What does user think of Oyakodon?

What does user think of Oyakodon?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Sexy when done right.

This one is wasted potential. Most of it is gangbang and NTR, with the daughter being a full lesbian, but all scenes with her mom being futanari trash, like 98% of all mother/daughter hentai. Too many invasive garbage fetishes that ruin the premise in the first place.

More Lolibund when?

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Its a quick, easy, and tasty dish.

Never seen it done right. The only way it works is if a widow uses it to show her newlywed daughter how to please her husband.

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Sadly underused. We need more older women teaching the next generation how it's done.

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Very rarely done right.

Yuri Oyakadon is much better

Best route

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It's good

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Top tier fetish rarely done right.

fat tiddies

Hot, but very few doujins about it and most of them suck.

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Official lewd vanilla doujin with Mina in her normal form when?

That manga is full of cuckshit, tentacles, rape, incest, parasites, and /u/. No oyakodon, but there's daughter on mother.
Funny twist though is that her husband impregnates her and the egg cucks the monsters and their seed.

which one is the mother? They look the same age.

it's the best

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I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.

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These. Oyakodon has the potential at any given time to be the absolute highest-tier fetish because it can hit so many checkmarks at time - FFM, incest, age difference, innocent and pure matched with slutty and experienced, coercion, et cetera. But too often it's just snuff and gangbang or futa.

The absolute apex would be a mother offering her young daughter to her new husband or boyfriend, prepping her for sex and then holding her down and/or pleasuring her while she gets fucked. But we never get any of that.

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>But too often it's just snuff
not really
i think you're just reading a lot of snuff porn

I sincerely doubt that, given how I hate snuff and avoid the tag whenever possible.

Yuri incest Oyakadon is the best kind of Oyakadon.

Hell we need more MomXDaughter action especially as MC's.

>The absolute apex would be a mother offering her young daughter to her new husband or boyfriend, prepping her for sex and then holding her down and/or pleasuring her while she gets fucked.

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>But we never get any of that.
It's a common device on porn and I could bet in many manga but I don't have any example at hand really.

The issue with oyakodon is that it can often go wrong by way of the mother being a mother and by extension a wife. Cheating, netorare, swinging and sharing women are a no go in my book. The apex oyakodon I'd say is a widowed single mother in a triangle with her daughter and a young man, which after a story arc of alternating and threesomes gets resolved with them both making up and marrying him and becoming pregnant by him. I am certain I can find at least 1 excellent manga with this plot.

Imagine learning the birds and bees with mamaragi.

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>bangs the daughters
>doesn’t bang the mom
Explain this

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>by way of the mother being a mother and by extension a wife
This reads weird after all. What I meant is that there are obvious issues inherent to the condition of being a mother, like are being "used goods" and "not a virgin" for instance. In this case they often have a living husband they (are supposed to) love.

What do you call an oyakodon with two eggs?

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An extra helping

did they even have an oyakodon scene? They have futa sex together but I dont recall them together with a guy

I don't even care about the daughters and just want MOMMY at this point.

Attached: Mombod.webm (720x405, 1.26M)

>aryan goddess
>dat midriff, hips and vagina bones
>proven to produce top tier offspring
Christ almighty.

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>mfw you will never rape the aryans

He did though. The whole thing started since they got in a fight and she left, with her gone his lust had no outlet. The woman alone took all the dicking her 2 daughters and the extras could barely handle together, every night. She's in a whole different league.

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>she left

>BR oyakodon

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Saucenao don't bring me results, where's this is from?

It’s the best when done right.

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How about this one? exhentai.org/g/1343630/b560a51489/

Tomboys are for Oyakodon!

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Onee and Kaasan oyakodon is far and away the best kind.

Now that looks quite solid for my tastes.
Got the panda tags or artist? For later since I can't look it up now from work.

user, I just fapped not an hour ago. I am old and my bones are weak. Don't do this to me.

>the Monkey without NTRshit
Quite the rarity I must say.

Can anyone here cook oyakodon?

What artist?
Looks familiar

Vampire Bund

Nah it's pretty hot seeing both Athena and Clara get totally dominated by the cock.

Clara fucking her mom was god tier shit.

Tsubaki Jushiro

I enjoyed the story

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> Gambler club will never do another Sgt Frog doujin

feelsbadman, especially when their work barely approaches oyakadon

Attached: Oyakodon.webm (960x540, 2.7M)

Did any series actually do it?

I guess bitter virgin did...


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One of my favorite fetish.

Patrician, therefore rare fetish.

>Not posting the finest example that checks every box and more

user was based today.

This is quite solid too.

Attached: Oyakodon.jpg (118x72, 7K)

This. We need more of this.

You sir are a true connoisseur. I can't believe it took this long for someone to bring up Gold Experience.

Literally only one image set with oyakodon
Criminally underrepresented.

wish there was more manga and doujins of them.

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this, so much this.

I feel like I'd be fucking Rukia AND FemRenji.

And on the same list of people from whom you definitely wouldn't expect it exhentai.org/g/1051840/702d536728/


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Shiki is not for lewds.


you fucking Reddit morons still use doujin as word for japanese porn comic. Fuck off

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That's a new one.

Learn the meaning of the tags, yuri incest oyakadon is momxdaughterxfemcousin


I've really been meaning too. I just wouldn't know what to marinate the chicken in. I've had it a few times from a nip joint by me and it attses like it's not in or ponzu with rice vinegar. The only thing I want to add to it is black beans alongside because I am spic

Best bowl

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>The absolute apex would be a mother offering her young daughter to her new husband or boyfriend, prepping her for sex and then holding her down and/or pleasuring her while she gets fucked. But we never get any of that.

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School Days series. Sekai's mom literaly raised her for oyakodon.

Nope. Simply threesome with sisters.

>release series that ends with shimaidon
>teases mom joining in last chapter
>proceeds to release for months short chapters that mostly consists of foreplay with the mother
>still no oyakodon
When is Nanao going to deliver?

It WOULD be if it were futa.


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The alien penis history is 10/10

See, here's the thing: The absolute zenith for Oyakodon for me is when it hits a perfect balance of het, yuri incest, and ffm (the mother and daughter are openly bisexual unlike most doujins), and dedicates each of those areas in a series. Oyakodon to me is the next-level of the twin-threesome fantasy. Hitting every note of that with your wife-to-be and your milf-in-law are the basis for it. True perfected oyakodon is when it manages to be vanilla by its own accord (i.e. No NTR, scat, futa, diaper, gangbang, etc.). God damn impossible to make this work for someone reason, because Japan and shitty western trash.


Gon is for Killua

I'm so mad the fucker only does trashy ntr shit now.

Wrong HxH but Gon is for Chimera Ant use only.

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True, nothing beats true family bonding. Especially if (in)breeding is involved.

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The one example I was certain about is pic related. Sadly, the mom doesn't marry him and steps aside instead, but still gets action in the end. A sequel would be great really.

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>pure maiden learns hands-on how to fuck her boyfriend/husband like an educated prostitute from her semen demon mother

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This doujin so desperately needs sequel with them building family.

Why are so many of the canon doujins so hard to find & especially translated?

>the daughter is his, the mom is his sister
I've forgotten about this, quite excellent setup.

Pic related is the one that awakened me into enlightment.

Truly, all potential issues with oyakodon get cleanly solved in this manner. I dare say there is no more perfected craft than own wife-daughter oyakodon unless you are rather into anti-vanilla stuff.

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I just wanted more marital sex

>my waifu has one of the best oyakodon doujins following these rules
>i can't get into it because her mother's wedding ring keeps reminding me that i'm shitting on my waifu's dad

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What a bizarre way to make pancakes.

Why not fuck the dad too?


Who indeed.

You do it then, fag.

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>her best doujin isn't even oyakodon because she's paired with Mallow instead

What did they mean by this?

Considering that they both have rings, I have feeling that you are supposed to be husband. So you are just shitting on yourself.

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No, no. In this series you marry Hanayo in the first chapter, and in the third one IIRC you fuck her and her mom.

I don't see it translated anywhere, so hard to say. But considering that both have rings in bath scene, and MC have it too, I have great feeling that we are in this scenario

The first one is translated and the series ends in a chapter dedicated only to Hanayo. Her mom only appears in chapter 4 so I doubt she factors in the relationship beyond that chapter.

It's the absolute best.

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Why do GuP threads keep getting purged?

Peak oyakodon, nothing will ever surpass this.
Nothing hotter than impregnating your sister and daughter.

Make them something non-human like elves, and then get more generations included.

The only thing that comes to mind is that series by Yamada, which features mother and daughter having sex with various monsters. Although to be honest I found it more gross than hot, also they don't end up pregnant so there's that.

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Did he actually fucked mom beyond that threesome with her having loli appearance?



Try this if you want some incest with your elf oyakodon

Why am I totally okay with the concept of mother/daughter incest, but the idea of mixing chicken and egg calling it "parent and child" weirds me out?

I have this JAV where the dude fucks a pregnant woman and her daughter

Maybe because it sounds desensitized? Like the idea of a parent and child dying/suffering together is already bad but the casual way it's mentioned ups the offensiveness because of how mundane it is.

It's just Japan and their bizarre puns and naming schemes. You know about bukkake soba?

>thought it was some fancy pancake art technique
>it's just ja/ck/
I got rused

To my knowledge, sadly no.

i want to FUCK this cake.

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Yuri incest within MomXDaughter is better.

Obviously, but the amount of decent porn that's pure yuri with just a mother and daughter can be counted on one hand.

It's pretty good.


>anywhere remotely close to something even resembling high tier

Attached: incest fags on suicide watch.png (231x417, 83K)

Where did you get this image of my wife?

The daughter really needed more (Any) dickings.

I don't this shit on my oyakodon

Only dicking would be she dicking her momma furiously deal with that

Best if either the daughter or the mother is a loli.

To be fair, JAV is more comedy than porn

Clara fucking her mom with her new gf

>oyakodon thread polluted by /u/faggotry
I didn't think I'd find so many people who can't follow the basics of a mother/daughter threesome, but here we are.

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Them fucking waste.

what kind of faggot needs to always see a man in order to fap?


Lesbian JAV is much more better than normal JAV porn.

Hence why momxdaughter porn in JAV is really good.

>Hence why momxdaughter porn in JAV is really good.
Have any references?
For scientific purposes.


How can the mommy still be far more sexier than the daughter?

It's doable. It just needs its own place in an oyakodon story without being present everywhere at once.

It's true though that good yuri incest oyakodon is virtually non-existent, and that's complete trash. Honestly, good oyakodon in general fails to do both het and yuri properly.


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>I'll bring lots of leftover cakes!!

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Western denial of the reality behind animal products. Embrace it, employ cognitive dissonance or go vegan.

Wanna some perfect Oyakodon?
Here is my favorite one with dude "starting family" with his own aunt and pair of cousins.

Attached: 067_Manatsu_no_Hanazono_065.png (1091x1600, 523K)

Proof that Oyakodon goes beyond anime and hentai. There is actual mother x daughter pair that is creating porn together.

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These two Blazblue characters are built for oyakodon. A pity they have no doujins together.

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>at the very least the mother is used goods that loved another man, got impregnated by him and bore him children
Pick one.

How do you get Oyakodon without the milf alreay having a daugther?

The keyword is ANOTHER man, user.
Read the thread, the solution has already been posted a couple times at least.

I have no interest in incest.

If the oyakodon isnt forced and the mom and kid arent forced to lezz out then its fucking garbage

The mother and daughter being horny sluts who love having threesomes together is better.

I like it better when it's more than one daughter

>Not Lusamine and trap Gladion

Maybe just if you are trying to pull Sawagoe route. Oyakodon is far better if man don't screew own offspring. If need blood related thing, just go for mother - sister route. That way you at least not creating own clone.


Daughter never gets any decent fucking porn

Well, that's how actual real life oyakodon looks like.

Attached: md.jpg (800x450, 70K)

That's how this one shitty example of oyakodon looks

Have better?

I like this oyakodon eromanga:


No but it's not like that proves your point

Depends on what's your point. I think that daughter is cute and mother is decent.

>Guys I need dicks whole town in my mouth old dicks destroying my boyhole and niggers in my hands unless I can't get off I need strong mens

How about she impregnating her mom for a sister then have her way with them ?

>There is actual mother x daughter pair that is creating porn together.

Lesbian porn?

Nope. The mother teaching her daughter how to have sex firsthand and the two of them getting impregnated in a threesome would be hot though.

Nope. Unfortunately due them targering on western audience, they avoiding that issue in their videos. Essentially never touching each other, but just dude (or babe) with which they are in. Of course what is happening behind videos is different story.

Is it still oyakodon if there's more than one daughter involved?

Not bad, but I prefer lesbian twincest and/or selfcest.

Yep. All you need, is at least one mother related to all.

Queen/princess Oyakodon is the best.

Attached: takao thumb.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

Like this one?

Attached: 25.jpg (782x1104, 132K)

Amazing stuff. I like it vanilla of course.
Gold Experience was posted here, great stuff. Rocket Monkey even do one as well, and I consider it one of the best

How come there's no Queen tag. Everytime I search for Queen it keeps linking me to Queens Blade shit.

Source? Iqdb and saucenao give me nothing.

An oyakodon scenario I'd like is the daughter convincing her mom to fuck her boyfriend, without the boyfriend knowing. Then when the boyfriend and the mom get more and more into it, the daughter gets jealous and the threesome starts. Tachibana Omina's oyakodon story was almost sort of like this but not close enough.


>not self-inserting as the man
>content to jack off in a corner without joining in on the action

>not inserting into others

He has a point

Asanagi no Aquanauts. Fairly good eroge with "sudden girlfriend appearance" scenario and mermaid main heroine. There is pretty good scenario with protagonist's older twin sister, and one short for mother. While scenario for mother doesn't contain any significian sex scene (beyond simple handjob bath scene), this is compensated by unlockable after story where you have threesome with both and get option to either impregnate just sister or both.
Story itself contain one significiant dramatic twist where it turns out that both MC and his twinsister are already inbred as their father turns out to be brother of their mother (himself not present in story).

Also to the delight of this user there is also alternate after story where MC has threesome with different heroine and their own daughter.

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Isn't all oyakodon NTR unless it's the father?

What if daddy is divorced?

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Dude, in Saionjis' case Shun was never married to Youko. It was simply just sex episode with Youko raising Sekai as single mother whole time.

Parthenogenesis is also an option.

The maturity of the mother and the youthfulness of the daughter, all in one package.

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Truly underappreciated fetish.
In theory, you're having sex with the older version on the daughter, and the younger version of the mother.
And if I've learned something from psychology, electra complex is real thing.

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>self inserting to the man
Good for you faggot you always craved for men

No problemo mom and daughter getting pregnant together by random girl is totally okay though

I thought you self-insert as the daughter if you're young or the mother if you're a little bit old.

So not only a beta, but a lysdexic as well.

More like Queen/princess yuri Oyakodon. Having Queen and her princess fucking each other for bonding and loving as family together.

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the king mated with her at least twice for the sole purpose of procreation.

There's huracan, but I think their works are one of the very few instances where the milf is not nearly as hot as the daughter.

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>Nope. Unfortunately due them targering on western audience, they avoiding that issue in their videos.

A wasted opportunity, shame.

>with the daughter being a full lesbian
THIS FUCKING THIS. Why in the fuck the hottest girl has to be a fucking lesbian and never gets the cock? I'M MAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

It's been heavily rumored that Malty was born out of wedlock. Mirelia has banged non-royal member instead of the King. That's the reason why Malty hated her mother in the first place.

She does take the cock.

>Why in the fuck the hottest girl has to be a fucking lesbian and never gets the cock? I'M MAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

user thinks are lesbian are ugly exclusively, what a mark.

>She does take the cock.
More like she became the cock.

>that princess saimin and elf saimin game
lune and fudegaki/blackrainbow games are god tier oyakodon games.

The best thing is when the girl is a full lesbian AND gets the cock.

I want me some Malty and Mirelia yuri incest hatefucking doujins so bad.

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There's also Milk Factory's oyakodon scenes. Wasn't the main focus, but Derauea can sure draw some tasty milfs.
Annouce a new game already, you fuckers.

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They had not much choice. Unlike Japan in their country incest is not legal. And even in way how they are, some moralist faggots accused them from commiting "emotional incest". So is little miracle that they managed continue in their business so far. By the way, daughter already promised, that if one day she will have own daughter, she will try convince her to continue in their family business with her.

That's just the way how it is. I see some forums where people still discuss their reservations with student/teacher relationships. And they call themselves anime fans.

I wanted her to take cock from a MAN not from a goddamned futa.

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Wasn't Lotte no Omocha canon oyakodon?

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The absolute finest that reaches its peak when full incest.

Attached: Masou_Gakuen_HxH_V08_004-005.jpg (2243x1600, 510K)

In one of the chapters, the daughter gets infected, develops a giant alien dick and go into a rape rampage, ends fuck he’s mother how kill the parasite with a super orgasm

>no one posts that egyptian oyakodon manga

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That art style looks familiar.

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There's nothing incorrect about what he said.

What is the name of this one ?

Shokugeki no Souma, nigga.

I bet she teases all the shotas

It doesn't get much better than this.

Attached: pinnacle of oyakodon.jpg (392x500, 87K)

They didn't even fuck.

It is great.
But I like the daughter more than the mother.
So it would also be great if it was only the daughter.

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Which one?

all of them

>I'll bring lots of leftover cakes!!


body too fat and arms too thin.
It would much better if they made a sequel to Victorian Maid Maria no Houshi, with Maria teaching her daughter how to be a maid and how to serve their master right.

Depends on the state of the mom.
>ntr shit: get out
>widowed and lonely: come in
Get them both pregnant either ways.

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i see we masturbate to the same things, my good sir.

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lets not forget that this count as oyakodon too.

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Yeah but oyakodon where the mom doesnt eat kids puss or vice versa is shit

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>It's been heavily rumored that Malty was born out of wedlock.


I enjoy the one from Rocket Monkey where the mother and daughter kinda like the guy next door, and the mother seduces him, then the daughter seduces him, then he guiltily admits fucking them both, and then they have a threesome.
It's totally dumb but kind of sweet, and the art is also fucking good.

We were told not to write that down in history.

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>oyakodon where the mom doesnt eat kids puss or vice versa is shit

What, mom and daughter always 69 each other pussy. Who really makes you think like that.

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Best fetish

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>Has THIS fine of a woman
>only makes one kid
What a waste, Nishikata.

She likes it up the butt.

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>no oyakodon scenes
it was so close to perfection.

Shame, it killed the whole company too. They were willing go all out for this VN.

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I only like lolis, Cowtits are crap.

Girls can be still flat when they are adults.


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Why do you settle for one, when you can have both?

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Can I have one where the daughter has big tits while her mom is a flattie?

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That goes so against the schema that I think there's literally no instance where this happens.


Wait, that's a lolibaba? Then I stand corrected, disregard what I last said.

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Sadly it's only when the mom is a fake loli and the daughter looks like a mature woman. It seems there's still not one where the daughter looks like a teen but with big tits and the mother looks like a normal adult woman but with no tits.

it's good if done right like pic related

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So cute.

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Hey now the shota stuff was great.

thanks for this

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Choose one.

>shota fucks loli and mom
>fat bald old man fucks mom and jk daughter
Which one?

Why they couldn't defeat the cock anons? It hurts so bad...

Only cunny can beat cock

I think the issue is that no one seems to understand the concept of exploring all aspects of oyakodon. The perfect non-existent example would balance out the occurrence of the male and the mother & daughter. You can have your yuri incest AND het action in the same story, with no cucking whatsoever. Hentai fantasies shouldn't be a zero-sum game.

It's such a simple solution, really.

If it's about the tightness, why they don't work out with the kegel muscles? Or at least shove a half lemon up their vagoo?

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>mother and daughter
>mother and (trap)
>mother (futa) and daughter
>mother and daughter (double futa)

the best oyakodon is taking the mother while the daugher watches or vice versa

pic sort of unrelated

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>When you're able to do genderbend Dio and Giorno
>Boner intensifies

Is it still oyakodon if you fuck the mother her son?

Is it still oyakodon if it's father and son?

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>Parent and Child


>la fey and artoria double teaming mordred
Doujin when ?

I'd rather have a doujin of mordred and saber taking turns getting fucked while the other watches

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The one where shota and fat Men fucks your boyhole user

As expected of Men lover nothing can beat your faggotry

>where shota and fat Men fucks your boyhole
Are the shota and fat old men son and father?

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I don't like it unless they are both milfs

Small cock

>no scenes
Explain this

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>not the Olstons

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He's really mellowed out since his spraying days.

One of the best scenes in Shiny Days. Youko is one of the best MILFs.


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There was even a lolibaba oyakodon where a son has sex with his mother and grandmother.


Akemi might not be flat, but Tomo's canonically bigger than her... unfortunately all the Oyakodon there is only on the reader's fantasies.

It’s all according to plan. Misaki allowed herself to get SPRAYED to dominate him from within.

>blackmail doujin
>mysterious secret source provides the protag with perfect blackmail material to get the girl
>girl gets blackmailed to do everything he wants
>eventually revealed that this is the girl’s fetish and that she was the super secret source and constantly providing blackmail material the whole time
>as she’s doing this, she’s collecting more and more info from the protag to counter-blackmail if he ever decides to stop fucking her

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I remember this shitty manga.
What happened? Did he die already?


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He was raped to death by fat old men.

>imagine that paizuri sandwich
Dammit Gotou.

Best is that if you get Youko or Sekai, then oyakodon is essentialy unavoidable, as Youko always makes sure that you end inpregnating both of them. One makes wonder what's her motivation for this.

There's that one doujin where a man and a woman found out their spouses had cheated on them with each other, so the two plan to take revenge by taping a video of them making love and sending it to them, only for the woman's daughter to then join in. I can't find it anywhere.

>The king died, leaving behind only a queen and a princess who cannot ascend to the throne due to declarations in the constitution and/or tradition
>In order to quickly remedy the situation (you), her distant nephew 6 degrees removed, are quickly forced into a marriage with the queen
>You have no experience with running anything bigger than a single household so the queen decides to become the power behind the throne and govern the lands in your place which is the reason why she picked you out of all available suitors in the first place
>However the realm is still on the verge of crisis as there is no clear line of succession, the various pretenders of the realm are already sharpening their blades
>The queen, knowing she is past childbearing age, proposes that you impregnate her daughter and legitimize the bastard, establishing a clear successor
What the fuck? I'm a monarchist now!

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It never happens in-game.

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>One had successfully seduced both Mei, who did not age, and Hafuri, who had grown up, and thought he had won the legendary oyakodon…right up until Majina’s ghost came back from the depths of hell during the Bon festival and punched him.

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>No sex scene

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almost no existing mangas with the tag

Is there a name for oyakodon but with son/mom?
Asking for a friend haha

Milfs and cakes are pretty damn great but momcest is still the best.

Still oyakodon. It means parent and child.


>NTR doujin
>pokes woman on arm
>Woman had STDs the entire time and her boyfriend refused to fuck her unprotected so this seemingly brain dead reaction was just her way of getting sex.

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What's the cause of his masochism?

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Every girl in that manga has a hot mom for oyakodon.

Does this count?

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And the others too

Does this count?

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Its shit!

Late reply but the sauce is a mixture of dashi broth, onions sauce, sake, mirin, and a bit of sugar. You first simmer it with onions before adding the chicken to the mixture and then let it all simmer until the chicken is cooked and the sauce is reduced, then mix in raw beaten egg and let that cook for a bit before serving on hot white rice.

Jun is a lucky guy

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Which is exact problem.

>You know about bukkake soba?

Attached: 0e86635073635af60ea1f33fb46b7d8e95b2ebc048dfd686e5ba4a698fa89374.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

Well, it's not man sauce on food. Just food sauce on food. Because bukkake literally means "piling up everything".



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Shota is fucking terrible and a waste of doujins. Mothers and daughters should be deep dicked by a real man and not by some lil fuccboi.

Not gonna lie, if Kubo up and decided to do a sequel to Bleach starring Kazui and Ichika, I'd be 100% down for it.

Doubly so if it remains an Urban Fantasy spiritual detective-like story like Kubo originally intended for Bleach before he was forced to turn it into a battle manga from the Soul Society arc onwards.

Never. Yui is just a OP AI that's all.


>Shota is fucking terrible

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does the daughter ever fuck a dude?

>doesn't know shotas pack the most heat

You don't understand the appeal of shota + blackmail/rape/impregnation

Great porn artist.

Terrible mangaka.

Right > left


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He probably doesn't even pbx.

It is the best

>gangbang or futa.
Is also great faggot. Futa oyakodon especially

The former is only great with the latter, otherwise it's ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING.

A better writer would help, with him focusing on art and making porn of the manga.

This doujin is SERIOUSLY GOOD.

The first one and the third are also great but this is really the best one.

>he's been lurkin Yea Forums since 2007 and hasn't embraced monarchism
what are you? a free planets alliance cuck?

>no mizuryu oyakodon posted
>no depraved dark elf mother/daughter posted
c'mon lads, step it up


needs better doujins, preferably with Raikage

>better writer
Come on user, you should know better than to expect the impossible.

I don't expect it, just said it would help. Vampire Bund started much better than the directions it went later, and we don't even get any official doujin of the level his other manga did.

>preferably with Raikage
But he has no kids for father/son oyakodon.

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>Oyakodon (親子丼), literally "parent-and-child donburi"

It is implicit that one births the other. Males don't birth.

>It is implicit that one births the other

This is the GOAT

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>not with Naruto fucking both

It's almost as if a word's etymology doesn't have to match its actual meaning!

fuck of vanillafag

Is male oyakodon okay?

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I still can believe this is real.


The only proper kind is when it's with your wife and daughter.
Otherwise, if her mom does it, your "wife" will do the same when she gets older.

Not even the best Oyakodon pairing in their own manga

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>not mordred putting the fat pigs in their place

>Queen/princess Oyakodon is the best.
My bro.

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i fapped so much

That was from yam? Was disappointing that they didn't at the same time.

>The absolute finest that reaches its peak when full incest.
Totally agree with you, though I heard the premise is totally shit.

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Oyakodon is shit.
Mother stealing the daughter's boyfriend/husband is the best.

>Oyakodon is shit.
Only after digesting it

>Mother stealing the daughter's boyfriend

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Popular stuff

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>Mother is the first scene of the game
>It's her only scene
They deserved to go bust desu.

Erina better than her cousin, but their combo better than Erina+Mana. Wrong kind of crazy.

Does Tosh enjoy oyakodon?


What is the appeal of hypnotism?
Why are mothers over incest?

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I'm curious if any of them can cook with a chainsaw.

Youngsters really have no taste.

>Netorare topping all the charts since the degenerates have their pet topic while vanilla chads split their votes around
Chart is rather misleading. They really need to give people voting preferences like 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

It's based on actual sales, not some vote.

He should get Venelana too.

Sequel when?

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Which cousin?

The little one.

Did he only bang the little one?

He mostly bangs his aunt, across 20+ doujins over several years of publishing, but one release had him do his cousin too.

Author's committed.

Why not all?

Like I said, the author's committed. All about milfs and ponytails.

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It's been more than one. Every once in a while he ends up writing an oyakodon story. Bless him for it.

Alll at once when?

And they are still all better than Kannon

>always see this image posted
>look up the manga
>903 chapters
Holy fuck, how can a tomboy sol romcom go on like that!

best kind of dish

Attached: oyakodon.jpg (850x1204, 279K)

by being 1page=1chapter

Actually read it

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But user, that only means you get a son in law to fuck.