What do you guys think Kamachi hopes to accomplish bringing in Gunha into Astral Buddie?
Raildex and the mystery of Gunha in Astral Bud
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It's just a short cameo. His odds of being in the next chapter are low since all Nogi posts on twitter about the upcoming chapter are Junko, Misaki, and Kuroko.
He jumped in at the last second to save Junko. How is he not going to show up at all? They’d need to do some major explaining.
Out of the espers we know, he's the one whose power most closely resembles Junko's shounen MC "punch harder" power. He also had a fairly major role in a recent Railgun arc and is pretty fun in general, so I'm not surprised he got into the spinoff, even if it's just for one chapter or so.
Why the fuck do you keep calling it Astral buddie? Do you want to feel special or something?
Because he's a hero who mysteriously appears, and then vanishes after his work is done.
I don’t get why it’s called Astral Buddy. Why does Kamachi keep trying to push Junko as my buddy? She’ll never be.
This, a true hero don't need motives to appear.
I'm going to sexually inseminate Junko!
Either way is correct.
She’s not cute according to other trustworthy girls in the series.
NPC's have shit taste
No, it isnt.
Astral Bunny!
>MP thread
Just let it die guys.
So...entire volume with Touma and Misaki fucking like rabbits when?
Never ever. He still doesnt remember her and the fairy doesnt seem to have any intention of helping more than the bare minimum so her only chance is gone.
Just make a new thread.
In part 3
What do you guys think Kamachi hopes to accomplish bringing in Kimi and her Angel Dragon into Railgun manga?
What do you guys think Kamachi hopes to accomplish bringing in new content in Accel manga, Railgun manga and Astral Buddy manga when mainline series timeline (New Testament) is much further ahead?
In both the main novels and Railgun, Kamachi keeps teasing shit about Touma's arm. It's pretty crazy that the story's been going on so long and he still won't come clean about the MCs power.
>Never ever. He still doesnt remember her and the fairy doesnt seem to have any intention of helping more than the bare minimum so her only chance is gone.
The fairy is probably mad at Misaki for giving Touma a kiss on the forehead in her presence.
I am more interested in what'll she do when Touma's brain-damage is fixed somehow. Whatever it is, she'll get straight to the point after he serious/sweet talk. I am entirely convinced it wouldn't take her long to be his girlfriend after he's fixed.
It better be something good, then. I would cry forever if it was just "Touma's power is actually a demon called X". It better be more interesting than that.
Touma's brain wasnt fixed after a spell from Jesus. Its unlikely it will ever be fixed.
>she could become his girlfriend quickly
Anyone could. They literally just need to confess.
As this guy said, I think Railgun is going to give us some information about Touma's arm. Maybe not directly as in "here's exactly what Touma's arm is!", but maybe indirectly, as in "here's some experiments and rules about Touma's arm that went down regarding Touma's arm; see if you can kinda put together what's gonna happen in the main novels!" sort of thing. I assume that Accelerator's manga will do the same thing with the Trees and possibly some of AC's Dark Side, because the second arc of Accelerator doesn't deal with magic, but rather some fucked up shit in AC. Which could easily tie in to Accelerator now owning AC.
We get information on it at the end of NT 22. We will learn what IT really is. We learn what the dragons possibly were although no dragons appear and we learn more about IB. IT is the most interesting though.
It's never getting fixed, and at this point, I doubt Touma would give a single fuck about any girl as far as sex/romance goes. And yes, that includes Othinus.
Misaki, please.
Chronologically, we went from sort of invisible dragon to dragons to invisible thing to second invisible thing to giant ass polygons to fish eggs. It would actually take considerably more effort to track that back to something simple.
God i wish this was true
>arm cut off in OT2 vs alchemist vampire dude, needs to be reattached
>was arm cut off in vs Daiheisei Mikoto level 5.X->6? Maybe, maybe-not but DRAGONS
>? arm gets cut off in NT22, receive FISH EGGS AND POLYGONS
Am I missing anything else? I wonder if I'm wasting my time with the spin off mangas because I wonder if they're really relevant at all due to timeline placings.
I'm going with "it may seem irrelevant, but will end up important, especially if Kamachi wants to make a 3rd 20+ novel series"
Example: Hishigata said Estelle once worked with him. What was she doing in AC? Are there more people like her? Accelerator gaining control over AC may make such things relevant. Same with the twins.
Touma clearly gives a shit. The guy is acting horny all the time, and raced to find the girl who wrote him a letter in NT13. The problem is touma either doesnt take people coming onto him seriously (Lessar) or he finds reasons to not want to do it (Aleister was an old man) or the people around him spill too much spaghetti and wont confess properly (Othinus Mikoto etc).
Misaki is way too good for Touma. No, I mean it. You can't keep pretending your MC is some underdog woe-is-me loser with terrible luck while he bangs a 10/10 bombshell that can pay all his bills and loves him unconditionally, that's just not possible.
Touma admits he's not a normal high school boy this volume according to spoilers. Next illusion to be broken is that his luck is bad, its really just neutral.
I was on board until I noticed who I was listening to
>MC is some underdog woe-is-me loser with terrible luck while he bangs a 10/10 bombshell that can pay all his bills and loves him unconditionally, that's just not possible.
That is a very common trope in Japanese media though.
>Touma admits he's not a normal high school boy this volume
I'll believe Aleister becoming celibate before this.
Yeah, he's totally gonna act horny and want a girlfriend while he's being kidnapped and having killer eggs coming out of his arm, which is where he's at when I say "at this point" You're totally right, banging a girl is going to be right up there on his mind while his killer arm strong enough to kill demons is uncontrollable
You're joking right? What a non statement.
The heart of a man who truly believes tsunderes aren't real.
No, I think I just gave some very valid support for the idea that Touma's not going to give a fuck about some girl in a romantic or sexual way. At best you'll get him caring about them because they are people.
On top of that an issue I see is that if Touma regains his memory you gotta write in an excuse how level 5 rank 5 Misaki doesn't win when leveraging her resources & O MY MENTAL OUT power into winning the Touma-bowl, if she doesn't win. I assume that despite Touma's unreliable narration on his tastes (onee/dorm manager) that she fits his tastes or FUKOU DA requires that big titty Misaki doesn't get the opportunity to give Touma cause brain damage. Pre-memory loss Touma seems like an interesting area to explore as I believe previous claims from previous threads from sifting through Railgun show that he was a fight hungry womanizing punk supposedly. Otherwise people say Kamachi sucks at writing romance anyway.
What nonsense. I dont think anyone, and yes I do mean ANYONE was saying Touma was about to go to town on some girl TODAY.
Kamachi doesnt need an excuse though. Misaki spills an inordinate amount of spaghetti literally every time she sees touma. And Mikoto is her rival. Two excuses are already ready to go.
>implying he's ever going to get whatever moment you are so desperately imagining he'll get to "go to town on some girl"
Rewatch the first couple of Index I episodes.
OG Touma was a charismatic and heroic genuine piece of shit who's perfectly willing to act on autistic impulses.
>saves delinquents
>tries to feed Index trash
>eats trash out of guilt
>Otherwise people say Kamachi sucks at writing romance anyway.
Yes user, touma is literally never going to get a moment of downtime ever again in the entire rest of the series.
>White trash
>in love
stop being brainwashed reeeeeee
>In Japanese media
Not in that particular combination and without seeming contradicting in a series that isn't pure comedy. What weight does Touma struggling to buy eggs on offer carry despite carrying the word on his shoulders if Misaki can just afford him a gourmet dinner even if he had a shitty day? Mikoto at least is too proud and Tsundere to do something nice for him in a straight-forward manner, Othinus is basically a pet considering her current predicament and Index is Index, but Misaki could simply vanish most of his personal issues that don't involve magic world problems barging into his life) over night.
Love is just a bunch of electrochemical reactions anyway.
Just fuck her already you sack of shit.
Yeah, I was surprised that how Estelle got into AC and involved with research wasn't really addressed.
Also for stuff in the spinoffs that could be relevant, Hishigata had that whole thing about needing the Misaka network's memories because one way to reach keter was with the memories of dying 10k times. That might be related to the whole third tree thing.
>just fuck the girl who ruined your life multiple times my dude
no, family>>>>>>>girlfriends
>dude Kyousuke just fuck the girl who ruined your family
Let the rabbit live his life in peace.
>she spills spaghetti
Yes, and? She's clearly willing to confess provided Touma gets to remember her, and she's capable of having conversations with him and even flirting, despite the initial spaghetti spilling. There's no reason why she couldn't make progress in any other context except OH MY BRAIN DAMAGE. Like I said, she won't win because she's too much on the wish-fullfilment side considering the setting and MC.
You do realize that this is not only a possibility, but likely, don't you?
Do you perhaps not know what it means to spill spaghetti? She's always flustered and not totally in control of herself around him. To say she would instantly be able to control herself and get an earnest confession off is silly. Even if you want to stubbornly pretend thats the case, many other girls have the same capabilities but dont do so becauase thats the nature of the series.
He'd rather create a white queen being than fuck white queen
I just realized that Accelerator now has a logical way to at the very least begin looking for Estelle should he want her help. If she did AC research, I'm sure there's some sort of personal information on her stored in there. Even if it's old personal info and she's long since moved on from the place AC has listed, it'd be a good start.
No it isnt. Not unless you're telling me the series is imminently ending in 3-4 volumes.
He also has a logical reason to look for her. Estelle's specialty was souls, and that whole arc dealt with Trees. Plus Last Order/the Network, 545, AND Estelle helping him would be 3
Is Junko a mary sue?
He has 545 for magic shenanigans. He doesnt need a second magic tutor.
It is possible and likely. Anna, Aiwass and what they can contact/summon are likely the very final bosses of the story. We may (or may not) have plenty of stuff that feels unrelated to get through before we're off to deal with them, but they are likely final boss
He wants to really bad tho, he just won't doit for obvious reasons.
That's for Kamachi to decide, not you.
Yes yes user, Touma will just mysteriously not appear for about a dozen volumes or so. That sounds terribly likely. And Touma was definitely dead at the end of OT and we for sure werent going to see him for a long time, right?
If kamachi was going to give him a second magic assistant out of the blue he would at the very least have 545 admit to some gaps in knowledge to make it seem plausible beforehand. I'm not speaking personally when I say he doesnt need a second tutor, I'm speaking in the context of the story, Accelerator doesnt need a second person filling in the gaps for him. I would at least wait for a third arc in Accel to being estelle back before I assumed she was ever going to be anything more inportant than a one arc wonder though personally. But maybe thats just me.
>the nature of the series
My point exactly. The difference between Misaki and a few other girls like Itsuwa and Seria and the rest of the girls in the series is how few actual downsides there would be in Touma getting into a relationship with one of them.
>Misaki acts flustered arround Touma
Not to the degree you're asserting. She's still quite capable of sustaining a conversation and acting out her feelings.
Are you being retarded on purpose? I never said he won't appear. I'm just saying he's not going to have a day where he can just saunter into a bedroom and fuck a girl any time soon, and possibly never if Kamachi goes for a "he becomes beyond human/a concept", dead end, or "I don't give a fuck about shippers and won't actually put him with a girl" end
>my point exactly
No it isnt. I'm saying the series will have no romance at all for touma until possibly the very end because thats the type of series it is. You're buying into the bad luck meme too far which is an entirely different matter.
I was talking about a third series personally. And whether you think he needs a second teacher/resource or not doesn't mean Kamachi can't have him get one.
>55 dubs
Well, would you look at the meme magic acting out again.
Are you? Nearly every volume has moments of downtime and SoL no matter whats going on. Even in these hectic NT volumes where touma has barely eaten or slept we've still had times of Touma hanging out with his classmates (during a heatwave), somewhat seriously considering waiting out a storm in a bar, hiding out overnight with people, trips that took multiple days on a boat or RV. Etc. To say so confidently that Touma will just be trapped and kidnapped and never ever have even a single day to himself or to bounce off of other characters in a non serious manner is the height of idiocy and makes me question if you've even read the damn series.
>thinking dubs mean anything
Even Kakinefag doesnt go for dubs.
No, I agree that *if* the series has an actual closure for the romantic subplot it'll happen in the end, I'm just saying some girls have no chances by design because of the setting and some of Touma's core characteristics so far.
I know full well what you're talking about. The fact remains Estelle has been in literally one arc of a spinoff. The fact remains that 545 has been perfectly competent on her own so far. The fact remains that estelle's niche is already taken. And the fact remains that its more you going against the evidence of the series than me in trying to get a one arc wonder akin to Saronia to be relevant. Wait at least until the spinoff makes her more relevant than the kizuna ai twins before convincing yourself kamachi will bother doing anything with her.
Jesus we've got some stuffy assholes in this thread tonight don't we? Or maybe it's the same guy
And I'm telling you that that's silly. Because Touma doesnt actually have bad luck, and even if you want to buy that meme, the end of the series doesnt have to continue the status quo, so rather than saying that misaki wont win because "she's a nice catch and he wont get a good catch" instead point out how irrelevant and not particularly popular she is.
I'm not an obsessive NEET like him, though. I can't increase my chances by sheer statistics like him.
If we want to talk statistics, 1/11 posts are dubs. Thats not really anything worth celebrating generally.
He's commented about posting from the train station a couple times. So he's probably an university student going for GETs in class.
You're allowed to post headcanon and other people are allowed to tell you why your headcanon doesnt particularly make much sense. You're going to have to just live with that and grow some tougher skin.
That better be a typo.
>so dedicated that he goes for GETs during lectures
Mildly worrisome but pretty based
That's fine when "headcanon" isn't code for "I don't like this!"
11, 22, 33, etc. I dont see whats wrong with the math.
I mean, Touma kind of has two magic tutors. On the other hand, Accelerator is a genius, and Touma's this close to being held back.
I assume you're just passive aggresively posting about the current topic, so yes, that is indeed just headcanon. Unless you have something else in mind?
Who taught them how to use the internet? Aren’t they just children in terms of actual age?
This is true, but as soon as Touma got Othinus, Index took an even bigger step into the backseat. And she's now trying to do other things than just spouting magic knowledge for him. That seems to me like its kind of enforcing the idea Kamachi isnt particularly likely to go for the same niche twice for the same character.
You can teach them anything with Testament
I've seen too many "this is headcanon" arguments when the poster really meant "I don't really like/agree with this, so I'm going to call it headcanon" posts to really immediately take the side of anyone who says "this is headcanon"
Am I going crazy or is the art in Astral Buddy a lot different than the art in Railgun and Index? The characters look a lot better. It’s almost like it’s another illustrator altogether or the current one learned some new techniques and is using them in AB to test them out.
Your point about the ending not maintaining the status-quo is the only decent argument you've made so far. The rest is just stupid. In my opinion, if someone has chances of "winning" the Toumabowl that's Index, and she's not relevant at all either. In fact, none of the girls are both popular AND relevant. We're talking about an afterthought that isn't bound to affect the overall narrative anyway, but the story remaining coherent about it wouldn't come as a surprise. Also
>Not popular
The only three girls more popular than her in the series are kind of fucking awful partner material, which is exactly what fits Touma.
You planning on giving an actual reason you disagree or just whining that its "totally a bad argument"?
Touma is leveling up all this time. Each time he uses his arm means he's absorbing power perhaps?
>Am I crazy or does astral buddy have a different artist than the other manga?
Its both.
I forgot what it was called but wasn’t there a thing in Railgun where it could make you learn anything and even grow your boobs as seen with Mikoto and Saiai? Why did they stop making those? Those even now would be extremely valuable.
>Misaki proven to be top tier semen demon and good girl in index LN
>Misaki actually looks bad in railgun anime because it's from Misaka POV
>Misaki actually best girl in railgun manga. Saving Misaki, saving the sisters, reuniting dolly, and helping out various girls. Also about half the pop of Tokiwadai actually from IDEAL which Misaki helped save and protect. Literally BTFO Misaka as best girl in her own fucking series
>Misaki shown to be caring and best girl yet again in Astral
Hell Misaka ain't even the best Misaka.
Will, LO, 10032, and Worst are all superior Misakas in their own ways. Will especially so, she's the one that saved Touma at his lowest point.
Theorycrafting is quite literally headcanon so I dont know what to tell you. If you come up with a theory, and people use evidence from the novels to state why a theory seems unlikely, you're pretty much going to have to either adapt your theory or come up with counter evidence. You cant just whine about "being attacked" when thats the basic premise of how theories are discussed.
>“Dwah!! Wait, not my forehead hole! Silly master, why do you have to stick your finger there? Wait, two fingers!? Ah, don’t rub along the edge!! Is this cause you’re embarrassed, or are you serious? I can’t tell!!”
Why do you need to be this obnoxious about your shitposting?
Ohh, I see. I’ve always thought it was just Haimura Kiyotaka doing all the artwork for all the spinoffs and the original series. The person they got doing the art for AB is definitely a higher level anime artist. I’m not saying Haimura is had because he’s done his part and been around so long.
Okay, I think we can all agree Misaki is better than both of them combined but let’s not pretend Mugino is as cute as Mikoto.
Hahahahaha, Mikotofags really can't handle anything. What is obnoxius is this guy's post? How do you get mad over this holy shit, literally everyone post shit like that every ten posts but only you mikotofags get triggered. This is freaking hilarious.
Fucking hell I love how he draws Misaki.
Have we ever seen how Chuya draws her?
Did you know we’re all Mikotofags? Even you.
>I think we can all agree Misaki is better than both of them combined
Nah we can't.
I don't understand the very first line of NT20. Is there some extra twist coming with Coronzon still?
I just did. Why would you posit Misaki not wining is due to her not being relevant or popular enough when none of the other popular girls are relevant either? I could also propose a number of meta reasons why A or B couldn't or shouldn't win that aren't related to the story or characters at all, but I'd rather not play mindreader like you.
chapter's updated btw.
>Isnt support from a soft pair of boobs better than a hard cane?
This semen demon is going to be the death of me
>What is obnoxius is this guy's post?
The fact that (you) post the same exact shit every thread without any context?
Also, why do you refer to your shitpost in a third person? Are you trying to fool someone?
Do you not know how the word "or" works? Misaki is neither relevant nor popular was my point.
>"B-but she's like 5th or so"
Dont grasp at straws, only one girl is going to win so being not even in the top 3 is a death sentence when you're also not relevant nor particularly close to touma in the story either. My point was to use something more concrete rather than your personal and subjective thoughts on what the series' theme is.
>There was a horrible delay beforehand, but Hamazura Shiage managed to get some words out when faced with the clear threat of Academy City’s #1.
>He seemed to slap his pants pocket as he felt the somewhat solid sensation of the perfectly ordinary gum there.
>For a brief moment, his eyes managed to focus on his opponent.
Horrible thought here guys, but what if the gum isn't actually ordinary gum you could find anywhere?
Misaki looks bad in the Railgun anime PV because JC staff is shit. There's nothing remarkable about that.
Mugino is sexier than Mikoto, but Mikoto is cuter.
>“Magic God Niang-Niang…”
>“I’m here to play, Aleister.”
I am fucking hyped, who's gonna win the living failure or the magic jobbers
>It could be hard to tell since they both had highly effective attacks here, but these enemies would be quite difficult to defeat with normal methods. After all, they were masses of hair. They had no heart or brain. It was hard to imagine how shooting or stabbing them with a bullet or knife would ever defeat them.
Fun fact, this isn't the first time Touma and Mikoto have fought against an enemy who attacked them with her hair.
>Literally BTFO Misaka as best girl in her own fucking series
Only someone as delusional as a misakifag could believe this.
>“This isn’t Crowley, Coronzon, the Magic Gods, or the Golden cabal. …This life force circulation is so twisted and this magic power is so strange I’m not sure you can even call it human. Who is this!?”
Aiwass? In the first place I thought he can't be summoned now, since Aleister had to use all the concentrated AIM in AC last time?
>“All I care about is having fun. Kamisato Kakeru kind of stole your thunder, but you’d put together your own way of defeating Magic Gods, right? Show me what you can really do. Show me an attack that will shake me to the core!!”
>Kamisato really was the show-stopper of NT
>I'm finally fighting beside him yay
Why is misaka acting like this is the first time this has happened?
Oddly enough we have had zero spoilers for their fight
>Aliester hates the gods and has a move that can kill them
>Imma fight him
What is that purple idiot doing?
Misaki a pile of shit
>“Accelerator really doesn’t know how to hold back, does he?” “Eh? Eh? What’s happening? I just heard a disgusting name, he’s holding me in his arms, and I, eh, hweh, hwuh???”
Fuck you Mikoto Accelerator is a sexy name.
Rikou high on whatever horos did to her
Misaki gave her short term memory loss. That line from a few chapters ago was foreshadowing.
It's Rikou and Horos and her magic gizmo. They reached Hamazura.
>the translucent demon wrapped her arms around Accelerators neck from behind and rubbed her cheek against him
There was spoilers on the chinese forums but none on here.
This is why waifufags are cancerous fucks
>still salty about accel
>forgives fucking Aleister
You haven’t seen the world only god knows have you? Anybody can win and it’s probably somebody nobody would ever expect.
She probably knows it, too, and is just being tsundere
Joking aside, I wonder if she'll see Accelerator's wings/pushing out Coronzon or hear Will whenever it talks.
It makes sense in a way, if you were traumatized by something and someone, you'd find it difficult to get over that guy's guts more than say his father that set him down a bad path
>“Dwah!! Wait, not my forehead hole! Silly master, why do you have to stick your finger there? Wait, two fingers!? Ah, don’t rub along the edge!! Is this cause you’re embarrassed, or are you serious? I can’t tell!!”
I can't believe Kamachi got away with actual fingering in a light novel!
Of course Kamachi could toss everything out the window and have Alfar win out of nowhere, but that doesnt change my point that if you're going to say misaki wont win it would be easier to give reasons besides "I happen to think that the theme of the series is this".
Of course Accel would know what to do, she has plenty of experience with her own parts.
Aleister was the one who set that shit up in the first place. Accelerator would have been very different if Aleister hadn't literally molded Accelerator into what he needed
She didn't really forgive Aleister, even though it was still kind of awkward.
None of the girls are that close to Touma (romantically at least), so how's that supposed to be a deterrent?
>my point is more concrete
No it's not. It's contradicting even, because you're both arguing the ending doesn't have to abide by the status quo, but only because of a criteria (YOU) happen to think will be the deciding factor (i.e. popularity, relevance). I'm giving an admittedly subjective reasoning that's related to Touma as a character.
I cant believe that one piece of fanart of Accelerator fingering 545 was based on the novel and not just being lewd for its own sake. The amount of best girl points she's gotten in a single novel is honestly amazing.
In this case, it would be more like "the father brainwashed his kid into doing terrible things and the kid isn't fully responsible"
>Hamazura can barely stay conscious when "using" magic
>Tsuchi coughs up blood violently
>Mikoto gets a nosebleed
I thought Shiageluck was real
>The corridor wall was torn apart in a surprise attack.
>The person who made such an exciting appearance had long silver hair, brown skin, and bandages that were wrapped around her. Her bare foot had forced its way through the vector reflection barrier and kicked the #1 through the air. Her leg ended up twisted at an unnatural angle, but that did not keep her from laughing. The broken leg wriggled in a way no human leg ever should as the bone and joint were repaired. It happened so easily it was like seeing a balloon being inflated.
Neph is barefoot now? I thought she had those mummy heels. Wait how did she kick accel?
What a lewd girl to walk around with her forehead hole exposed
Read my post again but slowly. Hint; if you copy and paste for greentext instead of paraphrasing you wont change the meaning of my sentences so drastically.
She said it so politely, even though she she heard him in NT18.
Brainwashing is overexaggerating and is why Accelerator doesn't want anyone to blame Aleister over him. Aleister is more directly involved in Touma's like than Accel's.
She had her vectors manipulated but being a Magic God, she cares so little for pain that even as the force was pushing against her, she forced her leg to keep going. Hence why it was still horribly twisted. Basically she rebounded Accel from the redirection itself but still took battle damage anyways.
Magic Gods are battle freaks after all.
>Once the old gods are no longer worshiped, they become no more than evil spirits.
Is Othinus foreshadowing something here?
Is the rest of this chapter ridiculously long or something? Doesn't feel like we're at the end yet
The real danger for espers is when they try to convert their lifeforce into mana the way magicians do in order to use spells. Mikoto isn't doing that, and doesn't even know how to in the first place.
That statement itself goes against everything we’ve seen of how AC and Crowley operated.
She was pretty passive aggressive, honestly.
Accel didn’t do it consciously in NT3, but it still affected him there. There’s no good reason why the AAA should be different.
>“(I’m doing it. I’m really fighting alongside him! Yay!)”
That settles it, Misaka is retarded BEYOND any saving. We knew she was retarded, but this takes the cake. Disappointing.
Aleister would've only been indirectly pushing shit in the background, because he seemingly doesn't even believe Level 6 to exist, hence why he planned on Touma stopping him. Accel was a giant chunk of EXP for him
>horos wasn't lying about the telesma thing and cutting Coronzon down
Why didn't we do this first?
Because Mikoto's not really tapping into that part of it. She's pretty much just using it like a machine, instead of a magic mech. I mean, you'll notice the nosebleeds stopped just by linking with Misaki. I don't think that would prevent magic damage in the first place.
Isn't that why Kamachi had to make it impossible for him to remember her?
Otherwise he'd have to write or at least allude to multiple sex scenes each volume.
It really isn't an exaggeration. Unless you want to say Aleister was lying to mindfuck Touma,
which I suppose isn't outside the realm of possibility, he literally pushed for the city to be violent and corrupt. It also isn't false to say Accelerator would have been a completely different person if he had been left to his own devices.
She was just asking to "gain some experience points" really, it was a matter of time.
Is Neph ruining potentially good scenes supposed to be a running joke?
How does this make her retarded?
So I guess the spoiler js06 was talking about is the Aleister vs Niang-Niang fight then?
>She did not say anything more to him. Instead, Magic God Nephthys licked her lips, crouched low, and tackled Accelerator just as he was getting up beyond the broken wall. The two of them crashed through the wall beyond that. Since they immediately fell straight down, that must have been the opera house which was tall enough to take up space on the first through third floors.
>Tfw Accelerator got to taste Neph's cute feet face first
>Tfw he gets to wrestle with a naked brown mummy goddess
Lucky fuck.
It absolutely is exaggerating to say he brainwashed Accelerator. He barely ever even talked to him directly. He put him in situations that were likely to make him want power but he didnt brainwash him.
What was good about accel knocking out Shiage and moving on?
I think if we wanted to cut the bullshit and get down to brass tacks then it’s apparent that the Kamachi “wow, boys! We didn’t expect this girl to win” girls are in no order.
Besides those three it’s just between Index and Mikoto and no exceptions
He just wants to get mad at any scene with Mikoto
It seems like the nosebleeds were just to ramp up suspense, since she doesn’t have the problem now with Misaki sidelined again. In other words, it feels like Kamachi backed out.
You mean she made that scene? I don't need to hear the albino tongueclick again
>implying archetype controller didn't make Accel fight the clones
Yes, user, okay, Accelerator came out of his mother's womb screeching and demanding to kill clones. Aleister letting Kiharas and other asshole scientists, as well as assassins and thugs completely fuck up his childhood INTENTIONALLY was in no way a form of brainwashing. Aleister doesn't have to pop in Accelerator's bedroom at night and wave a magic wand to be directly responsible for brainwashing him.
He didn’t brainwash Accel *directly*, (besides Archetype Controller), but he approved every move made to turn Accelerator into a tool.
user please tell me you're being this stupid on purpose.
>we still haven't seen archetype controller
We can rule out that it's a weapon Aleister has, but what the hell is it? Almost seems like Kamachi is going for the angle of separating Aleister from the super secret stuff so he doesn't have to reveal them yet
There's still almost 150 pages left.
Accel is still at fault. For someone who is supposed to know how the "darkness" of AC worked, he let himself be manipulated.
>We can rule out it being a weapon
Oh? Where was that scene?
>150 pages for half a chapter
Kamachi forgot
Yes thats exactly what I said. He made situations that would make Accelerator more likely to go that route but he didnt brainwash him. If he had brainwashed him Accelerator wouldnt be feeling as guilty as he does. He knows at the end of the day he made the decisions even if he was guided there.
There's no reason to assume it is considering he could've used it in NT20 to make the Crowleys look like heroes instead of villains
What's stupid is believing Aleister has to directly talk to Accelerator or physically be near him to brainwash him. He approves literally everything that goes on in that city. He wanted Accelerator fucked up in the head so it happened. Just because Aleister didn't do it directly with a magic wand, handwave or whatever the fuck doesn't mean he's not responsible.
>because he seemingly doesn't even believe Level 6 to exist, hence why he planned on Touma stopping him
Think about how powers work in the setting before drawing misguided conclusions like this.
Oh so you were just misusing the term.
Accelerator would still feel guilty regardless.
Maybe it’s connected to the Archetypal World of one of the higher Sephirah?
I do.
Aleister being responsible for how Accelerator turned out is different from saying he brainwashed him.
Aleister literally sacrificed those bodies user
Oh god that's hot.
Not half as much as he does if he could easily tell himself that that wasnt him.
Me on the left.
This LN is being pretty good so far. Last LN was a borefest, but I'm enjoy Hamazura and Accelerator in this more than I ever did before.
>Everyone is trying to stop Coronzon
>Magic Cunts come in to molest and annoy the big players just cuz they wanna have fun and get their jollies satisfied
Hey can you maybe fuck off?
Brainwashing is closer to accurate. Every adult holds some responsibility to how a child turns out, but few mold them so maliciously and completely.
I really enjoy the times when Mikoto is forced to begrudging acknowledge Accelerator's existence. Still salty to the end.
Railgun s3 is going to be so fun compared to the dogshit we got with Index 3.
>Last LN was a borefest
You serious? NT21 was unironic kino
No, it isnt. Please look up words and how people use them before you bastardize them.
I feel like Mikoto is the only one who acts like an actual human in that respect and doesn't automatically forgive people. It's Kamachi's forgiveness fetish that makes her seem out of place.
No he would still feel just as guilty, even when he has accidentally killed someone like the first clone and the leader of Skill out in SS1 he felt guilty.
Nephthys is anti-kink too? Can she get any worse?
>He didn't like a Scottish autist fist fighting a little girl till their bones broke
dunno what to tell you man, but NT21 was kino.
Based Railfun
I really don't like how they've done Accelerator's wings in this season, they were much better done in S2. So i'm sorta nervous how they're gonna do Misaka 5.3.
>My meta headcanon reasons that the author totally confided to me are better and more objectiver than yours
Now you're just hoping to sound retarded. First of all, yes, Ladylee winning would be just as justified as Index or Mikoto winning because Kamachi has literally build zero foundations for any ship and unless you're claiming you have clairvoyance, there's no reason why you should claim with any confidence that Kamachi is just going to have the most popular girl win.
Do you perhaps need to look up what "just as" means?
Touching little white boys is her kink. Why else was she licking her lips?
The only one she doesn't automatically forgive is Accelerator. She's still got it in her mind that he's pure evil, despite the fact that he is on the 'good' side.
>Last LN was a borefest
You can tell how good NT21 was by it finally having its detractors like 8 or 18.
They’re not. It’s going to be 5% manga stuff and the rest is going to be fan service and anime original arcs and we're going to fucking love it.
Why are Nephtys and Niang so shit? They ruined the whole novel!
>Kamachi jokingly apologized after NT14 for Neph and Niang not joining a crew like a lot of girls do
>turns out they're the penultimate bosses of NT
So we all know Accel is going to bully Neph, now place your bet on Aleister vs Niang-Niang
Shut up and stop trying so hard to be a dumbass. Accept that you dont actually know what "the message" or "the theme" of the series is. Saying "misaki cant win because that doesnt fit the series" is far far far more groundless a claim than "misaki cant win because there are much more popular girls than her". You want to know why? Because one of these things (misaki being less popular) is objective, and one of these things (misaki would violate the theme of the series) is not. Stop wasting my time.
To be fair, Accelerator isn't the type to display his "goodness". There's no way for these two to get along just by surface interactions.
Aleister is going to kick his foot so far up Niang-Niang's coochie while screaming about 'MUH SPARKS' it won't even be funny. At least Accel vs Neph pre-wings seems like a more fair fight.
>like 8
You mean 9? Most people barely remember what happened in 8
No, I don't but I think you do.
>you will never wake up to this
I just don't like Mathers. He is boring.
The only good thing about NT21 was the ending with Corozon.
They are better this way.
Their inclusion so far has been a bit annoying and feels like it's to give Hamazura lee-way.
I'll give you a hint. Saying Accelerator felt a non zero amount of guilt at komaba doesnt help your argument.
I don't think Accelerator being on the "good" side necessarily means anything though. Mugino is also basically on the "good" side, she's still a psycho.
But she never actually outrights attacks him or whatever. Just because she knows he's a 'good' guy now isn't really a reason to not hate his guts.
Still waiting for Secret Chiefs to be vampires.
Samuel "A soggy ditch for every loli bitch" Mathers is fun though.
Or you know, they're there to spice things up since Magic Gods have been one of the main themes of NT, like angels in OT. But what do I know, it's all a conspiracy to help Hamazura, amirite?
Yeah, of course. The dragon was cool because it's a dragon and the ending was fucking hype but that's about everything I remember.
It sounds like it's a care of not letting go and being ignorant to his deeds. Unless they actually settled it instead of going 'muh responsibilities' like in NT3 Mikoto probably won't forgive him. But then again he's not looking for her forgiveness, but the clones.
Hamazura has a lot of luck, but I'm wondering if there is more to his luck than meets the eye. God doesn't play dice.
Why would Vampires be as strong or even stronger than MGs, though?
>He received some good advice from Everyone’s Big Brother: Kamijou Touma.
>“That’s right. It’s everyone’s big sister, Nephthys.
Is Neph Touma's big Sister or is Touma Neph's big brother? It can't be both.
Gabriel felt like a way bigger deal somehow in OT than these guys do here. Gabriel was taking on fucking everyone at once.
Sure. It just feels a bit drawn out at this point but I don't think they'll be around for much longer so I guess enjoy them while you can.
Clearly they're fraternal twins
I never said he felt non zero amount of guilt over Komaba. I'm saying he did feel guilt over it like he did with the first clone he did, despite them both being accidents or not really his doing. He still felt guilt that the first sister died because of his reflection and he still felt guilt over Komaba even though Komaba killed himself using Accel's reflection.
So I'm saying that no matter what Accelerator would have felt guilty.
Vampires are supposed to have infinite magic power just like Magic Gods do.
Neph has a few thousand years on the lad
>both times neoh has stepped in this novel have directly been to bail out hamazura
You dont need to be a conspiracy nut to notice a pattern that obvious user.
>replying to bait
>I didnt say non zero I said some undetermined amount
Who cares. Thats not what the words "just as much guilt" means.
Yeah and the last time she appeared it was also to help Accelerator, but it doesn't count because everyone in the universe revolves around big bad Hamazura.
>God doesn't play dice.
The only bait I reply at is when Awaki is fighting and her top looks like it’s goung to fall off but it doesn’t. She knows what she’s doing.
I'd like to believe its bait but quite a few people seem to legitimately have their heads that far up in the clouds
Accelerator is not Mugino.
>That monster grinned while making a weapon out of the sparks and spray that the silver girl loathed more than anything else.
Oh Niang-Niang. Now you fucked up.
In their defense they are cherry picking people that can actually hurt them. They could basically stand still let anyone else attack them and it would do no good.
Neph can absolutely rape Accel pre-wing though, so the first half of the fight is probably Accel fighting a defensive battle and keep losing ground. Aleister vs nerfed Niang actually seems more balanced, with Aleister being able to kill Magic God but suffers injuries whenever he uses magic (plus he's already pretty beaten right now after Orsola and Mathers)
Mikoto is cute, but Mugino has the adult sexiness and a cuteness that is hard to place and appreciate. She's actually a misunderstood yan. If Hamazura picked her she would have been 10/10 waifu material. Rocking bod, strongest esper, best style, looks sexy yet aggressive in public, yet demure and willing to please at home/bed, also loves cooking, etc etc.
On the other hand Mikoto is indeed cuter. Again her cuteness needs a certain taste to appreciate.
Misaki has no such flaws. Bomb body, easy to understand and superior tsun to yan, and cute the very easy to see visual/audio way.
Neph literally is on good terms with hamazura and directly talked to him both times she bailed him out. How stupid are you.
And all of them put together are equal to one Saten Ruiko.
>misunderstood yan
that has to be the most retarded statement I have ever seen
I don't think she's referring to THE Old Gods, rather than how the Fairy Spell worked against any pagan gods. At least not yet
I didn't say it's the message or theme dumbass, I said being unlucky is part of Touma's character. Learn to read, you babboon.
>Misaki can't win because it doesn't fit the theme of the series
Never said that. I said she can't win because she doesn't fit with Touma. Another way to look at it it's that she's way too convenient for him, which is far more the core of my claim rather than being a good catch or not.
>Kamachi totally told me the most popular girl is going to win, brah
(YOU) are the one wasting my time, you illiterate muppet.
If you hadnt noticed MP has been nipping at heels looking for replies for a while now
Probably. If she's able to ignore battle-damage like she just showed and regen fucked up limbs she's a bit of a counter for current Accel who relies on making your entire heart explode in one touch, which I doubt would work on a Magic God. But I guess that's circumvented by the new power-up. What I mean about Aleister vs Niang-Niang is Aleister already bamboozeled the Magic Gods hard as fuck and the idea of going up against only one, nerfed, feels a bit like overkill. But then again I didn't acknowledge the magic injuries Aleister currently has so it's probably more even than I thought.
Eh, I dunno. Like I said, I think it's due to the way Kamachi writes characters and forgiveness arcs. I don't think the average person would forgive Accelerator in that kind of situation. I know I wouldn't and I don't feel like i'm some massive outlier from the rest of humanity in this regard.
Not saying that, i'm saying that someone being on your side doesn't necessarily make you like them. You can agree with someone you hate in real life and more often than not you just feel annoyed about it.
OT2 did say since vampires are natually immortal and are still living, they'll have infinite life force i.e. infinite mana. My headcanon is that amongst the Magic God there should ve at least 1 or 2 that are vampires. It'd actually be weirder if there isn't any, considering there're a bunch that are originally humans and vampires have a much stronger aptitude to magic than humans
I did but I think she’s cute so I don’t mind responding.
There is functionally no difference between either statement. What a dumb hill to die on.
>kamachi totally told me
I havent claimed shit dick wipe. All I've claimed is that your idea on what you think is true about the series whether you want to call it the theme touma's charater or whatever, is NOT objective or set in stone. You do NOT know that kamachi thinks touma's bad luck meme that you're buying extends to him not getting x y or z girl. You simply dont. So you are making two assumptions to my one.
niggers. misaki will win. she's best girl
>he thinks he'll outlive the series
She’s a girl!
So you are basically saying everything is Accelerator's fault? So he's also at fault for Coronzon's actions? For Aleister's actions? Might as well blame him for all the bad things that happened in AC.
It feels like narratively vampires became Magic Gods. Since the whole thing with vampires in OT2 was that 1. Nobody had ever met one and lived to tell about it and 2. They were absurdly stronger than everyone else. So basically the same narrative position as the Magic gods.
Kamachi has written sex scenes for every character, the biggest one right now is the Mikoto Touma sex scene that he started writting since they had that fight in OT1, its over 1000 pages now
Me personally, I could see myself finding some parts of myself to forgive the guy if I learned that his entire mind is basically racked and fucked up from the guilt of his actions and his entire being after that is to make up for what he has done. But like I said, I feel like it's Mikoto's ignorance that keeps her from seeing it any other way. Even then though it's not like she /HAS/ to forgive him, it'd probably take a bit of the resentment but sometimes things just never go away regardless of whether it's 'made right'.
There could be vampire magic gods. I don't believe it was ever stated that True Gremlin were all the magic gods, since some of them could've just made their own phases to not nuke the universe
What power level realistically are vampires in this series when they show up? Upper level magician level?
Magic gods are all literal shit. They're too powerful to be used in an earnest and satisfactory way, so they end up being plot devices like cosmic beings in Marvel comics so they're always gimped is such an annoying "I'm not even trying, lol" way, but they're also not nearly mysterious or high concept enough as to the craft the story around and have the cast react to them like the latter. They were quite clearly unneeded at best and a full-fledged mistake at worst.
Nah, I didn't say anything about anything being his fault or not, I said whether or not a reasonable person (who thinks like a real person and isn't basically a saint) who was placed in Mikoto's position in the series would forgive him. The other thing is a totally separate conversation. I mean you have outliers, like this one mother I read about who ended up forgiving her son's killer and befriending him, but that's how like 0.01% of people actually act.
I wonder how Misaka will feel if she ever learns of Will, Last Order, Misaka Worst and the third tree. I bet she's going to be even more salty than ever before with Accel. I wouldn't be surprised if after she learns of him being shot in the head and having to rely on the Misaka network that she tells the Sisters to turn it off.
There is only one world with many phases painted on it like stained glass. Considering how ecstatic the gods were about something like WR existing between the film reels, and how artificial a place it was I think its pretty darn safe to say that there are no gods lurking in some pocket dimension besides the sekrit club.
I don't know user, that's what we're theorizing
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this.
It's a shame there's no art of Alicia.
The epilogue isn't all that short.
Are they attractive because they all guaranteed have fangs?
I don't feel this way but I feel like they've over-stayed their welcome at this point and I hope after this Volume, their arc/storyline is wrapped up.
If she learns of Will and doesn’t make the connection that Crowley intended to kill a certain number of clones from the start, there really is no hope for her.
The thing is though I don't think he particularly cares if she forgives him or not. She's irrelevant to him. He knows he can never truly be forgiven as only the dead can forgive and they can't.
When Neph is bullied, she cries.
The entire MG arc was them trying to snag Oni-chan just for themselves and jealousy over Othinus, covered by HP being the best girl.
MG's are definitely behaving like the younger siblings here.
Now if we add Ayylamo's statement about eternity of "Kamijou Touma" we can deduct that Neph is a cute little sister to our “God Purifying Demon Prison”.
This. I don't think it's a case of Mikoto being salty for salty's sake. I think she's just completely ignorant of a large part of that situation. I think a part of her knows it's not all Accelerator's fault and that he's probably been fucked by AC, but she doesn't know that for sure.
>Mikoto finds out the guy whose guts she hates is loved by the entire network
>Mikoto questions their taste in men
I wouldn't be surprised if an average vampire is around saint / GRS level, not including Fiamma. Top vampires might reach angel / magic gods level though
>tfw too alive to go to Valhalla but too dead inside to care
I mean she already hated the board of directors all the way back in the Sister's Arc, so that's not really a super big issue, the question would more be if she cared about Accelerator being lied to about them not having feelings and shit.
Basically yeah, that was my point that it's irrelevant whether she does or not to him. But I do feel like it's a bit of a missed opportunity to not have more interactions.
It would be scary to have freaks like that around you. They’re thousands of years old and not human at all besides in looks it’s basically like having two gorillas by you that could hurt you at any moment that are intelligent. Get them the fuck away from me and get me in a hotel room with Kuroko RIGHT NOW!
Will/Last Order has to be the one that forgives him. Will's already confirmed she's pulling for him to be forgiven. All she's waiting on is for him to mature a bit and then formally ask. And the formal asking is probably just proof he's maturing. Let him be mature enough to handle the 10 second sting that waiting for her answer will cause.
How would she even know that Will exists because of the 10d sisters when even a literal god oversaw her existence
Are they really going to stick with the red shorts for some reason?
She still doesn't know the real reason he joined the project. She still thinks that he did it simply to gain power for powers sake. She also also saw what Accelerator did in person and it traumatised her. I don't know if she could ever forgive him but that doesn't mean they can't move on.
That’s true.
I think the series is likely to end with the two of them still just avoiding eachother.
Hopefully the sprinklers turn on if you know what I mean.
>tfw the final battle is a walk in the park except for that freeloader in your hand acting up
Not that guy. What you said is probably true, but orthinus and her arc was actually good. I liked it. If you don't then you have shit taste.
Idk, I'm really enjoying the Magic God scenes in recent volumes though. The Majin brawl in NT17 is probably my favorite scene of that entire volume. Nep and Niang's yuri scenes in NT21 are pretty entertaining, and the various fights against the Magic Gods this volume are all really hyped as well. Although they do seem like plot devices to give Coronzon's side a boost by fighting against the protagonists
Mikoto isn't completely stupid. She probably knows there was some behind the scenes bullshit going on, but she obviously doesn't have details or even a confirmation her suspicions are correct.
JC Staff will cut any corner they can
I know what you mean
I think it's worth remembering that Mikoto watched him kill two of them. Those images probably come up when she sees him.
Which is funny, because in the "perfect world" Othinus made, those two got along just fine.
Hamazura and Magic God parts are really forced this volume
The sixth will take care of Accel. Cap it.
The Othinus Arc was good, but I feel like the rest of the Magic Gods were unnecessary. I guess Aleister needed something to rebel against though.
Still though, none of the rest of the Magic Gods have ever felt as interesting or overwhelming as Othinus did when she first got her full power.
I'm not saying they aren't entertaining or bad, but I feel like keeping them around after this would be beating a bit of a dead horse, especially with the Secret Chiefs coming in. I feel like their novelty and usefulness will have worn off, and as the 'Aeon' is advancing, they need to be obsolete. I like their interactions with the cast and Neph tickling Accelerator all these times, despite being an Accelfag, is really cute.
More than everything tho i'm still mad about High Priest.
It's more about what Mikoto wants to believe rather than her being downright stupid.
Don't forget about Index too!
Yeah, that's why I said 'some things just don't go away' but that doesn't mean she can't move on as Accelerator is learning to do.
That’s because Othinus is blonde but she has no money to go shopping with. She had to take her natural urge to spend money and use all the energy elsewhere so she just became a god and destroyed the world.
Wait until the book is over
I'm just remembering that the shorts were the right color in Index II. This seems like such a weird decision.
How dare you. We’d never forget about Index. Her name is in the title.
Well yeah but that was the whole point of that scene, the perfect world can't happen without time travel. None of the Sisters died there either so Mikoto never saw him kill anybody.
NT > OT.
She should have just become friends with Kongou.
Yeah, I can see her pushing "Touma good, Accelerator bad" in her black and white mind. Which is funny, because the very guy she worships would call that type of thinking bullshit if he actually had time to register it and respond
>buying things instead of plundering them
Its already enough to judge
Nice headcanon
Oh sorry. Wait until the book is over, shitposter.
Imo, OT22 < OT21 and NT22 >= NT21
Nice asspain, for whatever reason
Judge NT21 before chapter 4
It’s only enough after the first three volumes. If you got that far you’re far enough along to give an opinion
Oh sorry, its already enough to judge
I barely consider OT 20-22 to even be different books. They're entirely continuous.
>Touma questions her taste in men
>Describes Accel's good points
>They are all perverted and sound as if he wanted to see Accel in a skirt
Yeah that NT22 >>> Anything OT has shat out
Still better than OT21
I didn't even said NT22 was bad, nice asspain though
Ww3 in general is overrated. I didn't particularly find much of it to be standout material. Accelerators scene was nice, and Fiamma was smug, but its really not amazing and hell there are better volumes in OT nevermind NT.
I have enjoyed pretty much all of their antics, but they are plot devicing really hard this volume. Neph makes sense because she is clearly protecting hamazura and might be powering up accel given that one line. It's not clear what Niang Niang is doing. Magic gods definitely have great importance in the lore/narrative and are completely necessary. They created the phases that cause the sparks(crowley's main motivation. They are the apex of the magic side and acted as an opposite to level 6/system ect. Even when explaining the secret chiefs magic gods were the go to. They have been the measuring stick for the higher power levels for a while now which helps keeps thing straight in that regard. You can't really do that with people like Fiamma/accel who largely run on "If my power works on you I win and if it doesn't I lose."
That has nothing to do with what I said
I just judged NT21 before chapter 4
It was a nice detail in a novel I disliked.
>It's not clear what Niang Niang is doing
being a dick
But is it sexy?
I think part of the reason it's so highly looked at is that it had probably the best Touma Morality moments up to that point. Since the comparison between Touma and Fiamma felt actually relevant and it wasn't just Touma saying that hurting people is bad, which is what most of his prior speeches were.
Remember, MGs don't care about the MCs. Niang was also gonna destroy AC before Kamisato stopped her.
Hence why I feel like their novelty has warn off after this volume desu. Also their motivation has always been 'I like fighting so please beat me up nice and good'. Niang-Niang is just a dick who wants to get dicked and Nephyths wants to make whoever she fights stronger from their mistakes.
But I hope Kamachi retires them after NT.
No, its just cute. What's sexy is her trying to get Accelerator to lean into her fat chest and getting fingered.
>Tfw Othinus's perfect world literally had Accelkoto
Fuck you Touma you selfish prick. LITERALLY. BILLIONS OF SMILES GONE.
It doesn't matter if Mikoto hates Accelerator cause we all know at the end, she will hate fuck him in frustration when she eventually gets cucked by Index. Just like how Mugino will hate-fuck Kakine when Hamazura eventually tells her to fuck off.
Misaki cucks herself by default. Being a level 5 is truly a sad fate.
Why did Touma and MisaMisa look so cute in that image? How am I supposed to sexualize their interactions like this?
Mikoto and Misaki already cucked Index
Otjinus already cucked Index
Lolaleister will fuck Stiyl and cuck Index from that too
Reminder that the Magic Gods are having a big orgy in WRland and Nep and Niang are missing out
Think what would Kuroko do.
Nepth and Niang were the town bycicle though
Did she also knock back Accel in the process?
It's okay they're being pounded by Esper cock as we speak.
That’s how I live my life.
Mikoto is far more likely to fuck the lewd blonde cow out of frustration and shoce several science babies in her than Accel who already has several girls all over his dick
>Implying Mikoto and Misaki won't unleash their pent up lust into one another
The signs are all there.
Right into a wall. So apparently you can just force your way through if your crazy/powerful enough.
Yes, she got through his auto-defense by ignoring the initial reflection. It's not really practical honestly but Neph can handle it due to her retarded MG regeneration. I wouldn't expect anyone else to be able to do so willy-nilly since the reflection still clearly happened.
Yeah, I assume Accelerator's reflection just doesn't work right against her like how it didn't work right against Gabriel.
It seems like she more so knocked his bubble of reflection around than him though. Accelerator didnt actually look like he took any damage from being blasted through the wall or getting kicked.
Only because MG's give 0-shits about pain, and the kick was clearly weak enough not to burst her entire body to paste upon reflection so there wasn't enough damage to be taken and she was able to keep going. It's not a matter of 'if you're powerful enough' it's a matter of 'making sure you don't overkill otherwise you're still taking that reflection to your tits'.
I don't think you can get through reflection by just ignoring damage. Someone else would have tried that by now. I think it's like how Gabriel's attacks sort of got through.
One Arm Touma was the most pure and cute thing ever. He was getting look after by two girls like he was their king. Not only that, but Touma lost both IB and his right hand and it still wanted to fight Corozon. Bless him!
Can you beat Accel by punching harder?
My take ? You all think too much and all these years arguing about shit on Yea Forums made your brain rot and lose the simple ability to simply enjoy things for what they are even and especially if flawed.
You probably can if it's like a regular kick. Also, Neph isn't a human like most other MGs.
Maybe, that's just how I interpret it but I know that she clearly still took battle damage so it's not a matter of 'be powerful > reflection'. Otherwise Accel would be dead by that kick.
>Index ruined that scene
she must be burned at the stake
There's no way i'd still be reading this shit after eight years if I was reading it by myself
>You probably can if it's like a regular kick
Yeah bro just turn your pain sensors and ignore kinetic force being thrown back into you bro.
No but you can beat Accel by kissing him and making him flustered.
Considering all the limitations that Kamachi has introduced for Accel vectors, I think it's time to formally and finally abandon the silly notion that he can beat The Flash.
Hamazura can beat The Flash though
>Her bare foot had forced its way through the vector reflection barrier and kicked the #1 through the air.
>forced its way through the barrier
I thought this was agreed on like, a decade ago.
He took zero damage from the attack though. So its more about Accelerator not being an immovable object. If anything the only real possibility this opens up is repeatedly punching him around like a pinball into space, rather than actually hurting him.
pls no, not again
>The world had been a little too kind to that Japanese high school boy, so she clacked her front teeth together to put a stop to it.
Speed still hasn't been shown as a limitation and if The Flash tried what Neph did he would end up with a broken body. The Flash, as far as I can tell, can't regenerate broken limbs like a magic god.
Accelerator hasn't got anymore limitations than he didn't have before.
>makes the flash slip on Mugino
Recently it seems like Accel has gotten a weird damage buffer defense under his initial reflection, which makes sense that even if you get through, he could displace the actual force itself elsewhere so no damage is inflicted.
Considering how hard strong magic gods are, and how mangled Neph's foot was, it seems that the only thing Flash could do is knock back Accelerator before losing his entire fucking arm
You should probably wait on that since he still had to pick himself up. She could very well kick him harder and tear him in half.
I want to lick Kongou's pits and not even an armpitsfag. She's that hot to me
Doubtful he'd even knock him back before having been turned to paste entirely since the initial reflection still went through.
He didn't, he was in mid-flight through the wall and then she tackled him.
Cant The Flash be fast enough to pull back his punch and be faster than his reflection?
I mean, he out ran Death
>says Accelerator doesn't want a lover
>Last Order clearly has a sweet kid crush on him (I thought this long before the manga scene.) (Also note this doesn't have to be sexual. Hee crush =/= she wants sex)
>Worst has alluded to being willing for sex
>545 basically helping him learn what flirting is
Kamachi please
Knocking him over =! Hurting him
I don't think he's done with this. Putting aside the constant "demonic" comparisons, Mikoto apparently has control taken away from her no less than three times in this novel, and the last one is basically a worst case scenario for her where she's forced to attack someone she cares about. We saw from the second time that she's scared and not sure what to do, and the only people she feels she can trust about it are Touma and Misaki. But we also know there's not really a whole lot those two can probably do to help with this. Mikoto can either keep doing what she's been doing, and continue risking what happens in this novel, give up the AAA and risk helplessly watching people she cares about die to something too strong for her to stop, or seek out someone she probably can't trust at all, like what's happening with Rikou and Madame Horos. It's a no win situation at the moment as each choice could lead to terrible results.
Othinus arc is only good if you reduce it vol 8+9, forget about its buildup novels, and completely scratch the atrocity that was NT 10.
>Mikoto using her power to make her muscles go faster
What a fucking cheat, she should be banned for life
545 doesnt really seem to be teaching him what flirting is so much as flirting so hard he cant ignore it. Though he still tries to. Its not like he's been confused at what she's doing, he knows full well.
Kamachi is a trapfag. it was apparent since the sister's arc
The 'pull back' retardation strategy needs to stop since only Amata can replicate it.
I was about to say you can use your powers, but I think I remember something about Level 5s not being allowed or something
The Flash has enough reaction time to pull it out, thats how retarded he gets
The Kihara counter works on precision not speed.
>She did not say anything more to him. Instead, Magic God Nephthys licked her lips, crouched low, and tackled Accelerator just as he was getting up beyond the broken wall
I'm not saying for sure, but there's been a decent amount of wrong assumptions this volume. Maybe waiting a minute instead of making claims like "it definitely didn't hurt him" wouldn't hurt.
>seek out someone she probably can't trust at all, like what's happening with Rikou and Madame Horos.
Doesn't this imply that Kamachi won't take that route? Why would he have her take the same route that Rikou is taking?
He doesn't because he doesn't know where the reflection begins, first and foremost. So no.
My mistake.
It’s one of Touma’s few relationship options where he’s the dominant, so I don’t blame him.
It's hard because it's still so unclear how strong Magic Gods are now. A real Magic God could obviously kill Accelerator literally any way she fucking wanted. But I still have no idea how strong nerfed Magic Gods are actually supposed to be.
>not going for a switch relationship where you and your partner are dom on different days
Shit taste
Well since Accel's face is not caved in or unconscious we can recognize that it wasn't a very strong kick to begin with. I always considered nerfed Magic Gods to be able to destroy the planet 10x over but not much else beyond that.
>hurr durr the world literally conspiring against Touma being too happy or too comfortable isn't part of his character
There you go faggot. No big tits one-sans for Touma.
>not being a reverse-trap fag
It was my understanding that their widespread creation is limited but their raw firepower is about the same. Like they can blast everything to high hell but then be stuck floating in nothingness.
Yes, he doesn't seem to like her flirting, but it does seem he's got a notepad and pencil out.
How you could use your powers depended on the competition. So the rules are event dependent.
Yeah, and more to the point, Mikoto wouldn't even know where to look for someone like that. I wasn't saying it was something likely.
It depends if the Magic Gods are serious, right now Neph is only really playing with Accel. It's too bad when she does get serious he has his power up.
Are you still on about this crap?
Why is no one talking about Misaka's butt?
If Accel didnt like her flirting he wouldnt be tickling her, tolerating her cuddling and fingering her forehead hole mate. He's at least neutral about it. Accelerator isnt about to blush and start doushio-ing so this is really about as positive a reaction as you can expect.
>Accelerator gets to fight all these stronk opponents, which by virtue, is powering him up
>Kakine still at the bottom of the ocean and Beetle is grooming loli's
Literally how can he recover?
>Mikoto isn't completely stupid.
kek no. mikoto stupid af
Too busy fapping to it
>grabbing boobs with both hands
>"kill me now" face
What the fuck is wrong with this twerp?
>Yeah, and more to the point, Mikoto wouldn't even know where to look for someone like that.
Lessar, if Kamachi remembers that the two of them know eachother. I guess Birdway.
Oh fuck, I want fucking Etzali to show up out of nowhere.
Based Mikotochads dont need to soil themselves on this shit thread filled with people calling asspull at anything they dont like
Index doesnt knows shit about it and much less about its interaction with the machine
Lessar would probably not even care
She doesnt really knows Birdway
She doesnt knows Etzali exists
>I wouldn't be surprised if after she learns of him being shot in the head and having to rely on the Misaka network that she tells the Sisters to turn it off.
Misaka ain't a cunt like that.
>original is superior anyways
Mikoto is literally the worst misaka incarnation outside of raw power.
it's kinda cute
That's why I'm into AoKami
Nerfed Magic Gods can casually throw planet-buster attacks given the NT17 brawl.
Actually she pretty much is.
lel no. everyone hates kakine.
If he liked her flirting, he'd respond. It reads to me like he's found a new aspect of socialization and is simply taking notes to use on someone else should they exist either now or in the future
But user, he does. I just pointed out two examples where he does. Just because Accelerator hasnt literally flipped 545 onto a table and fucked her brains out doesnt mean he hasnt responded in a way. Any more of a response from him would honestly be extremely out of character considering how much of a "cool" or "I dont care" attitude he normally gives off.
One of Kamachi's running gags is that Mikoto and Index don't really understand each other unless they are talking about Touma. Even in this vol we had it with Mikoto's burnable trash comment. It's a bit of a weird gag, because despite being the magic side heroine and the science side heroine, as living humans they do have more in common than just Touma regardless of Mikoto not understanding magic and Index being befuddled by technology.
I mean, she knows the "fake Unabara Mitsuki" existed, since the real one came up screaming to warn her back then. But not that he was a magician or anything like that.
>Kakine is implied to have suffered a tragedy similar to Accelerator and failed to protect someone and/or killed in some unjust experiment
>Beetle 05 is implied to be closer to the original Kakine's intenets before said tragedy occured
Now I really need a Kakine side-story.
1AM brain malfunctioning time. *Intents
Though the burnable trash comment and that comment of Othinus saying Coronzon hates microplastics makes it seems like Mikoto would understand an explanation by Othinus
Yes, because I'm still right and you're still wrong.
>talking about non-existent things
I feel like Othinus and Mikoto would actually probably get along really well. They don't really have any personality conflicts. Aside from Touma.
Ignoring that you're conflating Index's character role to Touma's character for your stupid argument, you really need to learn how to let go.
He tolerates Last Order being close too. He also said "Who are you trying please by doing that?" to Worst, which is about as much effort as the forehead hole.
Japan's Light Novel Rankings: Second Week (Physical Sales) March 11 - 17
Shinyaku To aru Majutsu no Index New Testament Volume 22 Ranked Best Seller This Time
Sold 18,341 Copies and 32,264 Copies in Total on The 2nd Week
Source: ranking.oricon.co.jp
>telling off worst for acting lewd is the same as accelerator literally grabbing 545 by the foot and tickling her until ahe cries, and teasing her forehead hole until she moans
I really dont know what to say
Forgot the image
Think she's alive?
And Mikoto is a battle freak while Othinus being a God of War
So thats 32k together with the first week? Remind me what the last volume was, is this an upswing or more of a sideways movement
She's probably gonna be possessed by Coronzon as a way to get out of her own body and fuck up Aleister for stealing, then get Kihara'd cuz jobber demon
>only 32k even with anime airing
Indexbros...this can't be happening....
Literally everyone has moved to digital and that only counts physical sales, nice try shitposter
Damn, That's a pretty good jump, honestly.
I hope they're gearing up to start giving us more Accel anime info as season iii wraps up.
Where's Index?
Anyone significantly faster than Accel can pull the Kihara thing too, right? Flash can one shot Accel via the above, right?
Ultra Instinct makes the user pull back ( thus killing Accel? )
Still can't believe they tried marketing Kakine of all characters
Do you not realize "Who are you trying please by doing that? Yourself?" can easily be interpreted as baiting for more lewd as well as telling off? And the ticking and shit can also be interpreted as a telling off as well as playful teasing?
In the trash where she belongs.
>caring to bond with anyone besides cat cock and my emotional hosta...I mean muh understander
Ken, no.
Kihara punch has nothing at all to do with speed.
I cant say I can see that statement as being Accelerator teasing worst and low key asking to be teased more no. Even if I agreed with you there, it just doesnt seem to be on the same level as tickling and fingering.
Neck = yourself.
Would you just stop with this! How many times does one have to tell you that speed is not a factor in the 'pulling back your punch technique'?
You can be as fast as you like but if you don't know when exactly and I mean exactly to pull your hand back and the right moment before it hits his vector field, either the attack is going to be fully reflected or you're going to end up with a broken hand or worst
Ultra instinct doesn't give knowledge.
Thanks for clearing that up Aleister
Except you need to pull your hand out before the field register your attack as a vector towards accel
>has the best animated fight in Index III
Its weird, but they REALLY like Kakine and I REALLY like that fact. Kakine is going to comeback very soon due to this fact.
Who's the samefag?
Stop shitposting and discuss how Niang is going to job against Aleister
No, clearly XYZ NPC loli #32353454646 is more important that Kakine.
Memes aside, it's actually puzzling how Kamachi is unable to capitalize on the extremely dynamic plot-point that is Kakine in general. He could literally fit Kakine into any conflict point, shit this guy was causing enough problems to bother fucking Aiwass yet we keep getting little bread crumbs like him wanting to control AC, thinking that a new age will begin with him, thinking of himself as a scum and so on.
Probably further up the magic side wall. I imagine Fiamma was next though.
No thats not how it works
Aleister fingers her chink pussy
Well Niang-Niang seems to say 'shake me to the core!' so I suspect Aleister is going to grow a futacock from his current body and mess her insides up real good.
Isn't Kakine in the top 10 popular males in the series? Pretty sure someone posted a poll not long ago and they had only people like Accel,Touma, Kamisato and Thor above him
Yeah he's rank 10
>Causing problems to bother Aiwass
No? I only want to learn what kind of person Kakine was with a small side-story at the very least.
It's not like there's all that many male characters
>Accelerator anime is 2 cour
>filler is anime original Kakine backstory that contradicts novels
>argument over whether its canon or not ensues, most people dismiss it
>Kakinetard becomes MP 2.0
Reminder that Accel is asexual and anyone using him as a self insert is basically a cuck.
He was within the top 15 of all characters in ALL Kamachi series and in the top ten of all Kamachi male characters.
Kakine is going to get a lot of love soon, and no anti-Kakinefags will change that.
Let's be honest, literally no one will complain if Accel anime has filler that contradicts the novel because it's not Mikoto.
What would filler in the Accel anime even look like?
Entire SoL arc.
Scavenger doing sentai shenanigans
Probably just Estelle shit really
He fingered Qliphoth nice and good though, that's kinda sexual bro.
Coronzon might show up.
Unironically more backstory about why Hitokawa tried to kill herself
Please don't do a high priest on Niang Niang Kamachi, I like her.
Scavenger sucking old man dicks for money, with MH pimping them out as borderline free slut brigade.
>This is not about money, it’s about the message.
I like how the few as it was people who did enjoy the idea of Accelerator getting a girl got "he has no dick", "Touma will take her" or something negative like that screamed at them but everyone and their mother seems to be ok with him fucking 545
better than Index 3
Probably because there seems to be more of a reaction to 545 in story as well. Its a bit harder to claim he's totally asexual when the story itself says he "helped 545 gain some experience"
Because demons are the way to go. Forbidden fruit is always the most delicious.
Sales would be better if the anime wasn't so shit
>Accelerator cracked his neck while surrounded by a blizzard of 50 below.
So Accel can at least put up with temperatures 50 degrees below freezing.
I personally believe he will get a girl and it will be because of 545's influence/behavior. In other words, she just jump started him.
I am not okay with it. That is his new adoptive daughter. Accelerator's one true love is Touma.
Nep would probably bawl her eyes out of Niang was offed for good.
Then the world will implode because of her tear
Logically he shouldn't be bothered by any temperature whatsoever, honestly.
>Stood in the middle of a fucking thermal iron-sand knife wall of fire which could perform surgery on a fucking city
>stood in the middle of a dust explosion and walked out
Don't sell it short. Disrespect to Kakine in the form of Nagai'ish filler would be disregarded from me. I would take some good Kakine filler though
Clones and Accel have an iffy backstory if you are about that, LO also conflicts with some of the clones having an uncontrollable dicklust towards Touma which naturally creates such scenarios.
Jewstelle and 545 have no connections or correlations with Touma.
OTP wins anyway.
>“Um? Well, that would be because you and some other non-British forces were showing up. Three Academy City Level 5s and an A.A.A. were there. Although that puny little Imagine Breaker was killed pretty much instantly, so who knows how useful any of that would’ve been. Peh heh.”
>“Okay, I just stepped on a landmine! And not just some anti-personnel or anti-tank one either!! This was clearly a nuclear landmine, so I am seriously sorry for what I said!!!!!!
>>What is that purple idiot doing?
Having a fight that she actually has the possibility of losing? Some people might enjoy crushing the weak but that has to get boring after thousands of years.
That's heat but there have been debates about whether or not Accelerator could handle cold temperatures. It looks like he can so someone like Uiharu, even at level 5 probably couldn't defeat him by changing the temperature since temperature at all doesn't seem to affect him.
I don't see why it would. If he can block out sound and UV lights I don't see the reason why he can't block out temperatures and the like unless there's a science to 'cold' that I'm unaware of. Not sure how far absolute 0 would go though. I assume he'd need to get warm though eventually unless he's able to keep all the heat on his body (logically he should be able too.)
None of these characters can beat the flash The Justice league is dealing with the destruction of the multiverse right now we just learned flash has the potential to collapse hyper time and use both the speed and still force at the same time in Justice league #20
>Uiharu, even at level 5
Now Accel is naked, without his choker and is surrounded by 60 niggers.
Don’t fuck with level 5 Weeharu.
Cool, so when is that getting retconned?
Why need filler?
Whole 4 years Arata Arc is a filler
Shouldn't Russia and Demark be enough to prove this? Granted, they're nowhere near -50 degrees, but if his power can deal with -20 or -30 I don't see why we can't extrapolate it to -50 or below (maybe except for temperatures near absolute zero)
You weren't supposed to point that out
this is the retcon its setting up for the next crisis
Why is Superman dressed up like a guy cosplaying as God?
Is this an actual line in the LN?
Flash has gotten a a fucking power up beyond Accelerator
He not only has access to a dimension of speed energy he
1. Has the potential to access a dimension of strength energy
2. Has the potential to access a dimension of tfw too intelligent energy
Kamachi confirmed for browsing Yea Forums
because its not our superman its a superman from the sixth dimension
Yeah but using 2 of them to collapse hyper time is probably the bigger feat then just using one at a time
Let me at 'em
>The spiky-haired boy had no right hand.
>He was sitting in bed with a girl on either side of him!
>Those girls were only wearing swimsuits and raincoats even though it was December!!
>It had been a while.
>Nothing in this world lacked a purpose, so it turned out she was needed after all. The world had been a little too kind to that Japanese high school boy, so she clacked her front teeth together to put a stop to it.
>It was time for The Usual.
“(I’m doing it. I’m really fighting alongside him! Yay!)”
I don't know whether to cringe at this or think it's kinda cute.
It's peak cringe and a slap to the face of anyone who expected Mikoto to be written decently.
Go back to Yea Forums and don't come back.
Exactly this! I'm really disliking Mikoto this volume. I think her smug face needs a good wake up call.
Touma should punch her
It's kinda cute I like it I think it's wholesome
It's cringe as fuck. There is nothing cute about Mikoto acting like a love sick fool.
Calm down, she probably get its when Lola takes control of the AAA and fucks up Touma's arm
why the truth hurts
At least her character direction makes sense unlike Hamazura which is forced as fuck
To bad that is never going to happen. Mikoto always gets away with stuff like that. In fact has she ever been defeated where the enemy doesn't take pity on her or she's saved before she's knocked out? Everybody goes on about Shiageluck but it's nowhere near the BS with Mikoto.
Shiage is literally worse
>Anna says that Hamazura will die the moment he uses magic because of the magic boosting effect the ship has
>He's still standing enough to go from wherever Coronzon was and go meet Accel
Mikoto is also as forced as fuck as well.
At least he takes damage. Its a small step but an important one.
nothing will be worse than miss "my maximum damage is nosebleeds", sorry
Explain how she is more forced than two literal gods bailing you out from trouble even though they said that they wouldnt you at the start of the volume
>magic gods are known to be whimsical and change on the fly
>w-why did they change their minds??
I bet you also complain why Coronzon didn't slaughter everyone on sight despite the text explaining why
Mikoto is not even refining her life energy speedreader
Its still pretty fucking convenient that two literal gods would bail you out of any trouble you have though
>I bet you also complain why Coronzon didn't slaughter everyone on sight despite the text explaining why
Not really but nice projection
If everything was so convenient for him then the magic gods would have helped him from the start to save Fortune like Coronzon said they could.
be honest with me, JC OPM2 really that bad?
>despite the text explaining why
Its like that aside from speedreading the novel you also speedread your own posts
Fuck JC.
I said just as forced not more so. Both Shiage and Mikoto are forced as fuck. When was the last time Mikoto truly got defeated? By that I mean completely smashed, knocked out.
Regeneration is definitely going to be Accel's main problem, since spoilers mentioned the moment he turns the fight around is when he manages to permanently destroy one of Neph's hairs.
You didnt even make an attempt to anything, you are just complaining because you dont like it
Yes, apparently he's at a disadvantage before the power up.
She should have been defeated by Kimi but as usual, she didn't get a scratch on her and merely fainted. Waifufags are delusional if they think she isn't the biggest offender.
No I'm complaining because it literally done in such convenient and bullshit ways.
>Mikoto are forced as fuck. When was the last time Mikoto truly got defeated?
physiological fuckup more than physical fuckup
So you are complaining because it doesnt fits with your own personal view of the series, gotcha
I want a physical fuck up. We all know she's been through psychological fuck ups which to me is where her character actually shines the most. However, a lot of her fights are pure asspulls.
Who are you quoting?
If the spoilers are true, Anna/Horos is a dirty liar.
I bet if it wasn't Mikoto you would be complaining but because it's your darling princess who is never allowed to have any harm come to her, it's fine. Tell me this, name one other person besides Shiage, who has the same plot armour that Mikoto does and they have to be a character who like Mikoto fights pretty powerful people a lot of the time.
She still knows a way for espers to use magic and the method to actually Coronzon (which Aleister arrived at too)
Who is talking about robots? No one even mentioned robots and it should be obvious that she can hack robots unless they don't run on an electrical system.