Hello, everyone. It's time to award the most overrated anime of winter 2019.
The nominees are: Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai, Mob Psycho 100 II, Shield Hero, and Dororo
Now it's time to announce the winner. The show that gets the most amount of undeserved praise and has the most cancerous fanbase—the most overrated anime of winter 2019 is Mob Psycho 100 II.
Hello, everyone. It's time to award the most overrated anime of winter 2019
I won't trust anyone but the council.
Mob Psycho is properly rated. You most likely won't see anything as good this entire year.
He's right. all you do is drool over the mediocre sakuga.
Enjoy your ban, Enigma-chan.
When can we rangeban Russia already?
How can one post be so correct?
Is it bad to have only watched one of these three?
Living in your head rent free.
No. You managed to avoid three shitty anime.
Kaguya is definintely the most overrated out of all those nominees.
Kaguya is well rated.
Mob is overrated even by Bones' standard.
No. Even if it wasn't Mob, there'd still Shield Hero.
popular bad
unpopular good
Kaguya is not overrated, it's just popular. Even mangafags can't help but get annoyed everytime there's something that looks iffy.
Not Mob though. Fags in Mob threads could be shown 20 minutes of ONE's colonoscopy procedure and they would praise it to high heaven.
It is overrated in the sense that it is hailed as breaking the Nisekoi-Otter curse when in reality, the author made a schizo Kaguya asspull to get himself out of the corner he painted.
Mobtards just got dabbed on
And that was decided by who? you?
Kill yourself VEGtard
the Yea Forums council
Me on the right
>breaking the Nisekoi-Otter curse
What the fuck are you talking about? Nisekoi Otter shit was a thing because the manga fucking sucked and everyone wanted it to end, it didn't even have anything to do with progression in particular. The Iceguy thing hasn't delayed anything beyond what was already expect. Pic related is a statement by Aka for idiots who don't get it.
>Fags in Mob threads could be shown 20 minutes of ONE's colonoscopy procedure and they would praise it to high heaven.
Is there a difference between overrated and popular?
People were complaining all the time over the cuts in the Mogami arc, fuck off.
>everyone spamming how great episode 10 fight was
>finally get to watch it
>super mediocre and couldn't even be called a fight
>everything else outside of that fight was a snorefest
Outside of the "fights" Mob Psycho is one of the most mediocre shows airing right now, I don't understand why people pretend to like it so much, I mean, it's entertaining at times, reason why I watch it but seriously, out of 11 episodes only 2 are worth to watch, Mob Psycho is in fact the most overated show of this times.
>Everyone else is too busy fighting amongst themselves to shit on the anime i like.
which one do you like?
if i were to tell you'd do something very despicable.
Overrated is for when something is popular but you dont like it
Was megalo box really that bad?
It was really boring, but nevertheless, there were like 10 guys watching it so not sure where did OP get from that its "overrated".
It's definitely Shieldfag. Another low-effort isekai harem that for some reason has surpassed in numbers Mob's viewership.
Were people really talking about megalo box like it was hot shit? It wasn't a terrible show but god damn still shots of people punching each other between flashbacks gets boring real fast.
I don't think it's overrated though. Most people who watch it know it's generic shit.
Not outside of Yea Forums.
who cares about that
Nope. Outside of Yea Forums too. Everywhere I went absolutely everyone was shitting on episode 8. I think people acknowledge that it isn't anything special. It's popular but not overrated.
I don't know about other sites but most people here didn't really care for it.
no one really cared for Megalo Box, it just had a loud fanbase that praised it because of muh manime return, but it was kind of ignored.
It's overrated as a romance, perfectly rated as a comedy.
Kill yourself.
But VEG is pretty obviously a Yea Forums show, Yea Forumsermin.
okay but wait what
>shown 20 minutes of ONE's colonoscopy procedure and they would praise it to high heaven.
Have you seen anime about a colonoscopy procedure, to be fair?
whats wrong with hataraku saibou?
Maybe the threads were awesome (medical facts discussion, awesome spin-off, interesting and well-executed concept, with simple yet thoughtful character designs), but the main series alone wasn't as awesome as everything together.
how the fuck is darling in the franxx not on the OP's image. It is the definition of over rated.
Based and banpilled
I don't remember what season it even aired.
I haven't even seen a single person talk about Dororo outside of this site and we call that overrated?
DitF and DBS, as spammy as they were, seem to have more fans than SoYo. SoYo fans actually think that SoYo was AotY.
>Fags in Mob threads could be shown 20 minutes of ONE's colonoscopy procedure and they would praise it to high heaven.
>can't believe an anime that shits on all the tropes you jack off to every season is one of the best anime of all time
Stay mad h8trs
Congratulations retards, this is the worst thread on Yea Forums. You all provide so little to this community, what would we ever do without any of you.
Because as much as that anime was spammed literally everyone was shitting on it at some point.
Even Gigguk who is normalfag, safe opinion incarnate made a video making fun of it.