From what I can tell majority of isekai out there have MC rely on superficial know-how and experiences back from Earth.
Under this circumstances it's not surprising most of such scenarios look like an asspull.
Considering majority of anons wouldn't be able to recreate stuff like cement, gunpowder or gasoline on their own.
Knowledge IRL is scattered and no single person should be able to kick-start industrialization in isekai on their own.
Just being a good expert in only one area takes most of the people decades of their lives.
An expert in all of the areas required for industrialization of medieval society would be obvious Gary Stu.
Not to mention lack of materials and people resources to realize his ideas.
Neither could be acquired in one man lifetime.
You can't help but think that isekai like The Man Picked Up by the Gods does this premise a bit better, at least MC is not all-knowledgeable and only makes advances in a few areas close to his craft.
Isekai Technology
Other urls found in this thread:
srsly, no homo.
this is the today's thread right?
i hope since higher powers went full retard and nuked last when it was almost at archive
i like the way lotto isekai did it, MC didnt know much but was able to go back and forth to learn what he needed to know instead of just typical isekai omniscience
>but was able to go back and forth
This is quite rare.
Imagine the potential for speculation though.
>first they came for the ritual posters
>then they came for the OPs
>then they came for (you)
end times
he hasnt brought anything from isekai world back to japan yet, but has brought some cheap baubles from japan to sell at a marked up price to load up on monopoly money.
why tho
JahyListFag brought mod attention to the thread when he went to IRC to ask if his lists were haram.
>lotto isekai
I couldn't get into the one. Can't even remember why now.
>pruning the thread at 485+ posts to make room for more shounen shitposting
*clap clap clap*
It's like that one faggot who asked author if he can TL the novel, why do they never learn?
>he hasnt brought anything from isekai world back to japan yet
That's reasonable.
It should be the other way around at first.
probably because its basically medieval SoL
Don't worry, my dude. I too can't get into that "roll the lottery many times until I get a cheat x777 skill" isekai MC.
It's still really weird to me that Thales brought over kukris and fuck all else.
That's a good point. The Exterminator one is an interesting example. I would like to see more versions of that.
I still haven't gone. I don't think I can figure out the software, and I'm slightly lazy.
Don't, it's a dumb idea from the start.
>brought over kukris and fuck all else.
How about a laptop without a wiki dump?
Someone bombed us
>The Exterminator one is an interesting example.
I wish it wouldn't go to shit so fast.
just be an ideas guy like hajin and others do all the real work in the R&D department you technically work at
Ronald hired engineers in DreamWorld to develop a tractor for him.
its like nonbiri all over again. i read it to see comfy building and farming, not see THOTs ruin a village and manga. i read exterminator to see him exterminate pests, not to help ron jeremy kill himself
Any braindead but decently enjoyable to watch isekai to recommend me ? ( already watched log horizon , the demon fag , re zero and the shield guy )
Death March, Smartphone
Whoever recommended me that skeleton manga - thanks, it's pure gold.
Raelza a cute. A CUTE!
Don't compete with your own daughter, you dork.
Why won't he use crossbow in a fight? He's good with hands, should be able to put one together himself.
i'd actually like to see futuristic tech and how a present day isekai would interact to it. we saw a TINY bit of it so far in black company
For once, it require to have good eyes, also stillness and finally have a crossbow (there is always the case that doesn't exist).
he's a pretty cool dude and the ladies want his non-existent meat
There are clear instructions here but I will step you through it.
Also bear in mind. The issue isn't your lists, it's the thread as a whole.
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"muh D&D class restrictions" it seems. The setting also reeks of Wizardry.
He was a handyman IRL, if he could disarm locks I bet he could put together basic crossbow. A child can shoot it with few hours of training, loading shouldn't be an issue for adult either.
Dr.Stone is the only good one and it's not even an Isekai.
>it's the thread as a whole.
problem is that isekai is so broad it fits across at least 4 different boards. this place is the best for it.
I realize. I assure you.
Thanks I'll take the steps.
Take a step outside your window holy shit why would anyone want more jannies attention
>muh D&D
have a 'thief' in party. all the thief does is scout and look for traps. why not call it a scout then?
Rachel is like a neglected wife that desperately clings onto whatever time she can spend with her husband, and it makes me sad.
Actually, Evandel is like a neglected daughter in the same situation.
Hajin is a bad person.
we're already getting autisticly deleted left and right. might at least find out why. maybe a janny isnt into sharing his toothbrush.
>Orden possessed the ability to absorb and release the energy of others. It was similar to the ‘Qi Absorption Technique’ often found in martial arts novels but more elaborate and unrestricted.
but can he see mount tai?
Consider knights & magic then. Technically it's a reincarnation plot. But the mc is a mecha otaku in a world were magic makes it a reality. So it's not really technology he's bringing, but ingenuity.
Spicy warning: you're allowed to complain about moderators, but complaining about the moderation they do violates >>>/global/rules/8
>deleted by autists left and right.
Would be halal but
>autisticly deleted left and right.
is haram.
I don't think there's an option to report people for it, but stay safe my dude.
>Take a step outside your window
I don't know about you, and I can't speak for , but given the choice I wouldn't actually want to be isekai'd.
Ehhh. I would call it isekai. A radically altered setting is basically a different setting.
What are some genuinely good isekai?
I can only come up with pic related, spider and moon led journey across the world.
Well, fuck if I know, user. Still love that manga.
its all subjective, and people slag what you just linked all the time. depends what you want out of isekai, if you are just looking for highly rated isekai (based off mass user votes) you can sort by that easily on mangadex.
>[You may create and utilize ‘Rational Miracle’— your body’s equivalent to software.]
>[However, because of the limit in your brain capacity, the number of Miracles you can store is limited to four.]
>Starts out with a free 16 Attunement as soon as he starts investing in Faith
Hajin and his bullshit Luck I swear to god
Remember the basic principles of things is enough to kick start a tech golden age.
And you aren't doing it alone, you have immense man power helping you with super humans, beastmen, golem, undead plus magic which you get with your earth knowledge and/or cheats.
Give the idea and layout to the state or workers and you will get things done in less than a decade, go to dwarves or elves if humans are untrustworthy.
It's still tech, magitech actually since he's using real materials to make them then implementing magic or using mana absorbing parts.
thinking about last thread it was probably people bringing up a certain recent event in the news dont make the same mistake this time around.
>"How did you beat him?"
>"Just like that!"
>"Can you be more specific?"
>"I first punched him in the face, then I kicked him in the stomach. Lee Anson wanted to dodge, so how could I give him the chance. With me being sharp-sighted, I punched in the direction of his retreat. Then guess what happened? Haha, he never managed to escape from these hands! I sent him flying with a slap!"
>The old policeman rubbed his temples and looked at the middle-aged man sitting across him with a cane and sunglasses. "Can you take off your sunglasses?"
>The middle-aged man took off his sunglasses. "Why?"
>His eyes were white and were closed at times, while opened at other times.
>Old policeman: "…Are..are you blind?"
>The middle-aged man raged. "Why? Do you look down on the blind?"
>The old policeman was nearly about to cry. "I didn't mean that. How did you beat him when you can't see? And…how were you 'sharp-sighted'?"
>The middle-aged man held his neck and said, "Can't I tell by using echolocation? Can't I!?"
Comedic chinkshit is best chinkshit.
Jesus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with your OP
I'm talking about literature wise, stories that don't play out like they were written by children.
Still subjective but yeah
Look at this fag
>bow autism
>fucking furry shite
>good literature
i will screencap this so i can shame your sorry ass until the mods nukes us again
Psst, user, wanna read it?
Also, a little bit of history since you use pastebin so much:
pastebin (and related sites) were first started to stop coder faggots from spamming IRC with dozens of lines of code every time they wanted help debugging
>I wrote [Napoleon’s Musket], one of the artifacts under the supervision of the French Museum. I figured it might come in handy once I combine it with the Desert Eagle.
I can't wait forNapoleon's Desert Eagle.
>braindead but decently enjoyable
Isekai Smartphone is the epitome of that
>literature wise
Weird how Evandel has a smartphone but everyone else has a smartwatch.
>Considering majority of anons wouldn't be able to recreate stuff like cement, gunpowder or gasoline on their own.
Wow, what a fucking idiot. Of all the things that you could had chosen, you somehow managed pick three things that even backwards peasants from third world countries can do.
The only classic literature tier japanese isekai is Overlord, it's even in the literature section in bookstores.
can you explain a bit more?
Fuck off overboredfag, your shitty novel reads like a wet d&d fart
Wasn't shadows also there too?
Overlord is Japanese LOTR.
Cry me a river.
>don't spoil the op
>animefags invade
thread police died for this
>classic literature tier japanese isekai is Overlord
I felt sick reading that.
It's literally just SAO with extra edge
New chapters of your favorite daughteru.
>“Boss, stand still.”
No bulli, pls.
Also, a treasure from the waifu drawthread.
eh...that's not Athy?
Wow, the Japanese can't write for shit huh?
Ain't Athy your daughterwaifu? Those are different things, user.
Neither could the Tolkien.
he also brought the power of social study
desu the kukris is for Jala because she has less strength compared to male fighters
I wont let you talk like that about his grace.
>social study
how did this affect his surroundings, have anyone else used this uncanny power?
So any updates on the irc thing?
If i got sent to an isekai world i'd just make soap and control the global economy through luxuries.
wouldn't you guys do the same?
well it helped him, partly, to use talk no justu and literally stopped another war between two big kingdoms
Lemme guess. He had the blueprints in his head
>Smartphones, which were nothing more than relics of the past at this point, were usually considered children’s version of smartwatches. They were devices that children used before they moved on to the more complicated smartwatch.
i think it's weirder how no one realized that because phones are bigger than watches you can fit more into them
its recipe not something difficult to learn at all, someone would steal it sooner or later.
also without a constants resource of fat, which I doubt a medieval society has, your plan is doomed
no he has perfect memory witch he uses as usb-stick
If I got sent to an isekai world I'll probably be robbed blind and die to dysentery within a week.
Sign Language, but he taught it to only one guy and taught it only as an excuse to spend more time relatively unsupervised in the library.
>he also brought the power of social study
Old Crow et al. already had that.
I may be remembering wrong, but I think there's one other Charleton using kukris.
but my perfect plan....
>shitting on classic literature just hate on LNs
That's not social study, that's being mentally an adult + plot armor.
>implying you need anything but kukris
Fuck off tranny.
>without a constants resource of fat,
nigga we're talking about cheeky adventurers just taking off goblin ears, dragon fangs and lizarmen tails as proof-of-bounty in their silly quests, and the dungeoneering industry backing them.
So comfy
In a world where giant deathboars are dime-a-dozen i'd make boar carnitas and chicharron
Someone's beaten you to it pal. IIRC It's an MC with another two split-persona inside him (one a jewmurai and the other a modern high-schooler creep)
yes it is.
in progress.
I wish that isekai orphanage had the same comfiness, but the MC over there just can't catch a break.
I don't think a kid that's getting pulled through a ladder factory against his will has the time to introduce crop rotation, soap and onions sauce to the savages of his world.
The WN/LN read like a damn bulletin board.
Is the manga better?
I keep laughing like an idiot over this, I can't figure out why exactly.
does the oversized dog ruin the story? because I'm not investing my time in a story with an oversized dog, they tend to ruin stories
for my daughter i'd even defeat the demon lord is somewhat similar
>usagi dropped
Fuck off.
Mods, nuke it
Only 3 chapters are out sadly
Sorry user, it's one of those kind of isekai where gang keeps a bunch of OP pets
I talked to a mod.
They said it's related to isekai threads on Yea Forums, which are just disguised generals for light/web novels
these are not permitted on Yea Forums which doesn't make sense because there are manga and anime
to iterate, he's been on constant assault by:
- a generic lolidogslavewaifu who, upon getting accidentally rescued by the MC form the imminent mini-goblin rape inside the run-down orphanage under the asshole king's orders, is now in perma-heat mode and dogs him for the D at every opportunity
- a generic lolislutelfprincess doing the usual lolislutelfprincess thing the first time she goes at ihs orphanage
- asshole bald thugs and a thot constantly trashing his orphanage
- the asshole king who had put him to that orphanage management in the first place just because the meme crystal ball assessed the MC having sub-par skills while all of the other isekai'd classmates have heroic skills
LN and WN are permitted on Yea Forums.
There was even a whole shitfest with them being moved to Yea Forums and back.
>Yea Forums
it was jp user not lit
>housefucker MC still not on the MC list
Yea Forums doesn't allow wn/ln either, they hate asian works since it uproots their westernstuff they pretend to read.
They're related to manga and anime.
They're not manga.
They're not anime.
the novel really dropped down in quality after Besty Hesty
a ln is just a manga with more words and less pictures
>i'd just make soap
I would die within a week. I can only use neutral hypoallergenic soap.
This. Frankly, I'd be happier with that outcome than if I wound up becoming some godly MC. At least my death would prove that fairness is still a concept in this world.
Hate to bring up old wounds.
But whats on your dead translations list Yea Forums?
there's something good about your series
felt like a generic isekai with gary stu MC to me
They're related to manga and anime if the topic of the thread is a specific manga or anime: see, Index threads, Horizon threads back in the days, Overlord, KonoSuba, etc...
do it faggot
There is a general up on /jp/ -right now- for LNs.
>Shadow-sama updates daily now
>No one on Yea Forums discusses it anymore
What went wrong
Does anyone remember that isekai that was posted here (maybe it was manhwa) where a dude really hated women, got killed by his friend and got reincarnated as a female in a fantasy world?
Have you actually read those translations? Once something loses steam it's pretty hard to ressurect it.
Power -> Eminence
Taepodong -> Nuke
Who cares, /jp/ is garbage now, if the mod keeps deleting just spam dozens of isekai threads until he fucks off.
I just feel a bit sad that he doesn't care for his subordinates. Not even in a tsundere way a la Cale.
yeah for untranslated LNs, and it's a completely inactive thread, last post was three hours ago
>I'm your biggest fan, Hero-sama!
I'd head over there, but they said it's for untranslated stuff.
>Public anxiety is growing every day because of the Orden Incident. How’s the situation in Korea? I’ve heard that the number of immigrants has reached an all-time high. England is filled with tension. At any time, the monsters in Africa might decide to break into Europe….
oh noes
ah sorry to hear that user, maybe you could make crop rotation instead?
who? Power in the shadows?
The translation quality being what it is I'd been forcing myself to read through it before, and when it got quad-release I couldn't be bothered to read it, and kinda dropped it.
He doesn't consider them subordinates is the thing, he's never been at their base and only does things together with them on accident. Pretty sure Alpha almost got a mental breakdown but barely stopped herself by mashing the delusion button harder since otherwise she'd just crash.
P A R I L - S A M A
The very first post is "untranslated seems too narrow" and OP's reply is, "I don't care one way or the other if this is the 'untranslated LN thread' or the 'LN thread'"
Well, thanks to that pic I managed to reverse seach and find it, thanks I guess
Fair warning though, the story got canceled but the manwha is far enough that its still being translated
broke mercenary
I love that Isekai, it'sso pure and wholesome.
oh ok that changes everything. you first. see you there
why do manga stories start good and always lose steam later on Yea Forums?
am i the problem?
The novel translations are alive and well.
It was axed? Damn, that's sucks. How many chapters are left?
>very first post
It's the 2nd post.
The translator dude works overtime, this madlad translated like 4 chapters in 2 days, that's the opposite from being dead.
i'm retarded and need pictures with my stories still slowly chipping away at novel though
What about cursed translations?
>broke mercenary
Can I have a cover?
I'm not sure but I think she meets the prince or whoever and the translations are slowly getting there
i meant the mango being put on hiatus
Reminder to ride your man to mark him as yours.
Fug, another interesting manga that gets axed while tons of other isekaitrash lives on. At least I have my nazi loli left with a fresh recent chapter
If you mean Isekai specifically it's because they all blow their load on their opening arcs where all the creativity is, then run out of steam.
Once the gimmick can't be relied upon it's just a standard fantasy adventure, which requires good writing that most Isekai writers don't utilise. Alternatively they never progress, then get stale and boring.
Isekai, as a concept, is designed for disposable consumption, that's why it's been so successful in the manga/LN industry.
All the "succesful" Isekai series deviate from their original premise at some point, and fuse with something else.
Reminder to use force to establish dominance over potential rivals
its not a dead translation but right now with otaku cloud scans quitting TL there is nobody on meikyuu de harem
Dat jew rump.
The author finds an interesting gimmick to invoke some interest (and it works like a clickbait) but then 2 or 3 chapters later it turns into an average isekai-trash with every single trope included, including harem, getting human form, overpowered abilities and muh totally evil dude who gets BTFO.
Phone isekai? MC gets OP skills from chapter 1 and its over.
Death march isekai? MC gets OP skills from start, harem few chapters later.
Shield hero isekai? MC btfos everyone pretty early and gets harem too (althought the author manages to pull it off and stretch it beyond first 5 chapters, so it doesn't appear thaaat shit)
Slime isekai? MC gets a chapter later out of dungeon, and in few next chapters gets kingdom, harem and human form while being OP.
And then you have shit like game mechanics where either 1). MC wrecks everoyne not because he is better but because his numbers are higher, or 2). he gets defeated, but levels up and back to point 1).
too tired to write. going to nap instead.
im gonna come back to the thread deleted and us banished to /jp/, aren't i?
bitches get stitches
Anyone got some NTR/cuck isekai? People told me that this series was it, but after going through 40+ chaps of the garbage WN translation, I realized the chick was for (him) the entire time.
Your toothbrush user.
White/Silver haired Rio looks just weird.
would you rather be sent into a high fantasy world with
above average stats
born nobility
born nobility, then i can buy exp potions to get above average stats
Above average as +1 or Mile's average?
Whichever gets me a dragongirl gf first.
born nobility
assuming this world was magic toilets, magic hot-water tanks, .etc otherwise i'd almost rather die.
I'd make it my life goal to invent magic notInternet
Sen no Sukiru o Motsu Otoko
MC admits he's a cuck in the first page
Are you kidding me? Nobility any day. Imagine being a cool goshujin-sama. All your servants genuinely fawning all over you.
you're a prodigy but you don't get an army of nano machines, you're just really really talented
If it doesn't have NTR in the name, it ain't shit.
wish that were me, either one
(assuming you will keep your memories)
Stats, with current knowledge it's not that hard to get rich sooner or later, and magic will at least secure your own safety.
Finally posted first few chapters on royal road. It's shit, but feels good. Writing as quickly as I can now.
nobility and use the position to get personal trainers
Meh, then reincarnate me as duke's daughter.
What's this guy's class on the scale? Tiger?
death mage
Pace yourself user. Don't write too much too fast or else you'll burn out.
Whose dress is the frilliest
Dumb and Convict
depends on how above average "above average" is supposed to be
big mighty donger
Is she truly the most villainous villainess?
there is a point where you have too many frills and christinas single sleeve past that a long time ago.
She's just desperate
>Black Company
Where the FUCK are translations for this one? Shit's been dead in the water for so long.
Not quite
Yes and i love her!
Hold your ground and don't migrate to /jp/. We've been doing this for literally years. We aren't going anywhere.
post raws in this thread and you'll get it right now
p.s. making me post images is too much effort
I agree with this. Do not come to /jp/, onegai.
I wish Camilla had more than one frilly dress, though I do like the one frilly dress she has.
Is diana's novel any good?
Never read any of these but Ilya is the cutest on that list.
the captchas on mangadex really suck, i actually had to click on images this time
how long has this ddos even been now, 2 months?
actually I'll extend this offer to any dead translation
It must've done something right to spark off the villainess boom. But yeah, enjoy no translations.
Yeah, it's horrible. And now you need to be logged in to search.
You poor soul.
You're going to be a young master user.
Just use a Privacy Pass.
>the cuckest
Good luck, I'm behind 7 clans.
isekai is too big for anyone board but out of all of them it best fits here.
Whatever happened to villains of old, where they were comically foolish yet fun to watch? I'd like villain to come around taking the spotlight alongside his minions in his never ending quest to try and succeed towards his goals. Moreover, the one who actually wins.
The only time I saw something like that happening was in Shaman King.
overdone, wait 5 years until its cool again
>Liche Wins
>Has no idea what to do anymore because his entire life has revolved around being sent blasting off again for literally decades.
Good Premise. Would read.
but yoh was the good the guy
Opens up an orphanage
Or trick maze
Literally Megamind.
Most premises that you haven't seen made in elevenland have already been done in the west. The premises, I mean. Execution would be different, of course.
But TL is going
Does that count, given it was officially licensed?
>no cute slave catgirls
That's true, and Megamind was pretty good.
Hao also ended up way too strong till the author was written to a corner. Plus it wasn't humorous enough.
But they never truly ended up winning.
I'd like a villain that stays bombastic in approach, one that actually respects his minions (to an extent). And works towards his goals and actually succeed in making the hero fail.
But he actually never succeeded in the first place. And he switched sides.
We need more Liche isekai
If a villain creates a bigger villain than himself, is he not the biggest villain?
Trapped in a Parallel Dimension with a Different Body! I really wouldn't recommend it though.
based western writers will wonders ever cease?
>tfw you're stuck between two angry vampire hag sisters and are likely to die as collateral damage
Thales sure has a fun life.
had it on my Read Later list
guess it got bumped to top of the list
Tolkien stole the fantasy elements from other fantasy authors and stole the story elements from Sienkiewicz. But I have to give him that he is good at combining already existing elements into something good, which is a talent by itself, even if most of the content didn't come from himself.
Actually, Tolkien would probably be a top-selling author moreso than the past if he had been born in today's society instead where so many stories exist that you wouldn't have to worry about being accused of plagiarism as long as you don't actually copy the actual lines, because "nowadays it's impossible to be original anyway".
Oh, Argent, if you are here, I strongly recommend the delay between chapters to be uniform (meaning if you don't get the next chapter ready make an announcement, dunno, public "here's chapter, also next one is in one week" and shekels "no chapter today, will come out in 3/4 days").
I'd like the scriptwriters for Stargate:SG1 seasons 1-8 to take an attempt at a homebrew isekai. I am sure the results would be interesting.
>"nowadays it's impossible to be original anyway".
this is my favorite meme, people just use it wave off ANY criticism of something being cliché
Reminder that rape is the laziest way to show a someone is a bad guy. Please be more creative with your atrocities.
but every time someone commits an atrocity everyone else claims that he did nothing wrong
what about falsifying a rape claim and making someone else look like the bad guy?
Not that user, but it's difficult to write genuine Evil-axis or Chaotic-axis characters.
>Tolkien stole the fantasy elements from other fantasy authors and stole the story elements from Sienkiewicz.
there's no such thing as a story element that isn't stolen. creativity doesn't exist in a bubble.
I feel like people just like to play devil's advocate or in the case of a certain skellyman just like to say he's an innocent buffoon and so his hands are clean.
It seems like someone has yet to read Pure Love x Insult Complex here. Poor soul.
I mean, Ainz is a cute dumbass that's stumbling his way through life, thing is he's also a proper monster to basically anyone that's not under his protection.
someone with excellent taste, I see. Any good recs?
It's pretty easy when you write from the perspective of a pragmatic anarcho-capitalist
that's not killing puppies and kittens.
Convince why the katana is the perfect weapon for every isekai protagonist.
>Easy to use
>Cuts through anything like butter
>friend likes your other friend
>comes to you for help
>eventually falls for you
>you seal her memories
This is so fucked. What is he gonna do when the seal gets undone? After all that shit about making other people happy.
Businessman is best boy.
Run like a pussy because he's got a whole harem of violent women after him including his puppet wife.
Maybe you were sick the day they covered genres in school.
Except that is literally how it is after Volume 9. Ainz went full on misunderstanding buffoon luck god mode with how Jircniv misunderstands him. They even added in the scene where one of the 4 sword jobbers joking about how it could all be a misunderstanding. Then, the Dwarves thought he gave them a precious metal and the blacksmith on a journey to meld that garbage metal. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that Ainz did not understand why Demiurge was skinning people alive? He actually thought the human skin were somehow sheep fur or some shit even right now. At this point, if someone were to tell me that it is full on parody mode, I would believe them.
Good choice.
No escape from a bunch of super powerful mage girls. Not even getting isekai'd.
Sword of Justice is the best type of sword though.
How is the translation now that the chinks are translating it?
I will never forgive the author for ruining the girls.
Those are some low-quality drills. She should learn with a proper villainess.
The biggest limiting factor on development of modern technology is knowledge of materials and how/where to acquire them, but an average Isekai start should at least have a world knowing how to obtain/shape iron. Thus if you can't at least develop a steam engine in about 6-12 months given an average or better Isekai start you should contemplate suicide. While I will agree that 'super inventor who transform all of human society in a couple months' MCs are Gary Stus, simply having a close to correct idea of how a technology functions and being in a position for the natives to take you seriously should allow you to advance the world to at least the steam age.
Cement is doable so long as you can get access to limestone or seashells in mass quantities.
Gunpowder I would agree.
Gasoline is a retarded example, you need complex chemistry and equipment to derive gasoline from oil not to mention being able to locate and then mine the oil way the fuck underground. It would unironically take less knowledge to develop simple electric vehicles like street cars (not battery powered vehicles) than it would to kick start an entire fossil fuels industry so long as you can get a hold of copper. (access to copper should be a given in an average isekai start honestly)
Chronicle Legion. I just want bath time with the boys.
What series is this?
My gripe with Overlord is how alot of it is misunderstood evil and how Ainz's own dialogue conflicts with the tonal consistency. In fact, Overlord has very little consistency when keeping tension. It's one of the reasons why I dropped the series because it's not funny to hear Ainz's inner monologue conflicting to what everyone else's views really are. I'd prefer evil to stay as evil. That's why Angel Densetsu's schtick of Kitano getting misunderstood for his demonic face got old after awhile.
I wonder what will happen with his legal wife. After trying to find him so long one day he's just there with another cute magician girl.
Any isekai like pic related? Where the MC is in a platonic relationship with the female cast
She basically spends the whole of vol 9 trying to murder him because he's been cheating on her behind her back.
The rape dungeon is the only possible outcome.
Hakai me no yuuri
>platonic relationship
Oh my god they did great with this part
it's funny how she's unable to comprehend a fairly normal study habit because her korean autism
>I'd prefer evil to stay as evil.
Not sure about how you interpreted the story, but I have never felt that Ainz was evil. He feels more like a father that is trying to take care of his kids, while his kids are looking up to him.
Him and aqua act like brother and sister
>Thus if you can't at least develop a steam engine in about 6-12 months given an average or better Isekai start you should contemplate suicide
Go ahead and describe how a steam engine actually works without looking it up.
Thanks boys , i'm already at episode 10 of the smartphone guy , it's so fucking shitty yet at the same time enjoyable .
I will watch Death March after this one i guess .
>Platonic relationship
Are we reading the same thing?
sauce me up, m8
Is no one translating the LN?
Smartphone was shitty buy enjoyable, but Death March was just bland.
I'm referring between kazuma and aqua since they are the characters in the first episode
The original translator dropped it and some chink picked it up. I was just asking about the chink's translation quality
>the female cast
That's one character. Cast is plural.
Goddamn suimei.
>platonic relationship
No, everyone in Nazarick believes him to go for world domination, Ainz's inner dialogue is some soft-spoken generic ass. At least pic related had an evil protagonist who's selfish enough to sacrifice as many people to achieve his goals and is more compelling as a character than Ainz.
Healslut Chapter 14 is out.
Abbot and his now much larger party journey into the Ruins of Mirno in pursuit of acquiring the components of Grimmash. But as they leave something is definitely wrong.
The only good thing about Death March was the ED
I Can't Believe The Magic From The Parallel World is So Behind The Times
Isn't that almost every isekai with a herbivore mc?
Not evil enough, I prefer someone that's at least Fang Yuan tier.
I know. But usually translating the LN is better since it's (again, usually) more polished than its WN version.
Only one he has some kind of connection is with megumin. With aqua and darkness, he doesn't feel any romantic feeling
>everyone in Nazarick believes him to go for world domination
>He feels more like a father that is trying to take care of his kids, while his kids are looking up to him.
That is literally what I just said. He himself never looked for it. He is just taking of the NPCs (kids) left behind by his friend. His kids are the one that thinks he want world domination because of how amazing they keep thinking he is.
Are you still trending
There's Romantic development with Darkness as well.
Nips like to pretend they're good people. They can never achieve the same level as chinks who accepted their inner murderhobo nature.
I'm pretty sure we're going in circles. Nevertheless, Ainz nor his "evil" couldn't bring me to like the series enough to continue.
>not wanting to be smothered to death by Aqua’s fat ass
Is he a gay?
Not presently, but I likely will be in an hour or two given previous trends
Must be in the light novels, only watched the anime
does it have an amazoness that wants to eat the shota priest?
Not yet.
I am just saying he was never "evil". If you don't like the series, I can see why though.
>Go ahead and describe how a steam engine actually works without looking it up.
What kind? A simple up and down motion can be created just by inserting steam into a chamber under a piston. As the steam is added pressure builds in the chamber and raises the piston against gravity. As the volume in the chamber increases the pressure drops and the piston is pulled back down by gravity. Repeat ad nauseum.
Hardest thing would be getting a piston that seals well enough to build pressure in an era before precision machining.
Is this the Ouroboros Records faggot? The constant brainwashing and that shitty duel durin his brief time in the magic academy made me drop it pretty hard.
Crazy masochist? Yeah dude who was a neet would be freaked out.
I can neither confirm nor deny that such a character may be appearing in the story at some point.
[spoler]In about another two storyarcs[/spoiler]
> What kind?
Newcomen engine, obviously.
>crtl + s
Not him but Ainz might have not been evil at first but he is definitely evil now.
In the latest volumes he takes part of a brutal invasion of a kingdom while being aware that Demiurge and his minions are going to torture and slaughter tons of innocents and not only being okay with it but using it for the sake of PR.
Even if you argue that he has no reason to feel compassion for humans, his underhanded methods and willingness to use a genocide to fool people into worshipping make him at least an amoral asshole.
You're talking to Touya Mochizuki
I'm not that guy but any kind of engine is just a matter of converting any other kind of energy into usable mechanical energy, usually rotational. Then convolute profile gears kick in and you can do anything you want with it.
Pistons usually aren't pulled down by gravity, but a counteracting force. Usually another piston, or in the case of combustion engines, an explosion.
Also pistons existed long before precision machining, which wasn't a real thing until the 60s. Cast iron will take you all the way there. You don't need that good of a seal, you just need a seal period.
Still waiting for the "proposal" volume and JNC to hurry their "8 week per volume" up
Far too late for me to care. With all the jobber perspectives, I stopped waiting for "bad guys wrecking everyone's shit in" for Overlord. The pacing was abysmal and the characters being way too generic for my liking. Climb was the worst offender and reading his pov felt like a chore.
This series is like maximum autism. I read the LN and it's just as autistic.
Considering the protagonist is autism incarnate who only understands combat and being a filthy jew it's no wonder.
I wish they would do a dark fantasy / Berserk tier Isekai where the MC suffer every episode .
you know what to do
There's a fuckload of those on narou and no one bothers with them.
Where's my perfect balance of martial arts and superpower isekai? Having to read all of these series with overpowered and game shit exploits/cheats makes me appreciate balance of skills-based close combat and lightning coursing through each movement.
What is "narou" , can't find anything when searching the term in google .
>fodder's review by that fag who didn't read it is gone now.
hope you know moon
I don't mind the protagonist being autism incarnate, but the girls that are his harem organization are so bland. The princess is just a better character and worked better with him. Even if he doesn't reciprocate romantically, they had a good dynamic.
It's the japanese equivalent of royalroad where all those shitty web novels originate from.
Read chink stuff for that, especially some of the old wuxia novels.
Syosetu. Birthplace of many modern light novels and home to WN by many authors akin to royal road or other WN based postings.
First result
Too many pills and cultivation. Especially if they go into meridians bs.
>his underhanded methods and willingness to use a genocide to fool people into worshipping make him at least an amoral asshole.
Except he didn't planned any of this. It just so happen that he got a cult as a byproduct.
>being aware that Demiurge and his minions are going to torture and slaughter tons of innocents and not only being okay with it but using it for the sake of PR
You do know that Ainz was confused about why they were skinning humans right? I doubt he even knew about the torture, or at least Demiurge's part in it. Even after he knew about the skinning, he is just confused and thought about asking Demiurge about it later. The most evil thing that he has probably done was nuking the other side in vol 9. I think you should stop considering what the NPCs have done as what Ainz is doing.
That Regeneration Orb is some bullshit.
shousetsuka ni narou
It's a Japanese webnovel site where most isekai WNs originate from before they were published. Basically the birthplace of most nip isekai we discuss here.
Stuff that started off there: Overlord, Slime, Shield Hero, Log Horizon, Mushoku Tensei, Arifureta, Death March, Spider, Re:Zero, Bakarina, Knights and Magic, etc.
I just want to say that whoever recommended seed to the fag asking for gundam is a goddamn low iq afro american
Also, start with 0079 goddamn it, and /m/ has a chart for every show
I'm talking about the Holy Kingdom shit.
He was 100% aware of what was going on there and took part of it willingly.
> All these WN eventually being adapted into animu
> Maomao hasn't as of yet.
And they practically come from the same birthplace.
There was a tensei that was kinda like that, but it got dropped.
That's why I said Wuxia and not Xianxia.
How many chapters is that gonna be?
I want my Amazon gf goddamnit.
probably because the protagonist is a chink druggie
Remember, the co-author is a Hajinfag, so (s)he'll never let him suffer a loss.
And many of the LN protagonists are generic fuccbois that fall along the lines of NEET, highschool student or some super special assassin.
The more indignant you get the more people will shit on you out of pure spite, keep this up and you'll breed your own personal gaggle of shitposters.
She's a cute cat
burn the anime
kill the manga
purge the secondaryfags
>Pistons usually aren't pulled down by gravity, but a counteracting force. Usually another piston, or in the case of combustion engines, an explosion.
Agreed, but I was describing something with no load connected for simplicity. The queen would probably appreciate it more.
I was thinking it would be possible to seal it something simple like candlewax/tree tar in place of grease/oil anyways.
I know you were talking about Holy Kingdom. Not sure why you need to point that out after I clearly referenced scenes, the human skinning scene, from the end of volume 12. Also, he is definitely not 100% aware. He didn't know Neia was going to create a cult. He literally thought Neia was wary of him throughout the entire volume 12. Also, before you mention about the plan to rule Holy Kingdom, it was all Demiurge's plan. Ainz didn't make it. Demiurge even stated he was going to pull a stunt similar to this to the Empires had Ainz not yoloed his way into turning the Empire into a vessel state
yeah lets all read MTL[/spoiler
responded to myself by accident
Probably like 10 I don't know.
I have an overview of the story planned out ahead of time, but there's a lot of stuff to cover.
This qt loli hooked me up
quick i want to isekai
Ainz didn't come up with the plan but this time he was aware of it and took part willingly.
This is not like the Re-estize Kingdom incident, where he wasn't aware about what Demiurge had in mind till it was too late. This time he perfectly knew that they were going to genocide half a kingdom in order to allow Nazarick to annex it in the future and did nothing to prevent or change that plan.
After that he is pure evil at worst and amoral at best.
oil is pretty plentiful even in archaic times, no reason to skimp out on it.
*slips you a copy of Mother of Learning*
ainz was an amoral sociopath since day 1. But him being at the bottom of the real world hierarchy is what kept him from doing bad things. The fact that his 'friends' didn't give a single fuck about him in the only hobby he participated in for like 12 years should tell you all you need to know about how much his 'friends' really liked him.
Is the world there playing along with the autist or is he just lucky?
She's mental, is different.
He's just throwing out cliches he thinks are impossible.
Don't see a lot of it in isekai though.
I thought the co-author was Bell?
>when you makes best boy and best girl at the same time
the best part is that Ajest IS the most proactive one and they're not complete when they are not together doing bantz
I suspect the co-author is the real Kim Hajin who wrote himself into the novel when he ran out of ideas.
Which series is this? Can you link it through mangadex? All I'm getting is korean.
Not that user, but in regards to Ainz' guildmembers, only Herohero was there and he was overworked and needed sleep.
As for the others, some were implied to have been killed off in some sort of conspiracy according to their descriptions, so it's possible that the guildmembers who "quit" are actually dead and perhaps they were aware of what was to come so they severed their "bond" to keep the other guildmates safe from being involved as a last show of comradieship? No one knows, so saying that they quit because they just don't care is just as much speculation as that.
And I personally could care less. Maomao has practically been accepted into thinly veiled LN/WN threads which are called isekai threads here. This was forever ago.
Shadow LN is mostly the same aside from slight edits. Author did add extra short stories to the first 2 LN though. LN 3 is going to be the first time the author changes the story from the WN.
I was going off of Bell knowing the upcoming plot points but ... that is very possible.
super saiyan skeleton inc
Any translations of the the LN stories?
>tfw just found out the LN that got me into this hole is ending next month
Shadow's Phantom of the Opera thing there was hilarious.
which one?
english google master race
Yahari, i know it ain't isekai but it was the gateway LN for me.
any good examples of fights against dragons for research?
>Medieval dragons, winged dragons MT rules
His friends did like him, though.
In a prequel side-story that was released a while ago, it was shown that when "Nine's Own Goal" (the first guild Ainz and some of his friends were part of) was going to disband and eventually become "Ainz Ooal Gown" and the members were talking about it, Ainz got a bunch of PMs from different guildmembers telling him that they wanted him as the GM or that if he left the guild, they would join whatever guild he chose.
His friends did like him and consider him a great mediator, mainly because he was practically the only guy who didn't have a grudge or some autistic problem with another members. Everyone in the guild liked him.
At first it seemed like they just didn't take the VRMMO as seriously as Ainz did, but later revelations seem to imply most of them dropped it due to their dystopia's abusive jobs, becuase their grudges got too strong and they couldn't stand being with another member and at least one of them because he got murdered by government hitmen.
Monster goddamn Hunter user
>Monster goddamn Hunter user
totally forgot about this one
>them because he got murdered by government hitmen
What the fuck
No, but there are summaries for the 5 in vol 1
Beta SS starts with Beta leading a group of newly joined Shadow Garden girls to rescue a "cursed one". She ordered the girls there to kill the guards they captured. One girl was notably scared of killing the guard so Beta killed the guard in her place. Seeing the girl whose is scared of killing caused Beta to remember how scared of killing people she was when she first joined Shadow Garden. Beta (who had a timid personality) would always feel nauseous or wake up at the middle of the night scared due to the guilt of killing. One day Shadow came to her and asked if she "wanted wisdom". She thought that Shadow meant the wisdom to get over her guilt of killing so she responded yes. Contrary to her expectations Shadow instead told her a fairy tale. Even though she was confused the story was interesting and made her relaxed so she fell asleep peacefully. Since then Beta would always go to Shadow to ask him to tell her stories and Shadow will always tell her interesting stories beyond her imagination. Since Shadow started telling her stories Beta stopped feeling guilty for killing people and instead started worshiping Shadow. Cut back to present day and Beta noticed a soldier hiding nearby and mercilessly cut him down without remorse even though she noted that the soldier was innocent and probably not related to the Order.
The Alexia/Iris SS started with Alexia asking Iris a method to apologize to someone (the implication is that Alexia wants to apologize to Sid for slicing him for pointing the middle finger at her). They decide to go to Mitsugoshi to buy a apology gift and they met up with the leader of Mitsugoshi, a beautiful blue haired elf called "Luna" (Gamma), to check out their products. Gamma showed off a variety of products including chocolate to the two princess. The last product she showed was a women's thong which shocked the two princess with how lewd it is. Alexia wanted to buy it because she's "confident in her hips" (she likely wanted to show off to Sid) but Iris was obviously against her sister buying such a lewd underwear. They have a bit of a banter back and forth before Iris finally caved in due to Alexia's cunning persuasion and let Alexia buy the thong.
it's difficult to think of use-cases for oil that aren't basic household-tier
also throwing boiling oil down castle walls, which is the primary wartime usage of oil, doesn't make for good anime, unless you're Berserk
Overboredfag forgot to add that overbored RL is discount shadowrun.
>I wonder what kind of bullshit will Hajin pull to overcome Orden
>what the fuck was spirit power again?
is this any good?
Very lewd.
not really no
i like it, but its manhwa and not isekai, has a lot of reviving though
The Sherry SS was after Sid's mob fight with Rose, Sherry's mind was constantly on Sid due to him giving her chocolate and how gallant he looked in the fight vs Rose. However the rumor that Sid dated Princess Alexia bothered Sherry to the point that she decided to go ask Alexia about her relationship with Sid. After going to Alexia's room and confirming that she and Sid aren't dating she happily left Alexia's room with a big smile on her face. On the other hand Alexia was clearly upset.
Damn. I've been looking for something to bingeread after finishing peerless dad. Volcanic Age wasn't as good.
Peerless dad bored me to hell
And I quite enjoyed Volcanic age
So I presume you will like skelly knight considering i didn't
Shit, I hope it gets licensed or someone just starts translating the LNs.
Also ahistorical, Oil is valuable. Realistically you would use boiling water or piss. Oil was used primarily to make pitch which could be used for flaming arrowheads.
The Rose SS was after the terrorist incident was resolved, Rose heard that there was a boy matching the description of Sid who survived a serious injury and was in the ambulance tent. Rose rushed there and much to her relief it was in fact Sid in that tent. She hugged Sid into her chest and they had a brief dialogue where Sid tried to give some bullshit excuse on how he survived. Rose thought that it was a miracle and resolved to dedicate her heart to Sid.
Cooking with Wild Game
you might as well say Death Mage too at this point
jewpress probably already has it and it is sitting on it until the anime announcement
>death mage
The fuck are you on about?
The final SS is Beta writing about Sid/Shadow's story in the two arcs. It's essentially a summary about the two arcs from Beta's point of view and of course it includes a lot of worship of Sid. Highlights include saying that what's scary about Sid isn't his monstrous strength but his overwhelmingly intelligent mind (lol) and also describing the princess Sid saved having "silver hair and cat eyes" before leaving the description blank and just skipping the part. The last section is a preview of the next two arcs (the "Holy Ground" arc and the "Tournament" arc).
Yoshi will never catch up to the web novel and he's releasing at less than chapter a week pace average
you could probably learn japanese and read the WN by yourself faster than waiting for him to translating it
Is that MTL?
Is that are rhetorical question or are you genuinely unsure?
I want gwen to get dicked already goddamn it.
i don't think it counts as rhetorical no matter how you look at it
I am unsure because I am not used to people linking MTL. Last time anyone did that was with mob otome, where everyone insisted that the TL is pretty good despite being MTL.
>dont see it in isekai
because japan is a volcanic island chain and volcanic island chains dont have oil so japanese manchildren never learn about it. They just know burger land wages wars for it. meanwhile back in the rest of the world, oil is so plentiful (at least before modern times), that it was possible to find ground pools of oil in certain areas. No mining would be required to harvest this. Its like how they write in dumb shit like "this culture doesnt have FRIED POTATOES, glorious japan cooking has introduced the fantasy world to FRIED FOODS" because japan never had deep fried foods until america dropped 2 nukes on them so they just assume its a modern invention.
but she only likes old men, his uncle that looks like his father falls in that category, and cute little girls
not gonna happen anytime soon
Native rather than isekai, but this girl's my favorite crazy happiness flame girl from "The Girl Who bore the Flame Ring". God I loved that novel.
Japan has had fried food since the portuguese taught it to them.
I'll give Volcanic age another try. There's more of it out.
You can't say the N word
But Katana's aren't light
reasons why magic lightsaber is the perfect weapon for any protagonist
>even lighterweight
>easy to use
>looks sick
i can't think of any isekai that uses lightsabers though
Thoughts on Arifureta?
that makes isekai authors double retarded you know
c o m f o r t a b l e
but no really the dungeon arcs are shit and just and excuse for setting up all the bullshit power mechanics that he uses to BTFO everyone
Anything after Miledi's is crap
those are some sick drills
They're actually pretty heavy for swords of similar length.
>Easy to use
Spears are easier to use and more effective in real combat.
>Cuts through anything like butter
It cuts through FLESH like butter. It's pretty shit at cutting any kind of armor (because armor is pretty good at not being cut), and some European swords are intentionally not super sharp so you can grab the blade and beat someone with armor, with the pommel.
Either way, a spear would be better because you can get more power behind it to smash armor, compared to a sword.
Swords are only good for duels.
Curses, i just wanna see her getting dominated.
It got worse the more waifus that were introduced.
Pure undiluted edgyness in an interesting dungeon. Down an arm, but eating monsters to grow stronger.
>Vamp chick introduced.
Starts to drag and lose some of its charm. No longer 300% edge but still entertaining.
>Bunnygirl introduced.
Kill me.
It's bad, and should not be talked about here.
a rapier is lightweight, you've never held a katana in your hands
Oh. No. That's not what this is like. This MTL is godawful. Good source material though.
>Businessman is best boy.
more like saltman
Remember to spoil the op, it's proven that a simple spoiler wards off scum and unwanted foul.
Why is it called kino seeker?
the only person that i can see strong enough to dominate gwen is alessia, and gunther, but he is too vanilla for that
>E? Heibon Desu yo??
It hurts not be able to enjoy more Liliana.
He's seeking the kino movie in the dungeon of course
Since I like power fantasy and harem, It's good
its good, hating on it is a meme here.
Fuck off abbo, it's a shite carbon copy of kino seeker, you fags have no right even posting your shite opinion here.
>Big Eater
>As a magic swordsman, he was the type who switched between swords and spells. However, he was a jack of all trades but a master of none, so during the guild’s glory days, he was often a second-choice pick as a party member. That said, he was good in a fight, and his ability as a gamer was quite high. In the real world, he learned some ominous information about the megacorporations which ruled the world and was killed in an accident to seal his lips. The information he possessed made its way into the hands of a certain someone.
Whoa damn.
It's pure KINO
It was decreed by the old ones.
why do you have to be an autist and like one and hate the other?
>intentionally not super sharp so you can grab the blade and beat someone with armor, with the pommel.
Half swording was much more common than murderstrokes and *neither of them* have anything to do with sharpness.
You grab the sides of the sword, not the edges, and hold on to it by clamping hard. Your fingers do not touch the blade.
Even if you were touching the blade, which, again, you would not be, sharpness would only an issue if your grip were shitty and sliding all over the place.
You can press hard on a blade and you won't cut yourself if you aren't sliding along the blade. The sliding is what cuts.
Many European swords *were* quite sharp and those that were not were mostly dull due to geometric and material limitations of the sword.
Even then, the "duller" swords were plenty sharp for cutting people.
it's so on the nose about being trash that it's great. it's pure kino bro
that's the power of mahou shoujo