Made in Abyss

New chapter the 30th

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But will it go back to regular releases?

That's right, I am Fluffzen.

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Die externally.

Moff time

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Fuck it then, I will start reading it when it gets some semblance of a schedule

3rd movie when


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5 months

Comforting her whenever she thinks about her old friend, Lyza
Drinking at a bar with her
Experimenting with strange artifacts you found with her
Teasing her and laughing when she gets mad and pouts
Letting her pin you so you can feel her body pressed against yours
Letting her tie you up and hang you so that you can stare into each other's eyes
Protecting her from foreign delvers even though you know she can handle herself
Walking home with her at sunset after a long day of delving
Getting you /fit/ so you wouldn't suffocate when she lies down on top of you
Giving her strange food to eat and watching her enjoy it
Massaging her legs, shoulders, and back
Holding her close and telling her you love her
Reassuring her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world
Accepting all of her uncanny quirks, no matter how much she hates you finding out about them
Letting her pat your head
Raising Mark together with her like you're both a married couple
Holding her hand in public
Making her try on cute dresses when you're out on a date even though you know she'll never buy one
Buying her sexy black lace lingerie, only for her to wear her cloak over them
Tracing your finger over her pins feeling how warm her skin is
Jumping into her arms, making her princess carry you and kissing her after spending some time apart whilst you were in Orth
Giving you a cute custom-made dress for you to wear
Introducing her to your parents
Gently laying her down on the bed
Whispering into her ear how much she means to you while caressing her toned body
Crushing your head between her thighs
Spending an entire night making passionate love to each other
Milking her mammeries and drinking mommy Ozen's milkies fresh from the source
Raising a new generation of delvers/siblings for Mark
Joining her on her Last Dive
Leaving her white whistle behind for your children and going deeper in the Abyss with her
Turning into Fluffzen
These are the things Ozen is for.

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>Fuck it then, I will start reading it when it gets some semblance of a schedule
That still wouldn't make the story good though
The manga is a fucking disgrace now

Now do a fluffzen version

nanachi sumeru

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What the fuck is Ozen's problem? Why is she such a cunt?

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How did Torka seduce this?

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Get fucked, the manga is excellent.

> t. retard

I can't wait to get deep in the hole again.

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He probably didn't even had too, he was part of her team, she was horny, probably drunk too. Dude got lucky.

Who is going to watch the movie later?

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3rd movie will be out on oct 29, 2019

I'll be seeing it tonight, got front row seats.


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12 people in my theatre so I can sit anywhere I want

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holy fucking shit you anons have no fucking idea how bad i fucking want to fucking smell the fucking bunny

Good food and alcohol.

How would one seduce Ozen?

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she like boipussy

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Yeah, right, leave the thing that she will need on her last dive behind, that sure is gonna work out well.

I am wondering how many parents will take their kids to this since it's an anime movie

Ha ha, YES!

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I'm considering it.

>t. stupid

Remember the times when this image was a fun addition to fanworks, before you started posted it every thread and make everyone hate it?

i’m going tonight!
i’m taking my little brother with me, he’s watched anime with me before so he’ll be fine.

I will marry Riko!!

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holy shit

I want to be raped by Ozen

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Doesn't it have like NC-17? S1 did, I think that's quite telling already.

Ready for breeding

No. "Treat as PG-13"



you won't be seeing her in this one my friend

camrip it or else

Anybody else at the theatrical release?

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Not happening for a few hours in my timezone. I'm watching the seats fill over on my seat reservation.

A bunch of people cancelled in the morning, but now the number's shooting way up.

3 hours until the movie for me

also the movie only goes up to ep 8 so no bun

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Ah, there is literally nobody here but me and 3 friends

online it looks as though there's gonna be at least 30 people, not bad usually when i go watch an anime in theaters its just me and like 2 other people

There is one shot of Bun don't worry

Last update was late december. MIA is dead anons.

But this is his usual behavior, Tsukushi never had a fixed schedule, the chapters are released whenever he finishes one

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Wasn't this suggested to him before though?? And he liked the idea before.
So this just confirms that the madman did it.
Aussies deliver.

I will marry Moogie

It's has been spammed so many times to him at this point.
Why do newfags have to be a thing?

Were you born with brain damage, or is this glue induced?

how did their drinking go?

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It will get published as hentai.

I want Reg to sing Ave Maria while he destroys the evil within the village!


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Me on the left.

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Yes! YES!
Lights out!

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Nothing new.
at this point at penkin is probably just annoyed people asking him the same thing over and over again

Imagine having a moth inside you.

fuck didn't know that was today but there's a dub showing next week hope the VAs arn't shit

There is nothing quite like the smell of smoldering corpses in the morning.

>hope the VAs arn't shit

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Would YOU slaughter a village of abominations for the mothpussy?

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Eh it's not too bad. Main cast sounds reasonable, most of shit voices comes from supporting characters.

that riko VA fuck I might just skip it then

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The most egregious mistake in that dub is the main cast desu.

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The mothpussy is an abomination too but yes.

A genocide is worth pic related all things considered.

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so soft and fluffy

>Aussies deliver
They always do, don't they?

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Are you some sort of racist user? That's clearly a Kiwi, God.

You're clearly wrong, but he's an ally of the kiwis, a friendly neighbor, a guardian if you will.

eh Riko is the worst one but it's because the whole character demands a high-pitched voice. Reg is acceptable maybe sounding a bit boring in some scenes. And Nanachi works well except in the more emotional scenes. Don't get me wrong it's not a good dub, but it's not a bad one either.

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I forgot it ended on ep 8, I was disappointed but have converted my friend into watching the anime and manga. This is a good day

All women in this series are shotacons. Therefore Torka is the most attractive adult man in the universe.

There were more people than I thought there would be. But my theater wouldn’t turn off the damn lights and I ended up missing the flashback at the start of the movie cause I left to ask them to dim the lights.

Movie was gud though it feels like somethings were streamlined a bit too much. when the fuck is movie 2 since japan had only 2 weeks inbetween theirs

How DARE Bonerdrewd expose the innocent Prushka to adult material

Rip cam when?

So does Ozen like Riko's mom?

Does Reg get a boner from rubbing Nanachi?

Does he?

Don't choke on the baby mush

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Just berive me stupid gaijin