no motivation was the reason until yesterday i think

Maybe one of them juggles many jobs

How good is Iino's ability to play Piano?

Attached: Piano.png (763x1089, 1.02M)

owo what's this


It's from the novel.

There's a novel?

Is that a tree branch?, will Ishigami learn from the master

Attached: Tree sennin, the hope of love comedies.jpg (558x370, 48K)

Yes. They play a tabletop game in it, among other things, It's not translated though.

Attached: Adventure.jpg (2863x2107, 2.35M)

Is the text available anywhere?

Bros the otters are finally in the good fight reading SnS at least it actually makes sense in that situation.

I mean, I'm reading some of this in google translated Chinese I found from reverse image search, so I sort of know the context now.

She admires Fujiwara since her childhood because she's a piano prodigy, which means Miko must be playing piano for a long time. So she's probably pretty good, but not amazing.

Here, it's in PDF format.

By the way, the plot seems to be something about Fujiwara, Iino, and Kaguya pranking Prez with fake supernatural phenomenon. From what I've seen so far, Fujiwara gets Iino to do a lot of the dirty work, like write up love letters and shit.

Thanks, user.

Attached: 1553134338085.jpg (1321x1015, 114K)

>You know she's a freak in the sheets and gives a mean blowjob and is also probably very pretty with her glasses off.

The glasses are probably her power limiters, similiar to Kaguya's ribbon and and Fujiwara's black ribbon. Kei's weird hair thing might have the same function.

Why are all these females so fucking powerful???

I really just want to see her character interact more. She's so level-headed and balances out Miko's randomness.

She makes me think of Marcie to Miko's Peppermint Patty.

Are Maki's twintails also power limiters? That would explain why El Hermano is so powerless against hair-down Maki.

Attached: El Hermano de Maki.png (1077x695, 116K)

Why does Maki look so derpy here compared to ?

The latter is her war face for the struggle to be the alpha twin.


Kashiwagi's power limiter is obviously her hairclip. Removing it leaves you with 40 seconds.

Attached: Kashiwagi.jpg (448x359, 32K)

Also, here's the fanbook in case anyone wants it.

Attached: Family.png (1412x1110, 674K)

>Hayasaka's power limiter is her sidetail and Momo's is her hat
Holy shit.
Womans are really powerful creatures

HayaDaddy is PapaGane confirmed!

Forgot the link like a retard.

>Kaguya's mom did pump out 4 kids
Anons were guessing she only had Kaguya, and the brothers were from other women. Seems like they were wrong.

> >Hayasaka's power limiter is her sidetail

Unlikely, given how often she changes outfits.

>Shinomom is just grown up Kaguya

>Not completely in control of her powers
>Needing a limiter

Attached: Hayasaka_21.jpg (3508x2481, 1.56M)

How about that collar she uses?

Attached: HayaSpinoffCover.jpg (640x910, 86K)

> Shinomiya dad hates Kaguya because she reminds him of his dead wife

I don't think he hates her. He just can't handle having her nearby without being reminded of his wife, so he just keeps her far away, with all daily necessities taken care of.

big if true
God I hope so

Stay alive until the chapter thread ends.

Attached: Cute bakas.gif (728x391, 76K)

>All the shitposters migrate here
god no.

I mean, the thread already has "Kaguya" in the title. It's kinda inevitable.

I kinda want to see Gan'an turn out to be a lot like what his daughter could become if she takes some specific wrong turn.

Maki is based

Attached: cute shitposter.png (216x360, 63K)

Everything will be daijoubou

Attached: D1z8ZeU8AAYkr.jpg (1448x2048, 390K)

I sure love lino, why is Lino-san so cute, Iino is best

Maki is literally me!
That fucking SLUT needs to die I'm thinking of a double homicide into suicide.

Kaguya better watch out on Christmas.

Attached: I want to fuck your brother too.jpg (551x558, 83K)

Here's the artist's drawing for chapter 31.

Attached: Media Club_19.jpg (700x700, 116K)

>Prez and Kei are coming to the party
Who will Shiropapa spend the nighy with?

Plot twist
With HayaMama.

W..What are they sitting on?


Kei is so transparent, haha

She's married and he's alive, fuck off with the NTR shit, besides even though Shirodad is fun he's pretty pathetic as an adult so I'm not surprised Shiromom left She's probably a bitch though.

I wonder if Shiromon will ever appear just to add some drama


Attached: 1529448228763.png (421x362, 205K)

I'm sure it will happen, it would feel really weird if she never appeared.

You couldn't notice this in the LQ Korean scans, but Kaguya is also crying during the study session.

Attached: Don't bully lolis.jpg (284x206, 35K)

They are too cute for this world

Attached: too cute.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

I want to hug them and pat their heads

Attached: 1524283112469.png (600x1800, 1.49M)

Kaguya was straight up unlikeable this chapter. Prez should just dump her.

I'm more scared for Shirogane. Moeha is going to lock him in a room and do bad things to him

Being enthralled with a series like this is unhealthy.

Attached: 1552766142233.jpg (251x286, 25K)

I want to protect loli Hayasaka

Attached: 1552935192964.png (199x415, 86K)


Attached: psychopath.png (1138x1615, 218K)

Never in my life I wanted NTR to happen to someone after reading anything. Fuck Kaguya.

Honestly not a fan of this multiple personality thing. It was funny when it was just a gag court in her head but actually reverting back to a different person is a bit much
Iceguya is a bully

Attached: 1452103473838.jpg (1024x768, 77K)

>we’re dating right?
>no we’re not, the kiss was meaningless
>oh okay, but I am totally going to hold the hand of a girl I am not dating
Everybody who bashed Shirogane is retarded. He did absolutely nothing wrong.

>Second daughter

Attached: Fuji plays dumb.jpg (155x177, 13K)

I want to see the different personas of Lino, especially her persona when she shitposts on the internet

>Aka literally puts a disclaimer saying it's not Multiple personality disorder, and it's just a convenient persona Kaguya uses to protect herself
>Dude, this personality disorder is annoying
Does Aka need to draw someone asking if Kaguya has multiple personality disorder getting shot in the face after being called a retard for you to stop this meme?

user, Kaguya seems to want something, but I have no idea what it is.

Attached: 1553219561215.gif (388x462, 104K)

looks like she farted and is trying to wave the pungent smell away

>Hey, user...

Attached: 1543345159943.webm (900x580, 2.92M)

>Everybody who bashed Shirogane
Excuse them user they're affected with the "cute girl can't do wrong" syndrome
Nah, fuck those faggots

He can say whatever he wants, she's switched between completely different personalities since the kiss happened. It was a funny comedy thing at first, but now that it's becoming actual drama it just seems stupid.

Prez is too pure for this shit

Attached: 08.png (800x1200, 294K)

all this power but he still can't keep his wife faithful

It's not actual drama though. He overthought something, she got annoyed, and we'll get more shenanigans next time. They're both still aware of what happened, and even though she was pretty retarded in her methods, she wants him to take charge and act lovey dovey with her.

i miss karen

>erika is scared of white tentacle things that squirt
what a lesbian

Do not worry user. Kino will be back on the menu on Christmas, the day of her Resurrection, and newfound enlightenment.

Attached: Sinful.jpg (630x700, 124K)

>Shirogane is preparing to fight the Shinomiya's over Kaguya's imaginary arranged marriage

This is a development I didn't know I wanted.

>Be mushy mushy with a girl
>Pour your heart out in a confession
>Next day she calls you a fag
>She says that she would never date a fag like you
Fuck that bitch, Prez shouldnt had taken her home, should had tell her to fuck off and leave the room.

>moeha knows about kei's thing for kaguya
oh no

how aware is kei of moeha's evil?

who was tutor

I hope Karen stays dead forever

god i want to be ravaged by fujiwara chika's magnum dong

She's also a politicians's daughter user. Politicians know how to manipulate others to get what they want.

How do you slay the demon lord?

>Iceguya is turning everyone against Kaguya
Nice going Ice, should've just let Bakaguya keep control

>Listen to me Kaguya
>If you don't quit playing around
>I will steal president Shirogane from you

Attached: D1jFu97UcAIqzpP.jpg (600x336, 28K)

Aka's baitgame is top tier

>Haysaka x Prez
I'm all for it now after this chapter

hard to say. considering how she reveals her twisted fantasies to shinomiya, it's possible she's open about it so kei would know. or it's possible she tells everyone her evil plans except for kei who knows?

Attached: psychopath 2.png (860x1250, 223K)

Oh, so there was a thread already? Did somebody call out the Koreans and spoiler faggots for thinking everything was doom and gloom AGAIN?

or NTR

She's regressing to her previous emotional state, where her pride prevents her from acting too lovey-dovey without equal or greater reciprocation.

>no we’re not, the kiss was meaningless
Please point to that panel in the Jaimini translation, and not the gook one.

its funny how she's the VP while Kei is the treasurer, I wonder who the president is

>pic related coming out of Moeha's mouth in Season 2

Attached: Vv7Z3cJ.png (1920x1080, 1M)

user fears the iceguya

Attached: 1543463624260.png (718x775, 367K)

Maki's brother is implied to be the top third-year student isn't he?

What would Kaguya have done if Prez did kiss her?

40 seconds and Iino would have walked in 20 seconds after that.

I hope the new servant is Haystack's future husbando
she's just too cute to be alone

the fusion of all of her persona

Attached: Hayasaka.jpg (800x800, 99K)

Attached: 1525528291853.png (557x510, 255K)

That's so mean...

How would you guys react to a girl telling you she doesnt want to date you ever?

Council of Maki's when?

Attached: 1543294567946.png (797x407, 276K)

Maki is so perfect.

Wasn't Jung debunked or something?


Attached: 1549606872552.png (569x185, 108K)

Ice is a prideful twat to the point of being a cruel tease and the monster virgin did nothing wrong other than not being explicity clear on his feelings for Kaguya.

Just because prez didn't say the words directly doesn't mean Ice can be a turd to the already dense and indecisive boy. It took this fucking long for him to even gather the courage to pull the stunt at the festival.

Attached: 1551109128444.jpg (836x543, 78K)

I'm not sure on this one, I don't want a romantic interest if he ends up being shitty, when that shit happens it's so fucking annoying.

Accept it, down a pint and then do something embarrassing like sending a long message years later.

Iceguya did nothing wrong. She was sending a tonne of signals.

I'd be really happy that a girl talked to me.

i mean, he could've just asked her to date right then and there, like she wanted

That's pretty normal

Attached: 1529503190820.png (833x714, 544K)

delete this

she just wanted to be the one receiving this time, and he was too beta to do anything this time around.

Shitty as in you don't like his character or shitty like ?

Also, both Subject F and How Cute are in the running to represent Yea Forums in the Spring babby; so you should go vote for them.

Attached: 1531306962869.png (865x1250, 42K)

Maki is mentally stable though
pretty much everyone does pic related a one point

already did

Attached: 1534049226396.png (161x168, 33K)

I'm hoping this will spiral completely out of control until Shirogane bursts into the Shinomiya mansion and challenging the father directly for all of the missed signals he was getting from Kaguya and thinking that this is a new plotline.

I don't want them on such a shitty team. Yea Forums loses every game it's embarrassing

*at one point

>Maki is mentally stable though

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Attached: Kaguya.gif (600x338, 834K)

Yeah, it'd definitely be a fun and unexpected way of tackling the forced marriage plotline. Especially if it happens when Kaguya is trying to convince her father to let her go to America.

Well then don't vote for them so that they don't get on the team. It's just a bunch of dice rolls, surely Fujiwara would stack them in Yea Forums's favour?

>no emote for maki

cute LINE stickers

Attached: 1541715078483.png (318x288, 89K)

Kaguya "Ken Kaneki" Shinomiya

What does it say?

Both to be honest, there's a risk in introducing someone so late too, a bad romantic interest can easily kill a interesting character, when that happens it makes you so mad that you want to drop the thing no matter how good it is.

This should be a sticker

Attached: 1549455592367.png (323x304, 161K)

Is it party time, user?

Maki vs Miko deathmatch: who wins?

having a "friend" like that whore Kashiwagi really pushes you over the edge so its fine
also Maki may be talks on her back but she never shown any hostility towards Kashiwagi in person

D-delete this

Attached: 1552076136570.png (501x517, 219K)

>prez will talk to fujiwara or hayasaka
>ask kaguya out for christmas
>he'll initiate kiss, or ask to be bf/gf
>fix kaguya back to normal
>if doesn't ask to date/kiss on christmas date, he'll do it on Jan 1st; her birthday/new year

Fuck I bet that there's a faggot somewhere that is actually thinking this.

Attached: 1552069182182.png (500x307, 75K)

>Even Slut-chan got a sticker
The absolute state of Maki

Look at this cutestuff
So precious
What a waste

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Maki looks to be stronger (refer to kicking el hermano) while Miko is soft and weak. If it comes to a battle of intellects however maybe Miko has a chance

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It's always party time, my friend.

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literally everyone could bend miko over, physically or psychologically

What's her kagune type lads

Attached: KAG.jpg (1280x720, 469K)

After this chapter I have no objections for prez to dump Kaguya and go for literally any other girl.

>ywn bend Miko over

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I miss Jag. I hope he's doing well.

Actually Maki might also win on a intellect battle
She is third on just below Kaguya and Prez who are considered geniouses and her score was quite higher considering she is a 2nd year

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The way they mentally cope with multiple personas is pretty similar desu

Here Miko's score which is kinda lower

Attached: F4.png (1000x1418, 204K)

>Kashiwagi starts her downfall after getting a boyfriend

In the way that it's a defensive thing maybe, but it still doesn't deserve the comparison with how shit TG became.

kashiwagi had higher test scores than miko before she got the brains fucked out of her right?

She spends a lot of time tutoring the guy.
Also sex. With creampies.

>head sandwiched between her sweaty legs and her sweaty gym shorts
god I wish that were me

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The party's over, user...

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>114th three times in a row
She really is holding back isn't she

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Maki has a cute voice, I hope we get s2

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Getting tutored along with Kaguya I assumed if she didn't held back she could compete with her and prez.

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>literally voiced by ichigo from ditf

cute cuck voice

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You're buying the blu-ray. Right, user?

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getting hourly texts from Iino!

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I hooe we get to see her full potential in the future I would also like to see Maki getting kek'd out of the top 3

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Lets see how Iceguya deals with a hard slap across the face


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>Implying you can hurt the muscle queen.

>Implying it will work after the first two tries failed miserably

Can't delete her fantasies

Will we get more of her during the Christmas party?

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I'll buy whatever this man is selling

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>post cock-carousel eyes

Attached: 89669.jpg (540x540, 87K)

>iceguya prefers traditional relationships with the man taking the lead, finds it hot
>However, she won't settle for any man
>Loves Shirogane and baits him into kissing her
>Shirogane is too awkward to make the first move
>Baits him into walking her home
>Tries to get him to grab her hand and make a move
>Prez spazzes out
>She leaves and calls him a faggot

Prez used up all his man energy in his confession and the lead up.he needs the alpha energy he had when Kaguya was cosplaying. I wonder if he'll ask Ishi for advice? Ishi would probably tell him that Kaguya is ready for plowing makes a move

Looking forward the Chirstmas

You better catch her by surprise

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Even gods realize they can't make their creations love them.

>Future chapter is advice again, except ishigami gets even more angry over over his explanation

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What the fuck

Put your fat cocks where I can see them

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Iceguya is life.

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She actually said it...

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Prez got himself the one stop harem

Delete this right fucking now

Too bad.

Attached: Serious stupidity.jpg (683x733, 101K)

Tsun Maki vs Dere Maki? Proud Shijo Maki vs cuck crybaby Maki, with Loli Kaguya being replaced by Punished Maki who just wants to watch the world burn.

Attached: Maki_Fire.jpg (280x389, 50K)

She is so cute

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Is sea cucumber the Prez's spirit animal?

Attached: 02a.png (800x1200, 400K)

Well he did spend the entire chapter spilling his guts.



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I also hate it

What's going to happen next? Is she going to become huge and kill everyone?

>Looks like I've overstepped my bounds, Shinomiya and I apologize.
>Please forget my confession and my offer to study abroad.
>Let's go back to the way things were tomorrow, okay?

Attached: Move on to Hayasaka please.png (225x315, 88K)

My heart

Attached: 1548407420513.png (123x271, 31K)

So this is the "Iceguya tries to make Shirogane into a man that can stand against her family with her" arc?

She could legitimately kick the ass of every user.

well it's not going to be easy and bakaguya can't do it.

She just wants him to initiate stuff, I doubt she's thinking far ahead into "he has to be ready to fight my family for me".

I really do hope this is what actually happens. Just fucking rub it in her face that her tsundere bullshit doesn't actually work and will only result in her pushing him away.

Attached: chika-fujiwara-149354.jpg (350x490, 36K)

Is it just me or loli Hayasaka looked more like a shota? Must be the hairstyle and clothes.

Fuji training arc where prez learns to pick up social cues

Lets settle this once and for all

Must be her hairstyle
Here is a closer look

Attached: 1552935192963.png (854x1250, 520K)

save that one for Season 2, user

Tomboyish short hair from back then

>second daughter
>inb4 it is not typo but actually plot point for Chika

God damn it Prez

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older sister is disowned


Attached: 1553215911317.gif (343x457, 66K)

Especially after Prez went through all that shit in preparing a stage in which he could confess to Kaguya in hopes of getting her to be with him from now on.

You have a wiener, Fujiwara-senpai?

>ridicule prez
>send mixed signals
>blame him
Must be nice having a magic second hole below your waste that indemnifies you from all wrongdoing.


Attached: 44.png (720x463, 176K)

Attached: licker.gif (402x480, 67K)

>send mixed signals
The only thing mixed was the bit before the second kiss attempt, everything else was crystal clear.

Iceguya is cute and I like this development, but I want to see her get desperate too.

>at least 3 more chapters of shitty tsundere kaguya

Attached: 06.jpg (515x760, 93K)

>by the way, your maid wanted to let you know she's resigning and taking a trip to america

>aka has consistently called tsunderes out for their bullshit
dont worry, ice is going to be broken soon

So I know a few days ago I said Ishichika was best couple but now that I’m mostly caught up on the manga so I’m a new man now

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She might have ridiculed him, but her signals were really fucking obvious. Prez was just overthinking like crazy.

Only Fuji can do that

Attached: fujiWhat.jpg (724x398, 97K)

Fat midget will win the Ishibowl

His theories and methods are outdated yeah, but the beliefs that people change their personality based on who they interact with seems pretty obvious and not at all strange or ground breaking.

I'm sorry President, but Hayasaka has already a planned trip.
A special trip to Cambodia for the rest of her life

Attached: 1552276642688.jpg (356x535, 87K)

She befriended Kaguya since middle school and still failed to break her Ice until Prez did in high school.

Yeah, and then after that will be the tournament arc.

>President heads to Cambodia to rescue her
>finds her and takes her with him to America

What would Kaguya do after?

Attached: 1528831794221.png (500x400, 261K)

>She could legitimately kick the ass of every user.
Nah. I know you're talking about her strength being almost on par with Prez, who is a healthy male, but let's not forget the fact that they are Japanese. The average non-asian has at least 4 inches on them in every manner that matters. Including the women.

>i fucking hate you
>now go hold my hand and be in love with me
Yeah how could anyone ever pretend that these are mixed signals. I often treat the women i like like total shit and then expect them to drop everything for me.

good to have you on board new mikobro

Attached: 1553199005732.png (840x836, 73K)

Use this one instead, the hair doesn't look as fucked. Also keep in mind another user made this version too.

Attached: Subtle hints.gif (343x457, 112K)

Dang I forgot about that part
but at least Fuji thawed a bit of iceberguya to give everyone a chance to melt her completely

Give up I hope

I'm just casually asking because I'm not really aware to what extent they've been "debunked". I've heard in passing various claims, such as "they're 100% debunk and false data and should be ignored as the ramblings of a madman" and "they're not really THAT debunked, except for the part about all men wanting to fuck their mother", etc.

>Kaguya personally stalks and attempts to kill Hayasaka
>Hayasaka is more experienced than her so she knows she's being followed
>She lets Kaguya shoot her because she still loves her sister
>Kaguya can't take it and commits murder suicide

Attached: 2019-02-11 01_59_17-Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai_ Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 11 Ch. 108 Ai (249x377, 76K)

>Implying Prez could afford the trip.

>i fucking hate you
Did you only read the Korean translation or something?


she literally didnt say that tho

She opened with a volley at 50 paces then complained about him being shocked. It's her fault. Love may be war but she sure isn't trying to win.

Not him but, she said she wouldn't date someone spineless, and tried to have him make a move. It's still dumb, but she wasn't saying "never".

like my OL soap operas!

Kek, didn't expect this kind of development, only to delay more that relationship. But now I'm expecting more Moeha or Hayasaka goodness.

Imagine how broken Kaguya would be after this.
Shit would be glorious

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Day of the Fusion soon
if she doesn't force herself to change nothing will

What would Prez do afterwards?

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She'd probably start crying immediately, and scream no.

>Prez goes through with this
>Kaguya slaps him and just says "No. Man up and keep trying you pussy"
>Literally tries to bully him into raping her for her fetish
. . .this is reminding me too much of my ex. I don't think I like this anymore.

>implying Prez wouldn't find a way

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>itt: anons who never tried courting a proper lady
They are prideful as fuck and wants the guy to initiate all the time. All we have to do is wait and see how aka subverts this.

That's Freud, the grounding father of psychology. He was the one with the weird incestuous theories. And yes he has been debunked, but lots of his work laid the foundation of modern psychiatry. For instance he thought up the subconscious and conscious. Jung was more practical and expanded on his methods and laid foundations for stuff like introversion and extroversion. Modern day psychiatry is less about the theories of the mind because humans are so vastly different and more about the practical application in medicine and what changes occur on a hormonal level.

>She continues with her shit bullying and indirects
>This just make Prez feel even worse about ever falling in love with her and ends up leaving

Attached: 1553207938420.png (319x380, 79K)

His complex gets to him enough that he gives up altogether, sending Kaguya into red alert mode.

Actions say more than words, and she was rude and treated prez like shit.

she offered herself up to him more than she ever did in this form.

By making Kaguya the initiator is a subversion already
but look at this chapter

Fuck you.

See . With the absolute state of romcoms, adding realism is already subversive enough.

>The only thing mixed was the bit before the second kiss attempt
But that was a pretty big signal. Since she outright denied that they were dating. It was exactly like the president's illusions, so it did a lot of mental damage.

Plus she was just generally acting super cold.

>What do you think that kiss was special?
>I can kiss whoever i want
>This coffee is horrible
>*Hits him with a fan for no reason*
Dumb slut

Attached: p6.png (830x1250, 327K)

Jags a little bitch.

What would Ishigami think of the series he's in if he read it somehow?

Can we please just have Hayasaka or even Fujiwara just win the Prezbowl at this point? Kaguya does not deserve him.

You want to die, pleb? Iceguya is a Goddess.

whoa its almost like she's a tsundere

What did I do user?

Attached: 1553208473486.png (202x427, 110K)

he's the audience surrogate

Go away Subject F.

He'd think Iino is best girl and would be wondering why the 9gag character isn't being less of an asshole to her, being completely unselfaware the entire time.


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We should ignore Kaguya until she stops being a total fucking bitch

Talk about Hayasaka only now

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I don't want an angry midget gf though

fair point

Attached: miko-the-devourer.png (1513x658, 920K)

I dont get why everyone's been freaking out about this chapter for days. Literally going to go back to normal after one chapter, like every other conflict/plot device that's been used.

>christmas date, make up
>kaguyas birthday, start dating

We’ll make it through, user, have faith.

Maybe we’ll even get more loliguya at the end of the tunnel

speak for yourself dweebo

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I want to join the mass media club

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I want to hold a extravagant funeral for my wife Karen

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You've crossed the Lino

If she want to repeat the same mistakes her cousin did and lose Prez to any random slut, she can go forward with that plan

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I want to rail Karen's ass to Zion Canyon bros

How destroyed will she be after watching Iceguya abuse prez?

Other way around. Prez was dense and overhink things as usual. He didn't man up like he should have done and read the signs that even an idiot could see.

She already died for her sins.

What about a gf that was really inspired by your perseverance?

Attached: whatdoesitmean.png (850x1820, 1.14M)

I think it'll be sooner than that. I think Christmas date will be them officially dating, and birthday date will be their first official date as a couple. Possibly even them admitting to StuCo that they're a couple now.

Kashiwagi's harem grows

I didn't know Maki was pure sex.

Attached: Maki.jpg (220x234, 27K)

Eh I would be shocked if those signs figuratively smashed on your face tb h

Attached: thou arret now.jpg (200x236, 11K)

Based Reichad

Attached: ono.png (724x331, 156K)

hmm, yeah sorry, they'll literally make up the next day, or christmas eve. I agree with you on all parts. Pretty obvious with all the foreshadowing of christmas, and stating how close it is till then.

It's really just because it's gonna take a few more weeks before they actually figure things out. The dual confessions arc was a giant honeydick

I think he's mad because you found a way.


Attached: [revving intensifies].png (700x463, 267K)


She's just as much of an idiot as Bakaguya is, honestly. Kaguya is best as Kaguya.

Iceguya > normal Kaguya. Both are god tier regardless.

His inferiority complex wouldn't have kicked in if it weren't for Kaguya being a bitch. Guy planned and rused everyone for his confession only for the girl to be a bitch and basically tell him the confession meant nothing to her.

People who participate in manga threads without having read them should be dragged into the street and beat to nigh death.

Will Hayasaka lecture her when she get home?

Most likely

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I hope so.

Prez x Hayasaka
Ishigami x Onodera

Yeah, gimme the pissed off Chika combo meal

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>there are "people" out there that think Icekaguya isn't the best and hottest Kaguya.

Attached: Screenshot_20190322-124815.png (1080x1920, 1.32M)

I like how her blank stare turned into sparkly eyes.

Subject F's supports aren't people. They are chaos.

It's still Hayasaka's fault she lost sleep and became Kaguya-chan.

what would a threesome be like

who has cuter feet, Kaguya or Hayasaka

Hayasaka has cuter everything I'm afraid

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killing Bakaguya was a dick move though

How do you pronounce Hayasaka
Hay sucker?

Attached: dump eet.png (820x720, 493K)

smaller is cuter though, both titties and feet

Best girl

I wish she wouldn't use those pads. I prefer my girl flat and thin.

>"I'm taking our future more seriously than either of you"
>proceeds to stonewall and revert to the most antisocial version of herself in an attempt to "strengthen" her new relationship
Icekaguya means well, but she's showing she can be just as bad, if not worse, than her other selves.

I wonder if the brother will show up at he Christmas Party? Even though he is the #1 student nationally for mock exams its all but confirmed that he goes to a different school other than Shuichiin, otherwise we would have seen his name in the Shuichiin test results.

Ha as in HAppy
Ya as in YUmmy
Sa as in SUnny
Ka as in CAr

How did prez even manage to defrost kaguya hielo cero absoluto for the first time??

Cambodia? She would send her to fucking Venezuela, user.

/r/ing that 2.5D webm of kaguya flipping the bird

>status quo, the manga
Guess Aka got a visit by the Yakuza I mean the Editors to reset the romance progress or he will have to learn to draw with only 4 fingers. The schizo Kaguya storyline is Aka's subtle cry for help.

He went full El Grande Presidente Blanco Cinco De Mayo De Palabras

With the help of the former president. He wanted Kaguya defrosted and he was Miyuki's mentor.


>1/4 irish
>3/4 japanese

Attached: brie-larsen-marvel-1.jpg (950x713, 215K)

reminder that the lovey dovey heart scene you all like to gush about for being "progression" had shirogane chicken out of confessing at the last minute. if anything this is a break from the status quo since iceguya made it clear their relationship won't progress unless shirogane mans up and confesses/shows her affection.

When is Aka going to explain why the third years don't like the current StuCo?

Maybe because prez is a nobody and only became prez because of his grades?

Calling it now, Shirogane absolutely and eternally BTFO icekaguya in Christmas by turning into pure instinct giga chad mode
22 pages special

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Wow these last chapters sure have made me dislike the pres. He really is just like all them other pussys in the genre.

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ishigami looks like he fucks girls who fucks dogs

She would be such a great mum.

Attached: 09.png (543x293, 127K)

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 13.png (730x445, 326K)

Shinomiya family confirmed for Marines

Devil Style.

Is there even a plan to release an OST for this shit? There are a lot of tracks I ended up really liking.