What is it about Violet that makes her so beautiful?
What is it about Violet that makes her so beautiful?
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Jesus fucking Christ, what is wrong with her nose?
the fact that all the budget went into making her and her show pretty, while completely ignoring the story.
Face shape. Tapered face, symmetrical, instead of being round/oval shaped.
That was easy.
it's the autism
What's wrong with your eyes?
>posts 3d
Hard to make a bad copy of the best.
Aryan war criminal that killed lots of rebellious brownies during her war years.
>war criminal
She literally tortured a captured criminal on the first volume of the LN and when asked by another psycho if she liked hurting people she said yes.
This is canon mate.
Probably tortured the prisoner to get vital information to help her save her unit. An an action deserving of a medal.
Blonde hair, blue eyes, Aryan features.
He keeps trying...
What does Violet smell like?
probably her namesake
Hey kiddo, don't ever let me find out what trash threads you usually browse. I'm going to turn them into mexican cartel gore threads.
forgot to say grease and metal.
>that first one
I know it's meaningless to say, but like, fuck man, it really gets on my nerves, how could you not believe VEG calendar is a thing when the only thing that VEG has going for it to rival blockbuster movies is its marketing campaign. In recent years VEG probably had one of the most aggressive marketing campaigns out of any anime with its trailer that shows LITERALLY NOTHING THAT WENT INTO THE SHOW. People were taught to love it half a year before it fucking aired. So of course she has merchandise up the ass.
She makes a nice handjob, I can even feel the bones of my spine shaken!
Violet doesn't do impure acts like that.
she's a fucking anime character they're all attractive
My wife is beautiful
What's the best way to ask for Violet's hand in marriage?
Start by not using word hand at all.
why not? she has beautiful hands.
>she has hands
In my mind, yes.