Failed to load board configuration. Invalid Data

Failed to load board configuration. Invalid Data

Attached: pouting anime girl_53.png (677x677, 484K)

works on my machine


glad it’s not just me
/g/friends i beg of you

I've only used this site sporadically for the last year because Cloudflare decides my IP is evil every few days and then automatic thread updating breaks for weeks whether I'm using Yea Forums X or the native extension. I tried increasing the refresh interval to 20s and it didn't seem to change anything. I've looked through every relevant Github issue I can find and all anyone says is "started working for me again after a while lol". Is there a fix for this? Am I just retarded? What the fuck is going on?

>Am I just retarded?
Read the dang thread, if it affects most people it ain't your fault user-kun

It's a separate problem, since I get "Connection Error" instead of "Invalid Data", but I thought I might as well mention it when I saw this thread.

Just load the script via Tampermonkey while the extension is not updated.

Attached: 159642714d284f44bd3e0f8bd729ef69.png (590x964, 202K)

STFU and post pouting anime girls

Don't tell me what to do

Attached: pouting anime girl_17.png (814x625, 331K)

Firo is cute.

Attached: 1553229941446.jpg (688x453, 99K)

Attached: pou.gif (540x540, 1.99M)

Attached: RuiAngryPout.png (1366x768, 1.06M)

Disable this flag, fag:

Attached: 1551377262826.webm (898x652, 2.83M)

bro wtf

Attached: yucky.jpg (680x680, 85K)

yes it's agony and it's been like this for almost a week
I forgot how fucking shit vanilla Yea Forums is after using X for so long

Attached: 1520120836896.jpg (756x772, 100K)

Attached: 1552179749587.jpg (1120x2048, 378K)

hey that actually worked
any downsides for having this disabled though?

Attached: 1543188923408.jpg (640x690, 37K)

>using Chrome

Attached: why.gif (460x564, 703K)

I thought I was the only one.

No. It's just a useless experimental thing Chrome is doing. They have acknowledged it breaks a lot of extensions and will probably fix it (lol) next update. But you don't need to care.