Why is Ichika so perfect bros
Gotoubun no Hanayome
Other urls found in this thread:
Miku is even more perfect
Miku > Ichika > Yotsuba > Itsuki > Nino
ichika a shit
but i would fuck
>2 snek threads at the same time
Anime was a mistake
Ichikafags are cancer.
>making a thread when the chapter release is in an hour
A doormat for Nino to step on
I liked it better when you weren't afraid to put Ichika first instead of pretending to be a Mikufag.
We know Nino is a bitch but Miku wouldn't let her trample over her.
New chapter when?
She already has in the new chapter, Miku couldn't do shit. Too bad he is grouped up with the boiz
There's nothing perfect, much less good about a snake bitch who backstabs, lies, cheat, and is dishonest in an unlikable way. Every other quint is better than her.
Maybe, but Nino didn't get away with it either because Fuutarou told her off in the end. Next time Miku will have the courage to stand up to Nino's intimidation.
Holding hands with Yotsuba!
8 hours
Well at least she took the initiative when all Miku could do was hesitate.
Her hair style looks like a men hair
She's literally making the plot more interesting though. Not everyone has to be a goody two-shoes.
Ichika > Nino > Yotsuba > Miku > Itshuki
Ichika is most mature and knows what she wants. Half the betas that follow the series don't like her because she'd know right away you're a beta cuck.
Nino is similar, but clumsier. More honest but less clever.
Yotsuba's too afraid to be selfish. It makes her endearing in a way, but a poor partner. People need to chase their own goals.
Miku is ok. Typical oddball. Makes sense that she's popular with weebs.
Itsuki is tap water.
But shit anons, sacrificing your relation with your only family to get some dick is quite the bold move
It better be some quality D
It's ok. Miku will forgive her in the end and Nino is the one who should apologize to her instead.
Be grateful she was the one who Negi decided to shit all over by making her the villain instead of whoever your favorite may have been. I was charmed by the sweet sleepy relaxed onee-san and now I have to see her take a hard 180
Good list, but I prefer Yotsuba myself. Miku a shit.
Are you dumb? Nino wanted Miku to speak up and say something. It would be better for Nino since she could just challenge her on the spot. But Miku didn't and couldn't because she's shy and was a nervous wreck. It doesn't help that the tsundere part in Miku makes her inept at handling socially engaging situation.
>plot more interesting
Why is this the only thing Snakefags can say to defend their bitch?
Because it's true. Now readers are waiting to see how Ichika plays her cards, how her sisters are affected by her actions, and how far she can go with her deception.
>this retarded Ichikafag keeps making shit threads all day long and they get deleted or auto sage
I see you have already gave up on repost the previous Nino bait topic and spamming shitty pics for the third time, eh. Too much damage done after your samefagging and falseflagging were exposed, eh.
Why do you keep mispelling nino
Even the anime staff hates Nino
Betrayal is a mortal sin. It's impossible to defend. The only way to defend it would be to go around and sugarcoat it.
Most people who aren't diehard Ichika fanboys don't think so.
Yotsuba chapter next
>betrayal is a mortal sin
oww the edge
loyalty is the creed of the npc
>source: my ass
She just is, user. She just is.
Also Miku is fucking trash.
The last chapter made it blatantly clear that both Nino and Ichika are following a path of self-destruction. Why pretend one is better than the other when both will get BTFO the same in the end
>betrayal is good
>loyalty is bad
Snakefags, everybody.
>Why pretend one is better than the other when both will get BTFO the same in the end
By hating Ichika is in, and hating Nino is so last year
Unlikely. Nino is the second most liked girl for anime watchers.
nino a shit
Nino is better, though. A better heroine, a better waifu, a better character. We all know Itsuki will end, but that matters little. The important thing is the journey itself and not the who wins. What I expect and hope the most is to see Nino will give it her all and get something out of it, a learning experience that will better her as a person who grows and become more mature. Although retaining some of her childishness and smug ojou traits would be nice for gap moe.
Because somehow being a piece of shit and then becoming slightly less of a piece of shit somehow makes you miles better than anybody else
I found a Miku VN thing from some chinks.
Sup THK.
A best
What bad spot did big old meanie Nino touch you? You can tell us.
Forgot to mention that they love Miku
>piece of shit
That's Ichika. There's nothing worse than betraying family like that.
The BD didn't fix every scene. Nitpick much?
(OP) #
>no nudity
So basically you're guessing and cherrypicking out of your ass. Right.
Yeah, they only fixed the girls that matter
Takeda > quints
They didn't fix a single Nino so yeah
Prove it.
Imagine waking up with a lovely Yotsuba wife in your bed
stfu hong kong
I thought so.
Fuutarou should fuck the genki out of her or it'll get annoying for him to have someone hyperactive.
And then you wake up for real
Why do every fanbase I'm part of always filled with autistic fucks?
OP found a different way to falseflag.
5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization
Peak desperation. Who's he trying to fool after getting exposed as hard as he was?
At least recognize your shitposters, that's the fucking chink
It's all your fault
Because THK happened.
Have you considered it's you and not them?
I don't really mind these threads since most of the series I like is overran by fujos.
This x 2.
> Half the betas that follow the series don't like her because she'd know right away you're a beta cuck.
This its true, only incels/aka the majority of Miku fags hate on Ichika. Shes the most realistic/human girl in the series so this isnt exactly surprising. The beautiful/talented and successful Stacy who isnt afraid to hurt others to get what she wants.
Based oneechan.
>muh THK
This is when you know that mentally ill tsunderefag will permanently ruin the threads of a series. It surprises me that 5toubun threads did so well without this garbage for over a year and half but now they're doomed. Notice how he suddenly spams THK when nobody ever did that in these threads before.
chink has different filenames and its grammar is much worse
She corners you in the library, tells you to impregnate her, and that you have no right to refuse.
What do you do?
based oneechan
>tfw just wanted to post a pic of my favorite girl
>get called shitposter
what happened to this fanbase
>Shes the most realistic/human girl in the series so this isnt exactly surprising. The beautiful/talented and successful Stacy who isnt afraid to hurt others to get what she wants.
So basically a 3dpd, amazing how snakefags cape for this cunt.
Ichika is too hot
Miku is too cute
Post her and ignore the retarded waifushitters
t. incel
Things were good until the Nino confession. After that it got hectic but settled down abit but the fandom went to complete shit snake begun her backstabbing.
smell my feet beta
Gross and stinky
>muh tsunderefag
>muh boogeyman
At least try to sound different and less clockwork when you get defensive.
>only incels/aka the majority of Miku fags
That is because Miku behavior is the typical incel behavior, they think she is one of then.
If Miku behavior changed to be more open like Nino or more subversive like Ichika they would ditch her, reason why they hate Ichika is because she is the "typical 3DPG slut" behavior since she step up to the game.
This is why Miku would never win as Nino and Ichika would be likely victors since they are in the game, unlike Miku "notice me Sempai" that depends entirely on someone else taking the initiative.
THK recently started doing his unusual thing and gets called out for it when he is too obvious and cancer to ignore. But I'm sure you already know that.
A shit.
It's funny how his mind is rent free for tsundere even though Nino isn't tsundere anymore.
nino is
Jesus these threads have become obnoxious
don't worry, these threads are too fast for him to catch up and actively post in all of them, so it's obvious when he's not around to scream muh THK at every Nino detractor
Maybe he'll go away after the anime is over and the new season brings him new shows to obsess over, he's not even been here for a full week spamming muh THK
Yotsuba should win
Ahahaha, get fucked Ichika. Not by Fuu-kun though.
>That is because Miku behavior is the typical incel behavior, they think she is one of then.
Yup. She has the whole 'Gamer Gurl'/neet aesthetic, right down to the personality.
>Long hair covers most of her face
>Headhphones (LOL)
>Meek, shy, nerd
and most importantly
>1st to fall in love with MC
Gee now wonder shes the most popular, typical waifubait that have 0 offensive traits. The latter is part for Yotsuba gets no hate as well, boring characters.
Ichika(current) and Nino(moreso pre confession but still) reminds them to much of real life stacys.
But you'll be here with us forever, right, THK?
Don't go to pointless thread if you want to see something normal. Just wait for released thread
Ichika a shit.
considering anyone who hates nino will be THK from now on, pretty much
I doubt even you can samefag that much, THK. Most detractors aren't as bad and obnoxious like you so you'll stand out like a sore thumb quite easily.
>attempts desensitize and casts doubts about himself by making it sound like he's some dime a dozen generic hater that's free of patterned posting and repeated behaviors
Where have I seen this before, I wonder?
THK a shit. A SHIT.
Nino is life and death.
I wanna smell those flowers.
Girl you would fuck but 100% not gonna bring her home and show to your parents.
how come ichika doesn't say anything?
Ichika's scheme was thwarted. She wants to hide the fact so she can strike from the shadows.
Her haircut is hot because it suits her very well.
How fucking livid are people going to be once Negi hooks two of the quints up with Maeda and Takeda?
How come Negi manages to make an MC(Fuutarou) and first girl(itsuki) that are actually written well enough for people to care?
I feel a need, the need to breed.
Guess I have to pick up the manga after the anime is done airing.
Maeda is married to someone else in the future
Yeah cuz Ichika cheated on him with her director.
So uh, who's this Maeda dude? I don't remember him at all, but I assuned he showed up at some point.
Fuck this favorite playing hack
>loving a person so much you're willing to scheme, plot and backstab your closest sibling you grew up with
Is Ichika the most devoted?
He doesn't. And you spamming that won't make it happen
They made her do it.
"They" manage to do it without trying to kill thier sisters
Ichika's haircut makes her hot as hell you retard.
No one will die.
She's not that's what makes her perfect.
>it took 20 minutes for this post to "defend" the other one
This story kind of sounds like its the other way around, THK can't keep up himself.
Uesugi turning Yotsuba into an Uesugi
after marriage
Dumb speedreader.
because you have shit taste.
Yotsuba will win. Just have hope, Yotsubro.
Devotion =! Being crazy
Nothing wrong with playing favorites. As long as best girl still wins.
She's playing 4D chess, user. She's pulling an Itachi so that her younger sisters would have a way to win his heart.
>quality D
implying Fuu-kun's stuDious dick isn't the peak of perfection.
Nino gf>all
>Ichika is realistic
Nino is realistic, Ichika is literally a sociopath (like most actors).
What brought in the influx of speedreaders? The anime was supposed to be and is shit.
>The beautiful/talented and successful Stacy who isnt afraid to hurt others to get what she wants.
But isn't that also Nino, user?
Not remembering him is literally Negi's new fatjoke
>the anime made Maeda's waifu not blonde
Fuutarou is cuter than quints desu
Someone that more popular than Raiha apparently
No need to state the obvious, user
I'd say Nino is more realistic, but Ichika is cool
No one ever disputed that, user. The problem is how the average normalfags eat that shit up, making it one of the top selling this season despite the very apparent QUALITY
>yfw Tezuka can comfortably make S2 as shit or even more shit knowing nips will still buy the BDs
2 nukes weren't enough
I can't believe I agree with Takeda.
Obviously, it's why he's not attracted to them.
Why are her nipples showing?
Captain Obvious.
>Sorry to break it to you
Sorryfags got disintegrated. Literally cannot stop the kek.
Here's the speedreader
>saving such a terrible downscale
You faggots never cease to amaze me
>People still think Ichika's development wasn't foreshadowed.
Dumb speedreaders. She was always bipolar.
Eatsuki holding the strongest card right now, will Ichika scorch the earth?
The anime was shit, but I saw potential in the premise and my friend told me the manga was better so I read it
Is Negi really ending it this year? I still see it going for at least 50 more chapters, isn't it selling great as well due to the anime?
Why did Nino poisoned him?
Am I wrong in thinking that ichika and Itsuki have the most chances of being the bride?
Don't worry, 4 spinoff containing alternate endings arr coming
>t. definitely not negi
He will make 5toubun no Haigusha for Raiha
Negi will pull a Tokyo Ghoul.
Because you are gay.
Damn it, Negi, please let it end in a harem. Or at least have one of the endings as a harem.
Yes for sure
That way even if she gets rejected, no one else can have him.
He isn't sure if the series will end in this year. But who knows if he'll change his mind because of the sudden popularity or come up with some new idea while writing.
I find it hard to believe it'll end so soon considering we have a timeskip set between now and the wedding, on top of uesugi wanting to help them find their path in life.
>50 more chapters
Too much.
Yes. Nino is guaranteed to be the bride at this point
Haremtards should be hanged on the spot
Ichika will lay waste to her other sisters and with no allies Itsuki will devour her efforts.
It's almost like I'm in the bokuben threads.
What a bitch. How do people still like her?
He said he decided how many chapters when he drew Bride Ichika as a cover for volume 7. Right now we have Volume 9 so Bride Miku completed. So we'll have 18 more chapters for Yotsuba and Itsuki and 9-10 more for last Volume/Climax, with cover probably featuring the Bride. So we have less then 30 chapters lads.
>we have less then 30 chapters lads.
With this pace every week will definitely be a party
We already knew about Ichika and Itsuki's jobs. Nino and Yotsuba have something they good at and seem to like it. Miku and maybe Fuutarou will get focused more about their dreams
can't wait to see Miku's reaction when the betrayal is revealed
>Tokyo Ghoul
I saw an edit on Twitter with someone replacing Ichika's eye like that. I regret not saving that.
it will be a fucking ride, lads
Which of them? Gladly by the way.
She will just cry.
If Itsuki was a ghoul, she'd literally eat fuutarou.
Ichika is by far the most well-written charcter in the series, and as usual, they get the most hate by you f/a/gs.
What if instead of being sad Miku decided to get back at her and pull an even more underhanded tactic than her?
>every twin is now lusting after his cock
>series suddenly goes to shit
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Man, I am just 30 chapters in and so far Ichika is best girl. Nobody can compete against her. Hope she wins.
This list is correct
>series goes to shit
We're all enjoying the party though.
Let's see if you don't convert to the Nino gang after chapter 40~50
Why does she hurt herself? Look at her dead eyes.
You're in luck, things are looking good for her.
Ninofags are scum of the earth
Are you knew? This is normally what happens in harems.
Surprise Yostuba win in the last chapter or I riot
New* fuck, sorry about that.
>Reddit-tier poll
Great. Thank you very much for your answer.
Itsuki doesn't like him and Yotsuba isn't lusting after him
Nino is besto but Miku will win.
Go back and never return.
Nino is unko and Miku will lose.
>What do you do?
Be grateful
>There are people in this thread that still think Itsuki won't win.
Anons never learn.
>So we have less then 30 chapters lads.
Unless he decides to make another volume or two
>9% on Ichika
These people have no taste.
Tell her that I'm not taking any responsibility for the rest.
SoL when negi reeee
Itsuki will absolutely win. A food coupon.
Nino is the bride, though.
People don't like snakes without snake parts for some reason.
Also Rukia will win and Orihime will get with Ishida.
angels have to make sacrifices for the ones they love, user.
I hope that after the bride is revealed we'll get some SoL chapter with Ninonand Fuutarou dating.
An epilogue would be nice too
Ichika and Nino are twins. They repeated 3 years in elementary school because they're retards.
Miku and Yotsuba are twins and 1 year younger than the other 2. They only repeated 2 years in elementary school because they're lesser retards.
Itsuki ate her other twin.
They pretend to be quintuplets to hide their stupidity.
>Itsuki ate her other twin
this artwork gives me a really weird 'Garden of Eden' vibe.
I have no idea what you're talking about and frankly don't care.
So Mutsumi was real.
Bet it will only revealed to her in hindsight when she made a good impression on Fuu, or it's not gonna get revealed to her at all, just for Fuutarou.
Source on the pic?
This. Ichika is my favorite and I don't really like Nino, but if I were to put them into a "realistic" scale, it would be like
Nino > Ichika > Yotsuba > Miku > Itsuki
Nino is your regular Stacy teenager, with an overall bitchy attitude, but soft when it's convenient to her. Most people out there are straightforward double faced and they don't even try to hide it.
Ichika is a less common type but still realistic, a clever, mature girl that care about others and try to avoid conflict. The deal with her is that she had to go against her nature to be honest with her feelings, so she is double faced too, but it's not straightforward like Nino.
Yotsuba is quite rare, but I know people like that. Always giving a lot of energy to the world, a selfless person. But people like that can have some really dark shit going on the depths of their minds, like a black hole. I wouldn't be surprised if Yotsuba's character turned south at some point.
Miku is borderline non-realistic. While there are girls out there like that, my bet is, someone like Miku irl wouldn't even pose a threat to a bowl.
Itsuki is, eh... A cardboard character.
>Ninofags still clinging to their delusions
How big will the meltdown be?
Will Itsuki really win?
Reading back chapter 1,Fuutarou said he is reminiscing the first time he meet the bride and later the bride said that he met her during the time he found out that they are quintuplets which Fuutarou himself affirmed it.
BUT,Fuutarou first meeting with Itsuki wasn't on that day.He actually met her 1 day ahead of every other quints in cafeteria before he discover his job.
So isn't being the first girl kinda killed her chance rather than improving it?
>Women being up front and direct about their feelings
Please tell me where you live so can I move there
I also hate spoonfeeding but i wanted to have the 'Nino embarrassed face' as my phone background. Does anybody has it saved?
On earth
Stop lying to me, user ;-;
>The day you met us
She is mentioning everyone not just herself. Itsuki still has the best chances.
Itsuki's pretty much set in stone, user. We're just here to enjoy the soon to come train wrecks.
I'll be disappointed if this doesn't lead to another slap fight
>Next volume preview
>Mutsumi awakens!
>I'm Mutsumi.
>Glad to meet you.
>Another personality residing inside Yotsuba...
>We will take Yotsuba back from you!
>Mutsumi has... awoken...?
>Their daily life is going haywire.
>Five years ago, she killed our mother.
>Shedding light onto the truth behind their mother's death.
>I can't die. Not yet.
>The sisters' lives are being targeted.
>Revenge for my mother or Yotsuba's life, it's obvious which is more important to me.
>Itsuki's resolve put to the test.
>Can Fuutarou save the quintuplets!?
That will be a character development for Miku. Last time, it was Itsuki that had to slap Nino.
Futaba's OC is pretty based sometimes
She is first/main girl bait, you know so it feels special when someone else actually wins.
Main girl always have at least have as much or close to as much exposure as the other girls but she is so behind that her main girl status can't save her anymore.
Miku will win.
This is the quints' second main love threat. Say something nice about her.
But Fuutarou said "when I met YOU" firsthand not them.
If Fuutarou referring to Itsuki,then he wouldn't agree with that sentiment of "the day you meet us" because that not exactly the day he meet Itsuki.
Rukia was main girl so it doesn't prove your point at all.
takebayasi when?
'You' can be plural ESL-kun.
She will blame herself for not being straight forward enough and forgive Ichika because she is trying hard or some shit you know it.
>Maruo supports her just to get him off the quints's back
>Takeda plays wingman because this girl isn't a threat to Fuuts's grades
>is a classmate, not bound by the retarded teacher-student relationship
quints BTFO
I just want to see the fight
btw when's the last time we have harem members fighting?
That you is plural in nipponese
Inshaallah soon, brothers
let's be sensible here for a moment.
who's the best person to live with the rest of one's life?
becomes an actress, never at home, brings home money, probably will leave you for some 10/10 actor
what does she even want to work as? can cook and bake so she'll be a good housewife, has no-bullshit-attitude - tells you how she feels, expects you to earn well to support her, will leave you if you're being too much of a pussy.
what does she even want to work as? can't cook, but is willing to improve, will play vidya with you, doesn't tell you how she feels, probably won't leave you that easily
will work in something sports related, occupied with training most of the time, won't be home much, can cook alright, is a dumb but cute and happy ladybug that always will support you, so she'll be fit in old age, probably will leave you for some /fit/ guy if you're being a slob
teaches children, likes children, moderately smart, likes to eat, takes you out for free dinner as a restaurent critic, is the most level headed of the quints, is childhood love, will slap a bitch if she's acting up, probably won't leave you
Animeonlyfag here, as of last week these are the standings:
1. Miku is bestest and should win already
2. Nino is the most pretty but the bitchiest too
3. Ichika's anime design is shit compared to the manga where she's the hottest. She's cucking herself right now too
4. Itsuki is ok
5. I don't know what the fuck Yotsuba's endgame is
5 years ago, he ran away from Takebayashi and ran into a quint.
Now, he'll run away from the quints and run into Takebayashi.
The only autists that care about that teacher-student shit are Miku and Itsuki.
She's worried she will be the primary breadwinner if she continues to give Fuutarou money.
Wow Flatmikufag doesn't approve your pic related.
Nino and Miku can easily just settle as housewife.Fuutarou is the one working anyway.
>Nino ends the last arc
>Nino starts the new arc kyoto
Negi clearly tells you that she is the bride and the main girl
I can't believe that Fuutarou will cheat on quints with her.
fuuts will get a top paying job either way, so I think that won't be a problem
between the both, nino's the better housewife. I'm a Nikufag myself, but in that regard nino's the better choice
so it's not Yotsuba 'lolinakano"
Hang tight Yotsubros! Her suffering has only just begun!
that's what I signed up for yotsubro
That would be like user said on the first post of this chain then, about 50 chapters.
Which is honestly about the maximum we'll ever get, with ~30 as a reasonable amount.
>Gotoubun VN to be released in 2020
I can't wait bros.
What's with those beverage's names?
>what does she even want to work as?
It was revealed 20-ish chapters ago her dream was to open a bakery or something like that.
The three sisters with their dreams confirmed on-screen as far as I remember are: Ichika, Nino, and Itsuki. Miku recently said she was starting to like cooking, but nothing about her dreams.
Short hair is always better
Reminder that Nino is canonically low maint.
My wrists are ready for new cuts.
Reading 428's chapters makes me feel like Moe's "Not today, old friend".
Hopefully it'll come out before the manga's ending so I can have a reason to not kill myself immediately after my quint loses
fuck ninofags
>fuck ninofags
imagine the smell
I'm going to marry Miku!
Hurry up and make your move Fuutarou
>this chapter
>Nino was too "forceful"
Man, you guys sure are a bunch of retarded sissies, why don't you cut those useless things while you're at it?
Yeah man I really dislike nino too
Oh, we got a big boy over here acting like he would handle someone like Nino. Fuck out of here.
That's fan art, right? It's really good.
I really liked Miku until this latest chapter. She had the perfect opportunity to speak up, Nino was laying it on the line. In the past you could forgive her not saying anything because of her shyness, but this chapter was the best opportunity she had to lay it on the line. And she choked. Plus it would have revealed Ichika's schemes when Fuutarou said "But you told me you didn't like me"
Yeah it is and I agree
Mikubros what are we going to do? Nino-sama is crushing us
>"But you told me you didn't like me"
But Ichiku didn't say that.
>now that it's revealed that Takeda is based, all the Takedu cuckposters have vanished
She's been a spineless coward since forever though
Ichika as Miku said she would be supporting Fuutarou and Ichika.
For me, it's Itsuki.
She wants her confession to be an intimate moment shared just between the two of them. Nino was a bitch by trying to force her.
I'm the Takeda got the gay poster, feels good man
Yeah but I could forgive that because of her shy personality. But this was a real "Come to Fuu-kun" moment. If she couldn't do it now, she'll never do it. In the beginning, she couldn't confess by story necessity, she was the first to fall in love with him and the others needed more chapters so we could have a romcom.
She's an autistic child. Not her fault that her bitchy older sister bullies her.
But I'm still here to ship Fuutarou x Takeda
I hope she makes you as happy as she has made every restaurant owner in Tokyo.
Nino is only one advancing the story right now. Miku's lack of action at this point is quite frankly ridiculous, and it would be unfair to the other quints and the readers to have everything grind to a halt and wait until she finally gets the balls to confess.
How about you make me? You idiots could've done this months ago with the drugs or any other bullshit she's pulled off but instead you exploded over her forcefully trying to getting futarou with her and pushing Miku out of her comfort zone. You're ridiculous.
The Kyoto arc is shaping up to be one where we see the quints' personalities at their extremity. The war is going to take a toll in their relationship.
I ship Fuutarou x nameless female classmate.
She's a big girl, I like big girls.
I'm a huge Yotsubafag and I hope she wins, but in case she doesn't I'm going to be fucking livid if the bride is going to be revealed only in the last chapter. It would be so fucking shit, this story needs proper closure.
It doesn't really matter because Itsuki will win anyway and it's been clear since the beginning
At this point I will be happy with literally anyone as long as it isn't Itsuki. But I fear this big Kyoto trip will just be all Itsuki development and will conclude with her inevitable win. Her recent confirmation as Rena just reinforces this. Negi managed to make Nino a lot more likeable, do you think he will be able to do the same with Itsuki?
This upcoming arc.
Where both ichika and Nino meet and get btfo'd by her, while Yotsuba and Fuu-kun accidentally™ get separated from their respective groups and Miku's still looking to improve herself and Itsuki... Itsuki...
She should stop with those fake ass smiles and tell her sisters to fuck off.
>do you think he will be able to do the same with Itsuki?
Itsuki's way more likeable than she was initially, so yes.
>mfw the bride isn't revealed until the credit page of the very last chapter where Negi thanks his readers and tells them to look forward to his next work
I like Miku a lot but she was plain fucking pathetic this chapter.
Miku will obviously be the bride. Negi is not dumb, he has to think about his career.
Itsuki is first girl and best girl
It's not even about a confession
>I want to be in a group with Fuutarou
That's all
>bullies her
Her "bitchy older sister" gave her an opportunity to speak after she was cut off. Or what? Would Nino just doing what she wants while Miku whimpers in the corner be better?
Miku is a choker.
It's been clear since the beginning that Nino will win, though
Unfortunately, popularity is rarely a factor in who wins. Bokuben would be heading towards a Sensei end if that were the case and we all know it aint happenin.
Since Takeda is in the group with Fuutarou what if he was the one to eat Miku's bread?
Back to the old muh popularity and death threats, aren't you?
If a girl has treated you like shit for the first few months of knowing her, then says she likes you, then acts and claims like you're her property, are you really just gonna let that fly? Unless you're fucked up or a masochist, I doubt it. At best, you'd be like Fuu and be indifferent.
>popularity is rarely a factor in who wins
That's a good thing faggot, the author actually has a clear view of how to end his story
It's unfortunate in this case, because Miku is easily best girl.
I thought it was weird when she had a bit of a confidence boost when she finally made bread right at her job then become hesitant when asking Fuutaro about the trip. Negi seems a bit inconsistent with her character.
Fortunately, you mean.
In your example, it would be better if Sensei won because she's best girl and not just because she's the most popular, no?
Just stating the truth. Miku will win.
She objectively a terrible person. She's like a hilariously ineffective villain from a superhero show.
>"I'll make these elaborate schemes to monopolize Fuutarou all to myself NO ON WILL EVER KNOW"
>Nino just plainly states her desires to Fuutarou by literally just talking to him
garbage taste
>bride's identity is just a footnote in the afterword
So much projection, user.
You can tell us everything. Don't be afraid. We're here for (You)
Don't give up bros
Look at all those fake smiles!
You'd certainly act no worse than you did back when she treated you like shit. As opposed to the mouth breathing retards in this thread that, for some reason, stayed quiet for years until she pulled something quite tame.
The only hint to the bride's identity is Fuutarou saying "grab on" as they walk out of the chapel
How can you tell them not to give up when she herself has given up?
Bride's identity is revealed by just a foot
She actually didn't. She's been quite brave for half of the manga, her shyness only went up to autism level like this after the last exam.
Remember when she actually tried to invite Fuutarou on a date and even said "Good! This feels like I'm inviting him to a date" ?
>She wants her confession to be an intimate moment shared just between the two of them
Literally never implied.
She was ready to confess in the living room, in front of a bunch of people. She was ready to confess if she got the highest score, in front of a bunch of people.
Isn't the top left one genuine?
She's talking about how much more fun it would be if they all studied together there
She should stop sitting there idly while the others are taking initiative.
This isn't a passive game anymore.
Calling it, this arc will resolve Yotsuba's fake smile
Fuutarou has suspected it since long ago, his comments in this chapter means he'll confront her soon
Miku's cowardice too, she'll resolve it one way or another
Can't wait to see Itsuki win
Negi spent so much time building her resolve, having her determine what she wants and what she plan to do. She did keep moving goalposts but she actually already managed to find enough courage to confess once. And now we get hyperventilating Miku the same chapter we get smug full of bread and quotes Miku. What a waste of time, she'll throw up when she found out how her trusted oneechan played her like a pawn.
dumb babu
Especially when her "greatest" lie hinges on Miku never talking to Fuutarou
I actually love Itsuki, but I think it's a bit too late to pull romantic development for her.
Really, that fucking kiss sealed her chances for a proper ending.
But answering you, yes, Itsuki already is quite likeable enough.
Well, it's good that you can't.
It would be a waste od time
> Negi seems a bit inconsistent with her character.
No shit. I miss the times when she was allowed to retort back to Nino. Now she's just a victim.
I assume it will only escalate further.
This better leads to a pay-off later, or Negi has lost his mind.
There's no inconsistency there. Being in front of Fuutarou is a different thing from merely baking bread.
Itsuki is actually playing 5D chess.
I'm just waiting for the inevitable moment when she snaps, it's gonna be glorious
Fine I'll take her if yall don't want her
>people think any other girl has a chance after Itsuki was revealed to be rena
You guys never fail to amuse me.
Fuutarou handled it quite well, like an actual person and not a self-insert fag.
Post the pout
>"With this, I can finally be a proper heroine too!"
It's the middle of the night and I burst out laughing. Many thanks, user.
Read back to pre-hot springs arc, she still laments how she's still a coward
She tries to take a step towards Fuutarou being conscious of her during the trip, yet STILL does it in a roundabout way
It's entirely her fault she's satisfied with being in the status quo comfort zone, whereas the others has taken the policy of scorched earth
Current Miku is being pushed around by Nino while getting backstabbed by Ichika. Even her wingsister Yotsuba is failing at doing her job properly. It actually must be pretty funny to be Itsuki and watch this mess unfold. No better strategy than to wait for everyone to kill each other before moving in to claim the prize.
Handled what well?
Why are people trying to act as if Miku spilling her spaghetti wasn't a matter of course? She keeps building up her confession to be this ceremonious event where the stars have to align and everything has to be perfect. Of course Nino bulldozing her into spilling her feelings would make her freeze up.
It was pretty consistent with her spinelessness when it counts.
Nino was edging her for a confession. What kind of retort would Miku say? That he loves Fuutarou too? She couldn't and she failed.
FUCK this homewrecker
But it's not like she has to confess her feeling right then and there. All she need to do was to ask to be in the same group as Fuutarou.
I miss wide Fuutarou
>Even her wingsister Yotsuba is failing at doing her job properly.
What job? Yotsuba shouldn't be doing everything for everyone.
>No better strategy than to wait for everyone to kill each other before moving in to claim the prize.
Itsuki has no interest in the "prize".
Thanks for treating Fuutarou like a thing, btw
Damn, I kinda pitied Miku this chapter but now I just kinda feel bad.
I thought she was way better as a character before she met Fuutaro, now she had regressed. Not saying it's Fuutaro's fault but now she's more and more becoming a satellite character.
What Nino did wasn't giving opportunity,she raised the stakes even higher for Miku.
That mean she not only have to convinces Fuutarou,she also have to force Nino out.
But she won't be on the same wavelength regardless,because the huge difference is Nino already make her feeling clear long ago and Miku still isn't,so the favor would still tip to Nino.
Miku would have to do double explanation.
There a reason why Miku wanted to be first,so she won't have to face with stakes her sister leave.
You gonna have to live with Fuutlong and his one foot schlong
Nino declared her intentions to partner with Fuutarou were romantic in nature. For Miku or one of the other quints to object to that would be the same as saying they object to Nino getting with Fuutarou (otherwise they would support their sister in her romantic pursuit). It's a confession for all intents and purposes.
Calm down Maruo
>Nino was edging her for a confession.
She wasn't
But no one was telling her to confess there, just saying "I too want to be on Fuutarou's group".
For someone that actually already confessed once and knows that literally ALL of her sisters are aware of her crush, that shouldn't be such a tough deal.
Yeah, it's pretty in line with her character too.
Mikufags just can't accept their waifu is that pathetic when she actually is.
On one hand it's true that when forced into a corner her reaction seems plausible. But on the other hand she was already able to blurt out a confession when her emtions take control.
It just seems like she's being forcefully held back:
1) confidence boost
2) sucker punch
3) confidence boost
4) sucker punch
I can't believe we're less than a year from the finale. Everyday's gonna be a party and it will be all thanks to this girl.
>wanted to be first
How would she feel knowing Yotsuba, the only one supporting her, was the one who confessed to him first? would she cry all night in a bathroom or cry silently in bed?
Why does this angel look so...sad?
>Mikufags just can't accept their waifu is that pathetic when she actually is
Come on, user. No need to be rude. We're all bros here
Negi is just using this flipflop on Miku's personality to milk the series more desu
Then what good reason would the quints have to get in the way between Nino and Fuutarou when Nino declared that she wanted to be with Fuutarou as pair since she loves him?
Wouldn't they be supportive of their sister's romance?
ETA on episode?
I can but it doesn't make me stop liking that character
>I too want to be on Fuutarou's group
And if Nino ask "why" then how would she answer retard?
Nino said earlier that she wanted to be on the same group because she likes him.That mean Miku will have to give a reasoning that just as valid as Nino aka she has to confess.
>Itsuki has no interest in the "prize"
Itsuki has the best interests for the prize. The thing treatment is obviously a joke, no sister considers Fuutarou as a person as much as Itsuki. Nino being the first to treat him like nothing but a prize, as ilustrated by this chapter.
>as the manga's conflict heats up, so are the threads
Well, what he said isn't a lie, but he could have said it in a much diplomatic way, if you dislike rudeness.
Every day really is a party.
Yotsuba had already pulled the "let's all (but me) be together", anyone could easily pull this card again without being suspicious.
Clearly, Itsuki is the only proper wife!
I wonder if nino/mikufags will get along with ichikafags once their quints make up.
Don't kid yourself. Backstab or not, the Fuutarou wars would have started sooner or later. Miku vs Nino was inevitable.
It's in character for her to still hesitate in pronouncing her love to the world
She's not Ichika, even more so Nino
Despite all the developments that made her fall for Fuutarou more, her progress in being the one for him hasn't shown progress in the eyes of said person
When your rivals can proclaim their love without the burden similar to yours, of course you're gonna reel back a bit
Shhh, speak not an author's secrets
Because they're fucking friends? A simple "don't try to hog Fuutarou for you, we're all his friends here too"
It wasn't just being forced into revealing her feelings. She also had to process the shock that Nino fell for Fuutarou and that someone else had beaten her to the confession she has been agonizing over for a whole year. Nino was in the wrong here period.
Negi realized that was peak Ichika and decided to revitalize her character based on that.
>Replying to it
People have to retarded to think Negi is dragging things out when shit is happening so fast that I'd actually wish he'd slow down.
Ouch, sniped again
user, everyone knows that Itsuki is the winner. I am not even mad as I do like her. People are just desperate to want something different from the harem genre.
There's been a lot of people preferring a slower pace
Fuck i'd kill for silly SoLs like Kiku's chapter
At this point I just want an Ichika ending or a Yotsuba ending just to see the massive shitstorm it would case.
All the quints were ruined by Fuuts... except Itsuki... Huh, maybe that's why she's main girl.
More like Negi just intentionally stall Miku and Fuutarou interaction for some reason.
I mean they don't even meet for 1 whole week after the mock exam?Really?What the hell even happened to her gym tickets?
nice cope. Miku is a spineless choker, accept it
Ninobros and Mikubros love each other very much.
What are you on about?
You think Nino will just back off if Miku said what she wanted to say?
>Yotsuba ending
That would probably be the least shitty ending, but you would still have people complaining.
This party is going straight the hell, but of course, never stopping.
>to milk the series more
Yeah, that is why as of late story is moving forward with the lighting speed
She also had to forcefully realize that the one Fuutarou spoke of, that he confided in her
>What would you do if a girl suddenly confesses to you?
>Frankly, he's stumped...
Is actually her own goddamn sister all this time
and also "stole" her own rendition of Fuutarou's nickname
that she came up with but too shy to say in front of said sister
>didn't even get funny joke chapter with Itsuki the 'food criitc'.
I'm not kidding myself about anything user. I just like how Ichika is the most interesting and realistic out of all the three fighting for the dick.
Are you stupid enough to not get what's meant to be a joke and what isn't?
You trying to repurpose a joke narrative leads straight at nino shooting herself in the foot.
>IF again
You still think Miku is not a spineless choker? Keep coping buddy
A Yotsuba ending would unite all the 5toubunfags in celebration since Yotsuba is almost everyone's 2nd or 3rd favorite quint. A legit Ichika ending would be a Narusaku tier meltdown.
>It's in character for her to still hesitate in pronouncing her love to the world
She never had this problem.
>Nino was in the wrong here period.
How? You're being ridiculous. Does everyone stops and waits for you to make up your mind too?
Hope it's a Miku episode today lads.
>literally skipped for more Miku and Yotsuba setup
Negi take a chillpill jesus christ
The Fuu-kun thing is pretty shitty, but it's just small enough that Miku would look petty if she complained about it.
>Dragging anything out
Wrong series, mate.
Every ending will cause massive shitstorm.
>A legit Ichika ending would be a Narusaku tier meltdown.
I wouldn't have expected Ichika to have an ending like that prior to the exam arc.
He was asking a legitimate question. Stop being retarded.
>She also had to process the shock that Nino fell for Fuutarou and that someone else had beaten her to the confession she has been agonizing over for a whole year. Nino was in the wrong here period.
The world won't wait for you.
Also, she suspected things for a long while now, see yotsuba's last exam. She canonically had always been this first to always see through her sisters.
Being Rena hasnt brought Itsuki any closer to winning.
Dude literally needs to go on more drinks with based yakuzaman 22i and Aka, maybe then he'll know how to extend his series
While I wouldn't call it dragging out (too much speed for me at least), I want you to tell me why it is that every time Miku is close to confessing, it is either discarded or she's being pushed back by an interrupt.
She's so dastardly
He's just getting back for IB.
>that she came up with but too shy to say in front of said sister
Nino asked her to come up with a nickname she could use
There's no going back now. The thread will continue to be wilder and wilder until the until the very end. It'll reach maximum autism when Negi starts removing quint from the bowl
>muh bumbling quite girl
>muh main fatass
>muh violent post-tsundere
>muh calculating onee-san
>muh enigmatic genki
Miku: I-I disagree to this(!)
Nino: Oh, and why's that?
Miku: B-because...
Ichika glances to the side, hiding her smirk or nervous fear of Miku foiling her plan
Yotsuba: Maa, maa, let's all just--
Itsuki: Because Uesugi is our tutor, too.
Miku: Th-that's right!
Nino: Haa, what are you both talking about, this isn't going to be a study session.
Fuutarou: Um... Actually, I already grouped up earlier.
Nino: Oh.
She actually did most of the time.
Hell, once she even tried to throw Miku off a loop, and Miku's didn't gave a shit which prompted Nino to say "A mature answer..."
Same a few chapters ago when Miku lost their cake competition for the job.
Every time Negi is planning to end the manga soon with Miku confessing, his editor tells him to fuck off and make him extend the manga.
Because she didn't care about anyone else's feelings and just kept yammering on about what she wanted. Thankfully karma punished her in the form of TakeGOD.
Nino used "Fuutarou", Miku didn't like it because that's how she calls Fuutarou, Nino asked for a nickname she could use then.
The 4 loser quints better be salty as fuck at the wedding
"Good for her" etc. responses would be lame
>more backpedalling
>I-I was only pretending
>ad hominem
Sasuga again
Yeah,all of those when Fuutarou wasn't even there.
Know what the difference this time?
Imagine wanting a 3d personality in your mango
>yfw the snek meme even extends to their wedding
>she plots so the other 4 can have the fuutlong too
can you make one with the colored versions?
If the majority of the trip is Fuutarou hanging with his bros this will be the best arc yet.
>muh calculating onee-san
Calculating? Her entire scheme hinges on people being unable to communicate because she's too retarded to realize that not everyone is socially autistic like she is.
>Hell, once she even tried to throw Miku off a loop, and Miku's didn't gave a shit which prompted Nino to say "A mature answer..."
You've swapped Nino and Miku there
>Ichika lies has been floating around for half a month simply because Fuutarou never talk to Miku or Ichika
"You think this is just a bro manga?"
It looks like they are all getting along fine in the picture with gramps, and that probably happens after the bride and Fuutarou start dating.
I can't. Ask another color-user.
>Because she didn't care about anyone else's feelings and just kept yammering on about what she wanted
We've been over this in chapter 65, speedreader.
It's her love. Was she supposed to set up a date for Miku and Fuutarou?
She gave Miku an opportunity to speak up
This is the kind of sweet girl Fuutarou should pursue. Not one that comes with 4 pieces of baggage and drama.
Exactly. If we're going with "ifs", there's a bunch of things that could've been used without getting weird.
I love her already. Fuutarou deserves to have a better girl than one of these 4 retards.
>The world won't wait for you.
This. Miku needs to start getting her shit together from this point onward now that she knows her romantic rivals have taken leaps ahead of her. If she keeps spilling anymore spaghetti, she's gonna slip and fall behind.
Fuutarou was there when she confessed.
Fuutarou doesn't deserve anything
Thot-chan already aiming for H-protag next to her
negi will probably do this with all the quints, trying to move them out of the standard archetypes in an attempt to flesh out the girls some more and keep the series interesting.
>Steal your fuu-kun
>mikufags still think their spineless waifu has a chance
The desperation is reaching new heights. Besides popularity doesn't mean shit.
>grabs her bangs while blushing
>Fuutarou also grabs his bangs when blushing
strong opinion fuck you
Maybe they're pretending. Grandpa already had a heart attack when he saw them looking different, he'd die instantly if quints fought each other in front of him
Fuutarou deserves to be a billionaire with a yacht and side bitches.
How did Negi persuade us to like the bro side characters in a harem romcom that's actually a family psychological drama?
Who says I still want her with Fuut?
He's going to steal at least one of your daughters anyway, Maruo
I mean, isn't it the natural course?
>really smart dude, but too much autism to socialize
>recently has been getting better due to classrep
>even got top 3 NATIONALLY
>is a stupifly handsome man under those bangs
She was, to quote Miku, "touchy-feely" with Fuutarou for a moment
The whole "She's been pushing poor Miku too hard" line of thinking is absolutely retarded.
The alternative is Miku crying in a corner in a fetal position without ever having any opportunity to say anyting.
Is that a better option?
Why is Ichika so creepy?
In terms that you can understand it translates this way, since you seem to be too challenged to figure these things on your own.
Itsuki treating Fuutarou as a prize is a joke, she's actually very considerate of what he wants and the person he is.
Nino treating Fuutarou as an prize is a fact, treating him like a person comes after her getting what she wants.
Further translating, Itsuki is establishing herself as a solid potential partner for a healthy relationship that will last while Nino is establishing herself as nothing but the sole source of an unbalanced and frustrating relationship that won't hold.
>keep the series interesting
All he needs to do is to wrap things up. He does not need to introduce new conflict. Manga still needs to cover at least 2 timeskips (2 years and 5 years into the future)
>The alternative is Miku crying in a corner in a fetal position without ever having any opportunity to say anyting.
I don't know but I sure want to see it.
If you still don't get what Negi is doing right now, the nobody can help you. Popularity is of no concern to him.
Basedbro putting the thot in her place.
Holy shit I'm starting to like Takeda even more now.
Miku has a plan of her own to confess at the school trip. She doesn't need Nino butting in.
No, I mean just because he's Fuutarou doesn't mean he deserve that girl
>quints BTFO
>anons liking Takeda
Why do we hate the quints now?
In about everywhere, Fuutarou would be THE top catch, and should be swimming in pussy
>smart as fuck, garanteed future
>TALL, that is, good genes
>unironically handsome and puberty hit him like a fucking TRUCK, going from a gloom nerd from ch1 to literally the accepted leader of the class by ch70
>good attitude, can hold conversations and interact with people if necessary
>seriously hardworker but still kind of playful
But Ichika will, she always interrupts their uno moments
You can say that, but she won't have a better boyfriend in that classroom outside of maybe Takeda who is rich and has almost as good grades as Fuutarou.
By making the girls side venomous and violent and the boys side funny and chill.
> It looks like they are all getting along fine in the picture with gramps
I have feeling there is a reason why Ichika and Miku are not right next to each other anymore, like they were in most of the pictures before.
I'm going to write a fanfic of her stealing Fuutarou right under their noses.
as much as I would like a clean end to the series, Negi will probably be forced to draw it out for a bit longer, I feel he's planning for this just in case.
Just like real life!
That has nothing to do with the situation they all where in there, that is, inviting Fuutarou to be in their/her group. She WAS about to ask that, before getting cut in.
post it later
Either you have sick fetishes or you just want to see our poor autist suffer for being an autist. I'm assuming both.
I feel like this applies very much to 5toubun's current state
Interesting that you kept deflecting
Again what would be her reasoning to be grouped with Fuutarou AND force Nino out?
We don't hate the quints, we're just starting to like the bros more.
I just want to see peak Miku for one final time, that is all.
>not wanting his smile protected
You monster!
>force out
He initial plan was already to be with Yotsuba in the group. All she wanted, as stated, was to give him a delicious bread.
Maybe it's a grim lesson to readers not to be shy else it will fuck up your life. Thanks Negi.
>Another toubun general reached the limit post
I think you guys should take a rest.
Nino was the one who made the group discussion become about who wants to fuck Fuutarou the most. They have no reason to object to the two of them becoming a group unless they held the same feelings for Fuutarou as Nino. Do you really think Miku would freak the fuck out like she never has before over group assignments? She lost her shit because she was being told to put everything on the table.
To reason to be in his group was to have lunch with him, user.
She can totally confess without being in his group. The topic there had always been "being in the same group".
That's not peak Miku. This is peak Miku.
Once you enter you cannot escape the endless party
>new ep in like 3 hours, sub in 7
I want to, but you faggots won't
New episode in 1 hour. The ride never ends
Damn, that was a really power move by Nino.
Don't forget the English dub.
If you want to see a heartbroken mess, then it is very likely that you'll get what you want. The build-up points in that direction at least.
See you too
What you're saying is only your headcanon, and something that was already on the table anyway, that is, by Yotsuba's suggestion of everyone being together.
Trust me, it was a very tough choice, but in the end I had to pick just one.
Peak Miku is her smile after she cleanses her worries
>dororo thread
>"party is over~"
>toubun thread
No, in fact this is peak Miku.
Peak Miku is her baking the wedding cake.
My despairboner is ready. I can't wait for a whole chapter of 23 pages full of Miku crying in every panel.
I fear Yotsuba is going to take that role this arc.
Why this girl out of all the nameless classmates?
Happy Mikus are great too but they don't satisfy my twisted desire.
Miku's expression says it all. Miku wouldn't give a shit if it was just about the group. Nino had an intention with that she said and Miku knew instantly what she meant by it, hence her reaction (and Ichika's). You're the one with the head canon if you think it was just about who gets to be in Fuutarou's group.
It won't. Negi will make sure to show us the losers suffering.
Pretty strange to bake the cake for your own wedding.
>this arc
But Yotsuba is always a heartbroken mess. She just manages to hide it really well.
>I fear Yotsuba is going to take that role this arc.
>Thinking she will get any relevance
What order will Negi choose for fuutaro to reject the four sisters before ultimately choosing itsuki?
I think it will be
Nino > ichika > yotsuba > miku
Peak Miku is her looking at Fuutarou playing with the director's daughter and falling in love with him all over again. You can NOT dispute this.
>Thinking she will get any relevance
Negi can't keep getting away with it.
She blushed during the scene where Fuutarou announces the Kyoto trip groupings.
Nope, Miku is clearly the victim in this volume.
The end of the volume will most likely have a spread where you can spot the exact moment her heart is being crushed to pieces.
Yotsuba had already suggested to form a group, anyone can use the same the card.
Hell, Miku WAS ready to say that she wanted to be in his group.
It seems that Negi just likes to torture Yotsuba and her fans
This is proto-proto miku design before the author decided to but in with his retarded idea to give the quints different hairs color.
Hey user, I just wanted to write something. I have no complaints on the latest chapter, this is just how I thought it could best play out without making Miku be sadporn for those who pity her.
Isn't she looking at the boy next to her when she blushes though?
You have me convinced. That chapter makes me think that she really has the best reason to fall in love with him.
user said her line of sight points more to the middle front of the class, idk
Backstabber who will be exposed and dunked
Normal, open relationship with Fuutarou and he will eventually succumb to her love
Literally doesn't even talk to Fuutarou, might as well be air
Always getting down on herself and Fuutarou is starting to be concerned that she'll neck herself
Hiding secrets and staring at Futtarou, she's getting a little creepy and I doubt he'll be glad to know she was playing with him as Rena
She gay for Yotsuba?
>Yotsuba is mine!
Last for Nino a best.
* 2nd best
Last for Miku a best
>staring at Futtarou, she's getting a little creepy
She's just worried about her friend, user.
Last for Takebayashi
Last for someone save from this eternal party.
I don't want to party anymore.
1. Nino
2. Yotsuba
3. Itsuki
4. Miku
Everyday is party
You are here with us forever, user.
We're still in page 8.
>top 4
Last for classmate-chan.
You're very observant
How did Negi do it anyway? Make a literally who remotely interesting design wise?
based and unbiased post
Because a lot of what she's showing to people is fake.
She's just perfect, the little pigtail make her look extremely cute.
How can the quints even compete?
> Backstabber who will be exposed and dunked
She's the antagonist right now.
> Normal, open relationship with Fuutarou and he will eventually succumb to her love
Rather one-sided and pushy. No sign of love from Fuuts.
> Literally doesn't even talk to Fuutarou, might as well be air
Passive and meek. Does talk to him unless the there snake bites first.
> Always getting down on herself and Fuutarou is starting to be concerned that she'll neck herself
She's in the crossfire right now trying to survive while also sacrificing herself. Fuuts does nothing to help her.
> Hiding secrets and staring at Futtarou, she's getting a little creepy and I doubt he'll be glad to know she was playing with him as Rena
She's being consious of him being the center of affection by the other sisters. Not sure whether he still cares that much about the Rena character.
I understand why Negi didn't introduce that many side characters. That's because they literally are better than the quints.
I wish I had Nino as my daughter. This way I would be able to make sure to properly educate her and prevent her from turning into a bitch when growing up.
Not until Nino apologized.
> Uesugi-san, that's amazing
Doujinshi when?
> I don't want to party anymore.
You know what to do, do you?
Ichika will fall before Miku. Nino may or may not fall before Ichika. Yotsuba should last longer than those three.
Miku is best when pretending to be someone else and Mikufags can't accept that
Is that so.
>those breasts
Imagine a pregnant Miku...
You need to go back to the batshit cunt planet.
Do you want to argue against him?
That's Itsuki. You can't fool me.
You need to go back to the batshit cunt planet.
Those suck more than not.
t. bitchika fanboy
>I can't let you get away with that.
god I wanna forsake yotsuba!
You forgot Miku
Last for Fuutarou getting fired.
Nice one, imouto. But it's futile.
Get in line.
Why she looking at his ear and lips
And there are some people that claim her love is shallow...
Last for Fuutarou deserves happiness
still page 9
Go away /m/.
Ichika would cheat to try and get back at her lover for not paying enough attention to her
Nino would kick and scream and fight off her rapists
Miku would rather kill herself by biting her tongue
Yotsuba would get gang banged in order to save her lover's job or reputation
Itsuki would get tricked into love hotel rape by getting fed good food and alcohol
More Miku chapters.
Nino wins
Isn't it like less than 1 hour until new episode?
When will the quints start murdering thots?
Yotsuba already killed their mom.
baka janai nooooooo!
That's mutsumi doing not yotsuba.
I want Yotsuba to beat up Ichika! POW
Hito-tsu zutsu
kasanete iku
futari dake no
chīsana kagayaki
bony ass
I can't believe in Yotsuba when she does not even believe in herself.
Fatty won
They all are going to win. I believe in this madman.
I won.
Yeah, diabetes.
No me
Takebayashi won
episode is out in 10 minutes
Check this. Nino will win.
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing.
Side-tail girl wins.
Or is it?
You have to go back.
Last for the guy under ichika with the classy mustache
Yotsuba a best
And it takes entire threads for "people" to start spamming muh THK for a while. Not fooling anyone.