>A walking Calamity
>"Otherworldy" Stamina
It's safe to say both AfO and Shiggy lucked out with their #1 follower
Boku no Hero Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm looking forward to see how Shiggy earns the right to command all those High-Ends. There were a bunch of them and a single one was more than a match for Endeavor and would've creamed almost any other hero.
Also, Gigachad. Which hero could even deal with him at present? He's a hell of a trump card.
Shiggy Diggy's miniarc saving BNHA. Based.
Also if any of you are wondering why last thread got deleted it's because it was a literal OP copypasta shitpost
check the archives
The filenames weren't changed once so it was the same retard who reposted it all those times
Is Prison Break gonna happen soon?
I'm pretty sure we can say RIP to alllmight at this point
When did the chapter come out? I checked out mangastream just now and realized it's there, missed out the threads.
>Four (4) chapters without Deku in a row.
Hori this is getting really fucking metal now
Probably 4-5 hours ago
Threads were dead or off-topic anyway
We just don't know
Like 4-5 hours ago
>2 without the main class
get it right, it's the students people don't care much about
it being about Deku, Bakugo, or Shouto is irrelevant, people want Villains vs Heroes
I think a problem is that there's gonna be some serious power creep now. Deku in a year or so could likely deal with High Ends given a good percentage of OfA and an extra Quirk or two, but having anyone else on his level other than Todoroki and (through sheer power of wank) Bakugo is a hard sell. Maybe the likes of Tokoyami or Yoarashi or Shishida could fight the weaker ones.
Reminder that:
a) Shigaraki is duplicating the bullets and dequirking the whole UA
b) his hair and his dad are doing fine
The spoilers came a long time ago, most discussion happened with them since they confirmed Ujiko was Deku's doctor.
>get it right,
Even Deku fighting Villains is ass
As mentioned, only a few hours ago. One thread in the archives, one deleted, and this one.
If High is any indication, I think fights against nomus will have to start being less of 1vs1. The student fights are better when they have to cooperate, like ganging up on Stain or trying to escape the LoV in the forest.
Is conservation of ninjitsu still an observed trope
>his dad
>everyone else
you do know that the Doctor is refering to Shiggy's hands on his face being his Dad's hands right?
>his hair and his dad are doing fine
Think a little harder
Might be something the world has to step in for
His hair is fine though.
Just like Shouto and Bakugo fighting villains is ass
No one cared about that part of the chapter, the Destro, Giran, and Giga stuff was what mattered.
People wants Villians
People want stakes like Endeavor vs High End.
(You) shitposting that gif of Shouto and Bakugo is laughable because it has more to do with story issues and plot focusing on kids rather than focusing on adults
Indeed. But this raises the point that the other hands on his 'costume' may be victims of his, as well.
Maybe Overhaul is there, somewhere...
So marrage is confirmed yes?
It's better this way. He could've have died at least before this. It could get worse.
Come on, fags, of course i am not retarded enough not to remember which part of his dad is doing fine
What does JoJo have to do with this
>little Tenko all scared and covered in his father's blood
I NEED this panel now, Hori!
yeah people shouldn't be so focused on 1vs1
(reads chapter)
Fellow anons, does it look to you like the Doc sometimes has full legs, sometimes has shriveled legs, and sometimes has no legs at all? Maybe that's why he doesn't want anyone coming too close: He's not all there.
Based Shiggy. Can't wait to see how he manages to fuck up.
Shiggy will probably not earn the right to the Nomus yet. He'll get kicked out by the Dr. and then be assaulted by the Liberation Army on his base later while he ponders his uselessness. Shiggy and friends will defeat the Liberation Army and make some cool announcement on the internet about how the LoV captured these terrorists.
This will make the LoV more popular, and he'll return to the Dr with the captured Liberation Army members and Destro's son's research on Hero Equipment. The Doctor will then approve if Shiggy and turn the Liberation Army into Nomus.
>Just like Shouto and Bakugo fighting villains is ass
Everyone liked that. Hell the only half decent fights in the joint training arc were Bakugo's and Shoto's
The remedial course was also liked
If Bakugo or Todoroki show up the hype will not die. If Deku does it will.
It really is just Decuck who is the problem
You're both faggots, now kiss.
He has a chair attached to rail, there's obviously something up with his legs.
I... think we had it. Although I don't remember when...
>You're both faggots
You have to be to read this trash manga
No one cared about the fight against soda guy, Bakugo's fight in the JT arc was shit and Shouto was the shittiest part about his fight.
You're not wrong about them being popular because a large part of the fanbase is fujos, but then again the nips ranked Deku getting 5 more quirks highly so they like him too and all have shit taste.
Shiggy just has to show a bit of competence and he gets to inherit AfO's everything. One of the luckiest villains out there.
Male, female, or both?
it's so damn boring
Popular here as well
with non-fujos
Deku is also fujo bait
Both Bakugo and Shouto are shit and gets shit every time they appear
Not true
Only by decuck self-inserters
>Popular here as well
>with non-fujos
Nope on both accounts
After reading the chapter 2 times, I feel really bad about this whole doctor/Giga thing. I've been theorizing about Giga since I started making these edits, and obviously he's getting orders trough the radio. But actually seeing this is just really sad and sort of fucked up. Looking at him, he's literally shaking after half a word from the lord, the doctor is manipulating him emotionally like that, man fuck Ujiko.
Oops forgot the shitty edit.
Rappa + red riot chadbreakable
No, we were never shown his face during his father's death
I like him, I like devoted characters. I'm sure if AFO told giga to give him a BJ, he'd over his oversizded ass to him because he'd think his mouth isn't enough.
The female one looks too human right now
However, the male chad noumu... You remember the sounds USJ one used to make? Imagine someone doing this while having sex with you
Poor guy.
I feel like Ujiko will end up the most hated character, he'll be like freaking Danzo
Was Dr eggman just stealing quirks in the beginning but then moved to Nomufy children?
I mean I like the bit we've had of Ujiko with Shiggy, but I'm not sure if I'm on board with Ujiko using recordings of AFO to control Giga, that might be easily abused. Imagine if Shinso´s shitty gadget is used against Giga
>It really is just Decuck who is the problem
still forcing this shit meme huh
It doesn't look like the Doc was manipulating Giga as much as preventing him from going full on Godzilla and nuking the entire LoV because shiggy was a bit of a hothead
shitposters love to push their narrative
Are there two females? The one on the right is obvious, but straight across from her on the left, that Nomu either has breasts or its arms around its chest.
Stealing quirks for All for One.
>"Hey AFO, this kid has a nice quirk"
>"I'll be there in 5 minutes"
I mean yeah, but the poor guy is shaking and desperately checking the radio to see if it was live. But yeah, it's just a method to keep him from going berserk, but god damn.
So what are the chances the Doc successfully creates the Ultimate Nomu, but it's opposing him. I mean if his goal is an intelligent Nomu, that fucker won't listen to him
Why is the art so shit? It's like Hori forgot to shade
>naked man shaking and lusting after hearing his "master's" vouce
How exactly did AFO use him, again?
As a bodyguard, he also gave him the quirks.
Now I want to see Shiggy with short hair
IIRC - which is a big if - we saw a bloody Shiggy from behind looking at the puddle of dust that used to be his father, one hand still intact; then several chapters later,a front shot of a terrified Shiggy sitting hunched up in an alley, and then AfO holding out his hand to him.
Is this correct?
Yes. But the panel of Shiggy seating and AFO giving his hand most likely happened a long time after the accident, to make dure Shiggy witnesses how no one gives a fuck about him, not even heroes
can twice not duplicate the serum
help a brainlet and potential speedreader out here
very cute and very canon
if Twice can only make two copies at once, so that's not a huge help compared to being able to mass produce them. That's on top of the fact that if you shot someone with a copied bullet it might just dissolve into goo instead of piercing them
They complement each other so well, I love them.
Shigaraki call the hand covering his face "father".
Not his actual "Dad" dad.
>when the memes get a little bit too real
Look at this fucking sphere of muscle and tell me somebody isn't going to die to it
All Might
This doctor looks like Deku's doctor
so what you're saying is the person he calls father is in fact not his father.
It may be all that's left of his "Dad" dad.
Kirishima dies. My digits confirm
Father has religious connotations you know, as well as indication it being the head/most important of a group (moreso if he calls his other hands 'brothers' or some shit).
Believe it or not faggot, but you aren't as smart as you think.
He seemingly only duplicates people.
It has been discussed. Along with the possibility Doc stole Deku's original quirk and came up with the 'two joints in the pinkie toe' story as cover.
Lewds when?
And Deku never googled it?
And Melissa had the same?
>High End Nomu armed with support gear.
Dear god.
He cant duplicate clothes?
What if the X-rays are fake?
believe it or not, it's his dad's hand. your faulty comprehension won't change that.
You'll jerk off to anything with tits huh
It probably is
whats his superpower?
My money is on Shou Tucker meets Bondrewd.
He can, but I bet they're just a part of the clone. If you tell him to duplicate a telephone or a pill, he probably won't be able to do it.
You don't? What a fag.
>my theory is correct because I came up with is
How fucking arrogant must you be
I don't think Hori has it in him to write that kind of fucked-up yet based character, and I say this as a fan.
Will Doc finally make Deku go ballistic?
But if I am holding a pill can he duplicate me holding a pill?
It's an interesting question. I think he can make a pill look like a pill, but it won't work. It's a headcanon though.
There's enough pieces out there to suggest that Wing boy from the prologue is the same Flying nomu from the Stain Arc and that he's also the Doctor's Nephew.
20% of the world's population is born quirkless. The two joints story is probably true as applies to them. Melissa is almost certainly among that number.
That doesn't mean Deku was born quirkless, or that that's his actual x-ray. I should have phrased my statement to be clearer.
So was the noumu with extending quirk the other friend?
The one curbstomped by Gran Torino
I don't know why you all think he used the kid for the Noumu. He probably just took his blood or something to copy the quirk or something. Look at the Pro Hero Hign End. He had a quirk from Muscular while muscular was in prison and used the same quirk to spawn Noumu that Ujiko himself then used to warp Dabi back.
You know, with all this scary new shit happening, and Noumu's strong enough to nearly kill established and powerful heroes like Endeavor and faggot ass Hawks a hard time, it sure is a good thing all of our main characters are so ungodly powerful huh? I mean, the timing on that is crazy.
>I don't know why you all think he used the kid for the Noumu.
I mean, how many in classes 1-A and 1-B could realistically beat a Nomu, let alone a High End?
And the High End had the personality of Muscular. There seems to be a pattern here.
So either those WERE the basis of the Noumus
Or if a Noumu receives a quirk he receives part of that personality
Which also works since kosei could also have been translated as personality than quirk.
I dont expect Bondrewd levels either, but Doc already got the part of using kids for experiments, so while not as good they share the methods.
>all of our main characters are so ungodly powerful huh
>>Deku is MC
>>Ochunko can only do basic grapples vs human opponents
>>Iida has a limit of 10 minutes which he can't even control the speed of
>>Shoto is eugenics
>>Sperg is Sperg
>>AM is skeleton
Real power players, huh
>And the High End had the personality of Muscular
>Sauce: Dude trst me bro
I'd say the constant referral to them as his children and the fact /Muscular is in a prison kinda fucks that cracktheory up
Because at the end of the Stain arc, Horikoshi included a little blurb indicating, if the readers wondered why the winged Nomu grabbed Deku specifically and was flying off with him, he'd give an oblique hint. And there was a sketch of the little kid, with wings just like the Nomu.
>Uraraka in a Joseph Joestar way if she survives long enough
>Tokoyami, Bakugou, Juzo and maybe Monoma have a chance
He had muscular's fucking pants
He initially had a hood on
He has the stupid "I want to fight the strongest" personality
He is probably muscular. Are you the same idiot who is wrong about all theories? Let me guess. Dabi also isn't Touya?
>I'd say the constant referral to them as his children and the fact /Muscular is in a prison kinda fucks that cracktheory up
The fact that High End had Muscular's quirk while muscular is in prison kinda supports it. I don't think he mean they are literally children. More like his projects he's passionate about.
I'll explain in detail: your theory is retarded. the hand he refers to as "father" being his father's is not retarded.
that's why one is correct and one isn't.
Let Monoma slap him, and for 10 minutes he'll have at least four and maybe more of the Nomu's quirks. While Big Mouth is being useful for once and keeping him busy, the rest get ready and hit the Nomu all at once from behind.
Repeat as needed.
>I don't think he mean they are literally children.
The Doctor is a pediatrician, a couple of the Nomus are strongly hinted to be Bakugo's childhood friends and High End was kept in a nursery before the attack. I'd say he's very literal when calling them children.
Shiggy was on the verge of trying to kill Giga.
Would he have managed?
What will they do with the Dequirk serum? Make a Black Nomu that Dequirks people via injection with a tail thing?
I like this. Maybe we'll see Shinketsu or even outside of Japan.
i wanna fuck that female noumu in her high-end
As far as we know he can only copy full humans.
>a couple of the Nomus are strongly hinted to be Bakugo's childhood friends
When did that happen?
along with all their clothing.
>He has the stupid "I want to fight the strongest" personality
that's Rappa, not Muscular. Muscular just wanted to kill people, he didn't care who he fought
>I'd say the constant referral to them as his children and the fact /Muscular is in a prison kinda fucks that cracktheory up
A) Are we sure Muscular is still in prison, given the Doctor's black goo ability?, and
B) If he sacrificed his grandson, there's no reason to think he might not have sacrificed other family members. His talk of 'children' may not be rhetorical. Who was Muscular's father?
Again, I don't think so. I think he uses his dayjob to look for good quirks and then steal them. I don't think he would noumu-fy his own grandson, but I do believe he would use his DNA to make a Noumu. And that personality thing is probably some sort of a side effect. I don't believe that he'd be able to abduct children for years and no one would caught onto it.
heres your new big 3 after beating all the nomou
>Muscular just wanted to kill people, he didn't care who he fought
I remember him wanting powerful enemies and having fun with Deku
The current events take place before the Pro Hero arc, speedfriend.
>has beaten all 3 of these cucks
>gets rock-paper-scisored by the female high end
I don't remember that. I remember him wanting to "play" and flex his quirk. But he would have done it at everyone.
But what if that Noumu is Miruko and is smart and has the ability to transform back to her none noumu form?
His weakness is cold. You can't beat him
Only because he's the only jackass who thinks "if I fight another student and win, it means I'm better"
while everyone else is thinking "I sure dont want to injure or kill a fellow student". Its easy to win if you give no shits about the well-being of your opponent and they do give a shit about your well-being
dude needs to be put on medication and get regular therapy
>Most of the top 10 ranked heroes and students killed or knocked out
>Endeavor and Hawks last ones standing
>"I guess we call in that favour"
>Hero teams from Europe, Russia, China, and burgerstan teleport in
>International Hero Arc begins
Bakugo is also holding back to not kill anyone
>quirk hard counter
>held back against him
>held back against him
That would be some next level shennanigans
His weakness is things that'll make him kill himself trying to beat them. That noumu can literally do nothing and wait till he dies of exhaustion.
That doesn't make any sense, make him an Ampharos for fuck's sake.
We know, Toga
Toga is so delicious
>Russian heroes
Either a bunch of useless bloggers or a SpetzNaz unit with a license to use quirks on civilians.
>Deku beat him on his first day
>Todoroki wasn't even trying
>normal teeth
>both times the warp goo was used, it shows it happening to Toga first
what did Hori mean by this
These are the doctor's High-Ends. Say something nice about them.
Sure he is. Keep telling yourself that about the only character, even among the villains, who screams "DIE!" whenever he uses his quirk to any significant degree
>ghost type that can phase trough things
>is smiling all the time
Fits him well
When will one of them be notMeruem with a Tail
Lmao are you retarded? He was literally holding back against the villains like a couple chapters ago you dumb speedreader
First High-End best boy.
I want to fuck High-Fem.
Fat boy a shit.
4th one looks like a warframe.
Rest are none important besides the multi mouth one.
He wasnt holding back. He was commenting on how easy it was to drop them. Todoroki on the other hand nerfed his freezerburn
>Sure he is.
Literally confirmed by All Might during the first battle training
Bakugo is simply better than Todoroki and Deku
>who screams "DIE!"
lmao he also wanted to kill the baseball then?
Why is she so sexy?
I want to know what's going on with the two that have no legs
Can't believe you Redditcucks still read this SJW shit.
No one cares about your shit character. He wasn't even in the chapter.
>Not a Riolu
>Kirishima and Testsutetsu
>Not Gigalith/Metagross
>it being about Deku, Bakugo, or Shouto is irrelevant, people want Villains vs Heroes
Please god, give me the time skip
Have you ever met Miriofag?
Jirou is a cute
No, but I can tell that Miriofag aka Patreak is the ultimate soiboi on Yea Forums.
I was trying to stick to gen1/2 since the rest are full on pokefag territory
Isnt this deku's doctor?
That Toga looks good with thick viscous fluids in her mouth?
(I'm wondering how this teleport works. The fluid starts in the stomach, explodes out of the mouth and envelops the person, and then they're elsewhere? Is it based on something people eat? Digestive tract bacteria? An asspull? It's weird.
And the goo doesn't seem to stain...)
>tfw Muscular is/was now the centre of not one, but TWO (2) bullshit cracktheories that normalfags push as 'basically confirmed canon'
Because everybody remembers when Muscular was Bakugos father. Same hairstyle, same mannerisms, both are loners and ignore authourity to do what they want, Muscualr was looking specifically for Bakugo, both quirks that put heavy strain on the arms, both quirks that revolve around arms, both have the same shirt. It's bascially canon, and if you disagree wit me you're wrong because IT'S LITERALLY SPELT OUT FOR YOU MUSCULAR IS CLEARLY BAKUGOS DAD LALA CAN'T HEEEAR YOUUU SHUTUPSHUTUP OR I'LL JUST GO BACK TO PLEBBIT WHERE EVERYONE ELSE KNOWS THIS TO BE TRUE GOD EVERYBODY HERE IS JUST FUCKING SHITPOSTING PEOPLE HERE ARE SO STUPID
History really does fucking repeat itself
Well, at least you're not wrong on everything. Good day to you too, user
That would be retarded cause they could’ve murdered heroes 1 and 2 for the world to see, while top hero 4 would be revealed as a LoV servant. All on national tv. Shiggy wouldn’t pass that up.
Eew. Delete this post, please.
>Because everybody remembers when Muscular was Bakugos father.
No that was complete bullshit
He wouldn't call him Bakugo but Katsuki then
Also he wouldn't have said "that bakugo kid" like it is someone else
Also the quirks are not related.
There are logical reasons you can argue Muscular is connected to High End
Muscular and Bakugo got nothing
Never was into that theory. If you can find the same arguments for why Muscular and High end share pants and quirk then go ahead.
>Struggled at 8%
>Todo threw his match
>1-B is more afraid of Deku than him
>Todo can destroy half a battlefield with fire
Probably mechanical limbs will be placed. Notice that some of the others have whiter legs, thos could be mechanical.
Wow. Triggered.
The whole thign about Bon is that there are layers of genuine love in between the fucked up things he did to the kids.
Hori doesnt really has it in him to write that kind of disturbing
He killed the fuck out of that baseball, dont you doubt it. Why do you think we never got to see it again? Because it was all fucked up and Hori knew he'd catch some shit for showing such graphic violence
Its like when villains throw stuff into office buildings, you never see the dead office workers but its assumed they are in the rubble.
Don't be dumb user, it would be pretty obvious the x-rays are fake.
Bak U Go soon. Gigantomachia is Dekudad and Kirishima's single mom is a prostitute whore. Denki is the Traitor. MHA will be the first to have a endgame confirmed gay yes homo pairing.
The state of speedreaders
I swear people will be surprised when Deku comes home and AFO and Inko are fucking.
They look like a fun bunch.
>>Struggled at 8%
>implying bakugo was at any more than 8% of his ultimate potential
>Todo threw his match
Exactly what Bakugo hated. He could beat him at his full power but since Todoroki didn't give him that chance he is not undeniably better. Seeing how you are denying it right now. That is what he didn't want
>1-B is more afraid of Deku than him
1-B is a bunch of retarded jobbers. Not only did Bakugo basically beat his match alone but Deku was not even the MVP during their match
Ochaco was.
>Todo can destroy half a battlefield with fire
Bakugo can destroy more with his explosions.
Don't be dumb, user, it's pretty obvious the doctor lied.
Would you fuck female noumu?
Don't forget Dabi is totally a todoroki guise
Don't forget AfO is totally Deku's dad guise
Don't forget Toga has totally Aizawa's blood guise
Don't forget Kaminari is totally the traitor guise.
The x-rays dont have to be FAKE. they just have to be someone else's x-rays. For a doctor that's way easier than producing a believable fake.
Miruko vs Female Nomu fucking when!?
read again
if Ujiko can teleport anyone to him just by knowing of their existence, he probably got the kids for his nomus by kidnapping them out of their beds weeks or months after their check ups
I think All for One gave us specifics
And its only to someone he knows or to himself.
Its not coordinate based like Kurogiri.
>implying bakugo was at any more than 8% of his ultimate potential
Ultimate cope
>that pic
Absolutely saved
>invisible body
>but you know she has some big tits
that's what I said. He can teleport people without knowing them, but the destination has to be someone he knows well
Because she leaves everything to the imagination.
(I thought she was invisible comic relief and that was it. But during the licensing exam and the cultural festival, she was emitting brilliant flashes of light. If she's manipulating light, she moves from funny to potentially very scary.)
So you would be surprised if Bakugo is getting stronger?
>>implying bakugo was at any more than 8% of his ultimate potential
>>Bakugo can destroy more with his explosions
>ignoring the fact bakugo has actual human arms
the absolute state of bakugo shills
>>implying bakugo was at any more than 8% of his ultimate potential
And you know she isn't stuffing
She can't
>If she's manipulating light, she moves from funny to potentially very scary
This is probably a physics thing I didnt understand in class, but why exactly does this make her scary?
So she's a human flash-bang. While very effective, I'm not certain I see the scare factor here
Not that user, but I doubt Bakugou has still 92% of potential left for growth. He’s atleast at 50% already.
I've missed it, have there been anything interesting from editfags?
If you're missing a joint in the pinky then you shouldn't be able to move it in the same way as a normal toe.
I don't think this is what the plotline is going for. Basically everyone with a Quirk has it by that point, so Deku not showing signs of a Quirk by then is indication he is actually quirkless (As opposed to the less likely scenario of being a very late bloomer). Instead, given his connection to both the doctor and that specific Noumu, this will eventually lead Deku on his trail. Possibly with the quirk stealing as a red herring.
Since this arc is in the past, at least not until next arc.
>time contrasting digits
I would be surprised if his 100% was comparable to 100% OfA, yes.
oh I just realized the guy in the first vat on the right is kurogiri turned into a noumu
They just got married. Say something nice about them.
>He’s atleast at 50% already.
Now that is headcannon.
the problem is no one cares about the academia part of my hero academia, minus the tournament arc the most interesting things about my hero happen outside the school
>I would be surprised if his 100% was comparable to 100% OfA, yes.
He could blow away All Might during the battle.
What's funny is the fact that you use the pic where both of them are lusting after Momo
I liked the remedial course. Its fine if Deku isn't there.
>If you're missing a joint in the pinky then you shouldn't be able to move it in the same way as a normal toe.
One of the pinkie joints is pretty immobile. You wouldn't ever use it in any of your movements consciously.
>user pulls percentage out of his ass never claims it his headcanon
>claims it’s headcanon when someone else does it
Ultimate sperg
By using his full power and fucking up his arms he momentarily caused a handicapped and way past his prime All Might who was holding back to recoil for a bit. Are all bakufujos this deluded?
The doctor is probably researching and constantly experimenting new ways to improve the Nomus more and more. These High-End Nomus will possibly become the new standard from now on.
So, when are we getting the ultimate Bio Organic Weapon of the world of MHA?
The absolute state of bakufujos lmao
>All Might with Mei's custom weights
Kaminari's gonna get cucked
The one where allmight had his abilities restricted?
damn if all this shit is happening in japan only what the fuck is going on in america
Why would bakugo be at 50% now if he still has so much to learn and so much to improve according to literally everyone?
For the parallel it makes sense if he was only at 8% or something while fighting Deku.
He literally said he has caught up to him.
Wow, that's amazing.
was so fucking bad it synced two random anons to reply to him at the same time. Based Yea Forums
all 3 of them will get married to each other
still gets a chuckle from me
Yeah 50% all might
He can beat him right now.
man the doctor is fucking cool
This was posted a few threads back
Two heroes are canon, so high crime rates. Like everywhere else. Thats why while being the no. 1 Hero only in Japanese polls All Might is known as the no. 1 and the Symbol of Piece everywhere. 'cause he keeps the crime in Japan lower than everywhere else.
>AM was at less than a tenth of the strength he had in his prime
>AND had the weights restricting him as well
face it bakugou's gonna get left in the dust unles bak-u-go actually happens
Yes. It was still the first fucking semester and he could go toe to toe with 50% all might.
Is it really that crazy to think he could surpass All Might? You think Todoroki can't when he was specifically bred for that?
>the visible shittiness and sloppy work of the edit
Fits the delusionship to a T
>he's still going
All For One
>All quirks for One person
One For All
>One person for All quirks
AM had a time limit on him yes and the weights.
kinda lame if the gap from all-might and the rest of the heroes applies worldwide as well
I would expect at least one reality warper and time-stopper fucking around somewhere keeping things safe
That is High End, we've been over him being Kurogiri a long time ago.
I want him.
Keep seething, Kamikek.
he's also a lot less strong than he was pre-gutting
remember when he beat USJ noumu and said that in his prime he could have done it in 3 punches?
>he could go toe to toe with 50% all might.
He couldn't, you delusional speedreader.
I don't think it means he's the strongest in the world. We all know that if you look deep inside AM he's fucking crazy, just in a very pro-social way.
>remember when he beat USJ noumu and said that in his prime he could have done it in 3 punches?
He said 5
And now he needed 300
meaning he was a 60th of his strength
With weights puts him at half of his speed
So all might was at ~0.8%
Technically that wasn't All Might at his true 50% when you take the USJ Nomu incident into consideration. By that I mean his 300 some punches to defeat USJ Nomu as opposed to the 3 or 5 he could have done at his Prime.
Meant to say, that he's not the strongest in the world, but he's insane enough to keep the crime rates low all by himself.
Are you stupid? Deku has the combined power of 9 people, of course he’s still struggling with his own percentage. Bakugou is already the top of his class, in the top school of heroes, he has already trained for years unlike Deku, his quirk is stronger than many pro heroes already, and we’ve seen Mirio being shilled as the best future hero by his third year, which means there’s not a great leap of strength after graduating, moment in which he probably has almost maxed his potential. Yeah, I think bakugou going all out is probably already at his 50% he still can double his strength. That would already be stronger than most on the series, but not even close to Deku, cause guess what? No one is even close to Deku. AM fucking soloed AfO, Deku has even more potential with his 6 magic quirks, Bakugou won’t ever be close to him.
>the Chrysler building in new york
>Deku's dad took a job abroad
Anyone here still /indenial/?
>Who is this failed abortion on my screen
I forgot his conviction and willpower is 99, that makes more sense
He tag teamed him with Deku, and it was no where near 50% prime allmight
Strength and powerful quirks alone doesn't help if you don't apply yourself and aim to become the pillar of society. Vigilantes showed Captain Celebrity who was just your average vapid Hollywood thot.
and now deku has all of that power and more, plus also 7 extra random quirks
I agree, but I guess what I'm saying is that there should be like 5 people comparable to him if hori's taking this shit worldwide
>TFW "Hi Izuku. Say hi to daddy"
timeskip when?
I love this moment so much. Always makes me laugh. All Might is fucking psycho. Thank god he's insanity focuses on being wholesome and building a pieceful society and not anything else.
never soon enough
Chapter 1, page 19.
Hello, Robotnik.
>it's another too real chapter
>people talking about Bakugo's potential as his full potential is actually on par with Todoroki's or Deku's
8% of a lesser whole
It is science nerd overthinking. But light is very powerful. E=MC2 is a look at the basis of all creation. To produce light takes power. To bend it takes even more power. I can hypothesize Aoyama is creating his Twinkle laser by localized chemical reaction, electro-magnetic manipulation, or even nuclear fusion, all of which would explain his tummy ache. But if Turo is bending light around her body, and can store light and emit it at will, which would explain the invisibility and flashes, then we're talking energy manipulation on a major level. It was when Lee and Kirby realized this that Marvel's the Invisible Girl / Woman started becoming powerful. Turo might be able to go the same way. Although she'll probably stay comic relief.
Aoyama may be able to bend light with his Laser Buffet technique as well. If so, I haven't been able to figure that one out.
I mean, for a guy that can punch like a nuke swinging a 120 pound brat isn't much of a stretch at 0.8%
>Deku was supposed to be the relatable one
>It ended up being Shigaraki
>spinner is triggered
What will their babies names be?
What are the powers?
I warned them but they didn't listen
Has hori delivered his promise of making 2019 more interesting?
There should definitely be some other AfO level quirk out there, but I don’t think OfA should be considered as a normal quirk, doubt anyone could actually match it in it’s prime.
jumper cable ears
Maybe, but I'm not surprised Burgerland lacks them.
How much does Inko know?
plot twist: inko and AfO are the same person
Wouldn't she have exploding earjacks?
How long will it take until we get bizarro all might?
They’ll have one named shortcircuit and he’ll have explosive soundwaves quirk
He was saving this arc for a while, the training garbage we got vs B was just stalling for more content
cringe and bluepilled
based and redpilled
>plus also 7 extra random quirks
The fuck happened in this manga when I wasn't looking
OG nomu was that already
>The fuck happened in this manga when I wasn't looking
Don't worry, user. It's only four random quirks and one with giant black whips. It's not that bad.
Izuku is comuning with past ofa users avatar style and getting their quirks.
So far only one new, its called black whip
>Big dick energy
Not with this gargantuan insecurity energy.
the retarded theory about deku getting the quirks of all past OfA users turned out to be canon
Must eat Mina ass.
Based Dormmamu
>He doesn't know
satan quads confirms dr strange for mbnha
what weapon did shiggy want?
I wanna heavy pet that cat
Well he did dismantle the Yakuza; that's arguably a pretty big deal.
the power to make people cry tears of joy when he dances
Oh come the fuck on.
Fucking why?
So they took a great origin story and decided to turn him into a 5th grade recess tier gary stu?
>12+ High Ends
>Gigantomanchia that was All for One's bodyguard and can use multiple quirks
Damn, LoV went from trash to top tier in one chapter.
It's not as bad as people say it is, but yeah, it's a bit of an annoying cliche. Let's hope Hori won't fuck it up completely. I have faith in him.
yep, hori is massive hack.
Just wait until he starts demanding shiggy catch a hedgehog or starts wanting to make robots
>Well he did dismantle the Yakuza
He didn't even do that, more like spit on its grave.
capeshit begets capeshit
Obviously, a katana. Every neet wants a katana.
Yes. People are underselling how bad it actually is. Its indefensible
>I heard he's a crippled now
>So they took a great origin story and decided to turn him into a 5th grade recess tier gary stu?
The origin hasn't changed, it's just that his 8th-gen OFA hit critical mass and started to manifest past holders' Quirks. Which naturally he can't control and hurt like a motherfucker to use.
nah the b arc was planned for a long time
It was never a great origin story. It was standard shounen MC shit and the powerup was standard shounen MC shit.
Not really, Bizarro is a straight up clone of superman
where is cloverfag and hunterfag?
i miss their autism
It was planned for a long time but the school arcs in general feels more and more like stalling for plot progression.
didn't really like this setup.
destro's group is supposed to be hunting the league but this chapter confirmed they're getting their asses killed and then some.
>a great origin story
It was always pure trash
Welcome to the correct side now
This confirms that the LoV is at Ujiko and Gigamachia's mercy, after wasting High End they're not going to help them fight Destro's army unless they earn it themselves.
You get that literally nothing this idiot can do will ever put him on Deku's level again right? He was already destined to become Endeavor 2.0 and now the gap will be even worse as not only does asspull boy have a stronger version of the same quirk but other powerful quirks that have been sitting inside OfA power and got leveled up
you can't just chain the villains arcs user, they're still kids in training, training is plot progression
>become Endeavor 2.0
The number 1 Hero?
am i tripping balls?
i coulda swore i remember seeing gentle and la brava in actual anime form not manga
Yes, you're tripping balls
Not even Yakuza has been animated yet
Are you drunk user?
I can't believe one of Yea Forums'a dumb theories might come true.
He could definitely have chained the Pro Hero arc and this one though, they are two sides and parts of a longer event. The Pro Hero arc was short and is a great teaser that leaves you wondering what the LoV is up to and how they got to that point, switching over to a 20 chapter student training arc was going to be a frustrating wait even if it was well executed.
Not really much of an accomplishment if you just move up a rank because the dude who always outclassed you had to retire after saving the world from the strongest villain while you almost die on your first day from a random thing while having another strong hero assisting
They literally were given the same voice actor in the anime
It was blatant as fuck and if you didn't expect this you're even more braindead than Yea Forums
Hori lurks these threads, don't you know?
cmon now, it was obvious user
Do you also doubt that Dabi is a Todoroki?
Boku no Tokyo Ghoul
You have to have terminal brain damage to have not seen that coming.
Why are gentle and la brava so unpopular despite being canon?
because they ended up doing fuck all in their own arc.
because it's canon
1-arc wonders
I like them but they feel a bit off compared to the rest of the series. They're just too goofy and not really villains, and gets a fight that takes itself too seriously even if it was fun.
I don't want him to be. Make him be connected to them in a less obvious way. I.e. he murdered Touya and his quirk allows him to use Touya's quirk.
Everyone needs to stop being mean to shiggy he's trying his best
I love them, but there's no that much to be said about them.
>dude the doctor from chapter 1 was a bad guy all along
Fuck off
>noumus are the big epic villains again
Seems a bit farfectched but no completely impossible.
I wasn't sold until the fat one and the dino one
Fuck, bros
Buying chocolate milk and making nuggies on your own is not as easy as people say
oh good. more theories completely based on the shape of some rando's silhouette. It couldnt possibly be that the artist tends to draw the same dozen or so hair styles and body forms, right?
The fact that the Noumu creation lab is in a Kindergarten...
Another connection than straight up being Touya would be weaker at this point. Any other reason for being extremely butthurt at Endeavor would be more contrived than him just being the biggest disappointment of a failed son.
>lost several nomus
>can't kill a few kids
>is an autistic manchild neet
pull the other one, its got bells on it
this is reaching a bit. this is like saying AFO is Deku's Father or that Dabi=Touya which=Todoroki. or that Toga never killed anyone. or that Bak U Go is a thing or that AFO has Reality warping/timeline traversing powers.
Looked more like a kid hospital.
>making shit up
So you're just a speedreader then, awesome
he could
but hori love to tease, and he probably wanted join that with giran's kidnapping
also this arc might be quite big
you forgot Stain, Muscular, and Moonfish and all the fodder he lost at USJ
I can't completely disagree with you, but I want it to be both good development and something not totaly expected at the same time.
Hetero + age gap = make fujos mad
With other villains? 'Cause I doubt the public will like them because of that whole "attacked a school twice and also caused All Might to retire" stuff
Doubt it. The mugshot of the criminal who became the first noumu looked nothing like him. And the only feature the winged fat kid shared with the noumu form was the wings.
>It's the 7 main kids from Remedials
>All match up almost exactly to one of the forefront Nomu
>Mutltplie details consistent across al of them
>>>Just silhouettes despite the nomu having completely diferent silhouettes than the kids the are created from, See Wings and Winged
One's a coincedance, Two's an occurence, Three is a pattern; and there's a lot more than 3 there.
>Another fucking guy with multiple quirks, on top of making monsters with multiple quirks
How can anyone read and enjoy this boring drivel
I mean it's not even going to be anything resembling a plot twist anymore, but it does build up some intrigue about how exactly he wound up like this and if it had a hand in what made Rei go mental.
I liked them. I hope we don't see them again for a long time.
Because if we see them anytime soon it will be because the government made Gentle an offer he couldn't refuse. He's an established supervillain. Use that to infiltrate one of the criminal gangs springing up, maybe even the LoV, even if it means engaging in violent criminal acts, and bring back information that leads to said gang's downfall, and he and La Brava get pardons. Refuse, they rot in prison.
I don't want to see either of those happen.
ya cheeky asshole
>Bakugo and Todoroki will have to fight the nomufied kids
>But I want it to be both good development and something not totaly expected
>>All match up almost exactly to one of the forefront Nomu
Just keep lying to yourself, you're the only one who will believe it anyway
>We could have gotten this arc right after the pro hero arc, instead we got class boring for 5 months
a bit reaching but i'll consider it
Saying they match exactly is also a stretch, he just picked random parts that might resemble other random parts.
I want, now that you've described it like that. It sounds awesome and adds a ton of tension because those two youtube dweebs are just so likeable.
You guys are faggots. Hori does this every arc; he hypes people up with promises of conflict and then the moment he pulls the trigger everything becomes the least interesting result possible. This arc won't be any different.
I'm actually embarrassed I have to share oxygen with you gullible retards. I can only sit and wait for your impotent tears of disappointment come summertime.
>You're the only one who will believe it
>>If I don't agree with a long substantiated theory that the nomu are kids, then nobody will beleive it
From the (You)'s the post got alone I'd highly doubt that.
>>All match up almost exactly to one of the forefront Nomu
eeeh. You are stretching hard
Its like bak u go
If I had a solution for every problem I have, Provisional License and Joint Training wouldn't be as boring as they are.
>this chapter
>this arc
>this everything
Gaze in majesty as Hori manages to make a noumu invasion affect absolutely nothing about hero world just like AM retiring did.
Two of the Nomus do match, the chain chomp Nomu and the lizard/bird kid. The rest are a bit of a stretch but i can see it.
Useless neets like 90% of the board would related to shigs. He's still based though.
I am just saying if something is a well written twist then it has to be properly foreshadowed
And if you pay attention or just stick around here then you will catch the foreshadowing
So to want a good written twist but to also be surprised is not going to work. Even if Dabi for example isn't Touya but only had his skin stuff then that wouldn't surprise me now. In fact it would probably get some extra hints before and we would all be on board before it actually happens.
Forgot pic
I didn't say it was solid, only to conisder it. You don't need to fight my fights for me user, you're equally as bad as the people who are taking it seriously and shitting on it.
user, you're too nitpicky about it. I just don't want it to be the most obvious answer.
>affect absolutely nothing about hero world just like AM retiring did
Read slower, or better yet; actually read the fucking manga (because I know you haven't)
Those arent the same kids Bakugo and Todoroki dealt with. Everything we're seeing now happened a month prior to Joint training, and a month after AFO's capture meaning in the current timeline Overhaul just lost, Bakugo and Todoroki finished their first remedial class and the story is about to move onto Gentle vs Deku.
shigaraki is the most beautiful thing in the universe and i would drive a bugatti off a cliff if he asked me to
>All Might's presence kept the crime down
>After his retirement we see a resurgennce of petty street crime (Twice's miniarc, Kirishima and Fagum patrol), quirk-echancing drug use (Kirishima and Fatgum Patrol and Yakuza Raid), organized crime (Yakuza Raid, Quirk Libiration Army) and domestic terrorism (Pro Hero Arc).
What else were you expecting?
>All might has never seen or heard of AFO's nomu project before USJ
>Nomu production happened en masse after Deku's visit to the doctor
Now I'm not saying Deku's potential original quirk is related to the nomu, but it's related.
>prior to Joint training
>Overhole just lost
No, it;s a month before Pro Heroes. It's been a while since Shiggy got the drugs and Kuro has been busted, and a while after the Remedials; it flows with the timeline
>his quirk is actually being able to hold multiple quirks in one body
>that's why OfA started manifesting multiple quirks
Can´t believe the USJ Nomus related to Sato.
Kurogiri was captured by Gran Torino, retards.
All Might knew already that multiple quirks turn someone braindead, its just the case clearly now that thanks to the Doc AFO found a way to weaponize this and still put them to use, Vigilante even got basically discount Not! Nomu recently, and that plays just a year after AFO got his face punched away.
I find the school activities very interesting. Especially given they're dealing with a bunch of super-powered teens.
Like 7 quirks?
7 (actually, just 5) quirks were pretty obvious. I was hoping for a long time it won't happen. Unfortunately it did. I meant something like Eri not just destroying quirks but rewerting everything in time. Though I would love a better execution.
>were pretty obvious.
That was barely foreshadowed
Literally nothing will work for you then. Is there anything in all fiction that you liked?
>That was barely foreshadowed
It was completely expected from the nature of OfA and the shounen need for power-ups.
>Literally nothing will work for you then. Is there anything in all fiction that you liked?
Just give me any example
It wasn't "barely foreshadowed". People just forgot that AfO's little brother DID have a quirk that allows him to pass on other quirks. Honestly it's not even much of a twist. OfA went through 7 people, did everyone just expect all of them to be quirkless when they received OfA?
Honest question is this your first shonen?
wait, did shiggy accidentally kill his dad?
So if those nomus were the kindergarteners why hasn't anything been shown on the news about many missing children? Surely All Might and others like Gang Orca who were there would know
He can formally chuck seeds after he feeds
Dorohedoro, Kasane, FLCL, Kill la Kill, Filth, 12 Angry Men, Alice in Wonderland, Crime and Punishment, Transmetropolitan. What now?
A specific twist buddy
We are talking about twists
Ujiko uses his doctor persona to recognize good quirks and take them.
What is with Hori and child abuse, anyways?
>not gay
>this fucking fanbase
got your answer right here
that's bullshit but I believe it
>blatant as fuck
>Yea Forums's dumb theories
Damn user, I knew you were stupid but this is pushing the limit of lack of intelligence.
You should have specified you were asking about plot-twists. You mean something I liked or something that surprised me?
We believe so, but have no details as of yet.
A bit of a stretch I say. Though they could all be classmates from Deku and Bakugo's old school.
>What is with Hori and child abuse, anyways?
childs are natural targets due to quirk singularity
I don't even want to know whos fucking him from behind
femdeku a CUTE
Kurogiri is in jail, right? Or am I missing something?
Something that you are asking for in BnHA
>something I liked or something that surprised me?
Made for BBC
that applies to all women
>Something that you are asking for in BnHA
I'll be alright with the anything as simple as Bakugou being caught instead of fighting off every villain and then refusing to join the VA instead of joining them. And then the final boss coming out of nowhere. My god, Kamino was such a delight to read.
Can't remember anything right now except for Tyler Durden being the Narrator. That one was fun.
Children are easy targets.
Hori's child abuse isn't even bad for shounen standards, there are no dead children, kidnapping and torture is restricted to a single child in the hands of an edgy villain.
So is muscular. Yet High End's head looks like Kurogiri's and he's got muscular's quirk.
>So they took a great origin story and decided to turn him into a 5th grade recess tier gary stu?
Every fucking series does this yet you seem surprised for some reason.
But Tyler Durden couldn't have surprised you.
It was incredibly foreshadowed and very obvious. Especially to someone who could see 7 quirks coming.
That is what I mean. What you want out of a twist is pretty much impossible. If it doesn't surprise you it has to be bullshit.
I dunno, user. I think it's better to be dead than getting your blood drained for, let's say, months just to get exploded into doing it all over again.
>So they took a great origin story and decided to turn him into a 5th grade recess tier gary stu?
In chapter 2 when he first got offered OfA
This is just par for the course.
>then refusing to join the VA instead of joining them
THAT fucking surprised you?
But 7 quirks was obvious?
How the hell did you think Bakugo would join them?
Tyler did surprise me, seven quirks were the first thing I thought the moment All Might described the story behind OfA. I think you're just trying to prove a point that you won't be able to prove 'cause it goes against my personal experience.
The theory of the doctor fucking up with childs by stealing their quirks like he possibly did with Deku and making Nomus out of other kids is starting to make sense
he cute
>Tumblr likes to say that the LoV is better than Overhaul and Endeavor in a moral sense because "child abuse is worse than murder" even if you are burning people alive like Dabi
>Hori makes it so the LoV is actively using braindead children that got several quirks forced into their bodies as disposable soldiers
Fucking Based
Their heads don't even look the same, High End looks like he has a face inside a long collar while Kurogiri's head is just swirling mist.
>>Tumblr likes to say that the LoV is better than Overhaul and Endeavor in a moral sense because "child abuse is worse than murder" even if you are burning people alive like Dabi
when has this ever happened
I expected it to go the shitty shounen way and not to follow the established character traits. I was pleasantly surprised to read a Shounen plot that makes sense and doesn't make me needlessly annoyed over a comicbook.
I havent read the manga ever since the Arc with the Love Loli and her older boyfriend
Why are people so hype and excited for this "Prison Break" Arc?
Has it been suggested outright in the manga Shiga wants to do that exactly? Or has Hori's writing become so predictably shonen that people are just speculating its eventually going to happen because villains who get locked up eventually get freed in capeshit and people are just blindly hype and awaiting it?
Should I just continue the manga or is it just nonsense filler so far and nothing worth reading up to yet?
I've been memed on the 7quirk shit but I can't say I'm very interested to continue yet.
So you're telling me the guys in Tartarus are working with the LoV? And AfO is in prison too so there must be another way they're distributing quirks onto all the High End Noumus.
I also doubt High End is Kurogiri when he didn't use his warp gate quirk even once when he definitely needed it.
It looks like something Kurogiri's head could be if ou remove the mist.
Was meant to
Objectively tyler durden was way more foreshadowed than 7 quirks.
Its not really about you liking one or not the other. I can't tell you what you like. But your reasons don't line up. I think the reason you described are not why you like one and dislike the other.
>Tumblr likes to say that the LoV is better than Overhaul and Endeavor in a moral sense because "child abuse is worse than murder" even if you are burning people alive like Dabi
They're still trigerred about him? They consider the n°1 hero to be worse than the bunch of murderers without cause? Hahahaha, tumblards continue to be the singularity of stupidity
No, I just think Doc preserved some of the DNA of those two beforehand
The LoV have such good characters, holy shit.
So 7 quirks was just obvious because shonen tropes and you are incredibly genre savvy
To the point of being retarded enough to think bakugo would join the league.
I think what you want is just subversion of genre. Nothing related to twists. You are to aware of shonen so something obvious like bakugo not joining surprised you but something far less obvious like 7 quirks didn't.
I think I get you now.
Not really, High End has his face and eyes inside a long collar, while Kurogiri just has a long neck. Structurally they're not that similar.
I just wish Mr. Compress get more focus. Even Spinner got some lately, it's his turn!
I don't agree with you. I think Tyler wasn't fpprshadowed in any bvious way if you didn't know what to look for. And 7 quirks was something that would logically follow from "well, quirks mutate and fuse, and the quirk that passes on quirks is a part of OfA"
In Tumblr of course, Overhaul and Endeavor are hated there, and some retards do say that Dabi and the LoV are morally better than them.
>"child abuse is worse than murder"
But Bakugo is their favorite?
To be fair I think there's a fair chunk that are triggered by Bakugo being a bully. But those people are retarded and will get triggered over anything fictional characters do.
So how did he get Deku's quirk when he still has it ? He had to have a better version of Monoma's quirk for that to happen.
>retards are also hypocrites
Imagine my shock.
Too bad, we're getting more and more Endeavor, every single time he appears, he makes the chapter twice better than the others.
The only way you could have seen Tyler's shit coming was if you paid attention to the millisecond where he's shown when the movie starts.
If I wanted subversions of the genre I'd read HxH. But I prefer to read a good story, and HeroAka is pretty good even with all of its current flaws. I just don't the most obvious answer to the currently foreshadowed things to be the right one. As I said, I really enjoyed the idea behind Eri quirk's reveal. I'd love something like that with Dabi but exectuted a bit less awkwardly.
>You are to aware of shonen so something obvious like bakugo not joining surprised you but something far less obvious like 7 quirks didn't.
What can I say? I'm used to shounen being the bottom of the barrel when it comes to plot development. But I still think that 7 quirks were foreshadowed even if you don't know how shounens work. When you know it, it is obvious, but even if you don't you're kinda given all the info to figure out that it's at least possible.
>speculating its eventually going to happen
The question is not how he got it, but how did he gave a High End the same black sludge warp quirk he used to teleport Dabi back. Answer that and you'll know the answer to you question. The Doc seem to be able to duplicate quirks.
>no-might in his hero costume
I didn't ask for this
As i said, they believe abuse is worse than murder.
>how did he gave a High End the same black sludge warp quirk he used to teleport Dabi back
That wasn't High End, he was dead at that point. Dabi calls after Ujiko who teleports him. Ujiko was the one who teleported them this chapter too. I don't understand how that can get you confused.
>But I still think that 7 quirks were foreshadowed even if you don't know how shounens work
Just purely on foreshadowing it is flimsy if this were your first shonen
Meanwhile Bakugo not joining is completely in his character to the point that I almost don't even consider it a twist without the context of other shonen.
I think genre subversive twists and just general plot twists are different stuff. You said you wanted something not obvious but you want something not obvious specifically in the context of shonen tropes.
It's because they all were bullied or beaten by their dads. Serves them right.
It's not like Dabi being Touya actually has been revealed yet. Of course it's going to happen but the execution remains to be seen.
Was it also the doctor who teleported them back in Kamino?
It could be. Considering AfO had no opportunity to leave the quirk with the Doctor.
I think it's a little too OP to be able to steal quirks just from some DNA samples.
That make up for their hypocrisy by escapegoating the fujoshits who like shipping Bakugou and Midoriya, even the ones who want to see them become friends get shat on, that's why they eat up that "Bakusquad" and "Dekusquad" stuff, they want to keep them as separated as possible.
That's the point. High End teleported some noumu, died and then theDoc used the same quirk to teleport Dabi in and back.
I thought it was just AfO but it could have been the doctor all along.
I mean if staying separate does erase the abuse then Endeavor should also be fine
Since he has been keeping his distance from Rei.
I mean, that is ultimately still speculation. It could mean anywhere from
"I'm immortal bitch, your civilisation will crumble before I do"
"My boys will be here to get me out"
But has anything since the LoveLoli and MustacheMan fight further hinted towards this "Prison Break" happening?
Seems to be a common consensus that people want it or expect it to happen but it sounds capeshitty as fuck and Boku no Hero seems like a shounen battle manga with Japanese workplace subtext than a Western Comic.
But I haven't read on so I don't know.
>I think genre subversive twists and just general plot twists are different stuff.
Sure, I'm okay with that being your opinion, but it has nothing to do with Dabi being Touya as far as I can see it. I'd still love him not to be Touya but still be connected to that whole plotline.
I'm not saying it is. I'm just saying what I'd like it to be.
>Sure, I'm okay with that being your opinion, but it has nothing to do with Dabi being Touya as far as I can see it.
Yes it does.
Brothers of an abused father turning good and evil is shonen as fuck
high end was stocking noumu in his body, not the same
>But has anything since the LoveLoli and MustacheMan fight further hinted towards this "Prison Break" happening?
You have seen All for One's appearance during the joint training arc right?
Oh, you mean the fact that nomus came out of his body? I don't think that's the same quirk, Endeavor interprets it as some kind of cell division and there doesn't appear to be any of the smelly black goo Miruko comments on later.
They bring up that Endeavor is a grown man and that it was against his family rather than someone else. There's no winning with these fucks besides laughing and taking screenshots if they get triggered by a new chapter.
>It's because they all were bullied or beaten by their dads.
Oh god it makes so much sense
That is why they all hate the abuser in the father figure (Endeavor) but LOVE the abuser in the fuckable teenage boy figure (Bakugo)
Like all women then want to fuck their father.
You just solved the entire fanbase for me.
You can't duplicate something without copying it first so he must have copied Deku's quirk and AfO stole it right after.
What part of LoveLoli and MustacheMan Arc don't you understand?
No I havent read on.
Spoil me the goods and answer my question or don't answer at all.
Well, probably. But it looks to me like it's the case here.
He said he dropped it right after Gentle.
In that spread, gentle looked 60 and not 32
I'm pretty sure "lost brother" and "abuse makes you evil" are just general fiction tropes. And good brother fighting te evil one happened even in the Bible. Multiple times.
Yeah yeah, it's been teased again. Who knows when it will happen, Hori has proved that he follows up on foreshadowing but also that he can wait 150 chapters before doing so.
Yeah I thought you meant you don't remember any All for One after them not that you haven't read any BnHA after them. I misread your post
Oh come on. The Todorokis are well on their way to become the Uchihas of BnHA
I like to keep a list of Tumblr URLs of faggots who like MHA for future use in a Hall of Anal Devastation or some general mass triggering. Some months ago while checking the URLs i saw some tumblrfag who likes to do shitty armchair psychology on the characters(mostly Bakugou) talking about how it beaten and choked by its dad back in childhood, these people do have issues
Hopes and fears for the HE nomus
>Hope that the power demonstrated with the first HE is consistent to all of them, meaning that each one is a massive threat that would take a lot to kill
>Hope that each HE gets a number or codename associated with it, furthering the notion that these are not fodder but super weapons
>Afraid that a majority of HE will job to demonstrate how powerful someone is or has become
>Afraid that HE won't even be more than generic grunts for the weaker, less popular students to beat on while the VIPs get actual fights
I mean, because they are a family full of issues? Todorokis are way closer to something I can believe than the whole Uchiha clan will ever be.
Well they already are, they're easily the most entertaining family in the story and their autism is nothing to scoff at either.
The doctor must have been given AfO in case All Might kicked his ass again. I forgot that Twice has a cloning quirk so he probably stole their quirks from Twice's clones.
he literally forgot the traitor thing he set up over 70 chapters ago
Yeah, I still don't see anything pointing to a Prison Break.
After the Hideout Raid arc, Hori really framed the narrative in a way that AfO vs AM was over and it's now the age of the Kids vs the League of Villains in a world without a Symbol.
Even AfO seems content with his "Student" moving on and developing to be the next Big villain, especially after Shiga expressed his intents about society to Deku.
AFO coming back would just seem Typical and hackeneyed. I understand why people EXPECT it to happen and I can understand why people are hype for such a break to occur to get AFODaddy doomsdaying the place some we can have a trashy sakuga shounen battle on the moon, but I don't know, is the writing reaaaaaaallly that predictable?
You want to turn them into Germa 66?
BnHA keeps itself fairly realistic for a shounen based on capeshit. The main reason why many gets so assblasted over Endeavor is that he resembles a real life abusive dad and a very flawed human being instead of an exaggerated evil caricature.
Look at and tell me what you think "oh, this super dangerous villain is moving around again, we should start to hurry up and determine his punishment" will lead to. It is that predictable.
Todoroki is a quiet edgy type who has major issues because of his family and specifically his genealogy
Come on now.
If Dabi kills a few todorokis then we are fucking there
Hell even their logo has the colors of the various family members and specifically todoroki.
He didn't, no one has ever provided a source for him saying he forgot. I don't get how that rumor got blown out of proportion.
Which is great. That's one of the reasons why I love Heroaka. All the important characters have believable human motivations. I remember being really angry at Muscular's fight because how much o a generic shounen villain he was.
Given their already impressive track record I expect a HE to kill someone in the future.
I get ya. If it does turn that way, I suppose it'd be a good place to walk away from the series.
I'll check out the rest of manga when a big moment comes up and not 7QUIRKs but I can't say I've really been feeling it since Hideout Raid. Overhaul arc kinda soured me.
The Todorokis are actually well-written while the Uchihautists are the worse written family in manga history.
Todoroki's by now is far beyond Sasuke's petty teen angst. I don't even see them as being in the same league. Sure, Todoroki is a character defined by his family and so is Sasuke, but they are worlds apart in practice.
Sure but that doesn't make them any less tropey.
I agree but I am still surprised at people getting this assblasted over fictional characters just because they're slightly realistic. Disliking Endeavor is perfectly fine, but if you think he's morally worse than villains who murders and kills without a second thought then you need to get yourself checked.
Saucegay got to that level of teen angst through his edgy brother killing people
I actually wouldn't mind seeing a better executed version of the uchiha family shit. Dabi has so many fun options
Dequirking Endeavor
Abducting Rei and maybe even taking her quirk to become what Endeavor wanted to create
Killing one of the siblings
Well, I agree with you. I think people getting angry at characters as if they were real people is stupid. Except for spinner. He's such a dumbass. And even then he seems to have a good, proper backstory judging by the recent chapters.
I wasn't fond of the Overhaul arc but to me Licence arc was what killed my enthusiasm the most. I like where it's currently heading, the main problem is Hori's pacing and making school arcs too slow, but I like that he actually follows up on early foreshadowing.
Everything is tropey, user.