What is this cup for?
What is this cup for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hard mana transferring
Cups are meant to be filled.
my cum
Kuro a shit
hummina hummina hummina
Harcore mana transfer
Arts teams
For old men
Where can I find a brown lg just like Kuro?
Saucers > cups
Fuck off. Your show is shit
That cup only exist to be filled by fat smelly faceless old men.
the china-dress
OVA with harder transferring than before when?
A saucer is useless without a cup to sit on it
>tfw the Prisma twitter account asks what people are expecting for the OVA
>almost everyone says lots of mana transfers
God bless the nips.
What cute cups
And a couple comments asking for a "Oh my god, they killed Lancer!" "You bastards!" joke.
A lot is good, but we need to start getting more than just lewd kissing and rubbing up against each other. When will they start using their mouths for more, using their fingers, or show us nipples?
They'll be painted white once I'm done with them.
Cups are meant to be filled.
>show us nipples
Unfortunately I don't think we're ever going to get that, despite how much we all want it.
I'd be happier even just getting more unshaded side outlines of them without steam, possibly some small lines showing how puffy they are too.
>no more loli on exh for me
this is fucking annoying.
>going to sad extinct bear instead of based nhentai
Works on my machine, unless you mean new stuff
well i have to now. but what happened to exh? it felt like the quality of the uploads was declining in general.
does nh have stuff that exh doesn't?
it's a region thing apparently
>based nhentai
We are the chads now.
loli piss
Oh fuck me too.
Clear cookies and reset cache.
I never used exh
What are you supposed to do with these figures?
Put them on your desk at work.
Sitting her on your lap, hugging her tight, and kissing her head.
What does Kuro's カニ taste like?
ilya's lesbian shadow
sour, juicy and succulent.
What are you on about it works fine?
Is she just talking to her friends?
Whew I want some.
How do I delete an image from reality?
What would getting raped by Kuro be like?
Only if you can solve that.
I really want to fuck Kuro
Hot glue
>all these loli feet
I want to lick them.
Doesn't she realize that any real male won't be able to contain himself if seeing such an inciting view.
That's what she wants.
contain himself from what?
Pushing her down and having his way with her
I have some ideas.
Someone respond and remind them that Miyu still exists and has a lot of mana to share.
what way?
They already have you covered.
Shirou you fucking dimwit, I'm talking about rape but it wouldn't actually be rape because by presenting herself like she is doing she is inviting the viewer to ravage her sexually in her waiting vagoo
I miss Juju
A diaper with pockets? Revolutionary idea.
>not posting the glued version
Some Miyu kissing would be wonderful.
that sounds wrong
Kuro looked way too much like nagaroto.
A slutty exhibitionist Nagatoro is fine, too.
This is my favorite image of all time.
How can Kuro be such a lewd girl, yet still look so innocent at the same time?
It's because you're blind.