My Boku no Hero Academia

The quirk classification of Emission, Transformation, and Mutant is largely useless since the boundaries are unclear and the overwhelming majority of quirks are simply classified as emission. This is just one example, but it would've been better if Hori used something like the Nen system.

Here's how neatly it would fit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dekus original quirk was high speed regeneration

>mfw we're probably going to see Shiggy giving a speech next chapter that will make the Doctor and Spinner have faith in him

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Ignore OP and talk about the chapter

ujiko will love the bullets

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>Have we maybe met before?
I bet the doctor has met so many children with quirk issues that he has met some of them before. It's a weird phrase, like Dabi saying "nice to meet you, I guess" to Endeavor.

>I destroyed a drug mafia and got myself some quirk-erasing bullets, doc. I'm a competent adult.

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Eggman is based, he even has the same dumb laugh

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And Giganto looks like a giant rock Sonic.

>though prison break arc was going to happen much later because the LoV was too weak..but
>has the squad
>has giga
>has access to noumus again
>has 11 (+?) high-end noumus ( 1 was capable of doing immense damage fighting against the 1st and 2nd rank hero)
>has Ujiko
>has drug bullets

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You're autistic as fuck, and not in a good way. Your chart is shit and you should hate yourself for making it.

What is society even going to do with 11 more nomus? The top two heroes barely managed to take out one, set two loose in different places and you can fuck shit up, not to mention what you can do with over ten of them.


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What is this expression?

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Prove him wrong.

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>no accumulators
Done in 3 secs

I've no fucking idea if they are canon, but they are adorable

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Would Eri be an specialist?

Isn't Mina all of these?

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you have to add deku on every category now

Mina's quirk type is "Receptable"

Specialist is just a dump pool for, shit i cant classify

Or just make a new non-baiting shitpost thread.


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Hm, would Kaiju Overhaul be able to deal with Giga? OHKO vs eating fire?


stop phoneposting

I love it when the theoryposters are proven right yet again
Fucking Gigachad, the Protonomu with multiple quirks

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Phoneposting from laptop is impossible, user. Stop being so sensitive over dead sites.

Little things like this proves to me that Togashi is more intellectual than the proclaimed new wave of "smart" shounen writers.

Here Oito uses her telepathetic powers by manipulating a cockroach to spy on nearby princes' living quarters. Other mangaka would skip forward to the cockroach gathering intel on the enemy wihout further analysing the situation.

Instead, here Togashi is always one step ahead in his critical thinking. He realizes that Oito (while having her consciousness sealed inside an insect) should stray inside the air ducts before even arriving at the enemy's quarters. So he makes her trace the layout of the floor's duct system with her finger, emphasizing if she wanders off even for a moment, she won't be able to find her way back anymore.

That's an underrated quality in Togashi's writings that's often underlooked by haters and/or low IQ readers. It separates him from the pseudointellectuals in Shounen Jump who think writing one line of thought makes them (or their character) intelligent, without verifying if there's actually no loopholes in their seemingly flawless logic.

To attain a quality like this and weave it so effortlessly into your own writing speaks a ton about Togashi's real world experience and attentive mind.

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There's nothing smart about any of this pretentious shit, at the end of the day, it's all shonen shit hype and depression afterwards.

if you want "intellectual" stuff, go watch a seinen or something.

Truly, HxH is the My Little Pony of Yea Forums. I wonder when it's gonna be banned.

Unlike other Shonen Jump mangaka, it's amazing how Togashi adds these details that show realism, tension and characterization of great female characters like Oito. The fact she plans to use Halkenburg's public image to blackmail him, that she was willing to hire a bodyguard in her ranks who she was certain to be either an assassin or a fake follower to Prince Halkenburg, that she planned to use that to ease a give and take relationship is profoundly strategic.

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Even worse then is not change the filename of the website known as tumblr.
Youd be banned years ago for that shit you fucking newfag

>shit chapter (again)
>13 pages
Yep I'm thinking this manga will get axed


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Was that vomit teleport one of Giga’s quirks? How can he have so many if he’s not modified?

>it's the "newfags think oldfags are triggered by tumblr" show again
Just stop

>you will never smell toga's borps
why leave?

Holy fuck just looking at this thread alone there's no point in discussing this fucking manga anymore

Does that make him the progenitor of the nomus? are the nomu created from his cells?

The worldbuilding in bnha is UTTER SHIT that's being made up as it goes along which makes these new groups of villains feel like filler as they seem to pop out of nowhere into sudden relevancy because of how little we know about the world AND HOW LITTLE THEY MATTERED before.

We don't even know how hero society was formed exactly. All we know is apparently there were too many people running around who used their newly found powers to do bad things so some other people stepped up and took matters into their hands. Then TA - DA!! that's how hero society came into being like wtf?? There's way too many things skipped there for the series to act like this is some sort of logical progression of things, very POOR EXECUTION in worldbuilding.

It doesn't even make sense because if you're saying that the situation was solved as a result of people taking matters into their hands instead of relying on the gov't then hero society is like the EXACT opposite of that. So how the fuck does that work and how the fuck can they even enforce the "you can't use your quirk" thing or even know what exact quirk people have if they just lie about it?

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Eggman sure upgraded, humans instead of flrest critters and trying to create the ultimate lifeform.

It's Ujiko's quirk, or at least something in his control.

Mods used to ban and remove posts with tumblr filenames so you can't say it wasn't ever a thing

Damn he's shaking with excitement.

Getting excited over literal faceless disposable bad guys

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>female Nomu on the left

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So if the Doctor telling Shigaraki he can't become a proper villain is supposed to mirror Deku getting told the same by the same doctor how would you have Shigaraki prove he can be like All for One to enforce the parallel?
Like the slime encounter proved Deku to AM I guess.

>Giganigga on the left
>Thiccboy on the right

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Who the hell cares? You're deviating from the thread OP. Get back on topic, cuck.

Reminder that in the one-shot of My Hero monsters were just running around everywhere.
So a sort of Noumupocalypse already happened.

These are the doctor's High-Ends. Say something nice about them.

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It wasn't a joke in universe. That is your headcanon, if it was a joke Mirio would've explained as soon as Eri made it obvious she didn't understand what he meant by date by saying something like "Eri you didn't get it!" But he didn't, he instead tried to make it more obvious but failed yet again.
He wouldn't joke when her happiness is at stake. He sees her as the young girl he must make happy, and that can include dating.
It is so easy.

Froppy is an enhancer.

Can I order a flesh noumu preferably with a stamina restoring quirk? For a friend.

...that's fucking him ? getting Kanou vibes here

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But a honeymoon outing would be harder to explain and it is less understandable. He didn't double down on being understood. He doubled down on being silly and over the top. Lets stop this here. you promised you would only argue this when the thread was autosaging.

>All for One
>The "Can acquire any power and thus can do anything" power

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I miss High End 1.

>narutorunnin Nomus

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I don't read HxH but why would TetsuTetsu and KIrishima not be in the same category

He can only have powers others have. He can transfer them


He should be there right? Or at least in the progress of being made. Unless I am retarded about the timelines.

does one for all have any lkmitations like everyone elses powers?

pretty sure they're just random villains anons

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The honeymoon also makes it more blatant, the kind of dynamic he offered would be hard to miss if it wasn't for the fact Eri is very ignorant of the outside world, but that is the way he had to make it easier to understand. By telling her the most obvious example of a couple that is linked romantically, but she didn't get that either. Eh, it is okay. Mirio isn't exclusively about that, his love is unconditional after all.
Reply to me after the bump limit.

I think the logic here is that Tetsu transforms skin into metal
while Kirishima hardens his skin sort of like a reverse luffy.

too based

Would you call any other character in fiction with that kind of power a "specialist" though?
Sure, they have a unique utility, but a specialist is by definition the opposite of a Jack of All Trades, and that is exactly what they have the potential to be.
If he had some sort of limit like Kaburaki's kid in Tiger and Bunny, who could only copy one power at a time, sure that is a specialist thing. But if you can hoard the powers you're just a juggernaut who embodies the polar opposite of specializing in a field or skillset.

One has the same shadow as Giga
next you're going to say this isn't crimson riot?

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The nomu on the right is clearly the High End we've seen in action, he has the same neckhead.

>The honeymoon also makes it more blatant
To us but not to Eri. Exactly. We can only interpret honeymoon as romantic. While Eri would be far less likely to understand Honeymoon outing if she doesn't understand date. He didn't want to be understood.
Narratively hori was telling us Mirio would be open for a relationship
In-universe Mirio was joking.
But okay lets stop this until the bump limit reply then.

>Shiggy shoots Deku

sure thing Hiatus cuck

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>Would you call any other character in fiction with that kind of power a "specialist" though?
I don't understand the definitions of specialist honestly
I am just saying All for One isn't simply "all powers"

>not Heteromorphic

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Is there a herofag delusional enough to argue against this?

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Yeah that is what I am thinking but it could also be one of the people
I think that is actually Muscular honestly.

>he didn't want to be understood
He did want to, hence he said a honeymoon couple outing. It couldn't be a more blatant example, his words were directed at Eri, not anyone else.
He said that for her. Because he wants to make her happy.
He wasn't joking.
But yeah lets stop this until the bump limit :^)

this one yes, but wasn't that from the part about the underlings of afo?


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I mean you're right, it isn't be default, but at least how he uses it it's "most powers", is what I meant.
And it's only a question of whether or not he can capture someone with another power, whether he can add it to his collection.

you have to have the last word huh?

people have speculated Crimson Riot played both sides

These guys look like they know how to PARTY!!

If that is crimson Riot then who told them? Are all the outlines specific villains?

It could be, though I'm wondering what is preventing Ujiko from just warping then all out of jail.

Looks dangerous
I'll call an exterminator
>I got the beast in my sightz

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against you? Always

There have to be some quirk preventions in jails
Maybe there are anti-teleportation measures you can take.

Ochaco throws herself in front of him, taking the bullet and sacrificing her quirk.

I should not support that habit. I feel like I am encouraging a shitposter.

That's what I assumed but then how did he get Muscular out of jail? The main problem with it being him is that he apparently got out without anyone making a fuss and without just taking the rest out of prison too.

I like this theory, and it goes along with Nomus never showing up before while also giving the Doctor and Giga something to do while they were in hiding for all those years.
I want next chapter to come now

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>but then how did he get Muscular out of jail?
You are right. They have told us specifically he was captured and they haven't told us he escaped.
But High End seems to have his quirk, his personality and his fucking pants.

I'm anything but a shitposter. I never argue for the fuck of it, nor I want to cause a shitstorm.
There are just some dense guys like you that don't understand how far Mirio would go for Eri, and as long as I have free time I'll let you know why I think you're wrong using the actual manga.

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>not capable of reading
lmao these deku cucks jesus christ


Speaking of prison, Moonfish was on death row, right? They seem to have a way to busy some prisoners out of jail but it's just been very vague so far. And considering the doctor's disdain for Shiggy, he would just have brought AfO back if it was that easy.

>has Dabi go on live stream and reveal endeavor's secrets to the world
>endy forced to step down in shame
>Hawks moved to #1, government rallies around him as ideal hero
>Shiggy leaks video of Hawks saying he wants to work with the league
>Shiggy then breaks AFO out of prison
>all might has to watch everything here worked for destroyed while being completely helpless

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>dead show
>dead manga
>dead thread

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giga a cute

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this isn't the hxh thread user