What were your thoughts on this scene, why do female authors do this?

What were your thoughts on this scene, why do female authors do this?

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How the fuck can someone not recognize Petit Heaven by Senke Kagerou?

Boku no Pico now fuck off

I have a future

stfu faggot

sauce- my ass

>why do female authors do this?
Because they are strong

Kill yourself retard


About that

I thought the MC was an asswipe and deserved it

Because is a popular fetish between japanese woman


What the hell kind of a fetish is that? Kissing a more handsome guy in front of another guy you've been leading on?

Reserve harem thing, don't know. You need to read more shoujo manga and things like this are everywhere.

She's not kissing him, he's kissing her

Women are whores.

It's the same girl that did ChisaxCuckmaster so what did you expect?

I'm currently reading that one



guys want the exact same thing with the genders reversed tho

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well what do you know it looks like the mods are on duty today

don't worry lads God took care of her

Delete this.

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Is this actually how women think?

Why bother reading that shit ? Is it even fully translated?

Nope, but since I've read all of her other translated stuff I met as well read this one. Pretty sad that she's gone, now people like Sasuga have taken over that genre.

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