Hi Score Girl

This anime is so fucking good. It's easily an 8/10.
Why isn't it more popular though? Honestly, no one talks about this show despite being on Netflix. I guess normies aren't ready for moe yet.

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The use of CGI isnt very appealing for most people mayhe thats why

this is why Yea Forums is shit

mods please

>no one talks about this show
it's not a battle shonen and it doesn't have a meme dance.

>[Erai-raws] High Score Girl - Extra Stage - 01 ~ 03 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle]
It's time.

Missed timing
The anime was originally planned in 2013 when it was trending, but SNK throwed a shitstorm and put it on hiatus for 3 years

3D CGI is always awful and inferior to traditional 2D.

It is popular, one of the most talked netflix anime by normies

it's utter shit, the manga isn't bad though. also, you're a faggot.

Fuck off

I thought retro gaming is still decently popular nowadays.

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Because you don't value the animation of a damn animated medium.

I want to hi score with her.

CG is the greatest pleb filter ever made, and then it didn't even get subs from an official source (blessed be you anons who worked on it). It not getting popular was to be expected.
Oh fuck

>no one talks about this show despite being on Netflix.
>caring about what ''people'' who use netflix think
Fuck off

do they fuck?

Yeah, this proves gaijins can do anime right.


A fuck ton of fgc people talk about it but I never hear anyone else

>introduces a love triangle
way to ruin the good show.

Yea Forums was talking about it LONG before Netflix had it faggot. Stop watching anime that's on Netflix and start watching anime seasonal.

The nips pull off yet another non-conclusive ending.

Fucking damn it.

S2, maybe?

>watching seasonal garbage

Lmao shut the fuck up you smelly nigger

>unironically liking moe CGshit
Fuck off and kill yourself.

>CG is the greatest pleb filter ever made
They've got nothing on the plot holes in SAO. Now those are real pleb filters.

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This. It's so fucking disgusting. I hate how they're forcing this cancer into every show now, just to save money. When you've seen real beautiful aesthetic hand drawn anime, you're naturally repulsed by this imitation cgshit.

This. Fucking dumb cancer.

You know they don't give a shit anymore.

I'm like halfway through rn. It's nice, but the cg is pretty distracting sometimes.
Not all of us are neets with that kinda time on our hands

It started good but after ohno left on the plane I lost all interest in the show.


Attached: [Erai-raws] High Score Girl - Extra Stage - 02 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_23.39_[2019.03 (1280x720, 408K)

Best girl loses, CGI is shit.

Anyone who have read the the manga can tell if the anime covered everything? I found the ending too inconclusive.

No there's more to come.
The manga ending is even worse

Yeah, this. Didn't know it was going to even air on Netflix until way after I watched.

is it ongoing, finished, or "finished" but untranslated?

Welp. Hope they animate it anyway.

Apparently 20 minutes out of a week is too much for a normalfag compared to a 4 hour binge plus an untold amount of Yea Forums shitposting time.

Finished for now I guess, who knows maybe the author will decide to continue.

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In the last episode there was kid talking about episode 8 and Asuka, was that an Evangelion reference? I guess it's around the time the anime originally aired.

>They don't live happily ever after
That sucks

Best mom.

Attached: [Erai-raws] High Score Girl - Extra Stage - 01 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_07.56_[2019.03 (1280x720, 139K)

Playing Tokimeki Memorial with the girls watching was great.

Are these the OVA episodes?

What a semen demon.

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i'm honestly surprised no youtuber ever thought of copying the formula, playing a dating sim with commentary by their mother and (kind of) sister in law.

I'm more surprised that there still isn't a fan translation for such a famous game.

>Hidaka gets a robot to support her

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50% CGI hate, 30% it's not exaggerated sperg romance even though both Haruo and Oono are autists, 20% normies and unironic moefags are "gamers" but not "gamers." Shame since it's enjoyable with or without the gamer culture theme.

>Haruo gets cucked by an Americhad who pumps Ono full of cum every night for the rest of her life
Joking but it would be nice to have closure in an epilogue telling whether or not they end up together.

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better get used to it or stick to your back catalog, cause that's how every series is produced these days

What are people complaining about, this ending was nice. Haruo finally realized what are his feelings and there was a lot of progress everywhere, so the car joke from early was just a cute little bonus. There wasn't any on-screen sex but their relationship has always been a slow thing anyway.
Also, Oono-nee is wonderful and I wonder why it took so long for her to show up.

Attached: [Erai-raws] High Score Girl - Extra Stage - 03 [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_00.20_[2019.03 (1280x720, 154K)

there's more stuff that goes on in the manga tough.

>cgi shit
>ending fucking sucks
I'm assuming you're being funny OP

>that fucking instaboner
Fuuuuck AAAAA

I know, but given how there were only 3 episodes this was a nice stopping point. I wonder if they plan to do the actual ending one day, I doubt it though.
>ending sucks

This show fucking sucked, I hated the main character and the only in-depth arcade shit that happens is in the first episode with the Guile Ducking stuff, etc.

I just want a sports anime based on the FGC, with LowTierGod as the joke character

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>Seasonal animefag
Why do you see more shit when you just can read the good mangas out there?

I could see it getting more. Like hell, Kakegurui and Baki got season 2s. HSG is way more deserving than either of those two shows.

>uses Netflix
>calls others normies
oh no
give back my comfy haircut threads

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>the mom's face
She never stopped being #1

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I already read all the manga and it still manages to fuck me up emotionally. It's so good.

I mean, Hidaka is a miracle, tho'. Even if Akira is best girl by far, Hidaka is still top tier.

>no pictures of handholding
Yea Forums has grown weaker

Hey look what just got announced

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No, this is too good to be true

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It's legit.

It's her main character, like Haruo have Guile and Oono have Zangief.
She chooses him because he is a boss character and a more stronger than other in Vampire Savior. She only use cheat character. It was fun to watch her duel with Haruo and how Haruo destroy her even though she only use cheat characters, same thing on her duel with Oono.

it's real bro

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Oh my fucking god, based JC Staff

>goes with secret character team in KoF '95
>gets bodied hard by his Ryo and regrets not using her mains
That felt nice.

It's the only show JC Staff has done decently recently and you just had to give it the trips of death...


>best* robot to support her

hiro commited sudoku like 6 months ago he's done with this shit kek

Ryo is that based

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>butt-ugly MC
>main girl is an annoying rich brat
>best girl gets nothing
>Coumputer Generated shit

Yes, this shit isn’t worth my time.

So Haruo and Ono are going to get married, move into a big mansion, and fill it with arcade cabinets right?

Oh my god. A natural monster at games with a lewd voice and an equally lewd body. I'd want, but she has the face of someone who'd be such a hardcore dominatrix that even I wouldn't enjoy it for very long.

>I guess normies aren't ready for moe yet.

Fuck moe, it almost destroyed the anime market a few years back.

>source hacked to pieces
just read the manga, 10x better than this shlock

But the manga doesn't have cool sprites and the actual Street Fighter voice actors.


Its shit

The animation style is too chinkey for my taste. I prefer caucasian looking art styles. I'll never watch this show because I can't take the art style seriously.

She would get fucked at my local back in the day for encouraging people to play with boss characters.

>businesses who only care about maximising profits should dictate how art should be
not him, No. and you shouldn't have to "get used to" 3dcg shit. I'll fight the cancer til my last breath.

>best girl loses
shit show


god you're stupid; 'maximizing profits' is the only way these studios can scrape by
get over it or stop watching

Oh fuck off. It wasn't too long ago that every studio did everything by hand and the best studios still do. And back in the 90s it was all CEL animated which is even more expensive. They just don't want to fucking do it anyone because cgshit is available as a cheaper alternative. Stop defending this shit you sad fuck.

>>CGI is always awful and inferior to 2D
that's not true at all.
The problem with CGI is that most of the times it's used it's to cut costs and thus it looks like shit. But when studios actually use all the advantages that CGI has over 2D they make an anime as beautiful as Houseki no Kuni

It'll be great if we get some sort of epilogue where its 2019, they are in their late-thirties with a kid and still playing games together like Tekken 7 or some shit.

Kinda hoping the upcoming volume has a final chapter omake.

It has been proven that great Tokimeki Memorial players have great marriage lives and vice versa.

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Game animators make some great 3D CGI. It's getting the fresh out of school animators doing CGI and using it because it's cheaper in production and labor cost is what's holding back the anime progress. Maybe in about ten years 3D animated show will look seamless compared to 2D one, if the animators now stay in the business and get better. Otherwise it's just going to be a revolving door of shit when they keep putting newbies in charge of 3D because experienced animators quit or do 2D instead.

13,14,15 came out.

>lowhigh girl

I would be fine with just both at EVO in Vegas taking their kid to the tournament
And Haruo shittalking about SFV

S2 is already confirmed, but the manga didn't end satisfyingly either.
How the fuck is the manga ending even worse? Oono has to leave for america again, Haruo chases her down and promises to keep chasing her and they cry in each other arms.

Hell, just looked through the raws again and Haruo basically proposed to Oono and she accepted it. An epilogue omake would be great but the ending is fine.

fucking dropped

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I can't remember tiers in the original Samurai Showdown. Ain't Gen'an top tier too?