What do you call this type of girl?

What do you call this type of girl?

Attached: 39e9g85i4jke.png (960x897, 838K)


women amirite guise?!
*laugh track*

This but unironically




this but unironically

thats a cool wine aunt who's only companions are gonna be her cats

This but with complete sincerity

>nothing on google search or SauceNAO

Learn to use Yandex.

Nothing shows up on Yandex.

I actually got the result after some convoluted bullshit so thanks I guess.

avoid the manga is ntr shit

I already read through it and the potential "cucker" ends up cucking himself anyway, there isn't actually any ntr.



poorly drawn

A future cool wine aunt that will have her face eaten by her cats when she dies


I can't, I'm a hohol.

Upstanding liberal lady who needs no husband.


well that's good cause her chances are low

Same sentiments but with sincerity

It depends on what we see.
Is she proud of being a slut or ashamed of it or suffering due to it?

Those are some big hands


Same author as pic related

Attached: 007.png (980x1400, 286K)

My wife

>author is a woman
Explains why it's so realistic. Also, it's called "Chisa x Pon", the secret club fags can start seething now.

But it isn't translated past ch11

so it is or isn't NTR? i can't read moon so i have idea whats going on in the rape scene but it looks like she gave in because the situation made it look like she is longer suitable for her boyfriend

Dumb Yea Forums tourist

rapist doesn't end up raping her, she still fucks him

And here's the first one.

yeah I get that but why.

White thot

Attached: 38ce1f3b-9ad1-4729-b647-c8779303763a..png (441x492, 288K)

Go back

Knowing the author it probably isn't real NTR just bait