Were they lovers?

Were they lovers?

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Yeah they are. I'm gonna keep this one to myself hope they don't mind

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That would be incest


No, Shinji was just horny as fuck

Rei is a clon of Shinji's mother with her soul

You tell me.

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If only.
Sadamoto you coward.

that never stopped Kyousuke from getting with Kirino.

The soul isn't Yui's, and the body isn't entirely her's, either. The soul is Lilith's, and the body has Yui as a base, but with Lilith's DNA mixed into it as well. Yui's soul is inside of Evangelion Unit 01, remember, that's a big point of how they work. The mother's soul, or at least someone that the pilot has a strong connection to, has to be inside the Evangelion's body, or else it will just be an empty body, and the Pilot has to be there as a limiter and a direct controller, because if they don't impose their will on the Eva's soul, then the soul inside of the Eva will take over completely to drive it (like how Rei didn't have a will to impose on Unit 00 at first, and it let Naoto's soul take over completely, which tried to kill Gendo then herself)

This reminded me that I haven't seen Evangelion since 2012

Well, you know what they say. The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago; the second best time is today. Whenever you want to, it'll always be there.

More types of love than sexual love, my dude


That is still incest

ya but Shinji probably wanted it very possibly could have happened off screen but it's clearly not an experience Rei would have any understanding of.

Eva is technically Sci-Fi so it's fine.

Why is Rei so emotional in Rebuild? It's quite surreal coming from the original.

not really she's a little more expressive but I think they were respectful to the character. I genuinely enjoyed 1.0 and 2.0.
3.0 was a travesty with a god awful plot and the butthurt against Shinji being completely unjustified

Lots of men loved Rei, you can tell just by looking at her she's full of black semen.

Shinji canonically siblingzoned her

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2.0 Rei isn't nicknamed Poka Rei without a reason. She acts how the fanbase wishes she did in the main series, same with how Asuka got streamlined into a regular tsundere in 2.0 as well.

This is bullshit and you know it.

He said it in that manga panel himself, what more do you want from me?

Nah. You interpret that way if your an autistic evageek

Dumping this since it's a pretty sweet romance.

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Dude you’re the best. The manga is way better than the anime good job

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That's that. It's interesting that of all the people in the manga, it seemed like Rei and Shinji were the only ones who were actually completing one another and not exacerbating each others' hangups.

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There's certain things that the manga does better (Rei's characterization) and certain things the anime does better (anything that isn't Shinji and Rei).

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And yet Asuka takes the win anyway.

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I hope that her and Shinji will get together and be happy, but Shinji and Rei were soulmates in the manga. Even after after being reborn, Shinji still feels like something integral to his being is missing. I don't think Asuka will ever fill that restlessness in him, even if they may come to love each other.

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Naw. Asuka and shinji are just friends. They were never compatible. I think the manga does gendo a lot of justice though.

Protip: The reason he feels like something is missing is because when they were fused everyone was one, and therefor, complete.

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Why do you pair her with Shinji? She is only in love with Kaji.

I really enjoyed Evangelion but I love the designs of the biomechs so much I wish there were some more in-depth fight scenes with them. :(

Are there any good Shinji x Rei fanfics?

I've only read one that actually had a cute in-character build up - but then that fic switched into an exaggerated tragedy where literally everyone died.

Not at all Asukabro, you'd be sparing us putting up with the bitch

>cute build up
>but then switched into an exaggerated tragedy where literally everyone died.
That's the Rei curse, happens every time.

Never saw evangelion but this looks amazing


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im down for depression core


They where never real so they can be whatever you want.


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I want to call Rei, mommy.


Yeah of course

delete this

Don't give a shit about Asuka BUT Kaworu was made for Shinji, nobody else.
Heterofags can go die.

Shinji is a girl though.

>im down for depression core
Here ya go:

Same, but I'm an Asukafag.

>13 year olds