Let's have a SciADV thread for old time's sake.
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I want to hugg Senri
I've been listening to 5 of the Delusional Radio Wave Station tracks already and it's fucking awesome.
Reminder that even Takumi himself tells you to read the VN before watching the anime.
It's literally word of god.
>Delusional Radio Wave Station
It's not translated isn't it?
Not that user, but no, not to my knowledge.
It's not, but it's good stuff. Give it a listen if you can find it somewhere.
Don't ask me to translate it though.
Those damn Japs all talk at the same time during the free talk segments and it's just unintelligible gibberish.
Right as I start to really get into the SciADV series.
I thought Chaos;Head as a standalone anime was good and understandable, why is it hated so much apart from "It's a shit adaptation"?
I'm waiting for NoAH to be localized to read the VN.
Because the anime doesn't even follow the VN after the first few minutes anymore.
Also, Noah will never be localized, you might as well read the PC version.
>Noah will never be localized
not officially, but CoZ is still working on their port
the hope is still alive
>not officially, but CoZ is still working on their port
Remember when an Yea Forumsnon released his fix for the PC version 2 years ago and said that NoAH might be coming soon?
There will be no NoAH.
Why did Chiyomaru say it's coming then...
That very same Yea Forumsnon is still around. In fact, he's in this thread.
NoAH might be never but at least we'll have S;G Darling r-right?
Because Chiyomaru is a lier and and an idiot.
Remember when he promised a True End patch for Occultic;Nine? That hasn't happened yet either.
Yes, Darling is almost certain, I guess. More Steins;Milk for the idiots to eat up.
I wish I had a Rimi.
i think he said something about O;N rerelease happening later this year in one of his streams
real shame that there's no translation for volume 4 of the LN though
I won't believe his words until I see it happen with my own eyes. And even then, I'd think I was in a delusion or something.
LCC when?
Did he? I don't remember it
You and me both, brother.
I cannot even laugh at that.
Someone asked him about it and he said "wait a bit more!" or something
It was on twitter
Yeah. I'm reading through the common route of NoAH atm. It really is a shame it isn't localized.
What violent delusions do you harbor, user?
I want to fucking kill the maker of this god forsaken game.
2 > 3 > 4 > 1
Looks and sounds comfy as fuck
Rimi is best girl!
I want to find a girl who enjoys being tied up and spanked relentlessly until she's red and sore. With a lil' bit of a gothic fashion sense. Tear smeared dark makeup.
Now this is epic
Such a fool
4 > 3 > 1 > 2
What's Takumis VA doing nowadays?
Chaos;Child > Robotics;Notes DaSH Chaos;Head NoAH = Steins;Gate >>>>>>>> Steins;Gate 0
Why is that song linked with these kind of existentialist questions?
Rimi is pure perfection
Being the VA of a police man for a certain idol anime about zombies.
NoAH > R;NE > C;C > S;G
She's not, she has her flaws. Read LCC.
>being that high
It's like you guys want to claim that NoAH is trash or something
Oh how I desire
I mean, one is not perfect without flaws.
Cleanse your desires and may the Divine Light save you.
Okay Steins;Chads we've let Cope;Harders have their fun, let's get this thread back on track.
Robo;Chad steaming through
Based Mayurifag
Tuturu my brothers
From the superior series, naturally.
It's Tutturu.
I just finished the Chaos;Child anime.
Why do retarded anime-onlies say it turns into battle shonen?
No one translates it.
No one localizes it.
No one ports it.
No one cares about it.
All I can hear is the sound of the rain,
continuing to fall.
This way, will everything be
gently enveloped and washed away?
Suddenly, a sound that isn't the rain of death resounds,
throughout this broken world,
where everything
remains at a standstill.
The sole existence in midst of this nothingness.
―― Who are you?
Because that's the ChäoS;HEAd Anime and not the ChäoS;Child anime. The C;C had some redeeming features. The C;H one didn't.
Well, until you consider the dub being so bad that it's legitimate comedy gold.
C;H is the one that turns into a Shitty;Swords you retard.
I hope you read the VN before watching the anime.
This is some multi-world layer bait
Why would I watch the anime if I had read the VN? There'd be no point in consuming the worse media after.
To be able to shit on it, naturally.
Because dumb people exist. And you mixing up C;H anime with C;C anime made me think you were one of them.
I'm not the kind of person to shit on things, I'm the kind of hopeless optimist that actually enjoyed Chaos anime.
C;C's episode 0 and 10 are the best Chaos things ever animated.
I mean, to be fair, there is some enjoyable stuff about the C;C anime. So I don't blame you.
Well C;H I can understand wanting to call it a battle shonen even if it's retarded.
But I DID see multiple comments about C;C turning into one as well...
Both stayed mystery and psychological to the end, with sword fights sure, but it's not the main elements.
Also a lot of people claim that the stories are a mess and are impossible to understand but that's also bullshit.
Am I one of the chosen high I.Q. ones?
The C;H anime doesn't even have the same themes as the VN anymore.
The story is impossible to understand because it's impossible to understand in the context of the source material.
>Who are you?
Someone who wants to enjoy a good VN, fuck you MAGES, suck my dick, gimme my delusions
Did they fuck in 1800 BC?
Is this Onoe?
Yes, inside the time machine while Suzuha listened in.
Nice bait
You mean "joined in"... right?